The Fillmore Senior Center is holding a unique showing of local collectibles on November 13, 2009 from 10 to 1 PM. All local collectors are invited to display their treasures at the Center’s 533 Santa Clara Street address. There is no charge for admission or show space. There will be complimentary refreshments, and a special gift drawing will be held. Phone Michele Smith at 524-0294 to reserve table space.


Fun acting classes (age 5-17) begins Tuesday, Nov. 10th

Learn acting from Hollywood acting coach/TV & movie stuntman, Steve Burhoe. Participate in stage shows, learn how to prepare for auditions for commercials, TV roles and live stage theatre!

Class meets weekly on Tuesdays from 4:30 – 6:00 pm at the
Community/Senior Center, 533 Santa Clara St. Kids will learn all aspects of acting in a fun environment. What a great way to improve social skills, build up self-confidence, and make new friends. Adding Performing Arts to your school curriculum has also shown that kids can greatly improve their grades in math and language arts!

Cost for each 4-week session is $55.00. Every 8 weeks kids will get a chance to perform in a showcase for family and friends at no extra charge.

A Christmas show is now being planned. We need kids between 5 and 17 years of age. Early sign up is advised to participate in the show.

This workshop is on-going throughout the year. Register at Fillmore Parks & Rec. Dept. at City Hall -- For information contact
Priscilla Rzezuski (805) 524-0553.



Just a reminder of the Fillmore Lions Club's annual Enchilada Dinner. Keep in mind that it is an "all you can eat" dinner, so you will definitely get your money's worth.

We are holding this fund-raiser to donate 100% of the profit back into the youth organizations in Fillmore.

Please join us to help make this a great fundraiser.

Remember that we also serve orders "To Go".

Thanks for supporting the Fillmore Lion's Club

For tickets Call Ron (I will Deliver) at 890-1118.

PS - If you don't want to eat, but would like to make a donation, we'll gladly accept that as well. Just call... I'll even come pick it up!


October 29, 2009 - Ventura County Public Health has received the first delivery of the Inactivated Injectable H1N1 vaccine. “The quantity of vaccine received does not even begin to immunize the at-risk population in Ventura County”, said Dr. Robert Levin, Health Officer. “It only represents 1% of the vaccine we hope to eventually get.” As with the FluMist, which has been available for the past two weeks, the vaccine will be given to those at highest risk of infection and serious illness. This includes people between the ages of 6 months and 24 years of age, pregnant women, caretakers and household contacts of infants under the age of 6 months, and people with high risk conditions from 25 to 64 years of age. High risk is defined as those individuals with substantial, physically disabling conditions such as asthma, emphysema, cystic fibrosis and other lung diseases; heart disease but not high blood pressure; diabetes; morbid obesity; neurocognitive disease; neuromuscular disease; and suppressed immunity due to such things as cancer, chemotherapy, steroids, and HIV/AIDS.

People not included in these groups have been shown to be at low risk for serious illness from the H1N1 virus.

In addition to the injectable vaccine availability at Public Health Clinics (see for clinic locations), there are over 300 physicians’ offices in Ventura County that will offer the vaccine over the coming weeks as more vaccine arrives in our county. Residents are encouraged to contact their personal physician for vaccine availability.

The novel H1N1 (swine) vaccine is available for county residents only. This delivery of the Inactivated Injectable H1N1 vaccine is the first to arrive in the county. As more vaccine is made available, remaining groups eligible to receive it will be expanded. Residents are encouraged to visit the Public Health website for current information.

A reception was held for the late David Garcia aka “DJ Gorilla” at Shiells Park. Over 300 attended the memorial reception.
A reception was held for the late David Garcia aka “DJ Gorilla” at Shiells Park. Over 300 attended the memorial reception.
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The city-owned cannon’s wheels are being repaired by Morgan Carriage Co. of Oak View, at a cost of approx. $1,200. The wheels were damaged by water from the sprinklers. The cannon dates back to the 1920’s.
The city-owned cannon’s wheels are being repaired by Morgan Carriage Co. of Oak View, at a cost of approx. $1,200. The wheels were damaged by water from the sprinklers. The cannon dates back to the 1920’s.
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Maggie Garrett M. L. Ac. announces the opening of her practice at 448 Santa Clara St. across the street from City Hall in association with Dr. Mickey Rubino, D.C. She is currently available for treatments on Tuesdays and Thursdays and will expand hours in the future as needed.

Ms Garrett received her Master’s Degree in Oriental Medicine from the Santa Barbara College of Oriental Medicine, and has a private practice in Ojai. She also does acupuncture for The Oaks Spa in Ojai. She designed the acupressure massage, focusing on points that stimulate metabolism, which is used there. Her specialty is the treatment of chronic and severe headaches.

