Calling all walkers, Our Monday Senior walkers are planning a trip to Carpenteria Beach on May 16th. We will meet here at the Fillmore Senior Center at the usual 8:00 AM and carpool. The plan is to sight see and have lunch in town. Please watch for more information to follow. If interested come in or call and sign up 524-4533 or call Sue Hopkins at 524-1836
The 2 day AARP Driving Class has been rescheduled for Monday, June 6th. and the second part on Thursday June 9th.. The class starts at 9am to 1:00 pm and cost $12.00 for AARP members and $14.00 Non Members. This is a very nice class and helps lower your auto insurance. If you are interested Please Call 524-4533 or come in and sign up.
The Book Club will be discussing “An Object Of Beauty” by Steve Martin, on Friday April 15th. @ 10:30 AM. One aspect of this novel’s allure is the ambiguity with which Mr. Martin frames Lacey’s fierce, outsize ambitions. Is her story meant to be the appreciatively told tale of a canny New York predator? The recommended reading is “Mr. Pettigrew’s Last Stand” by Helen Simonson.
COMMODITIES is this Friday, from 1PM – 3PM Please note time change.
April 12th. is the Last chance to have your Federal and State Income Taxes done by AARP at the Fillmore Senior Center. No appointment is necessary, This is first come, first served policy. AARP will be here from 9 am until 11am. Please bring your copy of the 2009 tax return and your Social Security card.
Our daytrip to the Chumash Casino was a great success so we are planning another trip on Wednesday May 11th, again the cost is $10 per passenger, this time payable upon signing up and is Non Refundable. Pick up time 8 am here at the Fillmore Senior Center, arrive back at the Senior Center by 5:00 – 5:30 pm We had a waiting list last time so get your reservations in early. Passengers must be at least 21 years old. If you need more information please call the Senior Center at 805-524-4533 or come In and sign up.


Calling all walkers, Our Monday Senior walkers are planning a trip to Carpenteria Beach on May 16th. We will meet here at the Fillmore Senior Center at the usual 8:00 AM and carpool. The plan is to sight see and have lunch in town. Please watch for more information to follow. If interested come in or call and sign up 524-4533 or call Sarah Hansen at 524-0132
The 2 day AARP Driving Class is scheduled for Monday, April 4th and the second part on Thursday April 7th. The class starts at 9am to 1:00 pm and cost $12.00 for AARP members and $14.00 Non Members. This is a very nice class and helps lower your auto insurance.
The Book Club will be discussing “An Object Of Beauty” by Steve Martin, on Friday April 15th. @ 10:30 AM. One aspect of this novel’s allure is the ambiguity with which Mr. Martin frames Lacey’s fierce, outsize ambitions. Is her story meant to be the appreciatively told tale of a canny New York predator? The recommended reading is “Mr. Pettigrew’s Last Stand” by Helen Simonson.
Commodities is the 3rd. Friday of the month from 1PM – 3PM Please, note date and time change.
“LINE DANCING CLASSES” is the 1ST. & 3rd. Wednesday each month. Donation is $2.00 per person/each class. This is an open class and can be joined any time, You do not need to know how to Line Dance already, “You just need a good sense of humor”. Everyone has a great time.
AARP is still doing Federal and State Income Taxes on Tuesdays at the Fillmore Senior until April 12th. from 9 until 11am. No appointment is necessary, This is first come, first served. Please bring your copy of the 2009 tax return and your Social Security card.
Right now 4 people have shown an interest in the New Photo Editing Class that we would like to start in May. This class will teach you how to go from fitting your photos on a computer to editing & enhancing the photos, to copying them on to a disk or the internet. We will be using Paint shop Pro X3. This program is comparable to Photo Shop. Dave Roegner will be teaching the class. So come and have some fun!!! For more information call Dave Roegner at 616-3547.


Santa Barbara, CA. — The more than 5.4 million Americans with Alzheimer’s disease require vigilant care to keep them safe and healthy. But caring for a person with Alzheimer’s or another dementia is often very difficult. That care carries with it high levels of emotional, physical, and quite often, financial stress. And while the jobs of paid caregivers may often be rewarding, the work is frequently difficult, poorly paid and involve little or inadequate training.

The Alzheimer’s Association recognizes the critical role of caregivers in the quality of life for Alzheimer’s patients and the concurrent and ongoing need for training, education and support of those caregivers. To that end, the 2011 Alzheimer’s Association Tri-County Caregiver Conference, “Dementia: Current Trends and Future Directions,” May 12 at the Santa Barbara Mar Monte Hotel will offer two tracks: One for eldercare professionals, and one for unpaid family or friend caregivers and the person with early-stage dementia. The day-long event will bring together family and professional caregivers for a day of education, networking and support.

