Ventura County Grand Jury Report Released

In the course of its duties, the 2011–2012 Ventura County Grand Jury (Grand Jury, or Jury) attended a Ventura County Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) program briefing by Ventura County (County) law enforcement. The subject was the training program for the CIT and its application in the County. Recognizing the importance of the program to County citizenry, the Grand Jury opened an inquiry to examine the policies and procedures governing the program and their implementation within the County.

The Grand Jury interviewed and obtained information from knowledgeable persons with respect to the subject of the inquiry and attended a CIT briefing by Ventura County law enforcement agencies that specifically addressed the subject of this inquiry in detail. The Grand Jury examined the CIT practices and written policies of County law enforcement agencies and gathered current data with respect to the various agencies’ participation in CIT. The Jury also considered the history of CIT in the County and researched the history of CIT on the Internet. The Jury also visited emergency (911) dispatch centers located in the County to assess application of CIT intervention in crisis-dispatch actions and the application of the training by the 911 call takers and dispatchers.

Cultural changes in CONTINUED »


It was all the buzz...The First Annual Honey Harvest Festival took place over the weekend in Fillmore’s Central Park. The weather was beautiful and the crowd was happy. Offered were many craft booths as well as honey and beewax products, face painting, a petting zoo, and a dunking booth. The wild west was represented by the Fillmore & Western Railway cowboys, shooting it out at high noon. Food booths were available at the east end of the park along with music from a live band.
It was all the buzz...The First Annual Honey Harvest Festival took place over the weekend in Fillmore’s Central Park. The weather was beautiful and the crowd was happy. Offered were many craft booths as well as honey and beewax products, face painting, a petting zoo, and a dunking booth. The wild west was represented by the Fillmore & Western Railway cowboys, shooting it out at high noon. Food booths were available at the east end of the park along with music from a live band.
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Patty Zavala, was BEEutiful in her costume.
Patty Zavala, was BEEutiful in her costume.
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Ventura County Grand Jury Report Released

The 2011–2012 Ventura County Grand Jury (Jury or Grand Jury) opened an inquiry into the policies, procedures, operations, and practices of the Ventura County Animal Services Department (Department). This inquiry was conducted on the basis of newspaper articles discussing activities of the Department and various citizen complaints directed at perceived practice and policy deficiencies of the Department.

The Grand Jury interviewed numerous persons with respect to the various subjects of the inquiry. The Grand Jury examined the practices and written policies of the Department as well as Department records and records of its suppliers and contractors. The Grand Jury visited Department facilities to observe and inspect the premises to ascertain the coherence of written policy to practice.

The Jury found that the Department has had, since 2010, excellent and well- thought-out “Strategic Plans-Mission Statements.” The Department has made substantial improvement under its post-May 2008 management by pursuing those plans. Moreover, the Department’s Strategic Goals reviews have pinpointed many of the critical problems underlying its operational difficulties. It is apparent to the Grand Jury that the Department has moved to address these problems and that continuing efforts are underway to further alleviate them. However, the Grand Jury also concluded that some of the noted difficulties appear to persist in some form and, as a practical matter, seem intractable. In addition, the Grand Jury found new difficulties which are in need of continuing management attention.

The Grand Jury discovered CONTINUED »

