(l-r) Patti Walker and Brian Sipes.
(l-r) Patti Walker and Brian Sipes.
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Question #1

Over the next nine (9) weeks the Gazette will be printing one question a week, which has been given to each of five Fillmore City Council candidates. They have been asked to provide one answer, 250 words or less.

Question #1: How will your inclusion make this a better city council? What personal, business or government experiences qualify you to be a good council candidate?

Patti Walker: With over 30 years experience as a legal assistant and para legal, I have a strong background in research that enables me to quickly review and understand a large amount of information. Of those 30 plus years, I was self-employed for 27, giving me a firm grasp of business needs and functions.

I have been a council member for eight years and am aware and informed on the various issues that Fillmore is facing - budget constraints, economic development challenges, storm water permitting, and FEMA levee certification, for instance. I have prided myself on striving to look for solutions and not dwell on the problem. I work hard to base my decisions on staff reports, research, and testimony at the meetings. I weigh the information keeping in mind what is best for Fillmore as a whole.

I have been a long-time volunteer in the community - First United Methodist Church, Soroptimist International, Fillmore, Friends of the Fillmore Library, Heritage Valley Tourism Bureau, AYSO, and Fillmore Planning Commission.

I am the current Council representative to Ventura Regional Sanitation District, Ventura County Transportation Commission, Vista 126, SB 375 Sustainable Ventura County Compact, Economic Development Collaborative - Ventura County, Film Commission, and Piru Fillmore Veterans Memorial Board. On many of these commissions I hold various seats on sub-committees that directly affect the citizens of Fillmore.

Brian Sipes: I will make the Fillmore City Council better by being able to conduct City business on day one of my term. I have attended more City Council meetings than any other candidate, other than Mayor Patti Walker. I have been consistently more engaged in the problems facing Fillmore and have a better understanding of the issues.

I am qualified to be a good City Council candidate for various reasons. I am a Fillmore native and a co-owner of a small local business. I feel it's important that the Fillmore City Council have representation from a business oriented individual that has the ability to provide solutions for both citizens and the business community.

Being a professional in the field of finance, I have the analytical skills that are needed, so responsible decisions can be made. For years, much of my time has been devoted to City Council meetings as well as subcommittee meetings. I've educated myself so that I am up to speed on all City issues. I am also a long time proactive community volunteer, a graduate of the "Ventura County Citizens Planning Academy", a past Board of Director for the Fillmore Chamber of Commerce (2003-2005), and a local small business owner. I have the skills, commitment and energy to be an effective City Council member.

David Lugo: My name is David Lugo and as a city council member I feel that I can get fellow city council members to think of new ways to reduce cost in the city of Fillmore rather than raising fees and taxing our residents. Other solutions are out there; it may take a fresh set of eyes to find them, I feel I’m that set of eyes. I have been with the Parks and Recreation committee for over 3 years as a commissioner and the Little League President for 4 years. With that I feel I can be a great city council member for the resident of Fillmore.

(l-r) Mark Austin, Tony Prado and Lucy Rangel.
(l-r) Mark Austin, Tony Prado and Lucy Rangel.
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Question #1

Over the next nine (9) weeks the Gazette will be printing one question a week, which has been given to each Fillmore School Board candidate. They have been asked to provide one answer, 250 words or less.

Question #1: How will you make this a better school board? What personal, business or government experiences qualify you to be on the school board?

Mark Austin: I would make the board better by providing a fresh perspective to the District. For example, my belief is that the District should be concentrating more on the vision and goals of the District. That is to focus on making the school system better. I believe this is missing with the existing board and the status quo is the mode of operation.

My local government experience has provided me with decision making skills needed to be a board member. While serving on the Fillmore Planning Commission for the past eleven years, I have been placed in the position of making difficult decisions that affect the community. I have made decisions that required independent judgment and the ability to listen carefully to the public, to ask clear questions, and to decide issues fairly. These decisions have required that I consider the pros and cons of each decision and do what I believe to be in the best interest of the community. This experience will enable me to act in the best interest of the parents and children.

My business experience has provided me with leadership skills needed to be a board member. I handle the daily operations of my firm. This includes assisting the company management team to ensure that goals are met and with long-term strategic planning. This is the role of a board member in a nutshell — to attend to the daily details while carrying out the vision of the District: that of providing a quality education.

Tony Prado: I have a commitment to public education, and I want to contribute to this community. I bring experience in public education and an awareness of the long-range issues of education in our country, state, and in Fillmore. Being a board member is not dealing with a single issue but looking at the whole picture, understanding what students, teachers, classified, and administrators need to make the district successful. Most of all, I consider myself to be a good team player and team leader.

My history and experience in Fillmore makes me the most qualified candidate for the School Board. I have a B.A. in History from California State University, Northridge, an M.S. in Education from the University of Southern California and I am a retired teacher/coach from Moorpark High School. In the 1980's and 1990's, I was chairman of the San Cayetano, Sespe, and Fillmore High School site councils and chairman of the District Advisory Committee. Also, I served 4 years on the Parks and Recreation commission ( 2 years as chairman ) and served as President of Fillmore Little League for 3 years. From 1995-2003, I had the privilege to be elected to the Fillmore Unified School District Board of Trustsee's. I was again fortunate to be elected to the Board in 2006.

All children in the Fillmore/Piru community have an opportunity to receive a good education. My goal is to continue this opportunity, to adjust, adapt and be flexible, to be accessible, open and compassionate to all people.

