September is Library Card Sign-up Month, and the Ventura County Library wants to make sure that your child has smartest card of all – a library card.

Studies show that children who are read to in the home and who use the library perform better in school and are more likely to continue to use the library as a source of lifetime learning.

“A library card has always been the most important school supply of all,” says Jackie Griffin, Director, Ventura County Library. “Kids can come to the library to get homework help and check out books, but they can also check out free music, DVDs and use the Internet to make after school life a little more fun. There’s a lot happening at the Ventura County Library community libraries.”

A recent study by the American Library Association also showed that families use libraries to spend time together. Forty-four percent of survey respondents report taking their children to the library for this reason.
Library Card Sign–up Month began in 1987. For more information on how you can sign up for your library card, visit your local community library.

The Ventura County Library community libraries include Avenue Library, Camarillo Library, Fillmore Library, E. P. Foster Library, Meiners Oaks Library, Oak Park Library, Oak View Library, Ojai Library, Piru Library, Ray D. Prueter Library, Saticoy Library, Simi Valley Library, Albert H. Soliz-El Rio Library, and H.P. Wright Library. The library is also open 24 hours a day, seven days a week at



Bardsdale 4-H members had a great time at the Ventura County Fair and were awarded many ribbons. We would especially like to thank our generous livestock buyers: Mike’s Handyman Service for buying Brooke Aguirre’s pig, Santa Clara Valley Bank for Noah Aguirre’s pig, Gibbs Truck Center for Alexus Galassi’s heifer, Ellison Taub for Natalie Garnica’s pig, Williams Pipeline Contractors for Adrian Gonzales’ pig, Laura & Rigo Landeros for Timmy Klittich’s lamb, Redman Racing for Timmy Klittich’s turkey, Oxnard Lemon for Jessica Mayhew’s pig, AAA Propane for Michael Mayhew’s pig, Burns Equipment Service for Dillon Raye’s pig, Western Farm Service for Jessica Raye’s pig, BC Rincon Construction for Candace Stines pig, Aqua-Flo Supply for Tabitha Tucker’s lamb, and Ventura Rental Center for Hilary Vigil’s pig.

Four of our members were 1st place weight class winners in swine: Noah Aguirre, Sonya Gonzales, Jessica Raye, and Candace Stines.
Michael Mayhew won 3rd in his class in the Swine Barrow show and 5th in his market class. Jessica Mayhew placed 4th in her market class and in the Barrow show. Alexus Galassi placed 2nd in her heifer class and Brooke Aguirre placed 3rd in her swine class.

We had several kids place in showmanship where the member is judged on their ability to present their animal. Tabitha Tucker won 2nd in Junior Lamb Showmanship, Alexus Galassi won 4th in Heifer, Noah Aguirre won 5th in Senior Swine, Brooke Aguirre won 8th in Junior Swine, Natalie Garnica won 5th in Novice Swine, and Danny Klittich placed 2nd in Adult Showmanship. Primary member Aubree Duncan placed 1st in the Pygmy Goat costume contest.

In the Youth Building, many ribbons(too numerous to list them all) were won by members of the Arts and Crafts project and Woodworking project. Six girls presented table settings: 1st places Tabitha Tucker and Brooke Aguirre, 2nd places Candace Stines and Alexus Galassi, and primary participation Aubree Duncan and Chloe Stines. Timmy Klittich received a Best of Class for his educational turkey poster and Candace Stines received a Best of Class for her pig sign.

Everyone had a great time at the fair and camping at the beach. It was fun to support our fellow members in all the events and competitions. We hope you were able to attend the Fair too and see some of our entries.


The Rancho Camulos Museum took “Best of Show” at the Ventura County Fair this year. Each year the Associated Historical Societies and Museums of Ventura County sponsor and judge a collection of shadow boxes from individual museums members. Rancho Camulos Museum participates each year with Hillary Weireter organizing the exhibit.
This year the emphasis for Rancho Camulos was on docents who volunteer at the museum. This year Hillary was well rewarded with a massive blue ribbon for “Best of Show.” These exhibits are located in the Ag Building at the Fair.
The Rancho Camulos Docent Council is the volunteer group that does the hands-on work at the museum. Docents participate in everything from school field trips, gardening and tours and also support the Museum Board in membership and fundraising. New docents completing training last month were Vyonne Angel, Ken Asarch, Pat Hamilton, Mike Harutunian, Sue Myers, Jennifer Nichols and Connie Tripp. The next training class will be in January 2009. Anyone interested in joining this group is encouraged to call the museum at 521-1501. Over 40 members and families enjoyed the docent annual summer picnic last Sunday at the Museum. Lynda and Jerry Edmonds did the barbecue for the potluck. Members spent the time visiting and enjoying the grounds—things they are usually too busy to do.
The next regular bi-monthly docent business meeting will be August 23rd at the museum with plans for the fall book sale and “Ramona” event on the agenda.
The museum is open for tours on Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday from 1-4 and by special appointment. For a nearby, interesting, historical site to entertain out-of-town visitors, consider an afternoon at Rancho Camulos Museum and gift shop.