Oldest Alumni Mrs. Shaw.
Oldest Alumni Mrs. Shaw.
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Curtis Adams
Curtis Adams
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Congratulations to the Fillmore High Alumni Board for putting on another successful Alumni Dinner. Around 300 Alumni from all over the Country, and California enjoyed themselves as they reminisced and rekindled old friendships from years ago. Gary Larid (Class of '76) owner of Lairds Butcher shop in Santa Paula started the afternoon off with his Bar b q in tow, and sending his wonderful bar b q smells bellowing out around town from the the Memorial Building. At 4:00pm the party started. Folks started coming in and the Happy Hour began. Luckily, The Class of '52 (celebrating their 60th class reunion at the dinner) happened to set their tables right next to the Bar on the patio. Many folks from other classes started joining in on their fun. We're not sure if it was suppose to start out that way, but from the looks of everyone with big smiles on their faces and laughter you could hear from blocks away, no one seemed to care. Alumni came from Florida, Utah, and Washington State. Many drove in from all around Southern California, and the county. After a great dinner, including Cheesecake for dessert, it was time to meet the class of 2012 Scholarship winners. After their introduction, it was time to "Give Back", and boy, did the Alumni Give back. Alumni from here in town gave away prizes, including Gertrude "Gathright" Lovelace '48, Scott Beylik '87 from Beylik Farms, and Steve Barnard '70 from Mission Produce, just to name a few. Another Alumni, Mike Richardson class of '91 (Life Member) and owner of Quality Ag, here in Fillmore, gave away field level, behind home plate, Dodger tickets. That sure made that winners evening. Curtis Adams from the Class of '63 probably received the loudest applause of the evening. You see, with this many Alumni in attendance, the 50/50 raffle tends to be a pretty large amount for the Scholarship Fund, and for the winner. Curtis was the 50/50 winner Saturday evening, and he "Gave Back" all of his winnings to the Scholarship Fund. Thank You Curtis. The program ended with the singing of the Schools Alma Mater. It's amazing to us that so many folks know all the words to the Alma Mater with out looking at the words on the program. It truly is something to hear 300 folks singing in unison. "All hail to our Alma Mater.......". the program ended early, and many folks just stayed around and visited, and thanked the Alumni Board for a memorable evening. The 100th Alumni Dinner next year is on Saturday, June 15th, 2013. Make your plans now to be in town. This is the ONE you do not want to miss. The Alumni Board wishes to Thank the following sponsors for Saturdays dinner. Fillmore Von's, Elkin's Ranch Golf Course, Fillmore & Western, Super A Market, and the Fillmore Starbucks for their donations.

Diego Rodrigues with Woodsy Owl and Smokey the Bear at the "Get the Green" video and photo competition awards presentation.
Diego Rodrigues with Woodsy Owl and Smokey the Bear at the "Get the Green" video and photo competition awards presentation.
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One of the rewarding outcomes of mentoring a child is watching them develop their talents in school and the community. For one Little in the Big Brothers Big Sisters mentoring program at Fillmore, these talents can showcase one’s passion in changing the world for the better, locally.

Diego Rodrigues, a Little in our Big Brothers Big Sisters school-based mentoring program in Fillmore was honored for his talents and won 3rd place in the "Get The Green" video and photo competition.

"Get The Green" is national competition that received over 300 entries from teens across the United States. As last year’s winner of the contest, Diego received a $300 cash reward to purchase a Gopro camera, which can be used for under water video production. This year he used his new camera to produce a video entitled, “Get The Green - What this Means To Me". As part of his winnings, Diego was awarded $200 to fund his trip to "VidCon" a video conference where he will be able to learn new and exciting video production techniques.

The competition was CONTINUED »


The Ventura County Rose Society will hold its monthly meeting on Thursday, June 28, 2012, at the Ventura County Office of Education Conference Center at 5100 Adolfo Rd., Camarillo.

The doors will open at 6:30 p.m. for advice from Consulting Rosarians and refreshments, and our speaker presentation will begin at 7:30 pm.

The VCRS meeting will feature Burling Leong, owner of Burlington Nursery in Visalia, CA, speaking on "Chip Budding at Home in the Garden". Ms. Leong will demonstrate how to do "chip budding" in propagating roses. She will show pictures of her rose garden propagation and restoration work at Hearst Castle. She also did propagating work for the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens and the Vanderbilt Mansion in New York. This lecture should be very informative and interesting.

Visitors are always welcome. For more information contact: Janet Sklar at 818-337-9970 or Dawn-Marie Johnson at 805-523-9003. Our website is


Australian Sheppard puppy, Sunday June 10th on Guiberson Road in Fillmore. Call 805-279-7780.

By Charles Morris and Carmelita Miranda.

