Wednesday May 23, 2012
Ventura County Sheriff's Department
Ventura County Sheriff's Department

The Ventura County Sheriff’s Office will be participating in a Job & Resource Fair Wednesday May 23rd at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Ventura. Representatives from the Sheriff’s Office will be on hand, announcing job openings for Deputy Sheriff Trainee and professional staff positions. The event hours will be 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Other local area employers will be also be present at the event. There is no cost to attend the public is also welcome.

Job seekers are highly encouraged to bring a resume and be professionally dressed.

Veteran Job Seeker Registration: 10:00 a.m.
Veteran Job Seekers: 11:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Open to the Public: 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Nature of Incident: Ventura County Sheriff’s Job & Resource Fair Event for Veterans & the Public
Report Number: N/A
Location: Crown Plaza Hotel -Ventura Beach, 450 E. Harbor Blvd., Ventura
Date & Time: May 23, 2012, 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Unit Responsible: Sheriff’s Administration
(S)uspects, (V)ictims, (D)ecedent City of Residence Age
Deputy Preparing Media Release: Captain Don Aguilar
Media Release Date: May 21, 2012
Follow-Up Contact: Captain Don Aguilar (805) 797-7349
Approved by: Captain Ross Bonfiglio


Overall Male Winner of 10K: Kevin McSweeney.
Overall Male Winner of 10K: Kevin McSweeney.
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Overall Winners of 5K: Tefany Gonzalez and Adrian Mejia.
Overall Winners of 5K: Tefany Gonzalez and Adrian Mejia.
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Overall Female Winner of 10K: Maria Villalobos
Overall Female Winner of 10K: Maria Villalobos
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Images of Sunday's Annular Solar eclipse from Ivins, Utah by Charles Morris and Carmelita Miranda. This first image shows the moon starting to cover the Sun. Sunspots can easily be seen on the disk of the Sun.
Images of Sunday's Annular Solar eclipse from Ivins, Utah by Charles Morris and Carmelita Miranda. This first image shows the moon starting to cover the Sun. Sunspots can easily be seen on the disk of the Sun.
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This second image is just prior to annular phase.
This second image is just prior to annular phase.
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This last image is at the maximum eclipse. The annular portion is not circular because we were south of the eclipse's centerline. If you look carefully you can see that the moon's limb is not smooth. There are mountains and valleys.
This last image is at the maximum eclipse. The annular portion is not circular because we were south of the eclipse's centerline. If you look carefully you can see that the moon's limb is not smooth. There are mountains and valleys.
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Come one, come all to our alumni dinner held this year at the Memorial Building on Saturday, June 9th 2012. Happy time starts at 4:00pm, and Dinner will be at 6:00pm. Did you know that the Alumni Assoc has been putting this dinner on for 99 years? The Alumni Assoc has all the year books dating back to 1913, and it can be verified that they have been doing this dinner, the first Saturday after Graduation honoring the newly graduating class and their scholarship winners. Gary Laird (Fillmore High Grad 1976) of Larids Butchers Shop in Santa Paula will serve up his special Fillmore High Alumni meal. Of course it will include his famous homemade sausages that everyone raves about every year. Here's all the low down on the dinner details. If you subscribe to the Alumni Newsletter (Flashbacks), the cost is $30.00. If your not a subscriber, (and you should be)the cost is $35.00. If you want to pay at the door, the cost will be $40.00. You can down load an app by going to , look under "applications and forms" and print out your reservation form, or call the Alumni Office and we'll mail one out to you. See you all on June 9th!

Jan Faulkner, left, has just mounted the labels for the paintings on the Fillmore Library wall and both she and Luanne Perez looks pretty happy about the current presentation.
Jan Faulkner, left, has just mounted the labels for the paintings on the Fillmore Library wall and both she and Luanne Perez looks pretty happy about the current presentation.
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It was a Saturday morning and they stood outside the Fillmore Library before it opened, each artist holding one painting to redecorate the north wall inside the Library. Now completed, the next time you are there, go up close and take a good look. Titles include Carriage House, a Giclee, by Joanne King; Across the Valley by Virginia Neuman; Secret Garden by Jan Faulkner; Low Tide by Judy Dressler; Postal by Karen Browdy; Alice Studying by Lois Freeman-Fox; Solitude by Wana Klasen; It's Good Farming and Back on the Farm by Luanne Perez. Fillmore Library is open M,T 2-7; W 2-7; Th,F,Sat 12-5; Sun closed.


