At the April 26, 2011 Board meeting Superintendent Jeff Sweeney provided on paper the Mission, Vision and Goals for the District. It should be noted that all of this information is laid out in Board policies that are available to every member of the public at any time through the Districts website. Keep in mind that many of the policies have been updated recently and you would need to confirm with the District that the policy online is the most up to date version.

The Vision is what the District “looks like” when the Mission has been successful. A Vision is the ultimate goal that all actions are working towards. When the District is exactly the way described in the Vision, it means the Mission has been wholly successful.

Rooted in tradition and committed to excellence, FUSD works collaboratively with parents and the community to empower students to succeed in an ever-changing world.

The Mission of an organization, company or school district is the underlying intention for all actions it takes as it works towards its Vision.

To ensure that each students will develop the skills and attitudes essential for success in school and in a diverse society, we are committed to:

-All students learning
-A competent and caring staff participating in decision-making
-Parents as partners
-Effective management of resources
-A safe, healthy and inviting environment
-Excellence in all we do

GOALS for 2010-2011 as laid out by the Board:

To improve the achievement of all students it the goal of all staff, parents, community members and board members within FUSD.
-Special focus will increase the academic achievement of English language learners.

In order to do this we will:
-Provide the highest quality staff for the students in the school district

-Special emphasis will be placed on the salary parity, positive, collaborative workplace environments, retaining quality staff, hiring highly qualified teachers and helping all staff improve and grow professionally through performance evaluation.

-Review and improve District and school discipline plans and procedures to increase the attendance of all students.

-Increase parent outreach, parent involvement, and parent education opportunities.

-Improve communication within the school district and with parents and community partners.

-Maintain clean, orderly and safe facilities for students and staff.

-Evaluate all facets of the instructional program, including the use of technology as an instructional tool, to ensure all curriculum is research-based and effectively implemented.

Do you think the District has met any of its goals? Which ones? Which ones has it failed to meet?

Assistant Superintendent, Director of Business Services Michael Bush, presented the following list to the Board and those in attendance. It is based on recommendations from the Superintendent.
All positions related to the items on this list have been noticed. See notes below the list regarding direction given by the Board that resulted in a few items being moved on the list and which should result in notices being rescinded.

Group A: Superintendent recommends cutting even if no reductions in budget required.
Group B: Superintendent recommends cutting if State reduction is $349 per pupil
Group C: Superintendent recommends cutting if State reduction is $620 per pupil
Group D: Superintendent recommends these items are “untouchable”. *I added the Group D designation for ease of reporting, this list was presented but with no Group designation.

(A note on the formatting, I am unable to make nice columns on the blog, so the top line tells you the 4 bits of info for each item, Expense, Savings, Group and # of Students impacted. The info you see for each "expense" is in that order following the item, sorry it is a bit confusing)

Expense Savings Group # of students impacted
Two FHS Teachers $ 155,374 A 988
(- Due to declining enrollment)
Director of Special Projects 70,330 A NA
FHS Asst. Principal 44,781 A 988
(Becomes part-time Dean)
FHS Health Clerk 31,334 A 988
5 Additional Furlough Days 550,000 B 0
Mechanic 77,145 B NA
Align Funding of Facility Mngment 64,548 B NA
Adjusted Site Budgets 31,000 B 3764
One Cabinet Position 150,000 C NA
Raise grades 4-5 by two 117,200 C NA
Raise secondary class size by one 117,000 C 1787
One Educational Services Coord. 100,000 C 3764
General Fund Support of Libraries* 86,653 C 3764
Elementary Music Teacher* 85,782 C 200
Counselor 83,796 C 799
One Cabinet Secretary 80,000 C NA
One Groundsman 64,216 C NA
One Custodian 60,000 C NA
Grade 4-5 Class Size Relief 46,880 C NA
Athletic Director/Clerk 45,487 C NA
Site Administration 807,396 D 3764
Class Size Reduction 580,890 D 1207
2 Vice Principals 235,133 D 1787
Raise Secondary Class Size by 2** 117,200 D 1787
Special Ed Coordinator 114,568 D 3764
Zangle Support 80,923 D NA
Data Specialist 79,059 D NA

