Fillmore Unified School District
Fillmore Unified School District


The public may review or request a copy of support materials provided to the Board Members where the word materials appears.
5:15 p.m.
This is the time and place to address the Board. State law prohibits the Board from acting on issues not included on the agenda; however, requests may be made for discussion of specific topics at subsequent meetings.


CSUCI Cactus Garden
CSUCI Cactus Garden
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Camarillo, CA. – CSU Channel Islands (CI) has announced its charter membership in a new national program to encourage sustainability in all aspects of higher education. The program, called Sustainability, Tracking, Assessment and Rating System (STARS), is administered by the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE).

CI decided to participate in the initial launch of the program which started Jan. 10, 2010. Deborah Wylie, CI’s Associate Vice President for Operations, Planning & Construction, stated that environmental sustainability has always been a campus strategic initiative, but she was impressed with the STARS program’s broad approach to sustainability. “It offered the opportunity to report in the areas of education and research, operations and planning, and administration and engagement. We will be able to see where we are doing well and where we need to improve, based on a strong national model,” stated Wylie.

The program is designed specifically for universities and has currently registered 120 institutions of higher education. Unlike other rating or ranking systems, this program is open to all U.S. and Canadian institutions of higher education and the criteria that determine a STARS rating are transparent and accessible to anyone. It is the only program of its kind that involves publicly reporting comprehensive information related to an institution’s sustainability performance. Once CI establishes the initial data, this information will be available on the Web. Since the program is based on credits earned, it allows for both internal comparisons as well as comparisons with similar institutions.

“The rollout of this program will be CONTINUED »



Resolve to conserve water in 2010. The education series at the University of California Hansen Agricultural Center (UCHAC) will highlight affordable water wise gardening and landscaping techniques. Help the environment and your budget; attend one or more of the following public events.

Four free mini-workshops are offered from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.: March 27—Low Cost, No Cost Gardening; April 24—Water Wise Container Gardening; June 26—Low Water Landscape Design—Focus on Plant Selection; September 25—Low Water Landscape Design—Focus on Hardscape. Presenters are UC Master Gardeners. Space is limited and registration is required. Call 805-525-9293 ext. 214 to reserve your spot.

In addition, UC Master Gardeners will host three all day water wise themed workshops on May 22, August 14, and November 6. A fee of $50 per workshop includes meals and materials. For more information and registration go to: or call 805- 525-9293 ext. 204.

Self-guided Faulkner House, garden tours, and plant sale will be available at all the Saturday events and don’t require registration. For more information visit our website at UCHAC is located at 14292 W. Telegraph Rd in Santa Paula. Admission to the farm and parking are free.

Mrs. Mitchell and Mrs. Laureano’s 2nd grade class performed Jack and the Beanstalk for the rest of San Cayetano classes.
Mrs. Mitchell and Mrs. Laureano’s 2nd grade class performed Jack and the Beanstalk for the rest of San Cayetano classes.
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The cast is shown above. The giant is played by Mr. Steve Meich, a teacher at San Cayetano.
The cast is shown above. The giant is played by Mr. Steve Meich, a teacher at San Cayetano.
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The Band Uniform Account is growing. To speed this up, the Band Booster group announced the launch of two thousand $10 dollar bills in 2010! Contributions will be accepted any time. As various benchmarks are reached toward the $20,000 goal (2000 x $10), contributors names will be drawn for prizes. Watch for locations where donations can be made at several businesses around town. Our goal is to have our band in new uniforms for next year's Christmas Parade. If every family in Fillmore and Piru contributes $10 in 2010 we can do it!

