County Supervisor Kathy Long, 3rd District would like to announce to all residents of Ventura County that the next Santa Paula Tattoo Removal Clinic will be held on Saturday June 6th, 2009 from 8:30 am – 12 noon, no appointments necessary. Orientation for first time participants will be at 9 am located at 1334 E. Main St. the Santa Paula Family Care Clinic. Due to overwhelming response, spaces will be limited.
County Supervisor Kathy Long spearheaded this clinic in collaboration with the following agencies: Ventura County Public Health, Ventura County Probation Agency, Ventura County Sheriff’s Department, Santa Paula Family Care Clinic, Interface Children Family Services, and CalWORKS.
The clinic not only welcomes participants but volunteers to run the clinic. If you have any questions, or would like to find out how you can help, please call the Santa Paula Family Care Clinic at (805) 933-1242.


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When people talk about their moms it all seems so generic and socially- politically correct. So what! If their moms stayed home and baked cookies, or sewed their clothes; my mom was a young single mom who worked and self-governed her home. My mom educated other women and set the bar high with standards and with morals. My mom was a progressive feminist who stood up against injustice like domestic violence and violation of human rights. My mom didn’t teach me to cook, she taught me how to fish, and she even tried teaching my female friends to fish. My mom was always conscience of her health exercised daily and never ate in excess. My mom didn’t wear make up, fancy jewelry, or cared about the labels on her clothes; instead she focused on her character and practiced building inner strength. My mom never looked confused or worried, she faithfully trusted God to pull her through. My mom never judged, preached, or nagged, she lived by example and expected people to do the same. My mom never complained about her life; she set about making change, not feeling sorry for herself. My friends worshiped my mom and still do; they knew even at an early age that she was different from the rest, that her thinking was clear and unclouded, that she possessed the ability to motivate and stir up excitement about being a woman. My mom carried herself like a lady; even though her beauty could have opened many doors and created an easy comfortable life for her, she was recognized as a lady by everyone she came in contact with and treated as so. Still to this day mom never goes against what her conscience dictates even when it is socially acceptable or the “popular” thing to do. Always a graceful presence she doesn’t make a lot of noise or do things to be recognized; she walks through life with a quiet confidence that continues to intrigue me and so many others. My mom is the most deserving entity on this Mothers Day and I am ever grateful to God for giving me the privilege of calling Maria Dolores - My mom.

A solar flare observed in Dec. 2006 by NOAA's GOES-13 satellite.
A solar flare observed in Dec. 2006 by NOAA's GOES-13 satellite.
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May 29, 2009: An international panel of experts led by NOAA and sponsored by NASA has released a new prediction for the next solar cycle. Solar Cycle 24 will peak, they say, in May 2013 with a below-average number of sunspots.

"If our prediction is correct, Solar Cycle 24 will have a peak sunspot number of 90, the lowest of any cycle since 1928 when Solar Cycle 16 peaked at 78," says panel chairman Doug Biesecker of the NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center.

It is tempting to describe such a cycle as "weak" or "mild," but that could give the wrong impression.

"Even a below-average cycle is capable of producing severe space weather," points out Biesecker. "The great geomagnetic storm of 1859, for instance, occurred during a solar cycle of about the same size we’re predicting for 2013." CONTINUED »

Babysitting Courses will now be Offered Quarterly

Camarillo, Calif. – Because of the popularity of its Babysitting Training classes, the American Red Cross of Ventura County will now offer the courses on a quarterly basis. The next session is scheduled for June 19 and 20 at the Camarillo headquarters located at the Betty R. Poltkin Center, 836 Calle Plano.

The first session, Friday, June 19 will run from 4 to 9 p.m., and continue on Saturday, June 20 from
9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Each student will receive certificates in Babysitting, CPR for children and infants and First Aid.

Trainees will also learn how to supervise children, obtain feeding tips, get information on age appropriate games, and learn how to handle bedtime and discipline issues. The course will also cover resume writing and business card development.

