Vol. #9




Rio Vista Elementary’s English Learners Advisory Committee, ELAC will be having a meeting on Thursday, November 20, 2014 at 7:45 A.M. in Room E7

Child Care will be provided with an advance notice. Coffee and pastry will be provided for all parents who join us. Raffle will be held!

It is very important to attend all ELAC meetings. The committee will discuss on themes that affect our English language students. Parents can help to make important decisions at Rio Vista. If you have any questions please contact our School at (805)524-4210.

La escuela Rio Vista tendrá una junta del Comité Consultivo de Estudiantes de Inglés (ELAC)) el jueves 20 de noviembre a las 7:45 A.M. en el salón E7.

Habrá cuidado de niños disponible si es necesario, favor de avisarnos en avance
Se proveerá bocados a todos los padres que asistan. Tendremos una Rifa!

Es muy importante asistir a la reunión ELAC. Se trataran temas que afectan los estudiantes de segundo idioma. Los padres pueden ayudar hacer decisiones importantes en nuestra escuela. Si hubiera alguna pregunta, comunicarse con la Escuela Rio Vista al número (805)524-4210. Por favor de llegar a tiempo.


Dan Walters and others to discuss drought’s impact
Bill Watkins
Bill Watkins

Bill Watkins, executive director of the California Lutheran University Center for Economic Research and Forecasting, will present the 2015 Ventura County Forecast during a seminar from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Friday, Nov. 14, at the Serra Center in Camarillo.

In addition, a panel of experts including Sacramento Bee columnist Dan Walters will discuss how the drought will impact agribusiness and the greater Ventura County economy. The other panelists are CERF economist Matthew Fienup, United Water Conservation District General Manager Mike Solomon and environmental lawyer Tony Trembley.

Watkins has been providing unflinching forecasts since 2000. He has been widely published in academic journals and been featured in media throughout the country including the Wall Street Journal, CNN and Forbes. An associate professor of economics, Watkins helped start a graduate program in economics at Cal Lutheran.

Walters has written about California and its politics for more than 40 years. His work has appeared in media outlets throughout the country including The Wall Street Journal and Christian Science Monitor.

Fienup teaches courses in econometrics as an adjunct professor at Cal Lutheran. He is an expert on the economics of private land use and issues surrounding urban growth restriction and groundwater management policy in Ventura County.

Solomon first joined the United Water Conservation District in 1997 as its chief financial officer. He is a former member of the Association of California Water Agencies Board of Directors and Executive Committee.

Trembley is a partner in the Westlake Village office of Musick Peeler and a member of the company’s environmental and public law group. He has represented both public and private sector clients in wastewater and water quality matters.

Cal Lutheran CERF provides local, state and national forecasts for government, business and nonprofit leaders. The National Association for Business Economics, the Economist, CNN Money and Case-Shiller Macro Markets have included CERF forecasters in their surveys on economic policies and outlooks, home prices, jobs and the presidential election.

The Serra Center is located at 5205 Upland Road. To register, visit www.clucerf.org. Registration fees, which include lunch and access to the full forecast, are $175 in advance and $200 at the door. For more information, call Ashley Freas at freas@callutheran.edu or 805-493-3668.

Panelists are Cal Lutheran experts in various subjects

Religion, history, political science and communication faculty members at California Lutheran University will discuss the “Islamic State” group and put current events in Iraq and Syria in context on Tuesday, Nov. 11.

“Teach-in on ISIS: Religion and Violence in Today’s Global Landscape” will begin at 4 p.m. in Richter Hall on the Thousand Oaks campus. The presentation and panel discussion will be followed by a question-and-answer session.

Julia Fogg, who chairs the Religion Department, will moderate the discussion. The panelists are Rose Aslan, assistant professor of religion; Paul Hanson, professor of history; Ryan Medders, a communication instructor; and S. Jovian Radheshwar, who teaches in the Political Science and Global Studies departments.

Fogg is an associate professor with expertise on immigration, religious practice, community identity and Islam. Aslan teaches courses on global religions and is a scholar of Islam and an interfaith activist who has conducted research in Iraq. Hanson is a two-time Fulbright Scholar whose research has focused on Islamic history, the politics of the Middle East and the relationship of religion and political legitimacy. Medders has researched the social and psychological effects of online media. Radheshwar specializes in political theory and international relations.

Refreshments will be served.

