Contract Proposal Would Gut Class Size Equalities, Transfer Rules, Prep Time, and More

Written by Fillmore Unified Teachers Association (FUTA)

Fillmore Teachers reacted with deep concern this past week as the Fillmore Unified School District submitted an initial bargaining proposal that is a massive list of rollbacks that would greatly harm students and educators. Among the many proposals:

• Elimination of class size balancing at Fillmore Middle School, Fillmore High School and Sierra High School.

• Elimination class size balancing at elementary schools.

• Elimination of preparatory time at the elementary level.

• Elimination of experience, credentialing, and seniority in transfer, reassignment and other assignment decisions.

• Elimination of the Fall Break, a calendar Fillmore went to for the educational benefits of our students and has been in place for over 25 years.

• Still no calendar for the upcoming school year, leaving parents and families unable to plan.

“It is beyond comprehension that the Board and Superintendent would willingly delay working with teachers until May and then make proposals at the expense of students, teachers, and this community,” said FUTA President Jennifer Beal. “None of the proposals will help student achievement and none seem to support the dedicated educators here in Fillmore. We sincerely hope these proposals fall away through the negotiations process. FUTA will continue to pursue an agreement that benefits students and recognizes the hard work teachers do on their behalf.”


The Class of 1997 will hold their 20th Class Reunion at the 104th Annual Fillmore High Alumni Association Dinner/Dance on Saturday June 10th, 2017 from 3pm to midnight at the Veterans Memorial Building located at 511 2nd Street in Fillmore.

Please make your dinner reservations early to confirm seating with your class. Your paid dinner reservation guarantees entry to the event, an award-winning catered dinner, and access to the bar, social lounge, and dance.
Reserve your seats online now by going to and click on the Events link.

You may also reserve your seats in-person by going to Patterson Hardware Store in Fillmore and paying there. All you have to do is pay the fee and fill in your name as you would like it to read on your name tag at the event.
20 Years! Where has the time gone? See you all there Class of ‘97!

Old Glory Still Waves
Old Glory Still Waves
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What is the purpose of Memorial Day? Ask your children that question and you might be surprised with the answer they give you. Many don’t know and others tend to forget exactly why the holiday was created. Given that it's also the traditional beginning of the summer season, there seems to be some confusion by the general public over what the holiday honors.

The holiday, instituted in 1866 in the wake of the Civil War, was first known as Decoration Day. It was set aside to remember both Union and Confederate soldiers alike. It's hard to imagine, but during the Civil War more Americans died (620,000) than in both World Wars combined (521,000).

The South refused to acknowledge the day, honoring their dead on separate days until after World War I when the holiday changed from honoring just those who died fighting in the Civil War to honoring Americans who died fighting in any war.

During that first national celebration, former Union General James Garfield made a speech at Arlington National Cemetery, after which 5,000 participants helped to decorate the graves of the more than 20,000 Union and Confederate soldiers who were buried there.

“We do not know one promise these men made, one pledge they gave, one word they spoke; but we do know they summed up and perfected, by one supreme act, the highest virtues of men and citizens. For love of country they accepted death, and thus resolved all doubts, and made immortal their patriotism and their virtue.”

Memorial Day is not Independence Day or Veterans' Day; it is not for celebrating national pride or thanking all armed service members. Memorial Day is specifically meant to honor and remember those who lost their lives while serving in the U.S. military. They died in the field of combat and returned home under solemn circumstances, inside flag-draped caskets. Memorial Day is when we are supposed to show gratitude to the countless American soldiers who never came home. It's not about summer blow-out sales at your favorite department store or backyard barbeques. It's a holiday that is not meant to be festive, and that fact seems to escape most people.

Memorial Day is reserved for those who can't return a smile or a salute, not to mention the families and friends who have been left behind. On Memorial Day we need to stop and pay with sincere conviction our respects for those who died protecting and preserving the freedoms we enjoy, for we owe those honored dead more than we can ever repay.

People of other nations sometimes show more of the true spirit of Memorial Day more than we do here. For example, a 2001 U.S. Memorial Day Guestbook entry from a citizen of the Netherlands states:

"In 1999 I laid flowers at the grave of a young U.S. fighter pilot who was killed in action in my village in 1945. In the Netherlands I know of schools 'adopting' graves of Allied servicemen, keeping those graves in excellent condition. Does anybody know of adopting graves in the U.S. by schools?”

How many graves of our fallen do we in America leave dishonored by leaving their resting places forgotten and neglected? We need to remember with sincere respect those who paid the price for our freedoms; we need to keep in sacred remembrance those who died serving their country. We need to never let them be forgotten.

"Let no vandalism of avarice or neglect, no ravages of time testify to the present or to the coming generations that we have forgotten as a people the cost of a free and undivided republic." -- General Logan - May 5, 1868

Photo of the Week by Bob Crum. Getting wet to get the shot. Crashing wave... south of Magu Rock Photo data: ISO 640, 70mm, f/11 at 1/1600 sec.
Photo of the Week by Bob Crum. Getting wet to get the shot. Crashing wave... south of Magu Rock Photo data: ISO 640, 70mm, f/11 at 1/1600 sec.
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All photos by Bob Crum
All photos by Bob Crum
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Growing up in a country town, I frequently roamed the countryside. Often by bicycle but there were a lot of places a bike couldn't go. The woods! I knew the surrounding woods so well I could navigate the dreaded briar patch unscathed. Most of the time. I also knew where the scrumptious wild blueberry and raspberry bushes were. Oh, and where those mysterious elderberry and cherry trees were. Special treats that fruit. Hidden places only known by me and my dog King... who was sworn to secrecy. As the fruit ripened, I was compelled to sneak away and feast. You know, priorities.