Ventura County Garden Club will hold it's next meeting on June 6th at the "La Dolce Vita" restaurant, 740 So. B Street, Oxnard's Heritage Square. This will be the installation luncheon to welcome in the new board and the last meeting of the 2011-2012 year.

Social time starts at 11:30, lunch at 12:00 and a "Vintage Fashion Show" by Annette Petit, all included for $25:00

Guests and new members are always welcome! Reservations must be received by May 23, please call Dorothy Allee at 805-525-8400.

Guiberson Road, Fillmore California circa 1920. Photos courtesy Don Berthold.
Guiberson Road, Fillmore California circa 1920. Photos courtesy Don Berthold.
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Foothill Drive, Fillmore, California circa 1925.
Foothill Drive, Fillmore, California circa 1925.
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Tom Mix in Fillmore, California circa 1920.
Tom Mix in Fillmore, California circa 1920.
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(l-r) Cindy Escoto, Melissa Hermosillo, Celene Cruz, Luis Munoz, Daniel Gonzalez, Alondra Gaytan, Lynn Edmonds, Bill Edmonds, Jessica Ramos and Kathy Vargas.
(l-r) Cindy Escoto, Melissa Hermosillo, Celene Cruz, Luis Munoz, Daniel Gonzalez, Alondra Gaytan, Lynn Edmonds, Bill Edmonds, Jessica Ramos and Kathy Vargas.
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Lynn Edmonds, CEO of One Step A La Vez received the Hope and Healing Award for her continued support of youth in recovery at Palmer Drug Abuse Programs annual celebration of Hope and Healing. Lynn is a retired educator of 36 years - teacher, librarian, media specialist, resource teacher, program director and principal of both elementary and middle school. After retiring in 2000, Lynn began the Fillmore/Piru mentor program. She began the One Step A La Vez Youth Drop-In and Resource Center, which opened in 2008 in Fillmore, and worked with the One Step Youth Board of Directors to bring services to the youth and families of Fillmore/Piru. She has worked closely with Ventura County Sheriff Department Fillmore/Piru substation as well as Ventura County Probation Department to provide support systems for youth who are already in or are at risk of being in the juvenile justice system. Lynn has been active in many organizations, including Ventura County Behavioral Health Circle of Care, the City of Fillmore Wellness Coalition and Soroptimist International. She is instrumental in starting a coalition of service groups and CBOs to provide coordinated community-wide services for Fillmore/Piru. Congratulations Lynn! We are proud of you!

On Thursday, May 10, Fire Fighters Quest for Burn Survivors visited the Fillmore Fire Department. They were flown in by helicopter to Shiells Park, and then escorted to the fire station, where they were presented with a check for $510 from the Fillmore Fire Department. Pictured above are Fire Captain Bill Herrera, Fire Chief Rigo Landeros, Fire Captain Bob Thompson, Fire Captain Billie Gabriel, Engineer Lou Farah, Engineer Rob Rolfe, Founder Dr. Grossman, Firefighter Mark Hubbard, and Firefighter Robert Katz, Firefighter Joe Palacio, and several Quest burn associates.
On Thursday, May 10, Fire Fighters Quest for Burn Survivors visited the Fillmore Fire Department. They were flown in by helicopter to Shiells Park, and then escorted to the fire station, where they were presented with a check for $510 from the Fillmore Fire Department. Pictured above are Fire Captain Bill Herrera, Fire Chief Rigo Landeros, Fire Captain Bob Thompson, Fire Captain Billie Gabriel, Engineer Lou Farah, Engineer Rob Rolfe, Founder Dr. Grossman, Firefighter Mark Hubbard, and Firefighter Robert Katz, Firefighter Joe Palacio, and several Quest burn associates.
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Your story unfolds, that was the theme for the 84th Annual California State FFA Leadership Conference. Fifteen students from the Fillmore FFA where among the nearly 5000 guests that participated in general sessions, competitive events, educational tours, leadership workshops and a career show and expo held at the convention.

