Early Sunday evening a two-car accident occurred at the intersection of B Street and Ventura Avenue. According to the driver of the SUV involved, there was some confusion concerning the left turn arrow indicator.
Early Sunday evening a two-car accident occurred at the intersection of B Street and Ventura Avenue. According to the driver of the SUV involved, there was some confusion concerning the left turn arrow indicator.
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The eastbound SUV turned in front of the westbound Mazda Miata. No serious injuries were reported. Significant damage was done to the Miata, moderate damage to the SUV.
The eastbound SUV turned in front of the westbound Mazda Miata. No serious injuries were reported. Significant damage was done to the Miata, moderate damage to the SUV.
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Macie Wokal stands by her winning FFA Grand Champion Replacement Heifer “Bambi”. Photos by Bob Crum.
Macie Wokal stands by her winning FFA Grand Champion Replacement Heifer “Bambi”. Photos by Bob Crum.
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Story and Photos by Bob Crum
Samantha Wokal, with “Thumper” FFA Reserve Champion Replacement Heifer.
Samantha Wokal, with “Thumper” FFA Reserve Champion Replacement Heifer.
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Hailee Smith with Hamlette FFA Reserve Champion, Market Swine.
Hailee Smith with Hamlette FFA Reserve Champion, Market Swine.
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In one word... WOW! Another exceptional year for Fillmore and Piru 4-H and FFA (Future Farmers of America) youngsters. Seven champion/reserve champion awards! Impressive! The outstanding championship animals include a steer, two replacement heifers, and four pigs.

The following are chats with award recipients at the Youth Livestock Auction at the Ventura County Fair.

Macie Wokal, 15, won FFA Grand Champion Replacement Heifer.

Macie's replacement heifer's name is Bambi. Why? "Well... it's black and white and after I bought it my Grandma had to put down her dog... a dalmatian... and was named Bambi. So... I named it (the heifer) Bambi in honor of my Grandma's dog.

Didn't you win something last year? "Yes, I won overall grand champion (replacement heifer) last year and in 2009," said Macie.

Because of the string of championships the Wokal sisters have accumulated in recent years, I seriously doubt it has anything to do with the water at the Wokal household. I had a hunch I had to pursue. Does winning so many championships in recent years have anything to do with the heifer's breeder? "I can say yes about that," Macie said, adding, "because my breeder (Colburn Cattle, Visalia, CA) is a really good breeder." Suspicion confirmed!

When you first saw (Bambi) did you see championship quality or did you just figure you'll take your chances? "I pick my heifers because of how they look not like... oh... it has a nice butt blah... blah... blah. I pick it for... oh... I like the color I want that one," Macie said. This year I picked Bambi because she's black and white... and has a lot of hair." Now you know how it's done!

While raising Bambi, could you tell that the heifer had championship qualities? "Yes," Macie quickly replied, adding "everyone said that she's so cute you'll do good." Everyone? I asked. Macie replied: "My mom, my mom's best friend, my friend Breanna's (Berrington) mom all said... oh she's so cute. See...the folks that know... knew!

What if you didn't win I asked? "I'd be crushed because I was expecting to do good." And if you don't win next year? "I'll just move on, do it again, and try my best the following year," Macie said. What was the best part of raising Bambi? "Ummm... probably bonding with her and learning about the responsibility for when I become an adult and have my children. Right now... Bambi is like my kid.

The most difficult part of raising Bambi. "Training her to walk right and set up and not to go psycho ." Psycho? "Yes," said Macie, "because my sister's heifer and mine are like best friends... I guess you could say... because they're in pens right next to each other at the farm. So when they're not together they tend to miss each other and kind of go nuts."

And the auction money? (winning bid-$4,000) "It goes into the savings account for future college to study agricultural," said Macie. Her intentions are to obtain her agricultural teaching credentials.

Macie added: "I want to thank my mom for sticking by me when I get grouchy and all that. I'm a girl and get moody from time-to-time. And I thank my sister for helping me through everything," Macie said.

Samantha Wokal, 18, won FFA Reserve Champion replacement heifer.

Great way for Samantha to finish her FFA career. Although she didn't win anything last year, in 2010 Samantha won Grand Champion replacement heifer.

How was it raising Thumper? "Well to be honest," Samantha said, "this was was really rough because I've had to knee surgeries recently back to back so it was kind of a struggle. But the last few months it's been fun watching her grow and getting to know her. How about difficulties raising Thumper? "Because of the injury I wasn't able to walk her and train her like I would like to but my sister helped out with that a lot," Samantha said, adding "I'm very thankful to have her.

