The four candidates running for 2 Full Term Fillmore City Council Seats are (l-r) Zachary Lotshaw, Carrie Broggie, Luis Rodriquez and Albert Mendez.
The four candidates running for 2 Full Term Fillmore City Council Seats are (l-r) Zachary Lotshaw, Carrie Broggie, Luis Rodriquez and Albert Mendez.
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Elections 2022 will be held on November 8th.

Fillmore City Council has two full-term (4-year) seats on council and four candidates, Carrie Broggie, Albert Mendez, Zachary Lotshaw and Luis Rodriquez.

The Gazette submitted 3 questions to each candidate. The three specific questions were:

1. Qualifications which prepare you to serve on Council.

2. What actions taken by the current council in the last two years do you agree with most and why? What actions do you disagree
with most and why?

3. What is your vision for Fillmore if elected/reelected? What do you perceive as the five most important priorities for the


1. Qualifications which prepare you to serve on Council.

To be a qualified representative, you need to know the people you represent. I’ve spent much of my time getting to know people from all walks of life - from serving in my church, providing child care to families, working with community groups, organizing street clean ups, and helping our disadvantaged by connecting them to needed resources. My many years of service have taught me to meet people where they are in life, listen with an open mind, and organize to make a difference.

Additionally, my educational path has enhanced those skills to best serve my community. I have my Bachelors in Liberal Studies with an emphasis in Law and Public Policy from CSU Channel Islands and am currently a law student at the Colleges of Law in Ventura. I will use my education to craft sound and equitable public policy, utilize up-to-date best practices, and apply my knowledge and skillset to ensure Fillmore has a bright, sustainable future.

2. What actions taken by the current council in the last two years do you agree with most and why? What actions do you disagree with most and why?

I am pleased that the current council has provided our Downtown direct support through grants to help revitalize their facades. This current funding is a one-time allocation. If elected, I would continue working closely with our local businesses, identify their needs, and find creative solutions to provide support.

I am disappointed with the lack of attentiveness the current city council has given to our vital Housing Element of the General Plan. The city paid an outside firm over $160,000 to finish the element by October of 2021 (before it was due to the State). When that didn’t happen, the city was given another date, which came and passed, and then another. The draft was only recently published. There is no reason why the council did not prioritize the Housing Element and push for its completion. It is now so late, we have likely lost grant/funding opportunities from the State as a result. Housing planning must be prioritized.

3. What is your vision for Fillmore if elected/reelected? What do you perceive as the five most important priorities for the city?

If elected, I will continue my lifelong dedication to service by focusing on: affordable/accessible housing, public safety, decreasing the cost of energy, improving access to city services, and revitalizing our Downtown. With the opening of the Mountain View Apartments, we saw roughly 800 applications from Fillmore residents, the need for housing is dire. I envision working directly with developers to bring in affordable housing developments, and with the Sheriffs to enhance our public safety. I plan to collaborate with State and Federal partners to address our energy needs - especially to push for safe infrastructure, lowering the need for emergency shut offs, and securing lower rates for our residents. I will be proactive in outreach to our Spanish-speaking residents and other communities that often feel disconnected from local government. My vision for Fillmore is that it remains true to the community I love, and that as a Councilmember, I help to ensure all residents have a sense of belonging and that together, we build a safer and healthier community.

I hope to earn your vote by November 8th. Learn more at


1. Qualifications which prepare you to serve on Council.

I have worked in public service most of my adult life. As a member of the District Attorney’s management team for 27 years, I became an advocate for public safety and learned the importance of having a safe community. Additionally, I served as a Fillmore city council member from 2014 through 2018. I was also mayor of Fillmore in 2017. I have been serving as a planning commissioner for our community for four years. I am intimately familiar with issues that are impacting our community.

2. What actions taken by the current council in the last two years do you agree with most and why? What actions do you disagree with most and why?

I believe our city council has done an exemplary job of moving our city forward through some very tough times. One need only compare the city budget of two years ago to the budget we have today. Beyond this statement, I am not in a position to agree or disagree with decisions made by this current council because I have not been privy to the full context of facts that each council member had when they voted to pass/not pass an agenda item.