However, I had responsibilities which sometimes entailed making decisions: Chores or goodies. Goodies always a priority. Upon returning home from a forest visit, mother... who I wished was not always so inquisitive... would ask what I'd been doing. Blessed with a robust imagination, I was expert, so I thought, at concocting fabulously convincing stories. But mother, the wise woman she was, would say, “But Bob, we don't have any blueberry bushes in the chicken pen.” You'd think I know better than to tell a fib while sporting blue lips! Ah, those were the days.

Photography is about priorities. When on assignment, the task: Create a photograph that tells a story, the essence of photojournalism. Instant decisions... from camera programming to composition... have to be made continually. A daunting task because no two shoots are the same. Always new challenges.

In comparison, recreational photography is therapeutic. But it too demands deciding priorities. I can program my camera to produce numerous effects of the exact same subject or scene. The first important decision is the composition... framing the photo. What is the most important factor of the subject or the scene I'm about to shoot that I want to convey in the photograph? Priorities!

After composition, next priority is how do I shoot the scene to present the desired effect: Shutter priority or aperture priority. This entails choosing a shutter speed with respect to the aperture and vice versa. Remember my previously mentioning how varying shutter speeds can present a different image of a waterfall? The same applies to varying the aperture. Open the aperture to the widest opening of the lens tends to blur the background. It's called applying bokeh... pronounced bow-kah. On the other hand, if I elect to present everything from the foreground to the background in focus, I simply close the aperture, i.e. make it smaller. Smallkeh. (new word I just made up ) Think of it as squinting to better see the details. It's all about priorities. Priorities are the difference between being a photographer who creates a photo or... ahem... a snapshooter. Just sayin'.

Sometimes priorities are troublesome... i.e.... getting too close to the action to get an exciting photo and getting wet. (Photo of the Week) Low flying pelicans required different camera settings. Additional photos are of Ventura Harbor. I go there often when testing new gear or to try a new technique. With so many photo ops, the harbor is always a fun photo shoot. The California gulls always make the shoot interesting.

Speaking of interesting, the May Festival is Thursday May 18 through Sunday May 21. Also, the 5K/10K race and walk on Saturday May 20. (Pancake breakfast Saturday morning.) Two great events with lots of interesting action to photograph. See you out there with camera in hand! Remember: Priorities; aperture priority, shutter priority, or manual priority. Decide, select and shoot!

Happy photoing!

Email comments, questions or suggestions to

Eliminating Mosquito Breeding Sites Can Help Prevent Zika, West Nile

The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) urges all Californians to eliminate standing water around their homes and businesses to help reduce mosquito populations in an effort to prevent Zika and West Nile virus infections.

“As the rainy season comes to an end and temperatures rise, we will see increased mosquito activity,” said CDPH Director and State Public Health Officer Dr. Karen Smith. “Residents should dump out containers that hold standing water in and around their homes and businesses. Removing water will help reduce overall mosquito numbers and protect family members and neighbors from mosquito bites and mosquito-borne diseases.”

Mosquitoes breed in very small amounts of water. To help keep their numbers down, Californians should frequently check for, and eliminate, water-filled containers, clean and scrub bird baths and pet watering dishes, and dump water from dishes under potted plants. Residents are also urged to report unusual numbers of mosquitoes or day-biting mosquitoes to the local vector control agency.

With mosquito activity increasing, Californians should also protect themselves from mosquito bites at home and while traveling to areas where the Zika virus is present. To prevent bites, consistently use mosquito repellent when outside, wear long sleeves and pants, use air conditioning, and make sure window screens will keep mosquitoes out of the home.

“It is particularly important for pregnant women and couples planning to become pregnant to prevent mosquito bites because Zika virus can cause miscarriage, stillbirth, and severe birth defects if a pregnant woman becomes infected,” said Dr. Smith.

Zika virus is spread primarily through mosquito bites and can also be transmitted by both men and women during sex. Most people who are infected with Zika virus do not experience any symptoms but should take precautions to avoid sexual transmission, even if they never had symptoms. Zika symptoms include fever, rash, joint pain and red eyes.

All individuals, particularly women of childbearing age, should take steps to protect themselves against mosquito bites while traveling and when they return home. Sexually active people who travel to areas with Zika virus transmission should use condoms or other barriers to avoid getting or passing Zika virus during sex. There has been no local transmission of Zika in California to date, but the mosquitoes that can carry Zika virus live in many areas of California.

West Nile virus (WNV) is also transmitted to humans and animals by the bite of an infected mosquito. WNV can cause a deadly infection in humans, and the elderly are particularly susceptible. WNV symptoms may include fever, headache, body aches, nausea, vomiting, and sometimes swollen lymph glands or a skin rash on the chest, stomach, and back. More severe symptoms, and even death, can occur. The state’s first human infection of WNV this year was reported last month.

Visit the CDPH website for more information about mosquitoes, Zika and West Nile. Additional mosquito prevention information is available at

Hear Dr. Vicki Kramer, chief of the CDPH Vector Borne Disease Section, talk about the importance of removing standing water to prevent mosquito bites.

Fillmore Sheriff’s Department assisted in the pursuit of a stolen vehicle which had began in Frazier Park, Kern County on Friday morning. Sheriff’s had located the suspects on Timber Canyon Road.
Fillmore Sheriff’s Department assisted in the pursuit of a stolen vehicle which had began in Frazier Park, Kern County on Friday morning. Sheriff’s had located the suspects on Timber Canyon Road.
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Ventura County Sheriff's Department
Ventura County Sheriff's Department

On May 5th, 2017 at about 10:15 in the morning, Deputies from the Kern County Sheriff’s Office went in pursuit of a stolen vehicle in the area of Frazier Park traveling eastbound on Highway 138. The pursuit was discontinued due to the high speeds and erratic driving of the suspect. Officers from the California Highway Patrol located the stolen vehicle on San Francisquito Road and went in pursuit. Officers from the CHP pursued the vehicle into Santa Clarita where they lost sight of it in the area of westbound SR-126 at Wolcott.

