Saturday, June 9th, 2018

We want to take you way back when the Fillmore High Alumni Association had their Alumni Dinners. In the early 1900’s, the dinner meetings were held on the high school campus. Individual class meetings were held in separate classrooms following the dinner. The dinners, which usually consisted of pit barbecue, were prepared by various groups including Albert (Dutch) Bartels ’26 and his crew, and Ed Burson and his group. They were held with attendees sitting at tables on benches made from citrus picking boxes and 1X12’S. The dinners were held on the old tennis courts, which is where the cafeteria is located now. After 1951, dinners were held between the current gym and the cafeteria on the high school quad. Dinners then moved to the Memorial Building where meals were prepared by the Fillmore Club, headed by K.B. Rogers ’46 and Ron Godfrey ’62. As the dinners grew in size, they were moved to the city park. Dinners returned to the Memorial Building (its current location) but this time out on the lawn area to accommodate everyone wishing to attend.

You can purchase your 2018 Alumni Dinner reservations at Patterson Hardware store (open 7 days a week) or you can go to and click on the “Events” link at the top of the webpage.

Mark Ortega is President of the Fillmore High Alumni Association.

Photo of the Week "Poppies. Naturally!" By Bob Crum. Photo data: Canon 7DMKII, manual mode, ISO 100, Tamron 16-300mm lens with polarizing filter @17mm, f/11 aperture, 1/250 second shutter.
Photo of the Week "Poppies. Naturally!" By Bob Crum. Photo data: Canon 7DMKII, manual mode, ISO 100, Tamron 16-300mm lens with polarizing filter @17mm, f/11 aperture, 1/250 second shutter.
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A Special Invitation!
Bob Crum
Bob Crum

First, upside-down weather! This past winter's rainfall debacle discombobulated the spring wildflower bloom. Normally hundreds of acres of California poppies bloom around Easter in the Antelope Valley and around southern California. This year, nada!

Last Friday I drove to Ojai on State Road 150. Whoa! Just past the top of the hill and around the bend, glorious majestic poppies. Bunches in and around trees burned from the Thomas fire. Excited, I parked, surveyed the area and began photoing. Oh joy!

Not only a fantastic photo op, it also afforded me an opportunity to make photos that I'll need for future photography instruction. For instance, photographing wildflowers with & without a polarizer. Photos at both wide open aperture as well as f/11 to illustrate the difference the aperture makes regarding depth of field.

For wildflower photography, the trip up Hwy 150 from Santa Paula to Ojai is sweet. Drive leisurely. Before St. Thomas College, on the south side, a hillside full of wild yellow flower blooms (mustard?). Stop on the right road shoulder and gaze. Not far past the college, on the right, a lovely field of grape-soda lupines. For a background and color contrast, you'll see more fields of yellow wildflowers up on the hillside. Stop and make photos. Further up, another huge expanse of yellow flowers on the right with the Topa Topas as a background. Then, just after the lookout at the top of the hill: Poppies! Go! Photo tip: Watch your histogram. Best to under expose an f/stop or two so the flower colors are not washed out from the bright sun.

Tip #2: If you have a circular polarizer filter for your lens, use it. Most times it helps the flower's colors pop. Remember, polarizing most effective when the lens is pointed 90 degrees from the sun. Tip #3: During post processing (editing) enhance the flower's colors by decreasing the green foliage luminous value to reduce their objectionable glare.

Y'all know my photographic work is mostly photojournalism. However, I'm also a Fine Art photographer. Yep! The full package: Capture the photo, post process (edit) the photo and print the photo!

It's relatively easy to make a photo look respectable and nice at a low-resolution for the Internet. But to make an image look great in print involves a whole other skill set. Challenge accepted... prints made!

Unlike “virtual” images, a photographic print will always be the most realistic representation of an image as it is the only medium that is truly tangible and actual. As a 'photographer', from my perspective a photograph isn’t truly finished until it’s in printed form. Hmm. Your thoughts?

That said, I delight in informing you that I personally printed five fine art photographs and framed them for an art show. A thrill times 10! I went to Ojai last Friday to join the Artist Guild of Fillmore members, of which I am a proud member, to hang art! Lots of wonderful art – mine included – on display at the show!

