The dog was found on Thursday March 15 in the Foothill Drive area of Fillmore.

She appears to be not much more than one year, is tan in color, short haired, female. She’s very fine boned and is deer like. She had a collar on but no tags. She is sweet & smart and does not seem as if she’s been on the streets for any length of time.

Am hoping to find her owner as we have two of our own and cannot keep her. Am taking her to the vet later this afternoon to see if she’s chipped and if not will have to bring her to the pound.

My home phone is 805.524.6813. My daytime phone 213.345.6550 however cannot leave a message there.



The Fillmore High School Alumni softball game has been rescheduled to Saturday, April 14th. We are still looking for FHS Lady Flashes softball players to fill some open slots so if you are interested in playing please contact Liz Hinklin at 805-905-9742 or by email at


Scam Bilked Investors out of more than $8 Million

Los Angeles, CA – A former revenue agent with the Internal Revenue Service was sentenced today to 33 months in prison in relation to a securities fraud scheme that took more than $8 million from hundreds of victims across the country.

George Tannous, 55, of Lake View Terrace, was sentenced by United States District Court Judge Dean D. Pregerson. In addition to the prison term, Judge Pregerson ordered Tannous to pay total restitution of $8,797,201 to 218 victims.

In May of 2008, Tannous pleaded guilty to a two-count Information charging him with conspiracy and subscription to a false tax return. The charges related to Tannous’ participation in a scheme to defraud investors nationwide through material misrepresentations and the concealment of material facts in the sale of investments in, Inc.,, Inc., and related companies from 1999 through 2003.

Documents filed with the court outline a scheme in which Tannous and three co-conspirators solicited victims to purchase unregistered stock in, Inc. and several related companies. Tannous was the president of Bidbay. Bidbay was in the business of developing and marketing an internet auction website. According to the plea agreement, victims were lured by false statements that would soon be acquired by internet auction company eBay, Inc. of San Jose, California.

Tannous failed to disclose that and the related companies paid sales commissions of up to 50% percent to telemarketers who solicited investors, according to court papers. In 2001, Tannous personally received nearly $3 million in investor funds that he failed to disclose to the IRS.

According to documents filed with the court, Tannous further failed to disclose to investors that one of his co-conspirators was a convicted felon awaiting sentencing on unrelated fraud charges. That co-conspirator, De Elroy Beeler, Jr., was sentenced to 36 months in custody in 2002. Upon his release from custody in 2005, Beeler returned to telemarketing and is awaiting sentencing in the related case.

The investigation and prosecution of Tannous was conducted by IRS-Criminal Investigation and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, in conjunction with the United States Attorney’s Office for the Central District of California.


Unclaimed items being advertised: Ventura County Treasurer-Tax Collector, Steven Hintz, announced that the Treasury is doing a County-wide escheatment of unclaimed monies that are not the property of Ventura County under Government Codes 50050-50056. An advertisement of all items that have been reported by various County agencies as being unclaimed can be found in today’s section of Public Notices as well as in the March 23, 2012 edition. A party of interest may contact the Treasurer’s Office at (805) 654-3746 to obtain a claim form. The last date for claim forms to be received by the Treasurer’s Office is May 4, 2012, 5:00 pm, at which time unclaimed items shall become the property of Ventura County.

The Boys & Girls Club kids in a group shot before heading out to the Fillmore Library. The kids visit weekly to keep up on their reading skills. Thank you Fillmore Library for hosting us!!!
The Boys & Girls Club kids in a group shot before heading out to the Fillmore Library. The kids visit weekly to keep up on their reading skills. Thank you Fillmore Library for hosting us!!!
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Sacramento, CA – With only a few weeks left in the tax filing season, the Franchise Tax Board (FTB) reminds taxpayers about free online tax help online.

“Taxpayers can save time and money with these free online services,” said State Controller and FTB Chair John Chiang. “Taxpayers can get their refunds direct-deposited in 7-10 days when they use CalFile or ReadyReturn.”

Taxpayers can access a number of resources at FTB’s website: including:

· e-file your tax return for free using ReadyReturn. Qualified taxpayers have a completed tax return ready and waiting for them.

· CalFile, California’s free and direct e-file program available to more than 6.4 million taxpayers.

· MyFTB Account to check for estimated tax payments, recent payments made to a balance due, look up California wage and withholding information, change your address, or set up email reminders for estimate tax payments.

· Make tax payments online using Web Pay or your credit card. New this year is the ability to save your bank account number for future use, to view scheduled Web Pay requests, and to cancel a payment.

