By Anonymous — Wednesday, February 1st, 2012
On Saturday, January 14, 2012 Brian Ball, a 2003 graduate of Fillmore High School, competed in his first Olympic Marathon Trials in Houston, TX. On race day 123 athletes were registered to run and out of that group 114 showed up at the start. Only 85 runners completed the race. Brian finished in 39th place with a time of 2:17.38. He is the training partner of 2004 silver medalist and 2009 New York City Marathon Champion, Meb Keflezighi who won the Trials and will compete in his third Olympics. Brian has been training for the last three years in Mammoth Lakes, CA. Brian started his running journey in high school as a sprinter/middle distance runner competing primarily in the 200 and 400-meter events. He ran cross- country his senior year to get in shape for track season. He was the number three or four man on a team that won league and got second at the state meet. During college at BIOLA University, he ran cross- country and track. He was injured his first track season but began his second year running the 800/1500. His final two seasons he competed in the 5k and 3000-meter steeplechase. He was a six time NAIA All American (3 years cross country/ 3 years track) while at BIOLA. After a successful college career, he still had the desire to compete and felt he hadn’t reached his potential. With the encouragement of his parents, he headed off for Mammoth Lakes to train in altitude. Not knowing anyone, he trained alone for a month before he saw some of the Mammoth Track Club runners and was invited to a work out. Josh Cox, Olympians Ryan Hall, Meb Keflezighi and Dan Browne a former Westpoint graduate and current Major in the US Army accepted Brian into their group. He has trained primarily with Meb and Dan the past three years with the help of former Hall of Fame Coach at UCLA, Bob Larsen. Bob has coached Meb since his college days at UCLA. Brian feels very blessed to have Meb and Dan as friends that share his Christian faith and a common interest in running. They have become his mentors. |
![]() Pictured (l-r) front to back: Michael Topete, Armando Vidal, Javier Salgado, Tyler Hackworth, Eddie Gutierrez, Josefina Fernandez, Christian Robledo, Alan Galvan, Briana Vazquez, Jessica Givan, Daisy Villa, Zachary Saint Pierre, Khristian Felix, Brandon Pina, Daniel Flores, Miguel Salgado, and Maria Salgado. Vidal also placed 2nd in the 3 mile run. The whole unit placed 4th in the “Rapid Response Scenario”. Enlarge Photo By Anonymous — Wednesday, February 1st, 2012
For the past 14 years, the Chandler Police Department has hosted a Tactical Explorer Competition. The event has become so popular that the number of Explorer Posts that can participate is limited to 65. Explorer posts throughout the Country travel to Chandler to compete. Three Explorer Posts from the Ventura County Sheriff’s Office competed this year: Headquarters Station Post #2902, Camarillo Post #2932, and Fillmore Post #2958. The Explorer Scouts participated in a variety of pseudo SWAT (Special Weapons and Tactics) scenarios. The Explorers from the Ventura County Sheriff’s Office were awarded the following trophies. Post #2902: 1st Place – Tug o’ War, 1st Place – Marijuana Field Raid, and 5th Place – EOD (Explosive Ordinance Disposal) Response; Post #2932: 5th Place – 10 Man TK-4 (Armored Vehicle) Pull; and Post #2958: 4th Place – Rapid Response (Active Shooter) and 2nd Place – 3-Mile Run, which is an individual event completed by Armando Fidal. Each Explorer Post is affiliated with a law enforcement agency and Learning for Life, which is a branch of Boy Scouts of America. Many law enforcement agencies support the Explorer Program it provides an opportunity for youths to have a positive impact on their communities as well as develop future peace officers and good citizens and leaders. For more information about the Explorer Program for the Ventura County Sheriff’s Office, please contact one of the following Advisors: Headquarters – Deputy Sara Valenzuela (805) 654-2364, Ojai – Deputy Quincy Knowlton (805) 646-1414, Fillmore – Senior Deputy Mario Aguilar (805) 524-2233, Camarillo – SST (Sheriff’s Service Technician) Todd Eskridge (805) 388-5129, Thousand Oaks – Senior Deputy William Hutton (805) 497-2351, and Moorpark – Deputy Claudia Holden (805) 532-2700. |
By Jean McLeod — Wednesday, January 25th, 2012