3. What is your vision for Fillmore if elected/reelected? What do you perceive as the five most important priorities for the city?

My vision for Fillmore is to see it retain and improve upon its quaint, small-town charm while moving forward with business development and housing affordability. My five most important priorities for the city are:
1) Work to keep Fillmore a united community by preventing the divisiveness that is impacting the rest of the country from permeating our community.
2) Focus on our youth by seeking out venues and activities that they can engage in and demonstrating to our youngest citizens that our community cares about them.
3) Fight Sacramento to prevent new legislation from infringing upon our City’s right for local control. For example, legislation was just signed into law that permits developers to bypass reviews by our planning commission and city council, allowing them to construct residential projects in locations not zoned residential.
4) Improve our infrastructure, including streets, sidewalks, underground pipes, and bike paths. Our historical downtown district is currently being assessed for improvements, and I will ensure that recommendations made by our merchants and citizens are implemented.
5) Enhance our city parks, see the dog park improvements completed and reopened, and develop other recreational areas. I want to partner with our County representatives to develop marked, accessible hiking trails so our residents are able to spend more time making use of our beautiful surroundings.


1. Qualifications which prepare you to serve on Council.
I have spent the past 8 years serving on the city of Fillmore Planning Commission. During this time, I have learned how to review projects related to land, housing and the permit process. I have become familiar with documents such as the Fillmore master plan, downtown specific plan and the Heritage Valley Park Specific Plan.

2. What actions taken by the current council in the last two years do you agree with most and why? What actions do you disagree with most and why?
I agree with the council’s decision to eliminate specific employment requirements for large warehousing and distribution uses in the business park. This eliminated the requirement of one job for every 900 square feet of floor space for Warehouse and Distribution Facilities over 45,000 square feet in the Business Park zone, Ordinance # 22-939.
The action I disagree with the most is not passing the housing element. As of today, the housing element for the city of Fillmore is not done. I disagree with this because the city is not eligible to receive grant money that is available for housing in the city.

3. What is your vision for Fillmore if elected/reelected? What do you perceive as the five most important priorities for the city?
My vision of Fillmore would be a vibrant and thriving downtown business district. A city that businesses want to do business in, a city that invests in infrastructure, community, parks/outdoor space and public safety.
The top five most important priorities for the city would be;
• Downtown business-attracting more business to Fillmore
• Infrastructure Needs. i.e paving our roads, replacing way finding signs, maintain parks, information Technology.
• Creating a plan for our homeless population
• Addressing our housing needs, crating more affordable housing, build for our community
• Adding more service for our senior citizens


I was born and raised in Fillmore and went to school here from K through 12. I have spent most of my life with a passion for the Arts, Fitness and Business. I spent 12 years helping people of all ages work on their fitness goals and get back into health as a Fitness Instructor. I spent 3 of the last 4 years working for the FUSD where I helped develop an Art Class at Sierra High School and put together Engaging and Educational projects for the Fillmore Middle School ASES program as Program Coordinator.

Growing up with my town allowed me to see the community as Family. Working with the children of people who I grew up with solidified that feeling for me. I truly believe I am in a unique position to help bring this community together.

After hearing out David Rowlands on the Sierra Northern Railway decision, it became obvious that this city is willing to make tough decisions for the benefit of the community. Although bad press and community displeasure, City Council and Planning stayed strong on their decision to protect the town from a potentially disruptive business model and activities that may affect the publics quality of life.

One thing I disagreed with over the years was the absence of certain projects such as the Sespe Creek Car Show and the 4th of July Fireworks. The Car Show was outdoors and there was no doubt that the attendance would have been lower than usual so missing it two years really put a damper on Fillmore’s and made an emotionally tough time more difficult.

My vision for this City is to reinvigorate the cultural identity of Fillmore. We will undoubtedly be losing tourism with the absence of the train. Over the years many mural projects have fallen through. Creativity and Unity used to be the Identity of Fillmore and I feel like it has been losing some of its identity. We need to be a destination, not just a pass through.

