Letters to the Editor
May 9, 2013

To the Editor:
Dear VCTC Commissioners,
As a concerned resident of Fillmore, an employee of Fillmore & Western Railway and a ten year board member of the Heritage Valley Tourism Bureau, I’m asking you to commit to learn everything you can and accept suggestions made for keeping the Santa Paula Branch Line a viable, workable rail line. I understand that the key issue is having the SPBL generate revenues for VCTC, equal to the point that it costs to maintain the line.
My career expertise is in the travel and tourism marketing industry, the first 6 years in hospitality/hotel sales and the last 14 years for Ventura County’s tourist railroad and as a destination marketer for the Heritage Valley Tourism Bureau. I have seen first-hand what tourism spending has done for the communities of Ventura, Oxnard, Camarillo, Simi Valley and in Fillmore and Santa Paula. I’ve been very involved as a partner with the Ventura, Oxnard and Santa Clarita tourism bureaus in various ways.
To “mothball” the Santa Paula Branch Line would obviously force Fillmore & Western Railway to close it’s doors. The Railway attracts 50,000-70,000 visitors every year for train rides, events, festivals, not only in Fillmore, but also in Santa Paula and Piru. These tourists stay in hotels, eat at our restaurants, shop in our stores, buy their gasoline at our service stations, in other words, they come, spend their money and go home. Tourism is the # 1 industry in Los Angeles. For the first time, there was over $102.3 Billion dollars in direct travel-related consumer spending in the state of California in 2011. Figures are not in yet for 2012, but the state tourism office forecasts that $107 billion total travel-related consumer spending will take place this year. The Heritage Valley depends on travel and tourism dollars, not only the railroad, but the antique and collectible stores, the restaurants, the lodging establishments, not counting the people employed in these travel-related industries. To force the largest tourism driver in this area to go out of business, is blatantly proclaiming that it isn’t of value or important to the commissioners of VCTC. If the Railroad closes its doors because of a VCTC decision, it would devastate the economy of the Heritage Valley.
The owner and consultant of Fillmore & Western have made suggestions to staff of VCTC for the last three years on ways to generate more revenue, it has fallen on deaf ears, and I believe the information was not passed on to the commissioners. How can you make informed decisions, if VCTC staff does not give you the information that will educate you on the subject?
The railroad has had opportunities to haul freight on the line, and is willing to give a portion of the revenue from that to VCTC, but was told by Union Pacific that VCTC staff told them specifically not to allow Fillmore & Western to haul freight. Were you informed of the decision, unilaterally made? When the Weyerhauser Plant was still operating in Santa Paula, Union Pacific made deliveries of supplies to and from that business, they did not contribute any monies from their profits to VCTC, nor did they pay any maintenance on the tracks that they hauled the freight on from Montalvo to Santa Paula.
The right of way along the railway, is 50 feet from the center line of the track, mostly agriculture farmland and commercial nurseries operate along the line, outside of city limits. This right of way belongs to VCTC. Fillmore & Western has recommended many times over the last several years, that leases be generated with the farm and ranch owners if they want to “use the right of way” for their employee parking and equipment movement. It has fallen on deaf ears. Has VCTC staff ever informed you of this possibility to generate revenue along the Santa Paula Branch Line?
Getting politically involved is not what I do, but I feel as if I have no choice but to speak out and put forth some of the deliberate machinations that are being levied with a bias and malicious intent by VCTC staff towards Fillmore & Western Railway. My livelihood, my job and the jobs of my fellow employees, are in jeopardy if the commissioners make the decision to abandon the branch line, or if Fillmore & Western is not allowed to haul freight on the line.
The originators of the agreement between VCTC and Fillmore & Western, generated the agreement with a long term vision, and Fillmore & Western has certainly operated in good faith with a commitment to stay in it for the long haul. We maintain the line, repair and replace crossing arms when motorists knock them down or a rancher’s hired help bends the rails with tractors, all with the expectation that VCTC shares in the responsibility to pay a fair wage to those employees that do the work.
Recently, when invoices have been sent to VCTC from Fillmore & Western, we get word back that they (VCTC) have changed their bookkeeping practices and now the invoice has to be accompanied by new information, yet delaying payment further. It often takes many invoices and many phone calls to get payment that is morally and ethically due the railroad.
I hope that this information has given you reason to pause and ponder the serious situation of honoring the original lease agreement, or willingness to renegotiate the lease in a fair and transparent manner, keeping in mind, that many jobs and the local economy depend on your informed vote.
Thank you for time and consideration.
Kathleen McCreary


To the Editor:
Do you remember when you graduated from high school? It all seemed like so much fun! But little did we know how much our parents were sitting home, worried sick, knowing that we were out all night at the after parties to all hours. They prayed until the door opened and you were safely in bed. The things we put our parents threw!
Now! For the big one!! You are the parent sitting at home, your child is getting ready to graduate. They have been invited to a party, which will go on all night! You have heard of the car accidents that have happened in the year since you have graduated, and you think about how lucky you where, and you start to worry about your child. Will they be as lucky as you?
The answer is YES!!! It is called Grad Nite Live! Let us take them for the night. But we need your HELP!! It takes money to rent the buses and the boat. Grad Nite Live is having its yearly Yard Sale this Saturday May 11, 2013. It starts at 8:00am & goes to 3:00pm. We need stuff, and more stuff to sale, we also need people to help! People to help set up, please be at the Fillmore District Office on Sespe Ave at 6:00am.
If your child is a senior you really should be there! If your child is not yet a senior, come help so you will learn what to do when it’s your turn. If your child has grown, then we know at some time you will be a grandparent!!!
Please call me if you can help,
Thank you,
Terrie Metzler

* * * *

To the Editor:
Several years ago I made an inquiry as to the rough railroad crossings in Fillmore. The reply I got was that it was not the city or the railroads responsibility. Since then they have improved 4 of the crossings. The last one being on A street when they made the overlay. I noticed that they are going to overlay Sespe between A Street and Old Telegraph road. Surely we can find enough money to fix this crossing also. By the way, who in the h*** is responsible for fixing these crossings? It would be nice to know.
I would like to get a reply from the City and Railroad about what their plans are.
Ernie King


Letters to the Editor
May 2, 2013

To the Editor:
Apparently the current Director of the Transportation Commission of the County of Ventura has unilaterally decided that the railroad occupying the former Santa Paula Branch of the Southern Pacific RR is to be sacrificed, and long-term plans for expanding MetroLink service to Santa Paula and Fillmore, and perhaps eventually rebuilding the rail link from Ventura to Santa Clarita - the primary reasons the County bought the branch in the first place - are to be scuttled:
Per TRAINS magazine’s online News Wire:
“Darren Kettle, executive director of the {County of Ventura Transportation Commission}, tells Trains News Wire that the county purchased the branch from the Southern Pacific in the mid-1990’s to build a multi-use trail ...“
MR. KETTLE’S STATEMENT IS PATENTLY FALSE. As a County of Ventura resident who advocated strongly in the early 1990’s for saving the Santa Paula Branch, I am very well aware that the PRIMARY reason for purchase of the branch was its long-term preservation as a railroad corridor in anticipation of the future need to expand MetroLink service to Santa Paula and Fillmore and eventual re-connection of the line to the Saugus station in Santa Clarita. A secondary consideration was the continued operation of the railroad, not only to provide freight service to existing and possible future customers, but also to enhance the economy of the region by attracting both tourism and motion picture filming to the area. The establishment of bike, pedestrian and possibly equestrian trails alongside the railroad was discussed only as a possible ancillary use of the corridor, along with existing and planned water & oil pipelines and fiber-optic cables, etc.
The inch-thick Ventura - Santa Clarita Rail Corridor Study, delivered to the Transportation Commissions of both Ventura County and Los Angeles County in January, 1993, states on page 12-2 (emphasis mine):
“The right-of-way could be adapted, in part or in whole, for a reasonable capital investment. Indeed, preliminary indications are that the entire route could be acquired, and rebuilt for passenger service, for a small fraction of the cost of equivalent expansion of highway capacity, and with far less land being required.”
…and on page 13-1:
• The Santa Paula Branch right-of-way is worth preserving between Montalvo, Piru and Saugus, since much of its potential transportation value depends on its having access to the Santa Clarita area at the east end.
• For the estimated cost, purchase of the [Southern Pacific]-owned portion of the right-of-way appears to be an effective expenditure of public funds, even if the existing rail line is not immediately to be upgraded for heavy-duty rail passenger service…
• In the early stages, relatively less dense service, including freight service, can be provided. This service can include expanded recreational rail service, as well as development of other recreational potential along the right-of-way…
The 1995 Comprehensive Rail Plan, prepared for the Ventura County Transportation Commission and the Santa Barbara County Association of Governments, states on page 2 (emphasis mine):
“VCTC is negotiating to purchase the Santa Paula Branch between Montalvo and Piru. The segment between Piru and Santa Clarita has been abandoned, but the current owner [Newhall Land & Farming] has expressed willingness to keep the route intact. Their latest development plans show commuter rail service in this corridor.”
and on page 7:
“Operation of excursion service on the Santa Paula Branch would keep the branch in operating condition, which would make it easier to eventually add regular passenger feeder service in the long term.”
In the total of approximately 500 pages in the two reports, there are only a few paragraphs devoted to the possibility of bicycle, pedestrian and perhaps equestrian trails being developed alongside the railroad, as has already been done in both Fillmore and Santa Paula.
Is Mr. Kettle utterly ignorant of the history behind the County of Ventura’s Ten Million Dollar purchase of the Santa Paula Branch - INEXCUSABLE FOR A PERSON IN HIS POSITION - or is he deliberately attempting to mislead the public and members of the Transportation Commission for reasons of his own?
Representatives of the Fillmore & Western RR will attend the regular meeting of the Santa Paula Branch Line Advisory Committee to discuss the future of the railroad on Friday, May 10, 2013. This meeting is open to the public; it will begin at 9:00 am at the Camarillo City Hall, located a few blocks north of Highway 101 at 601 Carmen Drive, Camarillo, CA. Please attend if you possibly can and show your support for continued operation of the railroad!
Russell B. Sperry


To the Editor:
Grad Nite Live is getting ready for our Giant Yard Sale that will be in front of the School District Office on Sespe Ave., May 11th, 8AM to 3PM. We are hoping this fundraiser will be very successful as it has been in the past. Donations from organizations, friends and supporters of Grad Nite Live have been very slow in coming. We need $20,000 for this class and we only have $10,000 in the bank. I can't help but wonder if the people of Fillmore and the parents of the students aren't interested in keeping Grad Nite Live going. We don’t want the students to go back to planning parties where alcohol or drugs are available. Last year we took 155 students out of 235 in the class. Times change we understand that, however we need to hear from you. I would like to know how many are planning to go on the Harbor Cruise and maybe even the ones that won't go and why. Please help us and thanks for your support for the 22 years we have been successful.
Raelene Chaney, President, Grad Nite Live- 524-4909 and 407-5759


To the Editor:
Sespe School would like to formally say thank you to Mr. Nick Jimenez for his generous donation to assist our 4th grade student fieldtrip to Fort Tejon! Our students look forward to this fieldtrip for years prior to entering 4th grade and remember the trip their entire lives.
The Fort Tejon fieldtrip is a valuable learning experience for our students and it is also an opportunity for students to understand that learning can be exciting, rewarding, and hands-on. Your donation is very much appreciated by the students, staff, and 4th grade families at Sespe School. Thank you once again for your donation and for playing a positive role in shaping our students and community.
The students and staff of Sespe Elementary School