· Check your refund status.

· Find answers to frequently asked questions.

· Get tax forms and publications.

· Find a location to pick up a tax booklet.


VENTURA, CA - Many VISTA bus lines have seen double-digit gains in ridership in recent months, an indication more Ventura County residents are turning to public transit as a travel alternative.

Ridership on VISTA’s CSUCI-Camarillo line shot up a whopping 32.1 percent over this time last year, while ridership on VISTA’s East County line climbed 25 percent and CSUCI-Oxnard rose by 20 percent. The Coastal Express – which links Ventura County with Santa Barbara and remains VISTA’s most popular service – along with the VISTA Highway 101 posted gains of 13.5 percent and 13.4 percent, respectively. VISTA Highway 126, which runs nearly at capacity on some trips, saw a 6.6 percent hike. Ridership on VISTA’s Santa Paula and Fillmore Dial-A-Ride services saw increases of 6.2 percent and 5.4 percent, respectively. Each of these increases exceeds national bus ridership growth of 3.29 percent for the fourth quarter of 2011. Only VISTA’s Conejo Connection service, which connects Ventura County with Warner Center, saw a modest dip in total ridership.

“While the VISTA service has grown steadily across the years, with this latest increase in ridership we are beginning to see ‘at-capacity’ conditions on some of our more popular lines,” noted VCTC Executive Director Darren Kettle. “We are thrilled to see more Ventura County residents select transit, and we are working to accommodate more riders on our busiest lines.” One such solution is the Coastal Express Limited, a limited-stop service between Ventura and Santa Barbara operated by Santa Barbara MTD and funded as a part of the region’s freeway construction mitigation.

One likely reason for the increase in transit ridership is recent increases in gasoline prices. The average cost for a gallon of regular stands at nearly $4.40 in Ventura. That’s up almost 50 cents over last month, according to the Automobile Club of Southern California. Compare the cost to fill an average tank with the price of a bus pass (ranging from $20 for Heritage Valley Dial-A-Ride only to $105 for all fixed-route buses in Ventura County). Alternatively, the one-way adult fare can be as little as $1.25 per trip.

To learn more about VISTA bus services as well as all of VCTC’s programs and services, visit or call (800) 438-1112.


At the March 27th luncheon meeting at the Fillmore Memorial Building the ladies will be entertained by Judy Klement a award winning artist. She is known for her soft pastels that come alive in her portraits, land and seascapes. Originally from the east coast she now lives and has her studio/gallery in Santa Paula. Her art graces fine homes and establishments in the US and abroad. She will be painting portraits of some of the ladies in the audience. She claims that she is a wild art teacher and while painting she will be entertaining the group with many anecdotes .

The lunch which is now deliciously catered by Rose Zellmer starts at 12:30pm for the small cost of $12.00 and the program will start about 1:30pm. For reservations or more information please call Yvonne Deeter 524-2090.

Class of '52 (60th class reunion)

A letter from Reunion Chair, Jim Maddux.

Two months ago I sent you a letter regarding our 60th Class Reunion. I am pleased to report that we have received a very enthusiastic response. Thank you for your letters, e-mails, and phone calls. I am humbled by the effort that you are making to attend. One person said that they have postponed a hip and knee replacement until after the reunion. We have class members coming from as far as Washington, Nevada, Colorado, Texas, Arizona, and Northern and Central California.

I am taken back by the compassion that you have and are now giving to your spouses, and in some cases receiving, as result of different illnesses. I have been impressed by the care given to our former class mates by their spouses and family. A daughter of one of our deceased members remarked: "The death certificate said that Dad died of a heart attack but he really died of a broken heart. Mom had died 8 months previously and they were so close."

At this time we know where 44 class members live, we now know that 27 class members are deceased and there are 6 class members I can't find. We have no record of what happen to Pauline Gallion after graduation. The last address I have for Claudia Gonzales Gonzales is in Azusa. I have no information on Pat Hays. In my year book she signed her name "Pat Shull (Hays). The last address I have for Joyce Moffett Jones is in Laguna Niguel. The last address I have for Aurthur P. (Art) Lopez is in North Hills. The last addresses I have for Helen Gates Meredith Huntsville and Decatur Alabama. If you have any new information, please let me know.

