On Wednesday, April 24, at 3:30pm, Ventura County Sheriff’s Deputies and Fillmore Fire Dept. responded to a man causing a disturbance at the corner of Central Avenue and Main Street. A citizen, standing right, subdued the man until deputies arrived. Fillmore Fire examined him and deputies made the arrest.
On Wednesday, April 24, at 3:30pm, Ventura County Sheriff’s Deputies and Fillmore Fire Dept. responded to a man causing a disturbance at the corner of Central Avenue and Main Street. A citizen, standing right, subdued the man until deputies arrived. Fillmore Fire examined him and deputies made the arrest.
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David Morales, 33 of Fillmore, was sentenced this week to 25 years to life after being convicted of first-degree murder in an attack on his sister in 2010. He was convicted on March 12, 2013.

Ventura County Sheriff’s Deputies arrested Morales on September 15, 2010 at his family’s apartment complex in the 200 block of Sespe Avenue, Fillmore. Deputies arrived at 6:01 p.m. and subdued Morales after a brief struggle as he attempted to flee the area. The victim, Maricruz Morales, 20, was immediately treated at the scene by Fillmore City Fire and taken to Ventura County Medical Center via American Medical Response (AMR) ambulance where she was pronounced deceased. The assault took place inside a residence after a family dispute. Morales was booked into the Pre-Trial Detention Facility on murder charges.

He used a variety of objects in the attack, including a curtain rod and a hammer to crush her skull. The jury also convicted Morales of assault with force likely to cause great bodily injury on a second victim, his mother Roselia Morales. Morales attempted to choke her, then grabbed her hair, punched her in the head and threw her against a wall. He was sentenced to an additional four years to be served consecutively. The crimes were witnessed by neighbors who confronted Morales and attempted to help the victims during the assault.

Morales’ lawyer Claudia Bautista told the jury that he acted in the heat of passion after he was cursed at and hit with a broom and candle holder. Prosecutor Rebecca Day said there was no evidence that he was provoked.

Testimony at David Morales’ hearing showed that he became enraged when he learned that his mother and sister had packed all the family’s belongings for the move to a new apartment and he was told he could not move with them.
In 2006, he ate his mother’s parrot, according to court records. He was convicted of misdemeanor animal cruelty.

Fillmore City Council held a special meeting on April 30th at 2pm, addressing committee seats left vacant by Councilmember A. Eduardo Gonzalez’ resignation two weeks ago. Councilmember Brian Sipes will become the alternate for the Heritage Valley Tourism Board; Mayor Pro Tem Manuel Minjares will become the liaison to the Veterans Memorial District, and member the Code of Conduct and Ethics Ad Hoc Committee. The meeting also included a closed session, where no action was taken.
Fillmore City Council held a special meeting on April 30th at 2pm, addressing committee seats left vacant by Councilmember A. Eduardo Gonzalez’ resignation two weeks ago. Councilmember Brian Sipes will become the alternate for the Heritage Valley Tourism Board; Mayor Pro Tem Manuel Minjares will become the liaison to the Veterans Memorial District, and member the Code of Conduct and Ethics Ad Hoc Committee. The meeting also included a closed session, where no action was taken.
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Pictured above are several of the individuals recognized for help and support they gave during the Goodenough Fire Incident. They all received plaques from the City of Fillmore.
Pictured above are several of the individuals recognized for help and support they gave during the Goodenough Fire Incident. They all received plaques from the City of Fillmore.
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Tuesday's Fillmore City Council Meeting was the first meeting since Council Member Eduardo Gonzalez turned in his resignation. Council Member Brian Sipes was not in attendance leaving the dais with only three members. That is just enough to have a quorum. The meeting began with a presentation by Assistant Capt. Chief Bill Herrera and recognition of all those who helped with the Goodenough Fire. Also addressing the Council was Leslie Klinchuch regarding the Chevron Project and Roger Campbell announcing the upcoming Honey Festival and BBQ Cookoff. Other agenda items included replacing the vacant Council seat, finances, weed abatement, road pavement and possible revenue for the Water Treatment Plant.