Letters to the Editor
April 25, 2012

To The Editor:
I would like to take the opportunity to thank all of those who contributed to the success of Fillmore High School's fifteenth annual arts show “Open Your Eyes to Art”. It takes a lot of people and a lot of hard work, dedication and talent to coordinate an event such as this. Thank you to Fillmore Ebell Club, Fillmore Lions Club, Fillmore Women’s Service Club, Soroptomist International of Fillmore, Fillmore Rotary Club and Fillmore High School ASB for your donations which help to make this event possible. Thank you to Lucy Quezada-Romero for your donations and for being a patron of this event. To the staff and teachers at FHS who supported the student’s efforts and allowed students to take part in hanging the show…To the custodial staff- thanks for your help. Thank you to Max and Susan Pina, Daniel Felix, Sr. and to the students who stayed late to break down the show and clean up after the event. I am so appreciative of your help.
Special thanks to Greg Godfrey and the fantastic members of the Fillmore High School Concert Band who played at the event- the musical concert helped to make the evening a resounding success… To Mary Ellen Wortham and FHS photo department and Mr. Henry Beltran and the woodshop classes for your artwork- your students work, under your guidance ,was outstanding … To Josh Overton and the drama department for their wonderful performances…to Karen Wiksell and the Secondary Education classes for your beautiful quilts. Thank you to the parents and the community who attended the show and helped to make this a special night for the students. Last, but not least, to all the student artists, photographers, actors, poets, and musicians who put in numerous hours preparing for this event, hosting and cleaning up after a long day and night- especially my Art students and former students who came back to help- thank you- without you there couldn't be a show. I am very proud of all of you.
Rosalind Mitzenmacher
Fillmore High School Art Department

Letters to the Editor
April 18, 2013

To the Editor:
My name is Mark Trimble, I am a resident in the ‘Traditions’ housing track off of Goodenough Road and a retired law enforcement professional.
I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all the Emergency Services Professionals who responded to the Goodenough Road Fire Incident on March 8th.
It was a tremendous display of skill and coordination between the responding fire departments, law enforcement agencies and other emergency services first responders.
The fire coupled with 40 mph winds created a scenario that could have easily destroyed dozens of homes and created conditions that threatened the lives of residents and the responding firefighters.
Considering the combination of the fire and high winds, the firefighting professionals had the fire contained in an extremely short period of time. The law enforcement officers from Ventura County Sheriff’s Department and California Highway Patrol were extremely helpful and professional in assisting the residents whose properties were involved in the evacuation.
Thank you again for your extraordinary efforts and skills.
Commander Mark A. Trimble (Ret.)

Letters to the Editor
March 28, 2013

To the Editor:
I would like to thank the members of Soroptomist International of Fillmore for their generous donation to help with this year Arts Show. The donation will go towards the expenses of putting on this years’ event “Open Your Eyes to Art” scheduled for Thursday April 11th at the Memorial Building.
On behalf of the Visual and Performing Arts Department at Fillmore High School, thank you!
Rosalind Mitzenmacher
Fillmore High School
Visual Arts Dept.

Letters to the Editor
March 21, 2013

[Recently Fillmore High School AVID students participated in a series of writing lessons which culminated in writing a letter to the editor of a newspaper of their choice. This was intended not only to improve their writing skills and give them a writing project that they cared about and had a personal stake in, but also to help them see the power and importance of writing and the press for our society. The project was under the supervision UCSB’s Early Academic Outreach Program. Following are four submitted letters.]

To the Editor:
Re: Fillmore Movie Theater
On April 18th, 2011, Fillmore’s only theater was closed down for good because it was not procuring the amount of money required. When it was open, things were not going so well. It was only open a few days a week and the prices were ridiculously high. However, on Mondays, I recall, they had discounts for “Family Night.” Despite the setbacks, the theater was our town’s prized possession. I believe that we should bring back this beloved theater.
If we bring back the theater, we can learn from our mistakes. We can start by staying open all week – or at least 6 out of 7 days. We can lower the ticket prices at least by a dollar from Santa Paula Regency Theater fees. As long as they are not as high as before, I think we should be fine. I also think that the idea of a Family Night was a great idea and should continue to be.
Our theater closed down in the first place because of high prices. Once we fix these problems, everything should be fine. When it was open, this place was not just a movie theater – it was a place to get away from home and have fun with your friends. Now that it is closed, there is not much else to do, especially since everything else is closing down, too. If we bring back this theater, it will create more jobs and more entertainment for the community. No longer will we of Fillmore and Piru have to drive all the way to Santa Paula to see a new movie, therefore gas is also saved. If we bring back the theater, it could potentially open up other stores, too, because everyone loves to go out to eat after a good movie with friends. To bring back the theater is to bring back the joy to this town.
Thank you for your consideration,
Eriyana Linder
A concerned Fillmore High School student


To the Editor:
Respect used to be a moral standard in society. In today’s world this is not the case. I believe that respect is being lost. Respect has become an antique and an old relic that only few people posses today. The cause of the loss of respect can be traced to the increase of technology, booming social networks and infamous massacres that have occurred in the recent years.
Technology has provided advances in medicine and our standard of living but it has also made society take a few steps back morally. This is because of the new era of communicating, texting. Texting gives people the power to not confront problems or situations more bluntly. According to dosomething.org over 80% of teens use a cell phone regularly. Instead of giving someone a call people would much rather “text it out”. This gives people the sense of ex communication, and everyone is in their own world. It eliminates the necessity of confronting things head on in life.
Another major cause of the loss of respect is the rapid increase of social networks. With social networks people can now be anonymous. People can now opine freely without having to deal with major repercussions. This usually can lead to harassment and one may feel abused in a way. This is not taking into account of how people may react to opinions and in some cases people get severely depressed and commit suicide.
Lastly one of the highest degrees of loss of respect can be linked to the recent in famous murders. More and more have taken place today than any other time in the history of the US. An example is the Batman movie premiere murder where Holmes, a seemingly innocent citizen of Colorado killed 12 and injured 58. The batman premiere was an example of how people can turn deadly in an instant how people state of mind has changed. This man Holmes thought of this plan meticulously and saw the opportunity and captured it, resulting in the loss of innocent lives. These are ideas that perhaps were never even conceived in recent years, but now we must be on a constant state of alert because of these recent grim events.
Respect is an ideal that needs to be resurrected and practiced more often. If people took one another into consideration more often, then our human culture would benefit and would make living more livable and less of a burden.
Bryan Rosas


To the Editor:
Lyndon LaRouche and the Glass-Steagall Act
America: land of the free, home of the brave. In the Bill of Rights, as stated in the First Amendment, we as American citizens have been granted the guaranteed right to our freedom of speech as well as freedom of petition. Various campaigns have demonstrated these rights and expressed their opinions pertaining to the matter at hand. One Campaign for instance, the LaRouche Pac, a political action committee, lead by Lyndon LaRouche promoting his candidacy for office, the removal of President Barack Obama, as well as the re-enactment of the Glass-Steagall Act or more formally known as the Banking Act of 1933 that prohibits the interference of commercial banks with the investment business. "If Glass-Steagall is not re-enacted, you're dead." Lyndon LaRouche said, expressing his radical opinion. The Glass-Steagall Act is NOT the cause or the reparation for the financial crisis as explained in a LaRouche Pac article, "If Hyperinflation hits, you're dead!"
In a closer examination of the leader and economist, Lyndon LaRouche, I've encountered many questioning aspects of the three-time nominated candidate for president. In the mid-40's, Lyndon considered himself a socialist following the ideas of Marxism for a decade before drastically changing into an extremely conservative Republican. Similar characteristics to the infamous Jonestown, Lyndon is the tyrannous leader of a cult-like group of subservient followers. It has been reported that ex-members have confessed to his outrageously controlling leadership, forcing his followers to strip themselves of their right to privacy exposing their secrets; from their personal beliefs to their sex life. Extreme measures have been taken to prevent any consequences due to their leave of the cult, they live in constant fear of his power. In his current town, he has bought many acres of land where he plans to move his followers to force them to work for extended periods of time with relatively small wages. Supposed "violent attacks" have been cast against the Glass-Steagall supporters as said in an LaRouche article, "Thug tactics and dirty tricks are being deployed against Glass-Steagall supporters." Although, Lyndon hypocritically has been caught executing vicious attacks. In 1973-1974 operation "Mop-up" was performed against communist enforcing an ultimatum of either joining their cult or suffering the punishment. Again, in 1975 he was caught attaining illegal weapons and ammunition in a plot to bring harm to any non-supporters; more than 40 fights have been reported. Conspirators say he attempted to assassinate Vice President Rockefeller. He manipulates naive people, bullying them into joining him. At the PAC weekly report on February 9th he had said, "Anyone who opposes Glass-Steagall is actually criminally insane" as well as calling anyone who disagrees with his opinions as "subhuman", ultimately using the same "Thug tactics" that were supposedly used on his followers. Lyndon and his followers infer Obama to be the next Adolf Hitler, although in comparison, Lyndon's methods and ideals resemble Hitler far more.
In 1933 when the Glass-Steagall Act was enacted, at the end of the Great Depression, it was assumed to be the salvation that the economy was looking for as well as the cause of the financial crisis of 2008 when is was repealed, but was it really? In 1999 the Glass Steagall Act was not revoked as most people ignorantly believe. Gramm-Leach Bliley (GLB) was passed by President Clinton to repeal section 20 of the Glass-Steagall Act, which prohibited banks from associating with investment banks, and made bank branching illegal, this was the only thing that was discontinued. Following the repeal, the myth of Glass-Steagalls repeal being the cause of the 2008 crisis came to be, although there is no concrete evidence supporting this theory. President Obama, himself even stated, “There is no evidence that having Glass-Steagall in place would somehow change the dynamic." This was also supported by articles published in Vanity Fair which complies with the irrelevance of resuming to the previous act first enacted in 1933. The actual cause of the downfall of the economy was the real estate lending, not only was the United States apart of but as well as other countries around the world. Another factor was the banks which lost money giving out loans irresponsibly, not because of the repeal. In an interview, Andrew Ross Sorkin grilled Glass-Steagall supporter and Senatorial Candidate, Elizabeth Warren on whether the crisis of 2008 or the JPMorgan Chase loss would have been solved if the Glass-Steagal Act had been re-enacted before their collapse and her response was, "The answer is probably 'No' to both". The banks that had apparently failed due to the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act's protection are absolutely false. The only companies that had failed were subprime lenders which are neither commercial nor investment banks at all. Bear Stearns, Fannie Mae, Indy Mac, Washington Mutual, Merrill Lynch, Freddie Mac, and AIG weren’t under the restrictions of the act and don’t pertain to Lyndon's accusations whatsoever.
In many of LaRouche's biased articles and Lyndon's speeches it is apparent that he relies on emotional appeal to provoke the public into following him. He deliberately misuses his power and promotes his opinions using sensationalism and yellow journalism. The opposing side that consists of Wall Street, Obama supporters, as well as Europe who are supporting the prevention of the act has been targeted as enemy number one. Supporters of this controversial act believed that if commercial and investment banks were separated they'd prosper and restore the fallen economy, although even after the act fell into place and they had no involvement with each other, they still failed separately. Glass-Steagall would have been the trigger for the decline in the economy for this reason; it would have made banks prone to withdrawing even more loans resulting in even more bankruptcies and repossessions which would ultimately lead to the fall of stocks as well as banks. In contrast, the concerns the Glass-Steagall supporters are stressing is without the level playing field between commercial and investment banks would have with the act, the Federal Reserve of the United States would buy bonds. This would lead to the quantum easing, resulting in hyperinflation. Although, the flaw to this concern is the fact that the excess bills printed would be saved in many peoples bank accounts which would be equivalent to not having printed those bills in the first place, prolonging the inflation momentarily. Another concern is as hyperinflation is initiated, prices will rise to unbelievable prices forcing the withdrawal of money from people’s bank accounts to buy necessary products while the prices are still low. The third concern would be the problematic easiness for commercial banks to access depositors investment money, these all being valid points.
I've been told that when the economy has an incline in efficiency, the current president is well liked and appreciated, on the other hand, when an economy has a decline the president at the time of the downfall, despite his efforts and wholesomeness, he is hated and is blamed for any political problems. Lyndon LaRouche's effort to remove Obama from office is simply his disability to change the problems, so he needs someone or something to point his finger at to blame. The Glass-Steagall Act has been factually proven to be useless in our current economy’s dilemma.
Jessica Reyes
Period 5