Experts from around the country will present keynote addresses and workshops. The speakers include Maria Carrillo, Ph.D., Alzheimer’s Association director of medical and scientific relations in Chicago; Dr. Linda Hewett, clinical professor at University of California, San Francisco at Fresno and co-director of the Alzheimer’s and Memory Care Center; and Kenneth Kosik, M.D., Harriman professor of neuroscience research, co-director of the Neuroscience Research Institute at University of California, Santa Barbara.

Some of the topics being covered at the conference include the latest developments in Alzheimer research and development; the changes in sexual behavior of dementia patients; genetic risk factors of Alzheimer’s disease and the ethical questions surrounding genetic testing; Alzheimer medications, drug interactions, and medications to avoid for dementia patients. A complete list of speakers, conference activities and breakout sessions is available at

The conference is 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Thursday, May 12, at the Mar Monte Hotel in Santa Barbara. Participant registration is $95 per person, if registered by May 1 — $105 after May 1 — and includes breakfast and lunch. Grants are available to those who wish to attend but who cannot afford it.

The Alzheimer’s Association is the leading voluntary health organization in Alzheimer care, support and research. Our mission is to eliminate Alzheimer’s disease through the advancement of research, to provide and enhance care and support for all affected, and to reduce the risk of dementia through the promotion of brain health. Our vision is a world without Alzheimer’s. The California Central Coast Chapter of the association covers San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Ventura and Kern counties.


“LINE DANCING CLASSES” will be the 1ST. & 3rd. Wednesday each month. Donation is $2.00 per person/each class. This is an open class and can be joined any time, You do not need to know how to Line Dance already, “You just need a good sense of humor”. Everyone has a great time.
AARP is still doing Federal and State Income Taxes on Tuesdays at the Fillmore Senior until April 12th. from 9 until 11am. No appointment is necessary, This is first come, first served. Please bring your copy of the 2009 tax return and your Social Security card.
Braille Mobile will be at the Senior Center Thursday, March 31st. from 10 am - 1:30 pm.
Appointments can be scheduled ahead of time by calling Bob Bashy @ 805-895-07716 or just come by. Braille’s Mobile Solution Van brings information about their free programs and services directly to our community. Mobile solutions provides the following: Magnification and lighting demonstrations and one-on one consultation with their low vision professionals, Adaptive products for purchase, including talking watches, writing guides and large-print calendars, The Institute has arranged for a tape recorder and tapes to be at the Senior Center library, anyone with a sight problem is welcome to come in and try the “Talking Books.” This would also be an opportunity to see if you would like to have a recorder in your home where you can listen to books at home.
We really do need Drivers, If you are retired or just someone looking for a better way to use your free time, here’s an opportunity to help others and get paid a little also. The Fillmore Senior needs volunteer drivers to deliver meals to our homebound seniors. It only takes about 1½ hours and mileage is paid. If interested please call Antonia @ 524-3756 for more information.
The Fillmore Senior Center would like to start a New Photo Editing Class starting in May if there is enough interest. This class will teach you how to go from fitting your photos on a computer to enhancing the photos, to copying them on to a disk or the internet. We will be using Paint shop Pro X3. This program is comparable to Photo Shop and cost only $25 at! Dave Roegner will be teaching the class. So come and have some fun!!! for more information call Dave Roegner at 616-3547
All those plastic bags you bring home from the market taking over your kitchen? Well here’s your chance to put them to good use again. The Fillmore Senior Center need your CLEAN, PLASTIC BAGS WITH “NO” HOLES or GOOD BROWN PAPER BAGS (Grocery bags) for our commodities food share program. It would also be helpful if you could flatten them out and stack them before bring them to the Fillmore Senior Center. Your help with this is very much appreciated.

A Week of Food, A World of Savings

Here is a great way to s-t-r-e-t-c-h your food budget.

The Treasure Box helps families during these tough economic times by providing quality food at drastically reduced prices.

The traditional Treasure Box is filled with 21-25 lbs. of nutritious food including 10-12 lbs. of protein, fruit, vegetables, side dishes and dessert: enough to feed a family of 4 lunch and dinner for up to one week.

You or your church may be a “Secret Friend” and anonymously donate a box to a student/family in need.
NO LIMITS, NO INCOME QUALIFICATIONS! Anyone can participate! See the various menus online: Regular, Breakfast, Quick & Healthy, Kids, or Protein

Pre-order your box online:
OR pay your $32. cash or money order at:
Fillmore Senior Center
533 Santa Clara St. - (805) 524-4533
Please ask for: Beverly, Mon-Thurs, 8 am-1 p.m.