Total District Reductions: $4,076,696

*Denotes item moved to Group D by Board on April 26th. Presumably positions affected that have been noticed will be reinstated.
**Denotes item moved from Group D to Group C
Note: Board agreed with all Group D, so all notices attached to those cuts will presumably be rescinded. Mr. Sweeney indicated this on April 26.


written and performed by the DreamYard Preparatory High School SLAM Team. Spring 2011.

Here is a blurb about the school where the video was written/performed etc. Link to video on youtube is below.

DreamYard Teaching Artist - Renée Watson
Video - David Flores

The DREAMYARD PREPARATORY SCHOOL cultivates Scholarship, Artistry and Character within its students to develop successful individuals and responsible citizens.

DY Prep provides a rigorous arts integrated curriculum that emphasizes problem solving and critical thinking while deepening students' understanding of all subject areas. All of our classes empower students with skills to engage the world creatively and pursue professional careers. Community, creativity and leadership inform a school culture that nurtures the growth of articulate and thoughtful adults. DY Prep is committed to providing the support and guidance that will allow each student to graduate with a Regents diploma, acceptance to a college or university, and a clear path toward a fulfilling and meaningful career.

DreamYard transforms Bronx public schools and communities through the power of project-based arts learning. As the largest arts education provider in the Bronx, DreamYard impacts the social and intellectual growth of thousands of Bronx students through safe, positive and creatively challenging programs.

DreamYard's professional artists partner with classroom teachers and community educators to help students learn in new ways and develop literacy and communication skills. Through year-long programs offered during the school day, after-school, on weekends and during the summer, DreamYard supports youth development, enhances life-long learning skills and promotes creative thinking and expression




Camarillo, CA. - The third annual CSU Channel Islands (CI) Faculty-Student Research Forum will be held Saturday, May 14, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the John Spoor Broome Library on campus. The event, sponsored by SAGE Publications and the Division of Academic Affairs, is free and open to the public.

The Forum will highlight research, scholarship, creative activities and grants featuring faculty-student collaborative presentations, faculty research presentations and student research/capstone presentations. There will be 90 posters on display around the room. These represent the students’ final projects.

The program will provide original research and insights and many choices of topics. The 30 faculty-student presentations will cover topics as diverse as:

Congressional Appropriations Earmarks and Representation in American Politics
Psychosocial Adjustment and Recidivism in At-Risk Youth
The Urbanization of Wildlife: A Case Study Focusing on Humpback Whales within Breeding Grounds
Homeless Women in Ventura County
Solar Power Integration for California State University Channel Islands
Lost and Found: A Dance Film Short Collaboration
The forum was designed in response to CI’s desire to strengthen research activities as part of its academic foundation and to increase the number of faculty and student research activities. The faculty-student projects have encouraged community partnerships that enhance the research projects through resources, information and education. CI recognizes and encourages student and faculty research and scholarly projects, activities that are integral to CI’s mission and student learning.

Please follow the directional signs indicating event location and parking areas. Free bus service to and from the campus is also provided for attendees from the Camarillo Metrolink Station every 30 minutes. For exact times, check the schedule at

For additional information contact Merissa Stith, Events Coordinator at CSU Channel Islands, at 805-437-8548 or

About California State University Channel Islands
CSU Channel Islands (CI) is the only four-year, public university in Ventura County and is known for its interdisciplinary, multicultural and international perspectives, and its emphasis on experiential and service learning. CI’s strong academic programs focus on business, sciences, liberal studies, teaching credentials, and innovative master’s degrees. Students benefit from individual attention, up-to-date technology, and classroom instruction augmented by outstanding faculty research.

