Flags were flown at half-staff last week to honor Police Officers Memorial Day and Police Week.
"Every day, police officers pin on their shields and walk out the door, rushing into harm’s way to keep the rest of us safe. Being a police officer is more than what they do — it is who they are. On Peace Officers Memorial Day and during Police Week, we recognize the incredible courage of our Nation’s police officers and honor the fallen heroes, whose ultimate sacrifice we can never repay.

During the pandemic, States and cities saw violent crime rising as they faced deep cuts in law enforcement and public safety budgets. That is why the American Rescue Plan, one of the first bills I signed as President, provided $350 billion that States could use to keep law enforcement on the beat and communities safe from violence. That led to the largest Federal investment in public safety in our history. Police departments used that funding to establish training facilities, hire more officers, and raise salaries. I also expanded benefits for first responders disabled in the line of duty and for their families. I increased access to mental health resources for police officers, who too often experience emotional and physical trauma on the job. Supporting our police officers with resources they need to do their jobs has paid off. Last year, the United States had one of the lowest rates of violent crime in more than 50 years.

My Administration recognizes that being a police officer is harder than ever. We expect them to be everything to everyone — counselors to people experiencing a crisis, social workers to kids who have been abandoned, and guardians to communities flooded with weapons of war. That is why we have invested in more crisis responders who work alongside police officers to respond to non-violent crimes. We have also increased investments in recruiting, retaining, and training officers and in violence prevention to get guns off the streets. We are working hard to strengthen the bonds of trust between officers and the people they serve. My Budget requests over $10 billion to recruit, train, support, and hire 100,000 additional police officers trained in effective, accountable community policing — working hand in hand with community leaders and local partners to gain trust and advance public safety.

My Administration has also taken historic action to end the scourge of gun violence in America, which puts far too many police officers at risk. To date, my Administration has taken more executive actions to stop the flow of illegal guns than any other administration in history. I formed the first-ever White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention, overseen by Vice President Harris. I signed the most significant gun safety law in nearly 30 years. I appointed the first Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) Director to lead the agency in over 7 years, who has since led efforts to crack down on gun trafficking, ghost guns, rogue gun dealers, and unlicensed sellers that fuel the flow of illegal firearms. I continue to call on the Congress to ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, require safe storage of guns, fully fund ATF, and pass universal background checks and a national red flag law.

This year, we also honor our Nation’s law enforcement families, who serve and sacrifice alongside their loved ones. Every day, they summon courage as their loved ones put on their badges and leave for work, praying for their safe return home. To those who have lost a loved one who served, I know that no memorial can fill the void left in your heart. But I hope you find solace in knowing that their memory lives on through you, the community they served, and all those that they inspired through their example. Our Nation will never forget their sacrifice.

Last year, I bestowed six law enforcement officers with the Medal of Valor for going to unimaginable lengths to protect their fellow citizens. They exemplified a selflessness of character and a bravery that inspires. On Peace Officers Memorial Day and during Police Week, let us show our gratitude for all the women and men of our Nation’s law enforcement community, who make extraordinary sacrifices every day. Let us honor the memory of those who have fallen in service to their fellow Americans. Let us recommit to supporting the people in uniform and their families, who ensure the safety of our communities all across the Nation.

By a joint resolution approved October 1, 1962, as amended (76 Stat. 676), and by Public Law 103-322, as amended (36 U.S.C. 136-137), the President has been authorized and requested to designate May 15 of each year as “Peace Officers Memorial Day” and the week in which it falls as “Police Week.”

NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim May 15, 2024, as Peace Officers Memorial Day and May 12 through May 18, 2024, as Police Week. I call upon all Americans to observe these events with appropriate ceremonies and activities and salute our Nation’s brave law enforcement officers and remember their peace officer brothers and sisters who have given their last full measure of devotion in the line of duty. I also call on the Governors of the United States and its Territories, and appropriate officials of all units of government, to direct that the flag be flown at half-staff on Peace Officers Memorial Day. I further encourage all Americans to display the flag at half-staff from their homes and businesses on that day.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this

tenth day of May, in the year of our Lord two thousand twenty-four, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-eighth.