A deputy from the Ventura County Sheriff ’s Office Fillmore Station was monitoring the pursuit on the radio and located the stolen vehicle on Timber Canyon Road at the S/R 126 intersection. Witnesses observed the suspects flee the vehicle into a nearby orchard. Officers from the Santa Paula Police Department arrived and assisted with the search for the outstanding suspects.

During the search, suspect Johnston located an unoccupied vehicle and stole it. He was chased briefly through the orchard and taken into custody by Ventura County Sheriff’s Deputies and Santa Paula Police Officers. Eskildsen was found hiding in the orchard by Sheriff ’s Deputies shortly after. Both suspects were booked at the Ventura County Jail on charges related to the theft of the vehicle.

Prepared by: Sergeant John Stubblefield

Fillmore City Council and Chamber of Commerce recognized Harrison Industries on it’s 85th Anniversary.
Fillmore City Council and Chamber of Commerce recognized Harrison Industries on it’s 85th Anniversary.
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At Tuesday's regular city council meeting, Harrison Industries was recognized on its 85-year anniversary. Both the Fillmore Chamber of Commerce and the City Council presented the Harrisons with plaques.

Adoption of ordinance No. 17-878 to authorize a permit process for parking in front of private driveways was unanimously approved.

Funds were approved for the purchase of a new wood chipper for the city. The cost is $36,468.00.

Pictured (l-r) are Jose “Foggy” Estrada and Emilio Chavez as they get ready for the fight to begin. Photos courtesy of Judy Fairall-Woods.
Pictured (l-r) are Jose “Foggy” Estrada and Emilio Chavez as they get ready for the fight to begin. Photos courtesy of Judy Fairall-Woods.
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Joe Louis, Sugar Ray Robinson, Muhammad Ali, Conner McGregor have had setbacks. They all became better because of that. Well now Jose “Froggy” Estrada has had a setback. At the Ventura Fairgrounds on Cinco de Mayo. Froggy, now 3-1 as a pro and undefeated the last eight years, lost to Emilio Chavez, now 12-9 with a rear naked choke hold in the first round.

Before the fight Froggy was ready for his fight. He could not wait to get it going. “I am ready Coach! This what I have trained so hard for.” Then Chavez walked by us. “That’s him! Man I am ready to take him out!” I gave him our special handshake since his time at Fillmore High School and said I will see you soon. “Coach come back before I go out and tell me ‘The Story’ before I fight,” said Froggy. I said I would.

Combate Americas had a great line up on the card and gave me and my guests (my wife Judy, and Froggy’s English teacher Josh Overton) press passes and great ringside seats. The fights were great. The fighters both male and female gave everything they had. After about four fights, it was time for the Main Event of the night.

As I said I would I went to the warm-up room, and told Froggy “The Story.” After that it was game on, and time for the sellout crowd to see their friend, family member, and hero come out to fight. Froggy entered to the roar of the crowd. ‘’FROGGY, FROGGY, FROGGY!” and blew the roof off the place. The fans were so loud you could have heard them in Fillmore if you had your windows open.

The crowd booed just as loud for Chavez. At this time I gotta tell you folks, knowing and loving Froggy the way I do, this was a hard thing to go through. My wife saw my nerves and gave me a hug and we prayed together for Froggy and the other fighter’s health. Thank you Judy.

When the bell rang for the fight Froggy took a swing at Chavez. Then Chavez went for a leg shoot and got Froggy to the ground. Chavez had control of the fight from there. Froggy fought with guts and grit to get out of the hold. The young man showed the crowd what he was made of. He almost got to his feet, but then Chavez cinched the rear naked choke hold. Without air Froggy had to be smart and tap-out to be able to fight another day.

Then the crowd found out what class was, while Chavez acted in victory, with gestures and classless acts. After that the Combate Americas interviewer was talking to Chavez, the crowd started up again “FROGGY! FROGGY! FROGGY!’’ and was so loud you could not hear what he was saying.

When they talked to Froggy on T V Froggy, full of emotions and tears streaming from his eyes, first went to shake the hand of Chavez. Then said, “I am sorry I lost tonight. I wanted this here in my hometown. I will be back for all of you. This is a setback but I will be back.” The crowd went wild. Combate Americas owner Campbell McLaren and President Former WWE Champion Alberto Del Rio told the crowd that they are backing Froggy and will support him because they believed in him.

After the fight Judy and I went backstage to talk to Froggy, with tears still flowing down all of our cheeks. Froggy gave me the special handshake we share and hugged me. I said a few words. I told him that Fillmore will still and always love him. Froggy said, “This is hard. I wanted this guy. I will be back Coach.” I will tell you this folks, I believe him. Later in the evening Froggy came out to hug and thank the people in the crowd during the late fights. This is what I call class.

Fillmore let me tell ya this, Froggy will be back in the cage soon. He will work hard and learn from this. I am so proud of him. He showed more class in defeat, than some men show in victory. Froggy will leap again.

Looking Good FHS Class of ‘72

There will be a gathering of old friends and Alumni at the 104th Alumni Dinner/Dance. Among them will be the FHS Class of 1972. The Fillmore High Alumni Association designates special areas for classes celebrating their reunions at the dinner/dance, and that individual class not only gets to see their classmates, but they get to see all other alumni from good old Fillmore (Union) High School. What a fun way to celebrate a class reunion. There will be many from the Class of '72 traveling long distance to attend and we hope all local Alumni plan to join in. All FHS Alumni and Class of '72 members can easily reserve their seating at the June 10th event by going to and click on Events. You can also pay for this special evening in Fillmore at Patterson Hardware store, open 7 days a week. Every year, the Alumni Dinner/Dance attendance grows, so don't miss out. Congratulations FHS Class of 1972! Has it really been 45 years?


