Save the Date: Sunday, March 11, 2012
Friends of the Carpenter family will be hosting a co-ed softball tournament in memory of Wes Carpenter.
The event will take place at Shiells Park in Fillmore, with a starting time of 8 a.m.
The price is $150 per team, with a limit of 20 teams. Money will be due by Monday, March 5. All proceeds will go to the Carpenter family.
Even if you're not playing, donations and/or support are welcome. We'd love to see you out in the stands!
Please email if you have any questions or are interested in getting a team together.



The Fillmore Women’s Service Club has made a donation of $250 to the Science/Pride In America Club at Fillmore Middle School to support their Pride In America celebration that is held every year just before Memorial Day weekend. Pride In America Day is entirely devoted to celebrating America with the whole school participating. The day begins with students focusing on important aspects of America’s history and traditions in their classrooms. The students then attend an assembly that is opened with a formal posting of colors by a military honor guard and includes a tribute to veterans. It is followed by an American style picnic. Fillmore Middle School is proud to have inspired thousands of students to be patriotic Americans because of this special program. Mrs. Merrill, the advisor for the Science/Pride in America Club, was very excited to learn of the donation from the Women’s Service Club and intends to use some of the money for decorations that can be used for several years. Pride In America Day is planned by Mrs. Merrill and her students who learn valuable leadership skills in doing so. The public is always welcome to join the Fillmore Middle School students for this special day.



Ojai, CA - On Saturday, March 3, 2:00 to 5:00 p.m., the Food Council of the Ojai Valley Green Coalition is hosting Master Food Preserver, Laurie Dill at Casa de Luna (710 N. La Luna, Meiners Oaks) who will present the many uses for a variety of citrus fruit. From facial scrubs to chutneys, flavored salts and sugars, to jams and marmalades, lemons, blood oranges, tangerines and grapefruits will be the celebrities of the day. Whether you just want to surprise your family or think about starting a small business in citrus condiments, this presentation is bound to please. Tastings, recipes, demos and discussion from an animated presenter, Laurie promises to delight and tantalize your senses.

Most of us have heard about the Master Gardener program through the University of California, but who knew that there is a complementary program, the Master Food Preservers? These programs began as a result of World War II food insecurity when all the farmers went off to war and the kitchen "Victory" garden movement began to feed American families.

While the gardening program continued to modern day, the food preserving program faded into history as easy cash, fast food and microwaves ruled the day. Well, the Master Food Preserver program has been found, dusted off, and is ramping back up through the University of California, as communities like the Ojai Valley strive to grow more of our own food and stretch the harvest. Think peaches in December. Actually, think WAY beyond canning. Canning fruits and vegetables is just one method of preserving food; add freezing, drying, fermenting and non-food products to the list.

$30 OVGC members, $35 non-members payable at the door. RSVPs requested since there's food being prepared ahead to For more information visit or call (805) 669-8445.

Don Snyder
Don Snyder

The Fillmore Ebell Club will be honoring their past presidents at their monthly luncheon meeting February 28th. All of the past presidents have been requested to wear hats as a tribute to their past. The entertainment this month is Don Snyder a club favorite who has been entertaining the ladies for many years. Don is a premier Cabaret entertainer and will be transporting the ladies back to a more romantic, gentler, sophisticated era. The club is hoping the ladies of Fillmore would like to join their organization for a interesting and entertaining time in their lives. The Club will be meeting February 28th at 12:30pm at the memorial building. For more information and reservations please call LaVonne Deeter at 524-2090. Lunch is $12.00 per person.


Santa Paula, CA - Santa Clara Valley Bank (SCVBank; OTC BB: SCVE.OB) is pleased to help facilitate the beautiful new senior housing project “The Orchards of Santa Paula”, scheduled to have its formal opening March 1st. “We provided $1,975,000 in construction and permanent financing” reported President and CEO Cheryl Knight. “Although the project was well under construction without financing, SCVBank was happy and privileged to make this project a priority, working with a great team that included Ramsey Jay, executive director of the Santa Paula Housing Authority, and McGillivray Construction, general contractor.”

