Ventura College now offers a new class on commercial and business insurance starting in August 2009

Designed for business managers, owners, the general public and business students, it covers the broad field of commercial insurance and explains how insurance companies operate. It equips students to take full advantage of the benefits and coverages available in commercial insurance policies.

The class – Business V74, Commercial Insurance - meets this Fall on Thursday evenings from 7:00-9:50 p.m.

Although it is a stand-alone class, BUS V74 only one of four insurance courses available at Ventura College. Completion of the full series can lead to Certificate of Proficiency as an Insurance Specialist and open the door to the traditionally higher paying jobs in the insurance industry.

Although Fall classes start August 17, 2009, early registration on-line is essential. In these tight budget times classes without early robust enrollment are subject to cancellation even before the term begins.

Register on-line now at for BUS V74, Commercial Insurance, CRN 71222. For further inquiries contact James Spencer, Ventura College Business Department, (805) 654-6444, Ext. 2371


July 14

Ventura, CA - The latest advances in breast reconstruction will be the focus during a free seminar that the Community Memorial Health System is holding on Tuesday, July 14.

Michael Pickart, M.D., a local plastic surgeon, will lead the seminar that will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. in the eighth-floor Nichols Auditorium at Community Memorial Hospital, located at 147 Brent St. in Ventura.

Breast reconstruction is a physically and emotionally rewarding procedure for a woman who has lost a breast due to cancer or other conditions, and Dr. Pickart will discuss surgical techniques available, including prosthetic implants (saline/salt water or silicone gel), abdominal/belly tissue and back tissue. Dr. Pickart also will explain how the creation of a new breast can dramatically improve self-image, self-confidence and quality of life.

Dr. Pickart, who has a private practice in Ventura and is on staff at Community Memorial Hospital, also is a clinical assistant professor of plastic surgery at Loma Linda University. He received his medical degree from the University of California, San Francisco and is a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons as well as a fellow of the American College of Surgeons.

Admission is free, but space is limited, so reservations are suggested. Call 805/652-5436, or visit



Dear Fillmore,
Thank you for being a very nice, accepting community for our three AFS foreign exchange students this year. Shervina (Philippines), Sunanda (Switzerland), and Samantha (Hong Kong) became Fillmore Seniors last August and finished out their school year at the Fillmore High graduation ceremony. That was a very special event. They said that all of the senior activities were much fun and especially enjoyed Grad Nite Live. These students have had a year of new friends, new cultural experiences, new foods, and many memories. Along with Franzi (Germany), they had fun waving in the Christmas Parade!! Thank you to our community for helping make this year special for these international students. Teachers, community members, fellow-classmates – you’ve each shown these international students what Fillmore, California, and the United States is all about.
This month is hard for our exchange students as they are very sad to leave and at the same time excited to get back to their home country and reunite with their natural family and friends and tell about their experiences. Hopefully, their friends here in Fillmore will keep in touch.
This is also the time to look ahead to our next school year. Fillmore needs students next year for on-going cultural enrichment. If you would like to have an international experience in your own home, please think about how much fun you’d have being a host family. AFS has students from countries around the globe who are waiting to be matched with a host family. Fillmore is a welcoming community. Visit our website to get a look at some students who would like to live in Ventura County next year – maybe with your family!
Thank you for your support. Please contact: Sandy email: or go to for information.
Sandy Butts