An item of concern was what to do about the vacant Council seat left by the resignation of Council Member Gonzalez on April 15, 2013. Fillmore Municipal Code does not include procedures for filling vacancies or holding special elections, therefore the City must follow the requirements of the Government Code which states within 60 days after a vacancy the Council may appoint someone or wait until the next regularly established election date. The Council decided to appoint someone and not wait for an election. One of the reasons for doing so was the cost. To put it on the November 5, 2013 ballot as a Special Election would cost $23,000 and the person elected would have a term of only one year. If the Council appoints someone immediately there would be very little cost, excluding the time donated to interviewing. The appointment would be for a year and a half. The interview process consists of 8 questions (two from each of the present Council Members) and could take place as early as April 30, 2013 when a Special Meeting is being held to consider a new City Manager. The concern with having an appointment quickly is to assure there will be enough Council Members present to have a quorum at each meeting should one or more of the present members are absent.

Council seat applications CONTINUED »

Big foot was spotted in the brush along the river in Fillmore.
Big foot was spotted in the brush along the river in Fillmore.
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A play written and directed by Josh Overton is coming to the Sespe Auditorium, April 26, 27, 28th, May 3rd and 5th, May 10, 11, and 13th. It will be presented by the Sespe Players and the Fillmore High School Drama Club. “Totally Rad 2! Camp Bigfoot!” will be the big comeback play for Overton; more about that later.

Show times for the play are, Friday and Saturday shows 7pm: Sunday shows 2pm. Tickets will be on sale at the door or from the cast members and Sespe Players. The cost is $5 for students, $7 for adults; and the great bargain of $15 for every show to watch over and over again.

The play is based at a summer camp in 1988. The cool bright clothes and the huge hair will all be there of the 80’s and the music of the 80’s will be so rad! The young and not so young will all enjoy the musical written and directed by Overton. “This show drove me to be healthy as quick as I can,” stated Overton. After a long, hard, painful, battle with Cancer in August of 2012, Overton is back cancer free and working at what he loves best, Theater Arts.

“It was good to have a deadline to have a script; to have everything done in a certain time. It motivated me to get as healthy as soon as I could. The Theater and the high school group of young people at Fillmore High School are the reasons I wanted to get back to work and get healthy again,” said Josh. “I feel good right now. I am tired, but no more than any other show.”

The cast and crew have been working long, hard hours to bring Fillmore and Ventura County the best show possible. You all need to come and see what happens when a bunch of high school age kids show up for summer camp in 1988. Come and get to know Sophie the shy girl, and Eddie the Bigfoot loving nerd. Find out how cool Michael is and, how much Kim has a crush on him. Come and meet the wacky and funny camp counselors, Chas and Mags. They will introduce you to the bad kid, Kenny. And you may even find out why they call it Camp Bigfoot!

The music will take you back in time along with the over-the-top clothes and HUGE hair. This is one you’ll regret missing folks. Overton’s comeback play is one of, if not the best play he has written. “I need to say thank you to my Incredible wife Inger and my great kids, Ian, and Erin. Inger has always been my rock and my biggest fan, but this past year, more than any other. Inger has had to sacrifice and keep our family solvent.”

“I am more fortunate than anyone can imagine that I can still devote so much time away from my family to do this show, all because Inger supports me unquestioningly.”

Many thanks need to be said: Anthony Leal for all the hard work you have done to make this show work. To Tim Overton and his crew, this show would never work without you guys; Assistant Directors Lisa Munoz and Jessica Givan, and Director of Choreography Hannah Faith, the cast hopes we do you all proud.