The departments of religion, political science and history are sponsoring the free event along with the Segerhammar Center for Faith and Culture, Center for Equality and Justice, and Residential Life at Cal Lutheran.

Richter Hall is located in the Ahmanson Science Center, which is south of Memorial Parkway near Pioneer Avenue.

For more information, contact the Center for Equality and Justice at cej@callutheran.edu or 805-493-3694.


The Fillmore Unified School District is pleased to announce that Piru Elementary School has been selected to receive an Apple grant as part of the ConnectED program. The award will enable Piru Elementary School to provide a comprehensive 1:1 technology solution for every student and teacher, including Apple hardware, software, and services.

By providing students, teachers, and administrators with Apple technology, Piru Elementary will be able to enrich its classroom experience and expand opportunities for its students.

Superintendent, Dr. Adrian Palazuelos shared, “Our Board of Trustees and the district community are overjoyed that Piru Elementary School was selected as one of the recipients of the Apple ConnectED program. The new hardware and companion professional learning on integrating technology into our classrooms will enhance teaching and learning in our school community. ”

Principal of Piru Elementary School, Diana Vides, expressed this grant will have a tremendous impact on our students and our greater community. Piru students will now have an opportunity to work with the latest technology to help bridge gaps that exist due to economic and language barriers. This will benefit our students and community allowing us to narrow the digital divide and provide much needed opportunities required to compete within our global society.

Piru Elementary School is located in Ventura County and is part of the Fillmore Unified School District.

Additional information about Apple and ConnectED is available at www.apple.com/education/connectED


Band members rehearse for an upcoming field show competition
Band members rehearse for an upcoming field show competition
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The Fillmore High School band and colorguard, known as the Flashes Regiment, will compete in the Simi Valley High School Band Spectacular on Sat. Oct 25 at 4:30 PM. The band has been learning and rehearsing a competitive field show since mid August. Thirty one groups will participate in the competition in divisions based on the number of performing musicians in the band. Each ensemble will present their show to a panel of judges who score the group based on music performance, visual precision, and overall effect. There are also individual judges in colorguard and percussion performance. Modern field shows are based on thematic music and visuals. This year the FHS Regiment show is titled “Twisted” and features a wide variety of thematic music and movement. The event is open to the public. Tickets are sold at the gate at the Simi Valley High School football field. The FHS Regiment is supported by the Fillmore Band Boosters through fundraising efforts.

California State University Channel Islands
California State University Channel Islands

Camarillo, CA - Explore the exciting possibilities for unmanned vehicles in a half-day symposium featuring expert speakers and robotic displays on the CSU Channel Islands (CI) campus. On Friday, Nov. 7, from 2 to 6 p.m., in the Grand Salon, CI will host the Channel Islands Chapter of the Association of Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI) Micro-Symposium. The event is $25 for the public; free to CI students; and $20 for AUVSI members and CI faculty. Guests may register in advance at: channelislands.auvsi.org/home.

AUVSI is a nonprofit organization advocating the advancement, application and utilization of unmanned systems in the tri-counties. The event will include expert panel sessions on unmanned vehicle applications in environmental, agricultural and tri-county business opportunities. Keynote remarks by Assemblyman Jeff Gorell of Camarillo will highlight the success of his Gold Team California economic development initiative. Elementary, high school and college students will present robotic displays and air vehicle and ground vehicle demonstrations are planned. The event will conclude with a social hour.

Complimentary event parking is limited and only available in the designated parking lot. Once on campus, follow the directional signage to event parking; then follow the walking signage to the event location. Free parking is available at the Camarillo Metrolink Station/Lewis Road parking lot with bus service to and from the campus. The cash-only bus fare is $1.25 each way. Buses arrive and depart from the Camarillo Metrolink Station every 30 minutes from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m., Monday through Friday. For exact times, check the schedule at www.goventura.org.

If you are interested in being an AUVSI Channel Islands Chapter event sponsor, please check the CIC AUVSI website, email mruavs@hotmail.com or call 805-816-0778. For additional CI information, contact Merissa Stith, Assistant Manager of Conferences & Events, at 805-437-8548 or merissa.stith@csuci.edu.