The Piru Neighborhood Council announces Saturday, August 30th for this year’s annual PiruFest. This annual event, set for the 2008 Labor Day Weekend, provides an opportunity to celebrate our community with activities for the young and old alike, and welcomes visitors to the Santa Clara River/Heritage Valley region.

Activities will stretch from locations at the historic Warring Park to the downtown Depot and Gazebo Park. A community art project featuring local youth will be underway on the pedestrian trail that links these two nearby parks.

These two venues will offer amusement attractions, music, a horseshoe tournament, entertainment, food and crafts booths, as well as exciting displays and demonstrations.

Festivities will kick off at noon and continue until 10 pm. Planned activities will include performances by youth musicians, Native American Dancers and the ever-popular “Dan Torres and Piru River Band” at the Piru Depot and Gazebo Park. Amusement attractions and youth recreational activities will be featured at Warring Park throughout the day.

To reserve a booth, vendors should contact Tiffany Chapman at 805-317-1723. Applications are also available at “U Scream Ice Cream”, located at the corner of Main and Center Streets in downtown Piru.

Event Information: Stephanie Acosta (805) 844-0121
Vendor/Info Booths: Tiffany Chapman (805) 317-1723
Stay tuned for more details!!

Refuse collection in Fillmore delayed one day for Labor Day

In observance of the Labor Day holiday, employees of Santa Clara Valley Disposal will be taking the day off on Monday, Sept. 1. As a result, Fillmore city residential customers will have their trash and recyclables collected one day later than usual, on Saturday, Sept. 6. The regular Friday collection schedule will resume the following week.
For more information, call 647-1414.

Conway Spitler
Conway Spitler

Together, we can speak out against violence and make effective changes in our country.
Respect all living beings--people and animals.
Get involved in school, city, and country.
Spend quality time with your family without turning on the television.
Support clean up campaigns.
Respect other people's differences.
If you know someone who may need help, listen to them and suggest appropriate resources.
Register to vote and contact your legislators if they are supporting or not supporting laws that enforce violence prevention.
Get to know your neighbors.
Write letters to the editors of the local papers.
Remember it takes each of us to make a difference in our country. Get information and get involved?

Class of ’38 Reunion Epistle
It is so interesting, at least to me, how a little “effort” goes a long way in effecting people. The large booklet, prepared for the Class of ’38 70th anniversary reunion, has caused a great “ripple” is this old world of ours.
The reunion booklet was loaned to a friend, living in the Canyon Country area, who taught with me at Canyon High School. After looking the booklet over, Art saw his friend, Clyde Spencer. Art in turn let his son-in-law look at
the booklet and “lo and behold” the son-in law saw his father, Clyde Spencer, who was a member of the 1938 class.
Of course, I am delighted to present the reunion booklet to Clyde’s son! It does show that this is a small world if you look around.


August 5, 2008, - Cal Citrus Packing Co. Inc, a well-known grower/shipper in the California citrus industry, is the newest member of Sunkist Growers, the grower-owned citrus marketing cooperative headquartered in Sherman Oaks, California.

"We’re looking forward to our affiliation with Sunkist,” said Jerry Luallen, President of Cal Citrus. “We have an excellent product and Sunkist has an excellent marketing network and a brand name that is known around the world. Sunkist has been streamlining operations, reducing costs and greatly expanding the opportunities it offers to growers and shippers. We’ve watched the changes and seen the results and we’re excited about joining Sunkist and enjoying the benefits of membership.”