Last Thursday FHS held their annual API Celebration, which is designed to motivate students to do their best on the State Testing and to reward students for last years success. This year ASB worked really hard to make the API Celebration the best it's ever been. The biggest hit was the Video Game Truck; where students could play Just Dance, Rock Band, and other video games included inside the truck. We also had three jolly jumpers; a huge Obstacle Course, Tug-of-War basketball, and Jousting. Along with all the fun games, we gave out free popcorn, cotton candy, snow cones, and chips. Also we had many local bands perform; including: All Roads To Canada, Beyond Our Valor, Umarra, and Amber Wilmont sang. Congratulations to Josh Overton, Teacher of the Year; Diane Wareham, Sub of the Year; Joe Woods, Staff of the Year, and Iruma Truillijo and Corey Cole, Scholar Athletes of the Year. Above, students enjoy Tug-of-War Basketball.
Last Thursday FHS held their annual API Celebration, which is designed to motivate students to do their best on the State Testing and to reward students for last years success. This year ASB worked really hard to make the API Celebration the best it's ever been. The biggest hit was the Video Game Truck; where students could play Just Dance, Rock Band, and other video games included inside the truck. We also had three jolly jumpers; a huge Obstacle Course, Tug-of-War basketball, and Jousting. Along with all the fun games, we gave out free popcorn, cotton candy, snow cones, and chips. Also we had many local bands perform; including: All Roads To Canada, Beyond Our Valor, Umarra, and Amber Wilmont sang. Congratulations to Josh Overton, Teacher of the Year; Diane Wareham, Sub of the Year; Joe Woods, Staff of the Year, and Iruma Truillijo and Corey Cole, Scholar Athletes of the Year. Above, students enjoy Tug-of-War Basketball.
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ASB members passed out consessions during the celebration.
ASB members passed out consessions during the celebration.
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Students enjoyed the Video Game Truck.
Students enjoyed the Video Game Truck.
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Ana Morino, API Coordinator, announced Teacher, Staff, Sub, and Scholar awards.
Ana Morino, API Coordinator, announced Teacher, Staff, Sub, and Scholar awards.
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Josh Overton recieved the Teacher of the Year Award from Ana Morino.
Josh Overton recieved the Teacher of the Year Award from Ana Morino.
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(l-r) Joe Woods, awarded Staff of the Year and Josh Overton, awarded Teacher of the Year.
(l-r) Joe Woods, awarded Staff of the Year and Josh Overton, awarded Teacher of the Year.
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Graduation Ticket Distribution, Budget Cuts
Fillmore Unified School District
Fillmore Unified School District


5:30 p.m.
This is the time and place to address the Board. State law prohibits the Board from acting on issues not included on the agenda; however, requests may be made for discussion of specific topics at subsequent meetings.
The Board of Education will meet from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. to consider matters appropriate for Closed Session in accordance with Government Code Sections 3549.1, 54956.7 through 54957.7 and Education Code Section 35146. If the Board does not complete Closed Session discussions at this time, the Board may adjourn to Closed Session at the end of the regular meeting. DISCLOSURE OF ITEM(S) TO BE DISCUSSED IN CLOSED SESSION Labor/Negotiations (Government Code 54957.6)
o Update; Direction to District Negotiators (Jeff Sweeney, Mike Bush, Todd Schieferle, Margaret Chidester) for negotiations with the Fillmore Unified Teachers Association (FUTA), the California School Employees Association (CSEA), Confidential Employees, and District Administration. Personnel Matters (Government Code 54957)
o Hiring, Evaluating, Discipline, or Dismissal Public Employee Performance Evaluation: Superintendent (The Board and
Superintendent meet periodically to provide feedback to one another concerning
the achievement of goals.)
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Superintendent's Office at (805) 524-6038. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the district to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. [In accordance with Government Code 54961 and Board Bylaw 9320(a).]