I would also like to emphasize a focus on jobs, we need to attract residents and tourists to our existing businesses while bringing in more opportunities. We recently acquired RSI which is a great technological resource for the future of our youth. Our Business Park has plenty of space for more industries such as assembly lines, manufacturing, and engineering to occupy. As new homes are being developed, we will need more opportunities for our residents to make living wage jobs.



Fillmore Flashes will host long-time rival Santa Paula for the 111thmeeting of the two towns on Friday, October 28th: JV4pm & Varsity 7pm. The game is SOLD OUT, pre-sale tickets went on sale this past Monday, and sold out fast for the big game. You can live stream the game on YouTube at: or you can check out the VCSTARs Game of the week. GO FLASHES!!


Ventura County Sheriff's Department
Ventura County Sheriff's Department

An investigation by the Ventura County Sheriff’s Major Crimes -Financial Crimes Unit leads to the arrest of Claudia Portugal Cornejo for four (4) felony counts of Grand Theft, four (4) felony counts of Presentation of Fraudulent Claim, two (2) felony counts of False Presentation of Another, one (1) felony count of Conspiracy to Commit Crime and the arrest of Sergio Cornejo for one (1) felony count of Conspiracy to Commit Crime.

Claudia and Sergio Cornejo own and operate Fillmore General Services in the city of Fillmore. Claudia Cornejo informed clients of their business and family they qualified for Covid Grant Relief funding through the Business Assistance Grant Program offered by the county of Ventura and the California Grant Relief Program offered by the State of California. Claudia Cornejo charged a fee for their services to apply for the grant funding. Claudia and Sergio Cornejo doctored tax documents to elevate gross income. Claudia then submitted fraudulent business certificates and manipulated documents to obtain grant funding for clients who were otherwise not qualified for grant funding. Claudia and Sergio Cornejo did the same for their own grant funding.

Investigators believe Claudia Cornejo secured $95,000.00 in grant funding from fraudulent submission of documents to the county of Ventura and State of California during the time period of June 2020 to November 2021. Claudia and Sergio Cornejo were arrested in Fillmore on October 20, 2022.

Claudia Cornejo was booked into the Pre Trial Detention Facility. Claudia Cornejo’s bail has been set at $50,000.00 dollars.

Sergio Cornejo was booked into the Pre Trial Detention Facility. Sergio Cornejo’s bail has been set at $50,000.00 dollars.

Anyone with additional information regarding this incident or may be a victim is encouraged to contact Detective Sergeant Jason Cantrall at 805-384-4744.

Nature of Incident: Arrest of Fraud Suspects
Report Number: 21-144558
Location: Fillmore
Date & Time: 10/20/2022 @ 12:00 PM
Unit(s) Responsible: Ventura County Sheriff’s Office Major Crimes -Financial Crimes Unit, Fillmore Police Department
(S)uspects, (V)ictims, (P)arty, (D)ecedent, City of Residence, Age
(S) Claudia Portugal Cornejo, Fillmore, 49
(S) Sergio Cornejo, Fillmore, 52
(V) County of Ventura – County Executive Office
(V) State of California
Prepared by: Jason Cantrall, Sergeant
Approved by: Victor Medina, Captain

Ventura County Crime Stoppers will pay up to $1,000 reward for information, which leads to the arrest and criminal complaint against the person(s) responsible for this crime. The caller may remain anonymous. The call is not recorded. Call Crime Stoppers at 800-222-TIPS (8477).

