This past week marked the second full week of school. All classes were rolling out their curriculum to various degrees. Some courses were combining pre-assessments with reviewing the basics while others were in full gear powering through the curriculum.

Loose tardy sweeps were run with only 1 student being caught in the sweeps. Campus will be continued to be cleared each period by staff.

New teacher meetings continued this week. The new teachers or “Flashlites” have responded well to the early morning meetings and continue to hone their instructional skills.

The FLASHES (Families Liaisons And Staff Helping Educate Students) continue to meet to work collaboratively towards ensuring that the policies, procedures and initiatives are community based, meeting the needs of all stakeholders.

Looking ahead to next week, the Cross Country team led by Coach Kim Tafoya travels to Mt. SAC to run in the Fastback Shootout on Saturday September 6th.

Fillmore’s Finest
(The best of the best)

Staff: Erin Sebek and Wynona Cronin
Athletes: Gil Sandoval and Jessica Manginelli
Academics: Justin Coert and Giselle Lozano
Volunteer: Sherri Wright

Classroom Corner

With a full week to work with, teachers were in full swing. In Ms. Byrne’s Algebra 2 class, the students were solving Chemistry based problems as a way to review over the basics as related to Algebra 2. This is a great example of cross departmental curriculum. Students in both Chemistry and Algebra 2 see the same concepts and gain a better understanding of the importance of the content.

Athletes in Action
8/29 V FB vs Grace Brethren @MP College 7 PM
9/4 GFVB Louisville @ Fillmore 4PM
9/4 GJVVB Louisville @ Fillmore 5PM
9/4 GVVB Louisville @ Fillmore 6PM
9/5 JV FB vs CI @ Fillmore 4:30 PM
9/5 V FB vs CI @ Fillmore 7:30 PM
9/6 XCountry @ Fastback Shootout MT. SAC

Last Friday, ASB held the Welcome Back Rally in the Gym. By all accounts it was a great success. The rally was well organized and the students in attendance were well behaved. Kudos goes out to the ASB and ASB Director Darby Schieferle for a great rally.
9/3 PTO Meeting Library 6:30 PM
9/11 Back to School Night Gym 5:30 PM

(Fillmore’s Newest Staff)

Leanna Legere is one of seven new faces working at Fillmore High School this year. Leanna came over to the United States at the age of 12 from Russia. She rapidly assimilated into American culture, learning English and excelling in academics and athletics at Adolfo Camarillo High School.

She went on to college earning her degree in mathematics. Leanna wanted to be a teacher to give back to others and inspire students the way she was inspired by her teachers. As a former English Language Learner she understands the challenges EL students encounter on a daily basis.

On her spare time Leanna enjoys hanging out with friends and hiking.

Important Dates
9/2 Board Meeting D.O. 6:30 PM
9/2 Leadership Meeting
9/9 Department Meetings
9/16 Faculty Meetings



A new year and another successful rally for Fillmore High School. The first rally of the year is traditionally called the ‘Welcome Back” rally in which Fillmore High School students and staff welcome each other back to a new school year, one filled with excitement, hope and promise. The rally was held on Friday, August 22nd in the gym with delightful decorations done by ASB. The rally started as a flood of smiling and laughing students and their teachers took their place in the bleachers. Games and cheers were followed with blustering yells. One new yell introduced this year was the “ra-ra-ra” yell which instructed each class to holler “RA-RA-RA-RA” followed by their class title. Along with the new chant, new teachers were introduced as well as our new principal, Mr. Tom Ito. The rally ended with the ASB president, Kyle Medina, reciting our fight song. This year the senior class won the Welcome Back rally.



Join community members in developing a feeling of unity with the school, parents, students and the community and create a positive school environment.

Meetings are held the first Wednesday of the month at 6:30pm.

First Meeting – Wednesday September 3rd
Location – FHS Library (Enter at North Side of campus)

Jesus Ballesteros and Isai Bolanos
Jesus Ballesteros and Isai Bolanos

School opened on August 14th with a committed staff and eager students. The opening of school went off without a hitch in large part due to the efforts of many dedicated Flashes that put in extra hours preparing over the summer.