“At SCVBank we applaud the development of much needed affordable housing to accommodate seniors with disabilities who are still self sufficient. The project has strong architectural appeal, replacing a blighted project, conserving and re-using materials and emphasizing a green footprint. The 20 one-bedroom, one-story apartments are Craftsman style, low density with a lovely walking trail and mountain views. They add to the beauty of our community”.

Founded in 1998, Santa Clara Valley Bank has offices in Santa Paula, Fillmore, and Valencia. Under its stock symbol of SCVE.OB, Santa Clara Valley Bank's stock is traded through McAdams Wright Ragen, Raymond James, and Wedbush Morgan Securities. The Bank's web site is

Santa Clara Valley Bank Corporate Headquarters
901 East Main Street
Santa Paula, California 93060

Statements concerning future performance, developments or events concerning expectations for growth and market forecasts, and any other guidance on future periods, constitute forward looking statements that are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from stated expectations. Specific factors include, but are not limited to, the effect of interest rate changes, the ability to control costs and expenses, the impact of consolidation in the banking industry, financial policies of the United States government, and general economic conditions.

Homeowners Invited to a Public meeting, February 23, Nyeland Acres Community Center

Oxnard, CA - Habitat for Humanity of Ventura County is seeking applicants in Nyeland Acres for its exterior home repair program, A Brush with Kindness. For low-income homeowners who qualify, Habitat for Humanity provides small loans and volunteer crews for simple repairs, such as painting, weed removal, and yard clean up. To learn more about this program, homeowners living in the Nyeland Acres community are invited to attend a February 23rd meeting at the Nyeland Acres Neighborhood Center, located at 3334 Santa Clara Street. The meeting will begin promptly at 7:00 pm.

Supervisor Zaragoza is a strong supporter of programs that support families in need, and he is proud to work with Habitat for Humanity on A Brush with Kindness. “A Brush with Kindness is an excellent program that supports families who own their home but have limited means to fix and clean up their properties,” said Zaragoza. “The program provides hope and pride for the family who owns the home, increasing property values in the neighborhood, bringing neighbors and the community together, and increases community pride.”

Supervisor Zaragoza is very proud of the work he has already done in the Nyeland Acres area, including opening the Nyeland Community Center (in cooperation with the Rio School District), helping to coordinate three neighborhood clean-up events (with County Integrated Waste Management Program), coordinating Town Hall meetings and special events, and bringing the El Rio Municipal Advisory Council meeting to Nyeland Acres.

”We are thrilled to participate in this exciting, new venture for Habitat for Humanity. We are optimistic about the positive impact we can make on the community as a whole and addressing the many housing needs of low-income community,” commented Stacy Swanson, Habitat for Humanity of Ventura County’s Executive Director.

Through A Brush with Kindness, Habitat for Humanity of Ventura County will work with other community organizations to determine the projects that will be carried out locally. Habitat services may include minor to critical repairs for low-income homeowners.

About Habitat for Humanity of Ventura County
Habitat for Humanity is a non-profit, ecumenical Christian housing organization that builds homes in partnership with people in need of adequate shelter. Homeowners are selected based on their need for housing, ability to repay a zero-interest, no-profit loan, and willingness to partner with Habitat for Humanity. Because Habitat’s loans are no-profit, they are affordable for low-income family partners. Homeowners’ mortgage payments build additional houses through the Fund for Humanity. Habitat for Humanity of Ventura County, a locally-run and locally-funded affiliate of Habitat for Humanity International, has provided homeownership opportunities for 54 Ventura County families and repaired over 500 homes since 1983. For more information about Habitat for Humanity of Ventura Country, visit: Habitat for Humanity of Ventura County was selected as one of 163 affiliates nationwide to participate in Habitat for Humanity International’s initial phase of its Neighborhood Revitalization Initiative, the umbrella program for A Brush with Kindness and Minor and Critical Repair program. That effort will focus on improving housing conditions while partnering with other community organizations to provide services that enhance the overall quality of life across struggling neighborhoods.