Lucy Rangel: I will make this a better school board by stressing the importance of “teamwork.” If we are to achieve our goals, and face more budget cuts, we must unite together in a professional, respectful manner. If we are to move forward in a positive way, we must have input from all groups concerned in the education of our children. Our district has great students, a hard-working dedicated staff, and parents who want the best for their children. We need our leaders to step up and direct everyone in a positive, motivating manner, and understand that we are all here for one thing—to give our youth the best education possible.

I feel I am qualified to be on the school board because I have personally seen our district through the eyes of a student, parent, teacher, and a school leader. As a student, I attended and am a proud graduate of Fillmore High. As a parent, my late husband, Jim, and I raised five children, Kristen, Eric, Jason, Amy and Maria. All of them received an excellent education here in Fillmore. Now I have two grandchildren in our school system. As a teacher of 37 years, I am familiar with our programs and curriculum both at the elementary and secondary levels. Finally, as a leader in our schools, I have coached, been an ASB advisor, a GATE and Mentor teacher, a Sixth Grade chairperson, a member of numerous committees, and I also had some experience as an assistant principal.

Kimberly Rivers: I was inspired to run after watching several months of the School Board showing a general lack of respect to parents, teachers and those community members who came before the Board with questions, information and concerns. I was shocked to hear the Board defend the current state of the schools as “excellent”. It is clear to me that our School Board needs to take the leadership role that the law mandates in guiding the District in a new direction.

When elected I will compel the Board to work with parents, community members, teachers, staff, County and State experts to find solutions that work. In making decisions I will ask, and demand that my fellow Board members ask, “Is this in the best interests of all our students?” We must keep our resources in the classroom.

I feel that both my professional and personal history provide me with the tools, as well as the inquisitive, independent and open mind needed to work in and turn around the culture of our District. As a parent, non-profit Board president and someone who professionally supports families I feel comfortable and confident in listening and getting to the heart of the issue in order to find an idea that works. I know the importance of being in touch with what is happening in education statewide in order to bring cutting edge programs and opportunity to ALL of our students. Parents should feel confident that their children have every possible opportunity at academic success. www.votekimrivers.com.

Dave Wilde: Schools are all about providing the best instruction for our students. We must make every effort to do what you can to support that goal. To support that goal we must insure that we do all we can to provide teachers with the materials and knowledge to help them become successful educating their students. Support staff must be in place to assist both students and teachers at all times. Facilities, both indoors and outdoors, must be in top shape to provide the right learning environment for our students. That includes the school site, classrooms and co-curricular locations.

I have 37 years of classroom experience, mostly in the area of high school science. In addition to being a classroom instructor I have served in many other roles. I have been in charge of several extracurricular programs. I have been the student government adviser, head softball coach, head football coach, head golf coach, and athletic director. I was one of two PAR teachers for four years. That program was in place to assist first year teachers to Fillmore and to provide data which a panel used to retain or let teachers go. That program was in place to insure we did what we could to provide the best instructors for our children. I have also been part of the Ventura County Office of Education's BTSA program which assists new teacher in completing steps to secure their California Clear Teaching Credential. I am currently in my seventh year in that position.

School Resource Officer Leo Vazquez
School Resource Officer Leo Vazquez

Due to a cost sharing agreement Fillmore Unified School District will continue to have a School Resource Office (SRO) on campus during the school day. Officer Leo Vasquez will serve as the SRO. His salary and costs associated with having an SRO on campus will be split up between the District, the City of Fillmore and the Ventura County Sheriff’s Department. FUSD and the City each will be contributing $75,000 toward the annual costs and salary for the SRO. Captain Tim Hagel confirmed that the Sheriff’s office would be contributing $39,100 plus over $6,000 annually towards the cost of maintaining the police car. Hagel pointed out that the total cost associated with the SRO includes costs over and above the officer’s salary “such as liability insurance, workman comp etc. His salary is far-less than that and no where in the ballpark of the total costs.”

When asked about where Vasquez will be based, District Superintendent Jeff Sweeney responded that he expects him to use the office on the high school campus as previous SRO’s have, but that he will go to any campus when needed. Sweeney went on to comment “The SRO responds to the needs of FUSD. That is his assignment. I know he is planning on being a presence at every campus, visiting every campus every week.”

When asked about the petition presented to the School Board in May 2010 which was signed by 181 parents supporting the position that the money spent on the SRO would be better spent on educational needs Sweeney responded “There were several conversations about the SRO and his value to the District over the past two years. The Board decided that it was in the District's best interest to maintain the safety of our students and staff, therefore the continued funding of the position.”

Hagel provided information stating that there were 269 arrests on school campuses in FUSD in 2009. Hagel commented that this is the “highest arrest rate county wide” for SRO positions. And Hagel went on to state “These statistics represent that the SRO makes more arrests per year on campus than any other police officer makes in neighborhoods in town.” In the City of Fillmore “gang membership hovers at about 150” with many school age members, and some still attending Fillmore Middle School, Fillmore High School and Sierra High School, reported Hagel. The SRO’s specifice duties range from tracking all gang members who attend school and conducting home visits of truant students and bring them back to school to supervising dances, and other school events along with administering breath tests for marijuana use and other controlled substances. In addition Hagel believes the SRO is a clear deterrent to fighting.