Cal Citrus is a premier grower, packer and shipper of fresh citrus, headquartered in Lindsay, California in the heart of California's Central Valley. With a product list that includes Navel and Valencia oranges, and lemons, Cal Citrus brings 2,000 acres of citrus into the Sunkist system. The fruit will continue to be packed under the familiar Portokali, Seabiscuit, Sugar Test, Jungle Cat, Golden Boy and My Goodness labels – and now it will also wear the Sunkist brand.

"We're extremely pleased to welcome Cal Citrus into Sunkist," said Russ Hanlin, Sunkist’s President-Elect. "They are a very experienced and respected grower and packer, known for their customer service. The affiliation brings to our system a large supply quality citrus and a philosophy of excellence that matches our own." Cal Citrus is projected to add 40,000 field cartons of lemons, 1.1 million field cartons of Navels and 125,000 field cartons of Valencias to Sunkist’s portfolio for the 2008-09 season.

“We have been growing and harvesting for nearly a century and packing and shipping since the 1950s.” said Luallen. “We have years of experience and dedication in producing a great product.”

Cal Citrus traces its beginning to the founding of Luallen Soil Service, which began purchasing a base of investor ranches that soon grew to 1,500 acres. As the company continued to grow it purchased a packinghouse in 1969, establishing Cal Citrus Packing Company. In 1976, Cal Citrus bought the former Waddel Packing in Lindsay and in 1981 it established a third packinghouse, also in Lindsay, which now houses the company’s current citrus bagging operation.

“We are very proud of our Central California ‘Lindsay Citrus Belt’ heritage,” said Luallen, “and we are committed to maintaining our reputation of quality and integrity and expanding our marketing reach through Sunkist.”

Time Ranger.
Time Ranger.
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Newhall was once attacked: by our own Air Force. As recently as the 1970s, there were Bigfoot sightings in Sand Canyon. Were we home to the world’s biggest grizzly bear? A Chinese general once named Saugus as one of the top military targets on Earth. Placerita Canyon was named a national park. William S. Hart was almost murdered at his mansion.

Santa Clarita is one of the most interesting and historically significant spots in America. This fall, through the SCV Historical Society, John Boston is offering his renowned and entertaining history class. The three-hour lecture series begins Sept. 17th, 6:30 p.m. and runs every Wednesday night until Nov. 19th.

What makes the class unique is that it is held at a different and scenic location each week, ending with Boston’s fabled Campfire Class that covers all the monster, gee-whiz and odd crime stories of our valley.

Fee for the class will be $120 plus $20 materials/location fee. For more information, or to register, visit or call 254-1275.

Valley historian John Boston winner of the Will Rogers Lifetime Humanitarian Achievement Award and, with 117 major awards is one of America’s top columnists. He may be reached at


Our bushy-tailed friends who are always there to greet and give unconditional love depend on us for their every need, even in times of emergency.
But what if your dog were to become ill or injured, are you well prepared to handle the situation? The American Red Cross of Ventura County provides an opportunity for dog lovers to make sure they are able to deal with an emergency situation by offering a Dog First Aid Class on Saturday, August 23 from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Ventura location, 2355 Portola Road.
Attendees will learn how to administer medication, recognize an actual emergency, determine dehydration, and perform CPR and first aid. In addition, participants will receive the American Red Cross Dog First Aid book with a CD with instructions on how to care for injured pets. The cost of the course is $50.
Statistics indicate that pet ownership is currently at its highest level, with 63 percent of all U.S. households owning a pet. “Pet owners share a very special bond with their pets and they are part of a family,” stated Sandy Marks, Director of Health & Safety for the American Red Cross of Ventura County. “Just like with people, accidents and emergencies can happen and being prepared by knowing what to do could make a lifesaving difference,” she added.
Pre-registration for the Dog First Aid Class is required and reservations can be made by calling the American Red Cross of Ventura County at 805-339-2234.
Since 1917, the American Red Cross of Ventura County has been meeting needs throughout the communities it serves. Each year, more than 1,200 local volunteers respond to more than 50 local disasters, teach tens of thousands of individuals vital lifesaving skills, and support the men and women in the U.S. Armed Forces. The American Red Cross is not a government agency.