6:30 P.M.
V. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION Any Action From Closed Session
This is the time and place to address the school board on any items on the open session agenda. State law prohibits the Board from acting on issues not included on the agenda; however, requests may be made for discussion of specific topics at subsequent meetings.
6:45 P.M.
1. Approve Recommendation for Ticket Distribution CONTINUED »

Last week Fillmore Middle School celebrated Earth Day. Above, five students show how you can Reduce, Reuse,
and Recycle, and they also offered cupcakes.
Last week Fillmore Middle School celebrated Earth Day. Above, five students show how you can Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle, and they also offered cupcakes.
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A robot made out of plastic bottles.
A robot made out of plastic bottles.
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Starts April 29th

Jumping rope is possibly the most beneficial exercise a person can do! The 6th graders at Fillmore Middle School are having a Jump-A-Thon on Friday, April 29th, after CST testing. Students are raising money through flat donations between now and April 29th. Money earned will go to new PE equipment such as: basketballs, footballs, soccer balls, and jump ropes; for our 6th grade students. If you are interested in donating or helping out, please contact Fillmore Middle School at 524-6070, e-mail, or simply send a check to 543 “A” St. PO Box 697 Fillmore, Ca 93016. Any and all help is greatly appreciated! Thank you!


Today, the following comment was submitted via email to all School Board Members, and to the Fillmore Unified Teachers Association (FUTA) and the Fillmore chapter of California School Employees Association (CSEA),

FUSD Board Members, FUTA and CSEA Presidents,

I wanted to make this statement at tonight’s board meeting but business is taking me out of town. It’s regarding a proposal for the budget cuts that I believe all parties should seriously consider. I’m hoping one or more board members will ask Mike Bush to run a few scenarios with actual numbers to see what it looks like. Even if you don’t fully agree with or see challenges to the proposal, I believe it’s necessary to consider all options.

Thank you and here is the statement:

April 19th, 2011

My name is Scott Duckett.

I’m speaking tonight as a private citizen concerned about the budget cuts. At a recent board meeting, both board members and cabinet members requested that any ideas regarding budget cuts be brought forward. In response to that, I’d like to make a proposal. The proposal has been heard by at least one board member; however I want to make sure it’s heard by all board members and union leadership, and has an opportunity to be publically vetted. Before I tell you what the proposal is, I’d like to first tell you the top three reasons why this proposal should be considered.

The first reason to adopt this proposal is NOT ONE SERVICE TO ONE STUDENT WILL BE LOST. Not one athletic program, not one classroom, not one thing students enjoy now will be lost. The repeated goal of board members to keep the cuts as far as away from the students as possible will be realized.

The second reason to adopt this proposal is NOT A SINGLE DISTRICT EMPLOYEE WILL LOSE THEIR JOB. Nobody. Not one person. All layoff notices would be rescinded.

And the third reason to adopt this proposal is IT’S FAIR TO ALL DISTRICT EMPLOYEES. No one individual or group caused the budget cuts, and under this proposal, no one individual or group will be forced to take more cuts or lose their job. In other words, all cuts are equal across the entire district.

Here’s the proposal. Every district employee, from the Superintendent on down, takes an equal percentage salary cut. The exact percentage everyone takes depends on the size of the budget gap. I didn’t have actual numbers to work with, so I made some estimates. If salaries and benefits make up roughly 90% of the district’s $30 million dollar budget, that’s approximately $27 million in salaries and benefits. If everyone district wide took a 3% salary cut, the district would save $810,000. If everyone took a 5% cut, the district would save 1.3 Million. If everyone took a 7% cut, the district would save nearly $2 million dollars, and so on.

I understand this proposal is unique, and will come with its own unique set of challenges. But I believe going through another round of “budget cuts business as usual” will only result in the painful process where seeing now and that we’ve all witnessed over the past few years. It’s a process that results in cuts that are often unfair to individuals and groups within the district, it results in valued district employees losing their jobs, and ends with cuts being made that directly affect students.

Thank you.