Officer Vasquez is surely comfortable working with and around young people as he also serves as the youth advisor for the Boys and Girls Youth Explorers and is sure to be a vital part of maintaining the safest possible environment at Fillmore area schools.

On Saturday evening August 28, a female jogger was running on Goodenough Road. She was struck from behind by a 2-door black early 2000 Chevy or Ford pickup truck as she was jogging down the hill. She managed to get up and go down the side of the mountain to retrieve help. She described the male as Hispanic late 30’s early 40’s, wearing a plaid button down shirt. According to a reliable source the incident is under investigation as an Assault with a Deadly Weapon.
On Saturday evening August 28, a female jogger was running on Goodenough Road. She was struck from behind by a 2-door black early 2000 Chevy or Ford pickup truck as she was jogging down the hill. She managed to get up and go down the side of the mountain to retrieve help. She described the male as Hispanic late 30’s early 40’s, wearing a plaid button down shirt. According to a reliable source the incident is under investigation as an Assault with a Deadly Weapon.
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Mark Trimble, left, shown in Israel earlier this year.
Mark Trimble, left, shown in Israel earlier this year.
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“This is an intractable conflict, there is no solution. War is coming. Roni Shaked, Commander (Ret.) of Shin Bet (Israel’s Internal Security Services)

In 1400 years there has been no inter-Arab peace, Sunni and Shiite Muslims have been at war with each other. If they cannot achieve peace with each other, what makes the world believe they can negotiate and achieve peace with others.

On June 6th, 2010, the leadership of the terrorist group Hamas publicly declared, “It is time to launch (Suicide) bombers into Israel.” In 1993 Palestine Liberation Organization leader Yasser Arafat and Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin entered into the Oslo Accords. Rabin formally recognized the PLO as “the representative of the Palestinian people,” Arafat officially recognized “the right of the State of Israel to exist in peace and security” and renounced “the use of terrorism and other acts of violence.” The Oslo Accords led to the formation of the Palestinian Authority. Hamas leaders opposed the peace agreement; their reasons included the risk that a peace accord might actually take hold in the region. A peaceful coexistence would mean the end of Hamas. From Hamas’ point of view, their organization could not thrive in a peaceful atmosphere; they had a stake in the continuation of conflict. So the attacks on Israel continued. Ultimately Hamas refused to participate in the peace process. At this point Hamas grew into a full-blown terrorist organization. In present day Gaza, Hamas leadership was voted in to control the area, and the attacks continue.

In June of this year I had the honor of meeting the most courageous and dedicated man I have known. To this day his life and the lives of his family are in danger from Muslim extremists. This is his story.

Aashif (not his real name) is a Palestinian Muslim. He was born in Hebron in the early 1950’s. As a young man he witnessed a fellow Muslim throw a hand grenade into a Muslim holy site in Hebron. Aashif said, as he witnessed this attack he thought to himself that the hand grenade tossed by a fellow Muslim could have killed his mother, brother, other family members and friends who were visiting the holy site. That day Aashif made the decision to become a Collaborator.

A Collaborator is an undercover Palestinian Agent, who works with Shin Bet (Israeli Internal Security Services) to infiltrate the Palestinian terrorist cells. Aashif stated his decision came from the heart, and not for any other reason. The dedication he displayed over the next 25 years proved he was a man of his word. He helped stop numerous terrorist attacks that would have killed innocent Israeli’s and Muslims alike.

Much like Confidential Informants assists law enforcement in infiltrating drug dealing and organized crime operations, Aashif went into Gaza, slowly introduced himself to terrorist leadership, and eventually became trusted as a fellow terrorist by the terrorist leadership.

But this did not come without a very deep cost. When Hamas found out Aashif was a Collaborator, they placed a bomb outside of his home in Hebron, and attempted to kidnap his 7 year old son. Palestinian terrorist kidnapped Aashif’s brother, tortured him, and then cut out his internal organs and threw his mutilated body into the street as a warning to other Collaborators.

Aashif’s courage and dedication stopped so many attacks and disrupted the Palestinian terrorists operations to such a high degree, that in 1997 PLO terrorist leader Yasser Arafat sent Aashif a hand written letter asking Aashif to work with the terrorist group PLO.

Aashif became so trusted and respected throughout his career as a Collaborator, that the Israeli government granted he and his family Israeli citizenship, and gave Aashif the same pension as a Shin Bet agent. Aashif and his Shin Bet handler have created such a trusted relationship over a 25 year career that Aashif named one of his sons after his Shin Bet handler, and Aashif celebrates holidays at the home of his Shin Bet handler’s family.
Aashif told me that despite all the hardships his work as a Collaborator has caused he and his family, he would not hesitate to do the same thing again, and his wife and children feel the same way.

Aashif said he is proud to be a Muslim, and proud to be a Muslim who fights against fanatical Muslim terrorists. He stated to me, “any Muslim can interpret the Quran in his own way, and this will result in a never ending group of Radical Muslims who are determined to see a world dominated by Islam and Sharia Law.”

