August 15th, 2009
The Rubio Family of Santa Paula
The Rubio Family of Santa Paula

One-day event seeks volunteers and donations for two duplexes in Oxnard and Santa Paula from 8:30am to 3:30pm on August 15.

Two Ventura County nonprofits are partnering to provide basic needs of food and shelter for fellow neighbors in our community – FOOD Share and Habitat for Humanity.

“Partnering with Habitat for Humanity makes perfect sense,” says Bonnie Weigel, CEO of FOOD Share. “Two of our most basic human needs are food and shelter. Together, and with the help of many volunteers, we can build communities that can thrive into the future.”

Volunteers can work morning, afternoon or all-day building shifts and all skill levels are invited. Breakfast and lunch will be donated by Chick-Fil-A and Bobbi’s Mexican Food in Camarillo.

“We are thrilled to join hands with FOOD Share to serve Ventura County families,” said Stacy Swanson, Executive Director with Habitat for Humanity of Ventura County. “This collaborative effort is intended to invite the community to work together to help our low and very low income neighbors.” CONTINUED »



VENTURA, CA – Professional portrait artists from Decadent Images of Ventura are donating their time to create portraits of the general public that can be utilized for social networking pages like Facebook and Myspace or other uses.

A $10 donation per portrait will be requested. All proceeds will benefit Straight Up Ventura County, a youth development organization funded by the Ventura County Behavioral Health Department Prevention Services. Straight Up representatives will also be on hand to answer questions or concerns about the use and safety of social networking sites.

Portraits will be taken on Sunday, August 9th from Noon to 4pm at Ventura Improv Company at 34 North Palm Street in downtown Ventura. No appointment is necessary.

"With increased use of Facebook and other social network sites, a person’s image may be viewed by hundreds of people a day. It is important to put your best self forward and stand out in the sea of sameness. This can be best done by having a creative portrait made by a professional photographer,“ says Sue Bell, owner of Decadent Images. CONTINUED »


A balloon with the face of a Panda. Photo by Charles Morris, KSSP Photographic Studios.
A balloon with the face of a Panda. Photo by Charles Morris, KSSP Photographic Studios.
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The balloons never flew without being cabled to the ground due to the weather. Photo by Charles Morris, KSSP Photographic Studios.
The balloons never flew without being cabled to the ground due to the weather. Photo by Charles Morris, KSSP Photographic Studios.
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VoiceAmerica Talk Radio Network, which is the single largest producer of original Internet talk radio programming in the world, has asked former Fillmore resident and national real estate consultant John Schleimer to develop and host a weekly program on housing trends and topics in America for its business channel.

Schleimer, who is the son of Jeri and Jack Schleimer of Fillmore, is the founder and president of Market Perspectives, is one of the leading residential housing authorities in the country and has been conducting market and consumer research, product positioning and feasibility studies for over 25 years for land developer, home builder and investor/lender clients in over 42 states and Canada.

Since 1999, VoiceAmerica has been streaming live Internet talk radio programs, featuring more than 300 hosts broadcasting on seven genre-based channels: its flagship VoiceAmerica Variety Channel, VoiceAmerica Health & Wellness Channel, VoiceAmerica Business Channel, VoiceAmerica Sports, 7th Wave Network, The Green Talk Network and Power Up Motorsports Channel. CONTINUED »

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Four new Cub Scouts were recently welcomed into Boy Scout Troop 406. The evening began with family members and friends packed inside the Boy Scout House for a potluck dinner followed by the traditional outdoor crossover ceremony.

Keeping with tradition, the day before the ceremony, members of Troop 406 build what is called a “monkey bridge” for new scouts to cross over. Cubmaster Sean Morris read his speech and wished his cub scouts nothing the best on their journey into Boy Scouts before they crossed over the bridge.

First up to cross over was Pablo Almazan who was presented his new neckerchief and loops by Brett Chandler and Robbie Munoz, followed by Chris Medrano who received his new neckerchief by his older brother Jonathan and loops by Scott Klittich.

Next was Matthew Hammond receiving his neckerchief and loops by Ron Smith, Robbie Munoz and Scott Klittich and James Wassel getting his new neckerchief and loops by Ron Smith, Scott Klittich and Esteban Almazan.

Another tradition that started several years ago is to have a parent of each scout crossover the bridge as well, which is not as easy as it looks. Everyone then was asked to sit around the fire pit for a flag retirement ceremony.

Senior Patrol Leader Esteban Almazan then read the twelve steps as the old and tattered flag was being folded. Older scouts then placed several torn flags that were donated into the fire pit as well. The evening then came to a close.

We would like to thank everyone who participated in making this a memorable evening for our new Boy Scouts and we wish you nothing but success on your trail to become Eagle Scouts.

