San Cayetano’s Young Authors were hosted by Debbie, Cindy and Bea at Santa Paula Hospital when the students presented their “Books By Kids, For Kids”. These authors worked daily with Mrs. Duckett in the computer lab to create an original story that would make another student happy when reading these books. The books will be placed in the waiting rooms at the local county hospitals. The project was funded by Citi National Bank.
San Cayetano’s Young Authors were hosted by Debbie, Cindy and Bea at Santa Paula Hospital when the students presented their “Books By Kids, For Kids”. These authors worked daily with Mrs. Duckett in the computer lab to create an original story that would make another student happy when reading these books. The books will be placed in the waiting rooms at the local county hospitals. The project was funded by Citi National Bank.
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The Perfect Attendance winners from San Cayetano are Ariana Gabriel and Wendy Carrillo-Garcia. There were 20 students who were here each day. Their names were put in a bag and Officer Wareham drew out the winning names and those two students each were given a brand new bicycle.
The Perfect Attendance winners from San Cayetano are Ariana Gabriel and Wendy Carrillo-Garcia. There were 20 students who were here each day. Their names were put in a bag and Officer Wareham drew out the winning names and those two students each were given a brand new bicycle.
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5th grade students at San Cayetano were able to visit INTELSAT. INTELSAT is located on the mountain behind San Cayetano school and are involved with satellite applications. INTELSAT is also a sponsor of San Cayetano’s Robotics and NASA program. Randy Hale is our local contact and proud supporter of our NASA projects.
5th grade students at San Cayetano were able to visit INTELSAT. INTELSAT is located on the mountain behind San Cayetano school and are involved with satellite applications. INTELSAT is also a sponsor of San Cayetano’s Robotics and NASA program. Randy Hale is our local contact and proud supporter of our NASA projects.
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Fillmore Middle School and Elementary Schools Band Concert held Wednesday evening, June 2nd at the FMS gym auditorium.
Fillmore Middle School and Elementary Schools Band Concert held Wednesday evening, June 2nd at the FMS gym auditorium.
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The Band Uniform Account is growing. To speed this up, the Band Booster group announced the launch of two thousand $10 dollar bills in 2010! Contributions will be accepted any time. As various benchmarks are reached toward the $20,000 goal (2000 x $10), contributors names will be drawn for prizes. Watch for locations where donations can be made at several businesses around town. Our goal is to have our band in new uniforms for next year’s Christmas Parade.If every family in Fillmore and Piru contributes $10 in 2010 we can do it!


The ASB class at Fillmore High gave a generous donation so we are able to have breakfast at El Pescador. The buses will arrive at 6am. and breakfast will be served. The students may park their cars at El Pescador parking lot overnight - the police will watch. Parents may pick their student up at any time. We filled 3 buses (165 students), we were given $600 for the Magician, and Element Computers have donated the 'Senior Gift'. So it’s READY-SET-GO for the Class 2010. With all your help, fund raisers and special donations we made it. Thank you so much.
Mrs. Chaney and the Grad Nite Live committees

California State University Channel Islands
California State University Channel Islands

Camarillo, CA., June 7, 2010 – CSU Channel Islands (CI) received a $354,978 grant from the National Science Foundation to establish the CI summer Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU).

Each summer the REU program will allow a group of 12 undergraduate students research experience and the program is funded for three years. Students will work with four faculty members as they explore the world of mathematical research in an 8-week residential summer program. They will have the added benefit of cooperating with the faculty and students of the Universidad Autónomo del Estado de Hidalgo in Mexico.

The REU program is targeted for students who might not otherwise have considered mathematics as a career choice and has a special focus on students from under-represented groups, women and minorities and a special emphasis on students who are Spanish speaking or are first generation college students.

Dr. Cynthia Wyels, Associate Professor of Mathematics said that, “Our primary goal for student participants is to conduct original mathematical research leading to publication. We wish to raise students’ level of mathematical maturity and confidence while fostering an enthusiasm for mathematics.” The mission of the National Science Foundation in awarding the grant is to support activities that integrate research and learning and stimulate and prepare students to consider a career in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).

Students will have a chance to work closely with faculty mentors on an original research project and to present their research at a conference. They will be housed in Anacapa Village in Camarillo. In developing a learning community, students will develop confidence to succeed in ongoing mathematical studies.