Mark Trimble is a retired Law Enforcement Operations/Special Operations Commander. He has spent 10 years researching and studying Radical Islam and Terrorism. He has worked as an Independent Security Contractor during which time he has trained with and interviewed members of the United States Army Special Operations Forces who have served in Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Trimble has also had the opportunity to interact with current and reformed Islamic terrorists. He has authored a training guide called; “Understanding Radical Islam- A Training Guide For 21st Century Law Enforcement.”
Trimble has traveled to the Middle East where he was briefed by high level officials from the following Israeli military, intelligence, government, and security forces: Shin Bet (Israeli intelligence service, comparable to America’s Federal Bureau of Investigation); Israeli Ministry of Defense; IDF (Israel Defense Forces) - Israel’s military force, including ground forces, air force, navy, and military intelligence; The Counter Terrorism and Intelligence Headquarters; The Prime Minister's Office of Israel; The Gaza Security Terminal; The Knesset- The legislative branch of the Israeli government; The Director of the Israeli Government Press Office; and other members of the Israeli Intelligence Community.

Trimble also spent time in the following locations: The West Bank; Gaza; Ofer Military Base- For the observation of the murder trial of two Hamas terrorists; Kalkilia- The Arab town which is one of the main terrorists infiltration routes into Israel; Israeli Forward Military Base at the Lebanese Border (area of the terrorist group Hezbollah’s headquarters); IDF tank unit on the Syrian border; Sderot, Israel. A city on the edge of Gaza, which is under constant mortar attacks by Palestinian terrorists in Gaza.


Beware; a home was burglarized on the 1100 Block of Riverside Ave., Bardsdale, on Tuesday, August 31st, between 11AM and noon. Apparently, a door was kicked in and items taken included a television, computer, cash, jewelry, camera, etc. Landscaping equipment was also stolen. The thieves broke into a garaged truck and stole a stereo also. Any information regarding the burglary can be called into the Fillmore Police Station, 524-2233.

Richard Forsberg, 61, of Rancho Santa Margarita (Orange County) was arrested Monday in Palm Springs in connection with the disappearance of his wife of 39 years, Marcia Ann Forsberg. She is presumed dead. Following Forsberg’s arrest, on Tuesday afternoon, homicide investigators from Orange County began searching for the 61-year-old woman’s remains in the Lake Piru area. The investigation is continuing and is being handled by Orange County Sheriff's Department.
Richard Forsberg, 61, of Rancho Santa Margarita (Orange County) was arrested Monday in Palm Springs in connection with the disappearance of his wife of 39 years, Marcia Ann Forsberg. She is presumed dead. Following Forsberg’s arrest, on Tuesday afternoon, homicide investigators from Orange County began searching for the 61-year-old woman’s remains in the Lake Piru area. The investigation is continuing and is being handled by Orange County Sheriff's Department.
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Pictured left to right Sgt. Frank Underlin, Sgt. Joe Devorick, Sgt. Paul Higgason, Capt. Tim Hagel, Capt. Dave Kenney, Capt. Randy Pentis.
Pictured left to right Sgt. Frank Underlin, Sgt. Joe Devorick, Sgt. Paul Higgason, Capt. Tim Hagel, Capt. Dave Kenney, Capt. Randy Pentis.
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"Every man dies. Not every man really lives" - William Wallace, Braveheart
Sergeant Paul Higgason and Sergeant Frank Underlin at the race start.
Sergeant Paul Higgason and Sergeant Frank Underlin at the race start.
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I learned a lot about myself and my country while running the great Siberian marathon in Russia.

Cops Running For Charity is our local grass roots non profit organization that uses Marathons, Ultra Marathons and continental races to raise money for such needy organizations as Juvenile Diabetes Research, ALS, Make A Wish and Ventura County Hospice. We have raised nearly $150,000 in the past 6 years and this year we raised almost $40,000.

The six of us give 100% of raised money to the people who need it right here in Ventura County.

Simply put, we are a charity of 6 Sheriff's Deputies that gives to local charities that must benefit children right here in the community we serve. Our Leader and Chief Fundraiser is prior Fillmore Police Chief Randy Pentis. Randy is our driving force and insist that we have no costly office staff, public relation firms, heck we don't even have a website. We keep it that way and grassroots so we can give every penny we collect back to the children.

What about the Siberian race?

For starters, let’s look at the country. Democracy is alive and well in Russia, but it is being tainted by high levels of crime, corruption and thugs. However, signs of increased "Joe the Plummer" kind of freedom is everywhere, Any young 20-Something Russian can log on to M T.V, Facebook, Google and even our online versions of our Fillmore papers. They can walk into a McDonalds and drive in their Ford Fusion. The problem is it is still a land without a middle class, the have and have nots. Russians tend to want to immigrate to America but they are economically challenged by an annual income rarely exceeding $8,000 a year.

Now you have a quick primer on CONTINUED »

Ventura County Sheriff's Department
Ventura County Sheriff's Department

At approximately 7:18 a.m., 8-19-10, deputies with the Fillmore Police Department responded to a call of a vehicle-vs.-pedestrian collision in front of the bus stop in the 500 block of Santa Clara St., Fillmore. The accident investigation determined a sixteen-year-old pedestrian was walking north across Santa Clara St. and failed to yield to a black1997 Honda Civic, which had the right-of-way as it traveled eastbound on Santa Clara St. The pedestrian had complaints of pain to her leg, wrist, and neck and was transported to Santa Paula Hospital, but suffered no major injuries. The driver was uninjured and his car sustained minor damage.

The pedestrian was using a cell phone and may have been distracted at the time of the collision. The driver’s windshield was dirty and, as he was driving into the early-morning sunlight at the time of the collision, may have had impaired visibility. Neither party was cited.

The Fillmore Police Department reminds both drivers and pedestrians to avoid distractions while on the street and for drivers to maintain clean windows for everyone’s safety.

