Channel Islands Harbor holds full day of food and fun

Channel Islands Harbor celebrates the 4th of July with a full-day of activities. Fireworks display begins at 9 p.m., but there is plenty to do before then. Marine Emporium Landing will have activities between 11 a.m. and 9 p.m., including an artist’s market, live music, face painting, petting zoo, inflatable fun zone, a rock climbing wall, food booths and Water Taxi rides. The 4th of July Parade begins at 11 a.m. in front of Harbor Landing and follows Harbor Blvd. south to the parking lot area in front of the Whale’s Tail and Port Royal restaurants. A 10K and 5K fun run/walk begins at 8 a.m. along Sunset Lane, Hollywood Beach, with registration at 7 a.m.

For more information on Fireworks by the Sea or the Channel Islands Harbor, visit



VENTURA, CA – The Ventura Family YMCA will be hosting their 9th Annual Fun and Fitness 5K Run and Walk on July 25th at the Ventura Family YMCA starting at 7:00 a.m. Event proceeds will benefit the Ventura Family YMCA youth and teen programs.

The event includes a 5K run or walk around the city of Ventura, a live performance by New Waters, a local Ventura Christian rock band, family entertainment and a pancake breakfast, after the run, will be catered by Cypress Place for all who participate. Awards will be handed out to the top three places in each division along with amazing raffle prizes throughout the day! Most importantly this is a wonderful opportunity to have fun with family and friends while supporting the Ventura Family YMCA.

All pre-registered participants will receive a 5K T-shirt and the first 100 people will receive a goodie bag filled with items ranging from Dove products, Chipotle gift cards, Malibu Key-rings and more. Also, participants will be able to use the Ventura Family YMCA facility before and after the race. CONTINUED »


Ventura County Remains at Level 4/5

Ventura, CA - Ventura County Public Health received news that a swine flu pandemic was declared yesterday, June 11, 2009, by the World Health Organization (WHO). The worldwide pandemic alert level is raised to Phase 6 in response to the ongoing global spread of the novel influenza A (H1N1) virus. A Phase 6 designation indicates that a global pandemic is underway. The long-awaited pandemic announcement is scientific confirmation that this new flu virus is circling the globe and will prompt governments to devote more money toward efforts to contain the virus. WHO’s decision to raise the pandemic alert level to Phase 6 is a reflection of the spread of the virus, not the severity of illness caused by the virus.

“We are seeing small numbers of cases here in Ventura County and no local deaths have been attributed to this virus”, said Public Health Officer, Dr. Robert Levin. “Since the disease caused by the swine flu virus right now is so mild, it seems like pandemic is a strong word. Perhaps the WHO will rethink the definition we use for ‘pandemic’ in the future to incorporate the severity of disease caused by an infectious agent. But even though the severity of the virus appears to be tolerable now, we still need to be concerned about how virulent the virus will be when it returns in the fall.” CONTINUED »

Pictured above (l-r) Fire Chief Rigo Landeros, Robert Reyes, Billy Gabriel, Scott and Season McClusky, parents of the jogger who suffered a heart attack, Rick Houston, Bob Thompson, Al Huerta, David Brown, Jose Mendez, and Benjamin Pratt. Not pictured Martin Lopez. Lopez was also recognized for his assistants in the emergency.
Pictured above (l-r) Fire Chief Rigo Landeros, Robert Reyes, Billy Gabriel, Scott and Season McClusky, parents of the jogger who suffered a heart attack, Rick Houston, Bob Thompson, Al Huerta, David Brown, Jose Mendez, and Benjamin Pratt. Not pictured Martin Lopez. Lopez was also recognized for his assistants in the emergency.
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Fillmore High Alumni Association
Fillmore High Alumni Association

More than three hundred alumni members and guests filled the Memorial Building on Saturday for the 96th annual alumni dinner. Classes were represented for the years 1932 through 1939, with the last class celebrating its 70th reunion. Classes in each decade were represented for the '40's, 50's, 60's and 70's, and representatives from five classes from the 1980's were present, as were representatives from 1997, 2002 and 2004 and 17 scholarship winners from this year's graduating class. Alumni came from as far away as Alaska, with many coming from Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Utah, Arizona, Texas, Colorado, Oklahoma and Tennessee.