Acupuncture encompasses a variety of techniques besides needling, including CONTINUED »

How many of you remember all the work done on Vision 2020?
Conway Spitler
Conway Spitler

Here are the Chapter Goals set in the Vision 2020 document--Fostering Civic Pride & Volunteerism. 2009? Of course we still have 11 years to meet the goal but how many have we accomplished by 2009? Thriving downtown with attractive, inviting, store fronts reflecting and preserving our historic architecture. Residential neighborhoods with attractive yards and well-maintained homes exhibiting pride of ownership. Well-maintained streets, parkways and trees Manicured parks and flowering, landscaped entryways into the city. Volunteer recognition programs People enjoying a variety of social activities, such as dinner, dances, festivals, etc. Strong participation in local service clubs/civic organizations Persons realizing self-satisfaction by freely giving their time to benefit others. All age groups working together, with volunteer opportunities for all Organized efforts to aid senior citizens with household chores, transportation, etc. Churches, civic groups and other all working together. Youth employment service/organization to coordinate volunteers.


Travel in the dark, down to the abyss of terror on a tractor - pulled hay wagon through the haunted forest. Enjoy eerie theatrics, startling events, ghouls and spooks. Hang on to your loved ones and hope you make it back for hot cocoa and snacks. Everyone is welcome, small children at parent’s discretion. Celebrate Halloween with a night of fright!

Starting the 2nd weekend in October until Halloween night. Each ride lasts about 15 minutes, two wagons run all night, wagons go out every ½ hour (weather permitting) from 7:30pm to 9:30pm each night.

If you dare walk the Spook Trail, the last wagon goes out at 9:30pm - so come early!

Cost is $5.00 per victim, refreshments available for survivors GROUPS WELCOME!
(About 15 victims fit on each wagon).

Call for more information 805-521-1500 ext 203

Volunteers needed, please join us and have fun making people scream!

Agencies Unite to Address Problem of Impaired Driving Tragedies

WHAT: Ventura County DUI Prevention Summit

WHO: Supervisor Steve Bennett, Chair, County Board of Supervisors

Tina Pasco, Regional Director, Mothers Against Drunk Driving

Dr. Javier Romero, Trauma Director, Ventura County Medical Center

Captain Cliff Williams, California Highway Patrol

Chief John Crombach, Oxnard Police Department, AVOID Campaign




· Recent local tragedies underscore the need for renewed efforts to prevent and deter impaired driving.

· More than 1,500 fatalities result from alcohol-related auto collisions in California each year.

· Alcohol is involved in the deaths of more youth than all other drugs combined – by a four-to-one ratio.

· Ventura County law enforcement, medical experts, and prevention professionals agree new push is needed.

· More than 700 DUI criminal cases are currently set for trial in Ventura County, with steady stream of arrests.

· More than one-third of DUI offenders 18 to 25 years of age reported taking their last drink in a bar or club.

· Nearly 45% of DUI arrests result from drinking at licensed bars, clubs and restaurant in Ventura County.

· In Ventura County persons 18-25 years old make up less than seven percent of the adult population, but they represent more than 25 percent of the DUI offenders.

· The number of young women convicted for DUI has risen in recent years, and females in Ventura County are more likely than males to report drinking shots and mixed drinks prior to their arrest.

Press Note: Location of news event is front parking lot near lobby entrance. Multiple emergency vehicles will be on location with uniformed personnel. Medical professionals, law enforcement, and elected officials will make comments during the event, which will feature a vehicle crash from an actual impaired driving incident (see MADD Trailer, attached). Visual info boards and agency reps will be featured, starting 8:15 a.m.


Santa Clara Valley Disposal will maintain its regular Friday trash and recyclables collection schedule in Fillmore on Nov. 13, during the week of Veterans’ Day.

For more information, call 647-1414.


Ventura County Animal Regulation (VCAR) is seeking individuals who would like to donate their time and energy to helping the animals at Ventura County’s local animal shelter. Volunteers are needed for a variety of duties including both working with the animals and working to make the shelter adoption experience an easier process. Sample assignments around the shelter include directing newcomers to different kennels, changing kennel signs, and sorting donations for the Pet Pantry. Specific jobs working with animals include dog walkers, dog and cat groomers, horse groomers, and ambassadors at our offsite adoption events.

At this time, the shelter volunteer program is only accepting applications from individuals 18 years and older. Our next New Volunteer Orientation will be held Saturday, November 7, 2009 at 11 AM at our Camarillo shelter which is located at 600 Aviation Drive, Camarillo.

For more information on the Volunteer Program, go to our web site at, or contact the VCAR Volunteer Coordinator at 388-4357.


Ventura County Animal Regulation (VCAR) is implementing new operation hours and days, starting with the time change in daylight savings, Sunday, November 1, 2009.