Visiting the Police, Part II
Deputy Gabriel Gonzales
Deputy Gabriel Gonzales
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For the most part my wardrobe is decided by comfort, but the ride-along form expressly categorizes jeans and T-shirts as What Not to Wear, which means I now need to give it some thought. We’re supposed to look … authoritative. I’ve killer three-inch heeled boots that might do it, but what if, say, there’s a foot chase or else I have to deliver a roundhouse kick to a bad guy? I settle for black sneakers. And charcoal trousers. And a hot pink (1) polo shirt. There’s no sun to justify a pair of aviators, oh well. I’m ready.

The Deputy
At the Police station I’m escorted through the building into the back parking lot where I’m introduced to Deputy Gabriel Gonzales. He opens the side door for me and I sit while he gets the car ready, checking lights and checking equipment. Loading the car with the engine running somehow feels a bit like saddling a horse. I check out the computer screen, which features an Open Patrol Log and a curious list of “Equipment/Qualifications” including: cell phone, evidence bags, rip hobble, crime scene tape, care bear … care bear?

Gonzales gets into the drivers seat and promptly offers an explanation for his haircut (2). “Sorry about my hair—it’s still growing back from when I got it shaved for the Explorers. It’s usually neat and everything.” There isn’t enough for it not to be neat, but judging by the way he gestured at “neat,” I imagine he misses his former coif. He calls his current ‘do “Chia Pet hair,” but until recently, his shaved head was part of the look for directing (and yelling at) the Explorers in their Academy. “The kids really like getting into it,” he says.
Gonzales is from Ventura, worked in the jail for four and a half years, and has been in Fillmore for a year now. And he likes it out here. “I think it’s the best job ever. Every since I can remember I’ve wanted to be a cop,” he enthuses. I ask him about the care bear, and he explains that it’s an actual stuffed animal for young victims or traumatized children. Can I see it? He hops out to fish for it in the trunk. Check the body bag, I suggest. It’s not without considerable difficulty that he pulls out a small, extremely worn plastic package from under a load of equipment. “You can open it,” he says. I extricate a small, new teddy bear wearing an indecently short T-shirt featuring an insurance advertisement. Although his outfit is a uniform infraction in my book, I invite him into the patrol car. Gonzales is also a bit mystified by this fellow. “They’re usually neon blue. And different material—nylon—so it’s easy to clean.” Maybe the bear faded for lack of love and attention in the depths of the trunk.

As we leave the lot, CONTINUED »

City Council candidate Adrian Grimaldo addresses the city's high water and sewer rates.
City Council candidate Adrian Grimaldo addresses the city's high water and sewer rates.

The City Council meeting on August 24th mainly focused on the increases in fees for the residents of Fillmore of which there were many. The proposed increase in water and sewer fees took front and center, along with an added fee for street cleaning. But also discussed were the increased fees for general service, Police and Fire Department services, filming fees, sports programs, Building and Safety, Public Works along with a proposed increase in Vista transportation.

The meeting was the first reading of the Water Ordinance 10-821, a proposed water rate increase and in preparation for a public hearing for a Proposition 218 protest hearing. Proposition 218 is the proposed increase in fees to the sewer and water rates for properties here in Fillmore.

Starting off the council meeting there was much discussion about the ballots that were sent out recently to the property owners in regards to the water and sewer fee increases. Some found the ballots confusing and others did not know that only property owners had been sent the ballots, and that only property owners could protest the proposed increased rates. It was suggested that the ballots should have read ‘Ballot’ on the front, to avoid some of the confusion, to which the council agreed that having done that would have been an improvement.

Lupe Grimaldo along with Tom Dawson voiced their concern with the escalating water and sewer rates. Grimaldo questioned the council on what exactly the rate increases will be and cautioned that the citizens need a better explanation and that the council should do a better job at distributing the ballots. Mayor Patti Walker stated she’d received many comments similar to Grimaldo’s and that, “The mailer was misleading, we need to get out more information.”

When asked what the CONTINUED »

Tina Wheeler - Sespe 4H won Grand Champion pig at the Ventura County Fair last week.
Tina Wheeler - Sespe 4H won Grand Champion pig at the Ventura County Fair last week.
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Tina Wheeler
Tina Wheeler
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Anthony Perez
Anthony Perez
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Autumn Inglis
Autumn Inglis
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Autumn Inglis
Autumn Inglis
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Robert Armstrong
Robert Armstrong
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Grand Champion Turkey
Grand Champion Turkey
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David Landeros
David Landeros
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Aaron Largen
Aaron Largen
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FFA members showng their pigs in showmanship.
FFA members showng their pigs in showmanship.
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Brittany Gurrola with her steer Oreo.
Brittany Gurrola with her steer Oreo.
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Story and Photos by Bob Crum

Oh yes... what a great time to be young. Genie... oh genie... where art thou? Aaah... if only I could turn back the clock... here I am a teenager in the 4-H or the Future Farmers of America (FFA) program... and I'm raising chickens and turkeys. Because... at the 2010 Junior Livestock Auction at the Ventura County Fair... one turkey sold for $1,250 and another for $2,000. Imagine that? Wait... there's more. Three purdy-white chickens fetched a whopping $3,500! Gasp! On the other hand... if I were the winning bidder... I'd fully expect those chickens to lay golden eggs... or they'd be chicken soup before sundown.

