Chris Godfrey
Chris Godfrey

Chief Deputy Chris Godfrey has been a member of the Ventura County Sheriff’s Department for 30 years and worked varying assignments in all four divisions during that time. As a part of the Sheriff’s management team for the last 13 years, Godfrey has managed the Todd Road Jail, the Regional Training Center, the Fillmore Police Department, acting as Chief of Police for that city, Patrol’s East County Bureau with oversight responsibility for the City of Moorpark and the unincorporated areas of East County Patrol, and Commander of the Professional Standards Bureau encompassing the Regional Training Center, Internal Affairs, and the Internal Audits Units.

Currently, Godfrey was assigned to the Support Services Division where he had oversight of the department’s budget as well as two bureaus, Professional Standards and Human Resources. Chief Godfrey has a Masters Degree in Public Administration from California State University, Northridge.

Chief Godfrey retired from the department on Friday, February 6, 2009 and was honored by approximately two hundred family, friends, and coworkers in attendance to enjoy a pictorial review of his career and an evening of dinning and friendship. CONTINUED »

Shown are some of Brandi Walker’s 4th grade students working with robotics. The students need to use various math skills including reasoning and deduction in order to program the computer to make the robots move certain directions and pick up items. Upper grade teachers rotate teaching their students in the robotics lab. The robotics were purchased with NASA funds.
Shown are some of Brandi Walker’s 4th grade students working with robotics. The students need to use various math skills including reasoning and deduction in order to program the computer to make the robots move certain directions and pick up items. Upper grade teachers rotate teaching their students in the robotics lab. The robotics were purchased with NASA funds.
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Story Courtesy Celebrating Fillmore, The Official Publication of the FUSD

At San Cayetano Elementary School, Students are reaching for the stars –and remote control devices.
Last year, San Cayetano was one of 50 schools nationwide that the National Aeronautics and Space Administration selected as a NAS Explorer School. The innovative program is designed to bring NASA’s engaging math, science and technology lessons to teachers and students. Robotics is an important component of the curriculum.

Last summer, San Cayetano teachers Brandi Walker and Melanie Schrock attend a week-long workshop at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena to become proficient in teaching robotics. After sharing what they earned with other upper-grad teachers as the staff created a schedule that allows most fourth- and fifth-graders 13 one-hour sessions to learn robotics.

Teachers assembled the robots; the students added enhancements and completed all the computer programming to manipulate their movements.

“This is truly a combination of hands=on math and science,” said San Cayetano Principal Jan Marholin. “How will a student ever forget the first time he or she has programmed a computer using math skills and reasoning?”
Most students are already technologically savvy, having been exposed to computers all their live, so they are fast learners, said Marholin. “They get it, they love it, and it’s an amazing thing to watch.”

San Cayetano has entered JPL’s annual robotics competition this spring to see how the students’ skills stack up against teams from other NASA Explorer schools. In the competition, which JPL will broadcast live on its web site, students pre-program their robots to navigate an obstacle course and perform tasks such as retrieving simulated planetary mineral formations – all within two minutes.

Press the play button for a Fillmore political cartoon
The City of Fillmore's "Spooky" Hall

Judy Dressler received a commendation for her six years of service as Chair of the Vision 2020 Civic Pride Committee. Dressler was one of the founding members of the Committee. Mayor Patti Walker thanked Ray Dressler (shown) and the Committee for their support and hard work.
Judy Dressler received a commendation for her six years of service as Chair of the Vision 2020 Civic Pride Committee. Dressler was one of the founding members of the Committee. Mayor Patti Walker thanked Ray Dressler (shown) and the Committee for their support and hard work.

Fillmore City Council met at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, February 10, 2009 at City Hall. The Council heard presentations from local service organizations, honored Judy Dressler, and discussed construction projects.

