On Saturday, February 22nd, the Fillmore Historical Museum held their Annual Membership Meeting which began at noon with a barbecue lunch for members to enjoy. They then discussed the annual report announcing their volunteers gave over 200 hours of time to the museum, among many other successes they had for the year. Photo credit Fillmore Historical Museum.
On Saturday, February 22nd, the Fillmore Historical Museum held their Annual Membership Meeting which began at noon with a barbecue lunch for members to enjoy. They then discussed the annual report announcing their volunteers gave over 200 hours of time to the museum, among many other successes they had for the year. Photo credit Fillmore Historical Museum.
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On Saturday, February 22, the annual meeting of the membership of the Fillmore Historical Museum was held. It began at noon with a barbecue lunch for members. Our thanks to Board of Directors member Doug Legan and his wife, Andrea, for the wonderful lunch.

After the lunch the Annual Membership Meeting was held. Martha Gentry. Executive Director and President of the Association gave her annual report. Although only staffed by volunteers, we had a busy and productive year. In total, our volunteers gave over 2000 hours of time to keep the museum open, give tours, and maintain the collection. The year included school tours, tours for a variety of civic groups and individuals and six online zoom programs. The museum was used by civic groups for meetings and social gatherings. Our website continues to be updated and can be found at fillmorehistoricalmuseum.org. The website contains stories, information and all of the online programming that has been done.

Cameron Stone, our current intern from the History program at Cal State Channel Islands, spoke on his current project at the Museum. Several of our prior interns have gone forward with museum related graduate studies.

The final official business was the election of Mark Austin to the 2025-26 museum board of directors.

After the Membership meeting, the board of directors meeting was held. The Board made note of the fact that 15 year board member Robert Morris has now retired. The board also remembered 21 year museum board member Patricia Morris who passed away in 2024. Finally the board welcomed new board member, Mark Austin.

After fifteen years as secretary Beverly Hurst has stepped down and will be replaced by Joanna Michels. Beverly will remain on the board as a member at large.

The 2025 board of the Fillmore Historical Museum will be:

Martha Gentry -

President and Executive


Jack Stethem -

Vice President

Joanna Michels -


Nancy Bowlin – Treasurer


Mark Austin

Carina Forsythe

Tom Hardison

Beverly Hurst

Doug Legan

Linda Robertson

Carmen Zermeno


Fillmore Historical Museum 2025 Annual

Trip dates: October 1-5, 2025. To Where: Washington DC and New York City. Who can go: Fillmore area students ages 12-17 at the time of the trip. Can parents go?  yes, if they are traveling with a student. Questions about the trip:  email Jennifer Beal at fillmorefreedomfliers@gmail.com or Contact Nations Classroom at 877-270-1776 Tour ID# 35172504. Deadline to sign up is March 31st.
Trip dates: October 1-5, 2025. To Where: Washington DC and New York City. Who can go: Fillmore area students ages 12-17 at the time of the trip. Can parents go? yes, if they are traveling with a student. Questions about the trip: email Jennifer Beal at fillmorefreedomfliers@gmail.com or Contact Nations Classroom at 877-270-1776 Tour ID# 35172504. Deadline to sign up is March 31st.
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Pictured is Fillmore Rotary President Anna Reilley and Rotarian John Meadows. Photo credit Martha Richardson.
Pictured is Fillmore Rotary President Anna Reilley and Rotarian John Meadows. Photo credit Martha Richardson.
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New Fillmore Rotary member John Meadows gave a Kraft Talk. He grew up in Fillmore and graduated from FHS in 1992. His parents were Ron and Linda Meadows. Over the years he owned several businesses including landscaping, building old cars, and working for Exon Mobile out in the Santa Barbara harbor. In 2005 his father turned over the business to John and he began building custom cars, hot rods and wrote for a tech magazine. He also partnered with a large company and began building vehicles for them. He owns JMI Storage and enjoys serving the community with his motto, “Do things no one else wants to do”.

The Fillmore Civic Pride volunteers have awarded Joe & Judy Lampara, of 84 Reading Street, the March “Yard of the Month” honor. Photo credit Linda Nunes.
The Fillmore Civic Pride volunteers have awarded Joe & Judy Lampara, of 84 Reading Street, the March “Yard of the Month” honor. Photo credit Linda Nunes.
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By Linda Nunes

Civic Pride volunteers have selected the home of Joe and Judy Lampara, of 84 Reading Street, to receive the March “Yard of the Month” award. The Lampara’s moved to Fillmore in 2006 from Massachusetts, after retirement, to escape the cold weather and to be near family.