The evening began with the posting of the colors by Boy Scout Troop 406, followed by the Invocation by Jacob Zellmer, one of the scholarships recipients. An excellent dinner was served by Gary Laird's Butcher Shop and B-B-Q.

Margaret Haskell, class of '42 was recognized for her years of service to the alumni association as Secretary, and also for her many years of assisting with the dinner. Ralph Rees, a retired teacher from Fillmore High was recognized for his 28 plus years of teaching.

Prior to the awarding of the scholarships, Sydia Lopez-Reese, class of '79 and Chad Fore, class of '02 told about their college experiences and how much the local scholarships had helped them during their years in college. Alumni Scholarships were presented to Juliane Sandoval, Brina Suttle, Natalie Garnica, Karli Chessani, Jillian Wilber, Rebeca Herrera, Aimee Orozco, Michael Watson, Jacob Zellmer, Bailey Pina, Kyla Hernandez, Miguel Alonso, Gabriel Manzano, Jonathan Escamilla, Stephanie Bolanos, Nathan Liu and Erica Rodriguez.

The Honored Classes from 1944, '49, '54, '59, and '69 were recognized and welcomed for their attendance at the dinner.

Door prizes that were contributed by Carmen Zermeno, Lupe Vasquez, Conway Spitler, Nancy Wallace, Gertrude Lovelace and the alumni association were awarded to twenty lucky attendees.

The present board of directors of the alumni association were returned to office for the 2009-2010 year, and they are already planning next year's alumni dinner for Saturday, June 12 at the Memorial Building, so put that date on your calendar, alumni members.

The evening was closed with the singing of the alma mater, lead by Mark Ortega, being assisted by Rebeca Herrera, Natalie Garnica, Aimee Orozco, and Jillian Wilber.

Next year's honored classes will be all those classes whose graduating years ended in 0 or 5.

Alumni Banquet and Normandy Landings
Conway Spitler
Conway Spitler

Probably there will be another article about the alumni dinner in the news; however, is great to be able to write
about the alumni dinner in my column. In my opinion is was one of the greatest since these dinners have been given. It is a shame; however, that more local people do not come to visit, find out where classmates are at this time, etc. The out-of-towners are always asking where is this graduate, or that graduate, who live in Fillmore. What can the locals say to these graduates who have come distances—in fact there was one present from the State of Ohio? The food was great, the tables with the class signs were attractive and helpful signs guided you to the correct year of graduation for the settings. It was delightful to have the dinner inside the memorial
building too! There were a great number of scholarships given to the seniors. It is always interesting to see the seniors who join the alumni memberships as they are acknowledged for their deeds at Fillmore High. This year there were a great number of graduates receiving scholarships. The graduates, the activities, the dinner, and the awarding of scholarships was done with lots of class. Richard Mosbarger and the officers did a great job and we graduates do thank them for all the work and preparation for the alumni dinner.

The Normandy Landings were the first operations of the Allied invasion of Normandy, also known as Operation Neptune and Operation Overlord, during World War II. The landings commenced on June 6, 1944 (D-Day), beginning at 6:30 British Double Summer Time (H-Hour). In planning, DDay was the term used for the day of actual landing, which was dependent on final approval. The assault was conducted in two phases: an air assault landing of American, British and Canadian airborne troops shortly after midnight, and an amphibious landing of Allied infantry and armoured divisions on the coast of France commencing at 6:30. The invasion required the transport of soldiers and materiel from the United Kingdom by troop carrying aircraft and ships, the assault landings, air support, naval interdiction of the English Channel and naval fire-support. There were also subsidiary ‘attacks’ mounted under the codenames Operation Glimmer and Operation Taxable to distract the Kriegsmarine and the German
army from the real landing areas.[3] The operation was the largest single-day amphibious invasion of all time, with 160,000[4] troops landing on June 6, 1944. 195,700[5] Allied naval and merchant navy personnel in over 5,000[4] ships were involved. The landings took place along a 50-mile (80 km) stretch of the Normandy coast divided into five sectors: Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno and Sword. The Allies had previously invaded mainland Europe September 3, 1943 with the landings in Italy.