Council Member Jamey Brooks had corrections for the minutes of three past meetings, and the Council discussed whether the January 13th minutes should contain direct quotes regarding City Clerk Clay Westling's presentation.
Mayor Patti Walker, on behalf of the Council, presented Judy Dressler with a commendation for her six years of service as Chair of the Vision 2020 Civic Pride Committee. Dressler was one of the founding members of the Committee, and served many years as Secretary before becoming Chair. She thanked Ray Dressler and the Committee for their support and hard work. The Committee supports the annual Art Walk, yard of the month, business of the month, street fairs, and the Spring 2009 flower show.

The Council appointed Tom Fennell and Vance Johnson to the Planning Commission.

The Council discussed allocation of the 2009-2010 Community Development Block Grant provided by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The City has $25,575 available for public service programs, and it has $136,734 available for public improvement projects. CONTINUED »

Installation of a new wind generator takes place under the watchful eyes of local farmer Bob Hammond. Converting his old orchard wind machine is expected to produce up to 500 kilowatts per month for the Hammond household. This is about as green as it gets.
Installation of a new wind generator takes place under the watchful eyes of local farmer Bob Hammond. Converting his old orchard wind machine is expected to produce up to 500 kilowatts per month for the Hammond household. This is about as green as it gets.
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For several years Bob Hammond pondered what might be done with the wind machine standing in his orange orchard. Power to the motor had been disconnected and the prop spun freely in the wind which regularly swept across his trees near the Santa Clara Riverbed. The machine, installed in the 1950s, really wasn’t needed in the micro-climate surrounding Bob’s orchard and had not been used in nearly 10 years.

Last July Bob read an article in Central Coast Farm Bureau Magazine about wind turbines. He thought his wind machine might be converted to a wind generator like the article mentioned. So he contacted Bob Hayes with Prevailing Wind Power in Redondo Beach. Bob researched weather conditions, concluded his wind turbine would work, and checked-out county permits and costs. He was shocked to learn that costs and fees amounted to more than $10,000 and was therefore not feasible. CONTINUED »


In an earlier article I had mentioned a “Military Banner Program” to honor the young men and women of our community who are currently serving in the military. The intent of the “Military Banner Program” is to recognize their service and the sacrifices they are now making and will make in the future to keep our Country safe. The “Patriotic Banners” that will be placed on Central Avenue on the light poles will be partially funded by the families of those currently serving and the remainder funded by grants. Each banner will have the name and branch of service of those young men and women from the Fillmore/Piru communities currently serving in the military. When the person named on the banner is no longer serving the banner will be given to the person named on the banner or to a family member.

The “Military Banner Program” is an effort begun by Fillmore School Board Member Virginia de la Piedra, in conjunction with the City of Fillmore, Fillmore Unified School Board, Veterans of Foreign Wars and the Fillmore Sunrise Rotary. It is similar to other programs begun by other cities including the City of Santa Paula.

To participate in this recognition a family member of a currently serving military man or woman should contact:
Virginia A. de la Piedra
School Board Member/Up for Education
(805) 524-1732
(805) 524-4154 FAX
Email -

You will be required to complete a short form and provide the following information that will be used to administer the program:

A “Military Recognition Form” must be completed by either the individual whose name will appear on the banner, or a family member. This form may be picked up at City Hall or you may call or email Virginia at the numbers listed above. The form asks for the name and branch of service of the currently serving military person to be recognized as well as some additional contact information. CONTINUED »

Ventura County Sheriff's Department
Ventura County Sheriff's Department

The Ventura County Sheriff’s Department’s end of year Part I crime statistics for 2008 are now available. Significant details are as follows:

When compared to 2007, the total Part I crime rate per 1,000 population for the entire Sheriff’s jurisdiction decreased from 17.30 in 2007 to 16.34 in 2008. This represents a decrease of 6%.