APRIL Menu 2011 $32. per box includes:

ORDER DEADLINE: Sunday, April 19th
PICK UP DATE: Saturday, April 30th
PICK UP LOCATION: Senior Center parking lot
Distribution: 10-11 am

(75¢ benefits the Senior Center Tuesday salad bar)


Floors are being refinished this week at the center, we apologize for the inconvenience. We will have to rearrange or maybe cancel some of the classes, but the center will be open! Please feel free to call and check on the status of our classes. The phone # is 524-4533
“LINE DANCING CLASSES” will be the 1ST. & 3rd. Wednesday each month. Donation is $2.00 per person/each class. This is an open class and can be joined any time, You do not need to know how to Line Dance already, “You just need a good sense of humor”. Everyone has a great time.
The Fillmore Senior Center is planning a day trip to Chumash Casino on Wednesday, March 30th, Cost is $10 per passenger. Pick up time 8 AM Here at the Fillmore Senior Center.
Arriving back at the Senior Center by 4:30 – 5:00 PM We need 40 passengers to guarantee the trip, passengers must be at least 21 years old. To sign up call the Senior Center at 805-524-4533
AARP is still doing Federal and State Income Taxes on Tuesdays at the Fillmore Senior until April 12th. from 9 until 11am. No appointment is necessary, This is first come, first served. Please bring your copy of the 2009 tax return and your Social Security card.
Braille Mobile will be at the Senior Center Thursday, March 31st. from 10 am - 1:30 pm. Braille’s Mobile Solution Van brings information about their free programs and services directly to our community. Mobile solutions provides the following: Magnification and lighting demonstrations and one-on one consultation with their low vision professionals, Adaptive products for purchase, including talking watches, writing guides and large-print calendars, The Institute has arranged for a tape recorder and tapes to be at the Senior Center library, anyone with a sight problem is welcome to come in and try the “Talking Books.” This would also be an opportunity to see if you would like to have a recorder in your home where you can listen to books at home.
Retired or just someone looking for a better way to use your free time, here’s an opportunity to help others and get paid a little also. The Fillmore Senior needs volunteer drivers to deliver meals to our homebound seniors. It only takes about 1½ hours and mileage is paid. If interested please call Antonia @ 524-3756 for more information.
The Fillmore Senior Center would like to start a New Photo Editing Class starting in May if there is enough interest. This class will teach you how to go from fitting your photos on a computer to enhancing the photos, to copying them on to a disk or the internet. We will be using Paint shop Pro X3. This program is comparable to Photo Shop and cost only $25 at! Dave Roegner will be teaching the class. So come and have some fun!!! for more information call Dave Roegner at 616-3547
IF YOU HAVE ANY EXTRA, CLEAN PLASTIC BAGS WITH NO HOLES or GOOD BROWN PAPER BAGS (Grocery bags) that you can donate to the commodities food share program please bring them to the Fillmore Senior Center or with you to commodities (third Friday of the month)


Book Club meets the 3rd Friday of the month. March’s meeting will be March 18th at 10:30. They will be discussing “Apothecary’s Daughter” by Julie Klassen. Recommended reading is “House Rules” by Jodi Picoult. For information call Sarah @ 524-0132
“LINE DANCING CLASSES” will be the 1ST. & 3rd. Wednesday each month. Donation is $2.00 per person/each class. This is an open class and can be joined any time, You do not need to know how to Line Dance already, “You just need a good sense of humor”. Everyone has a great time.
The Fillmore Senior Center is planning a day trip to Chumash Casino on Wednesday, March 30th, Cost is $10 per passenger. Pick up time 8 AM Here at the Fillmore Senior Center.
Arriving back at the Senior Center by 4:30 – 5:00 PM We need 40 passengers to guarantee the trip, passengers must be at least 21 years old. To sign up call the Senior Center at 805-524-4533
AARP is doing Federal and State Income Taxes on Tuesdays at the Fillmore Senior Center from February 1st through April 12th. from 9 until 11am. No appointment is necessary, This is first come, first served. Please bring your copy of the 2009 tax return and your Social Security card.
Braille Mobile will be at the Senior Center Thursday, March 31st. from 10 am - 1:30 pm. Braille’s Mobile Solution Van brings information about their free programs and services directly to our community. Mobile solutions provides the following: Magnification and lighting demonstrations and one-on one consultation with their low vision professionals, Adaptive products for purchase, including talking watches, writing guides and large-print calendars, The Institute has arranged for a tape recorder and tapes to be at the Senior Center library, anyone with a sight problem is welcome to come in and try the “Talking Books.”
To participate in the Beginning Computer Class please call or come in and sign up. We are limited to only 6 per class. There is one opening for the May 09th class, the next open classes start June 13, July 18, Aug 22, Oct 3, Nov 7, Dec 5 .
Retired or just someone looking for a better way to use your free time, here’s an opportunity to help others and get paid a little also. The Fillmore Senior needs volunteer drivers to deliver meals to our homebound seniors. It only takes about 1½ hours and mileage is paid. If interested please call Antonia @ 524-3756 for more information.
The Fillmore Senior Center would like to start a New Photo Editing Class starting in May if there is enough interest. This class will teach you how to go from fitting your photos on a computer to enhancing the photos, to copying them on to a disk or the internet. We will be using Paint shop Pro X3. This program is comparable to Photo Shop and cost only $25 at! Dave Roegner will be teaching the class. So come and have some fun!!! for more information call Dave Roegner at 616-3547


