Letters to the Editor
October 11, 2012

To the Editor:
In my opinion the most important issue facing the new City Council is the hiring of a new City Manager. One who can get along with staff and do the will of the Council with whom that person works for.
Ms. Quiring was not capable of accomplishing those goals, saw the "hand writing on the wall", and quit.
Hiring Ms. Quiring as Fillmore new City Manager three years ago, was a colossal mistake and Washburn & Brooks were part of making that blunder.
Why would the voters of Fillmore entrust these two with hiring a new City Manager? Not only did the existing two candidates agree to pay big bucks to hire Quiring away from a City that was firing her they paid even bigger bucks to employ her here. Three years into her contract, after firing all the Department Managers, she quits. Good thing I say!
Now Fillmore voters, do you really want to entrust this hugely flawed judgement to the same two who are up for re-election?
Maybe the previous City Councils had the City going down a dirt road. This Councils majority has Fillmore heading for a cliff. If Washburn and Brooks are re-elected the City, under their direction (along with Sipes who Quiring rented a house from {conflict of interest?}) as I see it, will have Fillmore going over the cilff. DISTASTROUS! It's time for a change. We've got some pretty good choices wanting to take their places. Most of them sound good. I say let's give them a chance. Can't do any worst and they probably will do better. Yep, it's time for a change!
Charles Richardson


To the Editor:
Have you had enough of you un-bias writings and photos? Your track record shows for the last 6 years its only hate, hate, hate that you write about when it come to the city politics. It’s been really bad when you spout facts and the have to research your own writing to spout them again. How bias is that I ask you? You have had to retract many statements in the past and admit you sources are wrong. Would you please quit championing your own agenda and write bias stories instead of your witch hunts, that’s what a paper is supposed to do? Your paper and writing are a disgrace to Fillmore and do nothing but insult the fine people who live and work here. Quit trying to please the old and try to help the new as the new will always be around and the old is just old. I challenge you to print this as you say you bias so prove it. Remember you can gain more with kindness; it’s really not that hard to do, try it you might find more people will believe you.
Tom Dawson


To the Editor:
As a candidate for city council I want to express my thanks and appreciation for hosting the fireside meeting last night. Hopefully those that attended the gathering felt the time was as well spent as I did. It was refreshing to speak with and hear your concerns and suggestions about the park and the City. The many views expressed to me validated the reasons I’ve chose to run for Fillmore City Council. After last night I’m charged up and will keep working hard so we can get Fillmore working again. Thank you once again.
Douglas Tucker


To the Editor:
Why to vote for Washburn, Brooks & Pella
Neal, Tucker and Minjares want Fillmore residents to think the council squandered millions of dollars. These are scare tactics; self-serving statements. They cannot point to any page of the budget and show where the waste exists. Solutions over politics!
There was $2 million in reserves in 2008 when Washburn and Brooks were elected. Four million was in the sewer fund to pay off the balance due on the sewer plant. Bills came due and the money wasn’t there. No one could find where it went.
In the 1980's Fillmore blighted most of the property in the city limits and formed a Redevelopment Agency. Fillmore used the RDA credit card to pay for City Hall, fire station, public works yard, theater, parks, swimming pool, and city employee wages. How much was on that card? $2.8 million!
In 2010 Governor Brown took the $2.8 million from the RDA and said we had three years to pay ourselves back. In 2011 Brown successfully shut down RDA’s but the money is still owed. And the amount is greater - we have to pay back the money used to build the City Hall, fire station, etc. Now that amount is over $120 million.
Neal, Tucker and Minjares want you to vote them in when they haven’t a clue as to what the problems are or how we got here. Don’t be fooled.
Please join me in voting for Washburn, Brooks and Pella. They have the knowledge of the issues and they will work for you, not any special interest.
Trinka Reynolds
Fillmore Resident


To the Editor:
A Congressional Candidate That Stands His Ground
Ventura County needs a leader in Congress who will value the people's best interests. We need a leader who is not recruited by another politician and from a different city. We need Tony Strickland.
Democrat Julia Brownley of Santa Monica was recruited by Nancy Pelosi to progress her plan in Congress. The reason is because Brownley supports Pelosi's itinerary to cut Medicare by $700 billion dollars and spread liberal Los Angeles ideals to Washington. Tony is a Ventura County native and will protect and improve our Social Security and Medicare. Strickland has made a pledge to look after America's seniors by insuring they receive their full benefits.
In times of a faltering economy, helathcare is a concerning issue amongst Americans. Ventura County must have a suitable representative in D.C. that will be tough and focus on healthcare policies, instead of focusing on their own political priorities, leaving American families behind.
Tony Strickland is determined and will stand his ground on the interests of the people. Vote for him for Congress!
Ashton Hebert
Thousand Oaks


To the Editor:
Health Care
Those who suffer the most under our current health care situation are children. It is not fair that our children are denied adequate health care if their parents cannot afford or choose not to pay for their own plan. Tony Strickland agrees with this dilemma and does not want children to go uncared for. Tony authored a bill to reinstate the Healthy Families Program which provides health care for the working poor’s children in Ventura County.
Julia Brownley had been one of the votes opposing this wonderful program.
Children are a part of the population who are not always represented to the extent they deserve, and Tony Strickland looks to change that. Tony also opposes the Pelosi Health Care Bill which seems to be more damaging than helpful to our current health care situation. Taking $700 billion from Medicare threatens those who depend greatly on it. Why make people already worried about their health any more concerned? Tony Strickland has my vote this election; he knows what the American people need and he wants to help improve our health care situation, not worsen it.
Whitney Beatty


To the Editor:
In these times of economic peril, one would imagine that the correct thing to do would be to enact fiscally responsible measures. Well according to Congressional hopeful Julia Brownley, that doesn't seem to be the right path to take.
Truth be told, the Santa Monica native voted in favor of creating a High Speed Rail which cost Ventura County tax payers a whooping $24 billion. It gained her the votes of her Santa Monica constituents who had the opportunity to seek employment in this new project, while slapping the High Speed Rail bill on us (even though it created zero jobs in our county). One would imagine that a politican would highlight their previous decisions, but now that Julia Brownley is running for congress in our district she doesn't even acknowledge this on her website, mail propaganda, or even in her speeches. It's obvious that Brownley wishes to keep her slopp financial record a secret.
Believe me when I say that Julia Brownley is not what the people of Ventura County need. We need an independent thinker who will be able to pass measures that are financially reasonable. We need someone who will make the right, but tough decisions even if it gains them the disdain of their constituents. We need someone who will put the people first and party bosses in Capitol Hill second.
If we really want to recover, we need a leader who will control our national debt. And that leader is the independent and financially responsible, Tony Strickland. Join me in aiding our country by sending Strickland to congress and keeping Brownley's financial frivolousness where it belongs, Los Angeles.
Otto Tielemans


To the Editor:
I am appalled at Julia Brownley’s false attacks on Tony Strickland. These attacks cheapen the effort to protect women and children from violence when the fact is that Tony Strickland is one of Ventura County’s strongest advocates against domestic and sexual abuse. In fact, Tony Strickland has been a tireless volunteer at the Ventura County Coalition to End Family Violence.
Tony Strickland has made numerous visits to multiple Coalition safe houses. These visits have provided him with first-hand knowledge of the emotional and physical effects of domestic violence and given hope to the victims of the violence that Tony Strickland is working relentlessly to eliminate. With Strickland in office, the public could not possibly be more assured that the fight against domestic abuse is never neglected.
As a senator, Tony Strickland has ensured the funding for the Crisis Response Intervention Program. This is essential during these complicated budget times. Strickland’s presence at the California Partnership To End Domestic Violence allowed Coalition Advocates to directly appeal for his help to keep the essential funding necessary to keep this and other programs available.
When it comes to domestic abuse, Tony Strickland is the stronger candidate, putting the victims first and foremost.
Briar Goldwyn


To the Editor:
An elected representative is meant to vocalize the opinions of their district in Congress. In the face of economic turmoil, it is up to our Congress to support initiatives that will pull the country out of its current state. Julia Brownley, running against Tony Strickland for a seat in Congress, is clearly out of touch with the present condition of this country. She voted to spend nearly $14 billion for the High Speed Rail initiative, a railway that would mainly benefit Los Angeles and San Francisco. Currently in state legislature representing Santa Monica, Malibu, the Pacific Palisades, and the West San Fernando Valley, Brownley is disconnected from the needs of Ventura County. The High Speed Rail initiative will not create jobs in Ventura County, nor is it slated to cross through the area.
Tony Strickland is from Ventura County and understands what the values of the county are. He voted against the High Speed Rail because in addition to having no benefits for Ventura County, the railway is superfluous. In a time when money is scarce and resources must be allocated efficiently, Strickland represents Ventura County well. That is why Strickland must have our support.
Angelina Nguyen


To the Editor:
At the helm of the battle for the California 26th Congressional seat, is an issue that has become overwhelming present in the race, domestic violence. Without a doubt, both candidates Strickland and Brownley have made their cases as to how they would better represent the district on said issue. As an educated future constituent, however, it is important to wade through presented information and reach a conclusion, and decision to vote on which candidate regularly works to improve the outlook for this issue.
If one is a presented with a candidate who not only commits time to discussing how to improve these issues, but also takes active steps within the community to help make a change themselves, a candidate who regularly visits safe houses to meet with victims of abuse, a candidate who supports these programs at the state level and facilitates their funding, and thus survival, then it is their civic duty to vote for this candidate. If you are a constituent of the 26th California district, it is your civic duty to vote for Tony Strickland if furthering the cause to end domestic violence is important to you.
Molly Lowe
Thousand Oaks


Letters to the Editor
October 4, 2012

To the Editor:
As a Former Mayor of the City of Fillmore I feel strongly about the current state of Fillmore and its future.I have no desire to highlight the problems of the last four years. While some point their finger backwards and blame others for the trials and problems the city now faces, three individuals are looking forward with a willingness to solve problems and move Fillmore forward. We can make a positive statement this November by electing three new council members. The city needs common sense business minded individuals who will work for Fillmore. Manuel Minjares, Rick Neal and Douglas Tucker all have a long history of service to our community and will serve Fillmore well as council members.
Evaristo Barajas


To the Editor:
This letter is in response to Mayor Washburn’s comments at the League of Women Voter’s Candidate Forum about raising the Sales Tax and installing parking meters. Honestly, do we live in the same small and struggling town Mayor Washburn? On one hand the Mayor states that the city depends on Tourism and we need to promote our downtown. On the other hand she wants to ask those same few tourists to pay for parking and pay more for the goods they actually do purchase? Have you spoken with the local merchants? My guess is that they too are struggling and putting a parking burden on those few patrons would most assuredly drive them elsewhere. Where is the disconnect here?
You must realize that gas prices alone are increasingly difficult to fit in to the average family budget. People are still spending less and guarding what little discretionary income they have. Parking meters and higher tax rates will guarantee that people never come back or bring their friends for a few hours shopping or having a nice meal.
Fillmore does not need another four years of tax and spend politicians which is why I am voting Doug Tucker for City Council. Last Saturday, I was able to spend some time with Doug when he was working a voter registration drive at Shiells Park. It was refreshing to hear Doug speak of new ideas for increasing city revenue without creating more taxes. We simply cannot tax our way into a better Fillmore. We have to live within our means and make sure that money is not being wasted.
I am voting Doug Tucker for Fillmore City Council.
Diane McCall