Mariah Perez
Mariah Perez

Last week the Drama Club had a successful opening weekend. The first night the play sold out and people were turned away. There are two remaining weekends left so make sure you get a chance to see “Death and Nicotine.” Friday March 5th at 7:00pm and Saturday March 6th at 7:00pm are the two showing times this coming weekend. Cost is $5.00 for students and $7.00 for adults; you can also buy snacks and drinks for $1.00. Remember doors open at 6:30. I saw the play and personally I thought it was fabulous. Pennies for Patients was also a success. Many classes raised a good amount of money for this cause. ASB has not yet finished counting the boxes so stay tuned for next week to see who the winning class is. Renaissance Award night is Wednesday March 3rd at 7:00pm in the Sespe Auditorium at the District Office; we look forward to seeing you there. Fillmore High School Pep Squad has a competition this coming Saturday at Universal City Walk. They are competing to defend their two year title as State Champs. LET’S GO FLASHES…!


Six staff members from Fillmore Middle School (FMS) presented at the California League of Middle Schools Conference. This annual conference was held in Sacramento on February 27 -29. FMS was one of 100 presenters over the three day weekend. Representing the school in the presentation were Todd Schieferle, Tricia Godfrey, Jennifer Beal, Scott Carroll, Anna Morielli, and Jenny Lindemann.

The annual conference brings middle school staff from around the state. High quality professional development remains the key to helping teachers and instructional leaders improve student learning. The conference is a way to connect teachers and administrators through a variety of presentations that are addressing challenges impacting California’s middle schools. It allows attendees to listen to practitioners who have created useful ideas, strategies and tools to improve student achievement at their school.

FMS was selected to present an innovative intervention strategy the staff designed to improve instruction. Their advisory period is used to address students’ needs by providing additional instruction in key academic areas. It also provides enrichment activities for those students who are meeting grade level standards. This new strategy is one of several new approaches this collaborative staff has created over the past two years as they continue to meet the needs of their students.

Those attending the conference presentation were impressed with the design of the model, with several asking questions and asking for more information. Several also indicated they would love to come to Fillmore to see the advisory model in action. All of Fillmore/Piru should be proud that one of their sites was asked to present at this prestigious conference. More importantly, kudos go out to the entire staff for their willingness to search for innovations that will increase student achievement.

What happens when a New York Police Detective, on vacation in Georgia, stumbles upon a murder investigation?  More murder, of course!  Who is guilty?  Surprises and a few laughs await you!  "Death and Nicotine", another original script by Fillmore High School English and Drama teacher, as well as ASB Advisor Josh Overton, takes the stage starting this Friday night in the drama room at the high school. There are seven total performances of this comedic murder mystery, including: Friday, Feb. 26th at 7pm - Opening Night
Saturday, Feb. 27th at 7pm, Sunday, Feb. 28th at 2pm - the only matinee performance!
Friday, March 5th at 7pm, Saturday, March 6th at 7pm, Friday, March 12th at 7pm
Saturday, March 13th at 7pm - Closing Night.
Tickets, available at the door only, are just $5 for students and $7 for adults!  The house opens 30 minutes before curtain, so get there early to get the best seats available!
What happens when a New York Police Detective, on vacation in Georgia, stumbles upon a murder investigation? More murder, of course! Who is guilty? Surprises and a few laughs await you! "Death and Nicotine", another original script by Fillmore High School English and Drama teacher, as well as ASB Advisor Josh Overton, takes the stage starting this Friday night in the drama room at the high school. There are seven total performances of this comedic murder mystery, including: Friday, Feb. 26th at 7pm - Opening Night Saturday, Feb. 27th at 7pm, Sunday, Feb. 28th at 2pm - the only matinee performance! Friday, March 5th at 7pm, Saturday, March 6th at 7pm, Friday, March 12th at 7pm Saturday, March 13th at 7pm - Closing Night. Tickets, available at the door only, are just $5 for students and $7 for adults! The house opens 30 minutes before curtain, so get there early to get the best seats available!
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Fillmore Unified School District
Fillmore Unified School District


The public may review or request a copy of support materials provided to the Board Members where the word materials appears.
5:15 p.m.
This is the time and place to address the Board. State law prohibits the Board from acting on issues not included on the agenda; however, requests may be made for discussion of specific topics at subsequent meetings.
The Board of Education will CONTINUED »