At this time it looks as if we will have around 30 class members attending plus their spouses and friends. I have enclosed a copy of the reservation form which you should fill out and mail to the Alumni Association. Social hour begins at 4:00pm. I will be there at 4:00p.m. with some snacks to hold you over until dinner at 6:00p.m. Some of you have some very interesting hobbies and artistic skills. Please bring pictures and samples of your work.

In my opinion we were very blessed to have lived in Fillmore when we did. There are many happy memories and experiences we had that few ever have in their lifetime. Be prepared to share some of your treasured memories and experiences.


Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please add any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom.
Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please add any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom.
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Wade Nomura, (R) District Governor, presented the Rotary flag to Don Downey (L), of Rotary-noontime.
Wade Nomura, (R) District Governor, presented the Rotary flag to Don Downey (L), of Rotary-noontime.
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Don Downey, of Rotary Noontime, presented a check to Rod Thompson, of Lifewater, to continue pumping wells around the world.
Don Downey, of Rotary Noontime, presented a check to Rod Thompson, of Lifewater, to continue pumping wells around the world.
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Roberto Muñoz won the next level in the Lions Club Speech Contest held at Camarillo's Boys and Girls Club on March 6. He will compete again on March 29. There are 6 levels of competition. Roberto is a senior at Fillmore High School, and is the son of Mike and Janey Muñoz.
Roberto Muñoz won the next level in the Lions Club Speech Contest held at Camarillo's Boys and Girls Club on March 6. He will compete again on March 29. There are 6 levels of competition. Roberto is a senior at Fillmore High School, and is the son of Mike and Janey Muñoz.
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Kids lining up for a healthy snack after the routine club meeting.
Kids lining up for a healthy snack after the routine club meeting.
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Each day at the Boys & Girls Club they have a club meeting at 3:30pm for announcements & birthday celebrations.
Each day at the Boys & Girls Club they have a club meeting at 3:30pm for announcements & birthday celebrations.
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The daily attendance varies from 90-120 kids. Stop by and say hello.
The daily attendance varies from 90-120 kids. Stop by and say hello.
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A local gang tagged the Riverwalk levee last week. They must have been bored. Maybe getting a job, like a real man, would solve the problem. A $300 reward is offered by the Gazette for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the ‘girlz’ resonsible for this.
A local gang tagged the Riverwalk levee last week. They must have been bored. Maybe getting a job, like a real man, would solve the problem. A $300 reward is offered by the Gazette for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the ‘girlz’ resonsible for this.
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After a relaxing week-long vacation for Fillmore High, the school was already back in full swing on Monday, caught up in the flurry of activities centered around our annual Battle of the Sexes rally. There were dress-up days every day of the week, and the Bachelorette at lunch as well. Food Day on Friday proved to be a fantastic success; almost every stand completely sold out. The rally itself was energetic and competitive, finishing with the girls triumphing over the boys, although it was a close call. The same could be said for the two teams going head to head on later that night for the traditional Powder puff football game- junior girls vs. senior girls. The game received an excellent turnout in the stands, parents and friends from both sides coming together to cheer on the teams, each having practiced only a week beforehand. The girls proved themselves more than capable; the game was a very close one- the seniors only had one touchdown: a pass thrown by quarterback Ana Morino to Ashley Coert in the end zone. The juniors put up a hard fight, and nearly scored a touchdown of their own in the third quarter. Overall, it was an excellent week for the entire school, and as the third quarter ends, we look forward to many more in the remaining term.

The Sespe Players and the Fillmore High School will be performing Josh Overton’s “Guides” at the Sespe Auditorium on the following dates: March 23-25 and March 30-April 1.
The Sespe Players and the Fillmore High School will be performing Josh Overton’s “Guides” at the Sespe Auditorium on the following dates: March 23-25 and March 30-April 1.
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Livingston Visiting Nurse Association will hold Diabetes Classes to introduce basic information regarding diet, medication, exercise, blood sugar monitoring, new developments and common problems. Open to the public and free of charge, the classes are held the first Tuesday of the month, 1:00 – 2:30 pm @Livingston VNA, 1996 Eastman Ave, #101, Ventura. No registration is necessary; for information call Linda Hampson, RN, MSN @ 805-642-0239,ext 723.


LOS ANGELES, CA — Refunds totaling more than $1 billion may be waiting for one million people who did not file a federal income tax return for 2008, the Internal Revenue Service announced today. However, to collect the money, a return for 2008 must be filed with the IRS no later than Tuesday, April 17, 2012.

The IRS estimates that half of these potential 2008 refunds are over $600.