To the Editor:
School Shootings
In the United States, school violence has had an effect on everyone’s life at one point in time. The first recorded school shooting in the United States occurred in 1764, the Enoch Brown School Massacre, where a teacher and nine students were killed. Since that day in 1764, dozens of school shootings have occurred in the United States. School violence does not just affect one single state, it ranges throughout many states, whether it be Texas, Colorado, Connecticut, Michigan, Missouri, and even California.
One of the most recognized school shootings in the history of our country is the Columbine High School Massacre in 1999. Eric Harris & Dylan Klebold were outcasts of their high school, who went into school one day and shot & killed 12 students and 1 teacher before killing themselves. Although most people believe that this act of violence was a split decision by the two high school boys, Harris & Klebold had been plotting this massacre for at least a year prior to its occurrence. The first shots were fired at 11:21 AM, and were quickly followed by a massacre of 12 students and 1 teacher throughout the High School’s Cafeteria and Library. One of the most moving pictures from that fateful day in April is one of a victim climbing out of a window of the library to the safe haven brought by the SWAT Team and Paramedics in the parking lot beneath him. Although it has been almost 14 years since the incident, gun control laws have been argued numerous times, and the mental stability of the shooters has been questioned. Harris & Klebold had been outcasts, judged by classmates, teachers, and even parents as to their mental state at the time of the shooting. The two shooters had been bullied throughout their school years, and had learned of guns and which ones to use through violent video games. On the 5th anniversary of the Columbine Massacre, researchers concluded that Harris was a clinical psychopath, and Klebold was Depressed. Harris was believed to be the mastermind behind the entire idea, Klebold had gone along with the idea to avoid losing his best friend. The shooting is believed to have been anything but a lack of impulse control. According to statistics given by researchers, nearly two-thirds of all premeditated school shootings are linked to bullying.
Many people also remember the Virginia Tech University Shooting which occurred in 2007, just 6 months after a gunman killed 5 Amish girls before turning the gun on himself. The shooter killed 33 people, including himself, throughout the Virginia Tech massacre. The shooting occurred at 2 different times, around 7:15 AM in a dormitory building, and about 2 and a half hours later across campus in a classroom building. The University did not evacuate the campus after hearing of the first attack, and instead sent an email out warning of an apparent gunman on campus, but students did not seem to be worried about the possible threat on campus. After the shooting occurred, officers determined that the shooter had turned the gun on himself after killing his victims. At an early age, the shooter was diagnosed with severe depression, as well as selective mutism. These psychological problems had a very large impact on the shooter’s life, and most likely added to the shooter’s mental instability. Between the first and second attacks on the University, the shooter was seen at a nearby post office, where he sent a manifesto, and many digitally recorded videos of himself to NBC News. These recordings were later used in a newscast about the incident by NBC.
A more recent example of how school shootings have had a lasting effect on our country, is the Newtown Connecticut shooting which occurred on December 14th, 2012. Adam Lanza, the shooter, first shot his mother at her home in Newtown, then headed to Sandy Hook Elementary School, where he shot his way into the building, and began his rampage. Lanza shot 20 children who attended the school in numerous classrooms, and 6 teachers who worked at the school. Many teachers hid their students in cabinets and cupboards to protect them from the shooter, instructing them to stay quiet and that it would all be okay. After shooting numerous rounds throughout the school, Lanza turned the gun on himself, and committed suicide after noticing 2 Newtown police officers who had walked into the building during his rampage. The total number of people killed, including the perpetrator, was 28, 27 at the school, and Lanza’s mother at her home. The Newtown Connecticut shooting is considered to be the second deadliest mass murder at an American elementary school, following the Bath School Bombings in Michigan which occurred in 1927. Lanza was believed to be somewhat autistic, and have a personality disorder. Friends of Lanza’s mother reported that he had been diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome.
Maggie Carrillo

Letters to the Editor
March 14, 2013

To the Editor:
In the late morning of February 27, 2013 we came home from camping at the beach for several days with full holding tanks only to find the dump station at our Waste Water Treatment Facility plugged up and with sewage in the street. We called City Hall and reported this and with in minutes the people operating the facility were there to unplug the drain Mr. Tom Peterson the manager of the facility was very courteous and apologetic for the inconvenience which was caused in no way by them. It took some time to open the drain so we left and went back later to dump. We would like to thank the city and American Water ( Tom Peterson and crew ) which operate the facility for their quick response and thank former city engineer Burt Rapp for having the foresight to install the dump station when the WWTF was built.
This dump station is a great convenience to the people of Fillmore who have Recreational Vehicles and hopefully is appreciated and will not be abused. If you should have a problem please call City Hall 524-1500 and report it.
Mike & Judy Hope


To the Editor:
I would like to thank the members of the Rotary Club of Fillmore for their generous donation to help with this year Arts Show. The donation will go towards the expense of putting on this years’ event “Open Your Eyes to Art” scheduled for Thursday April 11th at the Memorial Building.
On behalf of the Visual and Performing Arts Department at Fillmore High School, thank you!
Rosalind Mitzenmacher
Fillmore High School
Visual Arts Dept.
"ars longa, vita brevis"

Letters to the Editor
March 7, 2013

To the Editor:
I would like to thank the members of the Fillmore Women’s Service Club for their generous donation of $300 to help with this year Arts Show. I would also like to thank the members of the Lions Club of Fillmore for their generous donation of $250. The donations will go towards the expenses of putting on this years’ event “Open Your Eyes to Art” scheduled for Thursday April 11th at the Memorial Building.
On behalf of the Visual and Performing Arts Department at Fillmore High School, thank you!
Rosalind Mitzenmacher
Fillmore High School
Visual Arts Dept. Chair

Letters to the Editor
February 21, 2013

To the Editor:
Just wanted to thank Dick Diaz on the GREAT story about Elton Wagner! I wanted to let Dick know that my Grandmother, Ethel (Everson) Berrington, is also a graduate from the Class of ’38 and she is still living in the Fillmore Convalescent Home. Unfortunately, she suffers from Alzheimer’s, so her memory is not as good as Mr. Wagner’s.
Our family (Berrington’s) have been ranching on Guiberson Road in Fillmore for 110 years (since 1903). My brother (Jeff), sister (Missy Bowen), Uncle (Bob Berrington), cousin (John Berrington), and Great Aunt and Uncle (Jim & Mary Ann) all still live in Fillmore. I try to get down there a couple of times a year to visit and am planning to come down within the next month to celebrate my Grandma’s 93rd birthday in March.
Keep up the great work; I read the paper online every week!
Mike Berrington, PG, CEM
Principal Geologist
RDM Environmental, Inc.

Letters to the Editor
February 7, 2013

To the Editor:
Sespe School would like to publicly acknowledge and thank Ms. Paula Phillips for her on-going work with our students. Paula has visited our school multiple times this year, most recently working with all of our 3rd grade students on February 1st. The positive message that she delivers has a tremendous influence on our students and our campus. Sespe School would like to say a big “Thank You” to Paula from the students and staff at Sespe School.
Scott Carroll
Principal, Sespe Elementary

Letters to the Editor
January 31, 2013

To the Editor:
City of Fillmore
Re: Water and Sewage Bill
January 25, 2013
Dear Sirs,
I have been paying my water for ten years now and have only been late once in that time by a day. This month due to the fact that you cannot send out your service bills on a timely manner, you have given me a past due bill for $7.85, being one day late.
I do my bills on the 26th of every month and have been for ten years. Because, you have problems sending out your bills on a timely manner should mean that I get a chance to bill you for being late in your duties. But I am sure that won’t happen.
Dave Callens
Fillmore Resident

Letters to the Editor
January 8, 2013

To The Editor:
I would like to take the time to especially thank Jesus “Chuy” Ortiz owner of Pescadore Restaurant in Fillmore, California for hosting our wedding reception on November 23, 2012. This was a very special day for both my husband, Francisco Ocampo and I. Mr. Ortiz went above and beyond to make our day a very special day. We were extremely impressed with all of the staff’s professionalism and hospitality. The decorations and food were done by his daughter Maribel Ramos and her husband Fernando Ramos and every detail was perfect. I encourage all of the residents of Fillmore to visit Pescadore Restaurant and if you have any wedding plans, the best place in town is Pescadore! Thanks again Chuy, Maribel and Fernando!

Letters to the Editor
December 6, 2012

To the Editor:
About three weeks ago in the high winds we had the pepper tree in our front parkway fall onto our front lawn. As we were surveying the damage at 7am a city employee stopped by and informed us that he had a tree crew on the way to remove the tree. The crew arrived and within 45 minutes had the tree removed and then moved to another location to repeat the operation. Before leaving the crew explained that they would return when time allowed to also remove the remainder of the stump and root system.
On Sunday, Dec. 2nd we awoke to no water pressure and found that our water meter had water running from it. At 7am we called the cities' emergency number and left a message thinking that we would be lucky for a Sunday response. Ten minutes later we received a return call and ten minutes after that we had a city employee at our door. After doing what he could with the leak he hooked us up to our neighbor's outside faucet with a garden hose and disconnected the meter register so neither of us would be charged for the water that continued to leak. He promised to return on Monday and at 7:30 am on Monday the crew arrived and did a beautiful repair job and even removed the stump.
To the crew and the City we sincerely thank you for your effort and timeliness. Thanks again for a job well done.
Curt and Sue Adams