Information Courtesy Moorpark CHP

On May 5, 2017 at approximately 6:08 A.M., an injury traffic collision occurred on SR (State Route) 126, at Center Street near the community of Piru.

Mr. Alexander Medrano, 41 years old, of Santa Paula, was driving his Nissan sedan eastbound on SR 126 approaching Center Street at an unknown speed. Mr. Freddy Carias, 29 years old, of Palmdale was driving a Volvo semi-truck, pulling two "bottom-dump" type trailers, westbound on SR 126, just past Center Street at a stated speed of 50 miles per hour. As Mr. Medrano approached Center Street, he fell asleep and allowed the Nissan sedan to cross over the double yellow lines into the westbound lanes of SR 126. The left front of the Nissan collided with the left front of the Volvo semi-truck. As a result of the collision, both vehicles became disabled blocking all lanes of SR 126. The Volvo semi-truck blocked the two westbound lanes and the Nissan blocked the two eastbound lanes. Mr. Medrano received major injuries and was trapped within the Nissan. The Ventura County Fire Department responded to the scene and extricated Mr. Medrano from the Nissan.

Mr. Carias was able to walk away from the incident and did not have any visible injuries. The Ventura County Fire Department, and AMR (American Medical Response), responded to assist with the extrication, medical care, and transportation of Mr. Medrano to Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital. Caltrans and The Ventura County Sheriffs Department responded to the scene and assisted with traffic control while the investigation was completed.

This incident resulted in a three and a half hour closure of SR 126 traffic lanes. Westbound SR 126 traffic was being diverted through Center Street and the community of Piru. Eastbound SR 126 traffic was being diverted through the right shoulder of SR 126. No arrests were made and alcohol/drugs are not suspected to be a factor in this collision. This collision is being investigated by the California Highway Patrol's Moorpark Area office.

It’s the 104th Alumni Dinner/Dance

Saturday, June 10th, 2017

Hello FHS Alumni. The Alumni Board of Directors and Officers want to invite you to attend this year’s Alumni Dinner/Dance on June 10th 2017 at the Fillmore/Piru Veterans Memorial Building. You can make your reservations online at (click on Events) or you can pay for your reservations (7 days a week) at Patterson Hardware store in beautiful downtown Fillmore. Dinner will be prepared by DJ's California Catering. If you been to an Alumni Dinner in the past, you know how delicious DJ's food is. On the menu this year will be Wood Fired Prime Angus Tri-Tip with Creamed Horseradish, Roasted Chicken Breast with Wild Mushrooms in a Porcini Béchamel, and Penne Mozzarella with Fresh Basil and Heirloom Tomato in a Belvedere Pink Sauce. All this served with: Rustica Salad (a mix of Select Baby Lettuces with Crisp Fuji Apples, Smoked Gouda, and Cranberry Raisins with Apple Cider Vinaigrette, Herbed Basmati Rice, Roasted Baby Carrots, Organic Green Beans with Fresh Herbs and Butter, and Parmesan Garlic Rolls. Save room for dessert! Dessert includes Warm Peach or Apple Cobbler with McConnell's of Santa Barbara Vanilla Bean Ice Cream. Whew! Now don't panic. You’ll be able to dance this all off on the dance floor. Yes, there will be music and dancing up to midnight. We hope you make plans to join your fellow Alumni and celebrate our alma mater and the community of Fillmore. By attending the Alumni Dinner/Dance you are directly contributing to the Alumni Scholarship Fund that directly helps Fillmore High graduates achieve their higher education goals. You know our slogan...."Onward and Upward" with the FHS Alumni Association.

Tuesday afternoon, May 2, Fillmore Fire Department responded to a two vehicle accident involving a red Chevy S10 truck and a blue Nissan Frontier truck, which occurred near the corner of Bardsdale and Sespe Ave. No injuries were reported at the time of the accident.
Tuesday afternoon, May 2, Fillmore Fire Department responded to a two vehicle accident involving a red Chevy S10 truck and a blue Nissan Frontier truck, which occurred near the corner of Bardsdale and Sespe Ave. No injuries were reported at the time of the accident.
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Photo of the Week by Bob Crum. Brush Creek Falls, North of Kernville, Ca. Data: ISO 100, 18mm, f/19 @ 1/
8 seconds.
Photo of the Week by Bob Crum. Brush Creek Falls, North of Kernville, Ca. Data: ISO 100, 18mm, f/19 @ 1/ 8 seconds.
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259 Q & As

So many questions I'm exhausted at the outset! Worse, the 5-Hour Energy Boost lasted only five minutes. I get more energy from cantaloupe. Nevertheless, onward!

First question: “Why do you list the Photo of the week photo data?” A mermaid's suggestion.
By now, those of you who have been faithfully reading this column know that there is more than one camera setting to get a proper super-wet mermaid exposure.

Remember the Digital Pixel Psalm ISO 200:f/11.1/60 I presented a few weeks ago? To refresh: “There shall be three Wise Elements in the Mighty Trinity of Exposure; Aperture, Shutter Speed and the Holy ISO.” Understanding the psalm will help you get perfectly exposed photographs. More importantly, once you understand the relationships you can begin to exert 'creative artistic license' to your photography. That's when photography gets very interesting.

For example, Brush Creek falls north of Kernville. I can photograph the falls to show the flow realistically or add a creative touch by giving the water a more silky look. If I choose blur for the silky effect, I need to increase the exposure time by slowing down the shutter speed.