Jery Lacayo an instructor from the House of Dance located in Ventura, Is teaching ”Line Dancing” At the Fillmore Senior Center on the 1st. & 3rd. Wednesdays of each month. Jery began dancing at the age of 9. Before she became a teen she joined a Southern California based teenage square/round dance exhibition group “The Swinging Sweethearts”. They performed throughout California and many other states across the Unites States and Canada. Jery has continued dancing through her adult life. She holds licenses for teaching round dancing, square dancing and line dancing. She loves any kind of dancing, Jery mixes it up with a bit of swing, tango, cha cha and plain fun! The great thing with Line Dancing is that you do not need a partner and everyone can participate. Our first class had a great turn out, even thou some of us are still trying to find our left foot from our right foot, we did Learn that dancing can really make you laugh a lot, and laughter is what everyone need now days.


The Fillmore Senior Center is planning a day trip to Chumash Casino on Wednesday March 30th, cost is $10 per passenger. Pick up time 8 am Here at the Fillmore Senior Center,
arrive back at the Senior Center by 4:30 – 5:00 pm We need 40 passengers to guarantee the trip, passengers must be at least 21 years old. To sign up call the Senior Center at 805-524-4533
AARP is doing Federal and State Income Taxes on Tuesdays at the Fillmore Senior Center from February 1st through April 12th. from 9AM until 11AM. No appointment is necessary, This is first come, first served. Please bring your copy of the 2009 tax return and your Social Security card.
Book Club meets the 3rd Friday of the month. Next meeting will be March 18th at 10:30. They will be discussing “House Rules” by Jodi Picoult. For information call Sarah @ 524-0132
Braille Mobile will be at the Senior Center Thursday, March 31st. from 10 am - 1:30 pm. We are depending upon the community to help us find those with sight problems that will visit the unit for suggestions for making their life better. The Braille Institute has arranged for a tape recorder and tapes to be at the Senior Center library, anyone with a sight problem is welcome to come in and try the “Talking Books.”
To participate in the Beginning Computer Class please call or come in and sign up. We are limited to only 6 per class. There is one opening for the May 09th class, the next open classes start June 13, July 18, Aug 22, Oct 3, Nov 7, Dec 5 .
“LINE DANCING CLASSES” will be the 1ST. & 3rd. Wednesday each month. Donation is $2.00 per person/each class. This is an open class and can be joined any time, You do not need to know how to Line Dance already, “You just need a good sense of humor”. Everyone has a great time.
Fillmore Senior Center is still in need of volunteer drivers to deliver meals to our homebound seniors. If interested please call Antonia @ 524-3756. Drivers are needed for Thursday & Friday, it only takes about 1½ hours and mileage is paid.


Monday February 21st is Presidents Day and the Senior Center will be CLOSED.
Those enrolled in the “Beginning Computer Class” usually scheduled for Monday, will be on Tuesday February 22nd.
LOTERIA “ Spanish Bingo” the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month from 9:30-11:30am
AARP is doing Federal and State Income Taxes on Tuesdays at the Fillmore Senior Center from February 1st through April 12th. 9 AM until 11AM. No appointment is necessary, This is first come, first served. Please bring your copy of the 2009 tax return and your Social Security card.
ALZHEIMER’S ASSOCIATION will be here on March 2nd for more information please call Beverly at the Senior Center 524-4533
Fillmore Senior Center is still in need of volunteer drivers to deliver meals to our homebound seniors. If interested please call Antonia @ 524-3756. Drivers are needed for Thursday & Friday, it only takes about 1½ hours and mileage is paid.


