By Anonymous — Thursday, April 26th, 2012
By Anonymous — Wednesday, April 25th, 2012
![]() Brooke Aguirre - Brooke is the daughter of Andrew and Kathleen Aguirre. She is 17 years old and a junior at Fillmore High School. Enlarge Photo ![]() Raquel Alcantar - Raquel is the daughter of Richard Alcantar and Irma Hernandez. She is 17 years old and a junior at Fillmore High School. Enlarge Photo ![]() Tanya Barrera - Tanya is the daughter of Alex and Mary Barrera. She is 18 years old and a senior at Fillmore High School. Enlarge Photo ![]() Savannah Bullard - Savannah is the daughter of David and Cyndie Bullard and Randy and Marry-Allyn Garcia. She is 16 years old and a junior at Fillmore High School. Enlarge Photo ![]() Krystal Casillas - Krystal is the daughter of Pedro and Esmeralda Casillas. She is 16 years old and a junior at Fillmore High School. Enlarge Photo ![]() Kiara Garibay - Kiara is the daughter of Jason Orello and Sylvia Garibay. She is 18 years old and a senior at Fillmore High School Enlarge Photo ![]() Laura Garnica - Laura is the daughter of John and Beverly Garnica. She is 16 years old and a junior at Fillmore High School. Enlarge Photo ![]() Itzelle Iniguez - Itzelle is the daughter of Miguel and Marizol-Sepeda Iniguez. She is 17 years old and a senior at Fillmore High School. Enlarge Photo ![]() Anissa Magdaleno - Anissa is the daughter of Joe and Maria Magdaleno. She is 17 years old and a senior at Fillmore High School. Enlarge Photo ![]() Hailee Smith - Hailee is the daughter of Jerry and Shanna Steelsmith and Alan Smith. She is 16 years old and a junior at Fillmore High School. Enlarge Photo ![]() Amanda Vassaur - Amanda is the daughter of Bill and Berta Vassaur. She is 17 years old and a junior at Fillmore High School. Enlarge Photo |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, April 25th, 2012
![]() Fillmore’s Mayor Gayle Washburn receives a certificate of appreciation from Vision 2020, Civic Pride Committee member, Linda Nunes for sponsoring a large Central Avenue replanted pot. Sponsors like Gayle are helping us complete the red, white & blue flower theme in the downtown area. Enlarge Photo ![]() Victoria Pace, a 6th grader at Fillmore Middle School, receives a certificate of appreciation for sponsoring and helping replant a large Central Avenue pot as part of Vision 2020, Civic Pride Committee’s downtown revitalization project. Bill Dewey, a Civic Pride member, makes the presentation. Enlarge Photo |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, April 25th, 2012
![]() Grad Nite Live held their annual yard sale last Saturday. The event was very successful and raised over $1,000, going towards the Grad Nite Live Cruise and breakfast. Enlarge Photo |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, April 25th, 2012
Artwork from over 3,500 school-aged waterfowl artists throughout the state was judged during the 22nd Annual California Federal Junior Duck Stamp Contest (Contest) in Chico, on Thursday, March 29th. In California, the Federal Junior Duck Stamp Program is coordinated by Marilyn Gamette and facilitated by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service’s (USFWS) Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge Complex (SNWRC). A panel of 10 judges was tasked with selecting 100 winners. The artwork was judged in four age groups: K-3, 4-6, 7-9, and 10-12. From these groups, three 1st, three 2nd, three 3rd place, and 16 honorable mention winners were chosen. Winning designs receive ribbons and all entrants will receive a certificate of appreciation and awards. One art design earned the distinguished title of California’s Best of Show, which is a pair of Hooded Mergansers, by 17 year old Hyun Wang from Torrance, CA and attends Green Art Studio. Her artwork will be submitted to Washington D.C. to compete with the other states’ Best of Show winners during the National Junior Duck Stamp Design Contest at the Patuxent Research Refuge in Laurel, MD, on April 20, 2012. The national winner’s design will be made into the 2012-2013 Federal Junior Duck Stamp. In addition, three conservation messages were selected from each age group to receive awards. These messages were submitted on the artwork entry form and judged for originality, understanding of wetland and waterfowl conservation, and inspiration. All 100 winning artwork entries and 12 winning conservation messages will be on display throughout the year at various California events. The mission of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is working with others to conserve, protect and enhance fish, wildlife, plants and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people. We are both a leader and trusted partner in fish and wildlife conservation, known for our scientific excellence, stewardship of lands and natural resources, dedicated professionals and commitment to public service. For more information on our work and the people who make it happen, visit |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, April 25th, 2012