Therefore, I extend a special invite to attend the Artist Guild of Fillmore Art Show Reception this Saturday, May 12, 2018, from 1-3 p.m at the Ojai Center for the Arts, 113 Montgomery Street. Meet the artists, discuss their awesome artwork and enjoy some fine wine. Most importantly, purchase a masterpiece, or more, that suits your fancy. A great opportunity to adorn your home with Fine Art from local artists. See you there! Here's a video of the Artist Guild of Fillmore members at the hanging party. Enjoy!

Photo of the Week: Poppies! Naturally!

Send comments, suggestions, questions to

Fillmore City Council Members Active Shooter Training session.
Fillmore City Council Members Active Shooter Training session.
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Ventura County Sheriff’s Sgt. John Wright presented an Active Shooter training session for the City Council at Tuesday’s
Special Meeting. He advised everyone to be prepared for any shooting event.
Ventura County Sheriff’s Sgt. John Wright presented an Active Shooter training session for the City Council at Tuesday’s Special Meeting. He advised everyone to be prepared for any shooting event.

A Special Meeting of the Fillmore City Council was held Tuesday, May 1 during which the Council approved a project list to be funded by the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017, and a contract for construction of pavement resurfacing SPEC No. 16-02, FEDERAL PROJECT No. 16-02 STPL 5222 (021). Portions of approximately 23 streets will be resurfaced. The City of Fillmore is projected to receive $260,433 in RMRA funds in Fiscal Year 2018-2019. Additional funds of $20,900 were also approved.

An ACTIVE SHOOTER TRAINING presentation was delivered by Ventura County Sheriff's Sgt. John Wright at this Tuesday's meeting.

Sgt. Wright reviewed specific ways of responding to an active shooter situation in multiple areas, including public and private spaces. He emphasized the importance of learning and reviewing particular defensive techniques in the event an armed assailant should enter a building.

Call 911 quickly. Generally, all efforts should be made to run from the danger area if possible. Secondly, targeted individuals should hide, shelter in place behind a barricade from the shooter and remain quiet so not to reveal their location. Lastly, where no other option remains, every effort should be made to defend yourself, have the mindset to fight for your life. Where possible others should join in an aggressive, offensive reaction, attacking the shooter to disable him. Do not find yourself freezing in place with shock.

Wright advises people to think and discuss such emergency situations with fellow workers, and to encourage violence drills. Most shooters have "done their homework" before attacking.

He also advises everyone to take threats seriously; if you see something, say something. Building security is very important, as is knowledge of the workplace area. Wright reminded the Council that active shooter incidents occur more than two times every month nationally.

Wright emphasized the importance of having a well-stocked emergency first aid kit available; with tourniquets, heavy gauze, and other items, not just Band-Aids, to treat serious wounds, He also advised keeping a first aid kit in your car.