Pictured (l-r) Franziska Scheifler, Rotary Exchange Student and Rotary President Dave Wareham.
Pictured (l-r) Franziska Scheifler, Rotary Exchange Student and Rotary President Dave Wareham.
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The Rotary Club of Fillmore said goodbye to its Rotary Exchange Student, Franziska Scheifler, last week. Franzi was sponsored by both Fillmore Rotary Clubs. She arrived last August, attended and graduated from Fillmore High School with honors, this June. During her stay she lived with three different families, which is a requirement, thus learning how other people live. She also attended many Rotary sponsored activities such as the Community Workday at Rancho Camulos, Rotary Leadership Camp, the District Conference and several weekend trips with other Rotary exchange students in the county. Probably the highlight of her stay was a month long Rotary trip around the USA by train. She saw all the famous sights from San Francisco to Niagara Falls and Washington DC. Both clubs enjoyed getting to know Franzi and hearing her speak about Germany and her many new experiences in the United States.

Only Labor Day Parade in Southern California

Santa Paula, CA – The 5th Annual Labor Day Parade is held Monday, September 7, 2009 at 10 AM on Main Street in Santa Paula. Entries of all kinds are welcome. Entries representing occupations and workers are especially welcome. Entry deadline is August 22, 2009. Parade entry forms are available online at, under What’s New, at Santa Paula City Hall and the Santa Paula Times, 944 E. Main Street. For further information call 933-0701. The Parade is sponsored by the Santa Paula Labor Day Parade Committee, the Rotary Club of Santa Paula and the City of Santa Paula.

Walking groups with banners, musical groups, floats, workers riding in work-related vehicles, equestrians, and all groups representing a Labor Day theme are invited to participate. The parade starts at 7th and Main Street and ends at the Gazebo at Santa Barbara and Mill.

Trophies for “Most Original,” “Most Participants,” “Best Overall Use of Theme” and “Most Animated” will be awarded in ceremonies at the conclusion of the parade at the Gazebo. This year’s Grand Marshall is Tomas Gonzalez Sr. The 2009 theme is “Celebration of Working People.”

For more information, please contact Al Guilin (805) 525-8839

The Fillmore Volunteer Fire Department put on its much anticipated emergency response practice at the El Dorado Mobile Home club house, Saturday. Fireman Patrick Maynard was largely responsible for organizing the event, with many others assisting. The story will be posted next week where full credit will be given to the many who participated in the important event.

The exercise focused on a triage system for quickly determining the extent of injuries. All
The Fillmore Volunteer Fire Department put on its much anticipated emergency response practice at the El Dorado Mobile Home club house, Saturday. Fireman Patrick Maynard was largely responsible for organizing the event, with many others assisting. The story will be posted next week where full credit will be given to the many who participated in the important event. The exercise focused on a triage system for quickly determining the extent of injuries. All "victims" in this exercise received colored cards which indicated "minor" injury, injuries which could wait - "delayed",severe injuries requiring "immediate" care, and any person "deceased." A "smoke" machine provided a realistic setting for a catastrophic event and students played rolls of victims with various injuries. The whole exercise was a great success.
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On Saturday July 18, the City of Fillmore Fire Department hosted a simulated mass causality incident at the El Dorado Mobile Park. The goal of this event was to provide members of the El Dorado Block Captain Program the opportunity to practice basic first aid and triage skills they learned about during a previous weeks training.

The training scenario included a magnitude 7.0 earthquake triggering the collapse of the community clubhouse located within the mobile home park. Approximately 25 victims were placed inside the clubhouse tangled amongst various obstacles and debris. To add to the realism the windows of the building were blacked out, the lights in the building shut off and theatrical smoke added to the area – all to simulate post-earthquake conditions.

Upon being dispatched to the scene, approximately 24 CERT trained block captains triaged and tagged all 24 victims within the collapsed structure. Triaged victims were transported to a staging location setup outside the clubhouse where they received basic first aid. Block Captains were able to put their recently obtained skills to work by applying various types of dressings and bandages to injured victims. At the end of the drill, 24 victims were triaged, transported and treated - all within a one-hour time period.

One of the invaluable assets brought by training of this nature is the ability for participants to experience “sensory overload” - commonly associated with events of this nature. “Overwhelming your brain with screaming voices, flashing lights and poor visibility is only a small taste of the distractions that may be present during a disaster. Experiencing these things ahead of time is paramount to building a mindset capable of dealing with stressful times both safely and efficiently” said Patrick Maynard, Disaster Coordinator for the City of Fillmore Fire Department.