To the Editor:
I am writing to offer my support to Doug Tucker for City Council. As a co-worker of Doug’s for a number of years, I feel qualified to write in support of his integrity. As you may know, Doug works as an Administrator of a nursing facility. Working in the healthcare industry, we are expected to uphold the highest of moral and ethical principles and to be honest and transparent with our patients and their families no matter the situation. Time and time again, I have seen Doug have to have some tough decisions with patients and their families. The choices are never easy but in each every situation, I have witnessed Doug be consistent in his approach and steadfast in being completely transparent. I have worked with many administrators throughout the years but would rank Doug at the top of my list.
Please support Doug Tucker for City Council.
Maria Solis


To the Editor:
Okay, so I now have the complete collectors edition for my front yard !! I still needed a Nancy Meyer sign, but happed to run across Doug Tucker and Rick Neal about 4:30 as they were beating the pavement and going door to door. Doug was kind enough to liberate/borrow a sign for me (Nancy you need a new sign in your yard).
I can't begin to express just how impressed I am with the determination, dedication, and effort that these candidates are putting in. It seems every time I am out and about in Fillmore I end up crossing paths with one or more of them out talking to people. They are not just giving a political spiel, but are actually asking what the citizens want and need, and willing to discuss any and all issues.
Yes, I am impressed!!
Ken Tallent


To the Editor:
Dear, Editor and Parents of Sespe School students:
It has to come to my attention as a parent of a Sespe School kindergartner that head lice has found on one or more students. Concerned, I checked my child and found lice. I have since gone through all the necessary steps to rid my child and household of the little creatures. However my frustrating journey has only begun. I have called the school to notify them that my child HAD lice and was wondering what the protocol was for my child to return to school. The School has told me as long as I have shampooed him that is all that is needed. After reading numerous articles and referring to the Center for disease control (CDC), and what their recommendations are, the schools so-called Protocol has me very concerned about a reinfestation. I then called Mr. Carroll the principal of Sespe School to voice my concern. After several hours he finally returned my phone call, frustratingly short conversation took place. I was told the district nurse sets the protocol. I asked if the school would be checking my child’s class for lice, the answer was a disturbing one; “No, we will not be checking any children in your child’s class, it takes too long”. I was told that not even a letter would go out because only ONE child with lice does not raise concern (however a letter did go out).
The CDC has said it only takes one infected person with lice to infect an entire school, office, workplace etc., Upon my son’s return my child’s teacher was notified by me that he was out because of lice. She was shocked and had no idea that one of her students was the one with lice. She has expressed her frustration with me and I agree with her frustration. The School did not EVEN notify my son’s teacher that one of her students had lice. As of today my son’s teacher has told me that she had sent several children to the office due to excessive head scratching and that not a single child she sent to the office was sent back to class.
Keep in mind if a child at Sespe School goes home with lice and has an older sibling in middle school or high school those sibling's can carry the lice to their schools, infesting other students as well.
The purpose of this letter is not to come off as a complaining parent but a concerned and frustrated one. I’m concerned with Sespe School, the district nurse and their silly policies on the manners of head lice. Dangerous they may not be, but a hassle they are. Please if you have a child at Sespe School please call their office 805-524-6161 with your concern over the head lice dilemma which WILL grow if it left ignored. If enough come forward maybe we can make a small change in their policies.
A concerned parent of a Sespe School student


To the Editor:
This year I decided to get involved in the political process that will make a difference for most of us in this election year. As part of this, I decided to join Tony Strickland’s group at the Mexican Independence Day Parade in Oxnard. As many of us Latinos, I am a conservative and I feel that Tony’s values are aligned with mine and he can be a positive voice for us in congress.
I must say that the experience at the parade was excellent. This was a well organized and extremely positive event and it was an honor to actively participate in it for the first time. It was nice to see so many friends and friendly people celebrating such a great occasion for our community. I have lived in Oxnard for over 12 years and I have fallen in love with the place and the people. As many of us, I have decided to become active in helping our community have a larger say in our own destiny. I was impressed with Tony’s connection with the people and the positive response to his name and message. It was great to see Tony support this important event for our community.
I must also congratulate to the city for the great organization of the parade.
Enrique Ortega


To the Editor:
Tony Strickland and the Middle East
For years the United States has faced many struggles with the Middle East.
The War on Terror has proven to be one of the most troubling occurrences of our recent history. The United States is in desperate need of politicians who have the abilities to maintain strong relations with our few allies in the Middle East. Throughout his time in the California Senate and State Assembly, Tony Strickland has supported our one true ally Israel.
America and Israel share a common threat, Iran. Iran's nuclear weaponry and it's support of terrorist organizations are serious issues that must be taken into great consideration. The threat of the United States security and the security of our allies will rise, if Iran becomes a powerful country with nuclear capability. It is extremely crucial that Americans are aware of this situation, and that we the people take a stand to support the Holy Land.
The Israeli military is known to be one of the best in the world; the United States should be in full support of it. America, a protector of freedom, must make strong efforts to maintain Israel's defense system. Having family members in the U.S. military, I fully understand the importance of our national defense system and the men and women who fight to protect our country. There is no reason why Israel should not be given the same military advantage. Tony supports intelligence and military cooperation, joint missile defense projects, and opposed any sales of military equipment that interferes with Isreal's ability to secure its citizen's safety. By defending Israel, the U.S. will promote democracy and create a stronger Middle East.
Tony will work hard in Congress to maintain stalwart relations with Israel and try to improve the Middle East. A peaceful Middle East will lead to more peaceful world. I believe in Tony Strickland. Please vote for him for Congress!
Ashton Hebert
Thousand Oaks


To the Editor:
Support for Tony
There are several reasons why I am supporting Tony Strickland for Congress.
First, he has always been a strong supporter of the Naval Base in Ventura County which consists of 19,000 employees and puts millions into the economy. A healthy Ventura County Economy depends on the cornerstone of the Naval Base VC. Next, Strickland is steadfast on protecting Medicare and Social Security. Social security is on the pathway for a disaster in 2037.
We need someone, like Strickland, to protect and fix these two programs so they will be around in 28 years when I reach retirement. Strickland will confront the issue and work in a bipartisan way to resolve the system.
Lastly, Tony has lived in Ventura County for a majority of his life and truly understands the sentiments of the area and what our needs as a county are. I strongly support Tony Strickland for Congress and encourage all my fellow Ventura County Residents to get to know Tony and support him on Election Day!
Stephen Hoekendorf


Letters to the Editor
September 26, 2012

To the Editor:
Griffin Industries, Newhall Ranch, now “Communities Building Together”. Is there anything that Roger Campbell won’t stoop to in his efforts to steamroller Fillmore?
Instead of a slanted polling on how residents regard our current City Council, perhaps a poll should be conducted on how many residents have a positive opinion of Roger Campbell. I’ve lived here since 1974 and have yet to hear a single favorable comment about the man. Outside the Chamber of Concrete his activities seems to be held in very low regard.
Ed Hopkins


To the Editor:
Tony Strickland: Devoted Husband, Family Man
The recent healthcare bills both on the national stage and here in California have yet again brought women's issues to the forefront of public debate. In this time of heated conversation on these issues it's easy to get bogged down in the small things. But let's not forget the forest for all the trees: women's rights are important, especially for families.
Tony Strickland is the right candidate to make decisions on these issues. He co-authored legislation this summer to reinstate and fund Healthy Families, a California program that provides health, dental, and vision coverage to low-income children throughout the state; his opponent preferred funding a high speed rail initiative.
A loving father and devoted husband, Tony also believes in the strength and independence of women. He relies steadily on his wife Audra for support and guidance in his daily life and on key decisions for himself and his family. He takes these words of wisdom everywhere he goes, and will surely take them with him on his way to Washington.
This is yet another reason to join me, thousands of women, and families in our effort to elect Tony Strickland for Congress.
Cameron Petty
Simi Valley


To the Editor:
Strickland for Women
Here’s a story you won’t hear from the partisans trying to convince us Tony Strickland is against women’s rights.
On January 13 of this year, Strickland’s bill to protect victims of sexual abuse was introduced in the California State Senate. The bill, SB 966, fixed a glaring loophole by providing that victims couldn’t be ordered to make payments to spouses who had abused them. It’s just common sense: no woman (or man, for that matter) should have to pay the expenses of her abuser.
It was just such a case that motivated Strickland to write the bill. Strickland explained he was “outraged” when he heard that a California woman, whose husband was convicted of sexually assaulting her, had been ordered to pay spousal support to her abusive husband. SB 966 would have prevented cases like hers from ever happening again.
Strickland’s fight to protect this woman, and others like her, tells a different story than the vicious attacks being pushed by some. Along with his efforts to ensure coverage of digital mammograms and protect the Healthy Families Program, it’s just another example of Strickland’s commitment to women’s issues.
Andrew Murcia
Simi Valley


To the Editor:
While it is easy to characterize an individual’s values based on the party line that they draw, we must be careful not to associate every belief expressed by every Republican and Democrat to every individual within each respective party. In Patty Bellasalma’s attempt to make a case for the progression of women, she fails to legitimize said case by extending the radical comments by Missouri Rep. Todd Akin regarding cases of “legitimate rape” to all House GOP members, as well as CA-26 GOP candidate Tony Strickland. As Bellasalma points out, without a doubt, Akin’s comments were inexcusable, and it is undeniable that rape, in any form, should be considered a heinous crime. However, as a woman from State Senator Strickland’s district, I have taken it upon myself to invest in the candidate that would best serve me in that capacity.
While one Republican representative has failed to further the cause for women, the sentiments expressed by Akin could not find themselves more falsely attributed to congressional candidate Strickland. Beyond that, her sentiments regarding House GOP members as a whole, find themselves without firm standing, especially since the passage of H.R. 4970 in 2012, the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act, introduced by Florida GOP Rep. Sandy Adams. As Adams stated upon passage through the Republican dominated House, “Today’s vote by my House colleagues sends a strong message that the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) should leave politics at the door and focus on the victims who need our help.” With its passage, it is evident GOP members are furthering efforts for women, rather than holding them back. GOP members, and especially Strickland, are not to blame for lack of advancement, and should not be characterized as a whole by one member’s questionable comments regarding the issues at hand.
Thank you for your time,
Molly Lowe
Thousand Oaks

Letters to the Editor
September 20, 2012

To the Editor:
So the public was polled and the council’s image wasn’t pretty. If this council isn’t happy with the Magellan Survey, then maybe it should ask how true in character they’ve been to the promise that got them elected.
Running for city council can be about power, arrogance, or just wanting to serve. In recent date we’ve had a laughable stock unlike Scott Lee, Linda Brewster, Evaristo Barajas, Ernie Villegas, Don Gunderson, and Roger Campbell. Like many before them, their collective wisdom and guidance made Fillmore the envy of Small Town, USA because they weren't self-appointed heroes but honorable public servants.
Fast forward to the political wisdom of our mayor and council today. It hired the now defunct three-year city “manager of no confidence" who they also retained without a review or evaluation. In separate matters, the mayor was willing to expose the City to a highly expensive lawsuit because of her discontent over a business tower while other members of the council mortgaged the City’s future on a legal matter. According to their public statements, members didn’t like their feelings being hurt by the El Dorado voting block. Some members said they were bullied and disrespected so they voted to continue the lawsuit when it had the chance to settle. It’s too late to cry now; get used to the criticism or stay out of politics.
We also have members of this council who promised transparency, but we still don’t know why Ted Schneider was removed as city attorney. Regrettably, I voted for councilman Brooks who is representative of this council and won't answer questions made by the same public he serves, case in point former councilmember Laurie Hernandez. For the next two months I am your constituent and that of every other councilmember. If none of you want to give answers, then please do the right thing instead of furthering your pretense about character and give us an apology, because governing is an inviolate trust of the people and City you engaged to serve.
Bert Castel de Oro