About Supervisor Zaragoza
John Zaragoza currently serves as the County Supervisor on the Ventura County Board of Supervisors. He represents the Fifth District, which includes Oxnard and unincorporated areas near Oxnard. Supervisor Zaragoza has a long history of distinguished public service. Supervisor Zaragoza began his career serving the public in 1962, working as a bus operator for the City of Oxnard. He was promoted to Assistant Transit Supervisor, then Refuse Supervisor and in 1978 was promoted to Refuse Superintendent. As the manager of a major city program, John lead the way in implementing progressive automated commercial and residential refuse collection programs, which saved residents and businesses hundreds of thousands of dollars in refuse costs. He later lead the team which implemented recycling and household hazardous waste programs, including completing plans to close the local landfill and build a waste transfer and recycling facility (now known as the Del Norte Recycling and Transfer Station). John retired as Oxnard Refuse Superintendent in 1993, and was elected to the Oxnard City Council in 1996. He served as Mayor Pro tem and City Council member for 12 years, as well as serving on numerous board and commissions. His leadership brought Oxnard residents and businesses lower crime rates; improved programs for youth, recreation and seniors; high-quality affordable housing; increased budget reserves; outstanding environmental programs and increased job opportunities.


Ventura, CA - The Cancer Resource Center at Community Memorial Hospital is offering a bi-monthly women’s cancer support group as well a free monthly series of creativity and expression classes for cancer patients.

The Women’s Cancer Support Group meets the second and fourth Tuesday of each month from 6 to 7:30 p.m. It provides patients the opportunity to share experiences, information and assistance in coping with a cancer diagnosis.

Creativity Central, which next meets on Monday, Feb. 27, is led by internationally licensed artist and author M. Nicole van Dam. Classes encourage cancer patients to explore their creativity through art, handcrafts, writing and music. Works will be exhibited at the center so that patients can share with the community their growth and spirit.

Both the Women’s Cancer Support Group and Creativity Central are being held in Suite 105 at the Cancer Resource Center, located at 2900 Loma Vista Road. For more information or to RSVP, call 805/652-5459.

Community Memorial Hospital is a member of Community Memorial Health System, a not-for-profit health system, which is comprised of Community Memorial Hospital, Ojai Valley Community Hospital, and 11 family-practice health centers entitled Centers for Family Health. The health system is located in Ventura County, California.


Political candidate ads appearing in local newspapers are rated as annoying by just 18% of registered voters, while ads appearing on local TV are seen as annoying by 54%, according to results of a survey released in February 2012 by the Newspaper Association of America (NAA). Network TV (50%), cable TV (43%), and radio (39%) ads are also rated annoying by a significant proportion of registered voters, though political ads on the internet (27%) garner the frustration of far fewer.

Younger Voters Less Annoyed
Younger voters display a lesser propensity to be annoyed by political ads in a variety of broadcast media. 49% of 18-34-year-olds say they find candidate ads on local TV to be annoying, compared to 58% of those aged 35-44 and 56% of those over 65. Voters over 65 are also 30% more likely to be annoyed by network TV ads than 18-34-year-olds (57% vs. 44%), 20% more likely to find internet ads annoying (30% vs. 25%), and 47% more likely to be annoyed by local newspaper ads (22% vs. 15%).

Interestingly, though, 18-34-year-olds are as likely as their counterparts over 65 to be annoyed by candidate ads on cable TV (both at 47%), and 37% more likely to be annoyed by radio ads (44% vs. 32%).

Local Papers Most Reliable for Civic Info
Meanwhile, local newspapers top the list of sources for accurate, in-depth coverage of political or civic issues with an impact on voters’ specific locality, rated reliable by 57% of respondents. Local TV stations (55%) closely follow, ahead of local radio stations (43%) and local websites (39%). Just 14% believe social media websites to be reliable sources of accurate and in-depth information about local civic issues.

When asked about...

Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please add any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom.
Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please add any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom.
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The Fillmore Chamber of Commerce is having an art contest. We will be celebrating the 100th year anniversary for the May festival. The May Festival dates will be May 17, 18, 19, & 20. This year's theme is fortune favored Fillmore and due to the 100th year, purple is the traditional color for that celebration. So purple it is! We are asking all artists to participate in the art contest. You can use pencils, crayons, oils, water colors, etc... The size of your artwork is to be on 8x11 size paper. Please turn it into the Fillmore Chamber of Commerce located at 557 Ventura Street, Fillmore, CA 93015 no later than Monday, March 19, 2012. The top 10 entries will be posted at this year’s community awards dinner on March 22 where we will allow voting from the public. If you have any questions please call 805-524-7706.


Mark your calendar to save the date for the Great Train Robbery fundraising event, benefiting the Boys & Girls Club of Santa Clara Valley. This special event train will board at 5:30pm and is scheduled for departure at 6:00 pm on Saturday, March 3, 2012. Upon boarding guests will first hustle through the BBQ buffet, provided by Laird’s Catering of Santa Paula, then claim a table in one of the four 1930-‘s-40’s dining cars. A full no-host bar is available onboard, provided by Fillmore & Western Railway.

Entertainment includes a ‘shoot out’ and ‘train-jacking’ by local desperadoes, played to the hilt by the Ventura County Sheriff’s Posse vs. the Frontier Gunfighter group. Many arrests will occur during the trip by Chief of Police Steve MacKinnon from Santa Paula. Judges for the night will be Fillmore Chief of Police, Monica “Blood Bath McGrath” and making a return appearance will be Sheriff, Tim “Hang ‘Em High Hagel”. Prisoners arrested, tried and sentenced will be held in a special onboard ‘jail’. The arrestees can be ‘bailed out’ after an appearance before the ‘traveling judge’. Passengers will also be encouraged to enjoy the music from a live band on the open-air dance car.

The route runs through the Heritage Valley departing Fillmore and traveling to Santa Paula. The entire trip will last approximately 3 to 3-1/2 hours.

Boarding tickets sell for $55 per person, and can be ordered by calling the Boys & Girls Club of Santa Clara Valley at 805-525-7910. Advance sales are encouraged as seating is limited.

The Boys & Girls Club of Santa Clara Valley provides after school and Summer Camp programs for children ages 5 to 18, at the Club’s two locations; 1400 E. Harvard Blvd., Santa Paula and 565 First St., Fillmore. Club members pay a $25 annual fee to attend the Club, and no child is turned away for their inability to pay the membership fee. It costs the Club $560 per child annually to provide services for its members. The obvious gap between cost of services and membership is bridged by generous donations from local businesses, private donors and local and national grants. Donors interested in providing financial assistance to the Boys & Girls Club of Santa Clara Valley are encouraged to contact the Club at 805-525-7910. All donations, regardless of amount, are gratefully appreciated.

Fillmore Fire Department was called out to Two Rivers Park on Friday at 5pm for a traumatic injury.
Fillmore Fire Department was called out to Two Rivers Park on Friday at 5pm for a traumatic injury.
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Fortunately, it wasn’t a serious injury; two boys bumped into each other, one received a head wound. First responder Capt.
Fortunately, it wasn’t a serious injury; two boys bumped into each other, one received a head wound. First responder Capt.
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Bob Thompson said this is the first time he has been called to the park for an injury.
Bob Thompson said this is the first time he has been called to the park for an injury.
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The Heritage Valley Girl Scouts from Piru to Santa Paula celebrated 100 years of Girl Scouting, Friday night February 10, 2012 at Wesley Hall at the Presbyterian Church on Mill St., Santa Paula. This celebration coincided with the annual World Thinking Day which occurs every February 22 around the world in which Girl Scouts participate in activities with global themes to honor their sister Girl Scouts and Guides in other countries.

This year’s event was attended by over 200 people as they watched 14 local troops adopt a state, set up a booth with their state’s history, facts and favorite foods which were available for tasting. The girls entertained everyone with a performance centered around their adopted states.