Chief Rigo Landeros was “Pleased to see El Dorado resident’s interest in disaster preparedness in particular mass casualty incidents. Their knowledgeable contribution to post-disaster situations is both vital to the community as a whole and the City of Fillmore Fire Department. “

Special thanks to Captain Al Huerta of the Fillmore Fire Department, Paramedic Steven Karnazes of Mercy Air Helicopter Service, Sespe 4-H & all of the volunteers who participated as victims. Without you this drill would not have been as successful as it was!

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Shown with Mrs. Gerlack are Tiger Cubs Tiger Cubs: Niles Gerlack, Kelly Bires, Tommy Vargas and Junior Escoto.
Shown with Mrs. Gerlack are Tiger Cubs Tiger Cubs: Niles Gerlack, Kelly Bires, Tommy Vargas and Junior Escoto.
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Shown with Mr. Helgamo are Wolves: Marshall Martinez, Matt Van De Mheen, AJ Munoz, Will Helgemo and James Chandler. See additional photos online at
Shown with Mr. Helgamo are Wolves: Marshall Martinez, Matt Van De Mheen, AJ Munoz, Will Helgemo and James Chandler. See additional photos online at
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Recently, Cub Scout Pack 3400 held their promotion ceremony for the 2008-2009 year. This past year was an eventful one with very devoted parents working alongside the Cub Scout leaders to ensure their sons advancement in rank.

At the ceremony, each scout was presented with recent achievements they had earned along with their new books they will be using in September.

Tiger Cubs Niles Gerlack, Kelly Bires, Tommy Vargas & Junior Escoto were presented past awill advance to the Wolf group while Wolves Marshalll Martinez, Matt Vad De Mheen, AJ Munoz, Will Helgemo & James Chandler will advance up to the Bear group.

The Bear group consisting of Timothy Wassell, Garrett Colbern, Burke Stewart, Ian Morris & Timothy Vargas will advance to first year Webelos while second year Webelos Pablo Almazan, Matthew Hammond, Chris Medrano & James Wassell will move on to Boy Scout Troop 406.

After each group received their awards & books, a special "Arrow of Light" presentation was held. The Arrow of Light is the highest rank a boy can earn while in Cub Scouts before moving on to Boy Scouts. Pablo Almazan, Matthew Hammond & Chris Medrano were given their new Boy Scout books along with their Arrow of Light patch.

A separate & very special "crossover" ceremony will be held for these boys which will include a humbling flag retirement reading. We want to say thank you to every parent, scout leader, Cubmaster Sean Morris & every committee member for their participation.

Hank and Mary Weyand of 908 Hinckley, Fillmore, were awarded Yard of the Month for July 2009. The Weyand’s have landscaped their front yard with colorful plantings of day lilies, iris, snapdragons, nasturtiums, lavender and roses. Their front porch is shaded by a large Schefflera as well as a Mimosa tree. The Yard of the Month award is issued by Civic Pride 2020 and includes a donated Otto and Sons $25 gift certificate.
Hank and Mary Weyand of 908 Hinckley, Fillmore, were awarded Yard of the Month for July 2009. The Weyand’s have landscaped their front yard with colorful plantings of day lilies, iris, snapdragons, nasturtiums, lavender and roses. Their front porch is shaded by a large Schefflera as well as a Mimosa tree. The Yard of the Month award is issued by Civic Pride 2020 and includes a donated Otto and Sons $25 gift certificate.
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July 31 - August 1

Experience hot air balloons illuminate at sunset, or ascend in the morning air against a spectacular backdrop of citrus orchards and field crops. Relax and enjoy the Wine and Beer Garden, live music, unique children’s activities, art, vendors, and activities for all ages. Details at:

Save money and support the educational and preservation efforts of the Rancho Camulos Museum by purchasing advance tickets for the Citrus Classic Balloon Festival at the Rancho Camulos Museum or fruit stand or by ordering from 805-521-1501 or Daily tickets are Adults: $7; Children 5-14: $3; and special parking $7. This is a discount from the gate price of $10/$5.

Happy Birthday Rotary Club of Fillmore.
Happy Birthday Rotary Club of Fillmore.
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The Rotary Club of Fillmore celebrated its 85th Anniversary; it was chartered on May 19, 1924. The dinner party was hosted by President Bill Shiells and JoAnn Held, in late June. During the party the club also held its demotion of President Bill, left, and the induction of the new President for 2009-2010, Dave Wareham, right, shown toasting the new year ahead.