The Camarillo Shelter, located at 600 Aviation Drive (at the Camarillo Airport) will now be open both Saturdays and Sundays, from 9am to 4pm. Weekday hours are Mondays, 10am to 7pm, and Wednesdays through Fridays, 3pm to 7pm. The shelter will be closed for reclaiming, viewing and adopting animals on Tuesdays.

The Simi Valley Transfer facility will have similar hours. This shelter is only used as a temporary holding facility for reclaiming lost animals from the cities of Simi Valley and Moorpark. Starting November 1, the Simi Facility will be open Saturdays and Sundays from 12 noon to 4PM, and Mondays, and Wednesdays through Fridays from 4pm to 7pm. Tuesdays the Simi Facility will be also be closed.

The new hours and days are being implemented to provide more convenient times for county residents to pick up their lost pets and shop for a new addition to their family.

For more information on Ventura County Animal Regulation, go to our web site at


The Bardsdale Cemetery will be holding their first Volunteer Day on Saturday, November 7th from 8AM until noon. The Board of Trustees has had offers from a few people for a Volunteer Day and would welcome all who would like to come for this first time event. Bring gloves, clippers, etc. Projects planned are trimming the climbing roses that were generously donated to the District by Otto & Sons Nursery and installing privacy screening on the chain link fence. Also documantation of gravesites in the old section as there is no documentation prior to 1932. Coffee and donuts will be provided.

The new manager for the Cemetery is Doug Basolo and the present Board of Trustees are Monty Winkler, President, Lynda Edmonds, Rita Rudkin, Gabriel Asenas and Scott Lee. For further information on Volunteer Day please call 524-1230 or 340-0154.


People up to 24 years of age are now eligible to receive the novel H1N1 2009, vaccine. The H1N1 Vaccine became available two weeks ago in Ventura County in the form of the Live Attenuated Influenza Vaccine (LAIV): the H1N1 FluMist. The other form of the vaccine, the injectable form, is expected to arrive soon. “The response so far has been good, and with an ample supply of the vaccine in the Live Attenuated form, we felt confident that we could expand our reach to include people from the age of two, up to the age of 24,” said Dr. Robert Levin, Ventura County Public Health Officer. Previously the priority in receiving the vaccine was to the following targeted groups: all children from the ages of 2 years to 18 years of age (which was an increase from the 10 years of age limit one week earlier) and healthy, non-pregnant household contacts (2-49 years) of infants under 6 months of age. When more vaccine arrives in the county, additional, eligible groups will include pregnant women, and high risk individuals up to the age of 64.

“We are pleased to expand this group of people eligible to receive the vaccine as quickly as we have, due to our increased supply of the FluMist. That’s why we’re raising the age of eligibility to 24 years of age,” said Dr. Levin.

People not included in the above stated groups have been shown to be at low risk for serious illness from the H1N1 virus.

Call your physician’s office for vaccine availability. The novel H1N1 (swine) vaccine is available for county residents only and is available at Ventura County Health Care Agency Public Health Clinics. The Public Health Department recommends that anyone with questions about the H1N1 virus, as well as the vaccine or where they can receive it, should visit the Public Health website at:, where the opportunity to subscribe to automated email updates is offered. Residents are encouraged to call 2-1-1, or the Public Health H1N1 Hotline, at 981-5390 with any questions.

Soroptimist International of Fillmore, a business and professional women service club with over 51+ years of service improving the lives of women and girls in Fillmore and throughout the world, is proud to install three new members: Jan Marholin, Principal at San Cayetano School, Jane David, office manager for Fillmore Sherrif’s Dept., and Joy Asenas, a life long resident and piano teacher. Congratulations to our new members and thank you for making a difference in the lives of women and girls. Shown Left to right: Terri Aguirre, installing officer, President Oralia Herrera, Jane David, Jan Marholin, Joy Asenas and Sandi Ward, new member chair.
Soroptimist International of Fillmore, a business and professional women service club with over 51+ years of service improving the lives of women and girls in Fillmore and throughout the world, is proud to install three new members: Jan Marholin, Principal at San Cayetano School, Jane David, office manager for Fillmore Sherrif’s Dept., and Joy Asenas, a life long resident and piano teacher. Congratulations to our new members and thank you for making a difference in the lives of women and girls. Shown Left to right: Terri Aguirre, installing officer, President Oralia Herrera, Jane David, Jan Marholin, Joy Asenas and Sandi Ward, new member chair.
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Fillmore Lions Club welcomed two new members, Monday night. Gerald and Susan Fitzgerald (second from left and center) are shown being sworn in my Lion Bill Dewey, Bill Edmonds and District Governor Dan Lyon.
Fillmore Lions Club welcomed two new members, Monday night. Gerald and Susan Fitzgerald (second from left and center) are shown being sworn in my Lion Bill Dewey, Bill Edmonds and District Governor Dan Lyon.
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Wana Klasen
Wana Klasen

Local Artist, Wana Klasen will be exhibiting her original art work during the Ventura Harvest Art Walk on October 24, 2009 and October 25,2009 at OASIS GARDEN AND PATIO located a 33 So. Palm , Ventura, California. The artist will be showing select pieces from her EARTHSONG collection of energetic, tribal figures in mixed media, as well as, her traditional watercolor florals and landscapes. Here the artist is shown with her painting entitled, "TRUMPETER" currently on exhibit at the Carpinteria Valley Arts Council Show, "Festival", running now through November 9th., at 855 Linden Avenue in Carpinteria.