Letters to the Editor
November 29, 2012

To the Editor
Re: Superfund Response To Cheveron Rep
I was told about Ms Klinchuch's response to my letter and feel it is important to address things she says because I believe there are some holes in her story. I will use her own words to categorically address things she has said. She begins by saying,
 ”Mr. Ryan Shiells' November 8 letter expressed concern that dust from Chevron’s work at the former Texaco refinery in Fillmore is affecting nearby neighbors. I can assure Mr. Shiells and the community that dust is not drifting off our site and there is no cause for concern. The safety of the community and our site workers is our top priority.” My response to Ms Klinchuch is: Do you really expect for me, or anyone else for that matter, to believe that a for-profit company’s TOP priority is the safety of the community and not profit? I am not even blaming Chevron for the original pollution, as I have always believed it occurred during Texaco’s watch, but the fact remains that Chevron now owns that liability and by responding to my letter with mistruths, Ms Klinchuch would’ve been better served to leave well enough alone. As far as Ms Klinchuch’s assurances are concerned, I am extremely suspicious when it comes to taking her word at face value, especially considering that her employer has a tremendous vested interest in sweeping this under the rug. Remember: I have lived and know many people in that area whereas you most certainly don't. I have seen many people in that neighborhood suffer from Cancer and other strange diseases and have attended funerals for those people, you have not.
Perhaps it would be best at this time to provide readers with the EPA’s own definition of a Superfund site: “A Superfund site is an uncontrolled or abandoned place where hazardous waste is located, POSSIBLY AFFECTING LOCAL ECOSYSTEMS OR PEOPLE." Anyone who wants to verify this can go to the EPA's website if need-be.
Mrs Klinchurch says “We recognize that our site activities can generate dust, so we follow an EPA-approved dust control and air monitoring plan which includes several ways of making sure that dust is contained within the site. For example, water trucks spray water on active work areas to contain the dust. If conditions are too windy, we stop our work until conditions improve.” I believe that this is a flat out attempt to mislead the community and revise history as to what had actually transpired. I wrote my letter to the Editor on November 5th of this year…the same period the east winds were whipping from an east to west direction for a number of consecutive days. I noticed the sounds of heavy equipment operating during the same time kids were playing at recess. I then walked towards the area witnessed dust flow from the site towards children played on the schoolyard. I am pretty confident that, unlike myself and other solid witnesses who will come forward to dispute your misleading claims, you were nowhere near the area at this time. It would've been better for Ms Klinchuch to say nothing than to contradict what I witnessed by conveying misleading and untrue statements to the public. Now I have to set the record straight to the detriment of your credibility because your false account of what happened was at a detriment to mine.
Ms Klinchuch says “We have nine air monitoring stations that continuously monitor for dust during our field work. No site dust or chemicals have been detected in any of the air samples collected.” Ms Klinchuch, since “we” includes yourself, the same person who misleadingly claimed there are work-stoppages on windy days, I simply can’t take your word on this or anything else regarding that site. Simply put, Ms Klinchuch makes a living representing the interests of Chevron, NOT the citizens of Fillmore. The people conducting these studies have a vested interest in obtaining information that is favorable to the company and to their objectives. Think about it folks: How long would a pollution assessment company last in the industry that had a reputation for making things difficult for the company they are contracted to work for? It's common sense. Chevron has given a large amount of money (ask yourselves why) to the City of Fillmore and as they say in economics “There is no such thing as a free lunch.” There are ulterior motives here. As I understand it, and feel free to correct me if I am wrong Ms Klinchurch, Chevron has been working for years with the City of Fillmore in hopes that Fillmore will one day unwittingly assume ownership of that highly contaminated area. My interpretation of this is that Chevron is eager to release their liability on this site and they are relying on a general public ignorance of this topic and a weakened and unsuspecting (but not entirely I have found) Fillmore City government to roll over for them. The cat is out of the bag now Ms Klinchuch and it seems as if its about to get worse. You can thank me later for the overtime Ms Klinchuch.
In conclusion, whoever reads this should find it odd that a rep from the great Chevron has taken the time to respond to my letter in an attempt to allay my concerns. We should be asking ourselves why the same company is giving tens of thousands of dollars to various organizations within the City? We should find it alarming that at one point years ago, the EPA came to San Cayetano school and made teachers and some employees sign a release of liability pertaining to that site and any potential weird diseases they may one-day become afflicted with. That is not standard procedure and was done because they (EPA) knew there was a problem. Is it not alarming that parents of children at this school or people who live in that surrounding community were NOT given the same warnings? Is it not a little strange that people had to dress in outfits which closely resembled space suits in order to clean that SUPER FUND site up? I maintain everything I wrote in my original letter Ms Klinchuch and, depending on the level of misinformation provided in your response to this letter, I am willing to go further (and trust me, I can) to prove myself right - and unlike yourself I am not receiving a paycheck to say the things I am saying. I am saying these things - free of charge - because my conscious mandates it and because the community needs to know.
Ryan Shiells

Letters to the Editor
November 22, 2012

To the Editor:
Mr. Ryan Shiells' November 8 letter expressed concern that dust from Chevron’s work at the former Texaco refinery in Fillmore is affecting nearby neighbors. I can assure Mr. Shiells and the community that dust is not drifting off our site and there is no cause for concern. The safety of the community and our site workers is our top priority. We recognize that our site activities can generate dust, so we follow an EPA-approved dust control and air monitoring plan which includes several ways of making sure that dust is contained within the site. For example, water trucks spray water on active work areas to contain the dust. If conditions are too windy, we stop our work until conditions improve. We have nine air monitoring stations that continuously monitor for dust during our field work. No site dust or chemicals have been detected in any of the air samples collected. We have produced a short video that details our dust control program. The video and additional information about the site can be found on our website, http://www.FillmoreWorks.com. And I am available to talk with residents and answer questions about our work at the site. I can be reached by phone at 661-632-1408 or via email through our website.
Leslie Klinchuch
Chevron environmental project manager

Letters to the Editor
November 8, 2012

To the Editor:
I live and have lived in the east side of Fillmore for the majority of my life, just west of the old toxic Texaco site. Over the past 25 years I have witnessed what genuinely appears to be a disproportionate number of my old neighbors dying of cancer. I am certain that if a study of this were conducted the evidence will substantiate my claims. Further, as you are already aware, that site has been designated as a contaminated area by the government as a superfund site.
What is most deplorable about the situation I have described above is that today, in an effort to clean the site as required by the government, there is heavy equipment pushing copious amounts of dirt and dust on that site on an exceptionally east windy day as unsuspecting schoolchildren are exercising their lungs in the schoolyard. This would NEVER be an acceptable scenario in more affluent areas in our county and I find it to be a total lack of judgment and consideration by those responsible for it. Someone should be very ashamed of this to say the least.
Please help me find a way to cease this unneeded exposure to our kids and to our community, at least until the wind blows the cancer causing, chemically contaminated dust in the other direction. This SHOULD NOT a matter of inconvenience to whomever company(s) involved in this debacle, it is entirely matter of what's right for these unsuspecting schoolchildren and already suffering surrounding neighborhoods.
I urge all of you to do whatever is in your power to put a work stoppage on the decontamination project during days when the east wind would blow the contamination towards the population. Let this letter be the first of many steps that I, and hopefully you, will take to make sure this is put to a stop immediately. This is NOT a matter of inconvenience, it is a matter of what is right for the community and for the children.
Best regards,
Ryan Shiells


To the Editor:
Kudos for Fillmore's Art Walk
The Art Walk The Merchants of Fillmore sponsored on the evening of Oct. 26th was a terrific success, both for the participating merchants and the artists. Good art was evident at the various businesses and the exhibiting artists were able to enjoy an evening sharing their art. I'm speaking in particular of the Fillmore Artists Guild who's members were showing at Nanette Keller’s dress shop, we were there in mass enabling the public to see a large selection of each of our members work at one time. Enjoying the refreshments and enjoying the art - it doesn't get much better than that. Look for the next such event here in your own home town.
Judy Dressler
Guild Member


To the Editor:
I'm Nobuko who lived in Fillmore for 9 years until 2008.
Yesterday, my friend living in Sherman Oaks sent me a letter about "film more in Fillmore" by fax. When I checked Fillmore Gazette at once, I found the article, “Palm trees will be removed". I was surprised at the news, but I fully endorse city's decision.
I'm looking forward to watching many movies with streets, mountains, and people of Fillmore. I love Fillmore. Thank you Fillmore!!
Happy Halloween!!!
Nobuko Oniki


To the Editor:
Being Proud of Eduardo Gonzalez
I want Eduardo and his wife to know how proud I am of how they are handling all that they are going through. He is a gentleman to look up to and sets a fine example for the younger generation. They have many prayers from those of us in the community who care. Amazing for those who watched him give that wonderful statement at the open council meeting as it brought many of us to tears. And yet he's still being bashed by the other side.
Those opponents who sent the very disrespectful/untrue flyer are afraid of the truth. This is not how good business people act. They are not professional, considerate people and not examples of who we want to handle the problems of this city. Remember that what goes around, comes around.
We have a wonderful Board and hopefully will be there to continue the fine work.
Susan Lewis

Letters to the Editor
November 1, 2012

To the Editor:
Letter to the Citizens of Fillmore,
I’d like to say thank you to the citizens of Fillmore who have allowed me to represent them on the city council since 2004. It’s been a honor which I’m eternally grateful for.
Now, more than at any other time, citizens need a working city council. If you’ve watched our city council meetings you know what I mean. Fillmore has serious challenges. Facing these challenges will require council members who are informed, willing to work as a body, who are willing to take to the dais without personal agendas, who are capable of making decisions for Fillmore’s best interest as a whole. I stand behind Douglas Tucker, Rick Neal and Manuel Minjares for City Council. They’ve walked neighborhoods, held fundraisers, participated in Questions and Answers and Forums, have stood on street corners waving to people leaving for work. They’ve held voter registration drives, made themselves at Flashes Football Games, AYSO Soccer games, Raiders practices and attended and supported various fundraisers which also support the community. Most importantly they’ve listened to citizen concerns. They look forward to representing the citizens of Fillmore. The decisions they’ll be making will be difficult but I’m confident that they’ll put Fillmore first and in doing so they’ll help solve the problems we now are experiencing as a city. I ask you to elect Tucker, Neal and Minjares to the Fillmore City Council and help return common sense the dais.
Thank you,
Steve Conaway


To the Editor:
Video Opinion [Press the play button below to view]

Fillmore City Council Mayor Gayle Washburn and Mayor Pro Tem Jamey Brooks Refuse Code of Ethics
Zack Cooper


To the Editor:
To the residents of Fillmore;
I am writing this letter as an apology to my fellow residents. I made a mistake in voting for one of the two incumbents who are currently running for city council. I like many thought change was coming too fast with the North Fillmore Specific Plan and the waste water plant. So I voted to slow things down a bit. That was a mistake.
During the past four years I have seen this city council squander hundreds of thousands in legal fees (the vast majority from their own doing), lay off many of my friends and neighbors, cut services, and still manage to outspend the past councils. How does this make for running a smooth city? The laid off (and those who left due to a hostile work environment) workers took pride in their jobs and it showed. Today they have been replaced with contractors and new hires (from out of town) who have very little invested in our town.
When residents ask the current council and management what they are going to do to reverse this? The only response is to propose a self imposed tax hike, and closing restrooms in the parks. How does this in any way change what is happening and restore the city to its former glory?
I have made a mistake; I ask the residents for their forgiveness and promise to correct this error in November by voting for Manuel Minjares, Doug Tucker and Rick Neal.
Jose Ocegueda
Lifelong resident


To the Editor:
Please accept this letter in support of Manuel Minjares. We have known Manuel or Coach Manny, as our children know him, for about six years now. Ever since we saw how Manny treats the kids with respect and in turn the kids and parents love this, we have requested that Manuel be the boys' basketball coach. Manny teaches the kids great basketball skills and goes out of his way to always be fair. The kids do the best they can. Win or lose, we are happy to be on his team. He is always there to work with the team and we are sure he will work with the City Council team as well.
We'll be voting for Manuel Minjares for City Council and hope you will too.
Mario and Gracie Sanchez


To the Editor:
Four years ago I edited an Internet blog and was very much supported Gayle Washburn and Jamey Brooks. While I terminated the blog after the 2008 election, I no longer, in good conscience, support my dear friend Gayle Washburn and her close confidant Jamey Brooks.
Claire Kennedy


To the Editor:
Much has been said about the purpose of Communities Building Together and the various activities we supported in Fillmore. Let me declare and set the record straight, Communities Building Together is an IRS registered 501(c) 4 entity and is governed under IRS rules. CBT was established to raise awareness of and promote good government and pro- business policies in states and municipalities around the country. Primary targets will be communities that have established and promote anti-growth and anti-jobs policies and have track records of financial mismanagement. Communities Building Together will not be endorsing any candidates for office, rather we encourage citizens to become active within their own community and vote their conscience. We are accomplishing our mission though communication and engagement which brings the community together. CBT has sponsored a Community Clean-Up Day where volunteers removed graffiti from highly visible locations. We believe an engaged community is a healthy community. Communities Building Together will be hosting a Political Rally Saturday Nov 3 at City Hall Park beginning at 11:30 AM. We encourage all to come out and talk about the issues Fillmore faces, listen to the candidates and let’s build up Fillmore together.
Roger Campbell, retired Mayor of Fillmore