Book Club Friday, February 18th will be discussing “Whisky Island” by Emile Richards.
Book Club is on the Third Friday of the Month. For information call Sarah @ 524-0132

Please make note from now on Commodities is the 3rd. FRIDAY of the month.

“LINE DANCING CLASS” STARTS THIS WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 16th.. Donation is $2.00 per person/each class. Please call 524-4533 or come in and sign-up. Future classes will be on the 1ST. & 3rd. Wednesdays each month.

Sunday, February 20th. We are planning a Field Trip to the High Street Arts Center in Moorpark. to see “Les Miserables” . Senior price is $14.00 per person. They do have group rates, so if we can get at least 10 people the rate will be $12.00 and with 20 it’s only $10. Car polling is an option, and there are several cute places to have lunch before the show if your interested. For more information and to sigh-up Please call 524-4533

Anyone interested in buying food through the Treasure Box Food Program can place their order here at the Fillmore Senior Center or On-line at Treasure Box.Com. The deadline to place an order for this month is February 15th. each Box is $32.00

Loteria “ Spanish Bingo” the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month from 9:30-11:30am

AARP is doing Federal and State Income Taxes on Tuesdays at the Fillmore Senior Center from February 1st through April 12th. from 9AM until 11AM. No appointment is necessary, This is first come, first served. Please bring your copy of the 2009 tax return and your Social Security card.

Fillmore Senior Center is still in need of volunteer drivers to deliver meals to our homebound seniors. If interested please call Antonia @ 524-3756. Drivers are needed for Thursday & Friday, it only takes about 1½ hours and mileage is paid.

Monday February 21st is Presidents Day and the Senior Center will be CLOSED.


On Friday, February 18th The Book Club will be discussing “Whisky Island” by Emile Richards.
Book Club is always on the Third Friday of the Month. For more information call Sarah @ 524-0132

The date for Commodities has changed. It will be on Friday, February 18th. Please make note from
now on Commodities will now be on the 3rd. FRIDAY of the month.

“55 plus LINE DANCING CLASS” is now coming to the Fillmore Senior Center. Starting Wednesday, February 16th.. Donation is $2.00 per person/each class. Please call 524-4533 or come in and sign-up. Future classes will be on the 1ST. & 3rd. Wednesdays each month.

AARP will be doing Federal and State Income Taxes on Tuesdays at the Fillmore Senior Center for Seniors 60 plus, from February 1st through April 12th. from 9AM until 11AM. No appointment is necessary, This is first come, first served. Please bring your copy of the 2009 tax return and your Social Security card.

AARP Driving Class is scheduled for Monday, February 7th This is a 2 part class, from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM. finishing on Thursday February 10th The cost is $12.00 for AARP Members & $14.00 for Non-members. Please call FSC @ 524-4533 to sign-up . Remember this class helps lower your car insurance and must be taken every 2 years to keep your rate lower.

Low Vision Classes by Braille started January 12th and will continue thru March 23rd, 2011. Classes meet every other Wednesday from 10 to 11 AM. In the Fillmore Senior Centers Library. Newcomers can join at any time . For more information please contact one of the following staff at the Braille Institute @ (805) 895-0587 or (805) 895-1176 (next class is Feb 9th)

Fillmore Senior Center is in need of volunteer drivers to deliver meals to our homebound seniors. If interested please call Antonia @ 524-3756. Drivers needed Thursday’s & Friday’s Mileage paid.

The Gourd Class is still in the works! Looks like sometime in February ????, Keep checking.!


