I was so happy to get an email from Fillmore Native, and United States Navy Lieutenant Commander Frank Solorzano this morning! But when I read it I knew writing articles highlighting our currently serving Fillmore and Piru men and women has some value! LCDR Frank Solorzano's email:


My name is Frank Solorzano, and I just read the subject article this evening (your morning). I have a flag just down the road from the Police Station and got to see it before I deployed. I'm really proud to say I am from Fillmore, and I let everyone I meet in my travels know it. Being one of the troops, I can say we appreciate the recognition.

LCDR Frank Solorzano
US Navy
Camp As Sayliyah Qatar”

I know what LCDR Solorzano means by his being proud to be from Fillmore! My Son, Phillip recently bumped into another Fillmore Native, Ryne Galvan, and posted this picture of them in Afghanistan! What draws these two American Servicemen together, besides their service in Afghanistan, is the strong bond they have for each other from their connection to this Community of Fillmore!

Phillip wrote: “Look who I found in Afghanistan. Long way from Fillmore.” US Navy, Phillip Diaz on the left and US Army, Ryne Galvan on the right.

We in Fillmore are proud of their service! We thank them and their families for their sacrifices now and for the sacrifices they will make in the future! The next time you pass by LCDR Frank Solorzano's Banner on Sespe Avenue please give him a shout out of appreciation for his service! All the men and women currently serving are truly American Heroes!


Fillmore High School’s new principal Russom Mesfun
Fillmore High School’s new principal Russom Mesfun

The first Fillmore Unified School District (FUSD) Board Meeting of the 2012-2013 school year was held August 7, 2012 and with it the announcements of new changes to school principals, the Discovery Communications pilot program and free breakfast and lunch provided to all students.

The first day of school is Wednesday August 22, 2012 and with it comes a few new changes in school administrators at FUSD. Russom Nesfun, who worked with Oakland Unified School District, is Fillmore High School’s new principal; Gary Mayeda will now be principal at Fillmore Middle School; Chrissy Schieferle has transferred from Mountain View Elementary to San Cayetano Elementary as principal and John Wilber has transferred from Fillmore High School to Mountain Vista Elementary as principal. Todd Schieferle, FUSD’s Human Resource Officer said there are a few more positions left to be filled but did not specify what positions.

Superintendent Dr. Alan Nishino is bringing FUSD classrooms into the digital age. As promised last semester, Nishino has purchased Discovery Education as a one year pilot program in two 6th grade science classes. FUSD is the first district in Southern California to have the interactive program which is designed to accommodate each child’s learning level with virtual labs that help students learn to interpret data, draw conclusion and aid in math skills. The program, started in 2001, replaces the standard textbook with digital resources and over 10,000 videos, along with translations in Spanish to aid parents who do not speak English. Another added feature is that current events are available the next day.

There is still a CONTINUED »


Movie Train Café Ribbon Cutting - The Movie Train Café held its Grand Opening on July 26th. Pictured is café staff along with owner Dave Wilkinson, Fillmore Chamber of Commerce members, city representatives and several Miss Fillmore girls.
Movie Train Café Ribbon Cutting - The Movie Train Café held its Grand Opening on July 26th. Pictured is café staff along with owner Dave Wilkinson, Fillmore Chamber of Commerce members, city representatives and several Miss Fillmore girls.
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Story and photos by Bob Crum
Pictured above is the staff at the Movie Train Cafe (l-r): Randy Balades, Max Gabriel, Alex Melendez, Chris Escotto, Sassy Wright, Cody Balades, Jessica Givans, Brian Cook, Ariel Bernett, Diane and Liz Wareham.
Pictured above is the staff at the Movie Train Cafe (l-r): Randy Balades, Max Gabriel, Alex Melendez, Chris Escotto, Sassy Wright, Cody Balades, Jessica Givans, Brian Cook, Ariel Bernett, Diane and Liz Wareham.
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Patrons enjoying the Movie Train Cafe’s grand opening.
Patrons enjoying the Movie Train Cafe’s grand opening.
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Some things are downright annoying. For example... gnats buzzing around the ears. Another example... hunger pangs... also known as 'growlies in the tummy'. Hark... for herewith is great news! There's a new, fabulous eatery in town... the Movie Train Cafe. Sorry I can't do anything about the gnats but growlies in the tummy are now a thing of the past! The restaurant is located on the corner of Santa Clara Street and Central Avenue.
If you happened to drive by the restaurant on the evening of July 26, you might still be wondering about all the oooooohs and aaaaaaahs you heard. Those wondrous bellowings of pleasure were emanating from throngs of people who attended the Movie Train Cafe grand opening celebration. Yes... the food was soooo scrumptious I was also one of the many bellowing aaaaaaaaah.