To the Editor:
This past Wednesday evening, October 24th, the Fillmore Chamber of Commerce held a Council Candidate Forum where the candidates for City Council were invited to answer questions of interest and concern to Fillmore residents.
One question was regarding adopting a sewer Flow Rate Billing system. Flow Rate Billing has nothing to do with yard or house size. Only winter water consumption. Pay for what you use. Several reasons were given by the candidates as to why they didn't want a fairer and more honest billing system. They seem to like the flat rate. Force everyone to pay for 10 units of water and an unlimited amount of sewer. Even if you only use one of two units of water. If you have lots of money and don't care how other people spend it, maybe this system is OK with you. The current billing system certainly encourages massive waste of a limited natural resource, drinkable, potable water. If you are forced to pay for ten units of water, you just as well use it. The era has ended where the one who is the most wasteful wins.
Many cities across the state and around the country use Flow Rate Sewer Billing based on winter water use. During the winter very little water is used for landscape and garden irrigation. Most of all of the water goes to the sewage treatment plant.
If you went to the gas station to get a couple of gallons of gas for your lawn mower and were told that you must pay for ten gallons, would that be OK? City of Fillmore would think so. That is the way they charge for water-sewer. Fortunately the Department of Weights and Measures checks up on gas stations make sure you get what you pay for. Unfortunately for Fillmore's residents the city seems to have exempted itself from honest billing practices.
For a more honest billing system we need only to look as far as Ventura and how they bill for water and sewer. Visit www.venturawater.net With a few modifications a similar system should be adopted here in Fillmore.
Larry Jennings


To the Editor:
I attended the Chamber of Commerce forum last Wednesday. I think Fillmore is fortunate that we have seven people who are thoughtful, knowledgeable, and willing to give their time to lead us in this difficult economy. I came away wishing I had more than three votes! I do hope that those who are elected receive our support as they help us move forward.
Susan M. Cuttriss


To the Editor:
My name is Riston White and I am supporting Gayle Washburn for Fillmore City Council. In my opinion, her core values are a benefit to the Community. She has kept control of the budget in the worst of economic times. I have known Gayle for over 20 years and have found her to be smart, hard working and honest. She has, and will do the best job for Fillmore.
Riston White


To the Editor:
I believe in the conscious rights and attributions Tony Strickland stands for. People like Senator Strickland care deeply for Ventura County’s current and future generations of children and young adults. It is a great honor to endorse a man who has true and humble values, but someone who is there for us and is already proceeding with change and courage. Not only has Senator Strickland been in office since he was a young man, but he has proved countless times what a true hero he is, to our communities, and to our kids.
We as the people need a natural born leader, Tony is exactly that. In a day and age where many citizens are without jobs, we must act fast to fix this matter and the only way to do that is electing someone who isn’t afraid of asking the tough questions. With my vote for Mr. Strickland I will not only be embracing a hard working and dedicated man, but I will have helped to make an improvement in my society.
Robert Ryan


To the Editor:
How many politicians truly serve our interests? I have come to the conclusion that there is at least one: Tony Strickland. Running for the U.S. House of Representatives, Strickland not only passes this critical test, but does so with a record clearly superior to his competition.
Consider Tony’s stance towards the recently approved high speed rail system. He flatly rejected the bill, remarking that “not one job will be created in Ventura County [because of it]. He understood that local taxpayers shouldn’t have to pay for the pet projects of non-local politicians.
Still not convinced? One look at Tony’s decisions regarding Federal Mortgage Settlement funds should be all you need. Many politicians (Brownley included) attempted to siphon the nearly $400 Million in funds (intended for struggling homeowners) towards pet programs they could tout during election season. Despite the temptation to join his cohorts and improve his reputation, Tony vigorously fought to ensure the funds were properly directed.
I truly believe that Senator Strickland puts constituents first, a refreshing character trait in today’s political climate. Frankly, his record speaks for itself, and while he may not be perfect, Tony is deserving of your vote. Join me in supporting him this November.
Spencer Whitworth
Thousand Oaks


To the Editor:
As a college student in California's 26th Congressional district, various issues within this election may have a relative impact one way or another on who I vote for to represent us within the House of Representatives, but to be frank, I want to know who can help guarantee me a job come May. At the end of the day, the only candidate I trust with this responsibility is Tony Strickland.
As a current California State Senator, Strickland has done well to make known that he supports tax policy and regulatory measures that will encourage job growth, through both what he says, but also through his actions. By consistently supporting small business growth in California State Legislature, and the encouragement of local development, Strickland has done well, and better that others, to guarantee me a fighting chance during this tough time of economic downturn. Let's do whatever it takes to keep my dream, and the American dream alive by voting for Tony Strickland.
Molly Lowe
Thousand Oaks


To the Editor:
Latino's are the nations largest ethnic minority. Ventura county alone holds a hispanic population of 40.9%, of which 26% are children under the age of 5. This is why I am appalled by those stating that Latinos are for Julia Brownley.
Julia Brownley voted to cut "Healthy Families", a program providing access to quality healthcare to working poor and their families.
Specifically, "Healthy Families" gives the benefits of health, dental, and vision coverage to children, many of which are a part of the growing Latino community. It is crucial that programs such as the Ventura County Health Care Plan, under "Healthy Families", stay funded in order to benefit and sustain health and well being in our community.
My vote is for Tony Strickland. Tony is a candidate who will stands strong in the fight to reinstate programs such as "Healthy Families"
and truly provide equal access for Latino's and others living in Ventura County, not like his opponent "Out of Townley Brownley".
Margo Olson


To the Editor:
It’s not hard to tell from the debates that neither Governor Romney nor President Obama have ended victoriously. In this election it may simply come down to which can carry an issue best in front of an audience.
Diplomacy in foreign affairs has a large impact to us all. The person who sits in the white house needs the ability to work through a concern smiling brightly in the face of confrontation without surfacing signs of emotion.
Our concern is we have nothing in place to work directly with smaller countries climbing the ladder to develop an operating centrifuge. A centrifuge is a device that can be used to enrich uranium products for the manufacturing of atomic energy.
Our president should be one who can work with our off shore folks productively to move this technology in the right direction. If they succeed we need that person to convince these countries to use this energy wisely and in a manner that adds value to themselves, our neighbors and our friends.
President Obama has done fairly well with confrontation. But, it appears what we see in these debates are various pieces of well written speeches that have been memorized and used nervously over and over when needed out of frustration.
Romney has a slight advantage in diplomacy as he seems more comfortable with answers when challenged. He has the edge to deliver alternate responses on the fly with less hostility.
Joseph Vesalga
Simi Valley


To the Editor:
I used to be a Democrat. I even worked for Ted Kennedy in Washington, DC during the 1980 primary campaign against Jimmy Carter. Even though I was already in my early 30's I did not know the difference between a Democrat and a Republican. My turning point to becoming a Republican was when a young woman I was working with mentioned that she was upset that the government was not going to pay for her college education. I starting thinking (finally) that I was not brought up that way. I learned that nothing was going to be “given” to me, that I had to work for what I wanted.
During the late 60’s and early 70’s my two brothers and I worked at my parent’s restaurant, and did we work! But after four years of working after school every day (and not getting paid) I was gifted with a brand new Toyota Corolla.
I put myself through community college, then university (and paid back my student loan) but I never insisted that someone give me the education.
We need leaders who will spark the entrepreneurial spirit that is in each of us to help bring this country back. We need Tony Strickland. Join me as I vote for him on November 6.
When we are free to pursue our dreams, then each of us can “give to others” who are unable to care for themselves.
Maggie Murtha


To the Editor:
Catherine Jayne
PhD, London School of Economics
There have been some unfair accusations that Tony Strickland has waged a “war against women.” The facts point to the contrary. He authored Jacquelyn’s Bill for newborn screening, and he has fought hard for coverage of digital mammograms.
Strickland is working across the aisle to reinstate Healthy Families, healthcare for working poor and their families. He is committed to repealing Obamacare, which will skyrocket healthcare costs for middle class families and deplete Medicare for our seniors. He has signed the Social Security and Medicare Protection Pledge.
His ideas are what we need to spur job creation for working families. He believes in encouraging local private sector jobs with tax policies and regulatory measures that work with rather than against small businesses and encourage them to invest their profits locally. His idea of tax credits to benefit businesses in ailing economic sectors would spur manufacturing in America. He understands that encouraging all aspects of the energy sector from natural gas to green energy is vital to both job creation and national security.
What women need are security, a healthy economy, jobs and a bright future for America’s children. Tony Strickland has the experience and ideas to drive America and California forward.
Catherine Jayne
Westlake Village


To the Editor:
As a man in a household of three women, I can not simply stand by the false claims made by Julia Brownley and her campaign against Senator Tony Strickland. Tony Strickland is a crucial representative of Ventura County, a loving husband, and a caring father, advocating progress and equal rights for all including women.
The false claims made about Strickland root straight from extremist partisan leaders such as Nancy Pelosi and her minion Julia Brownley. Brownley is no advocate herself, with ads and campaign literature coming straight off the back of Planned Parenthood. It doesn’t take an MBA to see that Planned Parenthood is a business, endorsing whoever will bring fattest check.
Strickland stands up for woman’s rights, including those of the unborn. Strickland also stands up to provide cost efficient health care to the woman and youth of Ventura County by supporting organizations such as Healthy Families. Strickland is a long time supporter and has assisted organizations such as the Coalition in Support of Family Harmony, previously the Coalition Against Domestic Violence.
Tony has won my vote, as well as three female advocates all in agreement that we need Strickland for Congress.
Roland Ryf


To the Editor:
As a woman, I am tired of hearing about the “War on Woman” that Republicans are supposedly waging on me. Everyday I hear advertisements on behalf of Democrats telling me about the archaic views of politicians like Richard Mourdock and how I should vote for them because they truly are the defenders of woman.
I can't help but laugh at these false advertisements. If they truly are my “defenders” where were they when I lost my job? Where were they when I got evicted from my home of 12 years? Where were they when I needed help feeding my hungry children?
No where.
Instead of focusing on what I truly needed they were out demagoguing Republicans to make themselves look like the saviors of a woman’s right to “choose.” Newsflash , abortion is NOT the biggest threat to the female population, the lack of opportunity for woman in the job market IS.
In the upcoming elections my concern isn't on foreign policy, immigration, or our national debt. This November I am looking for the person who truly will defend me and aid me in these economic tumultuous times. And after looking at our Congressional candidates I know that that person is Tony Strickland.
His experience in the private sector shows me that he knows what it takes to get people working again. I am confident that under his guidance, our county will see an increase in jobs and a decrease in unemployment. We need his leadership skills both here at home and in our
As a woman and a mother, I support Tony Strickland and with your help I hope that you will join me in electing him to Congress.
Aracely Rodriguez


To the Editor:
Only on Extreme: Julia Brownley
You can not go a day without hearing the phrase “too extreme for Ventura County”. The truth is the only extremist running on this year’s ballot is Assemblywoman Julia Brownley.
Julia Brownley is the epitome of extreme. For one, Brownley left her nearly $1 million condominium in upscale Santa Monica, solely to run here in our beloved Ventura County. During her time as Assemblywoman representing the 41st district, which included areas like Westlake, Port Hueneme, and Oxnard, Brownley chose not to open a single district office in Ventura County. Though her new rental apartment in Oak Park may be nice, it only leaves one to question where her real time is being spent.
As a district with a close divide amongst democrats and republicans, I believe bipartisanship is key. Tony Strickland, voted the second most “Independent Thinker” in the Legislature by Capitol Weekly, will win my vote this November. Strickland has experience representing ALL of Ventura County, and cherishes it enough to live in and raise a family in. Tony Strickland is the opposite of extreme, and the perfect fit for Congress.
Lisa Ryf