A workshop was recently led by Charlene Smith for the teenagers at One Step A La Vez on floral arrangements. Charlene Smith has led workshops the last two years to share her knowledge and creative talent in arranging flowers with the youth of Fillmore. I mentioned in my previously sent article on the 2012 flower show, that Civic |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, April 25th, 2012
We lost "Bear", a young adult male GOLDEN RETRIEVER last weekend from the KOA exit 163. He ran after a rabbit, losing collar and leash along the way. He must have ran far, he had never encountered a rabbit before, no doubt a new experience that didn't end well. He has a small white spot on his chest/otherwise turning blond/red coat. He is just getting his adult coat as he is almost 1 year old. He is friendly, has had all shots. Any information would be wonderful. We are heartbroken. Please contact Sue at (941) 484-4477 or (209) 484-0029 or email |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, April 25th, 2012
Do you want to do something significant with your time? If you can spare a couple of hours a week, you CAN make a life-changing difference for a court-dependent abused, abandoned or neglected child in your own community! Court Appointed Special Advocates (C.A.S.A.) is a nation-wide non profit organization that trains volunteers to advocate for abused, neglected and abandoned kids in the foster care system. Currently in Ventura County, there are over 1,000 court-dependent children living in foster and group homes. Over 200 of these children who are the most "at risk" because they have few or no family supports, are appointed to our program. We have a great need for more volunteers– especially men, and those who are bi-lingual in Spanish and English! An Informational Orientation is taking place Tuesday, May 29th, 2012 from 6 :30 - 8 pm at a location in Camarillo for people to learn more about how they can help. If you are interested in attending, please contact Bernadette at (805) 389-3120 or email You’ll be glad you did and so will a child in need! (Tax deductible donations are also GREATYLY appreciated ! Please mail to CASA of Ventura County, POB 1135, Camarillo, CA 93011-1135) |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, April 25th, 2012
Hansen Agricultural Center (Faulkner Farm) at 287 S. Briggs Rd., Santa Paula
Wednesday, May 2, 2012 VENTURA, CA - May is Watershed Awareness Month and on Wednesday, May 2, from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., the Santa Clara River Watershed Committee is inviting the community to celebrate the successful efforts in the Santa Clara River Watershed. Hosted by Hansen Agricultural Center (Faulkner Farm, 287 S. Briggs Rd. in Santa Paula), this is event is free to the public. Speakers will educate, and motivate attendees by addressing the accomplishments, challenges and untapped opportunities for the future of the Santa Clara River Watershed. Posters and exhibits by local organizations will provide highlights of programs underway to protect and enhance the watershed. Speakers include: Ventura County Supervisor Kathy Long John Krist - Chief Executive Officer, Farm Bureau of Ventura County Mike Solomon - General Manager, United Water Conservation District Ron Bottorff - Founder and Chairman, Friends of the Santa Clara River Rick Gould - Director of Parks, Recreation and Community Services, City of Santa Clarita Also, on separate days, free tours will be held to help the public learn more about the successful efforts to restore the watershed and improve sustainability. Saturday, May 12, 2012 - 9 a.m. -10 a.m. - Nature Walk and Talk tour of the Hanson property owned by The Nature Conservancy Property in Santa Paula, 11 a.m.- noon - docent led tour of the Agriculture Museum in Santa Paula (926 Railroad Ave.) featuring farm implements used in the extensive agriculture industry in the county. Saturday, May 19, 2012 - 9 a.m. -10 a.m. - the City of Santa Clarita will discuss its purchase of the last natural three-acre section of Bouquet Creek (27150 Bouquet Canyon Rd.) within city limits and look at the restored native plant palette after invasive plants were removed. From 11 a.m.– noon - tour of the recycled water system used at La Verne Nursery (3645 Camulos St.) in Piru that captures irrigation tailwater and storm water for reuse on fruit trees. For maps, more information and how to RSVP visit: or contact Lynn Rodriguez at |
By Anonymous — Tuesday, April 24th, 2012