The total Part I violent crime rate per 1,000 population had a very slight increase from 1.51 in 2007 to 1.53 in 2008, an increase of 1% (or a numerical increase of 11 more total Part I violent crimes).
Within this grouping, robbery increased from 0.31 robberies per 1,000 in 2007 to 0.37 robberies per 1,000 in 2008. In actual numbers, there were 22 more reported robberies in the Sheriff’s jurisdiction in 2008 versus 2007. CONTINUED »

A street light was attached to the existing utility pole at 126 and C Street to illuminate the dark corner at night, making it safer for pedestrians, including kids headed to and from the skate park after dark.
A street light was attached to the existing utility pole at 126 and C Street to illuminate the dark corner at night, making it safer for pedestrians, including kids headed to and from the skate park after dark.
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Ventura County Sheriff's Department
Ventura County Sheriff's Department

Homicide Investigation
Location: 21 Peres Lane, Santa Paula
Date & Time: 10/11/2003 / 2345

Unit Responsible: Sheriff’s Major Crimes Homicide Unit

(S)uspects, (V)ictims, (W)itnesses, City of residence, Age
(V)Samuel Reeves – (03/08/1988) Victim, Santa Paula, 15

On 10/11/2003, Samuel Reeves was shot and killed while attending a large ranch-style party at 21 Peres Lane in Santa Paula. This investigation was recently re-opened because of new leads and scientific evidence. Detectives have been continuously working with new information. This case is still under investigation and Detectives encourage anyone with information reference the Reeves Murder to contact the Ventura County Sheriff’s Department Major Crimes Bureau.

Roy Payne,
Fillmore City Manager 1989-2005,
Special Projects Manager 2005-2009.
Roy Payne, Fillmore City Manager 1989-2005, Special Projects Manager 2005-2009.

February 3, 2009


In response to the Fillmore City Council’s decision on January 27, 2009 to renegotiate the terms of my fee agreement with the City, why in the world would I want to continue working for a City that has a City Council who questions my integrity and value and my right to speak out on issues by stating:

1. According to Mr. Brooks, my expressed extensive opinions on Measures H and I and the passage of those measures by the voters of Fillmore was a clear no confidence vote against me and that Brooks heard from many voters that I should not be working for the City because of my opinions. I seriously doubt that Brooks heard from all 2300 voters who supported these measures; I seriously doubt that some of the persons who Brooks takes counsel from are even residents of Fillmore; and I guess freedom of speech is not permitted when it comes to expressing opinions that are contrary to the liking of Brooks.

2. Brooks stated that the fact that part of my compensation from the City was from deposits made by developers is in his opinion a conflict of interest. This is an insult to my integrity as a person who has spent the last 20 years of my working career attempting to represent the best interests of the City of Fillmore and to faithfully and honestly carry out the directions of the Fillmore City Council. My method of receiving payment for my services is no different than the method used to pay the Public Works Director, the City Engineer, the contract employees who work for the engineering department, the employees in the City Planning Department and the contract employees who work for the Planning Department. The salary of each and every one of these city employees and contract employees is partially funded from developer deposits to the city. The reason for this is to save the taxpayers of Fillmore money and not have the taxpayers paying for development projects within the City. So, if in Brooks’ opinion I have a conflict of interest, then I guess the City has a conflict of interest because the City accepts monies from developers and pays it employees with those monies on a regular basis. CONTINUED »


A helicopter went down in the Santa Clara River bottom, near Piru just east of Torrey Road bridge, Saturday, January 31st. The pilot, Hiroyuki Hoiuchi, 47, of Japan, was killed in the crash.

Horiuchi took off from Camarillo Airport around 10:30 a.m. and crashed the Robinson R-22 two-seater about 11:07 a.m. The rugged area made access to the crash site difficult for rescue personnel, according to Chief Tim Hagel, Fillmore Sheriffs.

The victim worked for Shizuoka Air Commuter Co. Ltd., and is survived by his wife and two children in Japan.
Horiuchi was an experienced pilot; the crash is still under investigation by the Federal aviation Administration and the National Transportation Safety Board at press time.