The leg injury? Samantha explained, "playing softball I Tore my ACL and after having that repaired I slipped getting out of the shower and broke my kneecap."

Plans for the auction money? ($2,600) "It's going into my savings and start my savings back up. After all these years of raising animals (for auction), I recently bought a 2006 330i BMW. Future plans include her intention to attend Moorpark College and eventually get her Masters in nursing and special education.

When did you begin in the FFA? "I've been raising animals since I was nine years old. I started raising pigs the first two years and won reserve grand champion with one of my pigs. I've won reserve grand champion with one of my heifers. Grand champion with one of my heifers and reserve grand champion with one of my steers so I mean it's been a great experience and I really enjoy telling people about the experience of 4-H and the FFA. Not only is it a fun way to earn money but it also teaches you responsibility. And it really looks good on my college application and helps me get scholarships."

Speaking of responsibilities, Samantha explained: "You take care of the animal like you take care of yourself. If they don't have water... think of yourself of not having water my mom always tells me. So the rule at our house is that we have to feed them (the animals) before we can eat so that way we really remember. It's a great way to learn responsibility and a lot of people think it's really cool... we have cows as pets." A pet cow? Now there's a thought!

Now that this FFA year is history, Samantha said: "I want to thank my parents who have supported me and my sister financially and my mom for also helping me a lot with my heifer.

Hailee Smith, 17, won FFA Reserve Champion, market swine.

This is Hailee's third year raising pigs. And next year? "I'm probably going to do another pig," Hailee said. You're stuck on pigs? "Yeah" said Hailee. And your pig's name? "Hamlette." OK... why Hamlette? Hailee explained: "For the past two years my pigs names started with an H and had at least one double letter in it. So... Hamlette was the next choice. There you go... it was all about a pattern... and not anything to do with... ahem... ham. Another fascinating scientific process.

The best part of raising Hamlette? "Ummm... I would say... because she almost died... so I would say helping her... and bringing her back to life," Hailee said, adding, "and about responsibility and everything." Hamlette's health issue? She had the runs from April 7th to June 15th," Hailee explained, "and had no idea what was wrong with her. We ended up calling veterinarian Dr. Mike (Giacopuzzi) and he helped us out a lot. After giving Hamlette multiple medications, she got well. (Dr. Giacopuzzi is also the FAIR's livestock vet.)

Along the way... what was the best part of raising Hamlette. "Getting to know her... finding her sweet spot so that she'd like me. Took about two months before she actually got used to me and only had for about three (months)," said Hailee. So what was going on during the first two months one wonders. "She was skittish," Hailee said, adding "she ran away from everything and everybody."

What was the CONTINUED »


City of Fillmore
City of Fillmore

CITY COUNCIL (As of 8/15/2012)
Jamey Brooks Pulled 7/16/12 Filed 7/23/12 Certified 7/27/12
Richard L. Neal Pulled 7/23/12 Filed 8/7/12 Certified 8/10/12
Douglas Tucker Pulled 7/24/12 Filed 8/8/12 Certified 8/10/12
Manuel Minjares Pulled 7/24/12 Filed 8/14/12
Alex Mollkoy Pulled 7/26/12 Filed 8/9/12 Certified 8/10/12
Sandra Pella Pulled 7/30/12 Filed 8/2/12 Certified 8/10/12
Gayle Washburn Pulled 8/6/12 Filed 8/10/12 Certified 8/10/12
RJ Stump Pulled 8/1/12
Gus Briseno Pulled 8/10/12

Clay Westling Pulled 7/16/12 Filed 7/19/12 Certified 7/20/12
Nancy Meyer Pulled 8/8/12 Filed 8/10/12 Certfiied 8/10/12

Grace Donahue Pulled 7/26/12 Filed 8/2/12 Certified 8/8/12
Shannon Godfrey Pulled 8/2/12

An oil storage tank exploded into flames on Wednesday, August 8th, at approximately 10:15am in the oil fields north of Fillmore. Billows of black smoke could be seen from downtown. The fire spread to nearby brush but was quickly contained by the Ventura County Fire Department near Dough Flats. The tank contained crude oil, between 20,000 and 25,000 gallons. A hazardous material team and Ventura County Sheriff’s helicopter also attended the fire. The Santa Paula and Oxnard fire departments also responded. Cause of the explosion is under investigation. Photos Courtesy Ave K News Service.
An oil storage tank exploded into flames on Wednesday, August 8th, at approximately 10:15am in the oil fields north of Fillmore. Billows of black smoke could be seen from downtown. The fire spread to nearby brush but was quickly contained by the Ventura County Fire Department near Dough Flats. The tank contained crude oil, between 20,000 and 25,000 gallons. A hazardous material team and Ventura County Sheriff’s helicopter also attended the fire. The Santa Paula and Oxnard fire departments also responded. Cause of the explosion is under investigation. Photos Courtesy Ave K News Service.
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Daniel Nuno of Fillmore arrested on suspicion of killing Ricardo Gonzalez
Daniel Nuno of Fillmore, age 30.
Daniel Nuno of Fillmore, age 30.