During the following week, teachers taught students using a wide variety of methods ensuring that all students had the best opportunity to learn.

Grade level meeting were held on Wednesday in the gym and students learned what was expected of them this school year. At the end of the meeting it was clear to all in attendance that the campus would have a positive learning environment fostering learning and achievement.

As new students continue to enroll, the student body continues to grow, outpacing last year’s numbers.
Looking ahead to next week, Fall Sports opens up with the Fillmore Varsity Football team taking on Grace Brethren for a 7:00 PM showdown at Moorpark College.

Fillmore’s Finest
(The best of the best)

Staff: Matt Dollar, Barbara Lemons
Athletes: Hayden Wright, Brianna Martinez
Academics: Timmy Klittich, Jene Tarango
Volunteer: Bill Dewey

Classroom Corner
Jesus Ballesteros and Isai Bolanos enjoy their first day in Ms. Mitzenmacher’s Art class. They teamed up to create an original structure made of dried noodles, tape, string and a marshmallow. The structure measured 34 inches in height and held up the required marshmallow. The activity was a combination of team building and art.

Athletes in Action
8/28 JV FB @ Grace Brethren 4:00 PM
8/29 V FB vs Grace Brethren @MP College 7 PM
9/4 GFVB Louisville @ Fillmore 4PM
9/4 GJVVB Louisville @ Fillmore 5PM
9/4 GVVB Louisville @ Fillmore 6PM
9/5 JV FB vs CI @ Fillmore 4:30 PM
9/5 V FB vs CI @ Fillmore 7:30 PM

8/22 Welcome Back Rally Gym 2:05 PM
9/11 Back to School Night Gym 5:30 PM

Important Dates
8/27 District Secondary Curriculum Council D.O. Annex #13 3:15 PM
9/2 Board Meeting D.O. 6:30 PM


July 31st marked the official date that ASB officers, juniors and seniors, started their training for freshman orientation. These dedicated students took time out of their summer to help guide incoming freshman and to teach them the confidence to be a Fillmore High School student. The Orientation began the following day bright and early in the morning, the heat slowly grew overhead. Volunteers arrived an hour earlier than the incoming freshman, getting ready to register . . . setting the scene for the official Orientation. When the clock struck 9:00am in came nervous-looking freshman faces. The Orientation began officially with motivational speaker Keith Hawkins, giving one of his trademark romantic speeches about high school life, emphasizing its spiritual nuances. As Hawkins set the scene, the freshman grew more comfortable by the minute. Following a brief exchange of games, laughs, and upper classmen reflection, the freshmen were off with their assigned groups of upper classmen leaders. The following hours consisted of all classmen alike providing personal details and getting to know each other better through games and other activities. The day wrapped up with upper classmen leaders giving their expertise on campus life. Welcome to Fillmore High School Class of 2018.


Camarillo, CA - CSU Channel Islands (CI) invites community friends, alumni, students and employees to make its 11th Annual Alumni & Friends Dodger Day the loudest and proudest ever, as the Dodgers take on the Arizona Diamondbacks Saturday, Sept. 6.

Dodger Day – CI’s largest signature alumni event – is expected to draw a record crowd of over 1,000 CI supporters to Dodger Stadium for a fun day of baseball and bonding. Guests can also cheer on Ventura County Fire Chief Mark Lorenzen as he throws out the ceremonial first pitch. CI chose Lorenzen as its guest of honor in gratitude and tribute to all the firefighters who protected the campus and community during the May 2013 Springs Fire.

For the cost of admission, participants will enjoy commemorative T-shirts, giveaways and prizes, and deluxe round-trip bus transportation between CI and Dodger Stadium.

Alumni & Friends Dodger Day is open to the public. Proceeds benefit the Alumni & Friends Association endowed student scholarship fund. Tickets are available on a first-come, first-served basis at prices ranging from $29 to $59 per person, and can be purchased at

Dodger Day is sponsored by Pacific Oaks Federal Credit Union, the event’s Grand Slam Sponsor; Ventura County Star, Coffee News, and Coastal Embroidery.

Visit to learn more about CI’s Alumni & Friends Association.