On Tuesday, May 1st at 4:00pm Fillmore Fire Department responded to reports of an accident on Old Telegraph Road and Grand Avenue. Upon arrival they found that a two cars were involved, a white Chevy and a dark gray car which had gone off the side of the road and into the trees. Cause of the accident is still under investigation, and one person was transported to the hospital.
On Tuesday, May 1st at 4:00pm Fillmore Fire Department responded to reports of an accident on Old Telegraph Road and Grand Avenue. Upon arrival they found that a two cars were involved, a white Chevy and a dark gray car which had gone off the side of the road and into the trees. Cause of the accident is still under investigation, and one person was transported to the hospital.
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Rotorcraft Support Inc. and The Guardian have made progress on the new private heliport, maintenance and repair facility for helicopters being built at the southwest corner of River and D Streets. Crews were seen this past week pouring concrete and setting steel poles all along the area.
Rotorcraft Support Inc. and The Guardian have made progress on the new private heliport, maintenance and repair facility for helicopters being built at the southwest corner of River and D Streets. Crews were seen this past week pouring concrete and setting steel poles all along the area.
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Pictured from left to right: Carrie Broggie (Fillmore City Council Member), Jeff Teubner and Phil DiFiore (Rotocraft) and Ari Larson (Rotary Club of Fillmore). The helicopter parts and service company reps spoke at Rotary Club of Fillmore on April 25th. Welcome to Fillmore! Photo courtesy Ari Larson.
Pictured from left to right: Carrie Broggie (Fillmore City Council Member), Jeff Teubner and Phil DiFiore (Rotocraft) and Ari Larson (Rotary Club of Fillmore). The helicopter parts and service company reps spoke at Rotary Club of Fillmore on April 25th. Welcome to Fillmore! Photo courtesy Ari Larson.
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The new private heliport for a maintenance and repair facility for helicopters project is going to be constructed in two (2) phases. Phase 1 involves the construction of a 67,872 SF hangar, parking spaces, retaining walls, public improvements on River St. and constructing the full width of the D St. extension (from River Street to 460 feet south of River Street). Phase 2 consists of constructing a 45,066 SF hangar for the future undetermined tenant. The businesses would like to be allowed to operate from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and from 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on Saturdays with allowance to perform work on Sundays during times of emergencies. The project site is 10.52 acres and can accommodate one landing pad with eight (8) helicopter parking areas. The flight paths will occur along the Santa Clara River with the helicopters approaching the site from a southerly direction. The flight paths will not be over the residential areas of Fillmore. Prior to flying helicopters from the property the Applicant is required to obtain approvals from the FAA, Caltrans (the Division of Aeronautics) and The Airport Land Commission. The project is providing a 10' concrete bike path on the south side of River Street in compliance with the Business Park Master Plan’s requirement for bike paths. A noise study was conducted which determined that the sounds anticipated to be generated by the project are at an acceptable level per the City Zoning Ordinance. Additionally, the Planning Commission recommended that a noise monitor be placed close to the helipad. Two Rivers Park will be protected by a buffer zone with employee and customer parking along D Street.

On Wednesday, April 25th Fillmore Fire and Police Departments responded to a call of a child being struck by a vehicle near the 900 block of Fourth Street. The child was transported to Ventura County Medical Center with moderate to severe injuries. The investigation was turned over to the Fillmore Police Department.
On Wednesday, April 25th Fillmore Fire and Police Departments responded to a call of a child being struck by a vehicle near the 900 block of Fourth Street. The child was transported to Ventura County Medical Center with moderate to severe injuries. The investigation was turned over to the Fillmore Police Department.
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Fillmore Unified School District
Fillmore Unified School District

Management/Confidential/Supervisory Salary Increase
The Board of Trustees approved the Classified Confidential/Supervisory Employee Salary Schedule.

Award Bid to Replace Roofing on Annex Building at Sespe Elementary School
The Board of Trustees awarded the bid to replace roofing on annex building at Sespe Elementary School.

Award Bid to Replace Carpet in Buildings A, B, C, D, and E at San Cayetano Elementary School
The Board of Trustees awarded the bid to replace carpet in specific buildings at San Cayetano Elementary School.

Personnel Recommendations
The Board of Trustees approved all personnel recommendations including new hires, promotions, resignations, retirements, and leaves.

On April 13, 2018 Diamond Realty hosted a “Celebration of Youth” fundraiser for The Santa Clara Valley Boys and Girls Club. The event featured art by The Boys and Girls Club and music by the Fillmore High School Mariachi Band. The Fillmore High School Girls Soccer CIF Championship was also recognized. Each player and coach was awarded their own commemorative sports bag. Art teacher Virginia Neuman was recognized for her work teaching art to the Boys and Girls Club children.
On April 13, 2018 Diamond Realty hosted a “Celebration of Youth” fundraiser for The Santa Clara Valley Boys and Girls Club. The event featured art by The Boys and Girls Club and music by the Fillmore High School Mariachi Band. The Fillmore High School Girls Soccer CIF Championship was also recognized. Each player and coach was awarded their own commemorative sports bag. Art teacher Virginia Neuman was recognized for her work teaching art to the Boys and Girls Club children.
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Pictured is the Fillmore High School Mariachi Band.
Pictured is the Fillmore High School Mariachi Band.
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Above is artwork done by the kids from The Boys and Girls Club of Santa Clara Valley which was displayed during the event.
Above is artwork done by the kids from The Boys and Girls Club of Santa Clara Valley which was displayed during the event.
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Photo of the Week "Steam Engine #14 exiting the Sespe Creek Trestle bridge during Railfest" By Bob Crum. Canon 7D MarkII camera, ISO 1000, Tamron 16-300mm lens @87mm, aperture f/11, 1/200 second shutter speed.
Photo of the Week "Steam Engine #14 exiting the Sespe Creek Trestle bridge during Railfest" By Bob Crum. Canon 7D MarkII camera, ISO 1000, Tamron 16-300mm lens @87mm, aperture f/11, 1/200 second shutter speed.
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Shoot... repeat!
Bob Crum
Bob Crum