To the Editor:
Dog Man Tony
The U.S today employes thousands of canines for a wide range of jobs ranging from the military to helping the disabled. Dogs in the military or police force help sniff out drugs, bombs, guns and dangerous chemicals. They also especially used by they police for search and rescue missions. When the disabled need help, they can turn to dogs for the assistance they need. Dogs can guide the blind or deaf through crowds. They can alert others for help if the person with them has a serious problem. The things they do for us is more thankful, but as much as they help us they need our help too. Many dogs live neglected and abused lives in America. Sometimes living the cruel life of a fight dog. Out of all the reported cases of animal abuse, there are still many cases that that go unreported. We need someone to help save these poor animals and to put there torturous owners to justice. Senator Tony Strickland will be that person.
Tony Strickland, a dog owner himself, has done a lot with helping dogs who are in need. He's co-authored legislation that is in effect today that cracks down on illegal animal fights, increasing fines and possible jail times for people convicted of neglecting animals as well as preventing convicted animal abusers from obtaining animals for a set period of time. Tony has also been a big supporter for dog adoption from shelters. Nothing means more to me in the world than my dog Gabriel and I want to make sure other dogs can have the same life he does with me. This November I'm voting for Senator Tony Strickland for Congress because he knows just how important animals like dogs are to people.
Nicholas W. Duenas
Thousand Oaks

Letters to the Editor
October 25, 2012

To the Editor:
It’s been four years since I signed the Five Former Mayors Letter. Since that time most, if not all, of my concerns have been realized, unfortunately. The facts speak for themselves, the problems do not need to be repeated. If you have watched council meetings you understand that our local government isn’t working on several levels. Our town needs help, most of all Fillmore needs fresh views on the city council. I have personally met Manual Minjares, Doug Tucker and Rick Neal and have heard them speak on topics to get Fillmore working again. I recommend Manual Minjares, Douglas Tucker and Rick Neal for City Council, they have my full support.
Don Gunderson
Former Mayor City of Fillmore


To the Editor:
While walking into the super market the other weekend and I was stopped by Gary Creagle who wanted to talk about the election and the people he’s supporting. I wasn’t interested but you know Gary Creagle he’ll say just about anything. Well he started talking about sewer rates and how past councils made bad decisions and how his people would fix the problem if they are reelected. I don’t need him to tell me the sewer rates are high. While I don’t like it I’ve come to terms with it. What set me off was his talking points about “his people” fixing the problem if they are reelected. His people “took Fillmore back” 4 years ago and haven’t done squat to fix much of anything that I can see. They’ve had 4 years to do something about it and they haven’t, but now they want to get reelected they’re talking about it. The only thing they’ve done is increase sewer rates and give people who have old bills a break.
Zack Cooper


To the Editor:
I have had the honor of working on regional committees with Mayor Washburn and have found her to be a lady of high integrity who is caring and very dedicated to the residents of Fillmore. The City and the region will benefit from her continued service and so I encourage voters to re-elect Gayle Washburn to the City Council.
Linda Parks
Ventura County Supervisor


To the Editor:
Fillmore needs Washburn, Brooks and Pella
What would the state of Fillmore be if Neal, Tucker, and Minjares, are elected? Who will represent Fillmore at the county and state level?
Fillmore saw a lack of representation when Conaway was mayor. He was not present for a crucial vote on the number of housing units Fillmore would build. Due to his absence, the number exceeded what is feasible or what the citizens desired. He did not represent the interests of Fillmore.
Meetings at county commissions and districts vary from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday. At the last council meeting the loss of public transportation was on the agenda. Fillmore residents depend of VISTA to get to and from work and school. Currently Pro Tem Brooks represents Fillmore at VCTC and its other subcommittees. Will Neal, Tucker or Minjares leave their jobs and represent you?
Neal owns two businesses in town. If he is mopping up a water leak, will he leave his paying job for no pay? Tucker works in the San Fernando Valley. Will he leave his job to fulfill his elected duties? Manny Minjares works for Cabrillo Economic Development, he may have a conflict of interest.
Don’t take a chance your voice will be heard. We cannot afford to think our concerns stop at the city limits. If our electeds don’t make time to have a seat at the table what makes you think there will be a place when the issues are critical?
Vote Washburn, Brooks and Pella for City Council.
Susan Ann Lewis


To the Editor:
Clay Westling, Fillmore City Clerk, goes down to City Hall, Monday through Friday, sometimes Saturday, to do City business. Clay spends approximately 80 hours each month representing you. How? he administers the elections, complies with Public Records Act requests, coordinates and administers citation reviews, and signs City checks, to name a few of his jobs. For all of these duties, and more, he makes $25 a month, or thirty-one cents an hour.
Monday through Friday Nancy Meyers goes outside of the city to work. Nancy will not be available to represent you. So who will do the work of the City Clerk if Nancy Meyers is elected? Someone will have to be hired…. maybe even part-time. Regardless, you, the taxpayer, will have to pay for that someone to do the work Clay is doing. Believe you me; it will cost more than the thirty-one cents an hour you are currently paying. Oh, and by the way, you’ll still have to pay Nancy the $25 a month.
Join me and vote for Clay Westling for Fillmore City Clerk.
Elizabeth Hildebrand


To the Editor:
Women care about America. We know there are many issues that impact us. As a young woman, I am concerned that politicians have singled my gender out as one who only cares about reproductive rights. That somehow, my mind has only been able to comprehend and care about one issue and that one issue defines me as a person. Groups of individuals would even like me to believe that if a politician hasn't spent all of their time and effort on reproductive rights and accompanying federal funding, that the politician is "against" women.
This couldn't be further from the truth.
As a woman, I believe strongly in helping small businesses create jobs. In fact, in the US, women are starting up businesses at a rate of 2 to 1 over their male counterparts. This is a woman's issue. I care about all of our children's education in this great state. This directly benefits women - it directly benefits everyone. I have always cared about the protection of our seniors by strengthening Social Security and Medicare. Women represent 57 percent of all Social Security beneficiaries age 62 and older and approximately 68 percent of beneficiaries age 85 and older. When politicians fight for reform and sustainability, they are fighting for women.
In regards to reproductive rights, I have always had access to birth control and I do not utilize Planned Parenthood. I have always had a choice, as do all women in America, and I am pro-life. I want a congressional representative who will fight to strengthen our economy and enable Ventura County's small business women and men to create jobs. We need a representative who will ensure our children's education is top notch and prepares them for the jobs of the future.
We need a representative who will strengthen Social Security and Medicare. Tony Strickland is running for the U.S. Congress to represent Venture County and has listed these as his top priorities.
This insight shows me that he worries about issues that impact women and he fights for women.
Heidi Neal


To the Editor:
Letter to the Editor - Why should I vote for...?
Why should I vote for Tony Strickland? As a mother of three, with 3rd generation family in our community, I felt compelled to write this letter to share why Tony Strickland has my vote.
Tony is more than just a name on a flyer. His character, ethics, and conduct are what we need representing our community. He has lived in Ventura County for over 40 years and understands our needs. He’s a family man with great values and has the love and support of his wife and family. He appreciates mothers and the tremendous responsibility we share in raising our children. He cares deeply about our county, its future, and promotes unity in our government.
He passionately strives to make our community, schools, and neighborhoods better and will put in the time and effort needed to make that happen. He has successfully served California for many years. I can’t imagine
choosing a representative for Ventura County who has never lived here. Why?
How could they possibly understand our needs? They can’t! Think long and hard about what’s important. I value integrity, strong values, experience, and consistent leadership. I’m voting for my neighbor, Tony Strickland, I hope you do too!
Deborah Cassar


To the Editor:
Youth, Jobs, and Taxes
Job hunting in America today has become increasingly difficult today for young people. I would know this because I'm one of those young people. I have applied to place after place and have barely had some much as an interview for only a couple of them. I couldn't even get a job at the Taco Bell that my older brother worked at for 6 months. I'm tried of getting turned down and I want to do something about. Which is why this November I plan on voting for Tony Strickland for Congress.
Tony Strickland has constantly fought against raising taxes. From what I learned in my US Government class this is good news for me. With taxes being lowered, businesses will have more money to pay employees and thus being able to hire more people. With this in mind, I plan on voting for Tony Strickland so I have a better chance a getting a job I need.
Nicholas W. Dueñas
Thousand Oaks


To the Editor:
Tony Strickland is FOR Women
As a woman, I am appalled at the accusation that voting for Tony Strickland would be a vote against women. OPEN YOUR EYES WOMEN. Politicians who gain your vote simply because you are told the opposing party does not support women, only further weakens our image in society. If you DO YOUR RESEARCH you will see that Tony Strickland, a modern Republican can represent your needs better than an unfamiliar Julia Brownley. If Nancy Pelosi can place Brownley here for her personal gains in Congress then doesn't that exemplify female corruption in government? Yes women can be corrupt too. Do not be blinded by "War on Women"; It is a fictional war designed to scare you into voting a certain way.
Show the country, and our county, that you are smarter than that. Show that as a woman you can make a choice, BASED ON YOUR BELIEFS, not on silly political lies that are being used against you by those who see you as a gullible population. Tony supports women, if you do not believe me then please refer to his work with the Healthy Families Program, Jaquelyn's Bill, and SB 966 protecting Domestic Violence victims. A vote for Tony is a vote for women.
Whitney Beatty


To the Editor:
The middle class is struggling, and has been for far too long. Our community’s next representative has to be a fighter for the middle class. While Julia Brownley wants us to believe that’s her, her record just doesn’t cut it.
How can you vote for higher sales taxes, higher car taxes, higher income taxes, and still call yourself an advocate for the middle class? The burden of these taxes, particularly the sales tax and car tax, falls disproportionately on the middle class. Couldn’t middle class families use some relief in this economy? How many of us can afford to pay Brownley’s new taxes?
And at the same time she’s been raising taxes on us, she’s been cutting programs for us. Case in point? Healthy Families, a program to provide healthcare for working class families. Brownley voted to cut the program while her opponent, Tony Strickland, has been working across the aisle with Democrat Fran Pavley to reinstate it.
We’ve made tough decisions. We’ve cut back. Brownley hasn’t. She still voted to spend billions we don’t have on a railroad that doesn’t touch our county. And while she talks about forcing the rich to pay more, it’s the middle class she’s been squeezing for the dough.
Brownley talks a good game; no doubt about it. But when it comes time to vote, the middle class isn’t anything more to her than a credit card.
Andrew Murcia


To the Editor:
As a student about to attend college the thought of further cuts to education frightens me. Why? Because I know that if more cuts are made to our public educational system, I will be slapped with the bill. It will come down to choosing whether I take out ridiculous loans that will take me decades to pay off or not attending college because I simply won’t be able to afford it.
There is no point in denying that cuts to our education won’t stifle our growth and the prosperity of our youth. Especially now when it is imperative for students to get a higher education to acquire a job is it vital that we do our best to secure this fragile system. If we don’t, middle and lower-income families alike will see the opportunities in front of them severely diminish.
Now more than ever we must come together and elect a Congressional candidate who will protect and improve our educational system, without further worsening our financial situation. We need someone who will balance the budget, invest in the education of the leaders of tomorrow, and find a way to bring back opportunities for the youth of today.
This November when you cast your ballot, do the right thing for the kids across America and join me in electing Tony Strickland to congress. He is the only person who can truly find a solution to the adversities that we are facing. Unlike his opponent, he lives in this county and knows exactly what it takes to improve our education. With two children of his own, I know he will make the decisions necessary to improve our county.
As a soon to be college student I trust Tony Strickland and believe that he will find the solutions to the problems we face.
Otto Tielemans


To the Editor:
This is a time of year that every two years, and particularly every four years, I become agitated and distressed by the volume of advertisements and differing opinions attempting to distort the truth about what and who we need to approve by our votes. I have found that during this period what gives me the most peace and assurance that I am not being led by the deceptive lies bought and paid for by special interest organizations is through a certain acronym in a period when it seems there is an acronym for everything under the sun. This is a very well recognized name but very few realize that the name is an acronym as well. This word, this name is BIBLE.
Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.
When you view the propositions, the Party platforms, their purpose to get your much needed vote, and even the candidates, it becomes much easier to make a right decision. If you lay aside your party affiliation, set aside the directions given you by the unions and other special interest groups, ignore the voices of the media and well recognized personalities and vote the BIBLE you can be assured that the GOD who founded our nation will direct you in the right direction.
The reason America has lasted longer than any other nation is that the founding fathers voted the Bible in establishing the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. We were given the right to live under laws established by GOD for the benefit of everyone. Vote the Bible. What does the Bible say about same sex marriage and the taking away of the right to life of the unborn as promoted by Planned Parenthood? What does the Bible say about the freedom of choice? Can unions and parties make demands that you donate your funds to promote their ideals? Can government demand that the name of Jesus be removed from the prayers of our military establishments and from our police departments? Don’t be confused and give up you rights.
S. Mason

Letters to the Editor
October 19, 2012

[Below is a letter from Councilman Eduardo Gonzalez in response to the Gazette's October 18 front page article reporting his $95,000 delinquent water/sewer bill. The Gazette has inserted its fact checking and response into the letter in red text.]