However, reducing the shutter speed too much will result in an over exposed image. Lowering the ISO which decreases the camera sensor sensitivity is one way I can compensate. What if I'm at the lowest ISO setting? Then I close the aperture a few “f” stops to decrease the amount of light entering the lens. If neither work, I either throw a temper tantrum or throw the camera at the falls. Both are refreshingly therapeutic.

Look at the photo of the week (if not here, online at Notice that I chose a creative touch... a blur effect to the water fall. The data is ISO 100, 18mm (wide angle) f/19 @1/8 sec. 100 is my camera's lowest ISO value. At a slow 1/8 sec shutter speed I had to stop the lens down to f/19 to prevent an overexposure. This illustrates the ISO/Shutter/Aperture relationship. I could have attached a 'neutral density filter' (subject for another time) but chose not to.

The realistic waterfall photo data is ISO 320, 18mm, f/11 @1/60 sec. The 1/60 speed portrays a more realistic water flow but I have to open the aperture to f/11 to prevent underexposure. I selected f/11 to maintain the depth-of-field (DOF) and further compensated for underexposure by increasing the ISO to 320. It's all about the Mighty Trinity of Exposure.

Caution: In addition to blur, real slow shutter speeds and shaky hands most often create fuzzy photos. Hence the need for a monopod or tripod. Actually, after a couple of strawberry margarrrritas, my blurry and fuzzy photos look like some of my most creative work!

Understanding the digital pixel psalm enables you to program the camera to obtain exactly the kind of photo that you mentally envision. Practice!!! Practice!!! Practice!!!

Now you understand that you can interpret my photographic decisions by the photo data. For example, an f/4 aperture (wide open) indicates intentional background blur (bokeh). An f/ll or smaller will indicate that I intended maximum DOF. Slow shutter speeds to indicate movement. Fast shutter speeds to freeze the motion. Decisions, decisions, but unlimited variable options present exhilarating opportunities.

The ability to “create” a photograph as desired by programming the camera is an extremely fulfilling aspect of photography. And you wonder why I'm so fanatical?

Sorry folks but no space left for the other 258 questions!

Happy photoing!

Email comments, questions or suggestions to

Friday, April 28 at 7:30pm Fillmore Fire received multiple reports of a structure fire at the 200 block of Olive Street. The first fire crew to arrive found the homeowner with burns and the house fully involved; Ventura County Fire was requested. It took crews approximately one hour to knock down the fire but crews remained on-scene over night. Red Cross was called and the burn victim refused medical treatment. The cause of the fire is under investigation. Further information will be updated when available. Photos by Sebastian Rameriz.
Friday, April 28 at 7:30pm Fillmore Fire received multiple reports of a structure fire at the 200 block of Olive Street. The first fire crew to arrive found the homeowner with burns and the house fully involved; Ventura County Fire was requested. It took crews approximately one hour to knock down the fire but crews remained on-scene over night. Red Cross was called and the burn victim refused medical treatment. The cause of the fire is under investigation. Further information will be updated when available. Photos by Sebastian Rameriz.
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Video by Sebastian Rameriz.

Jose “Froggy’’ Estrada
Jose “Froggy’’ Estrada
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Story by Joe Woods

The time is here! When you ask? May 5th 2017. Where? Ventura County Fairgrounds, Ventura Ca. the 805! Time? 6 p.m. What is it? Combate Americas M.M.A.! Who is fighting? Jose “Froggy” Estrada with a 3-0 record vs Emilio Chavez with an 11-9 record.

Jose “Froggy’’ Estrada is from Fillmore. This will be his fourth pro fight and his first one in Ventura County. To everyone who knows Jose they know him as Froggy. He got the name when he was playing football for The Fillmore Raiders youth football team, and it has been his name since then.

Now Froggy is fighting on the biggest stage in Combate Americas history. The Ventura Fairgrounds will be sold out with a lot of Froggy’s friends, family and fans. This young man is shooting up in the M.M.A. ranks as fast as you can take a shot of Patron on Cinco de Mayo. And that’s what some people will be doing this fight night in Ventura.

Froggy has been training for the last seven weeks. Cardio, kick boxing, boxing, diet and living in the gym, this is his life. This is his job, 24/7. “Combate Americas is giving me a chance to live my dream,” said Froggy, “This is my life. This is what I do. I am thankful for the chance I have.”

There are no days off. It’s road work and cardo for 2 hours and then about 5 hours in the gym working on his skills as a fighter. Diet is always on his mind. Froggy eats the right foods for him every day. On the day we talked he had a small piece of fish and a very small salad, and all the water he could drink. “I am on track to make weight. The diet is a huge part of my training,” said Froggy. I asked what food did he miss, and he said, “A Hamburger, a good one. But no more of that for me.”

Froggy is very proud to be fighting for the Combate Americas. “They all treat me great. They cover me on T.V. and social media. They fly me out to other fights and believe in me. Mr. Campbell McLaren is a big support to me. He thinks I can be the next big thing for Combate Americas.”

With the support of his teammate Michael Reyes, Coach Brian Espinosa and Coach Janik he cannot lose. “With my family, friends and Coaches I have all the support I need. And now add my Grandma, she will be there for her first pro fight.” “Her name is Teresa Ramos. Her and my grandfather ‘Tata’ who will be there in sprit have always been there for me. I will be thinking of them both when I come out to the ring.”

I asked Froggy what does Emilio Chavez bring to the fight? “He has a good kick to the head, I need to look out for that. And a lot of ring experience. But I will do what I need to do and fight my fight.”

I also asked him what is going through his mind when he walks down and to the ring? “Man, the roar of the crowd! It gets me going. There is no turning back and it is time to do what the Frog does! Time to take this guy out and win the fight!”