8th grade English, 1968 - Fillmore Jr. High

Jr. High was a very hard time for many young people, and I was no exception. Mrs. Knappen not only taught English, but took the time to listen to a 13 year old, and was always available. She had a class of monkeys, and was quite gracious when we all decided to bend down and tie our shoes at 2:00. She tolerated several boys who shall go unnamed, who were something else. When my friend and I were desperately trying to find a ride to Ventura, to see Robert F. Kennedy at the BuenaVentura shopping center, in June of 1968, she offered to give us a ride over there. Mrs. Knappen, I never got the chance to tell you how special you were, you were so sweet to us!
God bless you, Rest in Peace., Peter Recicar

Annual Campaign for Youth Helps Kids and Families in Need Take Part in YMCA Programs

The Ventura Family YMCA announces the kick-off of its 2009 Campaign for Youth. Proceeds from Campaign for Youth will help meet the growing needs of Ventura and its surrounding communities by providing financial assistance for individuals and families who want and need YMCA programs but may not otherwise be able to afford them. Campaign for Youth will start on February 6th and commence on March 6th; during that month volunteers will work together to raise $115,000.

The Ventura Family YMCA has made many changes to ensure that no one is turned away from the YMCA due to their inability to pay, especially during these tough economic times. The YMCA’s Open Doors scholarship program allows children and families the opportunity to benefit from, family strengthening, YMCA programs such as child care, day camp and programs for at-risk youth. Campaign for Youth also supports members in programs such as aquatics, resident away camp, youth sports and helps assist members in need with membership fees.

This year’s campaign theme, “Red, White, and Blue” was designed to symbolize the patriotic resurgence that Ventura is sharing along with the rest of America. Last year, the Ventura Family YMCA Campaign for Youth raised $110,721, which allowed more than 1,200 kids and families the opportunity to participate in programs. These funds were made possible through the hard work of over 80 volunteers and generous contributions from more than 359 local business and individuals.

This year, The Ventura Family YMCA is asking for help from the community. The goal is to raise $115,000 in one month. To reach this goal the YMCA is looking for team campaigners, phone campaigners and donors. In addition to monetary donations the YMCA is looking for food donors to help support campaign report night dinners as well as product donors for door prizes, which will be given to campaigners to show appreciation for their efforts
If you would like to donate or volunteer during Campaign for Youth 2009 please contact Amy Bailey at or call 805-642-2131 ext 24.

Classes open to members

Curves of Fillmore is offering free weight management classes to teach its proven method for losing weight and raising metabolism. More studied than any other program, Curves’ classes are based on the groundbreaking new research findings of the Exercise & Sport Nutrition Laboratory at Texas A&M University. Now, the women of Fillmore can learn the powerful secret that has helped millions of women lose millions of pounds and keep them off for good. Classes are open to members and non-members.

Classes include: Start-Up Class (90 minutes) for firsttime participants; Phase 3 (30 minutes) to teach the last and most important stage of the Curves Weight management Plan and the secret that makes the plan work; Special Topics Classes (30 minutes) will cover a different topic each month, including Smart Grocery Shopping, Choosing the Right Carbohydrates, Eating Out, Emotional Eating and more.

Classes will be taught by Curves’ Registered Dietitian, Nadia Rodman, and facilitated by weight management
coaches from Curves of Fillmore, through a series of DVDs that will alternate teaching with hands-on activities.
Participants will be encouraged to make a weekly appointment to weigh in with their weight management coach, who will provide accountability. CONTINUED »


Piru-Fillmore Road Trip to Chumash Casino, Monday, June 15, 2009. Leave Piru/San Salvador Church at 10:00 am, Leave Fillmore/Senior Center at 10:30 a.m., Arrive Chumash Casino at 12:30 p.m. Leave Chumash Casino at 8:00 pm, Arrive Fillmore/Senior Center at 10:00 p.m., Arrive Piru/San Salvador, Church at 10:30 .pm., Only $25 person, Limited to 45 persons, Sign up today! Andy Arias @ 805-521-1554, Piru to Chumash, Monday, June 15, 2009.