To the Editor:
Just an observation: Our American Flag and State Flag flying in front of City Hall seem to be turning to dust. Perhaps those city employees making 6 digit salaries could pool some money together and purchase a couple of new flags for our sweet town?
The American flag should be held in the highest of regards. It represents our nation and the many people who gave their lives for our country and our flag. Here are some of the basics on displaying the American flag: The flag is normally flown from sunrise to sunset; The flag should not be flown at night without a light on it; The American flag is always flown at the top of the pole. Your state flag and other flags fly below it; When your flag is old and has seen better days, it is time to retire it. Old flags should be burned or buried. Please do not throw it in the trash.
Did you Know? There is a very special ceremony for retiring the flag by burning it. It is a ceremony everyone should see; our local Boy Scout group should know the proper ceremony and perform it on a regular basis. If you have an old flag, give it to them. And, then, attend the ceremony.
Marie Alviz,

Community Newsletter
Conway Spitler
Conway Spitler

Recently, in the mail you should have received the City of Fillmore Community Newsletter. The publication, in my opinion, gives valuable information about the going-ones within the City of Fillmore.
Listed are City Council contacts (with e-mail address), city administration, public safety and city department. If you want them, here is the way to get in contact!
These are articles regarding: The Reverse 911 System, "Clean UP Day"--September 27, Fillmore Theatre summer matinee specials, construction of new aquatics and tennis facility, Fillmore, a small city growing its future, non-permitted street vendors pose potential health threat to local citizens, parking vehicles for sale on private property, CERT -- community emergency response team (Classes start August 6, 2008, at El Dorado Mobile Home Park Club House, Escaping
Fire: Does your family have a disaster escape plan!
New City Hall Business Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Storefront Rehabilitation Grants are available. City Council meetings live one line at Fillmore Senior Center Weekly Schedule of activities are listed.

CBS’s “Criminal Minds” was filming at the corner of Saratoga and First Street, Monday. The show follows the adventures of a team of profilers from the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit at Quantico, Virginia. Criminal Minds differs from many criminal system procedural dramas by focusing on the criminal rather than the crime itself. Pictured above, actress Paget Brewster who plays Emily Prentiss on the series.
CBS’s “Criminal Minds” was filming at the corner of Saratoga and First Street, Monday. The show follows the adventures of a team of profilers from the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit at Quantico, Virginia. Criminal Minds differs from many criminal system procedural dramas by focusing on the criminal rather than the crime itself. Pictured above, actress Paget Brewster who plays Emily Prentiss on the series.
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CBS’s “Criminal Minds” filming.
CBS’s “Criminal Minds” filming.
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County libraries to be closed Monday, September 1, for Labor Day holiday

The Ventura County Library community libraries will be closed Monday, September 1, for the Labor Day holiday. Though the community libraries will be closed for Labor Day, Ventura County Library is available via the internet, 24 hours a day, at
The Ventura County Library community libraries include Fillmore and Piru Library.
Books may be returned to the book drops at any of the community libraries.


Discover the rewards of foster parenting at a Foster Parenting Informational Meeting. Learn how you can provide the healing, support and guidance that can transform a child at risk into a self-assured, successful adult.
When? Wednesday, August 27, 2008, 6 p.m. - 8 p.m., 4601 Telephone Road, Suite 112, Ventura.
More than 600 children are currently in foster homes in Ventura County, and every day, another child is removed from their home because they have been neglected, abused or abandoned. By being a foster parent, you have the opportunity to make the difference in a child's life. English only. For more information call 805.654.3456 or go to

Red Cross to offer FREE Community Disaster Education

It’s important that you be prepared for possible disasters and other emergencies. Natural or human-caused disasters can strike suddenly, at anytime and anywhere. Are you prepared?
When an earthquake, tornado, flood, fire, or other emergency happens in your community, you can count on your American Red Cross of Ventura County to be there to help you and your family.
There are three actions anyone can take that can help make a difference:
Get a Kit – Have at least three days of supplies in an easy-to-carry evacuation kit.
Make a Plan –Planning ahead will help you have the best possible response to disaster.
Be Informed – Know what may happen and how you can help.
FREE Red Cross disaster preparedness presentations are being offered during the month of August. Get informed on the different ways to prepare your family before disaster strikes.

Borders 125 W. Thousand Oaks Blvd. Thousand Oaks Monday August 11TH @ 7PM
Borders 2910 Tapo Canyon Rd. Simi Valley Thursday August 21st @ 6 PM
Barnes & Noble 4820 Telephone Rd. Ventura Tuesday August 26th @ 7pm

Contact us at 805-339-2234 ext. 269, visit, or stop in at Red Cross Program Headquarters, 2355 Portola Road, Ventura 93003. Office hours are Monday-Friday 8:30 am to 5 pm.