Open letter to the citizens of Fillmore
October 17, 2012
On October 11, 2012, the Fillmore Gazette published a front page article about our family business having a water and sewer debt with the City of Fillmore. Even though the article has factual errors, such as the number of rooms [The Gazette reported Orange Blossom Villa has 66 units; correction, it can facilitate 66 persons], and the actual amount we owe to the city, which, incidentally, is way lower than what is published, the fact still stands that we have a debt [The Gazette reported the correct amount past due; see billing history posted Here. The exact amount, as of 09/27/12 was $95,019.47].

There are several reasons why we have accumulated this debt. While I am not going to go into detail about those reasons, I believe it is fair to say that the general economy in this country has been a factor, as well as the exorbitant water and sewer rates that the citizens of Fillmore are being forced to pay, thanks to Mr. Steve Conaway’s idea about building a $174 million sewer plant [The actual cost of the plant was $83 million (See Article from the Slo Coast Journal for outside verification). It was not Councilman Conaway’s “idea” to build a sewer plant; Federal and State mandates demanded it, with threat of daily fines. Why would Councilman Gonzalez claim $174 million and blame one man for a problem being experienced by many cities?]. Even though our business is residential for seniors, our rates are calculated as business rates, and our water and sewer bills, once the plant was built, were increased from approx. $4,500 per month to about $15,000 per month [The Gazette calculated eight billings for 118 B St. and 827 River St. The lowest billing was $7,456.03, the highest $14,011.78, the average billing was $9,913.96, not $15,000. Again, see billing history posted Here]. This is about a 200+ percent increase overnight.

Businesses have a legal opportunity to declare bankruptcy protection and reorganize their debt. Unfortunately, by doing so, the vendors and individuals’ owed money to would end up not getting payment for what is owed them, or only getting pennies on the dollar, giving the business an advantage in reorganizing debt. If we chose this route, we would be taking advantage of everyone we owe money to, which, in this case, would include the City of Fillmore. My wife and I made a conscious decision not to do that, but to face our debt and creditors, and establish payment plans in order to pay what we owe, even if it took longer than anticipated. Let me be clear, we have never asked for a reduction in what we owe, nor forgiveness of any principal, penalties and fees, not to any creditor and much less, to the City of Fillmore.

The article published about us also says that the City has not provided the complete information requested about this case. However, in May 2012, I personally requested that the City Manager and City Clerk fully provide all the information that was being requested, without any reservations. I have received confirmation that this was completed, and I also saw all the documents submitted to Mr. Farrell, showing a complete file per his request, which is another factual error published by the Gazette [On May 15, 2012 the Gazette requested water billings for Fillmore Convalescent Center – 118 B Street, and Orange Blossom Villa, 827 River Street. We received a billing history for Fillmore Convalescent Center, 118 B. Street in the amount of $70,129.71 owing as of 05/10/12. A second billing was attached for the same name and address for $341.43 owing as of 05/10/12. Further requests for Orange Blossom Villa water AND SEWER billing history were answered with an email from City Clerk Clay Westling on July 12, 2012 with, “Martin Ferrell [sic], The City of Fillmore has provided you with all of the records on this topic that exist. If you are aware of any inaccuracies or incompleteness regarding these records, please provide more specific information. In the meantime I am treating this topic as closed Clay Westling”. Since no document we received referenced Orange Blossom Villa or the 827 River Street address, the Gazette requested complete billings again. On October 5, 2012 we received the $95,000+ billing and a billing for Orange Blossom Villa in the amount of $688.22 as of 09/27/12, address 827-T River Street. Yet another formal request to Clerk Westling resulted in an email from Glenda Jay, city finance director. It read, “Mr. Martin Farrell, The water/sewer/source reduction billing for 118 B Street and 827T River Street include the following: the utility billing for the address 118 B Street includes water/sewer/source reduction fees for the Fillmore Convalescent Center and the Orange Blossom Facility. When maintenance staff turns off the meter for this service location the water is off at the Orange Blossom facility.” TRANSLATION: THE TWO BUSINESSES SHARE ONE METER, though only the Convalescent Center name and address show on the billing. The 827 T River Street is the irrigation meter for the Orange Blossom facility and does not include sewer charges, according to Jay’s email. The Gazette’s response after four months of repeated requests: “Having not been informed of this unique billing situation, therefore, on its face, the Account History report the clerk provided was, as I explained in detail, incomplete and incorrect, identifying only the “Fillmore Conv. Center” and omitting the Orange Blossom Villa. Had this unusual billing setup been explained earlier a great deal of unnecessary correspondence and frustration could have been avoided, although it would not have changed the conclusions. Responses to public records requests should be clear, complete, and precise, as the request itself is required to be. Mr. Gonzalez explained the situation to me in a telephone conversation yesterday. Thank you for confirming his explanation. Dtd 10/12/12.”]

Nevertheless, it is unfortunate that not just businesses are suffering in today’s economy. We all, the citizens of Fillmore, have to pay today for the mistakes of yesterday. It is true that the State of California forced us to build a new water and sewer plant; it is true that for every day that the city had a leak we were getting penalized [So now it wasn't Councilman Conaway’s decision to build a sewer plant(?) as you stated in the second paragraph of this letter?], but, it is also true that we didn’t have to build a plant of this size [the plant was built to accommodate a future population of 20,000]. We were sold a plant that we just couldn’t afford and are now paying for the consequences of this decision, through the frequent rate increases to families and businesses water and sewer bills, rate increases that were built in the original agreement in 2006-2007. Not able to afford it any longer, businesses are leaving town and we are losing jobs [?].

I am not proud of the fact that our family business owes money to the City. If that is enough reason for me not to serve this City as a councilmember, then let it be, but we refuse to be a “pawn” of the political tactics that intend to harm our reputation and our true interest in fully paying this debt, and we will do so [The Gazette believes that an appointed councilman who owes 20% of the city’s past due water/sewer debts is newsworthy. As former city manager Yvonne Quiring stated at the 03/27/12 council meeting, those that pay their utility bills must make up for those who do not pay their bills].

Eduardo Gonzalez

Letters to the Editor
October 18, 2012

To the Editor:
The Mayor’s Council Candidate answer in the Gazette dated October 14, 2012 is not correct.
The Mayor stated that the City employee’s Letter of No Confidence regarding the City Manager was “given by Rogaer Campbell and that he interfered between the City Manager and employees.” The Letter of No Confidence was written by City Employees and not by Roger Campbell. And, Roger Campbell had no interference between the City Manager and City employees.
The Mayor made reference to the City employee’s poor morale being influenced by the Gazette editorials from the year 2008 to 2009. This is incorrect. The Letter of No Confidence was about poor morale caused by the City Manager’s ill-behavior toward employees during the timeframe of November 2009-September 2010. The Letter of No Confidence had nothing to do with the City Council’s behavior toward City employees or the Gazettes editorials.
Please listen to the letter here: http://www.fillmoregazette.com/front-page/city-manager-receives-vote-no-....
The Mayor made a reference that the allegations were unsubstantiated. That’s news to City employees. The employees were not interviewed in the investigation and were never told of the result of the investigation. Please understand that the employees were not making criminal or legal charges against the City Manager. Employees know bad morale is not illegal.
The City Manager and the employees (except two), who signed the letter, are gone and the Letter of No confidence is used as an example of poor morale. The Gazette’s question seemed to be more about how do you build morale.
I wish all the council candidates good luck.
A Former City Employee
(name withheld by request)


To the Editor:
As the election for Fillmore City Council approaches we believe that exercising our right to vote is one of the most personal and important actions we can engage in as a citizen. Through the democratic process we have the ability to elect candidates who represent our views, who we believe will make decisions on behalf of the entire community and put the community first above all else. To that end we support Manuel Minjares, Rick Neal and Douglas Tucker for Fillmore City Council.
Brett Chandler
Scott Lee


To the Editor:
In response to Bert Castel de Oro’s letter to the editor on September 20th I wanted to echo my displeasure with the city council’s lack of leadership regarding the Magellan Survey. It is time for the leadership on the council (and yes I am talking about Brooks and Washburn) to wake-up and learn what it means to be a leader. Leaders don’t have to be popular all the time but they do have to know how to take criticism about their performance (or lack of performance). When we look at leaders throughout history - the good ones are far from perfect. But the one thing the great leaders through history have is the ability to suck it up when someone started brow beating them for their actions (or lack of actions). Having known Rick Neal as part of Search and Rescue, I can vouch for his leadership capabilities. He is well respected among the team for his work ethic and not asking any team member to do something that he would not do. I applaud Rick for running for City Council; the Town of Fillmore will be well served to have him working to make Fillmore a better place.
I am voting Rick Neal for City Council and you should too!
Steve Cohen


To the Editor:
To the Community of Fillmore
The challenges facing our town are hurdles not tombstones. We as a community can bridge a path to civic pride, create a diverse economy and improve services for all Fillmore residents. This is a vision that I embrace for the betterment of our community.
There are stark differences of direction that most candidates have expressed. For example, at the League of Women Voters Debate; Sandy Pella, Gayle Washburn and Jamey Brooks are the only candidates that want to reduce the sewer plant operating costs. Pella, Washburn, and Brooks, are committed to this. Remaining silent or by act of denial is not an option. It’s time for genuine leadership.
I’ve been asked by many individuals who I will be endorsing for the three available seats for City Council. My endorsements have been thoroughly researched by credentials that I feel a Council Member should have.
Trustworthiness- Does this individual examine issues based on facts instead of gossip and innuendo?
Integrity- Is this individual “free” of outside special interests? Will he/she vote on issues that will benefit the entire community - instead of a few?
Dedication - Can this individual not only attend Council meetings, are they available to participate in committee and commission meetings?
With that said, I strongly endorse Gayle Washburn,
Jamey Brooks, and Sandy Pella.
The decisions today have lasting consequences. Now is not the time to reverse our local government leadership. Please join me in supporting these fine individuals on
November 6, 2012.
Brian Sipes