More military banners were presented on Wednesday, July 15, in front of Fillmroe City Hall. The hometown soldiers they honor are Jonathan de la Rosa (Army), Edward Martinez (Navy), Marcos Ruvalcaba (Marines), Andrew Lochelt (Marines), Joshua Mendez (Navy), and Frank Solorzano (Navy).
More military banners were presented on Wednesday, July 15, in front of Fillmroe City Hall. The hometown soldiers they honor are Jonathan de la Rosa (Army), Edward Martinez (Navy), Marcos Ruvalcaba (Marines), Andrew Lochelt (Marines), Joshua Mendez (Navy), and Frank Solorzano (Navy).
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Costumed Race is first in Fair’s History

The Ventura County Fair and Inside Track Ventura have announced that they are seeking runners and walkers to participate in the first ever Ventura County Fair 5K Run & Walk. Runners, joggers, and walkers of all abilities are encouraged to participate in this 3.1 mile fundraiser. Runners are encouraged to dress in costumes that are inspired by this year’s Fair theme, “Purebred and Home Grown.” Costumes are highly encouraged and awards will be given to the best-dressed participants. While the theme is "Purebred & Homegrown," participants may wear costumes unrelated to this theme. Awards will be given out for fastest times in 5 year age groups. Make sure you stick around to watch the Ventura County Fair Parade and then go to the Ventura County Fair to make a full day of fun. How to sign up? Visit to download a registration form to mail-in or to sign up online. Where? Mission Park - Downtown Ventura. When? Saturday, August 8th, 2009. The race begins at 8:00am. Check-In begins at 7:00am. Why? Fun and healthy athletic event while raising money for the Ventura County Fair Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to raising and allocating the funds necessary to preserve and enhance the vitality of the Fairgrounds. Who? Everyone, all ages.


County Supervisor Kathy Long, 3rd District would like to announce to all residents of Ventura County that the next Santa Paula Tattoo Removal Clinic will be held on Saturday July 25th, 2009 from 8:30 am – 12 noon, no appointments necessary. Orientation for first time participants will be at 9 am located at 1334 E. Main St. the Santa Paula Family Care Clinic. Due to overwhelming response, spaces will be limited.

County Supervisor Kathy Long spearheaded this clinic in collaboration with the following agencies: Ventura County Public Health, Ventura County Probation Agency, Ventura County Sheriff’s Department, Santa Paula Family Care Clinic, Interface Children Family Services, and CalWORKS.

The clinic not only welcomes participants but volunteers to run the clinic. If you have any questions, or would like to find out how you can help, please call the Santa Paula Family Care Clinic at (805) 933-1242.

Ventura County Chapter

Oxnard, CA – September 25, 2009, will mark the 3rd annual National Day of Remembrance for Murdered Victims in Ventura County. On this day we as a community will join together to honor the memories of murdered victims and recognize the impact of homicide on surviving family members and friends.

If your loved one was killed in an act of violence, because of a drunk driver or killed while serving in the military, please join us on this special day. An authorization form must be turned in with a 5x7 picture of your loved one no later than September 11th. Please contact POMC (805) 236-8130 to receive the forms or you can reach us by email at Authorization forms may also be downloaded by visiting our website at under the “coming events” section.

Sponsored by the Ventura County Chapter Parents Of Murdered Children (POMC), a National Non-Profit Organization, this special observance seeks to pay tribute to the hundreds of people who have been murdered in Ventura County and all around our Nation and beyond, to publicly recognize the tremendous losses endured by their families and friends; and to educate our community about the rights and services available to surviving family members of homicide victims. We invite you to join us survivors of homicide victims, family and friends for what promises to be a moving and inspirational event. CONTINUED »


SANTA PAULA, Ca— Limoneira Company, the nation's largest avocado and lemon producer, is introducing "Limoneira Lifestyles" ( featuring lines of products incorporating natural and sustainable ingredients, many of which are avocado and lemon based.

"We've been growers in California for 116 years, and we've been doing it sustainably through water conservation practices, soil enrichment, and recently, with green materials recycling and solar powered facilities," says Harold Edwards, Limoneira Company CEO. The company currently has more than 7,000 acres in agricultural production. "We use these same sustainable and natural approaches to our Limoneira Lifestyles products.

"Our initial offerings include new topical skin care products that our employees have been using around the ranch, and everyone loves the results," says Edwards. "These products are lemon and avocado based, and they are natural and dermatologist tested. Almost all contain a new compound that is a natural promoter of skin metabolism." Skin care items include cleansers, moisturizers, masks and lip balm.

Included in the Limoneira Lifestyles website are over 20 varieties of gift fruit baskets, brimming with avocados, lemons and nuts designed for special occasions and holidays. "We've been offering gift baskets to the public for more than five years," says Edwards. "They are a perfect addition to Limoneira Lifestyles. The ordering process is easy and the selection expands every year."

“I’ve lived and working in many different places around the world,” say’s Edwards, "but I have to tell you, nothing is as beautiful as the agricultural lands of California. We’ve often talked about this live/work experience as a lifestyle, so it was a natural for us to develop a line of products that reflect this wonderful lifestyle."

For a full line of current products and descriptions, go to or call 866-321-8222.

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