Fillmore and Piru youth snare a share of Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion honors in pig, goat and lamb categories.

Being only her first ever animal raised... Fillmore's Tina Wheeler – Sespe 4-H - won Grand Champion pig. This kind of achievement is not easy to come by and for a newbie... it's quite uncommon. Why raise a pig? “I picked a pig to raise because I think it'd be the easiest animal and the most fun,” Wheeler said. Was that true? “Yes it was” Wheeler promptly replied. Really? “Well... it wasn't very easy... it was hard sometimes... but because he has a really good personality, it was fun” Wheeler confessed. What was difficult about raising Cookie... her pig? “Sometimes while walking her she'd get upset so I'd have to take her back to her pen. Or when I'd feed her she wouldn't eat so I'd have to feed her something else,” said Wheeler., adding that Cookie had a stubborn streak. Um... why the name Cookie? Because she looks like an Oreo cookie” said Wheeler. What about next year? “Another pig”, said Wheeler. Why? “Because they have really good personalities. Cookie weighed in at 276 pounds and brought an amazing $35 a pound at auction. And what will Wheeler do with the money? “Save some of it... and spend some on clothes”, she said with a smile.

This great act was followed by Anthony Perez... Fillmore FFA... who's pig won FFA Reserve Champion. This is his 3rd year raising a pig... always raised pigs... 2 years with 4-H and this year, upon entering High School, switched to Future Farmers of America (FFA). Why raise a pig? “I saw a pig one day and wanted one so... I got one.” Uh huh... makes perfect sense. Why not raise a steer... one wonders. “I thought about raising a steer”, said Perez... “but with the money... it's kind of more a financial matter”, adding, “starting out with a steer project is a lot harder then than it is with pigs.” Translated... steers cost more. Perez's pig's name is Tank... well... because of the size of him.” Tank's show weight was a porky 278 pounds from a diet of Morman 273. Close to Fair time... Tank's weight was a major concern for Perez... worried about Tank making weight... the high end limit being 280 pounds. Would Tank tolerate a diet? We'll never know.

Tank's life was good... roaming around an orchard vs. confined to a pen. As such... how would Tank behave in an arena atmosphere? Like a well-behaved pig to the great relief of Perez. Will Perez raise a pig next year? “Possibly... haven't decided yet... kind of like to end on a good note” said Perez. The auction brought Perez $8.50 per pound - $2,363.00 which will go into a savings account. It should be noted that Perez was extremely appreciative of his great support staff raising Tank. His long range plans? Perez intends a military career as a U.S. Marine.

Ariel Legan of Fillmore - Santa Clara Valley Grange group - won Grange Grand Champion for her 148 pound lamb. Relating her experiences raising Moose the lamb, Legan said, “he was a brat at first but it got better as it went along... as he got used to me and I got used to him.” At auction, Legan's lamb fetched $10 per pound. And her reaction? “It feels good... I made a lot of money.” And the plans for the proceeds? “Save it”, Legan quickly replied. And next year. “Another lamb”, says Legan. Not a steer? “Umm... maybe” she added. I thought about raising a heifer this year Legan said. “My sister's steer is awesome”, said Legan.

Autumn Inglis of Piru – Santa Clara Valley Grange – in her third year of the program raised a goat that won Grange Grand Champion. Raising the goat presented many challenges for young Inglis... one of which was the goat always insisting on chewing her hair every time she tried to give it a hug. Oh... the trials and tribulations of goat raising. What did Autumn like most about raising the goat? “They're like really fun... and once you get used to like having a goat you like get like you get attached to them. And like you want to keep them forever. Like a pet one wonders? “No”, Autumn quickly said... “he's not going to be a pet... he's going to go in someone's stomach. The most difficult part of all? “About when you go to auction... and that you're just about to loose your best friend,” said Inglis. “It's my second year and it's difficult getting used to that he's going to go. Next year? Inglis intends to raise another goat... and a turkey.

Autumn Inglis is an example of the conflicts and triumphs of raising a market animal. However, they know the objective, recognizing that the end result of raising a market animal is for auction. Yet there is no mistaking that perhaps the majority bond with the animal they were raising. Seems rather inevitable. So parting with the animal after the auction is not without a reasonable degree of sorrow and sadness. Most naturally feel a significant loss. However, the level of maturity these young people display in handling their emotions and feelings is astonishing. Perhaps one of the significant reasons is that these youngsters appear to be well grounded. While most clearly understand the goals and objectives the emotional component is always prevalent. And of course there are parents and teachers who graciously accept the tremendous teaching opportunity in raising well-rounded, level-headed youngsters. And let's not forget... there isn't much that teaches responsibility more than raising an animal.

The championship wins in the steer category were a bit slim... but the steer sure weren't... looking mighty well fed and averaging 1,300 pounds.

Robert Armstrong – Fillmore FFA – won First Award for his steer. This being Armstrong's first time ever raising an animal he was obviously very pleased. Most FFA participants obtained their animals from well known breeders. Armstrong did not follow the norm. Doing his own research, he found a Pismo Beach rancher - Geixeira – with a website listing cattle for sale. Armstrong bought one. Turned out to be a very good purchase. Next year? Maybe the same breeder or another rancher closer that has some pretty good steers”, said Armstrong.

Another great job by auctioneers John Dolleslager and David Macedo. These guys are the best... incredibly effective in getting the most money for the youngsters' animals.