Monday night’s Lions Club meeting hosted the 72nd annual Student Speaker Contest 2009. The theme of the contest was “Water, Will California Be Left High and Dry?” Contest Chair Bill Edmonds presented the rules of the contest and three student participants spoke. There was a three minute pause between speakers to allow the
judges to score their judging sheets. The speakers were Natalie Garnica (winner), Jeremy Brooks, and Rachel Kamradt. Garnica received $50 and will go onto compete in the Zone Contest, on February 26th. It will be televised. Brooks and Kamradt received $25 each. Judges were Rev. Harry Guthrie, Rev. Julie Morris and Kyl Wilson (Rotary). Total scholarship money is $21,250.
Monday night’s Lions Club meeting hosted the 72nd annual Student Speaker Contest 2009. The theme of the contest was “Water, Will California Be Left High and Dry?” Contest Chair Bill Edmonds presented the rules of the contest and three student participants spoke. There was a three minute pause between speakers to allow the judges to score their judging sheets. The speakers were Natalie Garnica (winner), Jeremy Brooks, and Rachel Kamradt. Garnica received $50 and will go onto compete in the Zone Contest, on February 26th. It will be televised. Brooks and Kamradt received $25 each. Judges were Rev. Harry Guthrie, Rev. Julie Morris and Kyl Wilson (Rotary). Total scholarship money is $21,250.
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City of Fillmore
City of Fillmore

What is the Housing Element? Simply put, the Housing Element, a component of a city’s General Plan, is a blueprint for housing ratios in towns and cities from very low, to above moderate income groups. Upon studying a region’s demographics and other influencing factors such as labor categories (white collar, blue collar, farm-worker), wages, unemployment statistics, senior, disabled and homeless populations, available housing in all categories, vacancy rates, overcrowding, land use and environmental restrictions etc., State and regional agencies mandate cities and towns across California to adhere to guidelines when creating their Housing Elements.

State law, enacted in 1969 requires jurisdictions to address needs of all income groups. California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) defined those needs, and local governments must adopt without undue constraint, land use plans and regulatory systems that provide opportunities for housing development by private enterprise. The Housing Element is not an official Affordable Housing document, but a means of identifying the housing needs of a community. It states the community’s goals and objectives regarding housing production, rehabilitation and conservation and defines the policies and programs the community will implement to achieve those standards. CONTINUED »

The One Step Teen Drop-In Center in conjunction with Fillmore Options celebrates its Grand Opening Saturday, February 7th from 11am to 3pm., 828 Ventura Street, with the reception to follow at the Chocolate Church, above, 1pm, 600 Saratoga & 2nd Street.
The One Step Teen Drop-In Center in conjunction with Fillmore Options celebrates its Grand Opening Saturday, February 7th from 11am to 3pm., 828 Ventura Street, with the reception to follow at the Chocolate Church, above, 1pm, 600 Saratoga & 2nd Street.
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The One Step Teen Drop-In Center in conjunction with Fillmore Options celebrates its Grand Opening Saturday, February 7th from 11am to 3pm. One Step A La Vez is a committee composed of 12 high school youth who started in 2004 to look into improving mental health care for the youth of Fillmore and Piru. The name One Step A La Vez was chosen by the youth committee in 2005 to show that you can always take One Step At A Time toward a positive future. It is in both English and Spanish to reflect and value the dual heritage of our community.

One Step officially opened its doors this past September and is now fully operational with a computer lab, Wii video games, foosball, as well as ongoing classes in cooking, nutrition, group, creative expression, career and college preparation and yoga. February 7th is our chance to let the community know about what we have to offer, to thank the community, and to celebrate all of the local support we have received over the past four years.

There will be a raffle, canned food drive, bake sale, dancing, food, and games for the whole family. A formal opening will begin February 7, 11am at Fillmore Options Counseling Center, 828 Ventura St., with the reception to follow at 1:00 at 600 Saratoga and Second St. at the Chocolate Church hall. Please come help us celebrate four years of dedication and support for Fillmore's youth.