In some cases, people may not have filed their 2008 returns because they had too little income to require filing a tax return even though they had taxes withheld from their wages or made quarterly estimated payments. In cases where a return was not filed, the law provides most taxpayers with a three-year window of opportunity for claiming a refund. If no return is filed to claim a refund within three years, the money becomes property of the U.S. Treasury.

For 2008 returns, the window closes on April 17, 2012. The law requires that the return be properly addressed, mailed and postmarked by that date. There is no penalty for filing a late return qualifying for a refund.

The IRS reminds taxpayers seeking a 2008 refund that their checks may be held if they have not filed tax returns for 2009 and 2010. In addition, the refund will be applied to any amounts still owed to the IRS, and may be used to offset unpaid child support or past due federal debts such as student loans.

By failing to file a return, people stand to lose more than refunds of taxes withheld or paid during 2008. Some people, especially those who did not receive an economic stimulus payment in 2008, may qualify for the Recovery Rebate Credit. In addition, many low-and moderate-income workers may not have claimed the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). The EITC helps individuals and families whose incomes are below certain thresholds. The thresholds for 2008 were:
• $38,646 ($41,646 if married filing jointly) for those with two or more qualifying children,
• $33,995 ($36,995 if married filing jointly) for people with one qualifying child, and
• $12,880 ($15,880 if married filing jointly) for those with no qualifying children.
For more information, visit the EITC Home Page on

Current and prior year tax forms and instructions are available on the Forms and Publications page of or by calling toll-free 800-TAX-FORM (800-829-3676). Taxpayers who are missing Forms W-2, 1098, 1099 or 5498 for 2008, 2009 or 2010 should request copies from their employer, bank or other payer. If these efforts are unsuccessful, taxpayers can get a free transcript showing information from these year-end documents by ordering it on, filing Form 4506-T, or by calling 800-908-9946.

Targets Include Seniors, Working Families and Church Members in California

LOS ANGELES, CA – The Internal Revenue Service today warned senior citizens and other taxpayers to beware of an emerging federal tax refund scam tempting victims to file tax returns claiming fraudulent refunds. Bogus refund claims have been identified from California and at least five other states, including Georgia, Michigan, Louisiana, Alabama and Indiana.

These schemes carry a common theme of promising refunds to people who have little or no income, and are normally not required to file a federal income tax return. Promoters falsely claim they can obtain a tax refund or nonexistent stimulus payment for their victims based on the American Opportunity Tax Credit, even if the victim was not enrolled in or paying for college.

Typically, con artists falsely claim that refunds are available even if the victim never went to college, or attended decades ago. In many cases, scammers are targeting seniors, people with very low incomes and members of church congregations with false promises of free money.

“Most of these scams involve promoters who prey upon people in need, building false hopes. When victims’ claims are rejected, their money and the promoters are long gone,” said IRS spokesperson Anabel Marquez. “We want to warn the public to be on guard and stop this new scheme before more innocent people are victimized,” Anabel Marquez added.

The IRS has already detected and stopped thousands of these bogus refund claims in recent weeks. The agency is actively investigating the sources of this scheme, and its promoters can be subject to criminal prosecution.

These schemes can be quite costly for victims as promoters may charge exorbitant upfront fees to file their claim. Some promoters of these scams have charged victims $500 for a bogus $1,000 credit. All taxpayers, including those who use paid tax preparers, are legally responsible for the accuracy of their returns, and must repay any refunds received in error, plus any interest and applicable penalties. Those who intentionally try to defraud the government may face criminal prosecution.

Taxpayers should beware of any of the following to avoid becoming ensnared in these schemes:

• Fictitious claims for refunds or rebates based on false statements of entitlement to tax credits.
• Unfamiliar for-profit tax services selling refund and credit schemes to the membership of local churches.
• Internet solicitations that direct individuals to toll-free numbers and then solicit social security numbers.
• Homemade flyers and brochures implying credits or refunds are available without proof of eligibility.
• Offers of free money with no documentation required.
• Promises of refunds for “Low Income – No Documents Tax Returns.”
• Claims for the expired Economic Recovery Credit Program or for economic stimulus payments.
• Unsolicited offers to prepare a return and split the refund.
• Unfamiliar return preparation firms soliciting business from cities outside of the normal business or commuting area.

These refund schemes feature many of the warning signs IRS cautions taxpayers to watch for when choosing a tax preparer. For advice on choosing a competent tax professional, see Tips for Choosing a Tax Return Preparer on To get the facts on tax benefits related to education, go to the Tax Benefits for Education Information Center on