About California State University Channel Islands
CSU Channel Islands (CI) is the only four-year, public university in Ventura County and is known for its interdisciplinary, multicultural and international perspectives, and its emphasis on experiential and service learning. CI’s strong academic programs focus on business, sciences, liberal studies, teaching credentials, and innovative master’s degrees. Students benefit from individual attention, up-to-date technology, and classroom instruction augmented by outstanding faculty research. CI has been designated by the U.S. Department of Education as a Hispanic-Serving Institution and is committed to serving students of all backgrounds from the region and beyond. Connect with and learn more about CI by visiting CI’s Social Media.


August 6th-Grades 7/8
9:00-12:00 and 1:00-2:30

August 7th-Grade 6
9:00-12:00 and 1:00-2:30

Please call the school office at 524-6070 if you have any questions. If you have not received a student registration packet, the office is open weekdays from 8:00-3:00 for registration packet pick up

Senior, Danny Felix and Junior Angel Figueroa
Senior, Danny Felix and Junior Angel Figueroa
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Senior, Danny Felix and Junior Angel Figueroa are aspiring artists and students in Mrs. Mitzenmacher’s Advanced Art class at Fillmore High School. Their passion for art has spilled over to an extended canvas, the buildings of Fillmore High School. With materials from Mrs. Mitzenmacher’s class they were able to create stencils for the shield and the lightning bolt. Danny and Angel strategically chose 14 locations on campus to display their art work and then started the process of visually linking the buildings together with their creation. Using two stencils, several coats of paint and a whole lot of patience for each emblem, they spent nearly a week on this worthwhile project. When asked why they were willing to spend a week of their summer vacation painting, Angel said that, “I enjoy helping the school and applying my art skills to improving things.” Danny commented, “Art is a passion of mine and it is a natural extension into the real world.”

Students can borrow books before school starts

Ventura, CA - Between 1978 and 2013, the cost of college textbooks increased 812 percent*. With the significant cost of today’s textbooks, many students struggle to buy needed books for their classes. To ease their burden, on Aug. 13 at the college’s Library & Learning Resource Center, an expected 1, 000 Ventura College students will borrow up to three textbooks each for the semester through the Textbook Lending Library program.

In addition to the free lending service, the Ventura College Foundation supports a reserve textbook collection of nearly 1,500 books, where students can use the book for two-hour periods within the library. Between the two collections, including books at Ventura College’s Santa Paula campus, nearly 7,000 textbooks are accessible as a free alternative to purchasing books.

“Students are always very grateful for the opportunity to get free textbooks. Some of the students even choose their classes based on the availability of free textbooks,” said Tanya Shaffer, interim learning resources supervisor. “It’s great to see the generosity of the Foundation helping thousands of students achieve their academic goals.”

The Ventura College Foundation annually funds over $50,000 for the Textbook Lending Library. Between the lending library and reserve collection, approximately 9,000 students take advantage of the program.

“The Textbook Lending Library is an important Foundation initiative that greatly increases student success rates and helps keep college more affordable,” said Norbert Tan, executive director of the Ventura College Foundation. “Textbooks account for 72 percent of a two-year college’s tuition cost**, making the program critical for our students.”

The program primarily is supported through the generosity of donors. To make a donation, contact Norbert Tan at (805) 289-6160 or

For more information about the Textbook Lending Library, visit

Established in 1983, the Ventura College Foundation provides financial support to the students and the programs of Ventura College to facilitate student success and grow the impact and legacy of Ventura College as a vital community asset. The Foundation also hosts the Ventura College Foundation Marketplace, an outdoor shopping experience held every weekend on the Ventura College campus east parking lot. For more information, contact Norbert Tan at (805) 289-6160 or Or visit

*Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics' consumer price index data
**Source: U.S. Government’s Accountability Office

(l-r) Breanna Berrington and Santana Carrera
(l-r) Breanna Berrington and Santana Carrera

This past weekend the Flashes Pep Squad attended the United Spirit Association Summer Camp at Cal Lutheran College. The squad spent three days learning cheers, chants, dances, rally routines, stunts, pyramids, and much more. The squad spent time focusing on team unity and how to develop pride, not only within their squad, but within Fillmore High School as well. The squad is proud to announce that they received the “Spirit Award” two days in-a-row, the “Camp Superior Award” and the “Most Improve Award”, which is the award that USA holds in the highest regard.