The 2012, Fillmore Flower Show, “ Celebration of Flowers” sponsored by Vision2020/Civic Pride Committee has come & gone leaving memories of enthusiastic volunteers, fragrant & colorful flower specimens, bouquets and arrangements displaying creative talent in abundance, lovely floral artwork, and a community eager to continue this tradition that began before WWI. The nationally certified judges, Barbara Schneider, Susan Diller & Una Lopez, again expressed their enjoyment in participating in our show & offered their support by purchasing roses by donation. They are pleased that we are offering training & encouragement to interest the youth of Fillmore & surrounding areas with flower show protocol and competitive design methods. This year an arrangement workshop was led by Charlene Smith for the teenagers at One Step A La Vez. A “hands on” miniature flower arrangement session led by Janet Foy was combined with the Soroptimist/Friends of the Library reading program at the Fillmore Library for younger children and a “bay leaf” wreath- making event was included in Cindy Klittich’s 4-H meeting. The wreaths were made as a fundraiser for next year’s flower show. These training workshops helped produce a “Best of Show” winner from our Youth Division this year! The youth are required to bring their flowers and decorations and ideas to the show and then put them all together there without help from others. The creativity demonstrated is wonderful and inspiring for all who attend. Asher Smith has provided violin music for the last 4 years and played both Saturday and Sunday, making a nice tradition for the show. It was decided that this year’s “Best of Show” award would be presented in honor of Sarah Hansen, an active member of our Civic Pride Committee for years. 2012 Flower Show winners by division were: Best of Show, Lauren Fairall, 12 years old, with her theme “cake” of flowers topped by candles. Division I, (Rose: cut, single stem) Joanne King; Division II,(Iris: cut, single stem) Carolyn Lasky; Division III, (Other single stem, cut) Mark Ortega; Division IV, (Bouquets) Charlene Smith; Division V, (Arrangements) Charlene Smith; Division VI, (Miniature Bouquets & Arrangements) Susan Hopkins; Division VII (Potted Plants) Mark Ortega; Division VIII, (Dish Gardens) John Zermeno; Division IX, (Youth Arrangements) Lauren Fairall; Division X, (Youth Compositions) Lauren Fairall. We, who work on the shows’ planning team, value the support of Fillmore city staff like Joe Zuniga and workers that put up our big banners over Central Avenue, Patrick Maynard for helping us with the brochures, and Annette Cardona for the use of the Senior Center location. We know the show would not be possible without all the help. Cindy Klittich designed & printed the bookmarks for the youth entrants, Marci Thompson loaned tables, Otto and Sons Nursery provided roses for decoration and fundraising and many hard workers came in Friday to help with set up & remained Sunday for “take down”. We appreciate our local merchants who support us each year by putting up posters, passing out brochures and providing door prizes. Please “shop locally” and check out their merchandise and services. Give them a big “thank you” for supporting the Flower Show! Merchants providing doorprizes were Attractions Spa, Avenue Pet, Mimstar, Otto & Sons Nursery, Patterson Hardware, The Scented Path, and The Treasure Station. Individuals providing door prizes were Carolyn Lasky with a rare Green Goddess calla lily from the Huntington Library gardens and her beautiful cymbidium orchids for fundraising and as door prizes and the King & King Ranch with 4 decorated baskets displaying their extensive collection of fruit grown. And please, remember that you are all invited to participate in bringing the flower show and other worthy community projects like historical plaques, “Yard of the Month” awards and flower plantings in the downtown area to fruition. Come add your voice and effort to improve quality of life and esthetic appeal to our community. Civic Pride Committee meets the third Wednesday of each month at 1:30 PM in City Hall. |
By Anonymous — Tuesday, April 24th, 2012
![]() Girl Scout Troop 60697, of Fillmore, did an Earth Day clean up on Friday walking from Shiells Park to City Hall picking up trash. The girls in the photo are Ashley McNight, Ellie Zielsdorf, Maddie Davis, Jillian Graves, Jayni Rolfe, Kalista Rodriguez, Jaelina Ramirez, and Jordyn Rolfe. The weather was hot but we had a lot of fun anyway. Enlarge Photo |
By Anonymous — Tuesday, April 24th, 2012
![]() On Tuesday April 17th the City of Fillmore Fire Department was called out on a typical response, that many fire departments no longer respond to. The reporting party called 911 after being told that animal control could not help them. The reporting party stated that a cat had been in their palm tree for 5 to 7 days. Medic Engine 91 responded, could hear the cat meowing in the tree, but were unable to see it. Firefighters extended a ladder into the tree and firefighter/paramedic Eric Arthur was able to locate and extricate the cat. Enlarge Photo |