Shown is the Fillmore Women’s Service Club Board consisting of Jan Nehrig - 1st V.P.; Marci Thompson - 2nd V.P.; Dorothy Hunt - 3rd V.P.; Susan Banks - 4th V.P.; Fay Swanson - Recording Secretary; Carolyn Collins - Correspondence; Tobey Bowers Parliamentarian; Dee Rojo & Donna Voelker – Treasurers.
Shown is the Fillmore Women’s Service Club Board consisting of Jan Nehrig - 1st V.P.; Marci Thompson - 2nd V.P.; Dorothy Hunt - 3rd V.P.; Susan Banks - 4th V.P.; Fay Swanson - Recording Secretary; Carolyn Collins - Correspondence; Tobey Bowers Parliamentarian; Dee Rojo & Donna Voelker – Treasurers.
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This year Jeanne Klittich is implementing Chairmen positions which consist of: Elaine Bashford - Amenities; Dorothy Hunt - Sr Meals; Donna Voelker Computer Support; Rita Avila - Door Prizes; Michele Smith - Historian; Glenda DeJarnette - Inspiration; Mimi Burns - Press; Marci Thompson - Social; Marilyn Griffin - Spaghetti Dinner Assistant; Kathy Changus – Telephones.
This year Jeanne Klittich is implementing Chairmen positions which consist of: Elaine Bashford - Amenities; Dorothy Hunt - Sr Meals; Donna Voelker Computer Support; Rita Avila - Door Prizes; Michele Smith - Historian; Glenda DeJarnette - Inspiration; Mimi Burns - Press; Marci Thompson - Social; Marilyn Griffin - Spaghetti Dinner Assistant; Kathy Changus – Telephones.
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The Fillmore Women’s Service Club installed a new board for the 2009-2010 year at a special dinner held at Logsdons in Santa Paula. This year the club’s motto is Your attitude determines your altitude, and we are going to be guided by Jeanne Klittich, as President who is an outstanding long time member. Her board consists of: Jan Nehrig - 1st V.P.; Marci Thompson - 2nd V.P.; Dorothy Hunt - 3rd V.P.; Susan Banks - 4th V.P.; Fay Swanson-Recording Secretary; Carolyn Collins - Correspondence; Tobey Bowers Parliamentarian; Dee Rojo and Donna Voelker – Treasurers. This year Jeanne is implementing Chairmen positions which consist of: Elaine Bashford - Amenities; Dorothy Hunt - Sr Meals; Donna Voelker Computer Support; Rita Avila - Door Prizes; Michele Smith - Historian; Glenda DeJarnette - Inspiration; Mimi Burns - Press; Marci Thompson - Social; Marilyn Griffin - Spaghetti Dinner Assistant; Kathy Changus – Telephone.

We are proud of the support the community has given us each year. This enables the club to give numerous scholarships to our outstanding senior’s on their way to college. This year we were also able to help two women in the community that were returning to college to strengthen their careers. Our next fund raiser will be our annual fireworks booth, which will be located in the parking lot of Margaret’s Cocina Drive-In. The club is looking forward to another successful year. Thank you all for your continued support with all our fundraisers, and we look forward to seeing you for Fourth of July.

The club meets every second Wednesday of the month at the Senior Center at 7p.m., guests and new members are always welcome. Please come join us.

Those Born 1920-1979
Conway Spitler
Conway Spitler

To all the kids who survived the 1930's, 40's, 50's, 60's and 70's!
First, we survived being born to mothers who smoked and/or drank, while they were pregnant. They took aspirin, ate blue cheese dressing, tuna from a can, and didn't get tested for diabetes.
Then after that trauma, we were put to sleep on our tummies in baby cribs covered with bright colored lead-based paint.
We had no childproof lids on medicine bottles, doors, or cabinets and when we rode our bikes, we had no helmets, not to mention, the risks we took hitchhiking.
As infants and children, we would ride in cars with no car seats, booster seats, seat belts or air bags.
Riding in the back of a pick up on a warm day was always a special treat.
We drank water from the garden hose and NOT from a bottle.
We shared one soft drink with four friends, from one bottle and NO ONE actually died from this.
We ate cupcakes, white bread and real butter and drank Kool-aid made with sugar, but we weren't overweight because, WE WERE ALWAYS OUTSIDE PLAYING!
We would leave home in the morning and play all day, as long as we were back when the street lights came on.
No one was able to reach us all day. And we were OK. CONTINUED »

American Red Cross and the National Swimming Pool Foundation Team up to offer Online Course