It happened again. Total capture count: 972. I love it! No point in making excuses so I won't. Besides, I have an exquisite alibi. Genetics. My DNA has a photographic gene that forces the right hand index finger to keep pushing the shutter release button the second I pick up my camera.

The occasion was the recent Fillmore Railfest. As expected, the star was the majestic Baldwin #14 steam engine. Photo ops aplenty even just sitting pretty on the tracks and occasionally blowing off some steam. Running she's like the most lifelike, exciting and endearing of all the machinery man has created. How can anyone watch a steam-powered iron horse rumbling down the tracks and not be in awe. Listen! The profound gong of the bell! The whistle... oh that enchanting whistle. The chuffing-chuffing as she picks up speed. The smoke bellowing from the glorious smokestack. Awesomeness!

Back in the day, as staff editor/photojournalist for the Southern Star magazine, I shot at least three times as much film as other staffers. I had to, to beat the odds. Couldn't review the photo in the field like now. Because success was paramount, always experienced a tinge of insecurity. What if? Pressure and expectations created reasonable anxiety. Yet, a benefit. The experience I gained taught me to trigger the shutter more instinctively. A valuable asset. Remember, there are no re-dos regarding special moments that cannot be predicted or repeated. Photography, to paraphrase author Steve Simon, from his book 'The Passionate Photographer', is a bit like trying to anticipate the future to trigger the shutter just at the exact right moment. Still, there are a ton of misses. The future is elusive. But the robust shooting ethic is rewarding when it works. The reward: I got the most cover photos! It's still a formula that increases the odds that I get the best image out of every assignment. This practice continues, which is obvious. Furthermore, I encourage all event photographers who desire (strive) to capture the ultimate photo to shoot more, regret less. The photo op missed is gone forever. Shoot till your shutter release finger is cramping. But you're not done until it's calloused. Got it?

When #14 runs the photo options are voluminous. But they're not all going to be great moments. For full effect it helps to have steam emanating from various ports and smoke bellowing from the smoke stack illustrating that the machine has the high rail and running strong. It would help if the engineer would turn some knobs and kick up some smoke when seeing a photographer camera up but that's wishful thinking. Anyway, smoke is not continually belching from the stack nor the locomotive expelling steam. What to do? Chase it. And keep chasing it! Success demands that you be on the scene to make the ultimate photo. Shoot a lot. With luck, one of every 10 photos will make the cut. I chased. However, a lung impairment slowed me down considerably. Translated, I couldn't get (hike) to all my secret spots for the photos I envisioned because I couldn't move fast enough to get back to the truck and drive to the next spot in time. Nevertheless, I survived and delightfully accumulated, you know, a few hundred photos. After all... it's fun!

The photo of the week was made at the iconic trestle bridge over Sespe Creek. Didn't matter that I couldn't descend the hill for a frontal coming out of the bridge because the area was littered with phonetographers. Grumble, grumble, grumble.

Happy photoing!

Send your comments, suggestions or questions to

Ventura County Department of Public Health
Ventura County Department of Public Health

The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) today warned consumers to avoid eating raw oysters harvested from south and central Baynes Sound, in British Columbia, Canada. The raw oysters are linked to an outbreak of norovirus illnesses.

In California, as of April 27, approximately 100 individuals have reported illness after they consumed raw British Columbian oysters sold by restaurants and retailers throughout the state. Laboratory testing has confirmed norovirus infection in several patients from both California and Canada. Although the number of reported new illnesses has decreased during the last week, the investigation is ongoing.