About California State University Channel Islands
CSU Channel Islands (CI) is the only four-year, public university in Ventura County and is known for its interdisciplinary, multicultural and international perspectives, and its emphasis on experiential and service learning. CI’s strong academic programs focus on business, sciences, liberal studies, teaching credentials, and innovative master’s degrees. Students benefit from individual attention, up-to-date technology, and classroom instruction augmented by outstanding faculty research. CI has been designated by the U.S. Department of Education as a Hispanic-Serving Institution and is committed to serving students of all backgrounds from the region and beyond. Connect with and learn more about CI by visiting CI’s Social Media.

4th and 5th grade writers of the month
4th and 5th grade writers of the month
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2nd and 3rd grade writers of the month
2nd and 3rd grade writers of the month
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Kindergarten and 1st grade writers of the month
Kindergarten and 1st grade writers of the month
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LiNK members
LiNK members
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Cal Lutheran event highlights work by nonprofit LiNK

VENTURA, CA - Members of a nonprofit group dedicated to helping North Koreans and educating others about the plight of refugees will give a talk at California Lutheran University on Tuesday, Nov. 4.

Three members of Liberty in North Korea (LiNK) will give a multimedia presentation featuring refugee interviews, answer audience questions, and provide the opportunity for participants to continue the discussion at 6:30 p.m. in Ullman Commons 100/101.

LiNK is an international organization that helps North Koreans who have fled to China reach safety. Recurring food crises and political persecution prompt thousands of North Koreans to escape each year. Estimates of the number of North Korean refugees in China in the early 21st century range from 10,000 to 300,000, according to Encyclopaedia Britannica.

If North Koreans are caught trying to escape or if they are caught in China and sent back, they can be subjected to beatings, internment in a political prisoner camp or other punishments. Those hiding in China are vulnerable to exploitation by employers, sex traffickers and brokers who promise to get them to safety.

LiNK staff members have helped more than 200 refugees through a 3,000-mile underground-railroad system through Southeast Asia. They offer programs to empower resettled refugees to reach their full potential including educational and career development opportunities. Members also work with refugees and experts to gain insight into changes in North Korean society.

The organization is currently raising funds to help another 200 North Korean refugees.

Throughout the United States, the group has made more than 4,000 educational presentations on high school and college campuses, at churches and in community gathering places.

Cal Lutheran’s Campus Diversity Initiative, Asian Studies Minor Program, Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society, Center for Equality and Justice, and History Department are sponsoring the free event.

Ullman Commons is located north of Memorial Parkway between Pioneer and Regent avenues on the Thousand Oaks campus. For more information on the event, contact David Nelson at dnelson@callutheran.edu or 805-493-3318. For more information on LiNK, go to libertyinnorthkorea.org.

California State University Channel Islands
California State University Channel Islands

Camarillo, CA - CSU Channel Islands (CI) invites the public to an evening with retired U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, Thursday, Oct. 30, from 6 to 6:30 p.m. in the Grand Salon. Justice O’Connor will speak about civic engagement, democracy, and her life experiences in a presentation entitled “Democracy in the Digital Age.” This free event is presented by CI’s Political Science and History programs and is open to the public by prior registration. To register, visit go.csuci.edu/justiceoconnor.

O’Connor was the first woman appointed to the Supreme Court. She was appointed by President Ronald Reagan in 1981 and served until her retirement in 2006. During her 25-year tenure, she earned a reputation for a fair and impartial perspective and was involved in a number of landmark decisions involving issues ranging from abortion and affirmative action to property and voter rights.

Born in Texas in 1930, O’Connor graduated from Stanford University in 1950 with a B.A. in Economics and went on to earn her law degree from Stanford in 1952. Following her graduation from law school, at least 40 law firms refused to interview her for a position as an attorney because she was a woman. She found employment as a deputy county attorney after offering to work for no salary and without an office, sharing space with a secretary.

O'Connor became Assistant Attorney General of Arizona in 1965. She was appointed to fill a vacancy in the Arizona State Senate in 1969 and was re-elected to two terms, becoming the first woman to serve as Majority Leader. In 1975 she was elected Judge of the Maricopa County Superior Court and, in 1979, was elevated to the Arizona State Court of Appeals, where she served until her appointment to the nation’s highest court in 1981.

As the founder of iCivics, a nonprofit dedicated to re-invigorating civic education through interactive learning, O’Connor has brought national attention to the need for more and better civic education to ensure that the next generations of students become knowledgeable and engaged citizens.