So Fillmore come on out and have a great time! Get a babysitter for the kids under 5 years, make it a date night with a loved one or a friend. This is cheaper and better than any movie out there right now, and it’s live and done by hard working Fillmore loving people. I will say this Dude, It will be so Totally Rad man! And look out Fillmore, Bigfoot is out there. He has been seen around town, FOR SURE!

Story and photos by Bob Crum

If you could not find a parking space downtown last weekend, Thomas the Tank Engine is to blame!

Whenever the bright blue engine with the forever smile rides the rails into town, Fillmore quickly gets populated by a throng of young'uns from all parts of Southern California.

But can't blame the kids! Thomas the Tank Engine is soooo lovable... what with a huge beguiling grin and that oh-so unforgettable 'toot-toot'. That pervasive 'toot-toot' is not unlike the 'It's a Small World' tune playing in your head forever after a visit to Disneyland.

There's no denying that Thomas the Tank Engine is the epitome of charm. Accordingly... an often heard refrain upon disembarking after a train ride with the infamous Thomas the Tank Engine is: 'No Johnny, we cannot take Thomas home with us'. And Johnny sobs... hoping the tactic with soften mom and dad's disposition. Doesn't work. Dad justifies the 'no' by explaining that their boat trailer is just too small for Thomas.

But if you think the love affair is just between Thomas and kids... think again. Lots of grandparents are also seen swooning over Thomas. On the train... giggly grandparents wax nostalgic as Thomas nimbly propels them down the tracks. It's true... nostalgia is never out of style in Fillmore.

If you missed toot-toot... er... Thomas the Tank Engine last weekend... fret not! The big, blue choo choo will be rambling up and down the tracks again this weekend. All aboard!!!


On the morning of April 22, about a mile south of the Bardsdale turn, a truck lays on it side. Photo courtesy Robert Sube.
On the morning of April 22, about a mile south of the Bardsdale turn, a truck lays on it side. Photo courtesy Robert Sube.
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Fillmore Fire Department responded to the 600 block of Ventura St. (Vons Grocery Store) on 4/18/2013 for an unknown type odor. Upon arrival Fillmore Fire Chief determined there were several Vons employees displaying coughing and difficult breathing symptoms. There were a total of eight patients, five were transported by ambulance to nearby hospitals. Cause of the problem was linked to an oven fire that happened earlier in the day. No other injuries were reported. Vons reopened a few hours later.
Fillmore Fire Department responded to the 600 block of Ventura St. (Vons Grocery Store) on 4/18/2013 for an unknown type odor. Upon arrival Fillmore Fire Chief determined there were several Vons employees displaying coughing and difficult breathing symptoms. There were a total of eight patients, five were transported by ambulance to nearby hospitals. Cause of the problem was linked to an oven fire that happened earlier in the day. No other injuries were reported. Vons reopened a few hours later.
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Ventura County Sheriff's Department
Ventura County Sheriff's Department

A juvenile suspect was arrested in connection with an indecent exposure incident and later linked to two incidents of sexual battery.

On April 18, 2013, a 15 year-old juvenile was arrested at his home a short time after a female reported being the victim of an indecent exposure. The female reported a young male approached her on a residential street and exposed his genitals to her.

Patrol deputies responded and were able to locate the suspect who was subsequently arrested. The juvenile was lodged in juvenile hall. Fillmore Police Detectives linked the juvenile to two sexual batteries, which occurred in the same vicinity in mid March, 2013.

Anyone having information related to these incidents, or has been the victim of similar crimes, is urged to contact the Fillmore Police Department.