So Fillmore and the rest of the 805 get ready because The Frog is coming and there will be no holding him back. “I will be a World Champion! I want to do it for Combate Americas. I want it and nothing will get in my way. I will be the next big thing in the M.M.A. world! Look out Froggy is here and I am ready!”

Froggy would like to thank all of his Coaches, his family, his friends, and all the sponsors who support him. “Without my support team behind me I would not be here. And thank you Combate Americas for this chance, and I will not let anyone of you down. I will always work hard, and give it all I got in the cage.”

So now you know all the where’s, who’s, and what’s. It’s fight time and now it’s time to do what The Frog does. Happy Cinco de Mayo Ventura County. And enjoy the fight live or on T V and watch Fillmore’s own Jose “Froggy” Estrada become the next big thing.

Eagle Scout, Johnathan Freeman
Eagle Scout, Johnathan Freeman

Submitted By Sharon Overall-Freeman

Johnathan Freeman has successfully met all of the requirements for Eagle Scout. For his Eagle Project, Johnathan led members of Fillmore Boy Scout Troop 411 and the community in replacing the large fence around the historic Camulos Ranch Cemetery. Over 500 hours of service were given to this project. An Eagle Court of Honor will be held on Friday, May 12th at 7:00 p.m. at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Fillmore Ward Building, located at 1017 1st Street in Fillmore, California.

(l-r) Virginia Neuman, Sandra Ambriz, Nico Vargas, Ari Larson, Jan Marholin, Berta Vassaur, Francisco Pesantez and Buddy Escoto.
(l-r) Virginia Neuman, Sandra Ambriz, Nico Vargas, Ari Larson, Jan Marholin, Berta Vassaur, Francisco Pesantez and Buddy Escoto.
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Submitted By Ari Larson

Proving they invest in the future, Union Bank made a $10,000. donation to the local Boys & Girls Club of Santa Clara Valley (serving youth in Fillmore, Piru and Santa Paula.) At the day long celebration on Friday, April 28th artwork from the Boys & Girls Club youth was on display at the bank. The student art was created under the tutelage of artist Virginia Neuman. Bank customers and the public were also treated to lunch. Branch Manager Berta Vassaur thanked the Boys & Girls Club for their dedication to the youth in the community. On hand to accept the donation were Jan Marholin, CEO of the BGC of SCV and Board President Ari Larson. For more information on the Boys & Girls Club of Santa Clara Valley please call 805.525.7910.

Yanelli Cobian
Yanelli Cobian
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Lauren Magdaleno
Lauren Magdaleno
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Alyssa Ramirez
Alyssa Ramirez
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Chloe Stines
Chloe Stines
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Sara Uridel
Sara Uridel
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Amanda Villa
Amanda Villa
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Sarah Vollmert
Sarah Vollmert
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CONTESTANT 1 – Yanelli Cobian

Yanelli is currently a Junior at Fillmore High School. She has been participating in the lady flashes girls soccer team since her freshman year and is a two year varsity starter. Yanelli has been playing soccer since the age of three and hopes to continue playing throughout college.

Yanelli hopes to become an ultrasound technician and wishes to attend a four year university close to home. Excelling in her school work is important to Yanelli, as she has maintained a grade point average of 3.5 or higher during her high school attendance.

She loves spending time with her friends and family whether it be at school, riding dirt bikes, or simply eating dinner together every night; she loves the endless amount of jokes, laughs and giggles they share. Yanelli's friends and family would say that art is part of Yanelli's personality as she loves to draw and paint. They also describe her as bubbly, independent, hard-working, dependable, out-going, kind hearted and an overall beautiful person inside and out.

CONTESTANT 2 – Lauren Magdaleno

Lauren is currently a senior at Fillmore High School. She has always been involved in an array of extracurricular activities and held positions such as ASB secretary, volunteered for the mentor program, and participated in local art shows.

She has come to love the sport of running. Since her sophomore year she has been a part of the cross country and track teams. She intends to always lace up her shoes and explore the environment around her by running the hills, streets, and trails wherever she may go.

Lauren holds her family as very dear and is thankful for her loving and supportive mother Maria, her older sisters, Moneh and Anissa, and her younger brother, Joseph. In her free time, you can catch Lauren working on multiple projects. Whether she is on her sewing machine, strumming a new song on the ukulele, or arranging foraged flowers - she is always creating.

After high school she will attend San Francisco State University and major in business studies with the hopes of opening her own business one day. She excitedly awaits for this next chapter in her life and all the experiences that will come with it.

CONTESTANT 3 – Alyssa Ramirez

Alyssa plans on becoming a wildlife biologist and travel the world helping and studying animals. She is a senior at Fillmore High School, and will be attending Northern Arizona University in the fall as a biology major. Alyssa loves sports having participated in cross country, basketball and track and field. She enjoys volunteering time keeping stats for the high school girls’ varsity basketball team and was previously a member of the Fillmore High School ASB, serving as commissioner of publicity.

Her hobbies include reading, drawing, painting, running and listening to any and all types of music. She is a big Harry Potter fan (team Ravenclaw), and has a lot of interest in photography as well.

Alyssa feels that one of her biggest accomplishments is stepping out of her comfort zone and competing in this pageant. She is glad she chose to compete and even more so that her best friend is competing right by her side.

CONTESTANT 4 – Chloe Stines

Chloé is a Junior at Fillmore High School and has also been a student for 2 years at Ventura College. She has a love for animals and plans to attend a four-year university; majoring in Animal Science. Chloe plans to further her education and become a Veterinarian.