OK... another restaurant you say. Whoa... not so fast. Of course it's a brick and mortar building but the food produced inside... well... isn't that something determined by the chef? OK... let's find out. Sassy Wright is chief chef and general manager of the Movie Train Cafe. Most chefs have a particular 'style' of cooking and chef Sassy is not an exception. On the other hand there is an exception which is exceptional as you'll soon discover.
How do you describe your particular style of cooking, I asked? “Southern... with love,” Sassy promptly said. That's the 'exception' I mentioned! Naturally this deserves an explanation. “We lost the love in our food,” Sassy said, adding “think back to when grandmother used to make homemade buttermilk biscuits. (I remember!) You'd be in the kitchen as she made that pan gravy. And you really didn't like it as a kid but because she put so much love in it... it filled you up... it got you through the day. So I cook southern-style food... with love... that keeps you going through the day... food like your grandma and great grandma used to cook.” And you thought this was just another 'restaurant' in town?

And what chef doesn't have a favorite dish? “My favorite dish is chicken fried steak with mashed potatoes smothered with mushroom gravy,” Sassy said with a big grin. Ahem... do I hear a big 'YUMMY'? Trouble of it is... withdrawal pains can be worse than hunger pangs so best to order doubles... one order for carry out! You see... the Movie Train Cafe isn't open seven days a week... yet!

Sassy briefly described the regular menu which consists of goodies such as tri-tip, pulled pork (barbecued on the premises), biscuits and gravy. For breakfast... eggs cooked to order the way you like them, home-made hash browns with sausage or bacon. For lunch Sassy said: “We do fresh tuna, home-made potato salad, home-made pasta salad and home-made macaroni salad as well as hamburgers and cheeseburger.” “'Fifties-style cheeseburgers,” Sassy quickly added. Notice all the 'home-made' goodies?

Besides the regular menu, CONTINUED »

Fillmore has a new Verizon cell phone tower! Despite Mayor Washburn’s energetic efforts to kill the project, a last minute phalanx of lawyers claiming such obstruction violated federal law persuaded the council majority to change its mind. Photo Courtesy Bob Crum.
Fillmore has a new Verizon cell phone tower! Despite Mayor Washburn’s energetic efforts to kill the project, a last minute phalanx of lawyers claiming such obstruction violated federal law persuaded the council majority to change its mind. Photo Courtesy Bob Crum.
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City of Fillmore
City of Fillmore

Jamey Brooks Pulled 7/16/12 Filed 7/23/12 Certified 7/27/12
Richard L. Neal Pulled 7/23/12
Douglas Tucker Pulled 7/24/12
Manuel Minjares Pulled 7/24/12
Alex Mollkoy Pulled 7/26/12
Sandra Pella Pulled 7/30/12

City Clerk Clay Westling Pulled 7/16/12 Filled 7/19/12 Certified 7/20/12

City Treasurer Grace Donahue Pulled 7/26/12

Fillmore Unified School District
Fillmore Unified School District

Two positions on the Fillmore Unified School District Board of Education will be on the November 6, 2012 ballot. The terms of office for Board Members Virginia de la Piedra and John Garnica will end December 2012. The new terms of office will run until December 2016. The current Board Members have the option of running again.

Candidates interested in running for the School Board should pick up filing materials from the County Clerk Elections Division or the Fillmore Unified School Districts Office beginning July 16, 2012 and must deliver the completed materials to the Ventura County Elections Office no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, August 10, 2012.

If a candidate wishes to publish a statement in the sample ballot pamphlet, it will be the candidate’s responsibility to pay for the statement fee. However, once a candidate has properly filed a Declaration of Candidacy with Ventura County Elections Office and qualifies for the election, the Fillmore Unified School District will provide space in a local newspaper for candidates to publish a statement at no charge to the candidates. Statements published in the local newspaper will have to comply with the same rules that would apply had the candidate filed a statement with Ventura County Elections.

Questions may be addressed to the County Elections Division at 654-2664 or the District Superintendent’s Office at 524-6038. Anyone wishing to pick up materials from the School District Office at 627 Sespe Avenue should call first to be sure that either Cynthia Padilla (524-6038) or Susan Leon (524-6034) will be available to provide the filing materials and instructions.

A home displaying the United States Flag and a large Support Our Troops Ribbon.
A home displaying the United States Flag and a large Support Our Troops Ribbon.
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Above is one of many banners hanging on Central Avenue in honor of our servicemen.
Above is one of many banners hanging on Central Avenue in honor of our servicemen.
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This morning while riding my bike around town I again began to take note of the flags being flown on homes and residences. As I made this observation of one particular home I decided to return at a more decent hour to speak with the resident and get permission to photograph their home displaying the United States Flag and a large Support Our Troops Ribbon. By doing this I am hoping this may be the start of me monthly stopping by a home, or business displaying a United States Flag and taking a picture of their effort to support our troops and highlighting their personal story for flying the United States Flag or Military Banner. If anyone wants to contact me to photograph and place an article in the Gazette about their effort I urge them to contact me either by email; dickdiaz@roadrunner.com, or my cell 279-3599, otherwise my focus for the articles will be selected by me randomly as I travel about town.