Two of our squad members Captain Breanna Berrington, 4 year senior and Santana Carrera, 4 year senior, were chosen to be a part of the 2014-2015 all American Cheer Team. A special honor was also given to Breanna as she was personally asked to join the USA Staff and be a USA instructor next year. (That is a very big deal and an awesome opportunity.)


Dear Parent, Teachers & Community Volunteers:
It’s that time of year…….REGISTRATION TIME!!!!!
If you are willing to volunteer to help with registration, please let me know. Email me at . Let me know which day(s) and what hours you can help!! The more, the merrier !
Registration is Thursday, July 31st (11th & 12th graders) and Friday, August 1st (9th & 10th graders) from 9 – 3:30. If you are able to help ANY or BOTH days , I would really appreciate it. It will be a great time to meet our new principal, Tom Ito.
Thank you very much!
Barbara Lemons


Camarillo, CA - CSU Channel Islands (CI) is pleased to announce the appointment of Christine N. Garvey, J.D., and Scott B. Zolke, J.D., to its Foundation Board. Garvey, 67, is a retired banker and attorney. Zolke, 60, is a Partner with law firm Loeb & Loeb LLP in Los Angeles. Per Foundation Board bylaws, each may serve up to two three-year terms.

“It’s my privilege to welcome Christine and Scott to the Foundation Board,” said CI President Richard R. Rush. “Their experience in education and connections to individuals and organizations supportive of our goals will have a direct impact on our students and the future of this campus. I look forward to seeing what we will accomplish together.”

Garvey is a director on four public company boards (Toll Bros, Prologis, Union Bank and Healthcare Properties) and four not-for-profit boards (iCivics, Habitat for Humanity Southern Santa Barbara County, La Casa de Maria, and the Immaculate Heart High School in Los Angeles). A graduate of Suffolk Law School, she practiced law for six years before transitioning into banking and real estate. She held senior leadership positions at Wells Fargo, Bank of America, and Deutsche Bank before her retirement in 2004. Currently a Santa Barbara resident, Garvey received CI’s 2014 Business and Community Leader of the Year Award at the recent Business & Technology Partnership Leadership Dinner.

Zolke is an CONTINUED »

(l-r) Firefighter Palacios, Captain Wareham, Firefighter Peters, Firefighter Gabriel, Scott Beylik. Fillmore Sheriff’s Department Captain Dave Wareham, Scott Beylik and Fillmore Fireman Mr. Peters, Mr. Palacios &  Mr. Gabriel BBQ for Sierra High School staff and students on June 12, 2014. We would like to personally thank Captain Wareham and Chief Landeros for their continued support of our program and for their great leadership.
(l-r) Firefighter Palacios, Captain Wareham, Firefighter Peters, Firefighter Gabriel, Scott Beylik. Fillmore Sheriff’s Department Captain Dave Wareham, Scott Beylik and Fillmore Fireman Mr. Peters, Mr. Palacios & Mr. Gabriel BBQ for Sierra High School staff and students on June 12, 2014. We would like to personally thank Captain Wareham and Chief Landeros for their continued support of our program and for their great leadership.
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California State University Channel Islands
California State University Channel Islands

Camarillo, Calif., June 10, 2014 – CSU Channel Islands (CI) will hold a presentation and awards ceremony on Friday, June 20, for students participating in the Project ACCESO Summer Research Institute. The ceremony culminates a three-week program that partners students from CI, Oxnard College, Ventura College and Santa Barbara City College with CI faculty members to conduct intensive research in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) disciplines. The event will take place from 5-7 p.m. at the Aliso Hall Plaza on the CI campus.
Forty-five students organized into teams representing 15 different projects will present their research discoveries. The projects include:

• Researching winning algorithms for Nim games (based on mathematical strategy) and implementing them on the Android platform

• Developing carbon-neutral alternatives to current industrial processes (includes a study of the role bacteria can play in creating cement)