Sheriff’s investigators have made an arrest for the homicide in Fillmore that occurred on the evening of August 9. On Sunday, August 12, deputies arrested Daniel Nuno for the shooting that resulted in the death of Ricardo Gonzalez. Nuno was booked into the Sheriff’s Pre-Trial Detention Facility and bail has been set at $755,000. He is expected to be arraigned in Ventura County Superior Court on August 14.

Sheriff's Homicide detectives are continuing with the investigation. Anyone with information to report about this crime can call Detective Brian Richmond at (805) 384-4725.

Ventura County Crime Stoppers will pay up to $1,000 reward for information, which leads to the arrest and criminal complaint against the person(s) responsible for this crime. The caller may remain anonymous. The call is not recorded. Call Crime Stoppers at 800-222-TIPS (8477).

Nature of Incident: UPDATE – Fillmore Homicide
Report Number: 12-18032
Location: 900 block Lewis Ln., Fillmore
Date & Time: 8-9-12 @ 9:45 p.m.
Unit Responsible: Sheriff's Homicide Bureau
(S)uspects, (V)ictims, (D)ecedent City of Residence Age
(D) Gonzalez, Ricardo. Ocnard, 41
(S) Nuno, Daniel, Fillmore, 30
Deputy Preparing Media Release: Captain Don Aguilar
Media Release Date: August 13, 2012
Follow-Up Contact: Captain Don Aguilar (805) 797-7349
Approved by: Captain Chris Dunn


This article has a bad note in it, but I am hoping not to dwell on that, but to highlight another location where a United States Flag was proudly being displayed! I say was, here comes the bad note, because from the time I took the picture, to the time I started this article, someone has stolen the flag! What kind of person would steal an American Flag being flown to honor Fillmore/Piru's, and all American men and women currently serving? I wish I could print my opinion of what kind of person would do that! OK, I am done with the bad note!

On another bicycle trip around town I traveled up Central Avenue towards Foothill, which I do about once a week, to check on a particular pair of “naked” flagpoles and to enjoy the physical challenge of the Upper and Lower Foothill loop. As I approached the “fork in the road” of Central Avenue and Foothill I immediately noticed an American Flag displayed on the branch of a very large pine tree located in an island delineating the two intersecting roads.

The Flag attracted my attention to admire the beautiful tree holding the American Flag. I have driven and ridden by many times this way, but not until the Flag's presence did I really notice the tree, the plants and yes the “SIGN”! The sign proclaims the small island as “Defever Park”. Having worked and lived in Fillmore for a number of years I have never heard of Defever Park! I have heard of Oscar Defever the former Fillmore Fire Chief who passed just before my family and I moved to Fillmore in 1985. Maybe I never noticed this was a park because as a park it is probably the smallest park in the City of Fillmore and possibly in all of Ventura County! And as a park it does not lend itself to anything but to view it and wonder about it! I wondered; Who hung the Flag? Who placed the sign designating this as a park? And who maintains it? Thus I began this article right there under that huge pine tree!

The first person CONTINUED »

Investigators continue searching for suspects in the Gonzalez homicide with an investigation on Ortega Street.
Investigators continue searching for suspects in the Gonzalez homicide with an investigation on Ortega Street.
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Anyone with information about this crime call Detective Brian Richmond (805) 384-4725
Victim was found dead in the 900 block of Lewis Lane, Fillmore
Victim was found dead in the 900 block of Lewis Lane, Fillmore
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Ventura County Sheriff helicopter is assisting in the investigation.
Ventura County Sheriff helicopter is assisting in the investigation.
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Investigators setup a mobile crime lab on Ortega Street in Fillmore continuing to investigate the homicide.
Investigators setup a mobile crime lab on Ortega Street in Fillmore continuing to investigate the homicide.
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Sheriff's deputies responded to 9-1-1 calls of citizens reporting someone shot on Lewis Ln. Deputies arrived and discovered an injured male adult on the ground in front of a residence. The male, identified as Ricardo Gonzalez, was treated at the scene by Fillmore Fire personnel and was pronounced deceased due to apparent gunshot wounds.