The black dot of the planet Venus moved across the Sun disk on Tuesday, June 5th.  It took nearly 7 hours to make this trip.  So why was there so much excitement among astronomers?  Because this is a rare event.  It happened in 2004, but wasn't visible from California.  Previous to that, one had to be alive in 1882 to seen Venus transit the Sun.  The next Venus transit will be in 2117 so this was a rare opportunity to see this event.

Why doesn't Venus transit the Sun every time it orbits between us and the Sun?  Because the orbit of Venus is slightly inclined to the orbit of the Earth so it typically moves either above or below the Sun.

In 1882, the Venus transit was of great scientific importance in establishing the scale of the solar system. Expeditions from Europe were sent to Baja, Mexico and Tahiti, among others, to make measurements of this rare event.  This year astronomers still used the Venus transit for research to study the atmosphere of Venus, for instance.  Amateur astronomers and the public simply enjoyed the viewing this rare event.

We were fortunate to have seen the Venus transit from Nice, France in 2004, where able to see the entire event.

This year from California, the transit began at 3:06pm and was still in transit at Sunset just after 8pm.  We followed the transit until just after 7pm when the Sun set behind the mountains.  We were happy to show the transit to a number of people that stopped by to see the show.
By Charles Morris and Carmelita Miranda. The black dot of the planet Venus moved across the Sun disk on Tuesday, June 5th. It took nearly 7 hours to make this trip. So why was there so much excitement among astronomers? Because this is a rare event. It happened in 2004, but wasn't visible from California. Previous to that, one had to be alive in 1882 to seen Venus transit the Sun. The next Venus transit will be in 2117 so this was a rare opportunity to see this event. Why doesn't Venus transit the Sun every time it orbits between us and the Sun? Because the orbit of Venus is slightly inclined to the orbit of the Earth so it typically moves either above or below the Sun. In 1882, the Venus transit was of great scientific importance in establishing the scale of the solar system. Expeditions from Europe were sent to Baja, Mexico and Tahiti, among others, to make measurements of this rare event. This year astronomers still used the Venus transit for research to study the atmosphere of Venus, for instance. Amateur astronomers and the public simply enjoyed the viewing this rare event. We were fortunate to have seen the Venus transit from Nice, France in 2004, where able to see the entire event. This year from California, the transit began at 3:06pm and was still in transit at Sunset just after 8pm. We followed the transit until just after 7pm when the Sun set behind the mountains. We were happy to show the transit to a number of people that stopped by to see the show.
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Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it?
Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it?
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Voter turnout was fair Tuesday night. Poll workers (l-r counter-clockwise) were Enrique Gonzalez, Claudia Ceja, Rosario Gutierrez, Diana Gonzalez, Jaydene Wepprecht, and Alexander Martinez.
Voter turnout was fair Tuesday night. Poll workers (l-r counter-clockwise) were Enrique Gonzalez, Claudia Ceja, Rosario Gutierrez, Diana Gonzalez, Jaydene Wepprecht, and Alexander Martinez.
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It is time for the citizens of Fillmore to start questioning the way the Fillmore Unified School District is using the taxpayers’ money. I keep reading and hearing about trips administrators have taken, the presence of attorneys representing the District where prior to the past year or two would have been unthinkable, and other questionable uses of our limited resources. What is really upsetting is the report of the May 15, 2012 FUSD Board meeting in the May 24 issue of The Fillmore Gazette. Teachers and staff must take unpaid furlough days even though many need to work on these days to prepare classrooms and lessons. However, according to Lola Rogers, who did payroll for Fillmore Unified, in July of 2011 when a prior year payroll was processed, it revealed that the Director of Human Resources and the Assistant Superintendent of Finance had received 10 extra days of pay. The Superintendent received almost $10,000 extra pay. Ms. Rogers stated that when benefits are figured in, this came to over $22,000. The morning after the Board meeting, Ms. Rogers was told that her services were no longer required. As is the norm in our District, courage is a punishable offense. Ms. Rogers did payroll for our District for many years, so I assume that her information is accurate. One does wonder how many furlough days were paid this past year to the same administrators. One also wonders what other abuses have gone unreported. I understand that an audit was recently done. By whom? A truly independent outside auditor? What were the results? A pension audit is certainly in order. The Board would be derelict in its duties by not insisting on it.