The cost is $85 and registration will be offered on a first-come, first-serve basis. Participants will receive a Babysitters Certificate as well as an Emergency Training Reference Guide, CD-Rom and a Training Handbook. A Babysitter’s Essential Kit containing a first aid flashlight will also be available for purchase for $12.

Individuals can sign up by calling Rachele Ford at 805-339-2234, ext. 281 or register online at

Since 1917, the American Red Cross of Ventura County has been meeting needs throughout the communities it serves. Each year, more than 1,200 local volunteers respond to more than 50 local disasters, teach tens of thousands of individual’s vital lifesaving skills, and support the men and women in the U.S. Armed Forces. The American Red Cross is not a government agency.

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Military Banners were raised on Wednesday, May 27th on Cnetral Avenue, to honor our service members. Names included Jenny Altamirano-Army, Anthony Magallanes-Marines, Michael A. Chavez-Air Force, Pedro Rivera-Air Force, Kevin Freeman-Air Force, Eleazar Lopez-Army, Matthew Cobos-Navy, and Gilbert Zavala-Army. Let’s remember those who stand guard on the front lines for this country. If you know of someone who is serving in the military, contact Dick Diaz at or call him at 524-5315. He will be glad to take your information and picture, and submit them to the Gazette.
Military Banners were raised on Wednesday, May 27th on Cnetral Avenue, to honor our service members. Names included Jenny Altamirano-Army, Anthony Magallanes-Marines, Michael A. Chavez-Air Force, Pedro Rivera-Air Force, Kevin Freeman-Air Force, Eleazar Lopez-Army, Matthew Cobos-Navy, and Gilbert Zavala-Army. Let’s remember those who stand guard on the front lines for this country. If you know of someone who is serving in the military, contact Dick Diaz at or call him at 524-5315. He will be glad to take your information and picture, and submit them to the Gazette.
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June 6th

The F.H.S. Alumni Dinner is Saturday June 6th at the Veterans Memorial Building. Pre Sale Tickets is the way to go. $30.00 (for Alumni Newsletter Subscribers), $35.00 (for non Alumni Newsletter Subscribers) $40.00 for anyone who wants to pay at the Door. You can get your reservation form by going to Click on Alumni Dinner, then click on Reservations. From here you can print out the Form. Mail your dinner payment(s) to F.H.S. Alumni Office., P.O. Box 385., Fillmore, CA. 93016-0385. (Note-You will want to mail in your Reservation Form in by June 2nd to be sure to get to the Alumni Office before June 6th). Any questions pertaining to the Alumni Dinner or Reservations, please direct them to the Alumni Office at 524-0416 or email Mark Ortega, or call him at 805-856-8949. GO FLASHES!

Fillmore High Alumni Association
Fillmore High Alumni Association

The May issue of the alumni newsletter, Flashbacks, was mailed on Monday, so you should have received your copy by the time you read this, if you are a paid up member to the alumni association. Remember, being a member, either a life member or a yearly dues paying member, part of your membership is to receive the Flashbacks every three months. Once again we have a great issue, thanks to Kathleen McCreary for putting in all the news that was sent in by alumni members and to Joyce Basolo, Joleen Stethem, Em Wendel, Maxine Merry and Linda Jackson for labeling, stamping and getting the Flashbacks ready to mail. They do a great job and we could not get this done without their help. If you have not recieved your copy, please contact the alumni office at 805-524-0416 or by e-mail at Also, check on our website,, for up to date information on what is happening within the alumni association.
On the back page of this issue of Flashbacks is a reservation form for the alumni dinner. Please fill it out and return it, with your check, to the alumni office. We hope to have another great dinner back at the Memorial Building. The classes of 1944, 1949, 1954, 1959 and 1969 will be holding their class reunions at the alumni dinner on June 6. The class of 1964 is having their reunion on Saturday, June 13 at Jerry and Linda Edmonds home. The combined class reunion for the class of 1978 and 1979 has been changed from July 11 to September 26, hoping to tie it in with Homecoming. The class of 1989 is planning a class reunion for September 5th, and Martha Gentry is starting to make plans for her class's 50th reunion next year, as is Linda Jackson who is starting work on the class reunion for the class of 1965.
The alumni is still asking for donations from you talented folks who have or would like to donate some of your handy work as door prizes for the alumni dinner. Please contact the alumni office if you have something you would like to contribute.