On Wednesday, October 19th, 2022, Fillmore Fire Department and AMR Paramedics were dispatched to a reported heavy traffic collision at River Street and Lemon Lane, Fillmore. Instead of a TC, firefighters found a gushing fire hydrant, apparently caused by an errant forklift operator. Firefighters were able to shut down the hydrant before it caused too much damage, no injuries were reported. Public works remained on scene, and the forklift operator went somewhere to dry out. Photo credit Angel Esquivel-AE News.
On Wednesday, October 19th, 2022, Fillmore Fire Department and AMR Paramedics were dispatched to a reported heavy traffic collision at River Street and Lemon Lane, Fillmore. Instead of a TC, firefighters found a gushing fire hydrant, apparently caused by an errant forklift operator. Firefighters were able to shut down the hydrant before it caused too much damage, no injuries were reported. Public works remained on scene, and the forklift operator went somewhere to dry out. Photo credit Angel Esquivel-AE News.
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On Tuesday, October 25th, 2022, at 9:18am, California Highway Patrol, Ventura County Fire, AMR Paramedics, and Fillmore Patrol Services were dispatched to a reported traffic collision on SR23/Chambersburg and W. Guiberson Road. Arriving firefighters reported two vehicles involved, two patients, and both vehicles with front-end damage. According to the CHP, the white Lexus was trying to pass and crashed into an oncoming white pickup truck. It is unknown whether the truck was on the straight-away or turned out from a side street. Both patients were transferred to hospital, condition unknown. Fillmore Patrol Services had southbound and northbound lanes of SR23 shut down for over an hour until the scene was cleared. Cause of the crash is under investigation. Photo credit Angel Esquivel-AE News.
On Tuesday, October 25th, 2022, at 9:18am, California Highway Patrol, Ventura County Fire, AMR Paramedics, and Fillmore Patrol Services were dispatched to a reported traffic collision on SR23/Chambersburg and W. Guiberson Road. Arriving firefighters reported two vehicles involved, two patients, and both vehicles with front-end damage. According to the CHP, the white Lexus was trying to pass and crashed into an oncoming white pickup truck. It is unknown whether the truck was on the straight-away or turned out from a side street. Both patients were transferred to hospital, condition unknown. Fillmore Patrol Services had southbound and northbound lanes of SR23 shut down for over an hour until the scene was cleared. Cause of the crash is under investigation. Photo credit Angel Esquivel-AE News.
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On Saturday, October 22nd, the VC Sheriff’s Department conducted a compliance check of 41 registered sex offenders throughout the City of Fillmore to be sure they were in compliance. [Stock photo]
On Saturday, October 22nd, the VC Sheriff’s Department conducted a compliance check of 41 registered sex offenders throughout the City of Fillmore to be sure they were in compliance. [Stock photo]
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On Saturday, October 22nd, 2022, Sheriff’s detectives conducted compliance checks at the residences of forty-one (41) registered sex offenders throughout the City of Fillmore and the surrounding unincorporated areas. The compliance checks were funded through the Sexual Assault Felony Enforcement (SAFE / ELEAS) program.

Thirty-two (32) of the sex registrants were confirmed to be in compliance with their registration requirements. Nine (9) registrants were not contacted because they were either not home or had moved. Sheriff’s detectives will follow-up to determine if the nine registrants not contacted are out-of-compliance.

The Sheriff’s Office aggressively pursues prosecution of those sex registrants who fail to comply with their registration requirements. Detectives will be conducting similar sweeps on an ongoing basis to verify the registered sex offenders in our community are living at their reported residences and remain in compliance with any probation or parole terms. Residents of Ventura County can visit the Megan’s Law website ( to familiarize themselves with the sex registrants in their community.

Nature of Incident: Sex Registrant Compliance Sweep
Report Number: N/A
Location: City of Fillmore and Surrounding Unincorporated Areas
Date & Time: October 22nd, 2022
Unit(s) Responsible: Sheriff’s Major Crimes Bureau
Prepared by: Sergeant Hector Macias
Approved by: Captain Victor Medina

Ventura County Crime Stoppers will pay up to $1,000 reward for information, which leads to the arrest and criminal complaint against the person(s) responsible for this crime. The caller may remain anonymous. The call is not recorded. Call Crime Stoppers at 800-222-TIPS (8477).