Sheriff's Homicide investigators are continuing the investigation. Anyone with information to report about this crime can call Detective Brian Richmond at (805) 384-4725.

Nature of Incident: Homicide in Fillmore
Report Number: 12-18032
Location: 900 block Lewis Ln., Fillmore
Date & Time: 8-9-12 @ 9:45 p.m.
Unit Responsible: Sheriff's Homicide Bureau
(S)uspects, (V)ictims, (D)ecedent City of Residence Age
(V) Gonzalez, Ricardo Unk. 41
Deputy Preparing Media Release: Captain Don Aguilar
Media Release Date: August 10, 2012
Follow-Up Contact: Captain Don Aguilar (805) 797-7349
Approved by: Commander Cheryl Wade

Ventura County Crime Stoppers will pay up to $1,000 reward for information, which leads to the arrest and criminal complaint against the person(s) responsible for this crime. The caller may remain anonymous. The call is not recorded. Call Crime Stoppers at 800-222-TIPS (8477).

Gregorio Aguilar (DOB 10-20-89), of Fillmore.
Gregorio Aguilar (DOB 10-20-89), of Fillmore.

District Attorney Gregory D. Totten announced on August 6th, 2012, that Gregorio Aguilar (DOB 10-20-89), of Fillmore, was found guilty on August 3,2012, following a jury trial, of the first degree murder of Sean Odle, the special circumstance that the murder was committed during the commission of an attempted robbery and the special allegation that he personally discharged a firearm causing death. Aguilar was also convicted of robbery with the use of a firearm of the Shell Gas Station in Fillmore on December 11, 2008, and attempted robbery with the use of a firearm of the Central Market in Santa Paula on December 12, 2008.

Aguilar, carrying a rifle, entered the Circle K convenience store with an accomplice at 4:23 a.m. on December 26, 2008, and demanded that Sean Odle give him money from the register. Odle called 911 and Aguilar shot him in the chest and fled the scene, taking nothing. Two weeks prior, on December 11, 2008, Aguilar, acting alone, entered the Shell Gas Station in Fillmore at 11:00 p.m., carrying a rifle, and demanded money from the clerk. The following night on December 12, 2008, at 11:00 p.m., Aguilar, carrying a rifle, and an accomplice, attempted to rob the Central Market in Santa Paula, demanding money from the clerk.

Sentencing is scheduled on September 4, 2012, at 8:30 a.m. in courtroom 45 before Ventura County Superior Court Judge Charles Campbell.

Rick Neal has pulled papers as a candidate for Fillmore City Council. From the left, son Trenton, and daughters Roxie and Tori with wife Christie at far right. Rick was born in Fillmore and is the owner of two local businesses, Central Music and The Service Professional Plumbing. He is also a volunteer Firefighter/EMT for the Fillmore Fire Department and a Captain of his Fillmore Mountain Search and Rescue Team.
Rick Neal has pulled papers as a candidate for Fillmore City Council. From the left, son Trenton, and daughters Roxie and Tori with wife Christie at far right. Rick was born in Fillmore and is the owner of two local businesses, Central Music and The Service Professional Plumbing. He is also a volunteer Firefighter/EMT for the Fillmore Fire Department and a Captain of his Fillmore Mountain Search and Rescue Team.
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Douglas Tucker served as a long-time member of the Fillmore Planning Commission/North Fillmore Neighborhood Committee. His online biography reads: Administrator at Country Villa Woodman Health Care Center; PTA at Country Villa Health Services (SPRS); Education, University of Phoenix, CA State University, Northridge.
Douglas Tucker served as a long-time member of the Fillmore Planning Commission/North Fillmore Neighborhood Committee. His online biography reads: Administrator at Country Villa Woodman Health Care Center; PTA at Country Villa Health Services (SPRS); Education, University of Phoenix, CA State University, Northridge.
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City of Fillmore
City of Fillmore

Jamey Brooks Pulled 7/16/12 Filed 7/23/12 Certified 7/27/12
Richard L. Neal Pulled 7/23/12 Filed 8/7/12
Douglas Tucker Pulled 7/24/12 Filed 8/8/12
Manuel Minjares Pulled 7/24/12
Alex Mollkoy Pulled 7/26/12
Sandra Pella Pulled 7/30/12 Filed 8/2/12
Gayle Washburn Pulled 8/6/12
City Clerk Clay West//ling Pulled 7/16/12 Filled 7/19/12 Certified 7/20/12
Nancy Meyer Pulled 8/8/12
City Treasurer Grace Donahue Pulled 7/26/12 Filed 8/2/12
Shannon Godfrey Pulled 8/2/12