To all those 4-H and FFA participants who won honors at this year's County FAIR... congratulations from the entire staff of the Fillmore Gazette. And in all land... there's no one that isn't proud of your hard-earned honors. And congratulations to all the parents who endured equal hardships in supporting their children in their magnificent endeavors raising a market animal. And of course... thanks to all the dedicated teachers who worked diligently with the youngsters all season.

Ventura County Sheriff's Department mural on the back wall of the Fillmore Police Station. The mural was painted by Omar Becerra.
Ventura County Sheriff's Department mural on the back wall of the Fillmore Police Station. The mural was painted by Omar Becerra.
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Visiting the Police, Part I

The reception area at the Fillmore Police Station on Sespe is a sage green box with brown square tiles. If you put the image into a giant blender, the result might resemble unappetizing—and in any case inedible—mint-chocolate chip ice cream. A lone red candy dispenser keeps me company, its personality split three ways: it simultaneously invites quarter-laden folk to “Enjoy delicious M&Ms candies—a helping hand is given to local civic activities,” and “Enjoy delicious Skittles Sour Candy,” and also touts, “Bubble King.”(1) By the glass entrance door, a gray file cabinet marked, “Turn in Prescription Medication Program” stands guard, cautioning, “Pharmaceutical drugs only!” (Emphasis not mine.) Behind me on a blind-covered window, a Ventura County Sheriff’s Department recruitment poster pitches “$61,400-$84,600 Plus Benefits.”

I have time to notice all this because a concerned, smartly-dressed middle-aged couple stands at the reception window, reporting in great detail a suspicious figure who has been lurking about on his bike in their neighborhood. “We’ve been watching him for over a month now,” they say. A woman with her young son comes in to pick up, fill out, and turn in a ride-along form, and then—and then—I’m ushered past Candy Dispenser, past the security camera that was surely watching every breath I took and every move I made, (2) into the mysterious recesses of the building.

Through the Door
The affable Sergeant CONTINUED »

Mark Trimble pictured above (middle) is shown with two Israeli soldiers.
Mark Trimble pictured above (middle) is shown with two Israeli soldiers.
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Israel Series: Part 1

“Allah willing, with the force of Allah behind it, we shall soon experience a world without the United States and Zionism (Israel). Get ready for a world minus the United States.”
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinijad, June 4th, 2008

“It is the mission of the Islamic republic of Iran to erase Israel from the map of the region.”
Iranian Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, January 2001

No other country in the world lives under the day to day threat of terrorist attack like Israel.

What we in the United States take for granted, the safety to conduct our daily lives in freedom and lack of fear of being attacked at anytime on any given day, Israel must contend with and prepare for every day.

The dream of the average Israeli citizen is to sit in a public coffee house or restaurant without fear of being attacked by a Suicide Bomber. In June of this year, I sat having dinner at a 5 star restaurant in Tel Aviv. Tel Aviv is a wonderful metropolitan city, filled with cultural events and entertainment. It was a beautiful evening with the streets and the restaurants filled with Israeli citizens enjoying a night out after a full work week.
As I entered the restaurant I noted an armed guard stationed at the front of the restaurant. I asked one of the Israelis I was dining with why there was an armed guard at the entrance. I was advised the guard was trained to spot the telltale signs of a Suicide Bomber and to attempt to stop any potential attack.

Young grade school students on field trips to visit some of the many historic sites in Jerusalem have to be escorted by former members of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). These grade school children must have armed guards with them while visiting their own capital city due to the fact they are targets of shootings and Suicide Bombings. Many of these young children have been killed by Radical Islamists who each day attempt to instill fear in the Israeli citizens. This is the reality of day to day in Israel.

Yet, the Israeli’s have embraced this disarray of their daily lives, and through adversity, there has come cohesion for the people of Israel.

Despite this, and what the mainstream media never reports, Israel has proven its willingness to accept Arabs by the fact they have successfully integrated Arabs into Israeli culture. The population of Jerusalem, the capital city of Israel, is 750,000; 250,000 of these citizens are Arabs.

There is no such thing as a “must be solution” to the Palestinian/Israeli conflict. Radical Muslims are mandated by their interpretation of Islam to dominate the world. Iranian President Ahmadinijad has stated, “We don’t shy away from declaring that Islam is ready to rule the world. We must believe in the fact that Islam is not confined to geographical borders, ethnic groups, and nations. It’s a universal ideology that leads the world to justice ... We must prepare ourselves to rule the world.” On February 11th, 2011 Ahmadinejad declared Iran is now a “Nuclear State.”

Iran’s senior leaders have taught in recent years that the revolution is now reaching its climax. They have stated publicly that the end of the world is “imminent.” They have taught that the way to hasten the arrival on earth of the Islamic messiah known as the “Twelfth Imam” or the “Mahdi” is to destroy Israel, which they call the “Little Satan,” and the United States, which they call the “Great Satan.” The key leaders in Iran are determined to accomplish their apocalyptic, genocidal mission. They are feverishly attempting to build, buy, or steal nuclear warheads.

United States leadership has become so politically correct it’s suicidal. Despite Radical Islam’s stated agenda put forth by Ahmadinijad’s declaration of war on the United States and Israel, Eric Holder, the United States Attorney General, who is the top law enforcement officer in the nation, cannot and will not use the terms “Radical Islam,” or “The War On Terror.”