Conway Spitler
Conway Spitler

Ten top jobs today did not exist in 2004!
One of eight couples married met on line!
31 billion searches on Google every month. In 2006 2.7 billion to Goggle.
Audience of 50 million -- four years it took TV 23 years and radio 20 years!
There are 54,000 words of English, five times as many as when Shakespeare was here!
Two million are registered on My Space.
One out of four employees have been with employer less than four years.
2008 million My Space subscribers--one million in 1992.

If you love blueberries... here's grrrrrrreat news! Blueberry pickin' season has officially begun at Underwood Family Farms in Somis. Warning! Practice self control before entering the blueberry field. The picking is easy... so many plump, juicy blueberries. Stopping is extremely difficult... near impossible. It's early in the season so the fruit is in varying stages of ripening as reflected in the photos. However, rest assured that there is an abundance of ripe blueberries for picking.
Photo by Bob Crum. Photo Copyright Greatography™ by Bob Crum. All Rights Reserved.
If you love blueberries... here's grrrrrrreat news! Blueberry pickin' season has officially begun at Underwood Family Farms in Somis. Warning! Practice self control before entering the blueberry field. The picking is easy... so many plump, juicy blueberries. Stopping is extremely difficult... near impossible. It's early in the season so the fruit is in varying stages of ripening as reflected in the photos. However, rest assured that there is an abundance of ripe blueberries for picking. Photo by Bob Crum. Photo Copyright Greatography™ by Bob Crum. All Rights Reserved.
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Photo by Bob Crum. Photo Copyright Greatography™ by Bob Crum. All Rights Reserved.
Photo by Bob Crum. Photo Copyright Greatography™ by Bob Crum. All Rights Reserved.
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Photo by Bob Crum. Photo Copyright Greatography™ by Bob Crum. All Rights Reserved.
Photo by Bob Crum. Photo Copyright Greatography™ by Bob Crum. All Rights Reserved.
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Photo by Bob Crum. Photo Copyright Greatography™ by Bob Crum. All Rights Reserved.
Photo by Bob Crum. Photo Copyright Greatography™ by Bob Crum. All Rights Reserved.
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Bob Crum's famous two-minute, irresistibly scrumptuous graham cracker crust blueberry 
cheesecake. Oh sooooooooooo good! 

Bob's SECRET two-minute cheesecake recipe... free for Gazette readers. 

One Keebler 9-inch Graham Cracker Ready Crust...
One 24.3 oz container of Philadelphia Ready-to-Eat Cheesecake filling...
Bunch of freshly picked blueberries...

Remove plastic protective cover from Ready Crust...
Remove top of Ready-to-Eat Cheesecake filling...
Dump cheesecake filling onto Ready Crust...
Spread cheesecake filling with spatula...
Spread blueberries around the top of cheesecake filling and gently press in.
Cheesecake is now ready to eat. Time: 2 minutes.

Now... cut the cheesecake into slices... remove only ONE slice and place on plate. 

Bet you can't eat just ONE slice. That's OK... you have my permission to indulge. But no more than two slices at one sitting. OR ELSE!