“From her earliest career as a deputy county attorney, to her service in the Arizona legislature, to her 25 years on the Supreme Court, to her ongoing work promoting civic education for our young people, Justice O’Connor has been a trailblazer and public servant of the highest order,” said CI President Richard R. Rush. “It is an honor to have Justice O’Connor, whose influence we can still feel daily in our lives, share her story with the CI campus and community.”

“CI's History and Political Science programs are honored to host Justice O'Connor, whose service on the Supreme Court made a lasting imprint on the nation, and who continues to inspire us with her work promoting civic engagement through her organization iCivics,” said Scott Frisch, Professor and Chair of CI’s Political Science program. “We share her commitment to fostering an informed and enlightened electorate through understanding the past and through promoting civil dialogue that facilitates participatory democracy.”

Event parking is complimentary. Once on campus, follow signage to the designated lot. Shuttles will be available to escort guests from the parking lot to the Grand Salon. Free parking is also available at the Camarillo Metrolink Station/Lewis Road parking lot in Camarillo. In order to waive bus fares, riders should present their event registration confirmation when boarding the CI VISTA bus; otherwise, bus fares are $1.25 each way. Buses arrive and depart from the Camarillo Metrolink Station every 30 minutes from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday through Friday. For exact times, check the schedule at www.goventura.org.

To register and for more information, visit go.csuci.edu/justiceoconnor or contact Merissa Stith, Assistant Manager of Conferences & Events, at 805-437-8548 or merissa.stith@csuci.edu.

About California State University Channel Islands
CSU Channel Islands (CI) is the only four-year, public university in Ventura County and is known for its interdisciplinary, multicultural and international perspectives, and its emphasis on experiential and service learning. CI’s strong academic programs focus on business, sciences, liberal studies, teaching credentials, and innovative master’s degrees. Students benefit from individual attention, up-to-date technology, and classroom instruction augmented by outstanding faculty research. CI has been designated by the U.S. Department of Education as a Hispanic-Serving Institution and is committed to serving students of all backgrounds from the region and beyond. Connect with and learn more about CI by visiting CI’s Social Media.


Camarillo, CA - CSU Channel Islands (CI) invites children and their families to launch air-powered rockets, catapult marshmallows, create glow-in-the-dark slime, dig for artifacts, and experience the thrill of hands-on science in the Sixth Annual Science Carnival. The fun, free event is open to all kindergarten through eighth-grade students, and will be held Saturday, Nov. 1, from 5 to 8 p.m. at Thurgood Marshall Elementary School, 2900 Thurgood Marshall Dr., in Oxnard.

This year’s Science Carnival will feature more than 70 hands-on science activities and demonstrations conducted by CI faculty, students and community volunteers.

Organized by CI Professor of Chemistry Phil Hampton with the help of colleagues and more than 300 volunteers, the Science Carnival is a multi-partner effort to interest and engage more young students in the STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). Last year’s event attracted over 1,600 K-8 students and family members.

Kids can experience the following magical science activities and more:
• Air Rocket Launchers
• Marshmallow Cannon
• Giant Bubbles
• Cosmetic Chemistry
• Mechanical Arm Egg Toss
• Dissecting Sheep Eyeballs
• Pig’s Lungs
• Liquid Nitrogen Effects
• Make-Your-Own Bath Fizzer
• Dark Knight Radar
• Archaeological Dig
• DNA Extraction from Strawberries and Bananas
• Colored Flames
• Screaming Balloon
• Glow Powder Drawings
• Haunted Suitcase
• Elephant Toothpaste
• Sugar Pyrotechnics
• Gummy Bear Sacrifice
• Bed of Nails
• Self-Carving Pumpkin

“When kids experience science as play, it opens up a whole new world of possibility and opportunity,” Hampton said. “Each year, we add more activities to ignite their passion for science and inspire their interest in scientific education and careers.”

The Science Carnival also allows children to extend their Halloween celebration for one more day. The event features science-themed music, spooky refreshments and activities, and encourages children to wear their costumes.

Free parking is available at Oxnard High School and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, both nearby on Gonzales Street. Courtesy shuttles will run between the two parking areas and the Science Carnival.
Families are invited to bring a picnic dinner or purchase food at the event. Spanish-speaking volunteers will be on hand to lead and translate activities.