As a former teacher, I CONTINUED »


On behalf of the Chamber, we would like to thank everyone that participated in the 100th May Festival Parade! Special thanks go out to Hal Provo and his crew from Santa Paula Pilots Association for the awesome flyover to start the parade; Sonshine Pre-School for providing electricity and space for our judges; Eddie and Brenda Ortiz of Super Seal and Stripe for providing the flat bed for our judges stand; to the Explorers and the Sheriff’s department for help with closing down the streets and traffic control as well as the Mounted Posse for leading off with the Colors!; to the Miss Fillmore and Miss Teen Fillmore courts for their participation and assistance with the awards ceremony; Special thanks also to Tom & Nikki Scott, Harold Cronin, Sarah Scott, Jacqui Guerra, Amber Holms, Darlene Holmes, Darrin and Debbie Galarza, Hans, and Tyler Stump for your assistance with check in, line up and traffic control. Without your help, the parade would not have been possible! Thank you to Orange Blossom Villa for your generous use of the gem car and to all of the residents of Fillmore for your patience with the closure of streets and traffic in the parade staging area!

The following is a list of winners by category, from the 2012 May Festival Parade:
Equestrian:1st Place – Ventura Sheriffs Mounted Posse
2nd Place – Charro De Paloma Patino
Youth Walking Groups: 1st Place – Sonshine Pre-School
2nd Place – Ballet Folklorico
3rd Place – Boys and Girls Club
Adult Walking Group: 1st Place – Fillmore / Piru Relay for Life
Novelty Groups: 1st Place – Camille Mia Perales
2nd Place – Bella Calderon
3rd Place – Azaria Rose Aguilar
Youth Floats: 1st Place – Andrew, Maribella & Aaliyah Morales
2nd Place – Perces Kenpo Karate
3rd Place – Alexandra Nuno
Adult Floats: 1st Place – Heritage Valley Red Hatters
2nd Place – Ventura County Search and Rescue
Car Groups: 1st Place – Model A Car Club
2nd Place – Fillmore Historical Museum
3rd Place – Fillmore Citizens Patrol
Other: 1st Place – A Street & First, Inc.
2nd Place – Ventura County Swat Team
3rd Place – Ventura County Sheriff’s Dept.
If you have won an award, it may be picked up at the Chamber Office during regular business hours.
RJ & Joni Stump

Ari Larson/Fillmore Civic Pride-Vision 2020, Dr. Bundy and Xixi Bundy.
Ari Larson/Fillmore Civic Pride-Vision 2020, Dr. Bundy and Xixi Bundy.
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The yard of the month for June 2012 goes to Dr. Bundy and his lovely wife Xixi. Birch trees add shade to the small but very serene front yard. Dr. Bundy gives credit to his wife Xixi for enhancing on what the previous owner had started with. Shrubs, pretty green floor covering, roses, lilies, a Chinese Maple Tree and strategically placed statues gives the yard a calming effect. The address is 59 Anza Lane in El Dorado. They have received a $25 gift certificate from Otto & Sons Nursery. Fillmore Civic Pride-Vision 2020 meets on the 3rd Wed. of the month at 1:30pm in Fillmore City Hall (2nd floor). For more information please contact president Linda Nunes 805.302.7527


Come join your fellow Alumni from our Alma Mater, Fillmore High School, for a great Bar B Q meal this Saturday evening at the Memorial Building. Happy hour starts at 4:00pm, Dinner at 6:00pm, short presentation at 7:00. The memorial building will stay open until 11:00pm for folks to visit and look at the 99 years of Class Photos that will be hung up around the Memorial Building. This really is a sight to see as each class has their pictures beautifully framed. The cost of the dinner is $30.00 per person if your a "Flashbacks" subscriber, $35.00 is your not, and $40.00 at the door. Gary Laird '76 (Lairds Butcher Shop in Santa Paula) will do the honors and cook his very famous "Fillmore Bar B Q" of Tri-tip, Chicken, and all the sides.Questions? call 805-524-0416. F.H.S. Alumni - Onward, and upword!