• Applying physics and chemistry principles to develop new materials for use in electronic devices such as transistors, batteries and solar cells

• Developing nucleic-acid-based drugs, specifically RNA molecules, for use in the treatment of viral infections and cancer diseases

• Assessing genes at a molecular level – examining their sequences and determining mutations associated with disease

• Assessing potential adaptive evolution of muscles that whales, dolphins and porpoises use for swimming

• Collecting local insects and assessing plant preference behaviors

• Investigating occurrence of longest subsequences meeting specific criteria within sequences of numbers

• Using lasers and electro-optical equipment in experiments

• Modifying or developing new laboratory experiments for general chemistry courses

• Mathematically deriving the Fourier Series and investigating some real-world applications

• Studying the sandy beaches biome, particularly ecology and challenges associated with stressors such as rising sea levels, erosion and human disturbance.

Awards will be presented to all of the student research assistants, and several special recognition and appreciation awards will be announced.

The Project ACCESO Summer Research Institute aims to increase the number of Hispanic and low-income students seeking degrees in STEM disciplines and to help them develop critical skills necessary for success. The Institute is open to students from CI and its regional community colleges. This is the sixth year that students have taken part in a research institute at CI.

Project ACCESO is funded by the Department of Education through the Hispanic-Serving Institutions Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (HSI-STEM) grant program. CI is using the nearly $6 million grant to increase the number of underserved students who are succeeding in and graduating from STEM majors, pursuing a bachelor’s degree in STEM, and developing critical STEM skill sets, such as critical thinking, analytical reasoning, scientific literacy and interdisciplinary communication.

Limited parking is available on campus with the purchase of a $6 daily permit; follow signs to the parking permit dispensers. Free parking is available at the Camarillo Metrolink Station/Lewis Road with bus service to and from the campus. Riders should board the CI Vista Bus to the campus; the cash-only fare is $1.25 each way. Buses arrive and depart from the Camarillo Metrolink Station every 30 minutes from approximately 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday through Friday. For exact times, check the schedule at

For more information contact Connie Baker at 805-437-3599 or

About California State University Channel Islands
CSU Channel Islands (CI) is the only four-year, public university in Ventura County and is known for its interdisciplinary, multicultural and international perspectives, and its emphasis on experiential and service learning. CI’s strong academic programs focus on business, sciences, liberal studies, teaching credentials, and innovative master’s degrees. Students benefit from individual attention, up-to-date technology, and classroom instruction augmented by outstanding faculty research. CI has been designated by the U.S. Department of Education as a Hispanic-Serving Institution and is committed to serving students of all backgrounds from the region and beyond. Connect with and learn more about CI by visiting CI’s Social Media.

The Fillmore High School Class of 2017 would like to thank Fillmore Rentals, Scott Beylik, Dave Smith, Curtis Farrar and all the parents for all of their help and contribution toward our class activity of chalking the “F”. Without their help, this activity would not have been possible. We appreciate everything these community members and organizations did for us.
The Fillmore High School Class of 2017 would like to thank Fillmore Rentals, Scott Beylik, Dave Smith, Curtis Farrar and all the parents for all of their help and contribution toward our class activity of chalking the “F”. Without their help, this activity would not have been possible. We appreciate everything these community members and organizations did for us.
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A regional consortium led by Ventura County Community College District (VCCCD) has been awarded a $13.2 million grant from the California Department of Education. VCCCD will serve as the fiscal agent for the multi-year project called “Ventura County (VC) Innovates.” The project is designed to better prepare future workers and leaders for the local workforce, develop project-based career technical education curriculum, provide work-based learning opportunities for all students, and address skill shortages in high-demand, high-growth industries and occupations. Goals focus on creating sustained career pathways from high school through community college, increasing articulation agreements between high schools and community colleges, increasing dual enrollment opportunities for high school students, and increasing employment and career opportunities for all students.