Pictured above are 39 of the 49 Third grade students who were awarded the Principal’s Math Challenge Award. First grade recipients are as follows: Juan Pablo Alfaro, Justice Rodruguez, Elizabeth Rohrer, Sydney Beckett. Second grade had fifteen out of 31 students awarde. Fourth grade recipients are Luke Myers, Alexandra Maritinez, and Maria Lopez. Andy Arana was the only 5th grader to pass the challenge. In order to increase mastery of math facts and promote school spirit, students at Mountain Vista Elementary School are participating in “The Principal’s Math Challenge”. Students are given four minute timed tests in their classrooms. Timed tests range from thirty subtraction facts in 1st grade to 100 multiplication and division facts in 5th grade. Any student who scores a 100% on their classroom test is eligible to “challenge the principal” on a three minute timed test. Students who master the three minute timed test at 100% are awarded a certificate by the principal and are recognized throughout the school. The next challenge is February 26th! GO WILDCATS!!!
Pictured above are 39 of the 49 Third grade students who were awarded the Principal’s Math Challenge Award. First grade recipients are as follows: Juan Pablo Alfaro, Justice Rodruguez, Elizabeth Rohrer, Sydney Beckett. Second grade had fifteen out of 31 students awarde. Fourth grade recipients are Luke Myers, Alexandra Maritinez, and Maria Lopez. Andy Arana was the only 5th grader to pass the challenge. In order to increase mastery of math facts and promote school spirit, students at Mountain Vista Elementary School are participating in “The Principal’s Math Challenge”. Students are given four minute timed tests in their classrooms. Timed tests range from thirty subtraction facts in 1st grade to 100 multiplication and division facts in 5th grade. Any student who scores a 100% on their classroom test is eligible to “challenge the principal” on a three minute timed test. Students who master the three minute timed test at 100% are awarded a certificate by the principal and are recognized throughout the school. The next challenge is February 26th! GO WILDCATS!!!
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2nd Grade - Fifteen out of 31 second grade students passed the challenge.
2nd Grade - Fifteen out of 31 second grade students passed the challenge.
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1st Grade – Juan Pablo, Justice, Elizabeth, and Sydney (not pictured, Angelina) were the 1st grade recipients.
1st Grade – Juan Pablo, Justice, Elizabeth, and Sydney (not pictured, Angelina) were the 1st grade recipients.
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4th Grade - Luke, Alexandra, and Maria, 5th grade all smiles after passing the challenge.
4th Grade - Luke, Alexandra, and Maria, 5th grade all smiles after passing the challenge.
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5th Grade - Andy Arana was the only 5th grade student to pass the challenge.
5th Grade - Andy Arana was the only 5th grade student to pass the challenge.
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Third grade students working on 50 multiplication problems.
Third grade students working on 50 multiplication problems.
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Second Grade students concentrating to finish 75 addition problems.
Second Grade students concentrating to finish 75 addition problems.
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I do not believe that anyone can logically argue that we are not in a budget crisis in the Fillmore Unified School District. As I read the newspaper on a daily basis, I feel very fortunate that our school district has not experienced the magnitude of layoffs and reduction of services that many of our neighboring districts have had.
As the principal of Mountain Vista Elementary School, and more importantly, as a parent of two children who attend this school, my husband and I easily accepted the proposal for a new insurance package (our benefits will not change) and a 5 day reduction in pay for each of us. This sacrifice is small when I compare it to the possible effects that this budget crisis could have on my children’s education and the quality of education in this community if class size is raised and teachers are let go.
I am proud and feel honored to work with my classified and certificated staff members at Mountain Vista. It is unthinkable to imagine that this district may lose high quality staff members when there is a common sense solution (reducing work days) that other districts are using in this crisis.
As an administrator of a great elementary school and parent of two elementary children I encourage all stakeholders involved to do the right thing when there is a common sense solution to this problem.
Chrissy Schieferle, Principal
Mountain Vista Elementary School