To the Editor:
We would like to thank Dick Diaz for the kind and moving article on Toby Gritz’s and our son, Scott’s Memorials. Ron and I were always proud that Scott’s Memorial tree stood next to Toby’s and we’re certain that Scott would have felt proud and honored also. We were sorry we were unable to attend Toby’s rededication service. Our sister, Phyllis DeMarco, represented us. Through her and Dick’s article, we learned it was a touching tribute to Toby by his family, including Military honors he so deserved. We all need to remember the ultimate sacrifices that Toby and other young men have made for us. We would also like to publically thank BSA Troop 406, Roberto Munoz and Harold “Butch” Foy for their work in completing this Memorial Bench. We’re not sure of the future of the trees planted in Toby and Scott’s memories, but we do want to acknowledge that Scott’s tree was presented by his Class of l979, donated by David Gurrola, father of Nancy, one of Scott’s classmates. We are proud that visitors to Fillmore High School will be able to honor Toby and Scott by stopping by the bench, and for their friends, to recall pleasant memories.
Elaine & Ron Ipswitch


To the Editor:
Naval Base Ventura County
Our armed forces have always had the difficult task of protecting our country’s boarders and our people. They have served us well we need to do everything we can to help them.
Today Naval Base Ventura County, located at Point Mugu, is being threatened to be closed down. If the base were to be closed 19,000 military jobs would be lost. Not only would this impact the lives of many military families but it would also affect the economy drastically. The base also provides a fine training location for our men and women in the navy. Closing this base would reduce the number of men and women serving our country over seas and on the seas. This base is not only crucial on a local/community level but also on a national level.
Senator Tony Strickland, raised in a military family, has been fighting and doing everything that he can to keep Naval Base Ventura County up and running. He understands just how important it is to keep this naval base form being closed. If he gets elected for Congress, he could accomplish so much more to help the base. With this in mind, Tony Strickland has my vote.
Nicholas William Dueñas
Thousand Oaks


To the Editor:
The 5 Billion dollar High Speed Rail
The high speed rail that has been proposed is said to connect Los Angeles with San Francisco and improve the way we travel however, there is a costly side to it. The high speed rail will cost 2.7 billion dollars in state funding and 3.3 billion dollars in federal funding which both governments can’t afford. Also, if this high speed rail were to be built, the tickets to take would be roughly the same as the average plane ticket. In an economic time like this, our government needs to be using that kind of money for practical uses.
Senator Tony Strickland has been against this high speed rail every time it has been proposed. He recognizes that this kind of money could be used for more practical and constructive uses like making us more energy independent or creating more jobs for people who need them. During this years voting season, I plan on voting for him for Congress so that he may take his ideas on money use there.
Nicholas Dueñas
Thousand Oaks


To the Editor:
Strickland's Commitment to National Security
Following the senseless violence in Egypt and Libya, today crowds stormed our embassies in Tunisia, Sudan, and Yemen. These dangerous times demand a renewed commitment by our government to its first duty: keeping us safe.
It's a commitment we have to demand from candidates for public office--a commitment Tony Strickland hasn't hesitated to make.
For some time now, Senator Strickland has been warning us of potential dangers in the Middle East, including the situation in Egypt. As we mourn this week's tragedies, we should remember which candidate for Congress had the foresight to see them coming.
The son of an army drill sergeant who served in Korea and Vietnam, Tony Strickland understands the importance of American leadership and a strong national defense. In Congress, he'll fight to stop $600 billion in defense cuts, keep Naval Base Ventura County open, and for energy independence so we aren't funding hostile groups.
Whatever our other priorities may be, keeping our families safe has to be first on the list. I know our national security is first on Tony Strickland's list, and that's one of the reasons I'm proud to support him for Congress.
Andrew Murcia
Simi Valley

Letters to the Editor
September 18, 2012

To the Editor:
[Editor's Note: Fillmore citizen Stan Mason wrote a letter to Senator Dianne Feinstein regarding pending firearms ratifications with the United Nations. Below is Senator Feinstein’s respond and Mr. Mason’s response]

[Senator Feinstein's Response to Mr. Mason's original letter]
United states senate WASHINGTON, DC 2051 0-0504
July 23, 2012

Mr. Stan Mason
P0 Box 148
Fillmore, California 93016

Dear Mr. Mason:
Thank you for writing to express your concerns about possible ratification of an international treaty aimed at stemming the proliferation of small arms and light weapons worldwide. I appreciate hearing your views on this issue and welcome the opportunity to respond.

I understand you have serious concerns about this proposed treaty. The purpose of the ongoing negotiations is to draft a legally binding treaty on the export, import, and international transfer on conventional weapons. It will not address the personal ownership of guns or gun owners’ rights. The actual drafting of the treaty will take place in 2012.

Please know that I strongly support this process. According to Amnesty International, more than 500,000 people per year are killed with conventional arms, and almost 60% of documented human rights violations have involved the use of small arms and light weapons. Further, the Small Arms Survey estimates that there are more than 875 million firearms in the world today, roughly one firearm for every seven people worldwide. These numbers help to underscore the fact that a majority of the deaths in conflicts worldwide are small arms-related.

While we do not necessarily agree on this particular issue, please know that your views are important to me, and I will keep them in mind should the Senate discuss ratification of such a treaty.
Again, thank you for writing. I hope that you will continue to write on matters of importance to you. Should you have any further comments or questions, please feel free to contact my Washington, D.C. office at (202) 224-3841. Best regards.

Dianne Feinstein
United States Senator

For information about my position on issues of concern to California and the Nation or to subscribe to electronic e-mail updates, please visit

[Mr. Mason's response]
17 August 2012
Senator Dianne Feinstein
United States Senate
Washington, D.C.

Senator Feinstein,
I would find it a great pleasure to tell you I appreciated your response to my communication about my serious reservations regarding the pending firearms ratification with the United Nations. I might, if you were only able to convince me by standing with those who are challenging Eric Holder about his part in the proliferation of more dangerous weapons across the border to known criminals and drug traffickers. You would have to promise me you would prosecute all involved who had the slightest knowledge of or part in this travesty. We both know that will not happen.

Your foolish attempt to convince me that this treaty is necessary failed when you used the term conventional weapons. We both know conventional weapons are hand held non-automatic rifles, hand guns, and/or shotguns. This is a blatant attempt to give foreign nations control over the people of a sovereign nation. There is little doubt that you strongly support these actions. You also supported and stood shoulder to shoulder with other brain dead deceivers of the people’s trust when, you voted, by the admonition of Nancy Pelosi, to accept a bill and then find out what was in it.

Along with millions of other Americans, I find this type of foolishness a travesty and a serious dereliction of responsibility to the nation and the pledge you made to our Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Stars and Stripes. For you to wear the name of Chairman for the Committee on Intelligence speaks volumes about how far America has fallen from having true patriots in our Congress, our Courts of Law and the Administration as a whole.

You speak at length about how many small arms are in the hands of the populace. Extremely few of the deaths you attribute to small arms were caused by the weapons without a person deliberately pulling the trigger. I am not an illiterate, an illegal resident or a brain washed member of a union that tells me how to vote and think. You are unable to offer me undeserved entitlements to bring me into agreement with your flawed reasoning. The LORD is my Shepherd and I shall not be in need. This includes WISDOM.

It is entirely evident that some in this world are bent on removing the ability of people to defend themselves against the tyranny of Socialism and the end of a free Republic. Many so called leaders around the world are too ignorant to see how this philosophy is failing in all the nations that have adopted this policy. It is also evident that the Department of Homeland Security is that in name only. They have not made our borders more secure. They failed to keep large quantities of ammo out of the possession of James Holmes which was reportedly shipped by public transportation. Whether this was overlooked, ignored or facilitated by Homeland Security to reinforce your position on abandoning the 2nd Amendment will probably never be unveiled. It has become apparent to a great many legal resident Americans that this police force is being built up to protect not our nation but put down any uprising by a nation that desires to maintain it’s sovereignty.

Most sincerely, in the name of our Lord Jesus

Letters to the Editor
September 13, 2012

Frontpage Survey Garners Candidate Responses

Courtesy Rick Neal
As a graduate of Fillmore High, a local business owner, volunteer firefighter and a proud father, I have different insights in how the city operates and provides its services. I know personally what the strengths and charm of this community can do for someone, and this someone has been disappointed for some time.
When I read the results of this survey, I have to say I am not surprised. The City of Fillmore is not being supportive of its own, like it used to. I’ve been feeling this way for quite a while, and I’m learning that I’m not alone. That’s why I decided to run for city council.
We need decision makers who know what it’s like to be a part of the community, to run a business in the city, to have children learning what makes a city great. Without confidence in our elected officials, as this survey tells, and excessive mismanagement, our kids will not be able to achieve any kind of local success here, as I have. They need the opportunity to be capable of giving back.
It’s apparent it’s time for a change.
Rick Neal

Courtesy Douglas Tucker
“Sixty-two percent of Fillmore residents agree that the City Council has done a poor job managing the city budget, according to a new survey out today from Magellan Strategies. I didn’t need it in writing, as I hear this kind of sentiment every day from Fillmore folks while out campaigning. This talk emboldens me in my running for City Council. We deserve better.
I’m an administrator for nursing facilities in the area. I know intimately what it takes to provide services with limited resources, but there is no excuse for how our city leaders of late have turned against the best interest of their constituents, hiring outsiders while cutting city services.
Fillmore residents have become forlorn due to the missteps of the current City Council, and this poll shows it. My vision for Fillmore is one where hardworking families and individuals can enjoy and prosper in this special place, and then retire here with satisfaction – not dejection.”
Douglas Tucker,
Douglas Tucker For City Council 2012

Courtesy Manuel Minjares
I am the type of person that isn’t afraid to take action when faced with adversity or to speak up for those that otherwise would not. The results of the recent poll conducted by Magellan Strategies, show that the majority of Fillmore residents are unhappy with the current system. I am among them.
Instead of sitting idly by and letting the continual disappointments and cuts in civic services affect me and the community negatively, I made the decision to run for City Council. I agree with most of the survey respondents in that the current council members have failed them with regard to balancing a budget, protecting our treasured public areas, and being accountable voices for our diverse constituency.
As a candidate, I agree with the data presented in this survey. As a Fillmore City Council member, proud Fillmore resident, and educated and experienced urban planner, I would work to reverse the numbers and get the City of Fillmore back on track.”