Photo by Bob Crum. Photo Copyright Greatography™ by Bob Crum. All Rights Reserved.
Bob Crum's famous two-minute, irresistibly scrumptuous graham cracker crust blueberry cheesecake. Oh sooooooooooo good! Bob's SECRET two-minute cheesecake recipe... free for Gazette readers. One Keebler 9-inch Graham Cracker Ready Crust... One 24.3 oz container of Philadelphia Ready-to-Eat Cheesecake filling... Bunch of freshly picked blueberries... Remove plastic protective cover from Ready Crust... Remove top of Ready-to-Eat Cheesecake filling... Dump cheesecake filling onto Ready Crust... Spread cheesecake filling with spatula... Spread blueberries around the top of cheesecake filling and gently press in. Cheesecake is now ready to eat. Time: 2 minutes. Now... cut the cheesecake into slices... remove only ONE slice and place on plate. ENJOY! Bet you can't eat just ONE slice. That's OK... you have my permission to indulge. But no more than two slices at one sitting. OR ELSE! Photo by Bob Crum. Photo Copyright Greatography™ by Bob Crum. All Rights Reserved.
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Scholarship winners L-R David Watson, Rebeca Herrera, Jillian Wilber, Natalie Garnica, Brina Suttle, and Michael Watson. Not seen is Karli Chessani.
Scholarship winners L-R David Watson, Rebeca Herrera, Jillian Wilber, Natalie Garnica, Brina Suttle, and Michael Watson. Not seen is Karli Chessani.
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The Rotary Club of Fillmore honored seven Fillmore High School seniors with Scholarships on Thursday, May 20. The winners were: Natalie Garnica $1,000, Brina Suttle $1,000, Jillian Wilber $1,000, Rebeca Herrera $750, David Watson $500, Michael Watson $500 and Karli Chessani $500. These funds were made possible because of the Club's fireworks booth.
The Club also celebrated it's 85th Anniversary. The Rotary Club of Fillmore was chartered on May 19, 1924. Fergus Fairbanks was the first President and the Club met at the Veteran's Memorial Building until 2005 when they moved to the cafe. A party is planned for later in the summer.

Fillmore Ebell Club 2009-2010 Board of Directors.
Fillmore Ebell Club 2009-2010 Board of Directors.
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The Fillmore Ebell Club has installed its 2009-2010 Board of Directors.
Installation Officer, Pat Murray, presented Second-Term President, Mary Ford; 1st Vice President (Program Chair), Beverly Brisby and Melodie Stich (interim); 2nd Vice President (Special Activities Chair), Anita Bailey and Lorraine Finch; 3rd Vice President (Membership Chair), Gloria Henderson; 4th Vice President (Meeting Coordinator), Charlene Smith and Marlene Schreffler; Recording Secretary, Pat Rees; Corresponding Secretary, Trisha Armstrong and Venita Bloxham; Treasurer, Fay Swanson; and Parliamentarian, Margaret Haskell.
2009-10 Yearbook Chairs are Wanda Haynes and Jean Mullen. 2009-10 Nominating Committee: Trisha Armstrong; Anita Bailey; Lorraine Finch; Margaret Haskell; and Fay Swanson.
If you are interested in becoming a member, please contact Gloria Henderson at 805-524-3632.


Colors Youth Community Art Studio is celebrating its new larger location at 412 Orchard st. in Fillmore with a Student Gallery Exhibit and Open House on Saturday May 30th between 4:00 to 8:00pm. In addition to the more space, we have two new art instructors, Penny Henschel who will be teaching the computer graphics class and Elizabeth Kemp the toddler art class instructor. Classes are available for ages 3 to adult. Summer sessions sign ups are now available which start June 8th and continue until August 8th. Colors is also happy to announce we are now sponsored by a Non Profit “Children’s Art Village”. The sponsorship allows us to raise money for scholarships for art lessons and supplies to those who want lessons but are unable to due to income. We want to thank the community and all those who have supported the art studio in making it a great success and a positive experience for all who participate. Fro more information call 524-2200.


On Saturday, June 6, 2009, Ventura County’s Friday Night Live Youth Advisory Council will hold a press conference to reveal and highlight their year-long efforts in the “Numbers Don’t Lie” underage and binge-drinking media campaign.