The long awaited “55 plus LINE DANCING CLASS” is now coming to the Fillmore Senior Center. Starting Wednesday, February 16th.. Cost is $2.00 per person/each class. Please call 524-4533 or come in and sign-up. Future classes will be on the 1ST. & 3rd. Wednesdays each month.
AARP will be doing Federal and State Income Taxes on Tuesdays at the Fillmore Senior Center for Seniors 60 plus, from February 1st through April 12th. from 9AM until 11AM. No appointment is necessary, This is first come, first served. Please bring your copy of the 2009 tax return and your Social Security card.
AARP Driving Class is scheduled for Monday, February 7th This is a 2 part class, from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM. finishing on Thursday February 10th The cost is $12.00 for AARP Members & $14.00 for Non-members. Please call FSC @ 524-4533 to sign-up . Remember this class helps lower your car insurance and must be taken every 2 years to keep your rate lower.
Bingo is on Tuesday mornings. They begin at 9:00 and play till 11:30 and take a short break for lunch and resume play until 1:00. Spanish Bingo “Loteria” The Mexico's version of bingo, but with pictures and words. A fun Mexican tradition and a great way to learn Spanish. Daily at 10AM
“This is so much fun”!, “I can’t wait for next week”! Commented several of our seniors regarding our new Art Composition Class. I think I can safely say, this class is off to a “GREAT START” Come, join in on the fun. Tuesdays 10:00 to 11:30AM. Donation of $2.00 per class. Basic materials are provided to get you started.
Braille Vision Van will visit the Fillmore Senior Center on March 31, from 10 AM to 2 PM. A low-vision specialist will provide magnification and lighting demonstrations. Adaptive products are available for purchase, including talking watches, writing guides and large print calendars. Seniors can drop in or schedule an appointment for a personal consultation. To schedule an appointment call the FSC ask for Beverly @ 523-4533
Low Vision Classes by Braille started January 12th and will continue thru March 23rd, 2011. Classes meet every other Wednesday from 10 to 11 AM. In the Fillmore Senior Centers Library. Newcomers can join at any time . For more information please contact one of the following staff at the Braille Institute @ (805) 895-0587 or (805) 895-1176 (next class is Feb 9th)
Fillmore Senior Center is in need of volunteer drivers to deliver meals to our homebound seniors. If interested please call Antonia @ 524-3756. Drivers needed daily & Mileage paid.
The Busy hands Class is still here, it has just moved to Thursdays at 10:00 AM
The Gourd Class is still in the works! Looks like sometime in February ????, Keep checking.!


The long awaited “55 plus LINE DANCING CLASS” is now coming to the Fillmore Senior Center. Starting, Wednesday, February 16th. Cost is $2.00 per person/each class. Please call 524-4533 or come in and sign-up. Future classes will be on the 1ST. & 3rd. Wednesdays each month.
Fillmore Senior Center is in need of volunteer drivers to deliver meals to our homebound seniors. If interested please call Antonia @ 524-3756. Drivers needed daily & Mileage paid.
AARP will be doing Federal and State Income Taxes on Tuesdays at the Fillmore Senior Center for Seniors 60 plus, from February 1st through April 12th. from 9AM until 11AM. No appointment is necessary, This is first come first served. Please bring your copy of the 2009 tax return and your Social Security card. Other items to bring are: Your W-2 Form, if you were employed; also any Federal and State Tax forms you may receive In the mail, such as: Forms 1099-R, SSA-1099, 1099-INT, 1099-DIV, 1099-B.
Bingo is on Tuesday mornings. They begin at 9:00 and play till 11:30 and take a short break for lunch and resume play until 1:00. Spanish Bingo “Loteria” The Mexico's version of bingo, but with pictures and words. A fun Mexican tradition and a great way to learn Spanish. Daily at 10AM
We will be offering a MS WORD 7 Computer Class on Fridays at 10:00, We can accommodate up to (6) seniors in one class. if interested please call the Senior Center @ 524-4533 ask for Beverly, and put your name on the list. First class could start as soon as January 21st. if we have enough people interested.
Food Share’s Brown Bag for 60 plus and will be held from 9-11:00 AM. On Wednesday, January 26th. from 9am – 11 AM. Please remember to bring your Cloth Food Share Bags back with you.
Low Vision Class by the Braille Institute on January 26th. from 10 am. to 11:00 am. Low Vision Rehabilitation Specialist will evaluate your low vision needs and demonstrate various solutions for an independent and fulfilling life. Any family with a member who has a sight problem, should have them attend this no cost support group. For more information please contact the Braille Institute @ (805) 895-0587 or (805) 895-1176 ask to speak to one of their Low Vision Specialist.


Fillmore Senior Center is in need of volunteer drivers to deliver meals to our homebound seniors. If interested please call Antonia @ 524-3756. The days available are Mondays, Wednesdays & Thursdays from 10:30 to 12 noon. You can do one day or multiple days, what ever works into your schedule. A current driver license & proof of Insurance is required.

AARP will be doing Federal and State Income Taxes on Tuesdays at the Fillmore Senior Center for Seniors 60 plus, from February 1st through April 12th. from 9AM until 11AM. No appointment is necessary, This is first come first served. Please bring your copy of the 2009 tax return and your Social Security card. Other items to bring are: Your W-2 Form, if you were employed; also any Federal and State Tax forms you may receive In the mail, such as: Forms 1099-R, SSA-1099, 1099-INT, 1099-DIV, 1099-B. (Some returns are complicated and AARP is not permitted to do them, such as business returns, rentals, corporate returns, K-1’s, etc. A Paid professional tax preparer must do these.)