Pictured are the actors from the film “. . . and the earth did not swallow him” (l-r) Danny Haro, Art Bonilla, Juan Toledo, Severo Perez, Marco Rodriguez were in attendance to meet & greet and answer questions abut the film. Photo credit Carina Monica Montoya.

On Saturday, October 15th the Historic Fillmore Towne Theatre opened for a free screening of the award-winning film “. . . and the earth did not swallow him” for residents to enjoy as the opening of the new theatre. Photo credit Carina Monica Montoya.
Pictured are the actors from the film “. . . and the earth did not swallow him” (l-r) Danny Haro, Art Bonilla, Juan Toledo, Severo Perez, Marco Rodriguez were in attendance to meet & greet and answer questions abut the film. Photo credit Carina Monica Montoya. On Saturday, October 15th the Historic Fillmore Towne Theatre opened for a free screening of the award-winning film “. . . and the earth did not swallow him” for residents to enjoy as the opening of the new theatre. Photo credit Carina Monica Montoya.
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On Saturday, October 15th the Historic Fillmore Towne Theatre opened for a free screening of the award-winning film “. . . and the earth did not swallow him” for residents to enjoy as the opening of the new theatre. Photo credit Carina Monica Montoya.
On Saturday, October 15th the Historic Fillmore Towne Theatre opened for a free screening of the award-winning film “. . . and the earth did not swallow him” for residents to enjoy as the opening of the new theatre. Photo credit Carina Monica Montoya.

Written by Carina Monica Montoya

The Historic Fillmore Theater opened its doors on Saturday, October 15th, for a free screening of the award-winning film “. . . and the earth did not swallow him”, a 1994 movie about a migrant farm-working family in the 1950s. Many of the scenes were filmed in Piru.

A 4:00 p.m. matinee featured a children’s dance group that performed a short traditional Mexican dance, and a special appearance by El Mariachi Los Rayos performed at the 6:00 showing. Actors Marco Rodriguez, Art Bonilla, Danny Haro, and director Severo Perez attended the event and were available after the last showing to Meet & Greet and answer questions.

It was a day of celebrating the opening of the 100+ year old theater. Strong community involvement and interest in the organization of the event and community attendance in support of its local theater, evidences the desire of many Fillmore residents to have its own theater and place to gather for entertainment.

The Fillmore Women’s Service Club donated funds for popcorn and water, and La Fondita Mexican Restaurant donated the use of their popcorn machine and provided the actors with a beautiful tray of pastries. Theater owner, Sean McCulley, spent weeks readying costly repairs needed before the theater could open. Fillmore resident Juan Toledo was MC for the event and donated many hours in support of the event by reaching out to people and organizations. Many others came together to help at the theater to bag and handout popcorn and water. A very special appearance was made by Ernie Morales, former City Council and Mayor of Fillmore, and his wife Becky, who both helped and supported the organizers in making the event a success.

City of Fillmore
City of Fillmore

8.A REQUEST That the City Council: (1) appropriate funding in the amount of $963,800 from the Water Development Impact Fees (DIF) fund, (2) authorize the City Manager to enter into an agreement with Control Systems West for an amount not to exceed ($983,714.74) for upgrades and maintenance to the City’s SCADA system, including the purchase and installation of a new chlorine analyzer at each well, and (3) authorize the Assistant City Manager to execute a purchase order with APEX for the new server and related equipment needed for the new SCADA system in the amount of $16,286.26
Passed 5-0
8.B REQUEST Staff requests that the City Council award a professional services agreement to Peckham & McKenney in the amount of $25,500 for executive recruiting services, approve a one-time General Fund appropriation in the same amount, and authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement with Peckham & McKenney in a form approved by the City Attorney.
Passed 5-0
8.C REQUEST That the City Council approve a proposed new full-time unrepresented Public Works Senior Management Analyst classification and job description for this classification and appropriation of funding for this position for the second half of the 2022-23 year.
Approved 5-0 REQUEST Approve Resolution No. 22-3904 authorizing the Assistant City Manager or City Finance Director to execute contracts with a municipal advisor and certain other professionals and permitting the Administration and finance team to initiate the bond issuance process and bring contracts with other professionals and the bond documents back for final City Council approval prior to the bond sale.
Passed 5-0
8-D REQUEST Approve Resolution No. 22-3904 authorizing the Assistant City Manager or City Finance Director to execute contracts with a municipal advisor and certain other professionals and permitting the Administration and finance team to initiate the bond issuance process and bring contracts with other professionals and the bond documents back for final City Council approval prior to the bond sale.
Approved 5-0
8-E REQUEST Approve City Attorney contract amendment for legal services. DISCUSSION Tiffany Israel of Aleshire and Wynder serves as the city’s City Attorney and has done an excellent job representing the city and handling our legal matters. She is a key contributor to the management team and a valued member. The last increase was approved in December 14, 2022. A majority of the rate increases will be paid by third parties such that this proposed amendment will have minimal impact on the General Fund Budget.
Approved 5-0