To the Editor:
Four years ago, Gayle Washburn and Jamey Brooks were elected by ‘We the People’. Their code, “Take Back City Hall” has been accomplished.
Gayle and Jamey, worked to make the budget transparent. Instead of looking through reams of paper, you can now quickly see how each department is doing - from income to expenses. It’s available online from draft to finish. Budget workshops are televised, something not done before 2008.
Gayle and Jamey committed themselves to the betterment of Fillmore. Through their contacts at the county level and beyond, they have formed relationships with individuals and entities working to help Fillmore with the financial woes every city is dealing with.
Litigation expenses have escalated, not due to Gayle and Jamey, but are a result of the 2003 sales tax agreements as well as the lawsuits brought by the owner of El Dorado who are forcing senior citizens from their homes.
If you believe council members are to be ethical, have integrity, and want a voice on the council, I urge you to vote for Gayle Washburn and Jamey Brooks for City Council.
Norma Amaro


To the Editor:
Please publish the sources of money for Communities Building Together. I'm amazed at how much money is being spent in this campaign. My amazement started when I received a phone call in Canada from Portland, OR, asking my opinion about Fillmore.. If some of the money comes from outside our community, I'd like to know that and would be very interested in knowing why they are interested in our town. Thank you.
Susan M. Cuttriss


To the Editor:
Three of the candidates running for city council have been receiving money - big chunks of it - from "Communities Building Together", Roger Campbell's newest consortium of builders and developers from outside the area. As anyone who follows politics knows, such contributions are not , in fact, contributions at all but are investments. Those making them expect to recoup their investments plus many thousands of additional dollars. These businesses couldn't care less about Fillmore; they are only concerned with the commercial potential of the city and the land that surrounds it. Ask yourself: Why are builders from LA County all of a sudden interested in the civic affairs of a city of 15,000 people? The answer couldn't be plainer!
Whatever problems Fillmore may have, they aren't going to be solved by candidates who have sold their integrity to outside developers. Taking PAC money disqualifies these men from any serious consideration as council candidates. If you see any of them, ask them what the developers expect in return for their "contributions". PACs in community politics! What a disgrace!
Ed Hopkins


To the Editor:
Don’t be fooled by the wolf in sheep’s clothing
Campbell, a lobbyist and known consultant to developers of the business park and residential developments in Fillmore, formed a PAC of secret contributors who are advising Neal, Tucker and Minjares. The PAC pays for hit mailers, fancy banners, glossy flyers, and the like.
At the League of Women Voter’s debate Neal, Tucker and Minjares said they’d look to their advisors when determining the best course for Fillmore. They indicate they want to find ways to promote the business park but would not consider using public funds to do so. Tucker and Neal suggested the city had a study that would allow the business park to move forward but was held up by Washburn and Brooks.
I phoned Washburn asking about this study. One had recently been done which showed the city and council had done all they could do to provide support for the development of the park. It was now up to the developers.
Don’t let the local lobbyist sway you. Campbell formed a PAC in 2004 which supported Conaway, who in 2006 voted to give special consideration to the developers of the business park at your expense.
As for Washburn and Brooks, their advisors are you, the citizens of Fillmore. Their backers are again, you the citizens of Fillmore. They vowed in 2008 not to take special interest money and they made the same vow now.
Please vote for common sense, integrity, and ethics. Please vote for Washburn, Brooks, and Pella for Fillmore City Council. Fillmore cannot afford less.
Brett Weiberg

Communities Building Together is a registered 501c4 organization which means that they are allowed to engage in education and public awareness activities but cannot ask people to vote one way or another. Contributions to these organizations are confidential. The IRS regulates 501c4 organizations. The Gazette contacted Mr. Campbell to find out why the organization is set up this way and to get more information on funders. This was his response, “Our supporters are a variety of local businesses and individuals who are interested in the future of Fillmore. They have chosen to participate in this election through our community organization because they fear retribution by current members of the council. Our group allows them to participate in public education and yet remain safe from political retribution.”


To the Editor:
Volunteer work is a critical component to the efforts that make America great. I have spent a lot of time volunteering in a domestic violence shelter and have a deep admiration for Tony Strickland's endless volunteer work in the Venture County Coalition safe houses.
As with many people's volunteer experiences, the up-close and personal work gave the Senator first-hand knowledge of the effects of domestic violence, allowing him to become a real advocate to end violence against women and children. During Tony Strickland's tenure in the state senate, he ensured funding for the Crisis Response Intervention Program, even during the complicated budget times we face today. His presence and participation at the California Partnership To End Domestic Violence allows for Coalition Advocates to directly appeal for his help as well as preserve funding for their program and others like it.
Senator Strickland is now running for the U.S. Congress. I can't think of a better person, than someone who works for Californians'
both in his elected office and in his personal time.
Heidi Neal


To the Editor:
Immigration Alteration
On the touchy subject on immigration, Tony Strickland has firmly took a stance for the positive. Strickland will provide a fair route for illegal immigrants to become U.S. citizens if prerequisites are fulfilled. This includes programs that will assist the immigrants in adjusting to the new society so that they will not have to return to their country of origin too seek citizenship in the U.S. Opponent Julia Brownley argues that full reform is needed in order to solve illegal immigration, when Strickland suggests that such measures are not needed. That measures such as “...establishing a guest worker program and expansion of legal immigration through the issuance of more HB1 visas for foreign workers in specialized occupations.” can be taken in account, and later, into action. This solution would require less work that rebuilding the whole infrastructure of the illegal immigration ordeal. This would be an ample reason to vote in Mr. Tony Strickland into Washington.
Danielle Moorea D. Bautista,


To the Editor:
No “Jailhouse Rock” Party Under Tony Strickland
One of the main functions of government is to keep American citizens safe. Tony Strickland has made it a priority to keep Ventura County safe and criminal free.
In a growing community with many diverse types of people, it is essential that we maintain a sense of security that is suitable for families. Sex offenders are uprising within the Los Angeles area. This emphasizes the importance to pass to pass strict laws on crime and put criminals behind bars. Tony was proud to help pass the Chelsea’s Law (anyone convicted of a sexual offense, receives life in prison). This candidate is dedicated to prevent sexual abuse by those who harm our susceptible citizens.
Furthermore, Tony is an active supporter of the Coalition Family Harmony and strongly believes it necessary to have firmer laws against spouse abuse and domestic violence. He has set aside restrictions such as immigration statuses to insure that everyone is protected from hostile environments.
Tony will promote law and order and will fight to keep citizens safe. Please vote Strickland for Congress!
Ashton Hebert
Thousand Oaks


To the Editor:
With a flurry of issues and very contrasted viewpoints, the decision of who to vote for in the Congressional race for California's 26th district may have left voters feeling conflicted. While it may be difficult to discern a clear cut winner, and the candidate deserving of your vote, for many of these issues, that of Animal Welfare goes without a doubt to Tony Strickland. While a stigma generally follows Republican candidates in that issues of this nature come second, it appears State Senator Strickland has never fallen into this category, with animal rights essentially coming second nature to him.
With a formal endorsement from the nation's leading political advocacy organization on animal welfare, The Humane Society Legislative Fund, Strickland is ahead of the pack with an infallible record in Sacramento. As co-chair of the Animal Protection Caucus, Senator Strickland has consistently pushed the cause, from cracking down on animal fighting, to prohibiting roadside sales of animals, to advocating for the adoption of homeless pets, amongst numerous other issues, all of which have been signed into law.
While many of the issues that we vote for do not necessarily affect us directly, it is undeniable that to a majority of voters that their pets have transformed their house into a home. We need a Congressman who understands what a tangible part animals play in our lives, and a Congressman who fights for the well being of these animals.
So if giving a voice to the voiceless, but very barkful, holds a part in how your decision will sway this November, there is no other choice than Strickland.
Molly Lowe
Thousand Oaks


To the Editor:
I am very concerned over the negative TV commercials against Prop 37. As a volunteer for Yes on Prop 37 I pray you will ask yourself, if there isn't anything to worry, why is the worlds largest pesticide company spending millions to scare and confuses people about Prop 37? Yes on Prop 37 stands for my Right To Know what's in the food I feed my family. Prop 37 is straight forward, just label GMO's and adding a few words on a label, will cost nothing. We the voters need to stand up for our freedom to choose what we eat. I personally don't want to eat GMO's and if a product is labeled GMO I would avoid it. Here's some food for thought, if GMO's are safe and there's nothing to be concerned about, why are the TV commercials slamming Prop 37, with outlandish scare tactics, instead of telling us they are safe and all the benefits of Genetically Engineered Foods. One
thing to keep in mind, a million dollar TV commercial can say anything they want, as long as they pay the big bucks. Vote Yes on Prop 37!!
Dee Cota
Santa Paula


To the Editor:
When it comes to job creation and stimulus money, the accountability for funds spent is a mess. The thought of trickle-down government has not worked, and the stimuli these past years have not led to the promised turnaround in the economy.
Tony Strickland understands that the perspective that the government is “giving” or “awarding” subsidies is flawed. The money has to come from somewhere, usually via your taxes. You pay into the system to receive services from the government, and your elected officials advocate for money to come back through projects that benefit you, their constituents. The question is not if the government should offer services and collect taxes, but rather how much they should offer and collect.
Who is better at spending your money? You? Or the government? Tony Strickland believes in job creation by the people and the private sector over the government. He is intimately familiar with the issues here in Ventura because he grew up here, and therefore knows how to spend your tax money most efficiently. Government spending is not the solution to everything, but Tony will work to ensure that the money spent is spent wisely, creating local jobs and encouraging real economic growth.
Nick Russell


To the Editor:
Julia Brownly a Santa Monica Assemblywomen, knows little about the needs of Ventura County citizens and prides herself on supporting Washington's far-left liberal agenda.having been recruited by Nancy Pelosi to run for Ventura County's open Congressional seat, it is no surprise that liberal LA County import, Julia Brownley, Stands firmly behind the Pelosi/Reid/Obama agenda in Washington.
Brownley stood along side with Nancy Pelosi when she rooled out her billon-dollar healthcare overhaul in congress, overlooking the fact that this overhaul cuts over $700 million from Medicare in order to pay for other frivolous regulations. Julia Brownley does not understand the needs of Ventura County because she is not from Ventura County and that is why I oppose her candidacy for U.S. Congress from our community.
Very Respectfully,
Steven Almcrantz
Port Hueneme


To the Editor:
Ventura County has had many ups and downs in its day. Cutting programs that benefit the county are not the way to go, especially in this economic recession. Julia Brownley an assemblywoman from Santa Monica voted for the high speed rail project that only benefits The County of Los Angeles.
The final cost of the completed project from Los Angeles to San Francisco would be $68 billion. Where is the money going to come from you may ask? The money is specifically going to come from the wallets of thousands of residents living here in Ventura County. Including to the cost of the residents, Brownley also voted to cut programs for the “healthy families” program. This program specifically helps poor working families giving them healthcare. Cutting this program will put families in danger of not getting the medical treatment they need if the unforeseen happens. Julia Brownley clearly has a vested interest in Los Angeles—not Ventura County. Tony Strickland lives in Moorpark and he knows how Ventura County works. He knows the perfect anecdote to make Ventura County the ideal place to live in California.
Robbie Marron,


To the Editor:
As a woman, it is hard to hear Julia Brownley falsely accuse Tony Strickland for being a candidate in the war against women. I will be voting for Tony Strickland in November because of his support for women. For starters, he authored the Senate Bill 966 which would deny a convicted Domestic Violence partner from receiving spousal support from the victim. Having worked for the District Attorney's office, I know the majority of DV victims are women, and I have seen perpetrators try to collect from women supporting their families while they are in prison. Not only is Tony an advocate for justice, he is also a supporter of the Healthy Families Program. Legislation that affects a lot of women directly are those that affect the family. Shame on Julia Brownley for voting against Tony's Healthy Families program which provides health care for children of lower income families. He also authored Jacquelyn's Bill, which increased the number of newborn testing to prevent diseases that can be detrimental to development. Julia Brownley can point her finger all she wants, Tony Strickland simply does not disregard women and he will not as a member in Congress.
Whitney Beatty