Event sponsors include CSU Channel Islands, Naval Base Ventura County, California Los Padres Section of the American Chemical Society, Oxnard School District, Oxnard City Corps, and Party Pleasers. Opportunities are still available for corporate and individual sponsors and for volunteers at the event.

For more information, visit www.csuci.edu/sciencecarnival or contact Phil Hampton, Professor of Chemistry, Director of Project ACCESO, 805-437-8869, Philip.Hampton@csuci.edu.

About California State University Channel Islands
CSU Channel Islands (CI) is the only four-year, public university in Ventura County and is known for its interdisciplinary, multicultural and international perspectives, and its emphasis on experiential and service learning. CI’s strong academic programs focus on business, sciences, liberal studies, teaching credentials, and innovative master’s degrees. Students benefit from individual attention, up-to-date technology, and classroom instruction augmented by outstanding faculty research. CI has been designated by the U.S. Department of Education as a Hispanic-Serving Institution and is committed to serving students of all backgrounds from the region and beyond. Connect with and learn more about CI by visiting CI’s Social Media.


Vol. #7

The pageantry and traditions of Homecoming Week are not only valued but also passed on from generation to generation. One such tradition is the Homecoming Court. It is the one school activity that is voted on by the student body and thus carries more weight than the others. The following photos were taken during the halftime game versus Hueneme High School.

Parade Grand Marshall Trina Tafoya and Family

The Homecoming Court

Fillmore’s Finest
(The best of the best)

Staff: Kim Tafoya, Allasyn Beloff
Athletes: Alexis Tafoya, Jose Rodriguez
Academics: Donald Trinidad, Kaeli Almaguer
Volunteer: Annette Fox

Classroom Corner
FFA is a comprehensive program that includes opportunities for its members to practice public speaking and to develop leadership. An FFA activity that combines both is the Open/Closing event. Students practice their dialogues in AG classes and compete against other FFA programs during Open/Closing day.

Athletes in Action
Last week both the JV and Varsity Football teams dismantled their counterparts from Hueneme High School with a combination of punishing defense and a bruising running game. With the victory, the Varsity has moved into the top ten rankings of the Northern Division of the CIF SS. The boys in blue and white play during the Fall Break at home against a determined Rio Hondo High School team. It will also be Cancer Awareness Night and Fillmore Unified Night. All students K-8 get in free with a paid adult admission.

Hayden Wright carries the ball for a sizeable gain vs Hueneme High School.


Here are some shots of the completed floats as they were being judged on the morning of the parade. The Senior Float was first followed closely by the freshmen float.

The Homecoming Dance was held last Saturday in the Fillmore High School Gym. By all accounts it was a big hit. There were over 300 students in attendance and they danced the night away. Several seniors remarked that this was the best dance they had been to in their four years at Fillmore High School.

Fillmore High School’s Project Unify Club is dedicated to creating inclusive friendships between students with and without intellectual disabilities as they work together to create communities of caring and respect.
FHS Project Unify Club is committed to a movement advocating for youth as change agents by participating in activities like “Spread the Word to End the Word”, Unified Sports, Special Olympics youth as volunteers, “A Night to Remember” prom as a catalyst for fostering a positive school climate.

California State University Channel Islands
California State University Channel Islands

Camarillo, CA - The Martin V. Smith School of Business & Economics at CSU Channel Islands (CI) will host the next speakers for its Fall 2014 Speaker Series, “Contemporary Topics in Media and Entertainment.” The presentations are free, open to the public by reservation, and include lunch. All events will be held from noon to 2 p.m. in Malibu Hall 100 on the CI campus. Please register at business.csuci.edu/events.

Marty Albertson, Chairman of the Board, Guitar Center, Inc.
Friday, Oct. 17, noon to 2 p.m. in Malibu Hall 100
Marty Albertson joined Guitar Center as a salesperson and rose through the ranks in various positions of increasing responsibility, serving as Advertising Director, National Sales Manager, and VP of Sales and Marketing, to name a few. In 2004, he became Chairman of the Board
and CEO. Though he retired as CEO in 2010, he remains a non-executive Chairman of
the Board.