By Anonymous — Tuesday, April 24th, 2012
This Saturday, April 28, from 8 am until noon, the Bardsdale United Methodist Women will conduct their annual spring Courtyard Sale at the historic Bardsdale church. When the yellow ribbon comes down, incredible bargains can be found downstairs in LeBard Hall among tables of kitchen ware, electronics and appliances, shoes, toys, books and bric-a-brac. Outside will be racks of clothing, home furnishings and other larger items. Savvy shoppers are sure to find just what they're looking for at a great price. Proceeds from this popular event supports the many ministries of the Bardsdale United Methodist Women. The church is located at 1498 Bardsdale Aveue. |
By Anonymous — Monday, April 23rd, 2012
VENTURA, CA - District Attorney Gregory D. Totten announced today that the Ventura County District Attorney’s Office will commemorate National Crime Victims’ Rights Week with a ceremony and march on Wednesday, April 25, 2012. We invite all to attend and join our collective reflection and recommitment to victims’ rights and services. The program will begin at 11:45 a.m. at the Ventura County Government Center, Hall of Administration, Board of Supervisors Hearing Room, 800 South Victoria Avenue in Ventura. This year’s ceremony will include remarks by Ms. Gabriella Aguirre, daughter of slain Ventura County Sheriff’s Deputy Peter Aguirre. Deputy Aguirre was murdered in the line of duty on July 17, 1996, while investigating a family disturbance in the Ojai area. Additionally, the District Attorney will present the Crime Victims’ Rights award to Ventura County Sheriff’s Senior Deputy Ryan Clark and Deputy William Hollowell for their work in a Lockwood Valley case in which a ten-week-old baby was murdered. Following the program will be the March for Victims around the Government Center. Lunch will be provided by Interface Children Family Services, the Coalition for Family Harmony, and the Coca-Cola Bottling Company. This event is free and open to the public. National Crime Victims’ Rights Week, first recognized in 1981, is April 22-28, 2012. This year’s theme – Extending the Vision: Reaching Every Victim – celebrates the vision behind the progress in advancing victims’ rights and the ideal of serving all victims of crime. |
By Anonymous — Monday, April 23rd, 2012
Ventura, CA - Community Memorial Hospital’s Cancer Resource Center will be holding a Cancer Survivors Day celebration to honor cancer survivors on Sunday, June 3. A “cancer survivor” is anyone living with a history of cancer – from the moment of diagnosis through the remainder of life, according to the National Cancer Survivors Day Foundation, which reports that an estimated 12 million Americans are cancer survivors. The event will include food, as well as games, raffles and speakers. The event is a celebration of life and hope. The celebration will begin at 11:30 at the Ventura Beach Marriott in Ventura. The CMH Cancer Resource Center offers a variety of services designed to meet the needs of individuals faced with a diagnosis of cancer, as well as providing programs for family members, friends and the community-at large. These services are offered free of charge in a comfortable, non-hospital setting. Cancer Survivors Day celebration is a collaborative effort of Community Memorial Hospital, the American Cancer Society and the National Cancer Survivors Day Foundation. Reservations are required. Please call (805) 652-5459 or go to Community Memorial Hospital is a member of Community Memorial Health System, a not-for-profit health system, which is comprised of Community Memorial Hospital, Ojai Valley Community Hospital, and 11 family-practice health centers entitled Centers for Family Health. The health system is located in Ventura County, California. |
By Anonymous — Monday, April 23rd, 2012
Ask the Doctors: Wilson Senior Center and Livingston Visiting Nurse Association is hosting a Joint Replacement Seminar to prepare you for total knee or hip replacement surgery. Two well know physicians will discuss what you need to know before and after surgery, home preparation, exercises and rehabilitation information . Open to the public and free of charge, the seminar is on Wednesday, April 25 @ 9:30 am at Wilson Senior Center, 350 North “C” street, Oxnard. RSVP Diana Davis @ 642-0239 x 739 |
By Anonymous — Thursday, April 19th, 2012
![]() Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? Enlarge Photo |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, April 18th, 2012