![]() Council members sat in a large circle with audience members at the "Town Hall" style meeting. Enlarge Photo ![]() (top to bottom) Former Fillmore City Manager, Roy Payne, and current City Manager, Yvonne Quiring. Editor's Comment: "Roy built the city for 20 years; Yvonne stirs the ashes. If Roy and Bert Rapp were here again, and the Katzenjammers gone, Fillmore would rise again from those ashes." Enlarge Photo Unlike most Fillmore City Council meetings, this one, held Tuesday, was much more relaxed and used a roundtable setting with the Council Members seated among those in attendance. Many spoke of the comfortable atmosphere and thanked Councilmember Brian Sipes for suggesting it. There were a number of items on City Council/Town Hall Meeting agenda which included the: Sespe Creek Levee, the Business Park, Redevelopment Agency/Budget, the high school running track, Economic Development, and VC Alert System (see “Ventura County replaces and upgrades reverse 911 system” – front page). Peter Sheydayi and Norma Camacho from the Ventura County Watershed Protection District (VCWPD) gave a presentation on future plans for addressing the FEMA 100 year flood hazard zone in Fillmore and bringing the standards up to meet today’s required federal flood protection. The contributing factors impacting Sespe Creek that make the new upgrade necessary are; peak flow rates have increased by 35% compared to the original levee design, shift in the dominant alluvial channel in the active streambed from west to east fork, active channel subject to resetting after major storm events, long-term sediment deposition and local erosion. There are two sections of the flood area that do not meet today’s higher standards and require improvement. This includes having a minimum of three feet freeboard (safety factor) above the Base Flood along the length of the levee and an additional one foot within 100 feet of structures—such as bridges or wherever flow is restricted. All systems must also have closure devices that are structural parts of the system during operation and no appreciable erosion of the levee embankment can be expected during a Base Flood. The existing levee was completed in 1981 and the largest flood on record to pass through occurred on January 10, 2005 and reached the peak. Research has shown that the levee below Old Telegraph would be overtopped during a large storm event. To bring it up to standards the project will take 30-45 days at a cost of $1,528,000 which would normally be paid by the City. But with the financial problems the City is dealing with there aren’t funds available for the project. Fillmore City Manager Yvonne Quiring spoke to VCWPD and explained the hard financial situation the town is facing. The VCWPD did the town a service and applied for a $2.8m grant to cover the project, which also includes restoring any damage done during the project. When the project is completed FEMA will do a revision of Fillmore’s flood plane map. Council Member Jamey Brooks told the representatives, “On behalf of the homeowners I’d like to thank you.” Rod MacDonald with KDF Communities spoke to the Council on the need to bring businesses to Fillmore. He said of the lack of undeveloped commercial property in the County, due to the Save Our Agricultural Resources Act (SOAR), Fillmore has a great deal of land that is still available at half the price of other towns like Valencia. MacDonald said Fillmore needs to establish itself as an industrial area adding, “Fillmore is untested on Hwy 126 and has tremendous opportunity…. with a workforce that is available.” MacDonald went on to say, “Fillmore is the most beautiful area I’ve seen in Southern California……what it doesn’t have is jobs….you need to put the flag up and say you’re business friendly…we don’t need a lot of bureaucracy or push back.” He reminded the Council that the City reached out for this project and paid for the Environmental Impact Report adding it was a tremendous endeavor by the City; the City realized jobs were needed here. MacDonald also spoke of the need for continuity and what a great loss it was when of Bert Rapp resigned along with so many of those who had knowledge of Fillmore’s past and present development projects including the Business Park. Continuity is important, he told the Council. Former City Manager Roy Payne spoke in regards to the Business Park, saying that Fillmore is ahead of the game this time since everything has been approved and stated, “I am confident we are ready to move forward.” Bruce Stenslie from the Economic Development Collaborative of Ventura (EDCV) addressed the Council and also spoke of the need to attract more business to Fillmore and what the EDCV has to offer such as financing loans. They