We have a Spanish Refresher Class being taught by…………. on February’s from 10:00 to 11:00 AM. You know the old saying… “Use it or loose it” This is and open class you and start coming anytime, until our regular Spanish Class can begin again.

Is your guitar sitting in the corner or closet waiting for someone to pay attention to it ? Well dust it off and join our Guitar Cording Class with Arlene McCutcheon on Fridays at 11:00 AM. If you are interested in learning basic guitar chords drop in at the center with your guitar. The class is open to both men and women, beginners, intermediate, even retired experts. Any one that want warm up those fingers and keep old Arthritis at bay is welcome.

We will be offering a MS WORD 7 Computer Class on Fridays at 10:00, We can accommodate up to (6) seniors in one class. if interested please call the Senior Center @ 524-4533 ask for Beverly, and put your name on the list. First class could start as soon as January 21st. if we have enough people interested.

Food Share’s Brown Bag for 60 plus and Free Senior Blood Pressure and Blood Sugar Checks will be held from 9-11:00 AM. this Wednesday, January 12th. from 9am – 11 AM. Please remember to bring your Cloth Food Share Bags back with you. Commodities will be here on Wednesday, January 19th


A New Art Composition Class will begin Tuesday, January 11th. at 10 AM. Taught by, Karen Browdy. Karen is a local artist and art instructor in Santa Barbara. The class will emphasis art composition relevant to all mediums of art with emphasis on Collage. Classes will be 1 ½ hours long with a Donation of $2.00 per class. Basic materials will be provided to begin with. Please contact Beverly Fox at the Fillmore SR. Center @ 524-4533 to sigh up.

Low Vision Class taught by the Braille Institute on January 12th from 10 am. to 11:00 am. Low Vision Rehabilitation Specialist will evaluate your low vision needs and demonstrate various solutions for an independent and fulfilling life. Every family with a member who has a sight problem should attend this no cost service. Please call the Senior Center for more information 524-4533

Busy Hands/Coffee group now meet’s on Thursday’s at 10:00, drop in with your knitting, crochet, or other handcrafts and have a cup of coffee. Open discussion on knitting techniques and other handcraft ideas as well as pattern sharing. Call Donna Voelker 524-1036 for further information.

Come join us for Lunch, Monday thru Friday and especially our wonderful Salad Bar on Tuesdays @ 11:30 Cost is $3.00 for Seniors and $5.00 for Non-Seniors. If you wish a HOT MEAL please Call Antonia, BEFORE 11:00 AM to reserve your lunch. We are unable to prepare hot meals after 11:00 am. Senior Nutrition 524-3756

Volunteer drivers are still needed to deliver meals to our homebound seniors.
If interested in volunteering please call Antonia @ 524-3756.

Friday Guitar class with Arlene McCutcheon will continue. If you are interested in learning basic guitar chords drop in at the center with your guitar at 11:00 a.m. on Fridays.

We will be offering a MS WORD 7 Computer Class on Fridays at 10:00, if interested please call the Senior Center @ 524-4533 and put your name on the list.

AARP Driving Class will be here at the Senior Center on February 7th & 10th . from 9AM to 1:00 pm. Classes cost $12.00 for AARP members and $14 for Non-members.
Please Call Beverly Fox to sign-up or come in and sign- up. This class helps lower your car insurance.

Food Shares Brown Bag and Blood Sugar/ Blood Pressure will be here Wednesday, January 12 from 9-11 am. This is for Seniors 60 plus. Remember to bring your Food Share Cloth Bags with you.


Beginning Monday January 3rd. The Water Color Class starts at 10:00 AM and
Tai Chi will also be on Mondays now at 9:00 AM
Beginning Computer classes are starting fresh this year with a new “I would like to take the class list”. Now’s your chance to get your name up to the top of the list. The first 4 week session has already been filled the next session will start February 21, then March 28th. Please call the Senior Center at 524-4533 ask for Miss Fox.
Busy Hands meets on Tuesdays at 10:00, drop in with your knitting, crochet, or other handcrafts and have a cup of coffee. Open discussion on knitting techniques and other handcraft ideas as well as pattern sharing. Call Donna Voelker 524-1036 for further information. If you have leftover skeins, or extra yarn you don’t need we have seniors who could use it. Put it in a bag and mark it “Busy Hands” and drop it off at the center Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Love eating salads? Come join us for our wonderful salad bar on Tuesdays @ 11:30 Cost is $3.00 for seniors and $5.00 for Non-Seniors. Call Antonia- Senior Nutrition 524-3756 before 11:00 to reserve your luncheon.
Volunteer drivers are needed to deliver meals to our homebound seniors.
If interested in volunteering please call Antonia @ 524-3756.
Friday Guitar class with Arlene McCutcheon will continue. If you are interested in learning basic guitar chords drop in at the center with your guitar at 11:00 a.m. on Fridays.
Don’t forget to get your Treasure Box orders in by January 16th.