Kelsey Timmerman, Author of “Where Am I Eating?” and “Where Am I Wearing?”
Friday, Nov. 21, noon to 2 p.m. in Malibu Hall 100
Fueled by passion and curiosity, author/speaker Kelsey Timmerman tells the story of the
items we often take for granted and how they connect us to the world as global and
local citizens. His latest book, “Where Am I Eating?” (2013), confronts slavery in
the Ivory Coast cocoa industry and explores Fair Trade coffee farming in Colombia,
as he uncovers the realities of the global food industry that is supporting our
"all-American" diet. In his first book, “Where Am I Wearing?” (2nd Edition, 2012), he traveled the world from Asia to Latin America to find out where his clothes came from and tell the stories of the people who made them.

The Fall 2014 Speaker Series is presented and sponsored by the Business Advisory Council of the Martin V. Smith School of Business & Economics and by Mission Wealth. Complimentary campus parking will be available for all events. Once on campus, follow signs to the designated lot.

For more information or to register, visit business.csuci.edu/events or contact jennifer.iden@csuci.edu.

About California State University Channel Islands
CSU Channel Islands (CI) is the only four-year, public university in Ventura County and is known for its interdisciplinary, multicultural and international perspectives, and its emphasis on experiential and service learning. CI’s strong academic programs focus on business, sciences, liberal studies, teaching credentials, and innovative master’s degrees. Students benefit from individual attention, up-to-date technology, and classroom instruction augmented by outstanding faculty research. CI has been designated by the U.S. Department of Education as a Hispanic-Serving Institution and is committed to serving students of all backgrounds from the region and beyond. Connect with and learn more about CI by visiting CI’s Social Media.


Vol. #7

Homecoming Week is an exciting time and a vital part of fall activities in high school. The start of autumn, with the change in weather, calls to an innocent time, a time of one’s youth. For all of us the age old traditions of float building, rallies, dances and Friday night football connect the young and young at heart. Who can deny the importance of Homecoming Week to school spirit, generational connectivity and student morale? At Fillmore High School the students, staff and parents helped to prepare what promises to be a memorable, meaningful and special night. You are all invited to share in a slice of Americana this Friday.
Fillmore’s Finest
(The best of the best)

Staff: Deputy Vazquez, Tim Waddell
Athletes: George Tarango, Daniela Cisneros
Academics: Colton Farrar, Antoinette Ruiz
Volunteer: Bob Hammonds

Classroom Corner

Mr. Brian Ricards’ science classes used sunlight to cook food. Their solar ovens were a hot item and scorched the competition. The students assembled their ovens outside and left them there until the end of the day. By then their food was cooked and ready to eat. This lesson on the various sources of energy was interesting, thought provoking and proved to be engaging for the students.

Athletes in Action

The JV football team suffered their first loss in 3 years at the hands of a determined Santa Ynez team 21-28. The Varsity won their game 31-8. They moved into the top 12 in the CIF Southern Section Northern Division. The Flashes remained in control throughout the game as their masterful game plans on offense and defense kept the host Santa Ynez team baffled and off balance.

The Girls JV Volleyball team came up short against Cate High School but battled hard throughout their match. All three levels continue to improve each week.

The Cross Country team represented Fillmore High School well in their first league race in Ventura. The highlight of the meet was provided by the JV Boys team as they finished first among the eight teams in league.

The freshmen girls as they line up at the starting line at Camino Real Park in Ventura.

Upperclassmen, after they had just given their all in the race.

Members of the Girls JV team compete in their first league meet of the year.

10/3 Homecoming FB vs Hueneme
10/7 Girls Golf vs Foothill
10/7 Girls Volleyball vs Carpenteria
10/8 Cross Country @ Lake Casitas
10/9 Girls Golf at La Reina
10/10 Cross Country at the Clovis Invitational


Preparations for Homecoming were in full swing this week. Float building took place from 4:00 PM-9:00 PM nightly this week at the bus barn. Students gathered to build grade level floats with this year’s theme being Disney.

Senior Nick Cadena is part of the “molding” process as the 12th graders work diligently to craft the potential winning float.

The sophomores are ready to upset the seniors with their special creation. The various grade levels used so many napkins that they had to go to Ventura and Moorpark to purchase more for their floats.

10/3 Homecoming Rally/Parade
10/4 Homecoming Dance
10/25 FFA Barn Dance
10/31 Halloween Costume Parade

Important Dates

10/6-10/8 Quarter Exams
10/7 Leadership Meeting
10/7 School Site Council
10/7 & 10/8 11th, 12th Grade CAHSEE
10/8 DELAC Meeting
10/9 Secondary Advisory Meeting