On Friday, May 10, 2024, the Fillmore Women’s Service Club hosted the Susan Banks Memorial Fundraiser in order to raise scholarships for Fillmore High School students. Pictured above is Fillmore Chief Keith Gurrola, Elect 2nd Vice Ways and Means FWSC Brandy Hollis, Current Ways and Means FWSC Taurie Banks (Susan Banks’ daughter), and Danielle Quintana, Current President FWSC, at this year’s event.
On Friday, May 10, 2024, the Fillmore Women’s Service Club hosted the Susan Banks Memorial Fundraiser in order to raise scholarships for Fillmore High School students. Pictured above is Fillmore Chief Keith Gurrola, Elect 2nd Vice Ways and Means FWSC Brandy Hollis, Current Ways and Means FWSC Taurie Banks (Susan Banks’ daughter), and Danielle Quintana, Current President FWSC, at this year’s event.
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Article/Photo courtesy Brandy Hollis

Fillmore Women’s Service Club’s Susan Banks Memorial Fundraiser was a huge success. An extra special thanks to Heather Swetman from Escalera Pest Control. Her hustle and dedication to ensuring this night would be a success was more than one could hope for. Memories reflected, memories made, and most importantly funds were raised. The ultimate memorial. The bar was set just a tad bit higher. With conflicting events and memorial building not open, Fillmore’s finest still flocked to the opportunity to serve once again. All the sponsors were amazing and too countless to name in just one article. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts from your SERVICE club! Fillmore Women’s Service Club is an organization of women in service to the community of Fillmore. Profits from the evening will be used towards scholarships within the community. Follow us on social media for the latest Fillmore happenings.

Rotary Club of Fillmore spent part of their Saturday, May 11, cleaning up markers at Bardsdale Cemetery. Some markers need archeological skills to find since they were completely covered in dirt and grass. If you’d like to know more about the club, come join us any Wednesday morning, 7- 8 am for a free guest breakfast at El Pescador. Courtesy https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064786058147.
Rotary Club of Fillmore spent part of their Saturday, May 11, cleaning up markers at Bardsdale Cemetery. Some markers need archeological skills to find since they were completely covered in dirt and grass. If you’d like to know more about the club, come join us any Wednesday morning, 7- 8 am for a free guest breakfast at El Pescador. Courtesy https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064786058147.
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Next showing is Magic Comedy and Song to be held May 18, 2024, from 7pm – 9pm. Visit www.Fillmoretowntheatre.org  for more information.
Next showing is Magic Comedy and Song to be held May 18, 2024, from 7pm – 9pm. Visit www.Fillmoretowntheatre.org for more information.
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Written by Carina M. Montoya

The Fillmore Town Theatre held its Fillmore Funnies (Monthly Comedy Night) on Saturday, May 11. Before the show, an “unnamed” musical group featuring Greg Agostinelli, Michael Kirby, Danny Torres (Danny Torres and The Piru River Band), and Peter Copley, rocked the theater. It was a great opener before the show. The musical group on its own can easily fill the theater with its wide repertoire.

The featured comedians had the audience roaring in laughter. Carlos Oscar, is described as “a lean, clean joke machine”. His stories and facial expressions had the audience rolling on the floor laughing. Carlos has performed on The Tonight Show, Comedy Central, and is the only winner of The Princess Cruises Entertainer of the Year award.

Omar Covarrubias is a comedy magician and used audience participation that was fun, entertaining, and hilarious. Omar has been a comedy magician for 20 years and performs in comedy clubs, including the Ice House, Hollywood Laugh Factory, and the House of Blues.

Fillmore is proud to have its own theatre, but the life of the theatre depends on community support. Come and see the many different events held at the theatre. Your support will keep our theatre alive.

The Board of Trustees of the Bardsdale Cemetery invites the community to the Memorial Day Ceremony on Monday, May 27th at 11AM. Everyone is encouraged to attend to commemorate the men and women who died while in the military service of their country, particularly those who did in battle as a result of wounds sustained in battle. Remember that Memorial Day is a day to memorialize the veterans who made the ultimate sacrifice or their country. A complete program will appear in next week’s Gazette.
The Board of Trustees of the Bardsdale Cemetery invites the community to the Memorial Day Ceremony on Monday, May 27th at 11AM. Everyone is encouraged to attend to commemorate the men and women who died while in the military service of their country, particularly those who did in battle as a result of wounds sustained in battle. Remember that Memorial Day is a day to memorialize the veterans who made the ultimate sacrifice or their country. A complete program will appear in next week’s Gazette.
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On Thursday, May 9, a Mother’s Day celebration took place for our Senior Residents at the Fillmore Active Adult Center. It was a successful event and could not have done it without our wonderful AAC staff! A huge shoutout to the Fillmore High School Mariachi Los Rayos for giving an amazing performance. Photo credit https://www.facebook.com/cityoffillmore & https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=824703203023587&set=pcb.824703593023548.
On Thursday, May 9, a Mother’s Day celebration took place for our Senior Residents at the Fillmore Active Adult Center. It was a successful event and could not have done it without our wonderful AAC staff! A huge shoutout to the Fillmore High School Mariachi Los Rayos for giving an amazing performance. Photo credit https://www.facebook.com/cityoffillmore & https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=824703203023587&set=pcb.824703593023548.
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Pictured is Theresa Robledo with husband Henry Robledo and son Adrian Robledo.
Pictured is Theresa Robledo with husband Henry Robledo and son Adrian Robledo.
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Article/Photo courtesy Brandy Hollis