Sessions will cover legal and practical responses
Mindy Puopolo
Mindy Puopolo

THOUSAND OAKS, CA. - A workshop on domestic violence and child abuse will be held from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, May 6, at California Lutheran University.

Responses to Victimization: A Workshop Exploring Legal and Practical Responses to Family Violence and Victimization will be held in Lundring Events Center on the Thousand Oaks campus.

Ventura County District Attorney Greg Totten will give the keynote address at the luncheon.

Participants can choose five of 10 sessions to attend. Mindy Puopolo and Morris Eagle with CLU’s graduate psychology program will discuss the psychology behind domestic violence and Michael Gerson, an assistant professor of psychology at CLU, will cover the psychology behind child abuse. Catherine Duggan, director of the Ventura County District Attorney’s Office Victims’ Assistance Program, will talk about victims’ rights, and Sean Schoneman will make a presentation on Casa Pacifica’s work with abused and at-risk youth. Other topics will include community support for victims and the role of law enforcement in and the prosecution and investigation of domestic violence and child abuse.

The Partnership for Safe Families and Communities of Ventura County and CLU’s Criminal Justice and Legal Studies Department, Center for Equality and Justice, and Community Counseling & Parent-Child Study Center are sponsoring the workshop. CLU launched an Intimate Partner Violence Prevention Program in September.

Lundring Events Center is in the Gilbert Sports and Fitness Center, which is north of Olsen Road near Mountclef Boulevard.

The $40 registration fee includes continental breakfast, lunch, materials and a certificate of completion. Qualifying participants will receive continuing education units.

The deadline to register is Friday, April 29. To register, go to For more information, contact Robert Meadows at (805) 493-3484 or Schannae Lucas at (805) 493-3391.

"Your childs education and the State budget" Michelle Kolbeck

Tonight FUSD School Board will meet and is slated to vote on graduation requirements. That is how they have listed the item on their agenda that has the potential to cut programs, reduce class requirements for graduation and combine programs. FUSD is grappling with the same budget issues as other districts although I think that FUSD has one large hurdle that it still has to overcome, a general lack of accountability and transparency. Over the past year the School Board has heard from several parents bringing issues ranging from concerns over special services, to the lack of parent involvement. School Board members have attended school site council meetings regarding issues of accountability and lack of clarity. If the District wants the community to understand the situation, they need to work harder and better at creating a welcoming environment for community members to be involved (you need not have a child in the District to be a stakeholder or to get involved) and for demonstrating accountability when mistakes are made.

Here is an editorial in the Ventura county Star written by a Santa Paula Elementary School Board member, it is brief, and doesn't go into much detail, but at least it is a school board member working at communicating with the Board and attempting to communicate with the public and Kolbeck openly encourages the public to volunteer and donate to schools. Districts must reach out, and the public is going to need to see a shift at FUSD to a system that is more welcoming and ready to work with the community.

An excerpt:

"At a recent elementary school board meeting it became apparent that the "state of the state" has finally come to roost in Santa Paula.

Even though the Santa Paula Elementary School District board had pink-slipped a quarter of the teacher staff in March (approximately 50 out of 200), the public had yet to feel the effects of the state of the California budget. This is because nothing really changed as their child still went to the same school, had the same teacher, had the same classmates, etc.

However, during the time allotted for public comments, the SPESD board listened to students, parents, community members and staff about their concerns for programs that may no longer be available to them next year.