are also working on expanding the film industry outreach in the County and have a new website Quiring gave an updated presentation on the budget and what is known of Gov. Brown abolishing all Redevelopment Agency (RDA) and the required liquidation of all its assets. According to Quiring and many others it was done by Brown in retaliation of Prop. 22 which was passed by voters and took away the States ability to siphon off revenue generated from the RDA’s. She gave a breakdown of where Fillmore’s General Fund receives monies and where that money goes. The largest source of revenue is property taxes which brings in $1.9 million. The remaining sources are: sales tax $670,000, fees for services $468,000 (approx. $200,000 development related), Franchise fees $331,000, license and permits $14k, grants $99,000, Transportation Occupancy Tax, fines and forfeitures $62,500. The services provided by the General Fund are: Police/Sheriffs $3.1 million, Fire Dept. $785,000, Parks $100-$150,000, Recreation and Pool subsidy $100,000, Finance/City Attorney/City Manager/City Council, Community Development (Planning), Public Works (streets, trees, sidewalks). Quiring explained the four main issues that have had a devastating impact on Fillmore’s finances: Expenses have risen faster than revenue, medical insurance costs went up 13%, cost of Police increased $250,000 in the past two years, and pension costs rose (employees are picking up increased costs this year). The net impact to the General Fund after dissolving the RDA is not yet known. But the most pressing problem is that the General Fund received $864,000 from the RDA in the past. Instead, about $500,000 will be available, which is $364,000 less this year. The City has cut $2.9 million and used its reserves in the last two years to balance the budget while today the General fund has seen a decrease of 40%. This year’s budget was balanced using $620,000 from the General Purpose Reserve with roughly $916,000 remaining. The RDA is paying $376,000 for salaries and benefits and $488,000 to the General Fund in transfers; the total comes to $864,000. The projected City deficit for fiscal year 2013 is $1.4 million. This would have a dramatic impact on Fillmore. The cuts, if the City does see the $1.4 million deficit, would be to all non-supporting recreation programs: graffiti removal, police or contracting with another agency, fire services or let County provide protection, closing parks, no street repair, no tree trimming, reduced Code Enforcement and closing the pool. Another item that brought a number of speakers to address the Council with their concerns was the installation of an access gate to the Fillmore High School running track. John Scoles told the Council there are many residents interested in the track and they are looking to the Council to solve this problem which has been an ongoing plea for 3 ½ years. He asked that the City go forward with the $8,000 financing of the access gate and agree to be reimbursed later by those using it. Mayor Gayle Washburn replied, “It boils down to funds, we don’t have the funds.” Scoles said there is a substantial number that would support the financing of the track. The revenue would come from the $25-$50 yearly dues runners would pay and the Sunrise Rotary Club would help with fundraising. Scoles stated, “I’m 70 years old, I’d like to use the track before I’m 73.” Cindy Blatt representing the Rotary Club said they would take the lead to raise the funds and solicit other clubs to join in the fundraising. “Our goal is to raise the funds…that’s our commitment, and to start I’ll donate $100.” Joan Archer spoke on how the issue of the track has been “bounced back and forth between the School Board and the City Council for over three years without resolution until recently when the school board approved a public access gate which they will install at an agreed upon location after the City pays for it. The next move is up to the City.” She went on to say that over the last three years the Aquatic Program has resulted in a deficiency of about $385,000 and that the city should reevaluate that program in light of the City’s financial situation. Archer stated that there isn’t a profit and loss analysis for the Lap Swim Program, which she stated an estimated 14-16 people participate in annually and although participants pay $4 per session, a pool manager and two lifeguards must be on duty at a combined rate of $38 per hour. “After learning what the revenue received from the Lap Swim Program was for the last three