Dr. Sadiq Shah, Associate Vice President for Research and Sponsored Programs, stated, “These are very competitive awards and this grant award is a validation of the creative talent of our faculty at CSU Channel Islands and the faculty commitment to engage students in innovative research experiences.”

For further information on the REU program please contact Dr. Shah at

CSU Channel Islands is accredited by the Accrediting Commission for Senior Colleges and Universities of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges.

CI Mission Statement
Placing students at the center of the educational experience, California State University Channel Islands provides undergraduate and graduate education that facilitates learning within and across disciplines through integrative approaches, emphasizes experiential and service learning, and graduates students with multicultural and international perspectives.

a play by Sespe Elementary GATE students
Are those Silver Apples she’s holding?
Are those Silver Apples she’s holding?
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Sespe GATE students enjoyed “smooth sailing” during the play.
Sespe GATE students enjoyed “smooth sailing” during the play.
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Welcome to the moon!
Welcome to the moon!
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The play was full of songs, poems and more than a little bif of silliness.
The play was full of songs, poems and more than a little bif of silliness.
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We hope that’s a wig!
We hope that’s a wig!
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Fillmore Unified School District
Fillmore Unified School District


The public may review or request a copy of support materials provided to the Board Members where the word materials appears.
6:00 p.m.
This is the time and place to address the Board. State law prohibits the Board from acting on issues not included on the agenda; however, requests may be made for discussion of specific topics at subsequent meetings.
The Board of Education will meet CONTINUED »

Pictured (l-r) Mrs. Sandra Butts, Mrs. Pam Leonard, Ms. Jennifer Beal, Maureen Speakman, and Mrs. Ann Wade.
Pictured (l-r) Mrs. Sandra Butts, Mrs. Pam Leonard, Ms. Jennifer Beal, Maureen Speakman, and Mrs. Ann Wade.
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Fillmore Educators Jennifer Beal, Fillmore Middle School; Ann Wade, Fillmore Middle School, and Pam Leonard, Mt Vista Elementary School were recently hosted as awardees at the California Teachers Association /NEA Channel Islands Service Center Council Awards Banquet.

Jennifer Beal, a long time History and Yearbook Teacher at FMS and also a History Teacher at Moorpark Junior College received the WHO Award. Jennifer was recognized for her outstanding Fillmore Unified Teachers Association (FUTA) Union Representation, Grievance Chair, Bargaining Chair and Elections Chair work. Jennifer is methodical in thinking a problem through using the contract as the basis for decision making.

Jennifer was presented the WHO Award by the FUTA President and Fillmore High School Teacher, Theresa Marvel who noted that Ms. Beal was a President's dream as she is willing to step forward and lend a helping hand. Jennifer, Theresa shared, is a stickler for detail and following through with the task at hand.

Ann Wade who is a FHS Graduate and a Language Arts Teacher at FMS. Ann was recognized for her outstanding FUTA service as the Union Secretary and a member of the Bargaining Team.

Ann was presented the WHO Award by CONTINUED »

CLU hosts interactive Folger Library workshops

THOUSAND OAKS, Calif. – June 1, 2010 - Master teachers from the Folger Shakespeare Library of Washington, D.C., will lead workshops for third- through 12th-grade teachers at California Lutheran University in Thousand Oaks in August.

A session for elementary school teachers will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 5. A workshop for middle and high school teachers is slated from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Friday, Aug. 6.

Hosted by the Kingsmen Shakespeare Company and the CLU School of Education, the interactive Shakespeare Set Free workshops will provide an interdisciplinary text-based and performance-based approach to teaching students of all abilities. Based on the innovative “Shakespeare Set Free” book series, the workshops draw from the student festivals held for the past 25 years at the Folger Shakespeare Library, the repository of the world’s largest collection of the Bard’s works.

The program is based on the tenets that the best way for students to learn Shakespeare is by performing and that all students can study and enjoy his works. Teachers who have participated in the workshops have created festivals and other performance opportunities for students throughout the country.

Each session is limited to 30 teachers.

This is the first time the Folger workshops have been offered at CLU.

The $115 fee covers the workshop, lunch, a ticket to one of the Kingsmen Shakespeare Festival 2010 shows and a tool kit. The kit includes lesson plans, techniques for introducing Shakespeare’s language, activity ideas and a DVD. The Kingsmen Shakespeare Company, the professional theatre company of CLU, is presenting “The Comedy of Errors” and “The Winter’s Tale” in July and August.