This event was hosted by Senior troop, 60933 with Suzi Ortiz as their leader. They also gave a wonderful history of the 100 years of Girl Scouting dating back to its founder, Juliette Gordon Low, who started the first U. S. troop in Savannah, Georgia back in 1912. Low worked with Lord Baden Powell in England back in 1911 when Boy Scouts was founded there.

The troops that participated in this event with their adopted states include: Santa Paula troops: 60040, Cadettes, Leader-Erin Valenzuela, Alaska, 60321, Cadettes, Leader-Cathy Fernandez, California, 60287, Seniors, Leader-Marilyn Appleby, Virginia, 60624, Daisys, Leaders- Glenda Learn and Karen Reeder, New York, 60625, Brownies, Leader-Susan Reese, Texas, 60638, Juniors, Leader Karen Reeder, Louisiana, 60776, Brownies, Leader-Cathy Fernandez, Kansas.

The Fillmore troop participants were: 60420, Brownies, Leaders-Casey Beckett and Kelli Couse, Illinois, 60697, Juniors, Leader-Andrea Rodriguez, Hawaii, 60631,Cadettes, Leader- Autumn Ramirez, Oregon, 60558, Juniors, Leader Kelli Couse, Wisconsin, 60101, Brownies, Leader-Lena Perez, Washington, 60120, Daisies, Leader-Alyssa Cruz, Georgia.


Last night the Alumni Board had their first Board meeting of the year. Many subjects were discussed from Class Pictures being framed to our 100th Alumni Anniversary in June 2013. The Financial reserves were discussed and approved. The Flashbacks (Newsletter) Editor gave us information on the upcoming issue, and should be ready to mail out before the end of the month. Speaking of Flashbacks, please send us any fun stories of your years growing up in Fillmore, or attending Fillmore Schools. We can publish them in the upcoming issues of Flashbacks.

The 2012 Scholarship Applications were sent to the High School in January, and we already have 37 apps returned for review. The Deadline for the High School Seniors to get their application in to the Alumni office is February 24th.

Another discussion being brought up was having an Alumni Booth at the Fillmore May Festival this May. Information will be collected and then the Board will decide whether to go with this project or not. One of the concerns is getting enough Alumni in the area to work the booth. If you ever have thought about helping the Alumni out in some way or another, please contact the Alumni Office at 805-524-0416, and discuss this with Mark Ortega. It could be anything. Maybe setting up chairs at the Memorial Building for the Alumni Dinner, or sitting at the May Festival Booth to hand out information. We love our organization and we know you do to, so any help, in anyway is appreciated. The Next Board meeting is scheduled for Monday, May 21st, 2012. F.H.S. Alumni., Onword, and upword.


Livingston Visiting Nurse Association will hold Diabetes Classes to introduce basic information regarding diet, medication, exercise, blood sugar monitoring, new developments and common problems. Open to the public and free of charge, the classes are held the first Tuesday of the month, 1:00 – 2:30 pm @Livingston VNA, 1996 Eastman Ave, #101, Ventura. C all Linda Hampson, RN, MSN @ 805-642-0239,ext 723.


Ventura, CA – The Ventura County Health Care Agency announces the opening at 7:00 a.m. this morning of the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) in Ventura County Medical Center (VCMC), located at 3291 Loma Vista Road, Ventura. The newly opened unit will care for gravely ill children, and is the only PICU in the county.

Dr. Robert Gonzalez, the Health Care Agency Director, says the opening of the new PICU on the VCMC campus has been a goal for the hospital for some time now. “This unit, under the medical leadership of Dr. John Marcum, will allow very sick children the opportunity to be cared for close to home. This is a wonderful advantage for families who are already undergoing a stressful time.”

Dr. John Marcum, the VCMC Pediatric Intensive Care Director, comes to VCMC with 10 years of experience. He was formerly Director of Pediatric Intensive Care at North Central Baptist Hospital in San Antonio, Texas. Dr. Marcum graduated from medical school at the University of Southern California, and following his residency in pediatrics, completed a fellowship in Critical Care at Childrens Hospital Los Angeles. Dr. Marcum is Board Certified in general pediatrics and pediatric critical care medicine. “So many people have worked for many months to see this realized and this opening today is the culmination of the dedicated team here at VCMC and the tremendous amount of heart and soul they put into the services they provide to this community.”