(l-r) are Lynn Edmonds and Chris Gurrola who are running for a partial term (2-year) seat on Fillmore City Council. Next week, the Gazette will feature the four candidates who are running for 2-full term seats on the Council, they are Carrie Broggie, Albert Mendez, Zachary Lotshaw and Luis Rodriquez.
(l-r) are Lynn Edmonds and Chris Gurrola who are running for a partial term (2-year) seat on Fillmore City Council. Next week, the Gazette will feature the four candidates who are running for 2-full term seats on the Council, they are Carrie Broggie, Albert Mendez, Zachary Lotshaw and Luis Rodriquez.
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2022 Elections will be held on November 8th.

Fillmore City Council has one partial term (2-year) seat to fill, and two candidates, Lynn Edmonds and Chris Gurrola.

The Gazette submitted 3 questions to each candidate.

There are also two full-term (4-year) seats on council and four candidates, Carrie Broggie, Albert Mendez, Zachary Lotshaw and Luis Rodriquez. Their answers will be published in next week’s edition of the Gazette.

The three specific questions for direction were:

1. Qualifications which prepare you to serve on Council.

2. What actions taken by the current council in the last two years do you agree with most and why? What actions do you disagree with most and why?

3. What is your vision for Fillmore if elected/reelected? What do you perceive as the five most important priorities for the city?



1. Qualifications which prepare you to serve on Council.

It has been a pleasure to serve Fillmore on the City Council for the last four years. Prior to that I was principal of Piru Elementary and Fillmore Middle School. I have always worked with others to help Fillmore families, youth, to keep the town safe and improve the environment. I was on the founding committee of the Boys and Girls Club, founded the Fillmore Piru Mentor Program (BBSVC) and the One Step a la Vez Teen Program because it was clear that Fillmore Teens needed a safe, fun place to go after school to get help with homework and “hang” with friends in a welcoming, fun, safe environment. Clearly, youth and families of Fillmore are very important to me. In few words, I love Fillmore as a city and enjoy representing the people of Fillmore.

As a member of the City Council I represent Fillmore on many committees and report back to the community on the many activities that each committee has to help the residents of Fillmore such as the Air Pollution Control Board, the Ventura Transportation Commission, the Regional Energy Alliance and the Regional Sanitation District. All of my actions prepared me to better understand, represent and be elected to the City Council which I have enjoyed. I have learned so very much during my four years on the Council and feel that my prior four years have even better qualified me for the next two years.

2. What actions taken by the current council in the last two years do you agree with most and why? What actions do you disagree with most and why?

As a member of the City Council for the last four years, I am proud that we are finally fixing the parks and the park bathrooms and the dog park, soon to repair Sespe Ave and Santa Clara, are working to improve the downtown, are improving our website and looking at the water/sewer bills to see if there is a way to lower the cost of the bill. As a member of the City Council I was disappointed that the council voted down having community conversations and chose to not even investigate joining the Clean Power Alliance which possibly could not only help our environment, but also lower our bills.

3. What is your vision for Fillmore if elected/reelected? What do you perceive as the five most important priorities for the city?