Letters to the Editor
September 6, 2012

To the Editor:
Fillmore Embraces the Memory of Toby Gritz with Style!
Three brothers and more than 120 loving people participated in a poignant event on August 18, 2012 to honor the memory of 1st Lt. Toby R. Gritz, USMC, a 1962 graduate of Fillmore High. Many more sent their kind regards. 1st Lt. Gritz was killed in Vietnam on March 25, 1970. Following his tragic death admirers erected a plaque and planted a redwood tree in his memory on the grounds of Toby’s beloved Fillmore High School.
Over the years the redwood tree matured and the associated plaque and curbing were damaged. Enter Roberto Munoz, an Eagle Scout candidate from Troop 406, who took on the refurbishment of Toby’s memorial -- and an adjacent memorial for Scott Ipswitch -- as his Eagle Scout culminating project. Harold Foy, owner of Fillmore Building Supply, selfishly donated materials and hundreds of hours of technical assistance to the project. Bob Gritz MacKenzie, of Tumwater, Washington and Toby’s brother, served as family coordinator.
“The entire project was a two-year long effort,” said MacKenzie. “Robbie, the Munoz family and Harold Foy persevered through obstacles and set- backs to make this wonderful project a reality.”
Fillmore showed its legendary character on August 18th at an event commemorating the project and rekindling the memory of a beloved Marine and graduate of Fillmore High School. A family-provided, state-of-the-art plaque was unveiled, installed on a cement bench near the redwood tree. The City of Fillmore proclaimed August 18th as “1st Lt. Toby Gritz, USMAC Day.” Mayor pro tem Jamie Brooks read the proclamation and provided uplifting comments during the event.
Family members participating in the event included Toby’s brother Colonel Tom Gritz MacKenzie, USAR (Ret); Toby’s brother Rocky and wife MaryBeth and daughter Kimmie ; Major Bob Gritz MacKenzie , USA (ret), and his wife Anita Ideker; sister-in-law Gloria Gritz, and another generation…Paige and Toby Gritz, Two other brothers, twins John and Paul, were unable to attend the event.
The event included a Marine Corps Color Guard and honors to the nation, Marine Corps and Scouts, songs, personal remembrances and more. Refreshments were served immediately after at the Movie Train Café.
“Only in Fillmore could so much support and love endure and be rekindled more than 50 years after Toby graduated,” said Tom Gritz-MacKenzie. “We are humbled by the outpouring and want to express our profound appreciation for keeping Toby’s memory alive. God Bless you all.”
Bob MacKenzie


To the Editor:
Re: No, Christine. There is no Santa Claus
My family moved to Santa Paula in 1967 when my father acquired a position with Limoneira Company. My parents, Dan and Joan were both very active in the Santa Paula schools, community and political arena.
I purchased my home from my parents in 1987 and raised my three children there as my parents had raised their four.
In 2005, I lost my job due to several health issues including a fractured ankle that resulted in contracting RSD/CRPS, an insidious nerve disorder. I was also legally blind for several years until I had lens replacement surgery.
The past several years have been very emotionally and financially difficult, culminating in an inability to make my mortgage payment after having exhausted my retirement and savings accounts.
In November 2011, I was able to reach a modification agreement with my mortgage company. The first payment under the terms of the modification was due on December 01, 2011. I made the payment, the bank accepted the payment. They sold my house the same day.
Selling as many of my possessions as possible, I was able to raise enough money to purchase a beat up 1983 motor home to avoid being completely homeless.
A wonderfully compassionate gentleman in North of Santa Maria provided me a secure place with hook ups in his yard for several months. Unfortunately, personal issues on his part necessitated me returning to Santa Paula.
I visited a friend in Ventura for a couple of days, staying in the guest room. I received a ticket, although there was no signage in place, for parking an oversized vehicle on the street.
I came to Santa Paula and parked on a side street for the night where upon two officers from Santa Paula Police Department informed me I couldn’t do that and there were no streets in Santa Paula where I could park. The officer I spoke with was very courteous and professional and suggested I use the truck stop in East Area 1 saying “No one will bother you there”.
I was grateful for this information and proceeded to spend the night at the truck stop.
Upon awaking the next morning, I discovered a warning ticket from Limoneira Security stating if I parked there again, my vehicle would be towed.
A couple of years ago, Ventura had a pilot program allowing homeless people to sleep in church parking lots. Santa Barbara opens parking lots for homeless women to sleep in their cars or RV’s and then locks the gate to provide security and a feeling of safety.
I understand no one wants to see the homeless people. No one wants to have an area turn into a shanty town. But the homeless person could very well be your neighbor, uncle, sister, yourself, or like me, a Mom of three and a Grandma of two with zero income and nowhere to turn. I have nowhere to go. That’s a very vulnerable and despondent fact.
Please, tell me, what am I supposed to do?
Thank you for your time,
Christine Murray Pulido


To the Editor:
Los Angeles-San Francisco connections that do absolutely nothing for Ventura County seem to be the norm this election cycle.
And that’s not including the costly high-speed rail system that will snake its way around the 26th district.
Assemblywoman Julia Brownley, convenient new resident of Oak Park, is another conduit to San Francisco and Los Angeles that the constituents of Ventura County just don’t need this November.
The handpicked candidate of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, Julia Brownley is seeking to advance a leftwing, Washington-backed agenda that just doesn’t mesh with Ventura County’s moderate character.
Brownley voted to cut “Healthy Families,” an affordable healthcare program for the working poor and their children, to help fund the rail system that will sap $800 million annually from California’s coffers over the next 30 years.
Not only is this rail line a boondoggle our state just can’t afford, it’s also being bankrolled by denying 800,000 children, many of them right here in Ventura County, access to healthcare.
Tony Strickland, longtime Ventura County resident and public servant, co-authored SB 301 which seeks to reinstate the “Healthy Families Program.”
Ventura County needs a candidate with strong ties to our community who understands what voters actually need. Not a Pelosi-backed liberal who cuts insurance programs for children.
Kyle Lykins
Simi Valley


To the Editor:
Mr. Martin Farrell,
It has come to my attention that you published comments in the Gazette on June 20, 2012, that are false, intentionally malicious and defamatory. The specific comments were …
1. "Mayor Bans City Attorney from Council"
2. "Last Monday Washburn called the city attorney’s office, informing a member of that firm that Fillmore’s City Attorney, Ted Schneider, was no longer to attend any city meetings..”
3. "It is alleged that her justification for banning Schneider was based on accusations that he has had a relationship with a former city employee."
4. “We are, as a city, bankrupt due to the policies and practices of a mostly inexperienced, emotionally unstable, and stubbornly incompetent council majority. Their motto may as well be: Cling to mistakes, never admit fault, and slander all knowledgeable opposition.”
5. "Nearly all professional, experienced, knowledgeable employees have been fired…"
6. "In what is one of the most bizarre tactics I’ve witnessed from a council member in the past 25 years, appointed Mayor Gayle Washburn has colluded with our City Manager Yvonne Quiring, to oust Mr. Schneider. She did this by calling his law firm and demanding that Schneider not return to city hall."
7. "Washburn has denied that this happened. Washburn, had she been under oath, would have perjured herself. "
8. "The council majority continues to ignore sound legal advice, guided instead by emotion and a peculiar personal vendeta (sic) against Schneider."
And again, on July 18th, 2012…
9. "In mid-June Mayor Gayle Washburn called Schneider’s law firm and told a senior partner Schneider was not allowed to attend council meetings anymore."
These are many incorrect statements you are publishing as facts. They are blatantly false and defamatory and deliberately malicious.
You were physically present and heard statements made by me, and acknowledged in your articles, that I said this did not occur. You have chosen to disregard those statements and deliberately publish information totally contrary to what actually occurred.
You have published this information with a reckless disregard for the truth. The statements have been published in the Gazette with deliberate malice and intent causing irreparable harm to my character and professional standing.
Demand is hereby made that you immediately publish a correction of these false, defamatory and malicious statements in order to mitigate the damage you have done. The correction must be published in the same degree and repetition as the original statements and subject to my prior approval of its content. I am also requesting a retraction and apology for the damage you have done.
The correction must be published by September 7, 2012.
Failure to respond by that date will be deemed a refusal to make any effort to mitigate the damage you have caused.
Gayle Washburn

Letters to the Editor
August 30, 2012

To the Editor:
Last evening I had the opportunity to go with friends to the new movie; 2016 over in Thousand Oaks, CA. I don't go often and was amazed to find the largest theater filled to capacity. I didn't think many people go to theaters any more because of TV and DVDs. It was even more unbelievable when at the end of the documentary, there was a thunderous standing ovation, for no one other the audience and the attendants. This was totally unexpected.
I won't explain the content. It would be far better for everyone of you to make an effort to see the movie for yourselves.
Stan Mason


To the Editor:
Hello, I am Alex Mollkoy and I am running for Fillmore City Council. As most of you know I ran two years ago as a write-in Candidate. I also applied and was considered for appointment to the vacated seat of Patty Walker earlier this year. I firmly believe that this city needs a good shot in the arm. We have been on a collision course with many decisions of poor judgment. I feel it is now time to restore common sense to City Hall. I am asking for Your Voice and Your Vote. I promise to represent this city with honor and dignity. I believe that I am the one truly independent candidate in this election. If you are looking for City Council representation that is not influenced by political groups, than I am your Guy. Please vote for me on Tuesday November 6, 2012.
Thank you,
Alex Mollkoy
Candidate for Fillmore City Council


To the Editor:
Ventura County is in need of great leadership. We need someone with a strong personality who is not afraid to work with both sides to get things done, and I believe that person is Tony Strickland. With an economy that is worsening every day, we need Tony’s help to protect our local Naval Base that employs 19,000 people. Ventura County cannot afford to put those people out of work. Families will suffer, as will our local economy, and having grown up here in Ventura County, Tony Strickland is the right man to represent us. He understands the importance of keeping the Naval Base open, and he will do whatever it takes to make that happen.
Please join me in voting for Tony Strickland on November 6th. He is the heart and soul of Ventura County, and we need his bold leadership fighting for us in Washington.
Sarah Varela
Simi Valley


To the Editor:
Mr. Martin Farrell,
It has come to my attention that you published comments in the Gazette on August 1, 2012, that are false, intentionally malicious and defamatory. The specific comments were …
"Gayle, as is her habit, fought furiously to prevent the tower construction. Her objections were based upon her fears of harmful electronic emissions, unsightly appearance, and the location at Super Seal and Stripe next to the railroad. Washburn heard that the Planning Commission was prepared to approve the tower and immediately moved to appeal the decision.
The council majority denied any such attempt but at the August 23 [2011] council meeting, Washburn (appointed mayor) was finally forced to admit that her denial was false.”
"As so often before, they were soon to learn that it was unlawful to stop this cell tower construction; only the appearance of five Verizon attorneys at the council meeting finally put a stop to their reckless intentions."
“In the year 2012 appointed Mayor Gayle Washburn reluctantly overcame her fear of imagined radiation leaks from this site”.
Fillmore has a new Verizon cell phone tower! Despite Mayor Washburn’s energetic efforts to kill the project, a last minute phalanx of lawyers claiming such obstruction violated federal law persuaded the council majority to change its mind.
These are several incorrect statements you are publishing as facts. They are blatantly false and defamatory and deliberately mischaracterize the issue.
You were physically present and heard statements made by me, other Council members and the City Attorney, on public record, that clarified the actual intentions and events of the situation. You have chosen to disregard those statements and deliberately publish information totally contrary to what actually occurred. By publishing these statements you failed to take on the responsibility, as newspaper of record, to seek clarification or information from reliable sources, i.e., me the City Clerk, City Attorney or City Manager. Therefore, you did not conduct due diligence in publishing these comments.
Specifically, there were never any comments made about the cell tower itself, other than a request for public review of the project. Additionally, a letter was sent to the Gazette on August 1st detailing the circumstances of the proposed appeal. Never was any support or opposition of the cell tower discussed by me or any other council member.
You have published this information with a reckless disregard for the truth. The statements have been published in the Gazette with deliberate malice and intent to cause irreparable harm to my character and professional standing.
Demand is hereby made that you immediately publish a correction of these false, defamatory and malicious statements in order to mitigate the damage you have done. The correction must be published in the same degree and repetition as the original statements and subject to my prior approval of its content. I am also requesting a retraction and apology for the damage you have done.
The correction must be published by August 31, 2012.
Failure to respond by that date will be deemed a refusal to make any effort to mitigate the damage you have caused.
Gayle Washburn