years, estimating the hours the pool was open during that time, and calculating the combined staff hourly rate of pay, I was able to determine that the operation of the program has resulted in a deficit of at least $16,000 over the last three years. If the City cannot afford a one-time expense of $8,000…that more than 150 citizens say they want, how can the City operate a Lap Swim Program…that has already cost the City at least $16,000 and is scheduled to reopen next month?” Archer asked the council. Fire Captain Rigo Landeros announced the new VC Alert system that began this month replacing the Reverse 911 system. The new system will alert registered participants by email, text, cell phone, home phone, work phone, facsimile or instant messaging. There are three ways of registering: online at or calling 805 648-9283 or by mailing in the form that’s available at City Hall. In addition to emergency information those registered can receive messages regarding crime alerts, road closures, public meetings or other community events. They can choose the location to be contacted and receive information about their home, parent’s home, workplace or child’s school. A correction to the January 10, 2012 article which stated the vote for the Council seat given to Eduardo Gonzalez was 3-1 with Sipes voting No. The correction is the vote was unanimous with all Council Members voting Yes for Gonzalez. |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, January 18th, 2012
Malcolm Lloyd Jackson passed away on the morning of January 15th, 2012, as the result of a fall at home on January 2nd. Malcolm celebrated his 94th birthday on December 10th, 2011. |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, January 18th, 2012
![]() At approximately 3:30pm Friday, Martin Gonzales 23, of Fillmore made a left turn from westbound Sespe Street to southbound Central Avenue. While completing his turn, his Ford Expedition struck Pedro Garcia 85, from Fillmore, who was walking eastbound in the crosswalk. Gonzales waited with Garcia until emergency personnel from the Fillmore Police Department, Fillmore Fire Department, and American Medical Response arrived minutes later. Garcia was transported to the Ventura County Medical Center with minor-to-moderate injuries. Initial investigation found no indication of drug or alcohol use by either party. The investigation is ongoing. Courtesy of Fillmore Police Department. Enlarge Photo |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, January 18th, 2012
![]() At approximately 4:50 am on Friday, Jan. 13th Fillmore Fire Department responded to a traffic collision on the 800 Block of Ventura St. A large Bobtail truck collided with two parked trucks that were park on the north side of Ventura Street. No injuries to report. Enlarge Photo ![]() One of the parked trucks that was hit carried 600 gallons of syrup/pollen mixture used to feed bees. Enlarge Photo ![]() Fillmore Fire Department took quick action and blocked the curb gutter with dirt from a nearby planter and keep it from going into the storm drain. Cal trans was called to help with the cleanup. Enlarge Photo |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, January 18th, 2012
![]() Wednesday, January 11, 2012 at approximately 3:45pm, Fillmore Fire Department assisted Ventura County Fire Department and AMR Ambulance on a Traffic Collision on Riverside Dr. in Bardsdale. Fillmore Fire helped with the extrication of patient and assisted in the landing of the county helicopter that flew the patient to a nearby Hospital. Condition of victim not available. Enlarge Photo |
By Anonymous — Wednesday, January 18th, 2012
![]() On January 17, 2012 at 3:21pm the City of Fillmore Fire Department received a report of smoke coming from a residence in the area of Meadowlark Drive and First Street in the City of Fillmore. Following the initial call, several additional callers phoned 911 advising a garage was on fire in the 900 block of First Street. Approximately three minutes after dispatch, fire personnel arrived on scene and observed what appeared to be a couch fully engulfed in flames inside the garage at the location. An aggressive fire attack was launched shielding the adjacent residential occupancy from the smoke and flames, and preventing further damage of the residence. Thanks to their quick efforts, firefighters were able to extinguish the blaze within 6 minutes of arriving on scene. No injuries were reported at the time of the incident. Heat and smoke damage is estimated to be approximately $6,000. A male subject was at the location at the time the fire ignited who indicated he had accidently dropped a match while smoking on the couch just minutes before noticing smoke coming from his garage. Enlarge Photo |