Walid Shobat, a reformed Palestinian terrorist stated, “They (Iranian leaders) want a grand finale; they want one operation, the kind that cripples America once and for all, be it dirty bombs, or a real nuke.”

Mark Trimble is a retired Law Enforcement Operations/Special Operations Commander. He has spent 10 years researching and studying Radical Islam and Terrorism. He has worked as an Independent Security Contractor during which time he has trained with and interviewed members of the United States Army Special Operations Forces who have served in Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Trimble has also had the opportunity to interact with current and reformed Islamic terrorists. He has authored a training guide called; “Understanding Radical Islam- A Training Guide For 21st Century Law Enforcement.”
Trimble has traveled to the Middle East where he was briefed by high level officials from the following Israeli military, intelligence, government, and security forces: Shin Bet (Israeli intelligence service, comparable to America’s Federal Bureau of Investigation); Israeli Ministry of Defense; IDF (Israel Defense Forces) - Israel’s military force, including ground forces, air force, navy, and military intelligence; The Counter Terrorism and Intelligence Headquarters; The Prime Minister's Office of Israel; The Gaza Security Terminal; The Knesset- The legislative branch of the Israeli government; The Director of the Israeli Government Press Office; and other members of the Israeli Intelligence Community.

Trimble also spent time in the following locations: The West Bank; Gaza; Ofer Military Base- For the observation of the murder trial of two Hamas terrorists; Kalkilia- The Arab town which is one of the main terrorists infiltration routes into Israel; Israeli Forward Military Base at the Lebanese Border (area of the terrorist group Hezbollah’s headquarters); IDF tank unit on the Syrian border; Sderot, Israel. A city on the edge of Gaza, which is under constant mortar attacks by Palestinian terrorists in Gaza.


Fillmore resident Zachary Freeman, 24, was killed in an off-road race accident in the Mojave Desert, August 14th.

Freeman was standing in the crowd of spectators with his friend Dustin Malson, 24 of Ventura, and girlfriend Nicky Carmikle, 19. Carmikle had just walked away to use the restroom when a Ford Ranger pickup driven by Brett Sloppy, 28 San Marcos, struck a rock, lost control and rolled into the crowd, killing eight and injuring a dozen. Malson was also killed.

Tens of thousands of people were spread out along the 50-mile track, within 4-feet of the speeding vehicles.
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) issued a statement saying state vehicle codes don't apply because the race was a sanctioned event held with the approval of the federal Bureau of Land Management, which owns the land used for the race. They said safety was the responsibility of the race organizer, South El Monte-based Mojave Desert Racing.

MDR's permit required racers to travel 15 mph or less when they were within 50 feet of fans, and allowed no more than 300 spectators for the event. BLM spokesman David Briery said the agency would cooperate with the CHP's investigation.


New allegations have been lobbied by former Fillmore Fire Chief Pete Egedi in his wrongful termination lawsuit against the city of Fillmore. Egedi claims the city has been a defendant in at least two state courts in which it was alleged to violate due process constitutional rights, according to the VC Star.

Egedi was fired in 2008 over allegations of grand theft and embezzlement by a public officer. He faced a criminal trial October 13th in Superior Court, three counts of grand theft and one count of embezzlement. He has pleaded not guilty to the felony charges. Egedi faces five years in state prison if convicted.


Fillmore City Council candidates in alphabetical order:
Adrian Grimaldo
Marcoz Hernandez
David Lugo
Brian Sipes
Patti Walker

FUSD Board candidates in alphabetical order:
Mark Austin
Tony Prado
Lucy Rangel
Kimberly Rivers
David Wilde

Ventura County Sheriff's Department
Ventura County Sheriff's Department

On 8-15-2010, the Sheriff’s Department received a call regarding four men trying to break into a home in the 500 block of E. Telegraph Road in the City of Fillmore. The resident also telephoned family members in Fillmore, notifying them of the incident. Deputies arrived on scene and checked the area, but were unable to locate the suspects. A short time later, Francisco Sanchez, Ricardo Sanchez, and Juan Sanchez arrived at the location in the same vehicle. Francisco, Ricardo, and Juan are family members of the resident at the location. A deputy contacted Francisco, who was sitting in the driver’s seat of the vehicle and observed a loaded handgun on the front passenger seat of his vehicle. Francisco was detained and found to have an additional handgun concealed in his waistband. Ricardo claimed ownership of the handgun on the passenger seat. A third loaded handgun was located on the rear passenger floorboard of the vehicle, where Juan had been seated in the vehicle. Francisco, Ricardo, and Juan were all arrested for violations of PC 12031(a) – Carrying a loaded firearm, PC 12025(a)(1) – Having a concealed firearm in a vehicle, and PC 12025(a)(2) – Having a concealed firearm on the person. All three were transported and booked into the Pre-Trial Detention Facility in Ventura.

Location: 500 Block of E. Telegraph Road, Fillmore
Date & Time/ RB#: 05-15-2010 @ 0150 / 10-19768 Unit Responsible: Fillmore Station

(S)uspects, (V)ictims, (W)itnesses Address Age
(S) Francisco Sanchez Fillmore 58
(S) Ricardo Sanchez Fillmore 25
(S) Juan Sanchez Fillmore 23

Officer Preparing Release: Sr. Deputy D. Hendren #3693
Follow-up Contact: Sr. Deputy D. Hendren 805-524-2233
Date of Release: 08-17-2010
Approved By: Sgt. Yoos


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