Letters to the Editor
August 23, 2012

To the Editor:
Dear Mr. Farrell and Staff:
I compliment your report on our smallest park named “OSCAR DE FEVER PARK”. Even with the sadness of the stolen Flag our town remains true in honoring our Nation and our Service Men and Women.
Previous to our petite parks name, Oscar de Fever it was originally named “JOHN A GALVIN” honoring our City Attorney at Law, JOHN A. GALVIN who served our City 50 years, keeping John Galvin’s Park in memory. We would find Oscar De Fever before or after his business working hours toiling away to see it was kept presentable.
Being one of Fillmore’s first Parks and Recreational Commissioners, I found pride in this beautiful town, and our team, under the direction of ARTHUR HENRY, who walked every tree-planted parkway in our City and indexed every tree. We recommended some to be removed due to sidewalk damage, also blooming trees that dropped blossoms which caused slippery sidewalk conditions were removed. This lasted many years but now it has been forgotten.
Today many parkways are plant-cluttered which is an unnecessary problem when the auto-passenger tries to exit on the Parkway side. I note this especially across from the Trinity Episcopal Church, both Saratoga and 2nd Street. The Elders haven’t complained but we should be more accommodative to them.
The overgrown Cati-jungle at First Street and Central Avenue parkway, south-east corner, has become dangerous, especially to young children walking to school. I see some of them walking in the street to avoid those sharp piercing Cacti.
I hope our City still has jurisdiction over our parkways because more unattended plant owners don’t seem to be concerned.
With kindest personal regards,
Floreine J. Data

Letters to the Editor
August 16, 2012

To the Editor:
I’m Douglas Tucker and I’m running for City Council. I’ve served the citizens of Fillmore as Chair of the Planning Commission and on the North Fillmore Neighborhood Committee. I believe Clay Westling, our current City Clerk, intentionally limited my ability to present myself through my Candidate Statement which will be used in the November election. The City Clerk should be unbiased, but in my opinion, his actions have been anything but. As part of my intended Candidate Statement I said “we need to put Fillmore back on track”, to which he, Clay Westling, said he didn’t like that statement and rejected my candidate statement. After re-writing my statement, Clay then proceeded to try to say that I chose to re-write my statement on my own accord and he didn’t request it. Thankfully a news reporter was present to witness this interaction with Mr. Westling. My statement that “We need to put Fillmore back on track” means more to me now than it did prior to my experience with the City Clerk. I hope readers agree that it’s time to “Put Fillmore back on track” and get it moving in the right direction again. Thank you and I look forward to your vote in November.
Douglas Tucker


To the Editor:
After 80 years in business it is incredible that so many people we have done business with are still around and still participating. I guess the old adage is true: “What you put in is what you get out.”
The joint mixer of the Santa Paula and Fillmore Chambers of Commerce hosted by Harrison Industries on Aug. 9 was well attended and put some much needed money in the Santa Clara Valley Boys & Girls Club’s bank account. It’s a good reason why businesses should join their local Chamber of Commerce.
Thank you for all who attended, networked, donated money and just plain had fun. Thank you also for taking the time in this blazing hot weather to come out and be a part of it all.
Nan Drake
Director Government Affairs and Public Relations
Harrison Industries


To the Editor:
A Forgotten Code of Ethics
In what is called a "first-in-a-generation" competitive congressional campaign for our country, unethical campaign practices are still prevalent. Julia Brownley has returned us to actions that I would correlate with Thomas Hobbes' State of Nature. In this state of being any person has a natural right to do anything they will to preserve their own life, and this life is referred as, "nasty, brutish, and short." This congressional race is quite short indeed, but hasn't lacked in desperate, life-saving actions.
Before the primary election, it seemed like a race between State Senator Tony Strickland and Ventura County Supervisor and independent candidate Linda Parks. California's "top-two" primary system would leave the Democrats with no candidate for our new district. When this became a reality to Democrats in Washington, tons of money began to pour in to the race. According to an article from the VC Star posted on May 12, "Since May 4, the House Majority PAC (a Democratic super PAC established Spring 2011) has spent $156,000 on a commercial promoting Assemblywoman Julia Brownley and a $22,000 mailer attacking Supervisor Linda Parks."
They say desperate times call for desperate measures, a cheap-shot against an independent candidate who in a poll as late as the first week of May had a 17 percent to 11 percent lead. In a response on Parks' website she stated, "The only thing candidates can do to counter outside PAC money is to live by the code of ethics, which we (candidates) signed saying we would publicly repudiate dishonest attacks... she has chosen not to honor her signed pledge."
Ventura County is made of honest, dedicated, and hard working people like Tony Strickland, who do not stoop down to these kinds of dishonest practices.
Justin Moraga


To the Editor:
Tony Strickland's Plan To Spur An Economic Recovery Through Renewable Energy
The U.S. Department of Commerce estimated that California's GDP was $1.9 trillion in 2010. That places our state among the world's largest economies. Nestled between Brazil and India, two of the BRIC countries we have heard so much about lately, California holds the distinction of the ninth largest economy on earth.
But before you start waving your Bear flag, face the other set of facts. Our state, like our nation, is in decline. Just a decade ago California ranked three places higher as the 6th largest economy. Now it faces a $28 billion budget shortfall this year and next. That is the equivalent of the overall budget of 12 other states combined: Delaware, Idaho, maine, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Vermont, and West Virginia.
Compounding our economic blight is our dependence on energy sources which are in intermittent supply, expensive, and harm the environment. Under diversification of energy sources has become a major liability. Especially in the face of a potential war with Iran or what is being predicted tas an especially nasty hurricane season.
I started paying attention to Tony Strickland during the 2001 energy crisis. He stepped forward and brought then Governor Gray Davis to court, forcing Davis's administration to divulge their secret dealings with energy companies and the details of the expensive contracts they had ensnared the state in.
Tony Strickland has weathered opposition from his own party, doing what he thinks is right. He crossed the aisle to support SB2, SB14, and SB 292 which benefited both the economy and environment. Tony Strickland is a different kind of Republican, who does what is right for his constituents. He will fight to improve our economy, but also our environment through energy reform.
We need Tony Strickland to represent us in Congress.
Very Respectfully,
Joe Caliendo


To the Editor:
There is only one candidate in the race for Congress who has shown the dedication, work ethic, and consistency needed to represent Ventura County in Washington.
Tony Strickland has a superb record of representing our community and working in a bipartisan fashion in order to achieve necessary goals, and neither wavers in his core party. He makes every decision with his family and our community in mind, and that is how he will serve us in Washington.
I admire that Tony campaigns for office similar to how he serves in office-as an active member of our community who listens to the people he represents. Tony’s dedication and work ethic will do Ventura County wonders in Washington, which is why I look forward to having Tony Strickland represent my family and my community in Congress
Robert Harris
Newbury Park


To the Editor:
Dedication, community, and family is what Tony Strickland stands for.
He has a proven record of serving Ventura County and is dedicated to achieving necessary goals through a bipartisan fashion.
His work ethic and dedication seen serving our community is what Ventura County needs in Washington. When making decisions, Tony Strickland always keeps his community and family in mind. Strickland is fighting to keep the Naval base in Ventura in service; thus, keeping the jobs of many officers that play an active role in our community.
Tony Strickland really listens to the people he represents, and that's why he will do Ventura County a great service as congressman. I really look forward to having Tony Strickland represent my family and community in congress.
Jamie Sullivan
Thousand Oaks


To the Editor:
Strickland Vows To Defend Naval Base Ventura County
On Tuesday morning an experimental aircraft ripped through the sky over Point Magu at 4,5000 mph. Rocket boosters and scramjet technology hurtled the X-51A WaveRider to 70,000 feet and hypersonic speeds within seconds. The product of collaboration between NASA, the DoD, and Boeing, it represents the cutting edge of aviation technology.
Naval Base Ventura County (NBVC), which is made up of a deep-water port, airfield, and complex network of radar stations, is an ideal place for such tests. Apart from its status as the 6th largest U.S. Navy base, its location on the Pacific makes it perhaps one of the ultimate testing ranges for pioneering military projects.
But even given all this, NBVC finds itself under threat of extinction again. Washington has signaled that it may initiate a Base Realignment and Closure Commission (BRAC). After the last BRAC assessment, seven years ago, the commission closed 185 sites and realigned 135. If initiated again, it would be the sixth such commission since 1988, each leaving broken defenses and shattered local economies in its wake.
Tony Strickland has committed to protect the 19,000 men and women who work at the base and the thousands of others who owe their jobs to support industries. The brunt of spending cuts should not be on a sliver of the Federal budget, especially the one that funds the core duty of the government—to protect life and property.
Others pose a false dilemma, saying it is either cuts or taxes (or some combination of both). Tony Strickland recognizes that which Washington insiders fail to perceive, the third option: grow the economy. By removing impediments to small businesses, hiring, and hardworking families, output will sore and revenues will swell. All this can be achieved while protecting those who stand ready to protect us.
Shane Tayloe

Letters to the Editor
August 9, 2012

To the Editor:
Shame on those that voted to cut our lovely Palms trees down. I have lived in this town all of my life and I can safely say more years than all of the city council combined. You folks come in here like thieves in the night, with little warning to the public, and chop down all our lovely Palm trees that have so graciously lined our Central Avenue for over 70 years. I know why you did it. You were told by the film industry that if you were to cut down the Palm trees they would come in more often and film here. I'm hoping and praying that you folks received a written contract from the film industry because if you are going on speculation CONGRATULATIONS, you have just ruined a beautiful little community that I was ONCE proud to call my home.
Mr. Gonzalez (on the city council) suggested that maybe we could have people donate a plaque where the trees used to be in honor of a loved one or a friend. I'LL AGREE WITH THE PLAQUE BUT INSTEAD OF FAMILY MEMBERS, MAYBE THEY SHOULD BE IN HONOR OF THE # 1 THROUGH #26 PALMS THAT WERE CHOPPED DOWN!!! The plaque could read something like this…the first one would read IN MEMORY OF #1 PALM THAT ONCE STOOD ON CENTRAL AVE. FOR 70 YEARS. THEN THE HACKERS CAME IN AND HACKED ME DOWN ON JULY 20, 2012. Then we continue with #2 ALL the way through 26.
Fillmore has gone through fires, floods and earthquakes and we have always bounced back, but cutting down those Palms on Central Avenue was the icing on the cake.
Sharon A. Villasenor


To the Editor:
This is such great news for those of us in the film business. I can't tell you how many times I have thought of Fillmore to fill the need for a "small town" look for a TV commercial and then looked elsewhere because of the palm trees. We would love it if you would put some other kind of tree on your lovely street, but the palm trees scream "This town is in California!" and that's a big road block for national TV commercials that need to have a more generic small town look.
Thank you, Fillmore!
Pat Parrish
Location Scout
Los Angeles


To the Editor:
To the Community of Fillmore, the Fillmore Women's Service Club would like to thank you for your support over the 4th of July week by buying fireworks from our booth. Through your efforts the monies raised will go back to our community, the Educational and Adult Women's Scholarships in 2013.
The Fireworks Committee would also like to thank all our members for volunteering to work in the booth. We would like to extend a special thanks to all the non-members who helped, and went above and beyond to ensure our shifts were covered, to make our fundraiser successful.
To Fillmore local business man Eliel Hernandez Fence Company for all the hard work, and Fillmore Rentals for their continued support. To Ruben Rojo and John Nehrig for lighting our way. To ETI Corral 126 for volunteering their time, to Otto Klittich, Jerry Silversmith, Shelly and Clark Johnson without whose help we would not have had such a comfortable booth. A special thank you to the scholarship winners and parents who also came to help us. The fact that you took the time to volunteer and contribute towards the 2013 scholarships, makes us know it is all worthwhile.
See you next year.
Mimi, Susan and Jeannie