To register for the workshops, go to For more information, call (805) 493-3014.

Fillmore Unified School District
Fillmore Unified School District


The public may review or request a copy of support materials provided to the Board Members where the word materials appears.

5:15 p.m.
This is the time and place to address the Board. State law prohibits the Board from acting on issues not included on the agenda; however, requests may be made for discussion of specific topics at subsequent meetings.
The Board of Education will meet CONTINUED »

Shown above: Participating in the Make a Wish event were (l-r) Clarisa Martinez, John Wilber, Tania Morales, Aime Lopez, and a Make-A-Wish Representative.

Fillmore High School Associated Student Body hosted their Walk for Wishes on May 19th, at the football field, to help make wishes come true for kids with life threatening medical conditions. Walkers secured sponsors from friends, family and local businesses. 100% of the sponsorships went to Make-A-Wish Foundation of the Tri-Counties. It was a fun afternoon of exercise, great food, camaraderie and entertainment. The group had a goal of $5,000 to adopt the wish of a child. The goal was $5,000, however they reached approximately $3,000.  Make a Wish is working with several high schools in Ventura County-- Simi Valley HS, Channel Islands HS, Adolfo Camarillo HS, and Fillmore HS.  The goal was to keep it simple, and let the students organize their own fundraisers with the minimum goal of granting a single wish between all the schools.  It costs about $5,000 to grant a wish.  Everyone involved can be very proud that they were able to raise so much money.  With more planning, next year they hope to raise the full $5,000 needed to grant a wish.  The three students in Fillmore responsible for organizing the event were Veronica Ocegueda, Taelor Burhoe and Esperanza Ocegueda. Fillmore High School PE teachers Curtis Garner, Matt Suttle and Kari Appleford raised over $1,200 by encouraging their PE students to participate. Also a class at San Cayetano brought in over $300, and the Alverdi family brought in close to $300 in sponsors. It was a great day!
Shown above: Participating in the Make a Wish event were (l-r) Clarisa Martinez, John Wilber, Tania Morales, Aime Lopez, and a Make-A-Wish Representative. Fillmore High School Associated Student Body hosted their Walk for Wishes on May 19th, at the football field, to help make wishes come true for kids with life threatening medical conditions. Walkers secured sponsors from friends, family and local businesses. 100% of the sponsorships went to Make-A-Wish Foundation of the Tri-Counties. It was a fun afternoon of exercise, great food, camaraderie and entertainment. The group had a goal of $5,000 to adopt the wish of a child. The goal was $5,000, however they reached approximately $3,000. Make a Wish is working with several high schools in Ventura County-- Simi Valley HS, Channel Islands HS, Adolfo Camarillo HS, and Fillmore HS. The goal was to keep it simple, and let the students organize their own fundraisers with the minimum goal of granting a single wish between all the schools. It costs about $5,000 to grant a wish. Everyone involved can be very proud that they were able to raise so much money. With more planning, next year they hope to raise the full $5,000 needed to grant a wish. The three students in Fillmore responsible for organizing the event were Veronica Ocegueda, Taelor Burhoe and Esperanza Ocegueda. Fillmore High School PE teachers Curtis Garner, Matt Suttle and Kari Appleford raised over $1,200 by encouraging their PE students to participate. Also a class at San Cayetano brought in over $300, and the Alverdi family brought in close to $300 in sponsors. It was a great day!
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Paula Phillips from the Dream Fund Outreach Foundation is shown with some San Cayetano students in a “Rewards Store” she set up in the school cafeteria. Students who have been recognized during the year as a Character Counts or Peacebuilder receives an invitation to “Shop” in the store. The school also celebrates with a pizza lunch for all students as San Cayetano is a school of service and each class has given back to our local community.
Paula Phillips from the Dream Fund Outreach Foundation is shown with some San Cayetano students in a “Rewards Store” she set up in the school cafeteria. Students who have been recognized during the year as a Character Counts or Peacebuilder receives an invitation to “Shop” in the store. The school also celebrates with a pizza lunch for all students as San Cayetano is a school of service and each class has given back to our local community.
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Fillmore High School in collaboration with the Fillmore Fire Department offer students the opportunity to intern with the Fillmore Fire Department during the school year to gain some knowledge and understanding of the profession. In order for Fillmore High School students to participate in the program, which is overseen by Isela Larin, College and Career Technician, students must follow certain guidelines. Kelly Bullard, Kyle DeZavala, Tate Suttle, and Anthony Ventura were the cadets for the 2009-2010 school year.