Read more:

Fillmore Unified School District
Fillmore Unified School District


5:30 p.m.
This is the time and place to address the Board. State law prohibits the Board from acting on issues not included on the agenda; however, requests may be made for discussion of specific topics at subsequent meetings.
The Board of Education will meet from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. to consider matters appropriate for Closed Session in accordance with Government Code Sections 3549.1, 54956.7 through 54957.7 and Education Code Section 35146. If the Board does not complete Closed Session discussions at this time, the Board may adjourn to Closed Session at the end of the regular meeting. DISCLOSURE OF ITEM(S) TO BE DISCUSSED IN CLOSED SESSION School District Pupils (Education Code 35146)
o Expulsion Case Number 10-11-11
o Expulsion Case Number 10-11-12 Labor/Negotiations (Government Code 54957.6)
o Update; Direction to District Negotiators (Jeff Sweeney, Mike Bush, Todd Schieferle, Margaret Chidester) for negotiations with the Fillmore Unified Teachers Association (FUTA), the California School Employees Association (CSEA), Confidential Employees, and District Administration. Personnel Matters (Government Code 54957)
o Hiring, Evaluating, Discipline, Dismissal Public Employee Performance Evaluation: Superintendent (The Board and
Superintendent meet periodically to provide feedback to one another concerning
the achievement of goals.)
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Superintendent's Office at (805) 524-6038. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the district to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. [In accordance with Government Code 54961 and Board Bylaw 9320(a).]

6:30 p.m.
E. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION Any Action From Closed Session School District Pupils (Education Code 35146)
o Expulsion Case Number 10-11-11
o Expulsion Case Number 10-11-12
This is the time and place to address the school board. State law prohibits the Board from acting on issues not included on the agenda; however, requests may be made for discussion of specific topics at subsequent meetings.
6:45 p.m.
I. STANDING REPORTS 10 minutes Student Representative’s Report 10 minutes Board Members’ Reports 10 minutes Superintendent’s Report
7:15 p.m.


Camarillo, CA. - CSU Channel Islands (CI) will host the Third Annual Conference on Social Justice in Education, Saturday, April 30, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in CI’s John Spoor Broome Library. The event is free and lunch is provided.

The theme of the 2011 Conference is, “Making Choices: Crushed, Compliant or Creative?” It will showcase and discuss issues of social justice at work in the community, area schools, and institutions of higher education. Teachers, students, parents, administrators, counselors, youth advocates, activists and paraprofessionals are welcome, as are others connected to public school education in some way that have concerns about equity, access and accountability.

The conference will open with remarks from CI’s President Richard R. Rush, followed by Senior Associate Dean and Director of the School of Education, Dr. Gary Kinsey. Maricruz Hernandez and Oscar Hernandez, principals in the Oxnard High School District, will give the keynote presentation.

A lunch panel featuring Trudy Arriaga (Superintendent, Ventura Unified School District (VUSD), Arcenio Lopez (Mixteco/Indigena Community Organizing Project), Anna Izaguirre (First Steps Infant/Toddler program for Teen Parents, VUSD), Danna Lomax (teacher, VUSD) and Edlyn Pena (professor, CLU), will be followed by afternoon sessions with presentations by local leaders in social justice issues. Attendees will have opportunities to network and share ideas throughout the day.

The program is sponsored by CI’s School of Education, California Institute for Social Business, Martin V. Smith School of Business & Economics, and the Center for Community Engagement. CLU’s Counseling and Guidance Department, Center for Equality and Justice, and Diversity and Education Excellence are also sponsors. Additional sponsors include Ventura County Community Foundation Social Justice Fund, Ventura Unified School District, McCune Foundation, Corwin Press, Sage Press, and Ventura County School Counselors Association.

The event is free and open to the public. Registration is strongly encouraged and available at Free parking will be available in designated lots only; once on campus follow the directional parking signs. The full schedule of events can be seen on the same web page in early April. For information about the conference contact Merissa Stith, Events Coordinator at 805-437-8548 or

About California State University Channel Islands
CSU Channel Islands (CI) is the only four-year, public university in Ventura County and is known for its interdisciplinary, multicultural and international perspectives, and its emphasis on experiential and service learning. CI’s strong academic programs focus on business, sciences, liberal studies, teaching credentials, and innovative master’s degrees. Students benefit from individual attention, up-to-date technology, and classroom instruction augmented by outstanding faculty research.