Chloe enjoys community service and extra-curricular activities. She has been a member of 4H since she was 5 years old and has held several officer positions, currently holding Bardsdale 4H Vice President and Arts & Crafts Teen Leader. 4-H helped in building the leader Chloe is today, it also led Chloe to joining Fillmore FFA.

Chloe has been a member of FFA for 4 years and has received several awards for leadership and raising cattle. She is currently a member and officer in the Fillmore FFA Chapter and is the Treasurer for the Ventura Section. She won many awards with her SAE and Breeding heifer projects at the Ventura County Fair as well as earning her FFA State Degree and 2017 Star Farmer Award.

While balancing school work with club activities, she is an avid swimmer for Fillmore High's Swim Team.

CONTESTANT 5 – Sara Uridel

Sara is a senior at Fillmore High School and after graduation plans on completing her general education requirements at Ventura College. Her college goal is to transfer to Northern Arizona University to complete her studies in nursing. Her future career ambition is work as a neonatal nurse.

Sara loves sports, but cheerleading has been her passion for the past thirteen years. She is a four year member of the Fillmore High Pep Squad and Varsity Team Captain. She has volunteered as a Fillmore Raiders Youth Cheer Coach for the last seven years and was recently appointed the cheer director for the entire organization. She is thrilled about this new venture in her cheer career and is ready to give back to the organization that helped her grow into the person she is today.

Sara volunteers extensively throughout our community but an organization that she holds close to her heart are the local animal shelters. She believes that all animals deserve unlimited love and enjoys volunteering at the animal shelters, helping out in any way she can.

CONTESTANT 6 – Amanda Villa

Amanda is an honor student at Moorpark High School where is currently a junior. At the age of five, Amanda walked into a dance studio, cried, and never went back. So needless to say she is an avid sports fan, playing softball and basketball, but running stole her heart. She is on the Moorpark High School varsity cross country and track teams. Throughout her high school career, she has competed at the Cross Country State Championships three times.

She is also on the leadership team of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and is a member of the Interact Club. She currently maintains a 4.1 GPA and balances 2 AP classes as well as an honors class.

In the future she aspires to run at UCSB and to major in Global Studies and minor in Political Science. Some day she would like to work to strengthen international relations. Until then you can see her at the beach with friends, watching Netflix, or camping with her family.

CONTESTANT 7 – Sarah Vollmert

Sarah is an honor student and senior at Fillmore High School who will be attending Cal State University Chico this fall, majoring in animal science. Once graduated from CSU Chico, she plans to attend Purdue University to further her education and become a small and large livestock veterinarian.

Sarah has a love of soccer and has been playing the sport competitively for over 13 years. She is also musically talented, trained to play instruments such as the flute, tenor saxophone, keyboard and timpani. She has been a member of band class since the 4th grade, training two years in JAZZ band, and four years in marching-concert band.

Sarah has been a member of Fillmore FFA for 3 years and has received several awards for public speaking and raising rabbits and lambs. She currently serves as the Fillmore FFA Chapter Secretary and was recently awarded her State FFA Degree in April.

Outside of school and FFA, Sarah enjoys reading novels, horticulture, and walking around Fillmore with friends enjoying the scenery.

Natalie Couse
Natalie Couse
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Ariana Schieferle
Ariana Schieferle
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Alexis Van Why
Alexis Van Why
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Charlize Virto
Charlize Virto
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Ellie Zielsdorf
Ellie Zielsdorf
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CONTESTANT 1 – Natalie Couse
Natalie is currently a sophomore at Fillmore high school. This past season was her first year on the FHS swim team and because of the great experience she plans to join again next year. She has been a member of ASB since 4th grade, and has served as treasurer for the past two years.

Natalie takes pride in her academics. She has obtained over a 4.0 throughout her freshman and sophomore year in high school. She has been a member of the Fillmore flashes pep squad for her two years in high school and is currently on the varsity squad for the upcoming year.

Natalie has been a supportive member of Relay for Life and is currently on the planning committee for the Fillmore-Piru event. One of Natalie's favorite things to do, is go to concerts. Some of her favorite bands include red hot chili peppers and sublime.

After she graduates high school, she plans to join the Air Force and aspires to attend the Air Force Academy. While serving she plans on continuing her education to become an aeronautical engineer or a pilot.

CONTESTANT 2 – Ariana Schieferle
Ari is currently a Sophomore at Fillmore High school. Not only is she involved with athletics at Fillmore High, but she is also Secretary of the Marine Bio and Interact Clubs, and the Sophomore Class President. Ari takes great pride in her Academics, maintaining above a 4.0 for both years at high school.

After graduation, Ari hopes to attend either Stanford or UCLA and major in Forensic Science. With her degree, she aspires to venture into the science and detective side of the criminal justice field, where she can work to ensure justice for all those who have been victimized.

Outside of school, Ari takes part on the committee of the Fillmore/Piru Relay for Life and is an active member of her church. Ari also likes to draw sketches of people and things that surround her, and hopes to work to make art one of her talents.

Ari loves to talk, is energetic, and goofy. To relax she spends hours in her room sketching and listening to many different types of music. She loves classical books, her favorite being the Catcher in the Rye by JD Salinger and has taken a new love to short stories.

CONTESTANT 3 – Alexis Van Why
Alexis Van Why is a sophomore at Fillmore High school. She is currently on the Varsity swim team, Varsity pep squad, mock trials, Future Farmers of America, scrap booking club, and marine biology club. Alexis is currently in honors and AP classes and with hard work and perseverance maintains a 4.2 GPA. Alexis plans on going to law school and becoming and attorney. She interned over the summer for the Santa Barbara District Attorney's office and was on the mock trials team for school.

Alexis loves the outdoors and enjoys working with her pig for numerous hours a day teaching it to do 360's and figure 8's. His name is Diesel, only because he will be big enough to burn diesel.