Lap Swim: Starting June 9, 2009 $4.00 per visit / Splash Pass - 10 visit $35.00
Tuesday & Thursday (Morning) 6:00 AM - 8:00 AM
Monday, Tuesday & Thursday (Evening) 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM
Water Exercise: Starting June 16, 2009 $6.00 per visit /Splash Pass –
5 visit $25.00 / 10 visit $45.00 / 20 visit $80.00
Tuesday & Thursday (Morning) 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM
Tuesday & Thursday (Morning) 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM Low Impact for Seniors
Tuesday & Thursday (Evening) 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Family Night Swim: Starting July 3, 2009 $25.00 per family
Friday (Evening 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
STARTING: July 6 – July 10, 2009 & July 13 – 17, 2009 (1:30 PM - 3:00 PM)
& (6:00 PM – 8:00 PM)
Testing only from 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM (pool site only)
Sign-ups for Swim Lessons – 1:30 PM – 3:30 PM & 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Recreation Swim: Starting July 20, 2009 $2.00 per visit / Splash Pass – 10 visit
$18.0 / 20 visit $38.00
Monday – Friday 1:15PM – 3:45 PM
Participants can sign up at City Hall or at the pool site
during times that classes are being offered.

June is Adopt-A-Cat Month at The Humane Society of Ventura County in Ojai

Through June 30, persons can adopt two cats or kittens for $120, the regular cost of adopting one. All cats are spayed or neutered, micro-chipped and have up-to-date vaccines. They also come with a collar, identification tag and carrier, a free exam at any veterinarian’s office in Ventura County within three days of adopting and a one-year membership to The Humane Society of Ventura County.

For a video of the pairs of adult cats the non-profit organization is adopting, visit, or go to www.Studio805tv and click on the video labeled “Adoptable – Cat Week.”

The Humane Society of Ventura County, located at 402 Bryant St. in Ojai, is open for adoptions Monday through Friday, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., and on Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. To see all animals currently available for adoption, visit

Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please help us by adding any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting. Thank You!
Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please help us by adding any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting. Thank You!
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Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please help us by adding any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting. Thank You!
Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please help us by adding any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting. Thank You!
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Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please help us by adding any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting. Thank You!
Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please help us by adding any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting. Thank You!
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Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please help us by adding any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting. Thank You!
Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please help us by adding any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting. Thank You!
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Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please help us by adding any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting. Thank You!
Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please help us by adding any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting. Thank You!
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2009 Ventura County Fair
August 5 through August 16, 2009
“Purebred and Home Grown”

Entry Dates at a Glance

Entry dates are July 24, 25 & 26 from 10 AM to 5 PM each day for the following departments:

Amateur Fine Arts
Gem & Minerals
Home Arts (Arts & Crafts, Clothing & Textiles, Preserved Foods, & Special Exhibits)
Uncle Leo’s Barn Ag Contest
Youth Expo & 4-H/Grange

Other Entry Dates to Remember:

Academic Rodeo – deadline for entries – July 8 CONTINUED »


VENTURA, CALIF.--A new $1.75 million program, California Youth@Work, hopes to place more than 650 youth in jobs this summer with Ventura County private, nonprofit and public companies. The program is funded by the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) and is administered by the Workforce Investment Board of Ventura County (WIB). It is designed to provide early work experience for young people (ages 14 to 24) who might not otherwise have the opportunity to find employment.

The summer jobs program runs from June 2 through September 30, 2009. Job experience will range from 60 to 192 hours over that period, with participants earning $8 per hour. All wages and employer payroll costs will be covered by the program. Participants also will participate in at least eight hours of work readiness activities, including career planning, job search, leadership, teamwork and interpersonal skills.

"California Youth@Work will have a positive impact in Ventura County," says Cheryl Moore, WIB executive director. "Youth will receive work readiness skills training and job experience that will enable them to be more competitive in the workplace. Employers will have an opportunity to guide and prepare motivated young people to become the local workforce of the future” CONTINUED »

The Fillmore Women’s Service Club sponsored a luncheon at El Pescador, presenting scholarships to six FHS seniors. Pictured are (l to r) Tenea Golson, Continuing Scholarship. Erica Rodriguez, Juan Paul Toledo, Alani Barajas, Jillian Wilber, Gabriel Manzano and Mal Stich, High School Senior Awards.
The Fillmore Women’s Service Club sponsored a luncheon at El Pescador, presenting scholarships to six FHS seniors. Pictured are (l to r) Tenea Golson, Continuing Scholarship. Erica Rodriguez, Juan Paul Toledo, Alani Barajas, Jillian Wilber, Gabriel Manzano and Mal Stich, High School Senior Awards.
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Susan Banks presented a Continuing Scholarship to Carina Crawford.
Susan Banks presented a Continuing Scholarship to Carina Crawford.
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The Fillmore Women’s Service Club presented Educational Scholarships to six High School Seniors at a luncheon held at El Pescador Restaurant on May 20th. Piru resident Lother MalStich, a Senior at Moorpark High School received a scholarship for $1,000. Fillmore High Seniors Erica Rodriguez, Jillian Wilber, Juan Carlos Toledo, Alani Barajas each received $1,000 each and Gabriel Monzana was awarded a $1,500 scholarship.