This morning as I was at the gym and I looked over and saw another Fillmore staple hard at work, before she is hard at work--Theresa Robledo of Diamond Realty. So, I decided to bug her and ask if she is coming to the Fillmore Women’s Service Club (FWSC) event this weekend and it would be nice to see her there.

I have been blessed to sit at her table at the Boys and Girls Club Auction and witness her many donations for all the different organizations over the years that she so kindly serves.

I know she is always trying to do the right thing for our community. Her conviction to stand in our town as a solid member alongside her family speaks volumes of her character. Our sons both went into the Marine Corps, so there is another bond of one Marine mom to another. She is a strong woman of faith, and good soul to know.

When I was pregnant with my son Rowdy, she even dropped off a little something for the baby, when she came by to welcome my new neighbor with a gift. That is just the type of thoughtful person she is.
I couldn’t name all the organizations she aids if I tried, so I think I better not. Her grandchildren are the light of her eyes, and her family rises up and calls her blessed.

I was able to text my other FWSC members and let them know we had another Diamond Sponsor (for Casino Night) this morning, and our Diamond Sponsor’s wouldn’t have been complete without Diamond Realty.

I look forward to having fun with her and everyone else who is gracious enough to attend the Casino Night event this weekend. All proceeds from the event will be used in scholarship awards for graduates who reside in the district boundaries, regardless of school choice. Thank you, Theresa and Henry Robledo, for always being a source of inspiration!

On Sunday, May 5 at 3:54pm Fillmore Police responded to reports of at least 50 subjects fighting at Shiells Park. According to deputies the subjects were arguing over a soccer game.
On Sunday, May 5 at 3:54pm Fillmore Police responded to reports of at least 50 subjects fighting at Shiells Park. According to deputies the subjects were arguing over a soccer game.
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Fillmore’s Civic Pride volunteers named Verna Tipton for the Yard of the Month, May 2024. Her beautiful yard sits at 846 Wileman Street. She will receive a gift card from Otto & Sons Nursery. Photo credit Linda Nunez.
Fillmore’s Civic Pride volunteers named Verna Tipton for the Yard of the Month, May 2024. Her beautiful yard sits at 846 Wileman Street. She will receive a gift card from Otto & Sons Nursery. Photo credit Linda Nunez.
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By Linda Nunez

Civic Pride Volunteers have selected, Verna Tipton’s yard at 846 Wileman St., to receive the May “Yard of the Month” award. After I introduced myself, the first comment that Verna made was, “I wondered when we would get noticed!”
Verna gives all the credit for the beautiful yard to her son, Justin Tipton, who designed, organized, decorated & maintains the yard. And she showed me the backyard, which is just as beautifully landscaped!

The yard has a welcoming, flagstone path that leads to the door. It is bordered by Mexican sage & purple Lantana. Focal points on each side of the path are Variegated Century plant on one side & Blue Agave on the other, with Golden Charm Cypress behind the Agave. Lantana appears in groups of yellow, purple & white with geraniums in pink & orange contrasting with burgundy flax near a wooden well. Small Sespe Brownstone boulders, blue grey bunches of Fescue or Festuca, a rose & various succulents fill in spaces. Near the house are Ficus plants, deep purple Pelargoniums, Rock Rose & Azaleas in planters.

Verna said her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Rollo, purchased the home in 1964 & “raised 6 kids” there. After they passed, Verna purchased the home from her siblings & moved from Oxnard in 2009.

She has never been out to Otto & Sons Nursery, so she will be in for a lovely experience!
Civic Pride Volunteers appreciate Otto & Sons Nursery for supporting this program since it started, by providing the gift cards.