Canada has reported 172 cases of gastrointestinal illness linked to consumption of raw oysters.

Four oyster farms in the south and central Baynes Sound area of British Columbia that were linked to illnesses were closed between March 23 and April 13, 2018, and remain closed at this time. Restaurants and retailers should not distribute or serve oysters from these farms, which can be recognized by the following landfile numbers located on the shellfish tags: CLF #1402060, CLF #1411206, CLF #1400483, and CLF #278757. Restaurants and retailers are encouraged to check Canada’s above website for closure statuses and notices of re-opening.

Anyone who eats raw oysters should visit their doctors if they become ill, and should report the incident to the local health department.

“Avoid eating raw and undercooked shellfish, including oysters, to reduce your risk of illness,” said CDPH Director and State Public Health Officer Dr. Karen Smith. “If you do eat shellfish, cook it until it reaches an internal temperature of at least 145°F. Quick steaming isn't sufficient to kill norovirus.”

Norovirus is highly contagious and can spread easily from person-to-person through contaminated surfaces, and by eating contaminated food, including raw or undercooked oysters. Symptoms of norovirus usually begin 12 to 48 hours after a person has come in contact with the virus, and can last for 1 to 3 days. Common symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, and stomach cramps. People who develop symptoms of norovirus infection should consult their health care providers. For more information on norovirus, please see CDPH’s Norovirus Web page.

The most current information on shellfish advisories and quarantines are available at CDPH’s toll-free Shellfish Information Line at (800) 553-4133. For additional information, please visit the CDPH Marine Biotoxin Monitoring Web page.

Richard Aidem shows a photo of his heart-donor’s mother listening to her son’s heartbeat, which she does each year during DMV/Donate Life California Month.
Richard Aidem shows a photo of his heart-donor’s mother listening to her son’s heartbeat, which she does each year during DMV/Donate Life California Month.
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City of Fillmore
City of Fillmore

At Tuesday's regular City Council meeting, Mr. Richard Aidem addressed the need for organ donations to save the lives of those facing life-threatening organ failure. Mr. Aidem spoke about his own life-saving heart transplant five years ago. The Council read a proclamation announcing the importance of DMV/Donate Life California Month. Organ donations can only be accepted when the donor has passed away in a hospital.

A report was received on the 2018 Ventura County Animal Services Agreement. Discussion involved increased cost of animal adoption which makes it more difficult to adopt. The declining number of volunteers was also noted as well as an increase in the number of animals to be cared for.

A public hearing was approved to consider the adoption of Resolution 18-3639 confirming the engineer's annual levy report and ordering the Levy and collection of assessments for the Fillmore Storm Drain Maintenance Districts in fiscal year 2018/2019. The motion was passed unanimously.

A motion authorizing change orders for the Fillmore Valley Parks Fountain entry feature renovation project was passed. A contract going to California Waters Development Inc. was also approved for the maintenance of Heritage Valley Parks Fountain Entry Feature, at a cost of $33,000 for the first year.

The City Council approved Final Tract Map No. 5844 and authorized the Mayor to sign the map and the City Clerk to record the map with the County Recorder's office. This action will facilitate the connection of El Dorado Mobile Home Park to River Street.

Ramon Izarraraz, 32, Fillmore
Ramon Izarraraz, 32, Fillmore

On 04/18/2018, Detectives from the Ventura County Sheriff’s West County Street Narcotics Team along with the assistance of the Ventura County Sheriff’s Gang Unit, concluded a two month narcotic investigation into the methamphetamine trafficking activities of Ramon Izarraraz of Fillmore. On 4/18/18 at approximately 11:30 a.m., Detectives conducted a traffic stop on Izarraraz’s vehicle as he was driving in the city of Fillmore. Izarraraz was found to be in possession of methamphetamine and arrested. A search warrant was then executed at his residence in Fillmore. A search of Izarraraz’s residence resulted in the seizure of more than three ounces of methamphetamine, one ounce of cocaine, and a significant amount of cash deemed to be narcotic proceeds.