Fillmore High Alumni Association
Fillmore High Alumni Association

For the past year the Fillmore High Alumni Association has been striving to revive the growing of Shasta Daisies to be used to decorate the Junior arches for graduation. This has not been done since 1989, even though other materials have been used to cover the arches. Requests were made for rooted cuttings that could be planted to start another source of daisies, but not enough were obtained to complete the project, so the alumni took it upon themselves to purchase rooted plants so that the daisies hopefully will be ready for the 2010 graduation.
Kirk Richter and his Horticulture class, along with the Grounds staff of the district have prepared an area on the east side of the football field, and have outlined the word FLASHES, in block letters, in which the new plants will be planted. They also plan to plant blue ground cover in between the letters, and also have a flash insignia outlined and planted with yellow flowers. It should be very impressive when it is all completed.
The alumni association is hoping that alumni members will help defray the cost of purchasing the daisies for this important traditional part of the Fillmore High School graduation ceremonies. 10 flats of plants were purchased at a cost of $55 per flat, so any contributions will be greatly appreciated. Anyone wishing to help should indicate on their check that it is for the Shasta Daisy project.
The November issue of Flashbacks will be coming out in a few weeks and this will be the last issue this year for those of you who subscribe yearly to the newsletter, so please send in your renewal form, which is on the back page of the Flashbacks.
Also, if you have any news or pictures that you would like put in the Flashbacks, please send them to the alumni office, P. O. Box 385, Fillmore, CA 93016-0385 or to: The alumni association likes to keep its members informed on what is going on with other alumni members, as well as activities in Fillmore.
If you have not subscribed to the alumni newsletter, now is the time to do it. Contact the alumni office and a subscription form will be sent to you for your easy use.

Performers provided by the Santa Clara Valley Equestrian Riders are ready to entertain you.
Performers provided by the Santa Clara Valley Equestrian Riders are ready to entertain you.
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Heading out into the dark, dank river bottom. (notice Councilmember Gayle Washburn behind the guy taking a picture of ME!)
Heading out into the dark, dank river bottom. (notice Councilmember Gayle Washburn behind the guy taking a picture of ME!)
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Rider warns people to be ready...for the Headless Horseman.
Rider warns people to be ready...for the Headless Horseman.
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On guard on the wagon.
On guard on the wagon.
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Guarding 'the Head'.
Guarding 'the Head'.
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Any minute now.... and the suspense builds.
Any minute now.... and the suspense builds.
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Alas... the Headless Horseman charges.
Alas... the Headless Horseman charges.
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Unsuccessful and dejected... the Headless Horseman stands at the ready for the next 
attempt... to retrieve his Head.
Unsuccessful and dejected... the Headless Horseman stands at the ready for the next attempt... to retrieve his Head.
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Story and photos by Bob Crum

For decades, the Headless Horseman has haunted areas around Sleepy Hollow. Lately, the ghostly phenomenon has continued his undying search around Ichabog, the Pumpkin Patch at Santa Paula.

Mystery, intrigue and adventure abound from within and around the mystical cornfields of Ichabog. Peer into the darkness and witness... if you dare... the Headless Horseman on his mighty steed riding swiftly by in his quest to retrieve his head from the clutches of Glitter Montana and the band of Marshals. He has only from dark until midnight to get his head back. If he succeeds, he will gain unimaginable powers of evil. It is up to the forces of 'good' to guard and prevent the head from being clutched away by the dastardly force of evil lurking in black garb.

All performers are provided by the Santa Clara Valley Equestrian Riders. And the action and fun begins the minute the Fillmore & Western Railroad train leaves the Fillmore Central Station. Arriving at Ichabog, you'll board a tractor-pulled hayride wagon and taken to the depths of the very dark, dank and spooky river bottom
where the chill of death fills the night air. Goose bumps are common experiences as horseback riders harken the imminent arrival of the villian. Guarding “The Head” are armed Marshals at the ready. If you're lucky... you'll survive the mayhem to return to the Pumpkin Patch where you'll re-board the train to return to Fillmore. On the way back... more sinister, mischievous activity on the train. Can't say more... sworn to secrecy. Go see for yourself. If you dare.