Alexis started her own charity in 2016 called Paying it Forward. She wanted to make a difference in her community and people’s lives. The community of Fillmore really came together by donating two truck loads of can goods, clothes for all ages, and baby items to the Salvation Army and transitional living shelter. Alexis enjoys being a positive roll model for all girls and does a great deal of volunteering in the community of Fillmore.  

CONTESTANT 4 – Charlize Virto
Charlize was born in Ventura and grew up in Fillmore. She is currently a sophomore at Fillmore High School and a member of the Varsity Pep Squad. Charlize has been cheering since she was 6 years old. Throughout her years of cheering she has participated in competition cheer and is proud to say she is a 3x national champion and a 2x grand champion.

In her free time, Charlize volunteers with the Fillmore Bears Cheer Youth Organization. She loves working with the youth of the community and passing on her cheer knowledge to the next generation. She has been volunteering with them for the past 2 years and plans to continue until she graduates from high school.

FFA is one of the many things Charlize has a strong passion for and enjoys. She is a current member of the Fillmore FFA, and is currently raising a market swine to take to the Ventura County Fair this summer.

In the future Charlize aspires to attend a four-year university; majoring in Animal Science. She hopes to take her love of animals and become a veterinarian. Until then she enjoys going to amusement parks with her friends.

CONTESTANT 5 – Ellie Zielsdorf
Ellie is a freshman at Fillmore High School where she is a Flashes cheerleader and ASB Freshman class secretary. She has been a cheerleader for the past 5 years, involved with ASB for 4 years, 7 year member of the girl scouts, and played the clarinet in the school band for 2 years. She has been on the Honor Roll for the last 6 years.
Ellie has a passion for baking and even started her own little cupcake business called “You had me at cupcake”. Ellie loves working with hair and makeup and plans to open her own business someday after attending college and obtaining a business degree.
Anyone who knows Ellie knows she is obsessed with her Boston Terrier dog “Buddy” who she loves unconditionally. In fact she has an instagram account for him that you all can follow @buddy_the_boston. Ellie loves her family’s “Zielsdorf Tacos”, enjoys watching “Fixer Upper” with her dad, and jamming out to music in the car with her sister Emma.
Ellie’s inspiration and role model is her big sister Emma for how smart, kind and gracious she is. Ellie’s family says the quote that best describes her is “ Big things come in small packages!”

Photo of the Week by Bob Crum. Tufas on Mono Lake, Lee Vining, CA. Photo data: ISO 640, 15mm, f/11 at 1/500 seconds.
Photo of the Week by Bob Crum. Tufas on Mono Lake, Lee Vining, CA. Photo data: ISO 640, 15mm, f/11 at 1/500 seconds.
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Once Isn’t Enough
Bob Crum
Bob Crum

Won't return home in time so I'm writing this from my daughter's home in Reno, NV, because publication deadlines wait for no one. Not even me. Photos are from my heavily guarded impenetrable photo vault. (A hard drive in the cabinet.)

Dewitt Jones, a renowned outdoor photographer, recently penned: “If I could stop time and contemplate the true beauty of a given moment, my eyes would widen and my jaw would drop. (Wait, I can do that! That's why I photograph!)”

That's why I photograph too! A lot! I love the outdoors. Nature, undisturbed by mankind is special because of its grandeur, it's stately elegance. Explicitly Lordliness in all it's glory.

When I encounter stunning scenery the urge to photograph is immediate. Bad idea! Opulence deserves savoring. Then evaluate the play and direction of light and the character of the subject. Then program the camera and shoot while realizing that I'll fail. I fail every time I attempt to capture what made my eyes open wide and my jaw drop because cameras cannot capture the exquisite essence of a natural wonder. Nevertheless, I persevere because I'm afflicted with photography obsessive compulsive disorder (POCD). Caution: It's contagious. The only remedy is to continuously press the shutter button! With each press... relief!

Last week I introduced you to the tufas of Mono Lake. I've been there three times. Why? Because as you cannot step into the same river twice, you'll never see tufas the same way twice. Never!

The south tufa area with the greatest concentration is a maze of tufas. There uniqueness challenges even the most experienced photographers. Several compositions could easily be shot from one place. Turn 45° either way and still many more compositions. Almost endless perspectives.

The interplay of light (the essence of photography) on the tufa varies greatly from month-to-month, day-to-day, hour-to-hour. Light is the main reason the tufas are revealed anew with each succeeding visit.

Notice the green water in a couple of the (website) photos. In recent summers, due to microscopic algae, Mono Lake turns green. The lake typically turns into a blue, Lake Tahoe-like clarity as abundant Artemia minica (brine shrimp) graze the algae. Obviously if you only visited Mono Lake during July, you wouldn't get to see the blue water in January and vice versa.

Most hardcore photographers dislike midday shooting for various reasons. Given good weather, I've photographed tufas an entire day. Loved every minute and every challenge. Well, truth be told I'm always hopeful that the Mono Lake mermaids would surface at any moment. I remain disappointed!

Technical notes: A variable circular polarizing lens filter is recommended to eliminate/reduce reflected light on the water. Forget the filter if you prefer a super-wet look. A dSLR camera isn't mandatory. A fully charged battery, memory cards and command of your point-and-shoot camera can get the job done.

On one visit to Mono Lake, I had the good fortune to witness a mating pair of ospreys nesting on a tufa island. Their activities were fascinating to watch.

Henry Miller wrote: “One's destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.” Photography also teaches a new way of seeing things. Relish the challenge.

Question: If I presented a weekend photography workshop at Mono Lake, would you be interested? Or perhaps a workshop closer to home instead? Email me your thoughts.

Until next time, happy photoing.

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