Izarraraz was booked at the Ventura County Main Jail on narcotic violations. He posted bail of $50,000.00 and his next scheduled court appearance is scheduled for 5/1/18 at 8:15 am.

The West County Street Narcotics Team is comprised of narcotic detectives from the Ventura County Sheriff’s Office, the Oxnard Police Department, and the Port Hueneme Police Department.

Prepared by: Detective Sergeant Guy Moody.
Approved by: Captain Robert Thomas.

On Wednesday, April 18th at 1:48pm reports of a traffic collision between a Motorhome and a black Dodge vehicle occurred on Highway 126 and Santa Clara Avenue near the Valero Gas Station. One person was transported to the hospital; cause of the accident is under investigation.
On Wednesday, April 18th at 1:48pm reports of a traffic collision between a Motorhome and a black Dodge vehicle occurred on Highway 126 and Santa Clara Avenue near the Valero Gas Station. One person was transported to the hospital; cause of the accident is under investigation.
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On Friday, April 20th at 5:45pm Engine 91 and Rescue 91 crews responded to reports of a child being struck by a small SUV near Sespe Avenue and McCampbell Street. The 12-yearold girl was riding her bike at the time of the accident and had moderate to severe injuries. She was sent to Ventura County Medical and the incident was taken over by Fillmore police for further investigation. As of Monday her injuries were reported as serious, but did not appear to be life threatening.
On Friday, April 20th at 5:45pm Engine 91 and Rescue 91 crews responded to reports of a child being struck by a small SUV near Sespe Avenue and McCampbell Street. The 12-yearold girl was riding her bike at the time of the accident and had moderate to severe injuries. She was sent to Ventura County Medical and the incident was taken over by Fillmore police for further investigation. As of Monday her injuries were reported as serious, but did not appear to be life threatening.
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On Saturday, April 21st at 5:30am authorities received a call about a man driving a Dodge pickup, who allegedly pulled up to another vehicle and brandished a gun. The driver of the other vehicle was able to get away and called 911 after the incident.

A Fillmore deputy later spotted the vehicle and conducted a high-risk traffic stop and found a loaded gun in the truck.

Authorities arrested 37 year-old Adam Hernandez of San Fernando on suspicion of possessing a loaded firearm in a vehicle and brandishing a firearm.

Pictured above are Fillmore High Alumni smiling for a photo as they enjoy last year’s Alumni Dinner. Photos courtesy Mark Ortega.
Pictured above are Fillmore High Alumni smiling for a photo as they enjoy last year’s Alumni Dinner. Photos courtesy Mark Ortega.
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Make your reservations now!

The Fillmore High Alumni Board Members are crossing their T’s and dotting their I’s for the big 105th Annual FHS Alumni Dinner/Dance set for Saturday June 9th at the Fillmore/Piru Veteran’s Memorial Building.

Happy Hour starts at 3:00pm with light music and hors d’oeuvres out on the patio. Dinner will be served by award winning DJ’s California Catering. Dinner starts at 6:00pm sharp. You can see the complete menu online at You can also find class reunion information on the website.

Last year’s dinner was sold, so please make your reservations soon. You can confirm your dinner reservations at Patterson’s Hardware (open 7 days a week), or online now at Click on Events.

Calling all Alumni to the 105th Alumni Dinner! It’s the event of the year in Fillmore. Don’t miss out!


District Attorney Gregory D. Totten announced today that Gabriel Munoz-Hernandez (DOB 7/1/1998), of Ventura, was sentenced to 15 years to life in the California Department of Corrections after his conviction of rape of an unconscious person in violation of Penal Code section 261(a)(4) and kidnapping to commit rape or sexual penetration in violation of Penal Code section 209(b)(1).

On February 20, 2017, Munoz-Hernandez connected with the 17-year-old female victim on social media. The next day, Munoz-Hernandez met the victim in person and took her to a friend’s home where he encouraged her to drink a lot of alcohol. The victim eventually lost consciousness. After the victim lost consciousness, Munoz-Hernandez carried her to a dumpster enclosure nearby where he raped her. An independent witness, who attempted to intervene, was able to capture some of the assault on camera. Another independent witness called 911. Ventura Police officers quickly arrived on scene to find Munoz-Hernandez assaulting the unconscious victim behind the dumpster.