At the opening session Melvin Adams, former Harlem Globetrotter and motivational speaker entertained us with his energy and humor while delivering his message to always try no matter how hard the task might seem. Entertaining us also was the State FFA band. Fillmore FFA was proud to have one of our own selected to be in the band this year. Hailee Smith auditioned and was chosen as a member playing the bass clarinet. An important part of the state convention is voting on amendments as well as electing the six individuals to represent California FFA the following year as State Officers. Each chapter throughout California must send two delegates. Alexus Galassi 13' and Brandon Pina 12' undertook this serious responsibility and served as Fillmore FFA delegates. At the convention the proficiency awards were announced. The Agricultural Proficiency Awards honor members who through their SAE's have developed specialized skills that they can apply toward their future careers. Brooke Aguirre 13' was the State winner for the Agricultural Communication Proficiency Award and will now have the opportunity to compete at the National level. Brooke also was a member of the State Press Corp during the convention. At the closing session retiring State President Nicole Billington, encouraged the members to open their eyes to all the possibilities of life and to not dwell on mistakes made. The convention ended with the election of the new State FFA officer team as blue and gold streamers shot into the air. Fillmore FFA members would like to thank Mr. Ricards, Alishia Duncan, Kathleen Aguirre and Denise Berrington for driving and chaperoning. Also a big thank you to the Fillmore FFA Boosters for their support. Fillmore FFA would like to invite the community to join us this Saturday from 7:00 -10:00 am for a pancake breakfast at the Veterans Memorial Building . Tickets sold at the door $5.00 Sausage, eggs, OJ, coffee and all you can eat pancakes.

<1>Brooke Aguirre is Fillmore FFA's Chapter Reporter


Let me start this story with a little bit of common sense. None of us would be reading this story without our Mothers. I know you have heard this from your Mother and God knows I have too, "Hey kid I brought you in this world, and I am the one who can take you out of it!" The one thing in this world you never want to mess with is a woman with her kids. I have known some Mothers who act like a angry Momma Bear around her cubs. This is all a good thing. The love I have seen with Mothers and their children is the deepest love in the world.

One of Fillmore's greatest Mothers is Mrs. Dann. She had ten kids. How she made that work is one of the greatest work of arts there is in the world. She had a child almost every year for ten years. Imagine the work load this woman had. Her kids still come to her for advice, along with her Grandchildren and Great-Grandchildren (and she is the only one who can name every one of them).

We have some great single parent Mothers in this town I know who are going to see their kids graduate from high school this year. The love and hard work they have given is now paying off for their kids. Some will be going to college close to home. Some will be going in the Military. And some will be going on to bigger and better colleges in other cities and states. The Moms I know are upset to see their kids go. But they are very proud of them and say, "Go get it, you have earned it!" when they need to know that the kids could have never done it without the love and support of their Mothers.

One of the Mothers CONTINUED »


The Bardsdale Cemetery will hold it Memorial Day Ceremony on Monday, May 28th at 11AM.

Featured speaker this year is Captain Tom Brovarone. He is the Commanding Officer of the Navy’s Engineering Duty Officer School on the base at Port Hueneme. He previous command tour was at the Naval Surface Warfare Center in Panama City, Florida. He began his career as a submariner; serving at sea on two attach submarines before he went into the business of building of fixing submarines. He has held engineering and maintenance positions on the staffs of the Naval Sea Systems Command in Washington DC, US pacific Fleet and Pacific Fleet Submarine Force in Pearl Harbor. Captain Brovarone also did a tour in Baghdad Iraq as the Director for Reconstruction for the US Army Corps of Engineers. Captain Brovarone is originally from New Jersey but is no stranger to California having attended the Naval Post Graduate School in Monterey and Mare Island Naval Shipyard in Vallejo.

The Rev. Bob Hammond will give the Memorial Service, special music will be provided by the Bardsdale Methodist Church Choir.

Also assisting in the ceremony will be Supervisor Kathy Long, VFW Post 9637, Boy Scout Troop 406, Cub Scout Troop 3400 and Bob Thompson. The Boy Scouts will put out the flags on Friday, May 25th and they will be picked up by the Bardsdale 4H on Tuesday, May 29th.

The Board of Trustees of the Cemetery District: Scott Lee, President, Lynda Edmonds, Secretary Rita Rudkin, Gabriel Asenas and Dick Diaz would like to invite the community to this special event.


Fillmore FFA members are holding the May Festival Pancake Breakfast on Saturday morning May 19th at the Memorial Building. From 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. you can enjoy sausage, scrambled eggs, coffee, orange juice, and all –you-can-eat pancakes for only a $5 donation per person. Tickets can be purchased from any FFA member or at the door. Come to enjoy a great breakfast before the parade and thanks for supporting the Fillmore FFA.


The Fillmore Ebell Club has made a donation of $250 to the Pride In America program at Fillmore Middle School. Science teacher, Laurie Merrill, who organizes the Pride In America Day Program each year, was very grateful for the Ebell Club’s donation and said that it would be used for supplies for the program and to help provide lunches for the veterans after the assembly.