Pictured (l-r) are Fillmore Rotarian Martha Richardson (RYLA Coordinator), and rotary guest speakers Daniela Curiel, Aerin Garcia, Presley McLain and Diana Martinez.
Pictured (l-r) are Fillmore Rotarian Martha Richardson (RYLA Coordinator), and rotary guest speakers Daniela Curiel, Aerin Garcia, Presley McLain and Diana Martinez.
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The Rotary Club of Fillmore sent four students to RYLA Rotary Youth Leadership Awards Camp, in Ojai, April 11-14. The students who attended were Daniela Curiel, Aerin Garcia, Presley McLain and Diana Martinez. There were 230 students in attendance, and they were divided into groups with all new people. The girls said it was intimidating at first, but by the end they had all new friends. They were put in many situations that forced them out of their comfort zone, such as the ropes course in the rain, but the result was more new friends and skills and ideas that they will take into the future. They also talked about the terrific speakers who totally changed their perspective on things and one who really opened their eyes to all the challenges people may be facing that you don’t even realize. They all agreed that RYLA camp changed their lives, and the experience will remain with them for the rest of their lives.

Pictured is the J. P. Hinckley House, c 1920, Ventura Street, built prior to World War 1, on the southeast corner of Ventura St. and Central Avenue. Photo credit Fillmore Historical Museum.
Pictured is the J. P. Hinckley House, c 1920, Ventura Street, built prior to World War 1, on the southeast corner of Ventura St. and Central Avenue. Photo credit Fillmore Historical Museum.
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Above is the Harry Gage Home, c 2018, which was located in Bardsdale and wasn’t too badly damaged after the St. Franics Dam disaster but was moved to a new location. More photos online at www.FillmoreGazette.com. Photo credit Fillmore Historical Museum.
Above is the Harry Gage Home, c 2018, which was located in Bardsdale and wasn’t too badly damaged after the St. Franics Dam disaster but was moved to a new location. More photos online at www.FillmoreGazette.com. Photo credit Fillmore Historical Museum.
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Pictured above is the Dr. Ira Hinckley House, 2021, moved from its original location at 423 1st Street to the Fillmore Historical Museum on Main Street. See more photos on page 9.
Pictured above is the Dr. Ira Hinckley House, 2021, moved from its original location at 423 1st Street to the Fillmore Historical Museum on Main Street. See more photos on page 9.
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Courtesy Fillmore Historical Museum

Fillmore has a number of mobile homes. We aren’t talking about the type found in El Dorado (although some may make this definition). We are talking about homes (and other buildings) which were built at one location but were moved in or around Fillmore.

We have told the story of Trinity Episcopal which was built as a private chapel for Mrs. Mary Bard in Hueneme but later moved to its present location at 2nd and Saratoga. It may not be the building which was moved the farthest distance. It is told (but we have not been able to independently verify) that the John McNab home at 411 1st Street was actually built on Catalina Island and later moved to its present location.

One of the earliest buildings moved was a small building originally built by Frank Sprague as a school house located near the mouth of the Sespe. In 1879 the little school was moved to the east bank of the Sespe just a little north of today’s railroad bridge where it served as both church and school. The old school building was moved once again in late 1888 from the east bank of the Sespe to a location two lots south of Sespe St. on the east side of Central Ave where it served the Fillmore School District as an office.

In 1890, Dr. John Hinckley bought the old school building that Sprague built and moved it across Central Ave. to a lot on the northwest corner of Sespe and Central. He remodeled it, added a room, and used it as his office and Fillmore’s first drug store. He later sold the building to Owen Miller who turned it into a restaurant.
Herky Villaseñor used the old school building briefly in the 1930s until he moved his tamale factory to Main and Clay St. In 1936, Mr. O.M Topley took over the restaurant intending to open a beer parlor but in May, 1936 the building was destroyed by fire.

Homes owned by the Hinckley family seem to move around, but only after the Hinckley’s had vacated them. Prior to World War 1, Dr. John P. Hinckley built a home on the southeast corner of Ventura St. and Central Avenue. November 7, 1947, saw this headline in the Fillmore Herald, “50 Ton Building Moved Through Center of City.” The two-story building was moved up Central Avenue to the end of Central Avenue where it now resides. The hardest part of the move was getting it safely over the railroad tracks. Another Hinckley “mobile home” is the 1905 bungalow once owned by Dr. Ira Hinckley that was moved in 1994 from its original location at 423 1st street to the Fillmore Historical Museum on Main Street.

Most of the early businesses were on Main Street. But frequent fires destroyed most of Main Street due to the combination of wood buildings, east wind and oil lamps. Central Avenue had been residential, but now became the main business area with masonry buildings. Central Avenue had several homes built on it, including one built in 1895 by Joseph and Mahala Stone where Central Market is now located. By 1910, Mr. Stone had passed away and Central had become the commercial center of town. Mrs. Stone decided to move, but take the house with her. It was moved to 561 Mountain View. Members of the Stone/Morey family lived there until Al Morey (Mahala’s grandson) died in the 1960s.