After hearing arguments by both the prosecutor and defense attorney, Judge Gilbert Romero of the Ventura Superior Court, County of Ventura, sentenced Munoz-Hernandez to the maximum possible sentence.

The Ventura County District Attorney’s Office is the public prosecutor for the county’s 850,000 residents. The office employs approximately 280 employees including attorneys, investigators, victim advocates, and other professional support staff who strive to seek justice, ensure public safety, and protect the rights of crime victims.

Photo of the Week "A delicate white rose and buds" by Bob Crum. Photo data: Canon 7DMKII camera in manual mode, ISO 320, Tamron 16-300mm lens @41mm, aperture f/11, 1/400th second shutter speed.
Photo of the Week "A delicate white rose and buds" by Bob Crum. Photo data: Canon 7DMKII camera in manual mode, ISO 320, Tamron 16-300mm lens @41mm, aperture f/11, 1/400th second shutter speed.
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Little black boot
Bob Crum
Bob Crum

Let's begin with the question I asked in my previous column: “What do you see as unusual in the photo data?” Is it the aperture? Nope. How about shutter speed? No again! ISO? Bingo! An ISO of 8,000 is not only high, it's as unseemly as a mermaid in a speedo.

Tech talk for just a moment. Remember the holy triad of exposure... shutter speed, aperture and ISO? ISO is an important value in properly exposed photos. ISO refers to the light sensitivity of a camera sensor. When you change the ISO you’re rendering it more or less sensitive to light.

However, we often don't get a benefit without some consequences. The by-product of high ISO is digital noise. ‘Noise' is often equated to 'grain' in film photography but it's more than that. Generally speaking, noise is defined as neurotic pixels that act abnormally. Those erotic... er... neurotic pixels don't render the color or exposure correctly.

Furthermore, a lower ISO won’t just make less noise. Most often it produces better color and dynamic range, which is the ability of the camera to capture detail in both highlights and shadows. Best to keep ISO as low as possible in order to get the highest quality photos from your camera. However, shooting under inadequate lighting, like indoor fluorescent lights, it's either go high with ISO or go home. Not only is the light inadequate, it's the wrong color light. We do what we need to do and deal with the noise in post processing (editing). Edit cautiously! I've learned that when I push the noise reduction slider too far I become like Vincent Van Gogh making the photo begin to look like a water color painting.

Speaking of artists, on April 19th the Fillmore High School presented a “Celebration of the Visual & Performing Arts” at the Memorial Bldg. The 20th Annual Arts Show was a fabulous fun evening. Not only were fabulous artworks of high school students showcased, students also ran the whole event. It was an evening of celebrating the student artists, musicians, actors, dancers, and faculty. The Los Rayos Mariachi Band got the festivities going with the Ballet Folklorico Dancers. Drama performances preceded the high school jazz band which was followed by the high school concert band. The cliché ‘fun was had by all’ is appropriate.

Some readers asked: Why did I select the photo I used as the photo of the week last week. Appropriate question considering the photo depicts more or less a nondescript plant in a black boot. Nothing special evoking any emotion. Au contraire mon ami. Often, photographers tend to see the world a little differently. We don't just see the overview. Not always but often we notice little things... details. The large room was full of beautiful flowers yet when I happened upon that one particular display, the plant in a black boot, it made me pause. The boot. The rock. The note! The details attest to the nature of the creator of the piece. Simple yet profound. A heartfelt note saying: “Thank you 1st responders”. I love the love that writer expressed. That's why I chose it.

Continuing the spirit of the flower show, the photo of the week is a gorgeous, delicate white rose. A must see online.

Heads up! Photo ops galore! The "Renaissance of Railroading" Railfest is this weekend. It's a celebration featuring train rides behind the majestic #14 steam engine, live music and a bit of Steampunk fun. Consider your weekend planned.