City Council Member and former Mayor Steve Conaway stands in front of the city’s new, almost full, swimming pool. The pool’s chemistry is being adjusted, and the high school swimming team has already had a dip. The state-of-the-art swimming pool-tennis complex will be open for business in April.
City Council Member and former Mayor Steve Conaway stands in front of the city’s new, almost full, swimming pool. The pool’s chemistry is being adjusted, and the high school swimming team has already had a dip. The state-of-the-art swimming pool-tennis complex will be open for business in April.
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Fillmore Unified School District
Fillmore Unified School District

The open session of the Fillmore Unified School District (FUSD) Board meeting was February 3, 2009, at 6:00 p.m. in the Board Room at the District Office. The Board discussed actions they are taking to ensure that FUSD has enough money to operate, and heard a report on FUSD's independent study program.

Sierra High School Principal Tony Held presented a report on the independent study program. There are currently 32 students in the program: one Fourth Grader, two Eighth Graders, one Freshman, and multiple Juniors and Seniors. Eleven students are scheduled to graduate this year: six before June and five in June. Graduation requires 230 credits, and the students are limited to 40 credits per semester. Fillmore High School (FHS) students usually take 30 credits per semester. Held noted that the program is not easy. Each independent study student meets with the teacher weekly, and is assigned a work packet designed to be completed in approximately 20 hours. The teacher, who covers all subjects but has a slight weakness in math, is available to answer questions throughout the week. Held explained that there is no money in the budget for an FHS math teacher to help out, and that volunteer peer tutors have so far not been available. CONTINUED »

Pictured above are the three finalist in this years Spelling Bee: Lupita Perez, Dillon Galarza, and Emma Godfrey. Congratulations!
Pictured above are the three finalist in this years Spelling Bee: Lupita Perez, Dillon Galarza, and Emma Godfrey. Congratulations!
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Dillon Galarza takes first place in Scripps National Spelling Bee.
Dillon Galarza takes first place in Scripps National Spelling Bee.

For the first time in Sespe school history, there was a three-way tie for the annual Scripps National Spelling Bee competition. Twelve students were vying for the championship this year. The competitors consisted of Fifth Graders Anthony Cardoza, Emily Garnica, Sereth Malagone, Lu pita Perez, and Serena Rivas. The Fourth Grade competitors were Viviana Ceja, Brenda Delgado, Dillon Galarza, Emma Godfrey, Alana Juarez, Gerardo Sandoval, and Leighanne Thompson.

The Spelling Bee was open to all fourth and fifth graders, but in order to be a contestant, a student needed to pass a written spelling test with a score of 80% or better.
Once the test was over, fourteen of about fifty students remained but two of them needed to opt out, leaving twelve.

The remaining twelve contestants were each issued a Merriam-Webster 2009 “Spell It!“ book containing the official spelling bee words. The book contains fourteen word lists from Eponyms (words based on a person’s or character’s name) to thirteen different language origins; Latin, Arabic, Asian Languages, French, German, Slavic Languages, Dutch, Old English, New World Languages, Japanese, Greek, and Italian. CONTINUED »


Fillmore’s new $1.1 million skateboard park is the centerpiece a 22-acre multi purpose Community Park, a vision presented by City officials eight years ago. The skate park, in Phase I of the 22,000 total square foot Community Park, is located at C and River Streets. It has attracted record crowds from as far away as Santa Barbara and San Diego along with local skaters of all ages and experience levels since its unofficial opening on December 22, 2008.

Reviews on the skateboard park have been very favorable! The superiority of the state of the art facility is credited in part to 15 year-old Christian Conaway, multi-medalist street- luge racer including, 1st place in the North American Championships and 6th place in the World Championships in 2008, and his association with skateboarding legend Jeff Tatum. Tatum’s consulting and design expertise together with Scott Price of Community Works Design Group, and builders, California Skateparks, led to scrapping original plans for a wooden structure, and creation of the concrete facility. Councilman Steve Conaway, former Mayor of Fillmore, was an aggressive proponent of the project. Although father and son are both skateboarders, the senior Conaway who “long boards” for recreation only admits, “my greatest trick is to not fall. Sometimes I succeed.” CONTINUED »