Nature of Incident: Suspect Arrested in Sexual Battery / Indecent Exposure Incidents
Report Number: 13-5613, 13-5720, 13-8576
Location: 600 Block of River Street Fillmore
Date & Time: April 18, 2013 1945 hours
Unit(s) Responsible: Fillmore Patrol Deputies / Detectives
Suspect, City of Residence, Age
Male juvenile, Fillmore, 15
Prepared by: Detective John Fox
Media Release Date: March 23, 3013
Follow-Up Contact: Sergeant Anthony Aguirre (805) 524-2233
Approved by: Captain Monica McGrath

People with any info about these suspects call 1-800-CALL-FBI


The April 16,2013 Fillmore Unified School District (FUSD) Board Members heard both good and bad news. The good news is that the roofing of the gym has started and progress is on course for the opening of Rio Vista Elementary. Also, there was recognition of a student, Lindsey Bravo, who accomplished a goal and helped other students in doing so. The bad news is there are problems with bullying at Fillmore Middle School (FMS) that have parents very upset. Other items discussed were the purchase of a new math text for K-6 and new online courses.

Parents of students who attend FMS will be happy to know that the leaky gym roof is in the process of being repaired and will be completed by May 31st. While this is being done the staff are working on a new design for the modular classroom roofs. Hopefully it will be an improvement on what is being replaced and hold up better.

Board Member Virginia De La Piedra made a statement that people saying the roof was only twelve years old were mistaken and that the roof was over 20 years old. The Board agreed that when the original roof was being discussed they all wanted a pitched roof, but the cost to do so was too high and they were assured at the time by the builder that the flat style would not leak. This proved to be untrue but the company went bankrupt and little recourse remained. The cost to replace the roof is $454,393.44 with an added $5,600.00 for additional labor and materials necessary to replace deteriorated rain gutter system on the North and South lower roofs. The Board agreed to the added cost saying it would cost more to do it later as a separate project.

Juan Toledo, father CONTINUED »

Pictured are Ray Llyod, Luanne Perez, Jack Stethem, Mark Ortega, Carmen Zermeno, Loni Larson, Katie Berber and Bene Amborsio.
Pictured are Ray Llyod, Luanne Perez, Jack Stethem, Mark Ortega, Carmen Zermeno, Loni Larson, Katie Berber and Bene Amborsio.
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Vision 2020, Civic Pride Committee’s “Fiesta of Flowers”, Flower Show is over and all volunteers who have worked hard in preparations, set up & take down endeavors are enjoying the “glow” of pleasure that comes with appreciative comments from attendees and the satisfaction of having another great display of amazing, locally grown flowers and creative minds at work. There were many entering for the first time and many who came and spoke of wanting to enter next year. We have offered workshops each year, hoping to increase participation.

Statistics showed that our “single stem cut rose” division had the largest number of entries at 123 roses, the second largest division, “other single stem cut flowers” at 37 and iris with 19, bouquets and miniatures with 15 each and youth entries at 14. The smallest divisions were the “dish garden” at 7 entries, “potted plants” at 5 and “arrangements” at 8 entries. There were 243 entries in all.

Best of Show (Grand Prize) went to Mark Ortega with his variegated, orange flowered, Ambutilon potted plant. Division winners were: I Roses-Ray Lloyd (Peace), II Iris-Luanne Perez, III Other Single Stem Flower- Jack Stethem (New Zealand Tea Tree), IV Bouquets- Bene Ambrosio (white Watsonia “Brizza”), V Arrangements- Carolyn Lasky (Green Goddess Calla Lillies), VI Miniature Arrangements & Bouquets- Loni Larson, VII Potted Plant- Mark Ortega (Varigated Orange Ambutilon), VIII Dish Garden- Carmen Zermeno (succulents), IX Youth Arrangements- Katie Berber (roses in sombrero), X Youth Composition- Arielle Estrada ( collage with prose).

Many merchants & individuals gave their support by donating door raffle prizes which helps us raise funds for future shows and projects in the community. We owe them a big “thank you” and ask that people check out their stores, shop locally and express your appreciation for their involvement in the Fillmore community efforts.