California State University Channel Islands
California State University Channel Islands

Camarillo, CA. - CSU Channel Islands (CI) will host a campus-community Free Electronics Recycling Day at the Sage Hall Parking Lot A2 on Saturday, April 23, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

The CSU campuses are partnering with E-Waste, All Green Electronics Recycling, a premier E-Waste recycling company, to celebrate Earth Day by collecting community E-waste during the month of April. CI’s recycling day is free and open to anyone interested in disposing of E-waste in a safe and secure environment. There will be a convenient drive-thru drop off service as well as walk-up donations.

What is E-waste? It is anything with a plug and circuit board and includes items like an outdated laptop, a VCR, monitors, printers, TVs, stereos and other electronic equipment. It is NOT furniture, household hazardous waste or kitchen appliances. E-waste contains heavy metals like lead, mercury, chromium, cadmium, and zinc, which contaminate the soil and water. Improper disposal of E-waste accounts for 70 percent of all heavy metals found in landfills today. A recent report from the Environmental Protection Agency states that the E-waste in landfills will quadruple over the next five years.

Judy Botelho, Director of the Center for Community Engagement at the CSU Office of the Chancellor, said, “It is our hope that the E-waste events taking place on CSU campuses throughout southern and central California will not only provide a service to our local community, but that it will also encourage people to learn more about the ways they can be environmentally responsible on a local and global level.

The event is sponsored by CI’s Center for Community Engagement and partial proceeds from the event will benefit the center.

For information regarding recycling visit and for information on the Free Electronics Recycling Day at CSU Channel Islands contact Pilar Pacheco, Associate Director of the Center for Community Engagement at CSU Channel Islands at 805-437-8851 or

About California State University Channel Islands
CSU Channel Islands (CI) is the only four-year, public university in Ventura County and is known for its interdisciplinary, multicultural and international perspectives, and its emphasis on experiential and service learning. CI’s strong academic programs focus on business, sciences, liberal studies, teaching credentials, and innovative master’s degrees. Students benefit from individual attention, up-to-date technology, and classroom instruction augmented by outstanding faculty research.

Brittany Gonzalez, a Senior at FHS, stands along side her amazing display of art work at the FHS Art Show held Tuesday, April 12, 2011.
Brittany Gonzalez, a Senior at FHS, stands along side her amazing display of art work at the FHS Art Show held Tuesday, April 12, 2011.
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Francisco Ortiz, a Junior at FHS, is very proud of his awesome art work on display at the Art Show.
Francisco Ortiz, a Junior at FHS, is very proud of his awesome art work on display at the Art Show.
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The delightful greeters for the FHS Art Show. (l-r) Diana J. Gumber, Senior at FHS, also the artist who drew the picture for the postcard and brochure and Briana Vazquez, a senior at FHS.
The delightful greeters for the FHS Art Show. (l-r) Diana J. Gumber, Senior at FHS, also the artist who drew the picture for the postcard and brochure and Briana Vazquez, a senior at FHS.
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A display of colorful carnival masks.
A display of colorful carnival masks.
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Sara Hansen and Jane David take a moment to view the pictures on display from photo class.
Sara Hansen and Jane David take a moment to view the pictures on display from photo class.
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The Fillmore High School Jazz Band performed for the public during the Art Show.
The Fillmore High School Jazz Band performed for the public during the Art Show.
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Amber Wilmot stops by to take a look at a few pencil drawings.
Amber Wilmot stops by to take a look at a few pencil drawings.
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Angel Rivas is a first grade student at San Cayetano in Mrs. Ferguson’s classroom. He won the award for perfect attendance for March. Congratulations Angel.
Angel Rivas is a first grade student at San Cayetano in Mrs. Ferguson’s classroom. He won the award for perfect attendance for March. Congratulations Angel.
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Professor now teaching counseling psychology at CLU
Jamie E. Banker
Jamie E. Banker

THOUSAND OAKS, CA. - A California Lutheran University professor who helped students and staff after the Virginia Tech massacre on April 16, 2007, will make a presentation on campus violence in commemoration of the anniversary of the tragedy.