Mr. Olson’s class did Splatter painting with toothbrushes in Art. Mrs. Neuman is San Cayetano’s art instructor and each student gets a class lesson every other week. This program is funded by private donations and the Henry Mayo Newhall Foundation.
Mr. Olson’s class did Splatter painting with toothbrushes in Art. Mrs. Neuman is San Cayetano’s art instructor and each student gets a class lesson every other week. This program is funded by private donations and the Henry Mayo Newhall Foundation.
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Luke Myers, a fifth grader at Mountain Vista, will be representing the Santa Paula and Fillmore areas in the County Spelling Bee. Luke won on a class and school level. He then went on to the area bee and competed against 15 other students ranging from 4th to 8th grade. His winning word was “miraculous.”

When asked what he will do to prepare for the County Bee, Luke shared his plan. He will continue to study hard. He is working on languages of origins and learning the different prefixes and suffixes from the various languages. He reads them, writes them, sorts them and records them onto tapes so he can listen to them at night. He tries to find smaller words that are in many of the bigger words. He also likes to remember them in funny and familiar ways. Competitions with his mom keeps it fun.

He and Devon Leon from Glen City School will be going on to the County Spelling Bee on March 8th at CSUCI. The winner of that competition will go on to Washington D.C. to compete in the Scripps National spelling Bee.


Wednesday, March 3rd, 2010, 6:00pm-7:30pm
Fillmore Middle School will be having its Open House Extravaganza Wednesday, March 3rd from 6pm to 7:30pm. There will be BBQ dinner available for a purchase of $4.00. Please come and visit with teachers. See Classrooms. Feel the Love! Citizenship/Academic Awards will be given at 5:30pm per student invitation.


Camarillo, Calif., Feb. 23, 2010 – Area residents will have the unprecedented opportunity to hear Dr. Muhammad Yunus, 2006 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and 2009 Presidential Medal of Freedom Winner, speak on Friday, Feb. 26, at 4:00 p.m., at the Thousand Oaks Civic Arts Plaza.

As founder of Grameen Bank in Bangladesh, Dr. Yunus has been instrumental in creating a business model which advances economic and social development through a system of micro loans made to the poorest of the poor. The list of his awards and recognitions is lengthy and the impact of his social business model profound.

As the practice of microfinance evolved over the past 25 years, Dr. Yunus began to engage corporations in joint ventures to invest in social businesses with Grameen Bank. These enterprises, which have addressed economic and social networking for women, and for their families, in third world countries, have brought about dramatic and positive change and are sustainable because they are based on sound business principals rather than philanthropy.

On the morning of Feb. 26, Dr. Yunus will participate in CI’s annual Campus Reading Celebration, leading the discussion of his book, Creating a World without Poverty: Social Business and the Future of Capitalism, which was chosen as this year’s selection. He will also launch CI’s California Institute for Social Business (CISB) which will be part of CI’s ever expanding curriculum. Yunus will serve as mentor and advisor to the program.

At 4:00 p.m., the general public is invited to join students from CI, Ventura, Moorpark, and Oxnard Colleges at the Thousand Oaks Civic Arts Plaza to discuss social business and the newfound corporate interest in this type of endeavor.

The general public can purchase tickets by visiting or the Thousand Oaks Civic Arts Plaza box office at or 805-449-ARTS.

CSU Channel Islands is accredited by the Accrediting Commission for Senior Colleges and Universities of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges.

CSUCI Mission Statement
Placing students at the center of the educational experience, California State University Channel Islands provides undergraduate and graduate education that facilitates learning within and across disciplines through integrative approaches, emphasizes experiential and service learning, and graduates students with multicultural and international perspectives.

Fillmore Unified School District
Fillmore Unified School District


The public may review or request a copy of support materials provided to the Board Members where the word materials appears.
5:15 p.m.
This is the time and place to address the Board. State law prohibits the Board from acting on issues not included on the agenda; however, requests may be made for discussion of specific topics at subsequent meetings.