Shortly after the Southern Pacific built the Depot, they also built a “section house” which would house railroad workers and supplies. This house was moved, we believe to the eastern end of Main Street.

After the St. Francis Dam disaster several homes in Bardsdale such as the Gage House which weren’t badly damaged were moved to new locations which would be out of the way of the next flood.

There is a story we have heard but haven’t been able to document. This would have happened when people knew a flood was coming, such as 1914 or 1938. Supposedly a family was out of town. When neighbors realized their house was in the path of the flood, they moved it to higher ground. When the family returned they were quite surprised to find the house in new location. If anyone can prove this, please let us know.

The Fillmore Refinery had several homes within its boundaries. When the refinery was closed these homes were moved to 3rd Street or elsewhere in the city. If you happen to know where one ended up, again, please let us know.


Bardsdale UMC invites children K – 5TH Camp Firelight Vacation Bible Study (VBS) where they will be on a Summer Camp adventure with God! This includes exciting new music, amazing science, creative crafts, fun recreation, and memorable Bible stories that will show children they can trust God all the time!

The adventure runs from June 24 through June 28, 9:00 am to 12:00 noon at Bardsdale United Methodist Church, 1498 Bardsdale Ave. Learn more about Camp Firelight VBS by calling Cristina Ramos at (805) 524-2070.


Giant Yard Sale
Everything must go!
Furniture, tools, patio sets,
kayak and much, much more.
Super sale: shopping plastic bags of clothing for $5.00 fill them up.
419 2nd St, Fillmore @8:30am till noon
Only Friday, May 3rd and May 10th. (5/9)

Moving Sale
Swamp Cooler/Evaporative Cooler.
1 year old, Paid $1,400. Selling for $800.
Call 805-524-2830. (5/9)


Giant Yard Sale
Everything must go!
Furniture, tools, patio sets,
kayak and much, much more.
Super sale: shopping plastic bags of clothing for $5.00 fill them up.
419 2nd St, Fillmore @8:30am till noon
Only Friday, May 3rd and May 10th. (5/9)

Moving Sale
Swamp Cooler/Evaporative Cooler.
1 year old, Paid $1,400. Selling for $800.
Call 805-524-2830. (5/9)

Pictured (l-r) are Brian Miller, Manny Minarjes, Supervisor Kelly Long and Rotary President Scott Beylik. Photo credit Martha Richardson.
Pictured (l-r) are Brian Miller, Manny Minarjes, Supervisor Kelly Long and Rotary President Scott Beylik. Photo credit Martha Richardson.
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Ventura County Supervisor Kelly Long was the Fillmore Rotary speaker last week. She gave an overview of the county, which contains 850,000 people. We have diversified employment with Agriculture and the Navy base being the largest ones. We have transportation, Metrolink and buses to help citizens to get where they need to go. We have two hospitals, as well as mental health and wellness facilities. The goal is to make sure everyone has access to what is needed. Kelly is on many boards in the county, helping to keep her informed on what is happening in all areas and how they can work together.


The Fillmore Fire Department in conjunction with the Ventura Regional Fire Safe Council has received a grant to dispose of flammable vegetation in residential neighborhoods that are adjacent to wildland areas. This grant is being applied to all residents who reside in Fillmore. All residents who live within three hundred yards of a wildland area are especially encouraged to take advantage of this free opportunity.

On Saturday May 11th, from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM, all residents in the City may haul any tree/brush trimmings direct to the Fillmore City Well #4 location at 728 Goodenough Rd. for free disposal. Any ornamental vegetation and cut grass/weeds will also be accepted if it is free of any dirt, metal, plastic, or other trash.

Residents are especially encouraged to have professional tree trimmers, trim up palm trees, of all dead palm fronds as these can be especially hazardous when caught on fire. All palm fronds will accepted.

Any questions may be directed to the Fillmore Fire Chief at 524-1500 xt 226.


The Award’s Night for the Fillmore Young Writers Contest has been moved from May 2nd to May 9th. They will be honoring 63 students that night in recognition of their stories, poems, and artwork which will be submitted for the contest.


Bardsdale UMC invites children K – 5TH Camp Firelight Vacation Bible Study (VBS) where they will be on a Summer Camp adventure with God! This includes exciting new music, amazing science, creative crafts, fun recreation, and memorable Bible stories that will show children they can trust God all the time!

The adventure runs from June 24 through June 28, 9:00 am to 12:00 noon at Bardsdale United Methodist Church, 1498 Bardsdale Ave. Learn more about Camp Firelight VBS by calling Cristina Ramos at (805) 524-2070.

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