Merchants donating prizes: Chivas Skin Care in Bardsdale, Cookie Lee Jewelry (Ari Larson), Diamond Realty Team (Robledo family), Elkin’s Golf Course, Fox & Hound Treasures & Antiques, Nanette Keller Clothing, Otto & Sons Nursery, Patterson’s Hardware, Vallarta Restaurant, Vic’s Tires. Merchants from Ventura that made donations were Green Thumb Nursery and Trader Joe’s. Local artists, Judy Dressler and Wana Klasen donated lovely paintings and King & King Ranch donated beautiful fruit baskets. Carolyn Lasky once again donated her special orchids.

There will be a BBQ at the King Ranch for all who volunteered in helping at the show to review the show and gain fresh perspective for next year. If you have ideas that could help us work “smarter” in promoting, providing workshops, fundraising or in any other capacity, please get your comments to Linda Nunes at 524-3021 or to Joanne King at 524-4904.

We are actively seeking people who might be interested in involvement as leaders or helpers. It is a great way to meet people and make a difference in your community!

City of Fillmore
City of Fillmore

The special joint meeting of the Fillmore City Council and Planning Commission held on Wednesday, April 3, 2013 began with a swearing in of Mark Greenwall and Diane McCall as new Commissioners. But the majority of the meeting was spent listening to a presentation by Rincon Consultants regarding the Chevron project known as Fillmore Works. This was only a discussion and dialog session, with no decisions made, on ways to move forward with the project that will take a number of years to complete. The project requires zoning changes and annexing 52 acres of land outside the City limits. Currently there are 13 parcels that the developers would like changed to 23. The new parcels would include; eight for commercial highway use, nine for manufacturing/industrial, five for public facilities and one for open space.

Last February Rincon Consultants, a company very familiar with Fillmore, was awarded the contract to represent Fillmore and oversee the project. Rincon has worked on a number of projects in town that include the Fillmore Business Park Master Plan, North Fillmore Specific Plan, General Plan, Fillmore Townhomes, Santa Clara River Levee Project, Fillmore Waste Water Treatment Plant Construction Monitoring, and Fillmore Contract Planning Services. For this project the company is under contract by the City of Fillmore but funded by Texaco Downstream Properties (a subsidiary of Chevron) at a cost not to exceed $190,573, which includes a 20% contingency fee.
There is a great deal of concern by some Fillmore residents as to the safe use of the property due to previous contamination; there is also the impact on adjacent neighborhoods and an elementary school. The project sits on the east end of Fillmore north of Highway 126. Five acres of the site is within City limits with another 50 acres within the City Urban Restriction Boundary (CURB) which gives Fillmore influence on what can be done with the area and its use.

A portion of the site is CONTINUED »