The Council, which consists of Ventura County youth from Oxnard, Ventura, Santa Paula, and Fillmore, has created this poster-advertisement campaign in an effort to create youth, adult, and community awareness about the often-overlooked dangers associated with alcohol and underage binge-drinking.

This press conference will be held on the evening of Saturday, June 6, 2009, from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at Plaza Park in Oxnard (the corner of 5th Street and B Street). Members of the press and public are invited to attend.


Memories to Memoirs Workshop- June 13
Learn how to write effectively about your life experiences and preserve them for the future, when Libby Atwater, professional personal historian, conducts a Saturday, June 13 workshop entitled Memories to Memoirs. The workshop is from 9:00 to 10:30 a.m. at the Museum of Ventura County. Cost is $10 for the general public and free to Museum of Ventura County members. Space is limited; RSVP to 653-0323 x 10.

Artists’ Books: Personal Visions - Free Panel Discussion– June 20
Not all stories are told with words and not all books have pages. Artists Donna Barna, Inés Monguió, and Luis Pérez share their hand-made art books and discuss this expanding art form in a free panel discussion on Saturday, June 20, at 2:00 p.m., at the Museum of Ventura County. For reservations, please call 805-653-0323 x 10.

The museum is at 89 South California Street, Ventura. Open Friday 11 a.m. to 8 p.m., Tuesday -Thursday, Saturday, Sunday 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Free admission, except for some events. (805) 653-0323 or go to


The Social Justice Fund for Ventura County has announced a Request for Proposals. A total of $50,000 will be available in the Fund’s third annual grants program.

The Social Justice Fund for Ventura County seeks to strengthen social justice in Ventura County by providing financial grants and other support to grassroots efforts that address root causes of injustice and remove structural and institutional barriers to social, economic and environmental equity.

Grant proposals in any amount up to $10,000 will be considered. The Social Justice Fund’s Giving Circle expects to make a number of small grants (under $3,000) and a few larger grants. Proposals are due by 1:00 p.m. on Friday, July 24, 2009.

Grants this year will focus exclusively on community organizing towards systemic social change in Ventura County. SJF defines “community organizing toward systemic change” as a values-based process by which people absent from decision-making tables come together to jointly bring about positive community-level social change. The Giving Circle seeks proposals that include elements of best and promising community organizing strategies: leadership development, advocacy, and transformational learning. CONTINUED »


The 25th Annual Ojai Peddler's Fair is being held from 9am-4pm, Saturday and Sunday, June 20 & 21, 2009. Located in the Chaparral Auditorium at 414 E. Ojai Ave., in downtown Ojai CA. Parking is free in the adjacent Municipal parking lot, and admission is always free.

Held rain or shine, the Peddler's Fair is chock-full of quality antiques, collectibles, handcrafts and international crafts.

This is a benefit for the Mira Monte PTO.

Vendors are sought.

For more information, please contact Pat at 805-964-8915.

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Rotary honors the 4-Way Test essay winners Elizabeth Stewart, Sierra Huerta and Isabell Rodriquez.
Rotary honors the 4-Way Test essay winners Elizabeth Stewart, Sierra Huerta and Isabell Rodriquez.
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Bill Shiells, Rotary President, recognizes Dave Wareham for his generous donation to Rotary Foundation Permanent Fund.
Bill Shiells, Rotary President, recognizes Dave Wareham for his generous donation to Rotary Foundation Permanent Fund.
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The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International recognized Dave Wareham for becoming a Foundation benefactor. The funds in the Foundation are used for humanitarian and educational programs around the world.
The 4-Way Test Essay winners and their parents were honored during the Thursday meeting. Each participant read her essay to the Club.

Recently, Elizabeth Wareham and Franiska Scheifler presented a program on their experiences at RYLA. The Rotary Youth Leadership camp was held in Ojai in April. They enjoyed meeting new people and listening to enthusiastic speakers.