California State University Channel Islands
California State University Channel Islands

Camarillo, Calif., Feb. 18, 2010 – California State University Channel Islands (CI) will welcome Dr. Muhammad Yunus, to its campus on Feb. 26, 2010, for its annual Campus Reading Celebration and to launch the new California Institute for Social Business (CISB). Dr. Yunus is the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and 2009 Presidential Medal of Freedom Recipient.

Included in the day’s activities will be a morning discussion with CI students, faculty, and staff of Yunus’ book, Creating a World without Poverty -- Social Business and the future of Capitalism, led by Dr. Yunus. Yunus will also review a Service Symposium Poster Session from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. in the Broome Library, featuring service projects/events undertaken by CI students, faculty, staff, and community partners.

At 4 p.m. the public will have an opportunity to join CONTINUED »

Mariah Perez
Mariah Perez

Last week was a successful week for our boy’s basketball team. They played against Villanova and Fillmore Varsity won 55-52. Our JV and Frosh teams also won. Varsity is 2nd in league and their first play-off game will be home Wednesday against St. Paul...Way to go Boys!!! Girls JV and Varsity Basketball played against St. Bonnie and Oaks Christian; both teams lost. Girls Varsity did however tie for 3rd in league and they play their first play-off game Thursday away at Carpentaria. Good Luck Girls and Coach Tafoya!!! Boy’s soccer also had a great week. Varsity beat Malibu 2-0 and Oak Park 3-2. The boys placed 2cd in league...Alright Flashes... JV also played against Malibu and Oak Park. They were able to pull off a win to Malibu 4-2, but lost to Oak Park 1-0. Girls Soccer beat Nordoff 3-2 and lost to Oak Park. Fillmore Pep Squad will be competing this Friday in Las Vegas against teams from all over. Good Luck Girls. "Death and Nicotine" an original play by Fillmore High School Drama teacher Josh Overton, opens Friday, February 26th at 7pm. Other showings are as follows: Saturday, February 27th at 7pm, Sunday,, February 28th at 2pm, Friday, March 5th at 7pm, Saturday, March 6th at 7pm, Friday, March 12th at 7pm, Saturday, March 13th at 7pm.

Ticket prices $5.00 for students $7.00 for adults. All tickets are sold at the door so get there when the doors open at 6:30!


Applications for the Miss Fillmore/Miss Teen Fillmore Pageant are available. The “First Practice” will take place at the Memorial Building on Wednesday, February 24th beginning at 6:30PM. Refreshments will be provided. Questions and answers will also be addressed at that time. Miss Contestants must be a Junior or Senior girl in good standing. Teen Contestants must be a girl between the ages of 13 (by January 1st) and 17 in good standing, but not a Junior or Senior. All contestants must reside within the Fillmore Unified School District boundaries. Applications are available at Fillmore High Schools Student Store, the Fillmore Chamber of Commerce or by contacting Pageant Director Lori McLain at #524-4432.

California Highway Patrol
California Highway Patrol

The California Highway Patrol (CHP) is offering a traffic safety program for teenage drivers and their parents. The Start Smart Program is aimed at helping future and newly licensed teenage drivers become aware of the responsibilities that accompany the privilege of being a licensed California driver. The program is designed as an educational tool for parents and teenagers in an effort to reduce the number of teenage injuries and deaths resulting from traffic collisions. Traffic collisions are the leading cause of death for 15-20 year olds. The primary objective of the program is to provide teens and parents with an understanding of how poor choices behind the wheel can affect the lives of numerous people. The Start Smart program also provides teens and parents with information on defensive driving, traffic laws in California, dynamics of traffic collisions, tips on avoiding traffic collisions, and DUI awareness.

Start Smart classes are free of charge. The next class will be on Tuesday February 23, 2010 at 6:30 p.m. at the Ventura Area CHP office. The address for the Ventura Area CHP office is 4656 Valentine Rd. Ventura, CA 93003. For more details or to make a reservation for the class, please call Officer Steve Reid at (805)477-4130.