The latest statistics in pool deaths is alarming. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, of the nearly 300 who died last year, 79 percent occurred in residential pool drowning deaths of children less than five years of age.
In order to help saves lives, the American Red Cross and the National Swimming Pool Foundation have developed a new interactive course entitled, Home Pool Essentials™: Maintenance and Safety. The approximately two-hour course covers the basics of operating a home pool, raises awareness of how to make a safer environment, as well as teaching basic rescue techniques.
Participants will learn how to identify common water problems, how to manage the problems, and learn how to perform water testing, sanitation and other important pool maintenance steps. By following the simple procedures, individuals will also discover how to reduce costs in operating pools, how to prevent accidents, and how to respond to an emergency situation. In addition, the course includes a printable resource guide with 4-color photos that can be printed for future reference, plus video demonstrations and links to online resources. The cost of the online course is $19.95 and can be completed and reviewed for up to six months.
Individuals can access the course through the website of the American Red Cross of Ventura County at Simply click on “Services” and then go to “Health & Safety Classes” to find the link to the program. Or, go directly to
The American Red Cross is the primary source of disaster prevention, preparedness and response education. The local chapter offers a wide range of First Aid, CPR, AED, Babysitters Training and Lifeguard Training courses. Classes are also available for volunteers and disaster preparedness.
The National Swimming Pool Foundation (NSPF) is a non-profit organization founded in 1965 to help improve public health nationwide by attracting more people to safer aquatic environments. The NSPF is the leading educator for pool and hot tub professionals who service and operate public and private pools and hot tubs for public health officials who are responsible for pool safety.
Since 1917, the American Red Cross of Ventura County has been meeting needs throughout the communities it serves. Each year, more than 1,200 local volunteers respond to more than 50 local disasters, teach tens of thousands of individual’s vital lifesaving skills, and support the men and women in the U.S. Armed Forces. The American Red Cross is not a government agency.


July 31 - August 1 Experience hot air balloons illuminate at sunset, or ascend in the morning air against a spectacular backdrop of citrus orchards and field crops. Relax and enjoy the Wine and Beer Garden, live music, unique children’s activities, art, vendors, and activities for all ages. Details at: Save money and support the educational and preservation efforts of the Rancho Camulos Museum by purchasing advance tickets for the Citrus Classic Balloon Festival at the Rancho Camulos Museum or fruit stand or by ordering from 805-521-1501 or Daily tickets are Adults: $7; Children 5-14: $3; and special parking $7. This is a discount from the gate price of $10/$5.


Lap Swim - Tuesday & Thursday 6:00 a.m. – 8:00 a.m. (Classes in progress) Tuesday & Thursday 11:45 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. Monday, Tuesday & Thursday 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. $4.00 per person or 10 visit splash pass for $35.00 Water Exercise - Tuesday & Thursday 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 Swimming Pool Schedule a.m. (Classes in progress) Tuesday & Thursday 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. $6.00 per person or 10 visit splash pass for $45.00 Recreation Swim - Monday – Friday 1:15 p.m. – 3:45 p.m. $2.00 per person (Starting – Monday, June 22 2009 through August 14, 2009) Family Swim – Friday, 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. $1.00 per person (Starting – Friday, July 3, 2009 Sign up for swim lessons starting Wednesday, June 24, 2009 at the pool site located at 575 First Street. For more information please call 524-4902.


The Ventura County Library community libraries will be closed Friday, July 3, and Saturday, July 4, for the Independence Day Holiday.
The Ventura County Library community libraries include Avenue Library, Camarillo Library, Fillmore Library, E. P. Foster Library, Meiners Oaks Library, Oak Park Library, Oak View Library, Ojai Library, Piru Library, Ray D. Prueter Library, Saticoy Library, Simi Valley Library, Albert H. Soliz-El Rio Library, and H.P. Wright Library.
Books may be returned to the bookdrops at any of the community libraries. The Ventura County Library is available via the internet, 24 hours a day, at

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Ventura, CA. - Community Memorial Health System has promoted Kimberly Bridges, R.N. and B.S.N., as director of its nine Center for Family Health offices in Ventura County.

Bridges has been with CMHS for 10 years, and served as manager of the Oxnard-Saviers Road Center for Family Health office for the past four years. Previously, Bridges was a clinical nurse in the Intensive Care Unit, Cardiac Care Unit and Emergency Room at Community Memorial Hospital, and later served as the hospital’s house supervisor.

In her new capacity, Bridges will maintain direct oversight of all Centers for Family Health offices, supervise their relationships with independent physicians and serve as the nursing liaison to the CMHS Nurse Directors Council.

Before joining CMH, Bridges worked in both clinical and educator capacities for LAC-USC Medical Center, UCLA Medical Center, and the Los Angeles City Fire Department.
CMHS’s nine Center for Family Health offices provide high-quality and convenient outpatient medical care to over 20,000 patients throughout Ventura County. Located in Oxnard, Ventura, Oak View, Camarillo, Santa Paula and Fillmore, the centers are staffed by board-certified physicians and medical professionals, who provide a large array of services including family practice, pediatrics and obstetrics. Several of the centers also provide urgent medical care and educational and counseling services.