To the Editor:
While a decent leader strives to achieve the goals of their constituents, an effective leader yields results. It is the latter characteristic that sets Congressional candidate Tony Strickland apart from his competition. His accomplishments while in California's senate not only affected lasting, positive change for our region, but were often negotiated across party lines in a traditionally divisive legislature. Simply put, Tony knows how to get things done. If successful in his bid for congress, his efforts will prove a boon to our area and to our nation.
Take, for example, SJR 19, legislation Tony authored that received unanimous, bi-partisan support from his fellow senators. If passed by the state assembly, SJR 19 will protect our area's most prolific employer, Naval Base Ventura County (NVBC), from closure or downsizing.
Consider the lawsuit Tony spearheaded against governor Gray Davis. Ultimately, this litigation ultimately saved California taxpayers from billions of dollars in spurious energy contracts.
Consider SB 425 and SB 917, bills authored by Tony that crack down on animal fighting and ban the sale of animals in parking lots and along roadsides. Consider another article of legislation Tony authored, Jacquelyn's bill, formed to rectify the deficiencies in California's newborn screening program that led to a young girl's tragic death.
Oh, and before I forget, consider the endorsements Tony has received from the humane society, the chamber of commerce, the US majority whip, and NVBC's former commander.
Examine his record for very long, and one thing becomes very clear: Tony Strickland has a demonstrated ability to lead.
But please, don't take my word for it. Judge Tony for yourself. And when you decide who sits in congress this November, remember the time-honored saying, "actions speak louder than words".
Spencer Whitworth
Thousand Oaks, CA


To the Editor:
A sense of character
Its been said that a true a test of character however, is how fear is dealt with when threats arise to certain situations. Threats can arise in all shapes and sizes however having the courage to stand up the timid and fight for a cause can inspire the masses to believe that the fear will circumvent.
Through out these past months we as constituents of Ventura County have been crumbed to hustle and bustle of an election year. This summer we have been introduced to both state Senator Tony Strickland and Julia Brownley, and have heard their cases for why they deserve to represent us in the United States House of Representatives. We have seen and definitely heard from Tony, as I’m sure I’m not the only one that has read all those letters in the Star an Acron. But wait. What about Julia Bronwley? all I have heard from her is that a truck caring her likeness that goes caravanning out in Camarillo trying to muster support. Listen, I may not be the most politically aware but I do know when someone is afraid to make a stand for their beliefs. I have heard absolutely nothing from Julia Brownley and as an independent voter how I’m suppose to make a choice with only one side making their case to me.
Now hear this cause I know I’m not the only one undecided about this election. I’m not going to just vote for whatever party looks the best. No, I’m going to vote for who has the strength to lead and right now that’s looking like Senator Strickland. Tony has made a strong case that his character and political stances can make our county believe in the future. Without candidates like Tony, all our county would have to look forward is the picture on the back of a truck.
Greg Sefain
Simi Valley


To the Editor:
Strickland Letters
I am quite surprised at the number of letters that have recently appeared in the local papers, criticizing Tony Strickland's supporters for sending so many letters to the editor.
It seems to me quite sad that Julia Brownley's supporters, rather than extol her record, would instead attack Tony Strickland's supporters for writing positive letters detailing his achievements. If Julia Brownley is concerned at the number of pro-Strickland letters that local papers have printed, I would suggest that she motivate her supporters to explain why people should vote for her instead. The fact that they have chosen to criticize Tony Strickland's supporters for nothing more than writing letters, is disturbing.
Perhaps Mrs. Brownley doesn't have much of a volunteer base, or much of a network, in the area, given that she only moved here from Santa Monica a few months ago so that she could run to represent Ventura County in Congress. Whatever the reason for the disparity, it would be encouraging if Mrs. Brownley's supporters could close the gap in letters to the editor by writing their own supportive letters, rather than writing letters that serve no other purpose than to attack, not even Tony Strickland, but his supporters.
Sincerely yours,
Trevar Kolodny
Woodland Hills, CA

Letters to the Editor
August 2, 2012

To the Editor:
On July 19th, 2012 I experienced severe medical problems and called 911 for assistance. I cannot say enough praises about the prompt response from the Fillmore Fire Department and EMT unit.
They not only took care of my crisis but reassured and comforted my wife. The American Medical Response EMT's transported me to the hospital while monitoring me constantly.
After I was released from the hospital I stopped to thank Chief Landeros and the American Medical Response EMT's Bob Scott and Bruce Rivera for all their help and what I found was a genuine concern from both entities about my well being. That is what a small town's closeness is all about. Fillmore residents should be very proud of our Fire Departmentand EMT's for the care and concern they display every day
Victor Westerberg


To the Editor:
Ventura County’s Future
When you talk about strong leaders in California, ideally we as constituents look for people that fight for important issues and give a voice to the voiceless. In Ventura County presently in this heated election year we have the opportunity to choose a new congressional leader to represent the county. Whatever your party affiliation maybe the one thing that voters can agree on is that things need to get better, not only for our current constituents but also for future generations that aspire to make a life in Ventura County.
As a resident of Ventura County, a good leader that I have seen in our community is Tony Strickland. A man that I know will be the voice to the voiceless for our fair county, that I know we all want to see prosper again. Tony has lived in the Ventura county area his whole life and has the first hand experience to see everyday that our fellow constituents need help now more than ever to have a fighting chance in the years to come. Through out his endless service representing our county as a State assemblymen and a state senator, Tony has always placed the needs and wants of Ventura County constituents first. In his time as our state senator Tony received perfect scores from both the Chamber of Commerce and the California Taxpayers Association. Tony has shown that even in times such as the present when families are struggling to save every dollar that he has found ways to bring jobs and reduce taxes for hard working families.
As the days continue to proceed closer to election day, put down your strife over what party you have to support and think about what’s best for the county. Leadership is what we need, and whether for you as a voter that Julia Brownley or Tony Strickland be confident in your decision that you make in that voters booth. The choices that we make today can shape our world tomorrow.
Greg Sefain
Simi Valley


To the Editor:
As an owner of more than five cats, each of which was obtained from a local shelter, I applaud Senator Tony Strickland's unwavering dedication to the issue of animal rights, for it is easily overlooked in today's political theater. Acting as Co-Chair of the Animal Protection Protection caucus in Sacramento, Tony worked across party lines both to pass humane policies and to reduce the suffering of animals in our communities. Legislation co-authored by Tony, such as SB 917 (a ban on the sale of animals in parking lots) and AB 1117 (which restricts animal ownership by criminals convicted of animal cruelty), demonstrates a commitment to animal rights that extends beyond words and into action. Tony's contributions have greatly improved living conditions for animals across California, earning him an endorsement from the Humane Society Legislative Fund, America's leading political advocate for animal welfare. Come November 6th, I hope you will join me (along with my pets) in Tony Strickland's congressional campaign.
Spencer Whitworth
Thousand Oaks


To the Editor:
Tumult in the Middle East may seem distant and inconsequential to many people in America, but our dependence on oil exports from this region has not only made us directly beholden to this region to satisfy our energy needs, but also has affected American citizens economically by driving up their own individual energy costs. During a time of economic instability at home, most Americans cannot afford the pay price importing foreign oil. Congress needs to focus on finding new ways of engineering economic energy independence so events around the world wont affect us when it comes to oil prices.
Tony Strickland is a candidate with a proven record of supporting energy independence in the California State Legislature and he will continue to push the message of energy independence at the federal level. Americans can no longer continue to depend on Middle Eastern stability for affordable gas prices. That is why I am supporting Tony Strickland.
Ernesto Ambrocio
Newbury Park


To the Editor:
Recently I have seen a lot of Anti-Strickland letters in the paper. All I see is a repeat of what happened to Linda Parks: people come to Ventura County from Washington and L.A. and attack a candidate with the sole purpose of knocking them out of the running. This is not Ventura County voicing out its concerns but rather the Julia Brownley campaign following her to Ventura County in an attempt to get its vote. Tony Strickland is a local candidate who genuinely cares about this community and that is why I won't fall for these "out of Townley's" attempt to steal my vote. Tony Strickland still has my support.
John Philen
Westlake Village

Letters to the Editor
July 26, 2012

To the Editor:
Re: Comments at July 10, 2012 council meeting made by Gary Creagle
I was watching the city council meeting of 7/10/12, on Channel 10, the other day, and some comments made by Gary Creagle, regarding sate of land for a potential future sewer plant, need to be clarified. He basically stated that he felt legal counsel for the city could have looked at the land purchase deal, but did not do so at the time. This was the "property known as Perry Ranch Company, who was Shorty Crockett, who lived in that little house out on highway 126, across from El Pescador or Los Serenos. Shorty Crockett was Perry Ranch, and he wanted to sell."
Yes, "Shorty" Crockett's given name happens to be Perry, but in no way was he Perry Ranch, or even affiliated with them. In fact, that little white house was owned by Wagner Ranch, and my late father-in-law RENTED from Mr. Wagner for many years. The Wagner’s later sold their ranch to someone from the Los Angeles general area, and Perry "Shorty" Crockett then RENTED from them for a number of years. Perry Ranch was located to the west of Wagner Ranch, closer to E Street.
i know my father-in-law would be setting Gary Creagle straight on the facts if only he could, but I'll speak in behalf of Perry "Shorty" Crockett, and hope that in future appearances before the council and all viewers of Channel 10, Mr. Creagle looks into the archives to see who owned what.
Sincerely yours,
Linda Crockett


To the Editor:
With our Central Avenue palm trees removed, Fillmore will look like any other town on the U.S. A. Well, aren’t we proud of that! After years of having a business on Central and Sespe Avenue and fighting to keep our unique palms, I have gotten too old and have given up. Fillmore had palm trees long before they were super popular in other sections of Southern California. I’ve always loved them. I like for us to have something different. I guess if they can be cut down they can eventually be replanted by the next generation. One thing age has taught me, accept unwanted change and adjust to the younger crowd and SHUT UP. (But I don’t have to like it.)
Marie Wren


To the Editor:
Letter to the Editor ~ Martin Farrell, Publisher,
Last Thursday, July 12th about 75 of us local Fillmore residents met with Tony Strickland, Candidate for US Congress at the El Pescador Restaurant here in Fillmore. In attendance were Jamey Brooks and Eduardo Gonzalez, both Fillmore City Council members as well as many of our local residents including myself.
Mr. Strickland announced his candidacy for the office of US Congress and outlined his ideas and plans for a balanced and bi-partisan leadership role representing his local constituency.
His plans included recognizing good ideas whether Democrat or Republican and working with both sides of the aisle to accomplish our mutual goals for the good of the people of Fillmore, Ventura County and our country as a whole.
All and all, it was an hour well spent and it was enlightening to know that we can accomplish great things together for the good of all of us.
Douglas Wilhelm
Fillmore, CA