My vision for the next years is to:

1) Improve the Downtown by reviewing the recommendations of the Downtown consultants and support the merchants as they work to improve the downtown while at the same time we maintain the streets in good repair and cleanliness,

2) Provide more low income housing so that all persons will have safe, comfortable, affordable housing.

3) Provide interpretation at all meetings and translations for all notices.

4) Save our small town feeling while incorporating the new residents by improving communication about city activities to everyone, sponsor community conversations so that people can meet new people in a positive way.

5) Assure folks that we serve EVERYONE and to work with and serve the entire community regardless of political point of view, ethnicity, language, religion, gender or age.


1. Qualifications which prepare you to serve on Council.

**The views expressed are those of the author and do not reflect the official policy or position of the US Air Force, Department of Defense or the US Government**
My name is Christopher Gurrola. I have 17 years of Military leadership experience, which began when I was appointed to the United States Air Force Academy, after serving as Class of 2005 president at Fillmore High School. I graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering, while serving as the Cadet Squadron Commander. I married my high school sweetheart, Cassandra, right here in town, and we began our 6 moves across the country. Concluding my last assignment in CA, we chose to buy a house in Fillmore - which incurred a 200-mile round-trip commute for me for 3 years - so that our four children could grow up in such a phenomenal place! I finished Active Duty as the Director of Operations for the 412thOperations Support Squadron at Edwards AFB. I continue serving as a civilian USAF instructor pilot, and also serve in the Air National Guard at the rank of Major. I want to put Fillmore’s tax dollars back to work, using the high quality training and experience that I have received, to better serve our community.

2. What actions taken by the current council in the last two years do you agree with most and why? What actions do you disagree with most and why?

Most recently, I agree with the City Council’s decision to use our tax dollars to implement the City of Fillmore Downtown Rehabilitation Grant Program. It’s an honest attempt by the City to assist property owners and businesses in keeping Fillmore a beautiful, walkable town. The approval of funding to re-open the dog park at Two Rivers Park was another great decision. A flood control basin at Rio Vista Park was quickly perceived as a viable solution simply because it is a gated area. The city was unfortunately sending mixed messages during that time, but ultimately made the right decision to invest in the promise of a true dog park at Two Rivers.
Unfortunately, the City Council has missed the opportunity to communicate a clear vision to the people of Fillmore. Despite multiple information gathering and goal setting sessions, there remains an outdated Vision 20/20 plan; the hallmark of the council for roughly 20 years. Leadership requires the creation and maintenance of consistent communication channels, to and from constituents. The City has also unreliably posted meeting minutes to its website, missing the opportunity to concisely communicate decisions of the council, and commissions, to its citizens. It is unreasonable to have to watch hours of recorded video to see the outcome of decisions on scheduled agenda items.

3. What is your vision for Fillmore if elected/reelected? What do you perceive as the five most important priorities for the city?

My vision for Fillmore is to foster a culture that values families and their children; they are the future and bedrock of our town! Smart growth and thoughtful sustainment plans will be required so that our town can support future generations. Five priorities the City must focus on include: articulating a meaningful vision for the next 20 years; updated, reliable communication channels; clear construction guidelines to reduce unnecessary delays and increased construction costs; long-term sustainment plans for parks and public facilities; and traffic control from surrounding cities that consider safety and continued support of local businesses.

On Sunday, October 16th, 2022, at approximately at 8:00pm, Fillmore Police answered a call in front of Rite Aid for a subject disturbance. Deputies arrested a female subject as she resisted. The subject was arrest for PC 148, PC 647 (f), resisting arrest and public intoxication, along with other charges. Photo credit Angel Esquivel-AE News.
On Sunday, October 16th, 2022, at approximately at 8:00pm, Fillmore Police answered a call in front of Rite Aid for a subject disturbance. Deputies arrested a female subject as she resisted. The subject was arrest for PC 148, PC 647 (f), resisting arrest and public intoxication, along with other charges. Photo credit Angel Esquivel-AE News.
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