Yeoman Petty Officer 2nd Class Claudia Toledo, USN Active Reserves received the Department of the Navy’s “Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal” during a ceremony at Port Hueneme! Yeoman Petty Officer 2nd Class (YNPO2) Claudia Toledo received this award on December 7, 2008 for her professional achievement in the superior performance of her duties while serving as a Yeoman Clerk with Navy Cargo Handling Battalion 14 stationed at Port Hueneme. YNPO2 Toledo’s battalion is a component of the Naval Expeditionary Logistics Support Group located in Williamsburg, Virginia where YNPO2 Toledo is now attending an advanced training class. Yeoman Petty Officer 2nd Class Claudia Toledo joined the Navy Reserves in 2003 and she is the daughter of Ignacio and Maria Toledo of Fillmore and the mother of Salma 9yrs. Maria and Salma will be traveling to Virginia soon to visit YNPO2 Toledo while she attends her courses. CONTINUED »

Pictured (l-r) Sammy Estrada, Mrs. Dressler, Perla Chavez Hernandez, Taylor Wright, Destiny Alonzo, Cindy Klittich, and Mayor Patti Walker. The children above are the winners of the essay contest sponsored by the Fillmore Civic Pride Committee.
Pictured (l-r) Sammy Estrada, Mrs. Dressler, Perla Chavez Hernandez, Taylor Wright, Destiny Alonzo, Cindy Klittich, and Mayor Patti Walker. The children above are the winners of the essay contest sponsored by the Fillmore Civic Pride Committee.
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The Fillmore City Council Meet January 27th, 2009
Employee of the July-September 2008 Quarter Angela Mumme.
Employee of the July-September 2008 Quarter Angela Mumme.
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Mayor Patti Walker, on behalf of the Council, presented the award to Angela Mumme.
Mayor Patti Walker, on behalf of the Council, presented the award to Angela Mumme.
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Pictured above are City of Fillmore’s Employee’s of the Quarter for October - December: Arnold
Castaneda, David Brown and Joe Zuniga.
Pictured above are City of Fillmore’s Employee’s of the Quarter for October - December: Arnold Castaneda, David Brown and Joe Zuniga.
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Fillmore City Council met at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, January 27, 2009 at City Hall. Council Member Laurie Hernandez was absent. The Council honored certain city employees, recognized winners in a student essay contest, received updates on the Central Ave. Storm Drain Project, adopted safety laws for the new skate park, and discussed the Special Projects Manager position.

Mayor Patti Walker, on behalf of the Council, presented awards to city employees. Employee of the July-September 2008 Quarter was Angela Mumme for her outstanding work, positive attitude, and friendly disposition. Employees of the October-December 2008 quarter were Joe Zuniga, Ray Morales, Jaime Magdaleno, Arnold Castaneda, and David Brown. Those five employees were called to duty on New Year's Eve to repair a broken water main. Water was restored by morning. Employee of the Year 2008 was Angela Mumme. She responded, "I'm flattered considering the quality of the people I work with."

Judy Dressler, Chair of the Vision 2020 Civic Pride Committee, presented awards to winners of The Fillmore Civic Pride Essay Contest. The contest was open to 4th and 5th Grade students who submitted 200-word essays on "Why I Like Living in Fillmore." Liz Ocampo won First Place. Diego Aparicio Rodrigues won Second Place. Mirella Lemus won Third Place. Honorable Mentions were received by Perla Chavez-Hernandez, Sammy Estrada, Andrea Diaz, Destiny Alonzo, and Taylor Wright.

Deputy City Manager Bill Bartels said that Central Ave. will be re-opened Monday February 2nd. Crosswalks will be restored before the project to repave Central Ave. from Sespe St. to Highway 126 starts. The project has gone out to bid and paving will occur in late April or early May. Rubberized asphalt will be used. Because the price of asphalt has decreased, the city will also make sidewalk repairs. Large signs advertising downtown Fillmore have gone up adjacent to Highway 126. CONTINUED »

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