The Fillmore Unified Elementary Band and Fillmore Middle School Bands will be performing on June 2, 2010 at Fillmore Middle School Gymnasium. The concert will begin at 6:30 p.m. and admission is free. All four district elementary schools will be represented: Piru, San Cayetano, Sespe, and Mountain View Elementary. Juliette Resor will direct the approximately 225 band students who participate in the elementary band program. The FMS bands, directed by Greg Godfrey will also perform several selections. Solos, duets, and a “mass” band performance will also highlight the evening. Please come and support the local music programs.

Superintendent Jack-O'Connell
Superintendent Jack-O'Connell
California State Superintendent of Public Instruction

SACRAMENTO — State Superintendent of Public Instruction Jack O'Connell today issued the following statement in response to a proposal by U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer and additional members of the Senate to ban oil drilling off the West Coast of the United States:

“I applaud Senator Barbara Boxer and other West Coast senators for introducing legislation to protect the beauty and marine life of our Pacific waters from the type of recent disaster created by the British Petroleum spill. Their measure, the West Coast Ocean Protection Act of 2010 (S 3358), furthers the protections created by my 1994 measure creating a permanent sanctuary along California’s coast.

“As demonstrated by the BP tragedy, despite new technology and safeguards, offshore oil drilling can still wreak catastrophic environmental and economic havoc. Protecting California’s coastline protects marine and other wildlife, the natural beauty of our shores, and our economy.”

San Cayetano Art Show and Open House was held Wednesday, May 12th. Shown is just one of the many display areas that was available during the evening. A large crowd enjoyed the artistic accomplishments shown.
San Cayetano Art Show and Open House was held Wednesday, May 12th. Shown is just one of the many display areas that was available during the evening. A large crowd enjoyed the artistic accomplishments shown.
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Local artist Virginia Neuman provides art lessons to students, rivaling high school art. It is funded through private foundations.
Local artist Virginia Neuman provides art lessons to students, rivaling high school art. It is funded through private foundations.
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Two Fillmore Businesses were honored at Tuesday night’s FUSD Board meeting: Otto & Sons Nursery, and Quality Ag Inc. Both businesses helped prepare for the coming FHS 2010 graduation. Left is Otto & Sons owner Scott Klittich, right is Mike Richardson, with Quality Ag Inc., both holding their award plaques.
Two Fillmore Businesses were honored at Tuesday night’s FUSD Board meeting: Otto & Sons Nursery, and Quality Ag Inc. Both businesses helped prepare for the coming FHS 2010 graduation. Left is Otto & Sons owner Scott Klittich, right is Mike Richardson, with Quality Ag Inc., both holding their award plaques.
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Fillmore High Alumni Association
Fillmore High Alumni Association

The May issue of the alumni newsletter, Flashbacks was put in the mail on Monday, so you subscribers should have received it by the time you read this in the Gazette. Some cities are slower than others, but if you don't receive your copy by next Monday please call the alumni office at 805-524-0416. Or if you have moved or changed your mailing address, please let us know that also. Kathleen McCreary has done another excellent job of putting the information, that alumni members have sent in, into this issue. If you have any comments or information you would like to see in the August issue, please send it in to the alumni office.

The May meeting of the alumni board of directors was held Monday night, and the main item of discussion was the alumni dinner, which is coming up on June 12 at the Memorial Building. Six classes are planning reunions, several of which will be held in conjunction with the alumni dinner, so be sure to get your reservations in for the dinner as soon as possible. A reservation form is on the back of this issue of Flashbacks and can also be obtained on the alumni website:

Also discussed at the board meeting was the developing of the DVD to bring to light the history of the 99 game football series between Fillmore and Santa Paula, which will be highlighted by the 100th game to be played in November in Fillmore. Isaac Reyes, a graduate of Fillmore High is developing the DVD with interviews with former players of some of those games and snippets of films from games played during the previous seasons. The DVD will be available on November 1, but orders for the DVD will be taken starting with the alumni dinner on June 12. A short preview of the film will also be shown at the dinner.

Assisting Joe Woods and CONTINUED »