By Jean McLeod — Wednesday, January 18th, 2012
![]() Tuesady night, Jeff Nigro, CPA, with the State of California, presented the Fillmore Unified School District with a “clean audit” and explained the new format and the States’ findings. Each year the State does an audit of FUSD which is part if the educational code requirement; it begins in spring and ends in December, and takes approximately 300 hours. Enlarge Photo ![]() Ali Widmar spoke to the Board of the run around she received when trying to address the use of the running track, at Tuesday’s board meeting. Enlarge Photo The main topics of discussion at the January 17, 2012 Fillmore Unified School District (FUSD) Board meeting were the cost of education and what funds are available after the State announced the proposed cuts. The FUSD is dealing with what schools throughout the state are facing – a $248 million cut in school transportation funding; the first state in the nation to completely eliminate transportation funding. Also Governor Jerry Brown is proposing to eliminate funding for the new Transitional Kindergarten program. The proposed cuts take effect the second half of the academic year. Brown is calling for a new “weighted-pupil” funded formula which allocates funding to schools based on each school’s needs. Those schools with higher poverty or greater number of English learners receive greater funding. The Transportation Funding cuts will hit hard for those school districts with a large percentage of low income students like FUSD. Many of the families do not have transportation to take the children to school and pick them up. Another program on the chopping block is the Kindergarten Readiness Act which was signed into law on September 30, 2010 by then Gov Arnold Schwarzenegger. It pushes back the date by which children must turn five to enter kindergarten from December 2nd to September 1st. For children with birthdays that fall between Sept. 2 to Dec. 2 and are too young under the new cutoff date to enter regular kindergarten, a Transitional Kindergarten has been established. But just as schools are starting to phase in the new program, Brown is proposing elimination of funding for the classes. At the December 7, 2011 board meeting, FUSD Alan Nishino announced the start of the program with such enthusiasm only to face its elimination less than two months later. Dr. Michael Bush, assistant superintendent, informed the Board that as a result of the California Supreme Court ruling eliminating all of the State’s Redevelopment Agencies (RDA), the FUSD will no longer be receiving a percentage of the revenue generated from Fillmore’s Redevelopment Agency. When addressing the Governor’s stated goal of eliminating the RDAs to aid funding education and schools, Bush added, “It is very unlikely we will not see any new revenue……a lot of it’s a shell game.” To which Nishino stated, “It doesn’t benefit us.” Nishino went on to say the Governor is using the kids to get his tax increase passed on the November ballot and was “very problematic… use our kids as a pawn bothers me.” Bush said that it won’t be clear how greatly this will affect the district until around June 30th. Jeff Nigro with the State of California presented the FUSD with a “clean audit” and explained the new format and the states findings. Each year the State does an audit of FUSD which is part if the educational code requirement. It begins in spring and ends in December and takes approximately 300 hours. Ali Widmar spoke to the Board of the run around she received when trying to address the use of the running track. Widmar said she has a disability that is helped by having the use of a soft track. When informing the Board of all the people she spoke with and the continued non-answered responses, those in the room laughed. The Board approved a field trip for approximately 25 students from Piru’s 6th grade to the Outdoor School at Rancho Alegre. The date of the trip is May 15-18 and will cost $7,356. The students will sleep in cabins, share KP duty in the dining hall, learn to take 3 minute showers, go on hikes and have the chance to learn activities such as boating, archery, crafts, games, etc. After breakfast each day, plus one evening they will go on educational walks where they learn about wildlife biology, botany, geology, astronomy, nocturnal animals, and Chumash culture. |