Maria Villalobos - Maria is the daughter of Rodolfo Villalobos and Maria Orozco. She is 18 years old and a senior at Fillmore High School.
Maria Villalobos - Maria is the daughter of Rodolfo Villalobos and Maria Orozco. She is 18 years old and a senior at Fillmore High School.
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Hailee Smith - Hailee is the daughter of Jerry and Shanna Steelsmith and Alan Smith. She is 17 years old and a senior at Fillmore High School.
Hailee Smith - Hailee is the daughter of Jerry and Shanna Steelsmith and Alan Smith. She is 17 years old and a senior at Fillmore High School.
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Natalie Johnston - Natalie  is the daughter of Doug and Christine Johnston.  She is 14 years old in the 8th grade at Sacred Heart.
Natalie Johnston - Natalie is the daughter of Doug and Christine Johnston. She is 14 years old in the 8th grade at Sacred Heart.
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Laura Garnica - Laura is the daughter of John and Beverly Garnica. She is 17 years old and a senior at Fillmore High School.
Laura Garnica - Laura is the daughter of John and Beverly Garnica. She is 17 years old and a senior at Fillmore High School.
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Savannah Bullard - Savannah is the daughter of David and Cynthia Bullard and Randy and Mary-Allyn Garcia. She is 17 years old and a senior at Fillmore High School.
Savannah Bullard - Savannah is the daughter of David and Cynthia Bullard and Randy and Mary-Allyn Garcia. She is 17 years old and a senior at Fillmore High School.
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Hannah Wishart - Hannah is the daughter of Mike and Tressa Saviers  and George and Sui Wishart. She is 15 years old and a freshman at Fillmore High School.
Hannah Wishart - Hannah is the daughter of Mike and Tressa Saviers and George and Sui Wishart. She is 15 years old and a freshman at Fillmore High School.
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Caitlin McCall - Caitlin is the daughter of Kerry and Diane McCall. She is 16 years old and a junior at Fillmore High School.
Caitlin McCall - Caitlin is the daughter of Kerry and Diane McCall. She is 16 years old and a junior at Fillmore High School.
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Sarah Scott - Sarah is the daughter of Thomas and Nikole Scott. She is 15 years old and a sophomore at Fillmore High School.
Sarah Scott - Sarah is the daughter of Thomas and Nikole Scott. She is 15 years old and a sophomore at Fillmore High School.
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Destiney Saint Pierre - Destiney  is the daughter of Marc Saint Pierre and Harold and Ramona Moore. She is 13 years old and in the 8th grade at Fillmore Middle School.
Destiney Saint Pierre - Destiney is the daughter of Marc Saint Pierre and Harold and Ramona Moore. She is 13 years old and in the 8th grade at Fillmore Middle School.
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Danielle Ramirez - Danielle is the daughter of Raul and Diana Ramirez.  She is 16 years old and a sophomore at Fillmore High School.
Danielle Ramirez - Danielle is the daughter of Raul and Diana Ramirez. She is 16 years old and a sophomore at Fillmore High School.
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Erika Mendez - Erika is the daughter of Anthony Mendez and Joann Aparicio. She is 15 years old and a sophomore at Fillmore High School.
Erika Mendez - Erika is the daughter of Anthony Mendez and Joann Aparicio. She is 15 years old and a sophomore at Fillmore High School.
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Connie Quintana - Connie is the daughter of Danielle Quintana. She is 14 years old and in the 8th grade at Fillmore Middle School.
Connie Quintana - Connie is the daughter of Danielle Quintana. She is 14 years old and in the 8th grade at Fillmore Middle School.
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Gabriella Munoz - Gabriella is the daughter of Michael and Lisa Munoz.  She is 14 years old and attends homeschool.
Gabriella Munoz - Gabriella is the daughter of Michael and Lisa Munoz. She is 14 years old and attends homeschool.
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Isis Garibay - Isis is the daughter of David Munoz and Sylvia Garibay. She is 16 years old and a sophomore at Fillmore High School.
Isis Garibay - Isis is the daughter of David Munoz and Sylvia Garibay. She is 16 years old and a sophomore at Fillmore High School.
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Lindsay Bravo - Lindsay is the daughter of Jose and Sara Bravo.  She is 13 years old and in the 8th grade at Fillmore Middle School.
Lindsay Bravo - Lindsay is the daughter of Jose and Sara Bravo. She is 13 years old and in the 8th grade at Fillmore Middle School.
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Desirae Perez - Desirae is the daughter of Todd and Chrissy Schieferle and Randy Perez. She is 17 years old and a senior at Fillmore High School.
Desirae Perez - Desirae is the daughter of Todd and Chrissy Schieferle and Randy Perez. She is 17 years old and a senior at Fillmore High School.
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Breanna Berrington - Breanna is the daughter of Jeff and Denise Berrington.  She is 15 years old and a sophomore  at Fillmore High School.
Breanna Berrington - Breanna is the daughter of Jeff and Denise Berrington. She is 15 years old and a sophomore at Fillmore High School.
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Police ask anyone with information to contact them
The sexual assault suspect is described as a Hispanic male between 35-45 years old. He’s clean shaven and was wearing a dark-colored hooded sweatshirt and faded blue jeans. He’s further described as having a round face with “chubby cheeks,” and discolored teeth. The attached forensic sketch is a depiction of the suspect’s appearance.
The sexual assault suspect is described as a Hispanic male between 35-45 years old. He’s clean shaven and was wearing a dark-colored hooded sweatshirt and faded blue jeans. He’s further described as having a round face with “chubby cheeks,” and discolored teeth. The attached forensic sketch is a depiction of the suspect’s appearance.

On Feb. 26, 2013 at about 3:00 a.m., a male suspect assaulted a woman in the area of Peck Road and Santa Paula Street in the unincorporated area west of the city of Santa Paula. The suspect grabbed the victim and tried to remove her clothing. However, the woman was able to escape when the suspect was scared off by a rancher who was driving in the area.

The suspect was seen emerging from a nearby orchard and was seen running south toward Main Street after the assault.

The suspect is described as a Hispanic male between 35-45 years old. He’s clean shaven and was wearing a dark-colored hooded sweatshirt and faded blue jeans. He’s further described as having a round face with “chubby cheeks,” and discolored teeth. The attached forensic sketch is a depiction of the suspect’s appearance.

Anyone with information about the assault or the suspect is urged to contact Detective Christine Rettura at 805 384-4741.

Ventura County Crime Stoppers will pay up to $1,000 reward for information, which leads to the arrest and criminal complaint against the person(s) responsible for this crime. The caller may remain anonymous. The call is not recorded. Call Crime Stoppers at 800-222-TIPS (8477).

Nature of Incident: Sexual Assault (Update)
Report Number: 13-4331
Location: Peck Road at Santa Paula Street Unincorporated Santa Paula
Date & Time: Feb. 26, 2013 @ 3:00 AM
Unit Responsible: Ventura County Sheriff’s Major Crimes Unit
(S)uspects City of Residence Age
S-Unknown Unknown 35-45
Deputy Preparing Media Release: Detective Christine Rettura
Media Release Date: Apr. 10, 2013
Investigation Follow-Up Contact:
Media Follow up contact:
Detective Christine Rettura 805 384-4741 christine.rettura@ventura.org
Sgt. Eric Buschow (805)947-8129 eric.buschow@ventura.org
Approved by: Capt. Chris Dunn

Eduardo Gonzalez
Eduardo Gonzalez


The City of Fillmore today announced that Councilmember Eduardo Gonzalez has submitted his resignation, effective immediately. Gonzalez has been a Member of the City Council since January of 2012 when he was appointed to fill the unexpired term of Councilmember Patti Walker, who resigned due to a move of her residence outside of the City. Gonzalez cited health issues as the reason for his decision, stating that “due to an unforeseen, urgent, and possibly life-threatening health condition which will likely prevent me from being involved in City business for the next several weeks, if not months, I have made the difficult decision to resign from my position on the City Council.”

The four remaining City Councilmembers are expected to discuss the process they wish to use to fill the vacancy at an upcoming City Council meeting. State law prescribes the process and affords the City Council the opportunity to either appoint a new Councilmember for the duration of the term, through 2014, or to call for a special election to fill the seat, or a combination of a short term appointment and a special election. The law requires the process to be decided by the City Council within 60 days of the resignation.

The resignation letter submitted is below:

From the desk of
A Eduardo Gonzalez

April 15, 2013

The Honorable Mayor and City Council
City of Fillmore
250 Central Ave.
Fillmore, CA 93015

Dear Mayor and Members of the City Council,

It is with a heavy heart that today I am submitting my resignation from the Fillmore City Council. It was an honor and privilege to have been appointed in January 2012 to serve the citizens of our great City as a Member of our City Council. Together I believe that we have well represented the diverse opinions of our residents, and while not always agreeing on the many issues which we confronted, I believe that we would all be unanimous in our belief that our individual votes were always in what we each believed were the best interests of the citizens of Fillmore.

Due to an unforeseen, urgent, and possibly life-threatening health condition, issues which will likely prevent me from being involved in City business for the next several weeks, if not months, I have made the difficult decision to resign from my position on the City Council. I know that it will take the full attention of the entire City Council over the next few months to navigate the important decision-making processes that our Council is about to embark upon, and it would be unfair to all of you as well as our citizens if you did not have the full attention of all Council Members. The decisions regarding the selection of a new City Manager and Finance Director, the future direction of our city finances, the updating of our visioning plan, the completion of our business park and the processing of the Chevron project are just a few examples of what our City Council must work together on utilizing all of our efforts.

So it is with a great regret that I must submit this letter and resign from participating with you in making the decisions that will affect the future of our great City. I have long championed the issues of public safety for our citizens, education and recreational opportunities for our families and youth, and citizen participation of our residents in planning out the future vision for our community. I would hope that our City Council will continue these quests moving forward, and continue to make Fillmore the great City that it is. I am also hopeful that I will be able to overcome the near term challenges that I am now facing, and will once again in the future be an active participant in the governmental process in Fillmore.

Thank you for your work with me, and your work for and with the citizens of Fillmore. I wish each of you te best for your future, and for the future of our City.

Sincerely you,
A. Edwardo Gonzalez


The fire, now labeled the Goodenough Incident, was the fiercest thing of its kind I’ve witnessed in Fillmore during the past 25 years. Driven by near hurricane force wind at times, it jumped from a mobile home on the west side of Goodenough Road to 100-foot high palm trees and avocado orchards across the road in a matter of seconds.

The wind was from the north, unusual in itself, then whipped around the point, heading southeast above Foothill Road.

It would have been much worse had the wind not calmed down considerably at nightfall. No doubt many residents were praying-up a storm of their own. No structures in the city were destroyed or damaged. One tragedy occurred during the first stage of the fire; the beautifully situated Wokal home atop the hill in the 1200 block of Goodenough Road was nearly destroyed. Valliant efforts by Ventura County firefighters were able to save part of the home and assist in the removal of some personal property.

I recall several other ferocious, and far larger, wildfires in years past. The difference here is that we were immediately in the midst of it all. Flaming palm fronds and other debris from palm trees were carried hundreds of yards in the firestorm, and quickly started dozens of new fires downwind. Flames raced through thick layers of dry avocado leaves allowed to accumulate by farmers growing their crops organically. That carpet of leaves exploded in flame and raced through the groves as though they were sprayed with gasoline.

The fire consumed approximately 147 acres of trees and brush.

As usual, the residents of Fillmore cooperated in assisting firefighters and threatened homeowners. I will try to publish a fairly complete list of those who assisted in this effort in next week’s Gazette. In the meantime many thanks are due for all the quick assistance provided from many different fire departments from at least three counties, our council members, and several department heads at city hall. Special thanks to our Sheriff’s department, Search and Rescue, Citizens Patrol and many others.

Thanks to all who helped us dodge the bullet, once again. Also look for more spectacular photos from Bob Crum, online and in the Gazette.

Coverage from area television station:

In the early morning of April 1, and unknown object was used to smash a window at the office of Heritage Valley Eye Care on Central Avenue, causing about $1000 worth of damage. The window, display case, and sunglasses were damaged but nothing was missing.
In the early morning of April 1, and unknown object was used to smash a window at the office of Heritage Valley Eye Care on Central Avenue, causing about $1000 worth of damage. The window, display case, and sunglasses were damaged but nothing was missing.
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On April 5th, Fillmore Fire Department responded to a vehicle fire on the corner of B St. and 2nd St.
On April 5th, Fillmore Fire Department responded to a vehicle fire on the corner of B St. and 2nd St.
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Upon arrival of fire units vehicle was fully involved with flames.
Upon arrival of fire units vehicle was fully involved with flames.
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Fillmore Fire quickly extinguished the fire, and no injuries to report.
Fillmore Fire quickly extinguished the fire, and no injuries to report.
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