Lynn Edmonds poses with youth from the Fillmore/Piru Boys & Girls Club, who had the honor of serving dinner to Lions club members, Monday night.
Lynn Edmonds poses with youth from the Fillmore/Piru Boys & Girls Club, who had the honor of serving dinner to Lions club members, Monday night.
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Conway Spitler
Conway Spitler

A billion is a difficult number to comprehend, but one advertising agency did a good job of putting that figure into some perspective in one of its releases.
A billion second ago it was 1959. A billion minutes ago Jesus was alive. A billion hours ago our ancestor were living in the Stone Age. A billion days ago no-0one walked on the earth on two feet. A billion dollars ago was only 8 hours and 20 minutes, at the rate our government is spending.
While this thought is still fresh in our brain. let’s take a look at New Orleans. It’s amazing what you can learn with some simple division...
Louisiana Senator, Mary Landrieu is presently asking Congress for $250 billion to rebuild New Orleans. Interesting number, what does it mean?
1. Well, if you are one of 484,6784 resident of New Orleans (every man, woman, child), you each get $516,528.
2. Of, if you have one of the 188,251 homes in New Orleans, your home gets $1,329.786.
3. Or, if you are a family of four, your family gets $2,066,012. Washington, D C - HELLO!!! — are all your calculators broken??


Farmers Insurance representatives have been inducted into the Farmers' "Topper Club" and invited to attend the 2009 annual meeting of Farmers' top sales producers. These representatives are being recognized by Farmers for outstanding sales achievements during 2008.
Paul Maher, Farmers Insurance Agent in Fillmore is among the honored. "Farmers congratulates and is proud to welcome these representatives to this year's Topper Club. They are committed to providing quality insurance coverage and industry-leading service to Farmers' customers," noted Executive Vice President of Field Operations, Jerry Carnahan.The Topper Club convention will give these representatives an opportunity to meet with other top Farmers agents and district managers to discuss local, state and national trends and activities affecting the insurance business in their communities.


The Ventura Senior Reader’s Theatre will be animating selections from three children’s books on June 24, 2009 at 2 PM. The fun presentation will be held in the children’s section of the Fillmore Library, and will feature readings from “Little Beaver and the Echo”, “Caps for Sale” and “Miss Nelson is Missing”. Surprises and laughs will sprinkle the tales. The group will be sponsored by the non-profit Fillmore Friends of the Library as part of their ongoing support of the Library. Phone 524-3355 for further information. The Library is located at 502 Second Street.


The Gazette received a phone call from a concerned citizen this week. She said her cat was missing, as were several of her neighbor’s cats. She said one of her neighbors saw a man in the neighborhood (800 block Edison Lane) taking a cat. When confronted, the man said he was setting traps all over Fillmore to trap cats, get them “fixed” then bring them back. He may be a good citizen, trapping feral cats, getting them neutered or spayed, then returning them to their area. Or he could be grabbing anyone’s cat and they disappear forever. Two “missing cat” posters were seen at the corner of River and A Streets. And we received a missing cat classified this week.That makes four pets missing. Anyone with any information on this can contact The Gazette and we will pass it on to the cat owners or proper authorities. Or we’ll thank the gentleman who is helping the feral cat population by reducing it responsibly.

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Multi-talented Craig Newton delighted children at the start of Fillmore Library's summer reading program recently.  The event was supported by the Friends of the Fillmore Library.
Multi-talented Craig Newton delighted children at the start of Fillmore Library's summer reading program recently. The event was supported by the Friends of the Fillmore Library.
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The Ventura County Behavioral Health Department is pleased announce the 30 day posting for public comment of our Mental Health Services Act 2009-10 Annual Update. This Update is posted for 30-day review and comment period beginning Tuesday, June 16, 2009 through Thursday, July 16, 2009 on our website:,1299773&_dad=p...


The Women of Distinction Luncheon committee met and through much discussion and decision making, have chosen the 2009 Women of Distinction. The women honorees are Joanie Young, Val Rains and Kathy Hartley. These women will be interviewed by Girl Scouts Gold Award girls Kathryn Irwin, Zoe Marie Sophos and Lauren Young and introduced to the luncheon attendees. There will also be two speakers during the lunch of Gold Award Girl Scout Katie Foster speaking about her award of collecting mixed (caucasian/latino) bone marrow, submitting it to the National Bone Marrow Center, and her story behind why she chose to do that project along with Girl Scout Dr. Cheryl Lambing from Ventura County Medical Center.