The VCMC PICU has received generous support from the community, including the Harriet H. Samulesson Foundation and the Ventura County Medical Resource Foundation.

A grand opening celebration for the new PICU at VCMC, which will be announced shortly.

Found:  Small female fawn-colored chihuahua on Superbowl Sunday, near C Street in Fillmore.  She is well-fed, weighs about 10 pounds or so, has white on chest and some white on paws.  Call (805) 218-8517 if you think this is your missing dog!  She is an escape artist and tries to run out the door every chance she has.  Some family must be missing this little sweet dog.  She is adorable.
Found: Small female fawn-colored chihuahua on Superbowl Sunday, near C Street in Fillmore. She is well-fed, weighs about 10 pounds or so, has white on chest and some white on paws. Call (805) 218-8517 if you think this is your missing dog! She is an escape artist and tries to run out the door every chance she has. Some family must be missing this little sweet dog. She is adorable.
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Buddy Escoto, Fillmore Club Director of the Boys & Girls Club of Santa Clara Valley took 10 students to the Fillmore Fish Hatchery. The group was excited and 7 of the students had never been there before. They all got to feed the fish and it was exciting. On the way home they stopped at McDonalds for a treat. It was a great afternoon out!
Buddy Escoto, Fillmore Club Director of the Boys & Girls Club of Santa Clara Valley took 10 students to the Fillmore Fish Hatchery. The group was excited and 7 of the students had never been there before. They all got to feed the fish and it was exciting. On the way home they stopped at McDonalds for a treat. It was a great afternoon out!
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Applications for the Miss Fillmore/Miss Teen Fillmore Pageant are available. The Mother/Daughter Tea will take place at the Memorial Building on Wednesday, February 22nd beginning at 6:30PM. Points will begin that evening. Refreshments will be provided. Questions and answers will also be addressed at that time. The first practice begins Wednesday, February 29th. Miss Contestants must be a Junior or Senior girl in good standing. Teen Contestants must be a girl between the ages of 13 (by January 1st) and 17 in good standing, but not a Junior or Senior. All contestants must reside within the Fillmore Unified School District boundaries. Applications are available at Fillmore High School, Fillmore Middle School and at Fillmore Chamber of Commerce or by contacting Pageant Director Lori McLain at #524-4432.

Ventura County youth challenged to compete in three categories, entries due April 2

The Social Justice Fund for Ventura County (SJF) is accepting entries from teens, ages 14 to 18, for its Second Annual Social Justice Fund Teen Multimedia Contest.

Ventura County teens are asked to express what social justice means to them through essay, song lyrics, poem, poster, or video. Original work should address a social justice issue by identifying the problem and imagining a positive change the artist or author would like to see.

First-place winners in each of three categories – written word, poster and video - will win $250 and be invited to present their work May 6, as part of “Social Justice Center Stage,” SJF’s annual community event, at The Four Friends Gallery in Thousand Oaks. Winning entries will be on display at this event, and the winner in each category will be invited to attend and to show his or her work.

“Social Justice is more relevant in today’s world than ever before,” said Yvonne Tang, chair of the contest committee and a member of the Social Justice Fund Giving Circle. “From the Arab Spring to the Dream Act to college tuition increases to peer prejudice and bullying, social justice issues are shaping our lives and will greatly impact our future.”

The Social Justice Fund for Ventura County is a social change grant making and educational organization created and guided by Ventura County donors, hosted by the Ventura County Community Foundation. SJF has been established to advance equality and opportunity for all. It brings together the resources of a “Giving Circle” – a place where SJF donors come together and have a say in the grants given – and the organizing power of grassroots groups. Together, we are working to advance solutions to poverty and inequality.

The contest entry deadline is Monday, April 2. Full contest rules are available on SJF’s website: