On February 21st, 2022, at 9:50am, Ventura County Fire, Fillmore City Firefighters, AMR Paramedics and Ventura County Sheriff ’s Office were dispatched to a reported vehicle fire in the 400 block of River Street, Piru. Arriving fire crews reported a vehicle fire in a driveway with flames extending into a single-story, singlefamily residence. All occupants were reported out and firefighters began to attack and were in progress to protect exposures on the three sides of the structure. At 10:12am firefighters reported good progress being made on the fire, checking for extensions. Crews were working to extinguish the vehicle fire. According to VCFD PIO twitter: four adults and four minors were displaced, and Red Cross was also dispatched to the scene. No injuries were reported. Photo: Rufina Alfonso.
On February 21st, 2022, at 9:50am, Ventura County Fire, Fillmore City Firefighters, AMR Paramedics and Ventura County Sheriff ’s Office were dispatched to a reported vehicle fire in the 400 block of River Street, Piru. Arriving fire crews reported a vehicle fire in a driveway with flames extending into a single-story, singlefamily residence. All occupants were reported out and firefighters began to attack and were in progress to protect exposures on the three sides of the structure. At 10:12am firefighters reported good progress being made on the fire, checking for extensions. Crews were working to extinguish the vehicle fire. According to VCFD PIO twitter: four adults and four minors were displaced, and Red Cross was also dispatched to the scene. No injuries were reported. Photo: Rufina Alfonso.
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 Photo: Angel Esquivel-AE News.
Photo: Angel Esquivel-AE News.
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City Council Hosts Badge Ceremony Firefighters. On Tuesday, February 22nd, Fillmore City Council held a badge ceremony for Firefighter Engineer Jason Arroyo (left) and Fire Captain Jordan Castro (right) of the Fillmore Fire Department. Pictured above are Jason and Jordan as they take their pledge and reaffirm their commitment to the Fillmore Fire Department and to their position.
City Council Hosts Badge Ceremony Firefighters. On Tuesday, February 22nd, Fillmore City Council held a badge ceremony for Firefighter Engineer Jason Arroyo (left) and Fire Captain Jordan Castro (right) of the Fillmore Fire Department. Pictured above are Jason and Jordan as they take their pledge and reaffirm their commitment to the Fillmore Fire Department and to their position.
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8.B CITY COUNCIL RECEIVE REPORT AND DISCUSS TWO RIVERS DOG PARK SR - DOG PARK SR FINAL.pdf Unanimous approval. Council authorized to use $200,000.


Delegate - Christina Villasenor, Alternate - Mark Austin.

All votes 5-0 affirmative.

Jordan Castro, Fire Captain Badge Ceremony.

Jason Arroyo, Firefighter Engineer Badge Ceremony.

Southern California Edison (SCE) presentation - Rudy Gonzalez, on outage Next regularly scheduled meeting, 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, March 8, 2022, City Hall, 250 Central Avenue, Fillmore, CA 93015.

Pictured is Ms. Piechowski with her ASB student leaders, Fillmore Lions Club members, and Dave Hubbard representing the Lions Club Foundation. Photo credit Jaclyn Ibarra.
Pictured is Ms. Piechowski with her ASB student leaders, Fillmore Lions Club members, and Dave Hubbard representing the Lions Club Foundation. Photo credit Jaclyn Ibarra.
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Courtesy Esperanza Ocegeuda
On Friday, February 18th, the Fillmore Lions Club and Fillmore Middle School received the California Lions Club Foundation Back-to-School Grant. This grant supported FMS’ Positive Behavioral Interventions and supports rewards program and was used to purchase gift cards to Starbucks and Baskin-Robbins. The Fillmore Lions Club is always looking for ways to support the community and was ecstatic to receive this grant! If you are a local organization looking for community support or a community member looking to make a difference, visit the Fillmore Lions Club website at fillmorelionsclub.org.

On February 15th, 2022, at 8:03pm, Fillmore City Fire and Ventura County Fire were dispatched to a reported structure fire in the 600 block of Manzanita Dr., Fillmore. Crews were able to locate the fire inside the home’s walls, barely making its way to the attic. Both departments managed to stop the fire, preventing further damage to the home. Residents of the home suffered no injuries and are currently being aided by the Red Cross organization until the family is able to return to their home. Cause of the fire is under investigation. Photo credit Angel Esquivel—AE News.
On February 15th, 2022, at 8:03pm, Fillmore City Fire and Ventura County Fire were dispatched to a reported structure fire in the 600 block of Manzanita Dr., Fillmore. Crews were able to locate the fire inside the home’s walls, barely making its way to the attic. Both departments managed to stop the fire, preventing further damage to the home. Residents of the home suffered no injuries and are currently being aided by the Red Cross organization until the family is able to return to their home. Cause of the fire is under investigation. Photo credit Angel Esquivel—AE News.
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On February 19th, 2022, at 9:58pm, CHP, Fillmore Police deputies, Ventura County Fire, and AMR paramedics were dispatched to a reported single vehicle collision westbound of SR 126, just east of Center Street, Piru. Upon arrival, the fire department was able to rescue the occupant from the vehicle resulting in the AMR en route to be canceled; the occupant suffered only minor injuries. The car suffered heavy front-end damage. CHP reported that up to 50-feet of the guardrail was damaged by the collision. Cause of the crash is under investigation. Photo credit Angel Esquivel-AE News.
On February 19th, 2022, at 9:58pm, CHP, Fillmore Police deputies, Ventura County Fire, and AMR paramedics were dispatched to a reported single vehicle collision westbound of SR 126, just east of Center Street, Piru. Upon arrival, the fire department was able to rescue the occupant from the vehicle resulting in the AMR en route to be canceled; the occupant suffered only minor injuries. The car suffered heavy front-end damage. CHP reported that up to 50-feet of the guardrail was damaged by the collision. Cause of the crash is under investigation. Photo credit Angel Esquivel-AE News.
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Planning commissioners’ landmark decision charts a course for a clean energy future

Ventura, CA — Today, the county’s Planning Commission took a bold step toward drawing down oil development by limiting a request filed by Carbon California to renew an oil and gas permit. The move sets a precedent for future oil development in the county.

The oil company sought permission to continue operation of two existing oil wells and one wastewater injection well and to redrill existing wells in the Sespe Oil Field. The county’s Planning Director approved that permit extension in October, allowing the company to extract oil and dispose of wastewater for another twenty years. That decision was then appealed by local conservation organizations Los Padres ForestWatch, Climate First: Replacing Oil and Gas, and Keep Sespe Wild.

It is the first conditional use permit (CUP) in the Sespe Oil Field to be updated in a quarter century and will lay the groundwork for other CUP extensions expected to be filed in coming years.

In today’s unanimous vote, the commission approved the permit request but restricted its renewal from twenty years to ten, placed a limit on the number of times a well could be redrilled from unlimited to just one, and required full reclamation and restoration of an abandoned oil pads at the site. The restrictions are a step toward alignment with the state's policy of phasing out oil production and the County's new guidelines, outlined by its General Plan, which call for a 41% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030.

"Today's action signals that the County of Ventura takes seriously its obligation to move a step closer towards a clean energy future,” said ForestWatch executive director Jeff Kuyper. “We'll continue to do everything we can to ensure that the forest, downstream communities, and our climate are safeguarded from fossil fuel extraction."

The permit is one of 19 CUPs governing more than 200 oil wells in the Sespe Oil Field. Most of these facilities operated under “antiquated permits” that were approved more than a half-century ago, before the advent of modern environmental laws and with no limit to the number of wells. The Ventura County Board of Supervisors approved a program in 2019 to bring these permits in line with current environmental and public health standards, but that effort was put on hold after the oil industry filed eleven different lawsuits and launched a million-dollar campaign to place the matter on the June 2022 ballot.

“As California moves toward phasing out oil extraction by 2045 and the climate crisis continues to intensify, extraction permit renewals like this require a high level of analysis and consideration,” said CFROG executive director Shannon Simpson. “It’s past time we take these important steps forward to secure a carbon-free energy future for our own health and safety and for the preservation of the natural landscape that delights and sustains us.”
The Sespe Oil Field is just upstream from Fillmore's only source of water for drinking and irrigation, is home to critical habitat for endangered southern steelhead, and is at the nexus of efforts to reintroduce endangered California condors to the wild. Thousands of visitors pass through the area each year to access trailheads, streams, waterfalls, and campsites in the Sespe Wilderness. The oil lease is adjacent to the Los Padres National Forest and is bisected by Little Sespe Creek, an important tributary to Sespe Creek which itself is a major tributary to the Santa Clara River.

The commission declined to adopt other requests in the appeal, such as addressing ongoing permit compliance issues at the facility and requiring new environmental studies to update the 28-year-old environmental document currently in place which does not account for new information and conditions, cumulative emissions from the Sespe Oil Field, or impacts to climate change, environmental justice, water resources, and wildlife. However, the new permit will be subject to new surety bonding requirements developed by the county if they are instituted within the next 24 months to make sure that the burden of cleanup does not fall to the taxpayers.

Pictured above are some entries from past Fillmore flower shows. Photo courtesy Jan Lee.
Pictured above are some entries from past Fillmore flower shows. Photo courtesy Jan Lee.
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Courtesy Jan Lee

Over the years, the flower show has had many themes. The theme for 2022 is, “Farie Tales & Flowers.” The committee hopes the theme will encourage inventive entries. Think how colorful all the many blooms around us can be. Each delicate blossom could inspire you to create a whimsical arrangement. Think of the dainty miniature arrangements that could be on display. Look around your garden and begin to plan your entry.

Competitive entries are limited to residents within the Fillmore Unified School District boundaries. However, entries from non-residents are welcome for exhibition. All entries for competition must have been grown by the exhibitor or by the exhibitor’s family for Youth entries. The judges for the flower show are experts. Every year they comment about how much they enjoy the Fillmore Flower Show. It is a truly fun community event.

There are three divisions in the flower show specifically for youth. Youth Composition—write an original poem or short essay on a single page, with or without illustration, on the theme of the flower show. Youth Arrangements—a flower display to be arranged at the show without adult help. Youth Art— a non-competitive division. Original art work on the Flower Show Theme. Also, there will be a table where children can plant a succulent to take home.

The committee members are thrilled that we will be able to have the flower show this year. We hope all of Fillmore will show up to celebrate the beauty in our community on April 9 and/or 10 at 533 Santa Clara Street, Fillmore. For complete information and rules go to fillmoreflowershow.org.

Owen Miller’s Central Hotel, which opened in 1902, and rented out pack trains for trips to the Sespe Hot Springs and Lockwood Valley. Owen Miller is below the lamp post, George Henley is in the back seat of 1907 Model N. Ford. Photos courtesy Fillmore Historical Museum.
Owen Miller’s Central Hotel, which opened in 1902, and rented out pack trains for trips to the Sespe Hot Springs and Lockwood Valley. Owen Miller is below the lamp post, George Henley is in the back seat of 1907 Model N. Ford. Photos courtesy Fillmore Historical Museum.
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Lawrence Hinckley, who witnessed a shooting between Mason Bradfield and the George Henley.
Lawrence Hinckley, who witnessed a shooting between Mason Bradfield and the George Henley.
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Mason Bradfield’s San Quentin Prison Photo in 1916. Mason’s prison register 1910-1918.
Mason Bradfield’s San Quentin Prison Photo in 1916. Mason’s prison register 1910-1918.
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Judge Merton Barnes.
Judge Merton Barnes.
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[Courtesy Fillmore Historical Museum - From “Old-Timers’ Tales of Fillmore” by Edith Moore Jarrett. Originally
published in Ventura County Star-Free Press, January, 14, 1979.]

Crime and punishment were sometimes a bit mixed up as in the case of our Constable Owen Miller, said by the Ventura Free Press in 1899 to be “the best-known man in Ventura County.” He came here in 1888 by train from Pennsylvania and was raising cattle up Sespe Canyon by 1893. Around 1902 he owned the Central Hotel in town and rented out pack trains for trips to the Sespe Hot Springs and Lockwood Valley. By 1918, he was running for reelection as constable of Fillmore Township, and in 1918, his professional card in the Fillmore Herald advertised, “Private detective work of all kinds. Member National Detective Service Association.” One can hardly imagine our village needing a real live detective, but many did approve of his sideline. You see, he was said to be the town bootlegger, amused by his double role and frank about it to everybody but his boss, the county sheriff, who kept trying to catch him at it.

Haskell Schell, as a teen-ager, worked for Miller in his livery stable and heard some gleeful stories of his boss’s moonshine moonlighting. Seems that Miller told him that he had arrested a couple of local fellows and had to take them by train to the Ventura jail. He didn’t handcuff them, so when the train slowed for Santa Paula, the fellows jumped out the open window and ran away. Miller just leaned out and yelled, “Hey, you! Come back here!” which, of course they didn’t. “They’d have been locked up for 90 days,” he explained to Haskell, “and they were two of my best customers.”

Another time, on a similar errand, Miller told how he handcuffed a prisoner and kept a wary eye on him all the way. Why hadn’t he let him go, too? “He was my worst competitor, a bootlegger,” the constable chuckled. “It was good business to get that guy locked up for 90 days.”

Once when the Ventura sheriff decided that Miller had gone to far, he planned to sneak in unexpectedly and administer a little punishment himself. But someone had tipped off Miller, who removed the bottles from his little hotel and buried them all in the manure pile behind his table. The sheriff searched the place in vain. No evidence.

After he had gone, Miller went out to uncover his cache. It had been a hot day, with the sun shining on the barnyard. You know what happened. Every bottle had burst from the heat. Even Miller got a good laugh out of the story when he told it himself.

[Miller had to deal with some big-time crime] in 1915 when Mason Bradfield shot George Henley in broad daylight right in front of the Orange Leaf Café. The two men had been feuding for years, both owning property up the narrow Big Sespe Canyon, for Henley was apparently uncooperative about a right-of-way through his brownstone quarry for Bradfield’s oil crew.

That day little Lawrence Hinckley – [later] our artist in residence – happened to see the shooting. It scared him so badly that he fled to his father’s drugstore across the street, in the front door, out the back, and kept going.

“Buster” Brown, too, a little older than Lawrence, saw the bleeding Henley come staggering down the street, bellowing with pain and with Bradfield still trying to gun him down. About that time Constable Owen Miller popped out of his Central Hotel and, as soon as the revolver was emptied, arrested Bradfield and took it away from him.

Dr. Manning’ office was right there, upstairs, but Doc was out on a house call, so the bystanders loaded Henley into somebody’s spring wagon at the hitching rack, and “Buster” Brown earned his claim to fame because he got to hold one of Henley’s legs.

The hand-written Criminal Docket No. 1 of the Fillmore Justice Court notes on July 2, 1914, that Bradfield appeared before Judge Merton Barnes on a charge of “assault with intent to commit murder.” Bradfield had raised $10,000 bail and hired a couple of young Ventura attorneys, Gardner and Orr, to defend him.

The hearing had an amusing quirk, as told by the judge’s daughter, Barbara Barnes Jones. Dr. Osborn, called to testify concerning Henley’s wounds, was nettled by young Gardner’s cocky attitude and decided to show up that smart fellow, so laid it on him with answers in medical Latin. Gardner acted confused, and then suddenly shook the good doctor by asking a long question in the same technical Latin. Dr. Osborn hadn’t known that Gardner had spent a few years in medical school before taking up law. Judge Barnes had a hard time keeping his face straight.

The Fillmore Herald reported that preliminary hearing in detail. The reporter, equally miffed by that smart young fellow from Ventura, commented a little acidly that “he ought to go far in his profession.” He did. Few in Ventura County have to be reminded that quick-witted Erle Stanley Gardner later became the internationally famous author of hundreds of best-selling novels based on legal doings.

After Bradfield got out of jail, Constable Miller, who had tangled with Henley, too, gave him back his gun and said, as he told it around town, “Next time, do a better job.”

Fillmore Fire Captain Robert “Bob” Thompson
Fillmore Fire Captain Robert “Bob” Thompson
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Bob Thompson.
Bob Thompson.
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Recently retired Fire Captain, Robert “Bob” Thompson, was recognized by the Fillmore City Council on February 8th, for his fifty years of service to the Community as a member of the Fillmore Fire Department. It was particularly noted that Bob served with honor and dignity from February 1972 through February 2022. During his tenure Bob rose through the ranks of the Fire Department. Starting out as a Volunteer Firefighter/Engineer, Bob was promoted to Volunteer Fire Captain in 1980 and then in 1987 he was promoted to the rank of Volunteer Assistant Chief. Bob served as a Volunteer Assistant Chief until 2005 when he was hired as one of three fulltime permanent Fire Captains. On February 2 of this year, Bob retired as a fulltime permanent Fire Captain having served seventeen years in that position.

During his career, Bob had many positive interactions with the Community. Several highlights of his career occurred during the 1994 Northridge Earthquake that devastated Fillmore. Bob and his Crew were instrumental in saving numerous lives by performing heroic rescues and extinguishing blazing structure fires. Other highlights of Bob’s career included responding to, two separate hazardous materials fires within a few days of each other in which thousands of Fillmore citizens were forced to be evacuated away from the highly toxic smoke, these fires occurred in the late 1980’s. Besides responding to the common, large wind driven wildland fires that seem to hit California and Fillmore every few years, Bob was also instrumental in rescuing victims from the major floods that hit Fillmore in 1989 and 2005.

Not all of Bob’s career has been spent mitigating large emergencies, in his daily routine, Bob has trained hundreds of new rookie Volunteer/Reserve Firefighters, most of these Rookies have gone on to serve as Fulltime/Permanent Firefighters with municipalities all across the United States. Besides training, Bob has responded to thousands of emergency medical incidents, saving a high percentage of lives. Unfortunately, Bob has seen more that his share of death. On a positive note, Bob has also brought life into the world with several baby deliveries.

Bob is very proud of his accomplishments while serving the Community. During the years, he has proudly jumped in with his Crew to help out numerous non-profit organizations and/or individuals, anytime they needed someone to solve their problems. On his off-duty time Bob ran the very prosperous Dewey Auto Parts store on Ventura Street, he always greeted his customers with a smile and laugh. He is still remembered with his laugh as a member of the famous Fillmore High Football “Chain Gang”, a team of men who have been serving the High School for over 40 years, longest continuous team in Ventura County. Bob also served many years with his church, devoting his time to ensure that teens in Fillmore had a safe place where they could go after school and on weekends.

Bob will be missed as a fulltime Fire Captain, but he will still be available when the “Big One” hits. Bob will be assuming a position as a Reserve Battalion Chief. To quote Bob, “You can take me out of the Fire Service (retirement), but you can’t take the Fire Service out of me”!!!! THANK YOU BOB!!!

Picture of suspect’s similar vehicle provided by Ventura County Sheriff’s Department.
Picture of suspect’s similar vehicle provided by Ventura County Sheriff’s Department.
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Ventura County Sheriff's Department
Ventura County Sheriff's Department

On February 8th, at about 5:20 PM, a 15-year-oldboy was walking home from school when he was approached by a male suspect who was driving a white older 80’s model Toyota Sport Utility Vehicle(a picture like the one driven by the suspect is attached below).The suspect attempted to lure the juvenile into his vehicle on Ventura Street near Mountain View Street in the City of Fillmore. The juvenile did not comply with the suspect, instead he said he was going to call the police, the suspect drove away from the juvenile, eastbound on Ventura Street.

The suspect is described as an elderly white male, approximately sixty-five years old, with red bumps around his nose and mouth area, the suspect was slender, had wrinkly skin, and balding with white hair around the sides of his head. The suspect was wearing a white shirt, dark colored shorts, and a black necklace.

Anyone with information about this incident is urged to contact The Fillmore Police Station @ (805) 524-2233 or the below listed detective. The reporting party may remain anonymous.

The Ventura County Sheriff’s Office would like to remind the public to speak to your children about “Stranger Danger.” If your child walks to and from school, or for any other reason, it’s always a good idea to have another person with them. We encourage the public to call “911” to report any suspicious behavior. When reporting suspicious behavior, please be a great witness and provide as much detail as possible. With so many individuals now having cellular phones with cameras, remember to take a photo if it is safe to do so, it truly helps.

Ventura County Crime Stoppers will pay up to $1,000 reward for information, which leads to the arrest and criminal complaint against the person(s) responsible for this crime. The caller may remain anonymous. The call is not recorded. Call Crime Stoppers at 800-222-TIPS (8477).

Prepared by: Deputy Rubalcava #4459
Approved by: Captain Garo Kuredjian

The Fillmore Library project has made some great progress since construction back in November 2021. Above you can see construction underway with walls going up.
The Fillmore Library project has made some great progress since construction back in November 2021. Above you can see construction underway with walls going up.
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A rendering of the design plans which will include classroom, two study rooms, and an Innovation/STEAM lab/community meeting room, new public laptops, useable outdoor areas, new public restrooms, and more.
A rendering of the design plans which will include classroom, two study rooms, and an Innovation/STEAM lab/community meeting room, new public laptops, useable outdoor areas, new public restrooms, and more.
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On Thursday, February 10th, Fillmore City Council welcomed Grocery Outlet’s new owners, James Danforth and son Javier Vizarreta, at a ribbon cutting ceremony held that morning. Pictured above are Javier Vizarreta, co-owner; City Council Members Lynn Edmonds, Christina Villaseñor and Simone Alex; James Danforth, co-owner; Rene Swenson, member of Fillmore Area Business and John Marquez, Santa Paula Chamber of Commerce.
On Thursday, February 10th, Fillmore City Council welcomed Grocery Outlet’s new owners, James Danforth and son Javier Vizarreta, at a ribbon cutting ceremony held that morning. Pictured above are Javier Vizarreta, co-owner; City Council Members Lynn Edmonds, Christina Villaseñor and Simone Alex; James Danforth, co-owner; Rene Swenson, member of Fillmore Area Business and John Marquez, Santa Paula Chamber of Commerce.
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Fillmore’s Scott Lee accepting the check for $1,000 from Grocery Outlet’s new owners for St. Francis of Assisi St. Vincent de Paul Food Distribution Center. Photo credit Shane Morger, Bunnin Chevrolet of Fillmore.
Fillmore’s Scott Lee accepting the check for $1,000 from Grocery Outlet’s new owners for St. Francis of Assisi St. Vincent de Paul Food Distribution Center. Photo credit Shane Morger, Bunnin Chevrolet of Fillmore.
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Ventura County Sheriff's Department
Ventura County Sheriff's Department

Five juveniles from Fillmore were arrested for graffiti vandalism and conspiracy to commit a crime after they were caught defacing property at a local Fillmore park.

During the month of January, there was an increase in graffiti vandalisms throughout the city of Fillmore. On February 11th a resident called the police to report several juveniles loitering around Meadowlark Park, a frequent target area of the vandals. Deputies responded to the park and located graffiti and initiated an investigation.

The graffiti vandalism was witnessed by a diligent resident who relayed valuable information to responding deputies. The investigation revealed that the juveniles had spray painted graffiti on the tables, benches, and playground equipment which caused hundreds of dollars of damage to the city owned property.

The investigation resulted in five juveniles being arrested for vandalism along with felony conspiracy to commit a crime. All the arrestees were cited and released to their parents pending a future court date.

Graffiti vandalism is an eyesore that directly affects the quality of life in our communities. If left unchecked, graffiti can decrease property values and lead to the deterioration of entire neighborhoods. Gang graffiti may also be the catalyst for additional, more serious conflicts between rival gangs. The removal of graffiti costs homeowners, business owners and taxpayers thousands of dollars each year.

The Fillmore Police Department encourages citizens to immediately report suspicious people and vehicles, and to promptly report any graffiti they come across by calling (805) 524-2233 or (805) 654-9511. Once the police have investigated these crimes, all graffiti should be immediately removed.

Anyone with information pertaining to criminal activity in the Fillmore area are urged to contact the Fillmore Police Station at (805) 524-2233 or the below listed detective. The reporting party may remain anonymous.

Graffiti Removal
The city of Fillmore removes all graffiti by either painting over it or by using a power washer to wash it off, the method of removal depends on the location of the graffiti. If graffiti is on private property the city secures a signed agreement from the property owner giving them permission to do the work. Call the city of Fillmore Graffiti Removal at (805) 524-1500 if you see graffiti within the city and they will take steps to remove it.

The Ventura County Sheriff’s Office has established a secure database to log information about who has surveillance systems. If you would like to register your surveillance information and allow authorities to contact you, should a crime occur in/or near where your cameras are installed we kindly ask that you email the Fillmore Police Department at: fillmorePD.CameraShare@ventura.org.

Nature of Incident: Five Juveniles Arrested for Graffiti Vandalism
Report Number: 22-18608
Location: Meadowlark Park, Fillmore
Date & Time: February 11, 2022 @ 4:30 P.M.
Unit(s) Responsible: Fillmore Detective Bureau, Fillmore Patrol Services, and Fillmore School Resource Officer
(S)uspects, (V)ictims, (P)arty, (D)ecedent City of Residence Age
Male Juvenile Fillmore 14
Male Juvenile Fillmore 15
Male Juvenile Fillmore 14
Male Juvenile Fillmore 14
Male Juvenile Fillmore 14
Prepared by: Detective Sergeant Will Hollowell
Approved by: Captain Garo Kuredjian

Ventura County Crime Stoppers will pay up to $1,000 reward for information, which leads to the arrest and criminal complaint against the person(s) responsible for this crime. The caller may remain anonymous. The call is not recorded. Call Crime Stoppers at 800-222-TIPS (8477).

On Thursday, February 10th at 4:25pm, a 3.9 earthquake occurred four miles near Ojai, California.
On Thursday, February 10th at 4:25pm, a 3.9 earthquake occurred four miles near Ojai, California.
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Pictured above are past Fillmore Flower Show contestants.
Pictured above are past Fillmore Flower Show contestants.
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April 9th and 10th, 2022

Submitted by Jan Lee

After two years, the Fillmore Flower Show will return on April 9th and 10th, 2022. Plan to attend and enter your beautiful blooms, pretty plants, attractive arrangements and excellent essays.

Since 1919, the Fillmore Flower Show has been a Fillmore tradition. Children and adults share flowers and plants from their gardens with the community. There are several different categories which are explained in the brochure posted at fillmoreflowershow.org. There is an essay contest for students. There will be a table where children can plant a succulent to take home. There will be a plant sale. There is always music during public viewing hours of 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. both Saturday and Sunday, April 9th and 10th at 533 Santa Clara Street in Fillmore. Come and see what your neighbors have grown in their gardens. Share with the community what you can do with your flowers and plants. Everybody is welcome!

The theme for the Flower Show this year is, “Farie Tales and Flowers”. This theme opens the door for many whimsical entries. Use your imagination. Share your talent. Enjoy the beauty.

We are excited to again be able to gather for a community event. If you have felt isolated and separated, join the fun at the Flower Show this year. Flowers and plants show us the beauty of nature. If you are new in Fillmore, please come and meet some new friends. Participate in a 100 year old tradition. If you are a Fillmore native or a long time resident, be present at the Fillmore Flower Show.

Mark your calendar and plan to participate in the 2022 Fillmore Flower Show.

Pictured is Edith Jarrett holding leg irons in front of Museum's 1953 model boxcar which now serve as the Museum annex [now used for storage for the Museum]. Photos courtesy Fillmore History Museum.
Pictured is Edith Jarrett holding leg irons in front of Museum's 1953 model boxcar which now serve as the Museum annex [now used for storage for the Museum]. Photos courtesy Fillmore History Museum.
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Constable J. P.
Constable J. P. "Jack" Trotter.
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J.P. Trotter's Stable circa. 1900.
J.P. Trotter's Stable circa. 1900.
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Men in front of Mack Wooldridge's Orange Leaf Café.
Men in front of Mack Wooldridge's Orange Leaf Café.
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Casner's Fillmore Stables.
Casner's Fillmore Stables.
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From “Old-Timers’ Tales of Fillmore” by Edith Moore Jarrett. Originally published in Ventura County Star-Free Press, January, 14, 1979

Crime and Punishment
Boxcars used to come in handy. Fillmore’s first depot was a boxcar. The second we used one for was a jail, and not the inside of it either. John Galvin, our city attorney for so long, used to say that the first thing he saw when he got off the train here was a fellow chained to a boxcar on the siding. No jail. The constable just hadn’t yet gotten around to taking the prisoner to the nearest one in Ventura. The third use we found for a boxcar is the 1953 model now parked on a bit of track to serve as the Museum annex [now used for storage for the Museum].

But back to the jail in this tale of early crime and punishment. Our first one, about 1902, was a shaky thing of wood, and any thirsty prisoner could rip off a board and escape. The handcuffs and leg irons Gerald Howard found under the family home on Ventura Street near the jail site are now a mystery item in the Museum, and it’s fun to think that maybe some escaping prisoner threw them there as he lit out for home and mother., Don’t ask how he got them off.

Our second jail, about 10’ by 10’, was of concrete and stood south of the Bungalow In site where the senior citizen’s housing complex is now [Fillmore and Santa Clara Streets]. The door swung open when it wasn’t occupied, and little boys would play in it. There was a window so sympathetic friends of the prisoner – usually picked up for being drunk in dry Fillmore – could pass him some hair of the dog that bit him.

When the jail, called the “cooler,” the “calaboose,” or the “skookum house,” acquired customers, their names might be casually mentioned in the next issue of the local weekly along with the society items. A drunk could get “$10 or 10 days” – or maybe 4 – and usually chose days because he had more day than dollars.

In 1916, our “new Marshal Cotton” made the Christmas edition by arresting “two bibulous men shooting it up at Mountain View and Main.” One of them, when he had done his days, “took the first Southern Pacific gondola that came by to get the quickest transportation out.”

We had one belligerent old settler who was jailed so often for fighting with his neighbors that Judge Barnes, who officiated from 1911 to 1927, made him post a peace bond of $500 to cool him off, since the “cooler” couldn’t seem to do it.

We tied our pre-auto horses to the hitching racks, where anyone could untie them, and walked away. Didn’t even have to take a key out of an ignition. One time in 1911 four teen-age boys wandered in from Los Angeles and were laughing about these “hayseeds” who rode in buggies instead of streetcars. It gave them an idea. They just selected a rig, untied the horse, and took off toward Santa Paula. Someone called Constable Jack Trotter, and with the fastest horse in his livery stable, he caught up with them out by the Rancho Sespe, gave them a little advice with his six-shooter, and took them to the state reformatory in Whittier on the next train.

If the constable wished, instead of arresting a stranger, he might give him a “floater” out of town for a year or warn him never to come back at all. The fellows running a “blind pig” up in the hills above the [former] Elkins Golf Course got the works. Somebody had found a long black hair in “his soothing syrup” and didn’t like it.

Besides the arrest for over-drinking, ourcars caused some adult delinquency, even if in 1916 the whole county had only 1,510 autos or “machines” as we called them. Those cars all had “cutouts” that disconnected the mufflers to give a bit more power, so it was a great temptation to use them. This was a no-no in town, and the price for a little cheerful noise was $5 or 5 days. When Mack Wooldridge of the Orange Leaf Café drove in 1915 Hupmobile down Central with the cutout open, he paid his $5 happily, remarking, to quote the Herald, “that sound is music to my ears and worth every cent of it,”

But when a city dad did it that same year, Judge Barnes decreed that the fine should be $7 instead of $5, “because a city lawmaker should set a good example for the rest of us.”

And when the high school’s “manual training” teacher rode his bike downtown after dark with no lights, the Daily Sun reported that it cost him $2.50. No choice of 2 ½ days instead. He had to be in school.

To be continued...

On Tuesday, February 8th, Fillmore City Council recognized Fillmore’s Bob “Skipper” Thompson with a proclamation for his 50 years of dedication and service to the community. Pictured left is Thompson with Fillmore Mayor Diane McCall presenting Thompson with a proclamation thanking him on behalf of the City of Fillmore. Photo courtesy City of Fillmore YouTube channel.
On Tuesday, February 8th, Fillmore City Council recognized Fillmore’s Bob “Skipper” Thompson with a proclamation for his 50 years of dedication and service to the community. Pictured left is Thompson with Fillmore Mayor Diane McCall presenting Thompson with a proclamation thanking him on behalf of the City of Fillmore. Photo courtesy City of Fillmore YouTube channel.
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The Fillmore Fire Department congratulating Thompson (center) on retirement. The Fillmore Fire Department and citizens of Fillmore and Ventura County would like to thank you for your 50 years of dedicated service. You have always shown such professionalism and have led by example. See you later, Skipper! Stay tuned next week for full story on Bob Thompson. Photo courtesy https://www.instagram.com/fillmorefirefighters/?hl=en.
The Fillmore Fire Department congratulating Thompson (center) on retirement. The Fillmore Fire Department and citizens of Fillmore and Ventura County would like to thank you for your 50 years of dedicated service. You have always shown such professionalism and have led by example. See you later, Skipper! Stay tuned next week for full story on Bob Thompson. Photo courtesy https://www.instagram.com/fillmorefirefighters/?hl=en.
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On February 2nd, 2022, at 5:28pm, the Ventura County Fire Department, California Highway Patrol, and AMR paramedics were dispatched to a reported two-vehicle collision in the westbound lanes of SR126 near Center Street, Piru. Arriving fire crews reported two vehicles, a Toyota 4Runner and a Ford F-250 pickup truck were involved. The driver of the 4Runner was trapped and required extrication, and was described as being in critical condition. Ventura County Fire Department helicopter was dispatched to the scene, but was later cancelled. The driver was transported by AMR paramedics to Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital. Two other people sustained minor injuries; both declined medical treatment. The collision blocked both westbound lanes, with motorists being diverted onto Center Street. Both eastbound lanes were also closed while authorities removed the vehicles from the roadway. All lanes were reopened before 6:40pm. Photo credit Angel Esquivel-AE News.
On February 2nd, 2022, at 5:28pm, the Ventura County Fire Department, California Highway Patrol, and AMR paramedics were dispatched to a reported two-vehicle collision in the westbound lanes of SR126 near Center Street, Piru. Arriving fire crews reported two vehicles, a Toyota 4Runner and a Ford F-250 pickup truck were involved. The driver of the 4Runner was trapped and required extrication, and was described as being in critical condition. Ventura County Fire Department helicopter was dispatched to the scene, but was later cancelled. The driver was transported by AMR paramedics to Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital. Two other people sustained minor injuries; both declined medical treatment. The collision blocked both westbound lanes, with motorists being diverted onto Center Street. Both eastbound lanes were also closed while authorities removed the vehicles from the roadway. All lanes were reopened before 6:40pm. Photo credit Angel Esquivel-AE News.
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Photo courtesy Ventura County Sheriff’s Department.
Photo courtesy Ventura County Sheriff’s Department.
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Ventura County Sheriff's Department
Ventura County Sheriff's Department

The Ventura County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously Tuesday to ratify and accept grant funding for the Gun Violence Reduction Program. The funds from the grant – which are provided by the California Department of Justice and total $652,575 – will support the efforts for the Sheriff’s Office’s ongoing Armed Prohibited Persons Program. The two-year grant will cover the salary and benefits for a full-time investigator dedicated to the program.

“We’re proud to partner with the California Department of Justice and support the efforts to keep our community safe,” said Sheriff Bill Ayub. “We’ve had great success in keeping firearms out of the hands of individuals who shouldn’t have them. The efforts to do so have contributed to Ventura County being one of the safest counties in the nation.”

The goal of the Sheriff’s Office APPS Program is to disarm prohibited persons within Ventura County. These prohibited individuals have been convicted of felonies, are subject to restraining orders, or have mental health prohibitions, amongst other prohibitions. The Sheriff’s Office detective will act as a liaison with the California Department of Justice and local police agencies in Ventura County to complete program goals. The program also enforces Gun Violence Restraining Orders to disarm individuals that have made threats of violence or are a danger to the community.

Over the past 30 months, VCSO deputies have completed 254 investigations and recovered 78 firearms. As a result, guns have been removed from the possession of 193 individuals who are prohibited to have firearms due to prior convictions or mental health issues. This funding will ensure the Sheriff’s Office can continue to work to remove firearms from individuals on the APPS list.

On February 6th, 2022, at 7:25pm, Fillmore City Fire Department and Ventura County Fire were dispatched to a reported structure fire in the 900 block of Erskine Lane, Fillmore. Arriving fire crews reported smoke showing from the attic. Firefighters investigated and found a small fire in the attic where plumbing was taking place. It was quickly extinguished; no injuries were reported at the scene. Photo credit Angel Esquivel-AE News.
On February 6th, 2022, at 7:25pm, Fillmore City Fire Department and Ventura County Fire were dispatched to a reported structure fire in the 900 block of Erskine Lane, Fillmore. Arriving fire crews reported smoke showing from the attic. Firefighters investigated and found a small fire in the attic where plumbing was taking place. It was quickly extinguished; no injuries were reported at the scene. Photo credit Angel Esquivel-AE News.
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