Tenea Golson and Carina Crawford were awarded the Continuing Educational Award of $500 each. Carina the mother of two will be taking classes needed to continue teaching at Sonshine Preschool.

The FWSC would like to thank the community for supporting their Fund Raisers which allows us to present these awards.

Chef Dustin Anderson.
Chef Dustin Anderson.

Dustin Anderson, a local, professionally trained Chef, will offer one-night, gourmet cooking classes beginning on Wednesday, June 10th at the Fillmore Veterans Memorial Building. Participants will prepare a three course meal including appetizer, main entrée, and dessert. In addition, they will receive a collection of fun recipes that can be tried at home. Each class will take about 90 minutes. Food topics will change from class to class.
Dustin invites you to eat and share your passion for cooking with new friends. The small, interactive classes provide a warm and comfortable setting to learn and build confidence in your own cooking abilities. The classes focus on cooking techniques, proper equipment selection, and how to time a meal. They will also explore different ethnic cuisines and seasonal food topics. All that is required is a love of food and cooking; Dustin will provide the food and supplies.
Chef Anderson is a graduate of the culinary institute at Oxnard College where he studied under the renowned chef, Henri Patey. He proceeded to work at upscale restaurants in the Ventura area moving from salad chef to the responsibility of running a full kitchen. Through these experiences he became proficient in the preparation of French, Italian and Mediterranean cuisine as well as a broad array of desserts. Chef Anderson is now a private caterer/chef specializing in a West coast style of cooking where he emphasizes fresh produce and nutrition.
Date and Time: Wednesday, June 10th 2009 - 5.30 PM, Location: Fillmore Veterans Memorial Building, Food Topic: California Cuisine, Price: $25.00 per person, Call (805) 315-1025 to make your reservation.

Pretty boring picture, huh? We think so too. Carl’s Jr’s flagpole has been missing an American flag for over six months. The manager has told us they are waiting for the pole to get fixed. Our question is, how long does it take?
Pretty boring picture, huh? We think so too. Carl’s Jr’s flagpole has been missing an American flag for over six months. The manager has told us they are waiting for the pole to get fixed. Our question is, how long does it take?
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As you read this on Thursday, June 4th, 2009, we the Class of 2009 will be getting on the buses and eagerly waiting for the “Boat Cruise”. We had some hitches, 264 students have signed up to go. We had to order two more little buses (44) and more food on the boat. But other than that we are good to go! THANK YOU for your participation in our fundraiser’s and for those who gave Gift Certificates to make our Black Jack winners and Dance Contest winners happy. Grad Nite Live Committee


With encouragement from Vision 2020 Civic Pride Committee, Joe Zuniga, from the city of Fillmore has installed 5 Mutt Mitt boxes at locations on the bike path and local parks. These boxes contain biodegradable plastic mitts that fit over the hand, allowing dog owners to pick up after their pet, turn the mitt inside out, tie it and deposit it in a trash receptacle. The Mutt Mitt box is printed with picture directions on use of the mitt.

These mitts are used in almost every city in Ventura County and all citizens are encouraged to use them. Many people carry their own bags, recycling newspaper sleeves or grocery bags and all pet supply stores have bag holding units that attach to the leash or dog’s collar. The Mutt Mitt makes it easy!

Responsible and informed pet owners know that picking up their pet’s waste is not only courteous, avoids dirty shoes, angry neighbors and unsightly walkways, but it is an environmentally sound practice to keep pet excrement out of storm drains and stream beds. It is a state mandated requirement to improve water quality.

The boxes are located on the bike path at Central St., A St., C St., and there are two at Shiell’s Park and another at Delores Day Park. Our parks and walkways will be more pleasant for sport’s players and everyone, if the Mutt Mitts are put to good use in our community!