You may recall I wrote an article a few months back that wondered, out loud, how patriotic is Fillmore? Since that article I am so excited to see at least 60 new flags on display about town supporting our troops! Good Job Fillmore! I knew Fillmore could get those flags out! I am hoping we can add sixty more in the next few months and sixty more after that!

When I returned to 662 Mountain View, the home of Fred and Virginia Ortiz, I was thrilled to meet Mrs. Virginia Ortiz when she answered my ringing her doorbell on her front porch. Mrs. Ortiz is the Grandmother of Warrant Officer David M. Warnock-Ortiz who is currently serving with the United States Army in Texas. David is a 1996 Fillmore High School graduate and his banner is on display in front of Fillmore High School. I had previously written an article about David's service so when she told me who her family member was currently serving I recalled David's article.

We in Fillmore CONTINUED »

City Council nomination papers lay on a table on the second floor of city hall Tuesday. No posting was made on the city’s Information Center Kiosk or advertised in the city’s local paper. Upon request from the Gazette, the city sent a press release Wednesday afternoon.
City Council nomination papers lay on a table on the second floor of city hall Tuesday. No posting was made on the city’s Information Center Kiosk or advertised in the city’s local paper. Upon request from the Gazette, the city sent a press release Wednesday afternoon.
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Deadline for filing is August 10

Fillmore citizens seeking nomination as a candidate for the Fillmore City Council, City Treasurer or City Clerk may obtain and file nomination papers at City Hall until August 10th at 4 p.m. If an incumbent (current) person in a seat does not file, the nomination period for that seat would be extended to August 15 at 4 p.m. only for non-incumbents.

Nomination papers may be obtained in the City Clerk’s office in Fillmore City Hall between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to noon and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Thursday and every other Friday. Nominees must obtain between 20 to 30 signatures of registered voters of the City to qualify to be on the ballot. Candidates must also be registered voters of the city and must be 18 years of age at the time they take office. There is no cost to pull nomination papers or to file, although candidates wishing to publish a candidate’s statement in the sample ballot pamphlet will be required to provide a deposit covering the cost of their statement.

Three seats on the City Council, one City Treasurer, and one City Clerk will be on the November 6 ballot. All seats have four-year terms.

Interested persons are urged to contact Interim Deputy City Clerk Laura Seo at (805) 524-1500 ext 214, for further information or visit www.fillmoreca.com.

Contact: Interim Deputy City Clerk Laura Seo, CMC. (805) 524-1500 ext. 214

Fillmore Women’s Service Club was one of many booths that volunteers worked at during the 4th of July holiday.
Fillmore Women’s Service Club was one of many booths that volunteers worked at during the 4th of July holiday.
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It’s about four p.m. when I give up searching for good country (American music for an American holiday) on the car radio. Instead, I attempt harmonizing to Owl City’s “Fireflies.” It’s somewhat thematically pertinent to the Fourth of July: fire. And if all goes well, it should fly. Such are my musings as I begin my brief gig as a peddler of pyrotechnics in the grand Fillmore tradition.

I pull into the dusty lot across from the Tipsy Fox where the ladies of the Fillmore Women’s Service Club have been busy with sales all day—and all week, in fact. It’s an advantageous location, one of the first booths on the eastbound Highway126. Customers perusing wares and placing orders.

When I enter the long white booth from the back door, Mimi Burns, a former president of the club, greets me. She quickly reviews procedures, and within moments I’m set to work along with the five other volunteers helping customers make their selection of flammable goodies.

Some folk know exactly what they want, referring to fireworks by name and leaving as suddenly as they arrive, while others linger to study the bright red product flyers with varying degrees of scrutiny. Some let their children choose within a set budget, and others simply ask us for suggestions.

There’s a something CONTINUED »

Before the Palm trees were removed.
Before the Palm trees were removed.
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After the Palm trees were removed. According to many City Council Members and Film Commission Members, removing the tree will attract more filming companies to choose Fillmore as a filming location. According to location scouts, the palm trees prevented Fillmore from looking like
After the Palm trees were removed. According to many City Council Members and Film Commission Members, removing the tree will attract more filming companies to choose Fillmore as a filming location. According to location scouts, the palm trees prevented Fillmore from looking like "Anytown" USA.
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