To the Editor:
Tony Strickland for Bipartisanship
Speaking with many of my friends and neighbors in Ventura County, the general consensus seems to be that the today’s politics has become much too entangled in the grinding drudgery of strict party politics. With today’s bitter political climate unfolding at both the national and local levels, it is refreshing to know that there are still a few candidates who are focused on their vision for our country, rather than partisan gamesmanship.
Tony Strickland has been endorsed by California’s only independent Assemblyman, an endorsement which speaks volumes about the bipartisan manner in which he conducts himself in Sacramento and insight into how ;;he will conduct himself in Washington. Tony knows what needs to be done and can get it done as well. By and large, he embodies an invigorating break from the entangling hyper-partisanship that is plaguing modern politics.
While other candidates merely discuss the necessity of bipartisanship in order to get things done, Tony Strickland has a proven record and background which enables him to succeed, which is why I look forward to him representing my community in congress.Augustine Santa Rosa
A pressing issue facing California residents in this coming election is the High Speed Rail system. The High Speed Rail system will not only take decades to complete but also cost upwards to billions of dollars that our state can not afford. This reckless use of selling state bonds to fund the Rail will only further damage our state’s and federal financial situation. In response, we need leadership that can stand up to such outrageous projects and that is found in Republican Tony Strickland, who has consistently opposed the Rail’s construction.
Senator Strickland has been outspoken about the High Speed Rail’s construction and has even gone on record saying that Californians were duped into thinking this project would bring a low-cost train system. However, the Rail’s cost has ballooned out of control, and it has been reported that nearly $5 billion in state and federal funds will be allocated to build this train. Since day one, Senator Strickland has stood against the sale of bonds to fund the High Speed Rail which, combined with his proven record of fiscal restraint, is why we need to send him to Congress
Jackson Sullivan
Thousand Oaks, CA


To the Editor:
I am writing this letter in order to highlight the importance of electing Tony Strickland to Congress. His proven track record of cutting taxes, creating jobs, and protecting our local Naval base in Ventura County makes him a qualified candidate for the job. I know once elected, he will continue to protect the rights of the people of our community. Let us do our part in sending a message to the government by electing a trusted and proven candidate in Tony Strickland for Congress.
Mike Schaible


To the Editor:
Tony Strickland for National Security & Military Families
Wether you are for or against military spending, we are all for a thriving local economy. Defense cuts proposed by the Obama Administration threaten our community by endangering the future of The Ventura County Naval Base and the 19,000 people it employs.
Fully appreciating the major role this base has in the lives of thousands of his neighbors, our State Senator and Congressional candidate Tony Strickland as been the sole candidate to campaign for the protection of our base. Tony has fought for The Naval base of Ventura County in Sacramento, and will continue to do so in Washington. This base is vital for our nation, our state, and most importantly the thousands of people it employs in Ventura county alone. I urge you to support Tony Strickland, a defender of Ventura's base, and send him to Washington.
Mike Schaible


To the Editor:
Our nation's debt and deficit issues are increasing as our American dreams are being left behind. This current generation is suffering with everything from home foreclosures and student debt, to insurmountable job losses and we must put an end to it before the next generation is left to clean up our mess. We the people need someone in Washington who will work with both sides to come up with a budget plan that decreases spending. That is why I support Tony Strickland for Congress. Senator Strickland has never been afraid to work with both sides of the political spectrum in order to achieve a common goal. He is a natural born leader, and it is his passion and determination that will help put Ventura County on the road to recovery and prosperity. I ask that you please join me in voting Tony Strickland for Congress this November.
Sarah Varela
Simi Valley, CA


To the Editor:
Strong Voice
We need a strong,dedicated voice in Congress, one who will stand up and fight for his Ventura County constituents, one who understands the needs of Ventura County as a military,
agricultural,business and family community, one who is proud of Ventura County and America.
This voice is Tony Strickland and he deserves our votes.
Robert Inglehart
Simi Valley, CA


To the Editor:
Corporate Tax Rate
Anybody that knows basic economics, knows that when you raise a tax on a business it's not the company that pays more, it's you. When the federal government taxes these massive, enormous companies they believe that it's hurting the companies but really, it taxes you. When the CEO of a company is told that his company will be even taxed more, the plan is very simple, raise the cost of the product. As congressional candidate, Tony Strickland opposes the sneaky ways of taxing the American people and believes with lower tax rates, companies will be drawn into bringing their companies back to the United States. Come April first, the Unites States will have the highest corporate tax rate in the world, a whopping 39.2%
When you look at large companies that sell product in the US, 99% of the product said "Made In China," because of this, people blame greedy businesses trying to save a buck or two. But when you look at the numbers, it's not because they are greedy, it's because the 39.2% tax rates they have to pay will not pay the bills. Corporate tax rates are one of the deciding factors of where to start a company, and when you have a tax rate that's through the roof, no one wants to have a company there. That's why Tony Strickland opposes high tax rates and wants to make America a thriving nation of economic wealth and power.
Mattthew Curry


To the Editor:
Tony Strickland: Supporting Families
In my point of view and how I perceive things, Tony Strickland is the kind of guy to do the job to run our city congress without a doubt. Tony can be well considered as a family oriented guy. In fact, his two children are his main motivation to all the commitment he puts into community service. Like many people with children, we want to be ensured that our children can be given the same oppurtunities, education and job-wise, and luckily, Tony wants to achieve that with his children and with yours as well. During these hard times, the economy can be a burden on familes. That is why Tony wants to help restore California's economy by creating more jobs to keep less families and individuals off of the streets. The date is set, November 6th is the day to vote. My family will be voting for Tony. Can Tony count on you?
Daisy Silva
Oxnard, CA


To the Editor:
Student Against Closure of the Naval Base Ventura County
With the upcoming base realignment, the Naval Base Ventura County is in danger of significant changes in the form of job losses, funding cuts, or even complete closure. In a time of economic crisis such as this, reducing military defense spending might seem like a good idea.
However, we need to look beyond simply reducing the total defense budget, and see the multitude of other benefits the base provides.
Before what I feel would be a grave mistake occurs, I want to present a few facts about the base. The base is the largest employer in Ventura County, and not just for military personnel. The base is responsible for the employment of over 19,000 people and, according to the Office of Economic Adjustment, the base employs over 15,000 Ventura County civilians. The state of California already has the second highest unemployment rate in the nation, closing down military bases that are responsible for the employment of thousands is not the way to reduce that percentage.
On top of the economic impact of the NBVC, it also provides unmeasurable benefits to the defense of the state and country. It is the home of the Navy's Seabees and the Naval Special Warfare Command which provides oversight to all Navy SEALs and runs their training curriculum. Additionally the NBVC is the only deep-water port between San Francisco and Los Angeles, additionally it is the military's only deep-water port between San Diego and Tacoma, Washington.
The NBVC is critical to not only Ventura County, but to the United States as a whole. Senator Strickland understands the importance of the NBVC and California's other military bases, as outlined by his bill SJR 19. The bill urges the California delegates of Congress to protect the state's military bases from closure. This is only one of the many reasons why Senator Tony Strickland will be getting my vote for representative of the 19th district, because he cares about the people of Ventura County and will take that all the way to Washington.
Justin Anthony Moraga
Camarillo, CA


To the Editor:
California's unemployment rate is one of the biggest problems in the country. Families are struglling to get by. Mothers and Fathers are trying to earn enough to give their children a good life. But where is the relief.
It seems like every politician these days is giving promises of jobs and a better economy but what is actually being done. Tony Strickland makes the promise to lower unenployment rates and bring the economy back but has a track record to back those promises up. He has consistently fought frvilous spending in Sacramento and fought aginst overtaxation. Tony has done work in the past to help Californians in need and will continue to do so in Washington. Currently raising two kids in Ventura County, Tony has a heart for the families that are struggling to make ends meet and will do all he can to give every child an opportunity for lifelong success.This starts with lowering unemployment rates and cutting taxes on the hard working families of California. If you want a candidate who will follow through with his promise to take us out of economic turmoil and create jobs in California then join me in voting Tony Strickland for Congress.
John Philen


To the Editor:
Tony Strickland for Renewable Energy
America's dependency on foreign oil forces us into poor economic, political, diplomatic, and military choices. Tony Strickland has a proven record of supporting renewable energy here in California, and is committed to relinquish our dependency on foreign oil at a national level. By supporting more energy efficient alternatives Tony Strickland looks to create more "green" jobs.
As congressman, Tony Strickland will stimulate economic growth and improve national security by limiting our dependency on other nations.
As state senator, Tony Strickland has made a lasting impact in renewable energy industries, and is now looking to do it on a national level. Renewable energy is the way to turn our economy around, and the only way it will happen is if we vote Tony Strickland for congressman.
Andrew Kahrs
Thousand Oaks, CA


To the Editor:
California's unemployment rate is one of the biggest problems in the country. Families are struglling to get by. Mothers and Fathers are trying to earn enough to give their children a good life. But where is the relief.
It seems like every politician these days is giving promises of jobs and a better economy but what is actually being done. Tony Strickland makes the promise to lower unenployment rates and bring the economy back but has a track record to back those promises up. He has consistently fought frvilous spending in Sacramento and fought aginst overtaxation. Tony has done work in the past to help Californians in need and will continue to do so in Washington. Currently raising two kids in Ventura County, Tony has a heart for the families that are struggling to make ends meet and will do all he can to give every child an opportunity for lifelong success.This starts with lowering unemployment rates and cutting taxes on the hard working families of California. If you want a candidate who will follow through with his promise to take us out of economic turmoil and create jobs in California then join me in voting Tony Strickland for Congress.
John Philen
Westlake Village, CA

Letters to the Editor
July 19, 2012

To the Editor:
RE: City Attorney
Apart of being an elected official is the responsibility to be truthful with all constituents – good or bad. As your City Council Member I would like to clarify some deliberate fallacies made by Council Member, Steve Conaway.
At the June 19th City Council meeting, Council Member Conaway conveyed some distressing information pertaining to some apparent personnel issues towards the City Attorney. For clarification of the record, I as an elected official had absolute NO knowledge of the events that may have occurred a month or so, ago. Council Member Conaway, again, wasn’t forth right with the public by inserting that the majority of the City Council was somehow behind this.
The office of the City Attorney has NOT been fired. The issue at hand is simply a personnel issue of conduct of City Attorney, Ted Schneider. Personnel issues, by virtue, are handled by the head of human resources. These matters, like at any other working, ethical entity, are never exposed, publically. To do so would be a breach to an employee’s right to confidentiality.
At the July 10th City Council meeting, all Council Members were briefed and put on notice of this matter.
I affirm to the public that Mayor Gayle Washburn handled this delicate situation with grace, impartiality and with professionalism. Unfortunately, the unnecessary drama was grossly contributed by a notorious, disgruntled City Council Member, Steve Conaway.
Our City should be pulling together as a whole for the betterment of the community - not digging a deeper hole of division for political purposes.
I am committed to working with City staff, my fellow Council Members, and most importantly, the community of Fillmore. Now is the perfect time to prepare for a bright future ahead, and design a community that we can be proud of.
Brian Sipes,
Fillmore City Council Member

* * *

To the Editor:
I attended a Tony Strickland “meet-&-greet” in Fillmore last Thursday. I hadn’t met Tony before and didn’t know too much about him except the name and that he was our state senator. He’s now running to represent us in the US Congress so I thought I’d better get to know him.
He seemed down to earth to me. Seemed like the issues he’s taking to Washington are the things I care about and believe in. I like to try and be informed before voting. From what I’ve seen and heard so far, Tony is someone I can support.
Tim Holmgren

* * *

To the Editor:
I was at a meet and greet hosted by Councilman Eduardo Gonzalez at El Pescador. Since it was a great opportunity to talk to Tony Strickland, I decided to go. As soon as I entered through the door, I saw Councilman Eduardo Gonzalez wave at me as if we had been good friends for a while. The room had about forty people mingling and talking to Tony. I went up to Tony and we started talking about cutting spending in Washington. He seemed to be open-minded and liked the insight of what the people wanted from Washington. I can say that Tony Strickland is here to represent his constituents at whatever position he holds.
It was a pleasure talking to him. Afterwards Tony spoke about why he is running for Congress and how he wants to leave Ventura County and the United States in a better state for future generations. The whole event was a great experience overall and it showed me that Tony Strickland is committed to uniting out community and country. That is why I will be giving Tony Strickland my full support this November.
Ernesto Ambrocio
Newbury Park