Pride in America Day at Fillmore Middle School is a day entirely devoted to celebrating America with the whole school participating. It is held on the Friday before Memorial Day in order to enforce its message. Students begin the day by focusing on important aspects of America’s history and traditions in their classrooms. They are given a list of pertinent questions and teachers help with ideas and answers. The students then attend an assembly that is opened with a formal posting of colors by a military honor guard. Awards for patriotic poetry are presented to deserving students. The assembly ends with a tribute to veterans. It is followed by an American style picnic. Fillmore Middle School is proud to have inspired thousands of students to be patriotic Americans because of this special program.

Fillmore Middle School invites the public, especially veterans, to attend this celebration of America. It will be held Friday, May 25. The assembly is at 10:00 in the school’s gym. The theme for this year’s program is “Freedom For All: Freedom to learn, Freedom to serve, Freedom to dream”. Mrs. Merrill would like to include any veterans in the school’s “Tribute to Veterans” and lunch. Please call the school at 524-6055 if you are a vet and would like to be included.


The Rotary Club of Fillmore and the Sun Rise Rotary have been meeting together this month in anticipation of joining together as one club.

Last Wednesday, the Fillmore Rotary scholarship winners were honored. This years winners are: Anachristina and Ashley Morino, Jaynessa Lopez, Johnny Wilber, Robert Munoz, Westley Fairall, Vanessa Villa, Katherine Stewart and Troy Rice. Each if these students will be awarded $1,000.

Norma Perez-Sandford, Counselor and Isela Larin, Computer Technician, of Fillmore High School were presented with Certificates of Appreciation for their assistance to the seniors and thus the success of the Rotary Scholarship Program.

Grace U. Beer, DDS receives her certificate of award for sponsoring 3 pots along Central Avenue in support of Civic Pride Committee’s project to refurbish all the planters with red, white & blue flowers. Dr. Beer has practiced dentistry in Fillmore for 22 years and said she is pleased to contribute to her community in any way that she can.
Grace U. Beer, DDS receives her certificate of award for sponsoring 3 pots along Central Avenue in support of Civic Pride Committee’s project to refurbish all the planters with red, white & blue flowers. Dr. Beer has practiced dentistry in Fillmore for 22 years and said she is pleased to contribute to her community in any way that she can.
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Charlene Smith receives an award of appreciation for sponsoring two of the Central Avenue pots that were replanted. Civic Pride Committee is hoping to complete this project before the 4th of July and needs 13 more sponsors.
Charlene Smith receives an award of appreciation for sponsoring two of the Central Avenue pots that were replanted. Civic Pride Committee is hoping to complete this project before the 4th of July and needs 13 more sponsors.
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It is well documented that the direct costs associated with the crime of graffiti vandalism are increasing not only within the ten Cities of Ventura County (Cities) but across the country.

The 2011-2012 Ventura County Grand Jury (Grand Jury) decided to examine the current direct cost impact on the Cities based on the numerous incidences of graffiti occurring in these communities.

All Cities, with the exception of the City of Ojai (Ojai), reported graffiti as a significant source of financial impact on their city budget. The eight Cities reporting direct costs for their graffiti programs spent over $1.5 million in the 2010/2011 Fiscal Year (FY). The Cities continue year after year to develop programs to prevent and abate this unwanted impact to their communities. Increasing sums of tax dollars are invested in graffiti abatement.

The Ventura Council of CONTINUED »


CAMARILLO, CA - The Ventura County Community Foundation will honor the service of four individuals and two organizations at the third annual Community Leadership Awards luncheon at the Museum of Ventura County on May 23.
These awards spotlight the exemplary volunteer work of residents, businesses and nonprofits that strive to build community in Ventura County.

"We at the Community Foundation have been fortunate enough to partner with all of them during our almost 25 years in existence, allowing us to do more together than any of us could have accomplished alone," said VCCF President and CEO Hugh Ralston. "They have given of their time, talent and money with the dream of improving the quality of life in Ventura County."

Dorothy Loebl of Ojai will receive the Philanthropist Award. Loebl began volunteering at public and private educational institutions in Ojai, and then expanded her efforts to include financial support and leadership for countywide programs and causes. A former VCCF board member and past chair of the Interface Children & Family Services board, Loebl focuses on health care, education and social services.

The Organization Award goes to Verizon CONTINUED »


In observance of the Memorial Day holiday, employees of Santa Clara Valley Disposal will be taking the day off on Monday, May 28. As a result, Fillmore city residential customers will have their trash and green waste collected on Saturday, June 2, one day later than usual.

The regular Friday collection schedule will resume the following week.

For more information, call 647-1414.