![]() Samantha Barker - Samantha is the daughter of Chris-Anne Barker and Scott and Marta Barker. She is 15 years old and a freshman at Fillmore High School Enlarge Photo ![]() Breanna Berrington - Breanna is the daughter of Jeff and Denise Berrington. She is 14 years old and a freshman at Fillmore High School. Enlarge Photo ![]() Kaileigh Carpenter - Kaileigh is the daughter of Steve and Rhonda Brockus. She is 15 years old and a sophomore at Fillmore High School. Enlarge Photo ![]() Emily Garnica - Emily is the daughter of Al and Sandra Garnica. She is 13 years old and in the 8th grade at Fillmore Middle School. Enlarge Photo ![]() Jacquelyn Guerra - Jacquelyn is the daughter of Arthur and Melissa Guerra. She is 14 years old and a freshman at Fillmore High School. Enlarge Photo ![]() Stephanie Meza - Stephanie is the daughter of Daniel and Lilibell Meza. She is 15 years old and a freshman at Fillmore High School. Enlarge Photo ![]() Isis Munoz-Garibay - Isis is the daughter of David Munoz and Sylvia Garibay. She is 15 years old and a freshman at Fillmore High School. Enlarge Photo ![]() Kassandra Quintero - Kassandra is the daughter of Jesus Quintero and Lori Torres. She is 15 years old and a sophomore at Fillmore High School. Enlarge Photo ![]() Danielle Ramirez - Danielle is the daughter of Raul and Diana Ramirez. She is 15 years old and a freshman at Fillmore High School. Enlarge Photo ![]() Nicole Ramirez - Nicole is the daughter of Vincent and Elizabeth Ramirez. She is 14 years old and in the 8th grade at Fillmore Middle School. Enlarge Photo ![]() Alexis Tafoya - Alexis is the daughter of Anthony and Brandy Tafoya and Kathleen Otineru. She is 14 years old and a freshman at Fillmore High School. Enlarge Photo ![]() Macie Wokal - Macie is the daughter of Michael and Aileen Wokal. She is 14 years old and a freshman at Fillmore High School. Enlarge Photo |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, April 18th, 2012
![]() GRAND OPENING - Alma Ferrel, owner of ABC Kids Care in Fillmore, held her grand opening Saturday. Ferrel received a Community Investment Loan Fund of $175,000 to expand her already home-based daycare business. County and city dignitaries attended the opening. Enlarge Photo |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, April 18th, 2012
VENTURA, CA - District Attorney Gregory D. Totten announced today that his office, together with 43 other California District Attorneys and the City Attorneys in San Diego and Los Angeles, has filed and settled a civil law enforcement action in Ventura County Superior Court against CVS Pharmacy, Inc. The settlement resolves allegations that CVS, headquartered in Woonsocket, Rhode Island, violated California laws for the safe storage, handling and disposal of sharps waste, pharmaceutical and pharmacy waste, photo waste containing silver, and hazardous waste generated from spills and customer returns of hazardous products. The California investigation began after local officials discovered that CVS was investigated by environmental enforcement officials within the State of Connecticut. Acting in response to that information, inspectors with the Ventura County Environmental Health Division conducted a compliance review at local CVS stores and found evidence of improper storage, handling and disposal of hazardous waste and pharmaceutical waste products. Ventura County District Attorney Investigators teamed up with these inspectors, as well as the California Department of Toxic Substances Control and other district attorney investigators from around the State, to work cooperatively with CVS to address findings of statewide violations of law at CVS stores. As a result of the investigation and prosecution, regulated wastes produced by California CVS stores must now be properly stored, handled and transported, and disposed of at proper facilities with appropriate records kept documenting compliance with lawful procedures. The alleged violations occurred over a seven-year period at hundreds of California CVS stores, pharmacies and distribution stores, including Long’s Drug Stores that CVS acquired and converted to its brand. CVS currently operates 23 stores in Ventura County. Under the Final Judgment signed by Ventura County Superior Court Judge Barbara Lane, CVS must pay a total of $13.75 million in civil penalties, costs and for supplemental environmental projects furthering consumer protection and environmental enforcement in the State, and will be bound under the terms of a permanent injunction prohibiting similar future alleged violations of law. CVS is ordered to pay $295,750 in civil penalties and cost recovery to the Ventura County Environmental Health Division and Oxnard Fire HazMat, and $1,277,500 in civil penalties and cost recovery to the Ventura County District Attorney’s Office. |