Judy does the yard and follows design principles of Feng Shui. Color is very important, and Judy says she focuses on warm colors with yellow and red being the center of attention.

The perfectly manicured, vibrant green lawn leads your eye to a border of alstroemerias in creams, yellows and reds, with gladiolas and chrysanthemums behind them, which are not yet blooming. A red camellia bush is planted on the far right. The front patio has large pots holding a gardenia trained into a tree, a red hibiscus and epiphytes around the base.
Judy said her favorite plant would be red roses which they purchased from Otto & Sons Nursery and the lovely backyard has a row of neatly pruned roses, fruit trees blooming and a vegetable garden.

The Lampara’s received a gift card to Otto & Sons Nursery which they were eager to use. Civic Pride appreciates the nursery for providing these gift card awards.

Above is President Anna Reilly presenting a Rotarian of the Month pin to Martha Richardson at last week’s meeting for all she does for the Fillmore Rotary Club.
Above is President Anna Reilly presenting a Rotarian of the Month pin to Martha Richardson at last week’s meeting for all she does for the Fillmore Rotary Club.
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On Tuesday, January 28, the Fillmore City Council approved the Fillmore Boys and Girls Club Building Ceiling Repair Project in the amount of $21,724.08. They have begun construction, and the new ceiling is nearly complete. Above is the new ceiling for the club house.
On Tuesday, January 28, the Fillmore City Council approved the Fillmore Boys and Girls Club Building Ceiling Repair Project in the amount of $21,724.08. They have begun construction, and the new ceiling is nearly complete. Above is the new ceiling for the club house.
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Above is Fillmore Rotary with District Governor Sherry Peckhoon Sim and Rotary Club President Anna Reilley, front center. Photo credit Martha Richardson.
Above is Fillmore Rotary with District Governor Sherry Peckhoon Sim and Rotary Club President Anna Reilley, front center. Photo credit Martha Richardson.
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At last week’s meeting, the Fillmore Rotary Program hosted a visit from their District Governor, Sherry Peckhoon Sim. She was born in Singapore and as a Rotarian she has held many positions in her own Club in Cayucos as well as positions in preparation for becoming District Governor of District 5240. Sherry has also received several Paul Harris Awards for service in Rotary. Her theme this year is “Rotary is Love”. She thanked the Club for 100 years of service and commitment to our community and the world. Her parting words were “ordinary people do extraordinary things.” We can do it because “Rotary is Love”.

Deputy Yolanda Avila and Deputy Ismael Rubalcava
Deputy Yolanda Avila and Deputy Ismael Rubalcava
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Last week, Fillmore Unified School District Superintendent Christine Schieferle said, “Please join the entire Fillmore Unified School District in a moment of thanks and appreciation for our wonderful School Resource Officers, Deputy Yolanda Avila, and Deputy Ismael Rubalcava. School Resource Officers (SROs) play a vital role in enhancing safety, security, and fostering a positive learning environment within our schools. SROs are carefully selected, specifically trained, sworn law enforcement officers, with an impact that goes well beyond law enforcement. They establish mentorship relationships that leave a lasting impression on students. Thank you Deputy Avila and Deputy Rubalcava for everything you do for our staff, students, and the community.” Courtesy https://www.blog.fillmoreusd.org/fillmore-unified-school-district-blog/2....


By Jan Lee

It’s time for another reminder about the 2025 Fillmore Flower Show. The gardens in Fillmore will soon begin to bloom. The theme this year is “Fillmore Spirit in Bloom”. The Show is April 26th and 27th so there is lots of time to plan which blooms you want to share with your friends and neighbors.

The committee has decided that this year all entries will be free. It is an amateur show but there will be judges who are NGC certified. There are categories for adults and children. Floral repre-sentations of the theme are great for the bouquets, miniature bouquets and dish gardens. It is fun to see the creative entries. However, everyone can find a single stem flower in their yard, pick it and bring it to the flower show. Volunteers at the show will help you get it placed in the correct category. It is amazing to see how many different kinds of blooms are growing in Fillmore’s gar-dens. Be sure to participate.
While you are happily viewing the flowers and plants at the Fillmore Flower Show, you can also enjoy live music, a plant sale and something to snack on at the cafe.

Put the date in your calendar. More information will be available as we get closer April 26th and 27th.

Pictured (l-r) are Fillmore Rotary Club President Anna Reilley and speaker Rotarian Andy Klittich. Photo credit Martha Richardson.
Pictured (l-r) are Fillmore Rotary Club President Anna Reilley and speaker Rotarian Andy Klittich. Photo credit Martha Richardson.
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The Fillmore Rotary speaker last week was Rotarian Andy Klittich. He was born in Fillmore and began at Otto and Sons when he was about 12 years old. He graduated from Cal Poly, SLO and because of his degree he got his Pest Control License and began working in that field. He enjoyed working with people and helping them solve problems. In 2012 he married Pam who also graduated from Cal Poly. She is now one of the Ag teachers at Fillmore High School. They also have a daughter, Doris. In 2018 he started working fulltime at Otto & Sons and is the General Manager. They mostly focus on Roses with 700+ varieties and sizes but also have fruit trees and herbs and vegetables. They have classes to help gardeners, a wonderful garden shop, and TomatoMania is coming in March.

Helen Hunt Jackson. Photo credit Rancho Camulos.
Helen Hunt Jackson. Photo credit Rancho Camulos.
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February 22, 2025

On Saturday, February 22, 2025, at 1:00 PM, experience Helen Hunt Jackson’s January 23, 1882, visit to Rancho Camulos which inspired her to include this vestige of the Californio lifestyle as one of the settings for her novel Ramona. Reenactors will engage and delight you as they portray this event which forever changed the peaceful life at Rancho Camulos. Docent led tours will follow the reenactment until 4:00PM.

The suggested donation for the re-enactment is $10 and reservations can be made (suggested but not required) at 805-521-1501. Rancho Camulos is the only National Historic Landmark in Ventura County. It is on Highway 126, 10 miles West of the I-5. More information about the museum can be found at ranchocamulos.org.


VENTURA, Calif. – The Ventura County Board of Supervisors has approved a new partnership between Ventura County Behavioral Health (VCBH) and the Ventura County District Attorney’s Office to implement the Family Justice Centers Peer Program. Funded through Proposition 63 Mental Health Services Act, VCBH is committing $1.25 million through June 30, 2026.

Through this agreement, critical peer support will be provided to survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, helping them navigate the path to recovery. VCBH funds will support the research, development, and implementation of the peer support program at the Family Justice Centers. The program aims to foster resilience and empower victims by offering peer navigation and mentorship from trained specialists who have lived experience in overcoming similar challenges.

“This collaboration underscores our commitment to providing survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault with compassionate, effective support,” District Attorney Erik Nasarenko said. “Peer specialists, who can relate firsthand to these experiences, will be instrumental in guiding victims on their journey to healing.”

The program seeks to develop an evidence-based peer support model specifically designed for adult survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault. It will ensure scalability so other qualified organizations can adopt and implement similar services. Peer Specialists, including a Peer Specialist Supervisor, will be employed to provide consistent individual and group support. Child watch services will be established to enable victims to fully participate in program activities.
Outreach materials will be created and distributed to increase community awareness and engagement. The initiative will also focus on providing ongoing training and support for peer specialists, incorporating self-care and trauma intervention techniques. Additionally, regular program evaluations will be conducted to measure effectiveness and identify areas for improvement.

The District Attorney’s Office will work closely with VCBH to implement the program, ensuring that survivors receive peer-guided support to connect with behavioral health services and other community resources. The partners will also coordinate training opportunities and public outreach to raise awareness of available victim support services.

“Peers have become a vital part of the VCBH system of care,” County Behavioral Health Director Dr. Loretta Denering said. “Consumers note that peers provide unique perspectives and offer an understanding that comes from their lived experiences offering validation. Benefits include increased engagement, hope, and connection. Introducing this program to the Family Justice Center is a powerful and empowering approach to services in this field.”

The program design includes one-on-one and group peer support, peer navigation at intake, and a train-the-trainer model that will allow the program’s expansion to additional service areas in the future. The peer support staff will be hired through a vendor identified via a competitive bidding process, following Ventura County procurement guidelines.
This initiative reinforces County of Ventura’s dedication to advancing victim services and creating a supportive, trauma-informed network for survivors.


Board of Directors Meeting, Thursday, February 20, 2025, 4:00 p.m. ay City of Fillmore City Hall Council Chambers, 250 Central Avenue, Fillmore, CA 93015

To participate in the Board of Directors meeting via Zoom, please access: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85480305580?
pwd=ZnFBWGhtVU05dXd3REFkM255c0h6UT09 Meeting ID: 854 8030 5580 Password: FPBGSA

To hear just the audio portion of the meeting, phone into: Toll-free number: 877 853 5247 Meeting ID: 854 8030 5580



1A Pledge of Allegiance

1B Directors Roll Call

1C Public Comments

Fillmore and Piru Basins Groundwater Sustainability Agency (Agency) will accept public comment concerning agenda items at
the time the item is considered and on any non-agenda item within the jurisdiction of the Board during the agendized Public
Comment period. No action will be taken by the Board on any non-agenda item. In accordance with Government Code § 54954.3(b)
(1), public comment will be limited to three (3) minutes per speaker per issue.

1D Approval of Agenda Motion


2A Director Ann-ouncements/Board Communications:

Oral Reports from the Board.

Fillmore Pumpers Association Stakeholder Director Update Piru Pumpers Association Stakeholder Director Update Environmental
Stakeholder Director Update

City of Fillmore Member Director Update

United Water Conservation District Member Director Update County of Ventura Member Director Update

2B Executive Director Update Information Item

The Executive Director will provide an informational update on Agency activities since the previous Board of Directors
meeting of January 16, 2025.

2C Legal Counsel Update Information Item

Legal Counsel will provide an informational update on Agency’s legal issues and concerns since the previous Board of
Directors meeting of January 16, 2025.

2D GSP Consultant Update Information Item

Representatives from Daniel B Stephens & Associates will provide an informational update on the Agency’s groundwater
sustainability planning activities since the previous Board of Directors meeting of January 16, 2025.


All matters listed under the Consent Calendar are considered routine by the Board and will be enacted by one motion. There
will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Board member pulls an item from the Calendar. Pulled items will be
discussed and acted on separately by the Board. Members of the public who want to comment on a Consent Calendar item should
do so under Public Comments. (ROLL CALL VOTE REQUIRED)

3A Approval of Minutes

The Board will consider approving the Minutes from the Board of Directors meeting of January 16, 2025.

3B Approval of Warrants

The Board will consider approving payment of outstanding vendor invoices:

United Water

Conservation District


Stillwater Sciences Inc.




Aleshire and Wynder


$ 6,946.00

3C Monthly Financial Report

The Board will receive the monthly financial report for the Fillmore and Piru Basins Groundwater Sustainability Agency.


4A Waiver of Late Penalties and Interest for California Department of Fish and Wildlife


The Board will consider waiving penalties and interest charges totaling

$4,586.27 for the California Department of Fish and Wildlife for late payment associated with pumping from its Fillmore Fish
Hatchery wells, State Well Numbers 04N19W33D03S, 04N19W33D04S, and 04N12W33D05S.

4B Annual Reports to California Department of Water Resources Motion

The Board will receive a presentation from Daniel B. Stephens and Associates summarizing the Water Year 2023-2024 Annual
Reports to the California Department of Water Resources for the Fillmore subbasin and Piru subbasin and provide comments and

4C Investment Program Development Motion

The Board will receive a presentation from staff on investment options and provide comments and directions.

4D Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Work Plan and Schedule Quarter 2 Update Motion

The Board will receive a presentation from staff on the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Agency Work Plan and Schedule for Quarter 2
and provide comments and directions.



The Board will adjourn to the next Regular Board Meeting on Thursday, March 20, 2024, or call of the Chair.

Materials, which are non-exempt public records and are provided to the Board of Directors to be used in consideration of the
above agenda items, including any documents provided subsequent to the publishing of this agenda, are available for
inspection at UWCD’s offices at 1701 N. Lombard Street in Oxnard during normal business hours.

The Americans with Disabilities Act provides that no qualified individual with a disability shall be excluded from
participation in, or denied the benefits of, the District’s services, programs or activities because of any disability. If
you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, or if you require agenda materials in an alternative format,
please contact the UWCD Office at (805) 525-4431 or the City of Fillmore at (805) 524- 1500. Notification of at least 48
hours prior to the meeting will enable the District to make appropriate arrangements.

Approved: Board Chair Kelly Long

Posted: (date) February 14, 2025 (time) 7:30 p.m. (attest) Eva Ibarra At: https://www.FPBGSA.org

Posted: (date February 14, 2025 (time) 7:35 p.m. (attest) Eva Ibarra At: https://www.facebook.com/FPBGSA

Posted: (date) February 14, 2025 (time) 7:40 p.m. (attest) Eva Ibarra At: UWCD, 1701 N. Lombard Street, Oxnard

Posted: (date) February 14, 2025 (time) 7:45 p.m. (attest) Eva Ibarra At: Fillmore City Hall, 250 Central
Avenue, Fillmore, CA


FOUND ITEMS: Attention Gerald Casas. I have found an item you’ve been looking for years and I would like to return it to you. Please call 805-727-0870 if you are interested. (02/13)

FOR SALE – 1. Rockwell – 4 ½” compact circular saw – extra blades $90.00. 2. 7-in-1 Multi work bench $50.00. 3. 10x10 Scissor frame canopy $75 00. 4. 1600 PSI Electric Pressure Washer $45.00. 5. Compact Electric Cultivator $30.00. 6. Electric Hedger – 20” blade $35.00. 7. Compact 2 ¼ ton floor Jack. Call Ron 805–516 –9667 for more details. (2/20)

Picture is Fillmore Rotary President Scott Beylik and Rotarian and Fillmore Fire Chief Keith Gurrola. Photo credit Martha Richardson.
Picture is Fillmore Rotary President Scott Beylik and Rotarian and Fillmore Fire Chief Keith Gurrola. Photo credit Martha Richardson.
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Our Fillmore Rotarian, Keith Gurrola, was the speaker. He is the Fillmore City Fire Chief, and informed the Club that Ventura County is well prepared for a fire. There are four city fire departments in the county; Fillmore, Ventura, Oxnard and Santa Paula. The military has their own as well as US Forest Service, Fish and Wildlife Department and National Parks. There are13 county fire stations under Cal Fire. There are also several small fire departments in outlined areas such as Ojai and Rincon. The CCC was started in 1927 and has young people 18-24 years old preparing for a career in fire service. They help out at fire camps, clear brush from roads and paths and fill sandbags. The fire departments help each other, and it was reassuring to know we are well prepared in case a fire.

On Friday, January 24, 2025, crews started hauling dirt for the Williams Homes Creekside Develop project. Back in January 2025, Fillmore residents received a notice regarding the dirt hauling and Remedial Grading of export rock and dirt hauling for the Creekside Residential Development north of Fillmore city limits. The development location will be between Sespe Creek on west boundary and Goodenough Road to the east, north of B street. Hauling dates are from January 13 – May 15, 2025. Photo credit Gazette staff. More info visit https://www.fillmoreca.gov/CivicAlerts.aspx?AID=175.
On Friday, January 24, 2025, crews started hauling dirt for the Williams Homes Creekside Develop project. Back in January 2025, Fillmore residents received a notice regarding the dirt hauling and Remedial Grading of export rock and dirt hauling for the Creekside Residential Development north of Fillmore city limits. The development location will be between Sespe Creek on west boundary and Goodenough Road to the east, north of B street. Hauling dates are from January 13 – May 15, 2025. Photo credit Gazette staff. More info visit https://www.fillmoreca.gov/CivicAlerts.aspx?AID=175.
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In January 2025, Detectives from the Ventura County Human Trafficking Task Force (VCHTTF) participated in Anti-Human Trafficking Operations throughout Ventura County in coordination with Operation Reclaim and Rebuild, a statewide enforcement effort against human trafficking organized by the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. Detectives identified areas in Ventura County, including motels and massage parlors, that have been linked to sex trafficking activity in the past and set up sting operations.

The Ventura County Human Trafficking Task Force is composed of two full-time Sheriff’s Detectives, supported by representative detectives from each law enforcement agency in Ventura County and several victim service providers. The VCHTTF investigates both labor and sex trafficking within the county.

The goal of these operations was to rescue victims of sexual exploitation, provide social services to potential human trafficking victims in the tri-county area, arrest traffickers (pimps), and arrest the “Johns” (commercial sex buyers) who exploit victims of commercial sex.

On January 30th, the VCHTTF assisted the Ventura Police Department in a motel operation in the City of Ventura. Detectives arrested one trafficker, who had an outstanding felony warrant from Monterey County. The warrant was related to sex trafficking of a minor. The trafficker was booked into the Ventura County Pre-Trial Detention Facility, awaiting extradition. One “John” was also arrested after attempting to pay for commercial sex acts.