The regional consortium includes VCCCD, seven high school districts representing 15 high schools, three adult schools, and over 50 employers and community partners. Participating districts and school partners include Simi Valley Adult School; Ventura Adult and Continuing Education; Conejo Valley Adult School; Conejo Valley Unified School District (Newbury Park High School, Thousand Oaks High School, Westlake High School); Fillmore Unified High School District; Moorpark Unified School District (Moorpark High School, Community High School); Ojai Unified School District (Nordhoff High School); Santa Paula Unified School District (Santa Paula High School); Simi Valley Unified School District (Royal High School, Santa Susana High School, Simi Valley High School, Apollo Continuation School); Ventura Unified School District (Buena High School, Foothill Technology High School, Ventura High School); and the Ventura County Office of Education.

The VCCCD Board of Trustees will take action to accept the award at its Board meeting on June 17 at the District Administrative Center in Ventura. “The Board congratulates staff and our community partners on their collaborative efforts, which have resulted in a successful outcome,” stated Board Chair, Art Hernández. VCCCD Chancellor, Dr. Jamillah Moore, commented, “We are proud to be in a position to partner with our colleagues in education to make a difference for years to come.”

The California Career Pathways Trust was established in 2013 by the State Legislature under Assembly Bill 86 to provide a one-time competitive grant to K-12 schools and community colleges that will better prepare students for the 21st century workplace. Groups throughout the State of California competed for $250 million in available grant funding. State officials received 123 eligible applications requesting approximately $709 million. VC Innovates was one of 12 grant recipients in the category receiving up to $15 million.


America’s Teaching Zoo at Moorpark College is now accepting enrollment for its Junior Safari Summer Camp program, which runs June 16 through August 8 for children ages 6-13 years. Junior Safari Summer Camp allows campers the unique opportunity to interact with the Zoo’s animal collection while participating in age appropriate science-based learning experiences. Camp activities include animal presentations, handling opportunities, art projects, and science projects. Activities occur within the safety of Zoo grounds under direct supervision of trained camp staff. Camp hours run from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., with “early bird” and “night owl” options available. All camp sessions begin with a drop-off/sign-in with a camp counselor.

Age groups and themes for summer 2014 include:
6-7 years of age, June 16-20, Planet Superheroes
6-7 years of age, July 7-11, Zookeeping 101
6-7 years of age, July 21-25, Animal Detectives
8-10 years of age, July 28-Aug 1, Wacky World of Wildlife
8-10 years of age, June 30-July 3, Wild in the City
11-13 years of age, July 14-18, Animal Dream Jobs
11-13 years of age, Aug 4-8, Zookeeping 101

For detailed information, camp availability, and registration forms, visit the “Teaching Zoo” at or call (805) 378-1441.


Are you a middle school student curious about career possibilities and interested in exploring them? Do you like to invent things or build houses? Do you dream of becoming a rocket scientist, work for CSI, or become a millionaire? Ventura College’s Summer Career Institute will give you the resources needed to put you on the fast track to charting plans for the future. The camp’s main focus is to expose students to real world encounters in career and technical education. College faculty and staff will provide participants an opportunity to explore exciting careers in the fields of criminal justice, robotics, business, and drafting and architecture.

The Summer Career Institute is free and runs July 7-10, 2014, from 9 a.m. to noon each day. Register now to reserve your spot! Applications are available at For additional information, contact Celine Park, Ventura College, at 805.289.6058 or by email at


Interested in serving on Fillmore High School’s 2014-2015 Site Council? If so, please contact Barbara Lemons at (805) 524-6100 or to have your name placed on the Site Council ballot. Parents of Fillmore High School students will receive a ballot in the summer registration packet.

Athletes from 13 high schools participated in the Fourth Annual Navy SEAL Invitational at the Naval Special Warfare Center May 10th, 2014. The 13 high schools each brought teams of 7 athletes (plus one alternate) to compete in a race comprised of Navy SEAL physical training techniques. Right, the student athletes watch as a Navy SEAL Parachutes onto the beach.
Athletes from 13 high schools participated in the Fourth Annual Navy SEAL Invitational at the Naval Special Warfare Center May 10th, 2014. The 13 high schools each brought teams of 7 athletes (plus one alternate) to compete in a race comprised of Navy SEAL physical training techniques. Right, the student athletes watch as a Navy SEAL Parachutes onto the beach.
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