Original Art Work by Wana Klasen is being exhibited in The Second Annual Artists Guild of Fillmore Group Show at Blanchard Community Library 119 No. Eighth Street Santa Paula, Ca. now through July 28, 2012

Library hours are:
M,Tue.,Th. 12-8,W.10-6, Sat 10-2. Fri. Closed

Please join us for an "EVENING WITH THE ARTISTS"
Thursday, June 21, 2012 5-8pm

Sunday's Special bingo game, playing to win a Sampler Spa Treatment  Package at the
Sunday's Special bingo game, playing to win a Sampler Spa Treatment Package at the "Attractions Spa" donated by the owners - Lions Club members Sean & April Hastings. Seen in the photo is Lion President Elect Victor Gongora presenting the prize to the excited winner Dolores Martinez. Dolores' husband, sitting next to her, was eagerly hoping to share the experience. Respectfully submitted; Lion Jim Austin.
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Susan Banks, Youth Chairwoman, Educational and Community Scholarship winners, and Mimi Burns, President FWSC.
Susan Banks, Youth Chairwoman, Educational and Community Scholarship winners, and Mimi Burns, President FWSC.
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The Fillmore Women's Service Club is pleased to announce the recipients of the FWSC Educational Scholarships. At a luncheon for the students and parents held at El Pescador on May 22nd, the students were presented with a certificate notifying them of their award from Mimi Burns, President of the Club.

Neira Hernandez, Jayness Lopez and Viviana Magnana each received $1,300. Oscar Alferez, Westley Fairall, Gonzalo Guitierrez and Larissa Villaneuva received $650 each. Anachristina Morino, Katherine Stewart and Sabian Howard a student at The High School at Moorpark College received $500. Congratulations and our best wishes for a bright and productive future to all the students.


The annual Heritage Valley 5k-10K Race, Fitness Walk, Fun Run and Health Fair was a tremendous success. The number of entrants doubled in size from last year to just over 200 entrants. The race is sponsored by the Rotary Club of Fillmore Sun Risers with partners Up for Education and the Soroptimist Club. Runners & walkers of all ages enjoyed great weather. Runners from out of town enjoyed our beautiful scenery and discovered there is more to Fillmore than Hwy 126. After the race the participants, family members and friends enjoyed the sunshine on the lawn of FUSD administration waiting for final results. Many visited the vendors of the health fair. Donated prizes were raffled off to participants.

Overall female winner of the 5K was Tefany Gonzalez in 20:42 and overall male winner was Adrian Mejia in 16:30. Overall female winner of the 10K was Maria Villalobos in 47:37 and overall male winner was Kevin McSweeney in 38:33.

Eight teams participated for the opportunity to win funds for their favorite charity. The first place team was the Ninja Mentors. A $150 donation will be made to Big Brothers & Big Sisters of Ventura County. They also won an additional $50 for Big Brothers & Big Sisters because they had the most team members. The second place team was TeamX. A $100 donation will be made on their behalf to Full Circle Learning Center in Piru.

Fun Run entrants CONTINUED »


Livingston Visiting Nurse Association will hold Diabetes Classes to introduce basic information regarding diet, medication, exercise, blood sugar monitoring, new developments and common problems. Open to the public and free of charge, the classes are held the first Tuesday of the month, 1:00 – 2:30 pm @Livingston VNA, 1996 Eastman Ave, #101, Ventura. No registration is necessary; for information call Linda Hampson, RN, MSN @ 805-642-0239,ext 723.

FHS band director Greg Godfrey conducts the Jazz Band for the Ebell Club meeting.
FHS band director Greg Godfrey conducts the Jazz Band for the Ebell Club meeting.
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