Letters to the Editor
July 12, 2012

To the Editor:
One gross error of Patti Walker at the June 27th council meeting was to compare Mayor Gayle Washburn’s recent heavy handed dealing of our City Attorney with the way that we transitioned from City Attorney Roger Meyers to Ted Schneider when I served as Mayor. Let’s compare facts. Mayor Washburn called a Senior Partner in the firm and effectively banned our City Attorney from attending any future meetings. She never spoke to City Attorney Ted Schneider directly. Today she still hasn’t that I’m aware of. As Mayor, and with Mrs. Walker’s encouragement, I approached City Attorney Roger Meyers directly and we discussed a transition plan for a new City Attorney with him personally. He was supportive of the plan and referred Ted Schneider as our future City Attorney. In Mayor Washburn’s case she pulled the rug out from under our qualified City Attorney and didn’t have the decency to even discuss it with him. Mrs. Walker is once again parsing words and misleading the public.
Steve Conaway

Letters to the Editor
June 21, 2012

To the Editor:
[The following is Fillmore City Councilmember Steve Conaway's statement to the council at the June 19, 2012 City Council Meeting]
Tonight I speak as a citizen. To say that Fillmore is experiencing problems is an understatement. We have serious budgetary issues. We have ongoing litigation issues. We have lost all employees with historical knowledge of city activities. These employees were laid off only to be replaced by consultants. Many people question the wisdom of the decisions and recommendations being made to the council.
The latest snafu took place on Monday. Mayor Gayle Washburn called the City Attorney’s office. She basically banned the City Attorney from attending City Meetings. That is why Steve Lee is here tonight. Her justification for taking such egregious action has something to do with his relationship with a former city employee. It’s 2012 folks, an individual’s personal life is none of your business. At the last council meeting viewers observed the City Attorney correct a misstatement by the City Manager. That is the job of the City Attorney.
The public deserves to know what makes you think you can do such things? Besides the City Manager, you Mayor must have had other council members support before you took such action. Regardless of what the Mayor says she has overstepped the limits of her position.
I say the actions taken by the Mayor are simply flat out wrong. This action shows terrible judgment and appears to be nothing more than a personal vendetta being executed. The city owes Mr. Schneider and his firm an apology for the improper actions taken.
Steve Conaway

Letters to the Editor
May 31, 2012

To the Editor:
Re: Council Members Brooks, Sipes and Gonzales decision
Dear Editor,
As a tax payer and voting citizen of Fillmore I am concerned by the decision of Council members Brooks, Sipes and Gonzales. To continue spending tax payer dollars on a dead end lawsuit hurts the city. The city has already spent $250,000.00 dollars to defend its actions against the owners of El Dorado and what has that gained the city?
At every meeting we hear that the city no longer has discretionary money. The economy has had an impact on the city. The State dissolving of the Redevelopment Agency and transferring money from the city has also harmed the city. So at this difficult time why instigate another legal fight? The city can no longer afford to pay for these frivolous decisions. Part of the responsibility of the City Council is to make difficult decisions that will benifit the entire community, we would all like for the city to have the discrecionary funds to fight bully's, but in our current financial situation can we afford these battles. The question is if we do what is the cost to the rest of the community? in other words what service will have to be cut to pay for this lawsuit, fire, police or the like.
This being an election year it’s apparent that Mr. Brooks is trying to buy support with his vote. Mr. Sipes stated, “I have a fiduciary duty to protect the city”, he then contradicted himself and cast a fiscally irresponsible vote which harms the entire city. Mr. Gonzalez acknowledged that the city doesn’t have money to pay for the lawsuit. He acknowledges that he doesn’t know where to get the money, other than a bake sale. He said he will not be bullied and for that reason he voted to spend hundreds of thousands of tax payer dollars which the city doesn’t have. (remember if the city looses the lawsuit we get to pay for the apposing sides attorneys fees on top of our own incurred fees) Mr. Gonzalez is new to the council and perhaps didn’t understand the ramifications of his decisions, or he accepted bad advice on the issue. All three Council Members need to conduct business for the greater good of the city, while we still have a city. I hope Mr. Gonzales knows how to bake. That’s a skill the city will need if better decisions aren’t made.
Douglas Tucker, a concerned citizen


To the Editor:
Re: Pride In America Day
Pride In America Day was celebrated at Fillmore Middle School on Friday, May 25. For eighteen years, students have demonstrated their patriotism and pride in our country with a day devoted to patriotic music, dance, inspirational messages and a moving tribute to our local veterans. The day ends with an American style picnic and games. For the past several years, science teacher Laurie Merrill has organized this special day and inspired students to make it better each year. I know that this requires hundreds of unpaid hours to accomplish. The veterans and community members who attended the assembly and lunch were enormously impressed with the students Mrs. Merrill had trained. There were many comments about their respectfulness and politeness. The veterans were especially impressed with how many students shook their hands and thanked them for their service.
As a former teacher, I have always been impressed with Mrs. Merrill. Among science teachers, she is the best of the best. Fillmore is truly blessed to have her. I have great appreciation for her dedication to making Pride In America Day so meaningful. Thank you, Mrs. Merrill for all that you do for the young people of our community. We are so fortunate to have you.

Letters to the Editor
May 23, 2011

To the Editor:
The visual blight of large trucks and semi-trailers on Highway 126 and on neighborhood streets, in violation of local ordinances, continues to distress me. Our town looks more like an industrial parking zone, with the intersection of Central Avenue and Highway 126 being quite unattractive, hardly enticing to out-of-town visitors. It's depressed and depressing. And Fillmore could be making money as well as improving its "look". Create a truck parking area somewhere on a city property. Charge an overnight fee. Use shuttles to transport truckers into town for meals and shelter. As for the "entrance" to Fillmore, perhaps some entrepreneur can develop an idea to improve the area.
Another issue for me is the Southern California Edison Plan to convert to Smart Meters. I'm not yet sure what to believe about any potential threat to the community's health and safety. What I do very much resent is the typical company speak I heard at a recent City Council meeting where an Edison representative dismissed any and all local concerns with a disdainful attitude that implied that anyone in disagreement or opposition is simply stupid. An arrogant statement was then made that people could "opt out" - for a hefty charge and monthly fee of course; this because of the "added labor" to have someone continue to read meters. What has the power company been doing forever anyway? To me, this is a thinly disguised plan to reduce the labor force of Edison, thus increasing profits. Employees as well as customers have absolutely no influence on this matter.
Finally, as a resident of El Dorado Estates, I appreciate the moral stance of members of the Fillmore City Council to help in our legal dispute regarding condo conversion. But, I also regret the enormous financial burden this places on all residents of Fillmore. Why is it that, when Fillmore prevailed in several litigations against El Dorado's owner Nancy Watkins and her corporation, our town gets stuck for the entire bill? Seems grossly unfair to me.
Thanks for reading. Any thoughts?
Christopher J. Hoy

Letters to the Editor
May 10, 2012

To the Editor:
Last night, the city’s council voted to reject the El Dorado Park Owners settlement offer and directed the staff to apply the current regulations that normally are imposed for any other project that may be requested in the city.
As we all know, for several years the owners of El Dorado Park have been accusing the city of demanding a CEQA study for their project to change the park status from a “senior park” to a “family/condominium park”, with the intent of preventing the change. On the other hand the city’s position has never questioned the authority of the park owners to make whatever changes they wish to make but, under the federal and state regulations, we must request an environmental study to see the impact of the change, this study is known as CEQA.
Throughout the years the park owners have filed lawsuit over lawsuit regarding this matter, and every single time the city has faught and won these lawsuits in court but with a huge legal cost.
On Tuesday, before the council’s meeting, the park’s attorney contacted the city’s attorney with a huge warning saying that if the council did not approve and accept the settlement offer, they would promise a long and painful legal road for the city. Unfortunately, this is not new. Throughout this process the parks attorney has threatened, pointed, fingers to the council, demanding special treatment and even tried bullying and intimidating the council so that their wish is approved. (Last night the park owners sent a court reporter into the meeting to record word by word who and what was said regarding this issue. A very classic intimidating technique).
The issue is very simple, for the last 3 years the city has invested about $360,000.00 in legal fees regarding this matter. The reality is that the city does not have the money to pay the estimated amount of $500,00.00 to $600,000.00 more to defend ourselves. So the obvious questions are: 1) Does the council have the courage to not allow to be bullied out? 2) Can the council do what is right regardless of the cost?
In spite of all this, the council voted 3-2 not to accept the settlement and to require for this project the same that we would require from any other senior project. In other words, the city will no longer allow to be bullied into accepting an unfair deal and decided to do what is right.
Unfortunately, in just a few days the council will seek to create the 2012-2013 budget, and our decision not to accept the parks settlement will affect the bottom line on a already dark budget process that we come into with an estimated deficit of between 2 - 2.5 million dollars. And, once again, the question is how are we going to get this money? I just don’t know. I am pretty sure that people are making fun of my statement last night when I said “we must start doing some bake sales to help pay for the legal fees”. But, what I know is that we have to make the right decision and the council had the courage to do so.
Whether it is the access to the gate for the running track, the pool, the park or the budget process, something I know is that the people of Fillmore are willing to stand beside what is right and I have no question in my mind that “together, we will find a way”.
A. Edwardo Gonzalez
Fillmore City Council Member

Letters to the Editor
April 26, 2012

To The Editor:
I would like to take the opportunity to thank all of those who contributed to the success of Fillmore High School's fourteenth annual arts show “Let Your Imagination Fly”. It takes a lot of people and a lot of hard work, dedication and talent to coordinate an event such as this. Thank you to Fillmore Ebell Club, Fillmore Lions Club, Fillmore Women’s Service Club, Soroptomist International of Fillmore, Fillmore Noontime Rotary Club and Fillmore High School ASB for your donations which help to make this event possible. Thank you to Lucy Quezada-Romero for your donations and for being a patron of this event. Thank you to the Administration at Fillmore High School for your ongoing commitment to this event, and to Principal John Wilber who has seen to it that we get what we need to keep the show going year after year… To the staff and teachers at FHS who supported the student’s efforts and allowed students to take part in hanging the show…To the custodial staff - Baldo, and Johnny -thanks for helping with breaking down the show. Special thanks to Greg Godfrey and the fantastic members of the Fillmore High School Concert Band and the Fillmore High School Jazz Band who played at the event- the musical concert helped to make the evening a resounding success… To Mary Ellen Wortham and FHS photo department and Mr. Henry Beltran and the woodshop classes for your artwork. … To Josh Overton, the drama department and the poetry club for their outstanding performances. Thank you to the parents and the community who attended the show and helped to make this a special night for the students. Last, but not least, to all the student artists, photographers, actors, poets, and musicians who put in numerous hours preparing for this event, hosting and cleaning up after a long day and night- especially my Art students and former students who came back to help- thank you- without you there couldn't be a show. I am very proud of all of you.
Rosalind Mitzenmacher
Fillmore High School Art Department


To the Editor:
Grad Nite Live's GIANT YARD SALE was a success and wants to thank everyone that worked on it and the many buyers. We also want to thank the Fillmore School District for the use of the "lawn" in front of District Office. It was a beautiful day and everyone was in a happy mode , even the ones that had to be there at 6AM. Thanks again and see you next year.
GNL Committee