Jamie E. Banker will discuss “Campus Violence: Remembrance, Awareness & Response” at 10 a.m. Monday, April 18, in Samuelson Chapel on the Thousand Oaks campus. She will emphasize prevention.

The free event is presented in remembrance of all victims of school shootings, many of which occurred in April.

Banker was a doctoral student and undergraduate instructor at Virginia Tech and a family therapist at the university’s Family Therapy Center at the time of the tragedy. She was on campus on the day of the shootings and assisted students and staff as well as the community in their recovery from the traumatic event.

The incident sparked Banker’s interest in campus violence and school shootings. Since then, she has made presentations at national conferences and published an article on the tragedy. She has also spoken about campus and community violence at medical conferences and residencies and trained potential first responders to this type of crisis.

Banker, a licensed marriage and family therapist, joined the CLU faculty in August. She is currently the director of CLU’s Master of Science in Counseling Psychology Program.

The chapel is located south of Olsen Road near Campus Drive.

For more information, contact Banker at (805) 493-3772 or

California State University Channel Islands
California State University Channel Islands

Camarillo, CA. - CSU Channel Islands is announcing budget cuts in the form of eliminated positions and reduced staff appointments in addition to ongoing operating budget cuts, in the face of $3.8 million in budget reductions for the CI 2011-12 academic year. This cut is part of the $500M reduction in state support to the California State University system, an 18 percent decrease.

“All decisions to reduce the budget are made to minimize the impact to students and instructional programs at CI,” stated President Richard R. Rush. “Covering our campus’ $3.8 million cut is not viable without substantial structural changes in the way we operate. It is heartbreaking to lose people we respect that are part of the CI family.”

Eliminated positions included the Vice President for Advancement responsible for oversight of the areas of donor, alumni, and community relations, as well as communication and marketing; the Athletics Director charged with the development of Intercollegiate Athletics; and the Faculty Development Director responsible for faculty training and support for academic programs.

State limits on expected enrollment growth reduced the Athletic and Recreation Fees students paid toward the development of Intercollegiate Athletics. The campus will continue to build recreation and club sports to transition into an Intercollegiate Athletics program at some point in the future.

Actions to reduce staff appointments included the elimination of 12-month laboratory technician positions. It is anticipated that the positions will be available as 11-month positions. However, CI’s current hiring freeze will remain in place for other vacant positions, as well.

CI does not expect to make further reductions at this time. However, the University does not rule out additional cuts in the future. Governor Jerry Brown has reported that if the sales, vehicle and income taxes are not extended it is likely that the CSU can expect an additional $500M reduction to its budget.

“The people of Ventura County, who fought to build this four-year, public university, know that higher education is the economic engine of the region,” said Rush. “We should not be gutting public higher education; we should be growing it.”

About California State University Channel Islands
CSU Channel Islands (CI) is the only four-year, public university in Ventura County and is known for its interdisciplinary, multicultural and international perspectives, and its emphasis on experiential and service learning. CI’s strong academic programs focus on business, sciences, liberal studies, teaching credentials, and innovative master’s degrees. Students benefit from individual attention, up-to-date technology, and classroom instruction augmented by outstanding faculty research.


It’s that time of year again…. Fillmore High School Hall of Fame is seeking nominations for our 2011 Inductees. Anyone that would like to submit a name to be nominated please contact Joe Woods at #805-794-7439 or you can mail your nomination to: FHS, Sports Hall of Fame, P.O. Box 697, Fillmore, CA 93016 or contact any of the following committee members, Dick Mosbarger, Class of 1947, John Scoles, Class of 1959, Mike Marostica, Class of 1965, Debbie Basolo-Curnett, Class of 1969, Joe Woods, Class of 1979, Lynn Hasty-Cole, Class of 1985 or Jamie Arundell-Latshaw, Class of 1993. All nominations must be received by no later than June 1, 2011.