During Operation Reclaim and Rebuild, the VCHTTF also partnered with code compliance officers, local and federal law enforcement agencies, and victim advocates to conduct compliance checks at 26 locations within the county identified as suspected Illicit Massage Businesses (IMBs). As a result of this operation, five massage parlors countywide were immediately closed due to multiple code violations. Code compliance officers also issued multiple administrative citations to businesses. An Illicit Massage Business (IMB) is a commercial establishment that allows or facilitates the occurrence of sex for sale. Often, the employees are victims of labor trafficking and sex trafficking. During this operation, the Task Force was able to provide resources to approximately 52 potential victims who were working at these IMBs.
The Task Force aims to raise awareness about human trafficking within the community. Detectives believe that these proactive enforcement efforts are critical in the fight against human trafficking.

Detectives encourage anyone who believes they are a victim, or who knows someone who may be a victim, to contact “211” or local law enforcement to be connected with support services.

Prepared by: Detective Nan Jiang
News Release Date: 02/04/2025
Approved by: Captain Ron Chips

High Risk of Flooding & Burn Scar Debris Flows Rain Totals: 1.5-3.0 in., 3.0-6.0 in. mtns except SLO Co: 3-5 in., 5-10 in. mtns Rates: 0.5-1.0 in/hr during Thu peak 0.10-0.25 in/hr otherwise Confidence: Moderate to High Snow levels: 6000-8000 ft (highest on Thu) Thunderstorms: 10-20% chance Thu & Thu Night Potential Impacts High risk of significant road flooding & burn scar debris flows Low-to-moderate risk for creek flooding SLO & SBA Co. No risk of river flooding, but enhanced flows = High risk of swiftwater rescues Highest risks on Thursday. For more details and information visit https://www.weather.gov/lox/.
High Risk of Flooding & Burn Scar Debris Flows Rain Totals: 1.5-3.0 in., 3.0-6.0 in. mtns except SLO Co: 3-5 in., 5-10 in. mtns Rates: 0.5-1.0 in/hr during Thu peak 0.10-0.25 in/hr otherwise Confidence: Moderate to High Snow levels: 6000-8000 ft (highest on Thu) Thunderstorms: 10-20% chance Thu & Thu Night Potential Impacts High risk of significant road flooding & burn scar debris flows Low-to-moderate risk for creek flooding SLO & SBA Co. No risk of river flooding, but enhanced flows = High risk of swiftwater rescues Highest risks on Thursday. For more details and information visit https://www.weather.gov/lox/.
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Santa Clara Valley Disposal will maintain its regular trash, recycling and yard/organics waste collection schedule in Fillmore during the week of Presidents Day, Feb. 16-22.

Remember that Santa Clara Valley Disposal’s residential customers can place all three carts curbside every week, as the company collects all waste weekly – including food waste, which is recyclable. All food waste should be placed in closed paper or plastic bags and the bags should be tossed in the organics waste cart. Even if you only have food waste bags and no yard waste, you can still put the food waste bags in your organics waste cart and take it to the curb every week for pickup.

Harrison Industries serves the cities and surrounding unincorporated areas of Ventura, Ojai and Camarillo as well as the unincorporated areas of La Conchita, Lake Sherwood, Lynn Ranch, Newbury Park, Ojai Valley (Ventura River Valley), Oxnard Plain, Piru, Point Mugu, Rancho Matilija, Rincon, Santa Paula, Santa Rosa Valley, Somis, Upper Ojai, Yerba Buena and the Channel Islands Beach Community Services District, and the city of Carpinteria as E.J. Harrison & Sons; and Fillmore as Santa Clara Valley Disposal.

For more information, visit www.ejharrison.com.


Ventura County Garden Club's March 5, 2025, meeting.

"The Ventura County Garden Club begins its 101st season by announcing its sixth meeting of the season to take place on Wednesday, March 5, 2025, at 10:00 am with a tour of Australian Native Plants located at 9040 N. Ventura Avenue, in Casitas Springs. Please arrange to carpool or contact your director if you need a ride. Picnic lunch follows at Foster Park. Bring your own lunch and/or food to share. Organizer: Vice President – Kathleen Cressy. We welcome new members. For more information, email VenturaCountyGardenClub@yahoo.com, OR Facebook.com/VenturaCountyGardenClubVCGC/"

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