Send comments, suggestions or questions to

The Fillmore Flower Show took place this past weekend at the Active Adult Center. The Fillmore community gathered with their entries into this year’s competition. Pictured are the winners: Joanne King (Division I: Cut Rose: “Fourth of July”), Jan Lee (Division VI: Miniature Arrangements and Bouquets), Carmen Zemeno (Division III: Other Cut Flower: “Red Amaryllis”), Bene Ambrosio (Best in Show: “Crown of Thorns” (potted plant) & Division IV Bouquets: “White Watsonia”), Linda Nunes (Division V: Arrangements), Regina Stehly (Division II: Cut Iris: “Yellow Spuria”), Mary Nunez (Division X: Youth Composition: Mary Nunez ). Not Pictured are Susan Hopkins (Division VIII: Dish Gardens), and Kimberly Lizarraga (DivisionXI: Youth Art: “Watercolor Rose”). Photos courtesy Bob Crum.
The Fillmore Flower Show took place this past weekend at the Active Adult Center. The Fillmore community gathered with their entries into this year’s competition. Pictured are the winners: Joanne King (Division I: Cut Rose: “Fourth of July”), Jan Lee (Division VI: Miniature Arrangements and Bouquets), Carmen Zemeno (Division III: Other Cut Flower: “Red Amaryllis”), Bene Ambrosio (Best in Show: “Crown of Thorns” (potted plant) & Division IV Bouquets: “White Watsonia”), Linda Nunes (Division V: Arrangements), Regina Stehly (Division II: Cut Iris: “Yellow Spuria”), Mary Nunez (Division X: Youth Composition: Mary Nunez ). Not Pictured are Susan Hopkins (Division VIII: Dish Gardens), and Kimberly Lizarraga (DivisionXI: Youth Art: “Watercolor Rose”). Photos courtesy Bob Crum.
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(l-r) Joanne King with this year’s Grand Prize Winner Bene Ambrosio for her potted plant “Crown of Thorns.”
(l-r) Joanne King with this year’s Grand Prize Winner Bene Ambrosio for her potted plant “Crown of Thorns.”
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Many from the community of Fillmore brought their beautiful blooms and plants to the Active Adult and Community Center. It was a great show!

Becky Morales and Barry Cooper provided delightful music both days. Several local merchants donated door prizes. All the winners were pleased with their prizes. Thank you: Ari Larson, Diamond Realty and Investments, King and King Ranch, Rafa’s Carpet Cleaning, Sani Ward’s Train Stop, The Treasure Station, Estela Homegoods, El Pescador Restaurant. A BIG thank you to Otto and Sons’ Nursery for the roses and much support throughout the year. Check the Otto and Sons’ website for workshops throughout the year. They have lots of information to help gardeners of all skills. Regina Nunez was hostess at the flower show cafe with iced tea, baked treats and friendly conversation. Visitors to the show purchased, at very good prices, plants and dish gardens. Thanks to all the gardeners who brought clippings from their yard to contribute to the plant boutique. The committee, especially Joanne King and Linda Nunes, labored tirelessly to organize the event. Many volunteers worked hours and hours to make sure the the flower show happened. And of course, thank you Ryan Lee for the website.

The flower show displays were enjoyed by a large crowd. The age of the partici-pants ranged from 4 years old (the youngest entrant) to senior citizens (whose age we will not reveal!). The youth of Fillmore had art, including photography, and flower arrangements. Next year will be the 100th year since the first Fillmore Flower Show. It is never too early to plan for next year.

If you missed the flower show this year, we’ll be back next year. Thank you Fill-more.

Flower Show Winners

Grand Prize: Bene Ambrosio “Crown of Thorns” (potted plant)
Division I Cut Rose: Joanne King “Fourth of July”
Division II Cut Iris: Regina Stehly “Yellow Spuria”
Division III Other Cut Flower: Carmen Zemeno “Red Amaryllis
Division IV Bouquets: Bene Ambrosio “White Watson”
Division V Arrangements: Linda Nunes
Division VI Miniature Arrangements and Bouquets: Jane Lee
Division VII Potted Plants: Bene Ambrosio “Crown of Thorns”
Division VIII Dish Gardens: Susan Hopkins
Division IX Youth Arrangements: Hope Stehly
Division X Youth Composition: Mary Nunez
Division XI Youth Art: Kimberly Lizarraga “Watercolor Rose”

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