2011 Wall Calendars: If you have extra calendars for 2011 that you don’t need, we have seniors who do. You can drop them off at the volunteer desk at the Center.

Water Color classes on Monday mornings at 10:00 are taking the month of December off. They will start up again in January.

There will be no Tai Chi class on Dec. 22nd, or Yoga class on Thursday December 30th.

The Senior Center will be closed on Friday December 31st. See you in 2011!

Like to walk? Need a little exercise and fresh air? Join Sara Hansen and her walking group on Monday mornings at 8:00 a.m. Meet us in the parking lot at 7:50 a.m.

Bingo is on Tuesday mornings. They begin at 9:00 and play till 11:30 and take a short break for lunch and resume play until 1:00.

Busy Hands meets on Tuesdays at 10:00, drop in with your knitting, crochet, or other handcrafts and have a cup of coffee. Open discussion on knitting techniques and other handcraft ideas as well as pattern sharing. Call Donna Voelker 524-1036 for further information. If you have leftover skeins, or extra yarn you don’t need we have seniors who could use it. Put it in a bag and mark it “Busy Hands” and drop it off at the center Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Love eating salads? Come join us for our wonderful salad bar on Tuesdays @ 11:30 Cost is $3.00 for seniors and $5.00 for Non-Seniors. Call Antonia- Senior Nutrition 524-3756 before 11:00 to reserve your luncheon.

Volunteer drivers are needed to deliver meals to our homebound seniors.
If interested in volunteering please call Antonia @ 524-3756.

Spanish Class is on vacation until February. Friday Guitar class with Arlene McCutcheon will continue. If you are interested in learning basic guitar chords drop in at the center with your guitar at 11:00 a.m. on Fridays.

We will be offering a MS WORD 7 Computer Class on Fridays at 10:00, if interested please call the Senior Center @ 524-4533 and put your name on the list.

Free Senior Blood Pressure and Blood Sugar Checks will be held from 9-11:00 a.m. on the following dates in 2011. Mark your calendars for Wednesday Jan. 12; Feb. 9; Mar. 9; Apr. 6, May 4; June 1.


"Art for Seniors" will begin a new, four-week session on January 5 at the SCAN Senior Resource Center at 1001 Partridge Drive, Suite 200, in Ventura. The class will meet at 4 p.m. on Wednesdays through January 26. There is a $20 materials fee.

Basic drawing skills will be taught, some perspective, and the opportunity to interact with others in a fun environment. Come learn that you really can take a few squiggly lines and draw an impressive picture in your own choice of mediums, (crayon, markers, water colors or colored pencils). For more information or to register, call the SCAN Senior Resource Center at 805-658-0365.


Like to walk? Need a little exercise and fresh air? Join Sara Hansen and her walking group on Monday mornings at 8:00 a.m. Meet us in the parking lot at 7:50 a.m.

Bingo is on Tuesday mornings. They begin at 9:00 and play till 11:30 and take a short break for lunch and resume play until 1:00.

Busy Hands meets on Tuesdays at 10:00, drop in with your knitting, crochet, or other handcrafts and have a cup of coffee. Open discussion on knitting techniques and other handcraft ideas as well as pattern sharing. Call Donna Voelker 524-1036 for further information. If you have leftover skeins, or extra yarn you don’t need we have seniors who could use it. Put it in a bag and mark it “Busy Hands” and drop it off at the center Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Love eating salads? Come join us for our wonderful salad bar on Tuesdays @ 11:30 Cost is $3.00 for seniors and $5.00 for Non-Seniors. Call Antonia- Senior Nutrition 524-3756 before 11:00 to reserve your luncheon.

Volunteer drivers needed to deliver meals to our homebound seniors.
If interested in volunteering please call Antonia @ 524-3756.

Spanish Class is on vacation until February. Friday Guitar class with Arlene McCutcheon will continue. If you are interested in learning basic guitar chords drop in at the center with your guitar at 11:00 a.m. on Fridays.

We are offering a MS WORD 7 Computer Class on Fridays at 10:00, if interested please call the Senior Center @ 524-4533 and put your name on the list.

Water Color classes on Monday mornings at 10:00 are taking the month of December off. They will start up again in January.

There will be no Yoga class on Thursday December 30th.

The Senior Center will be closed on Friday, December 24th and Friday December 31st.

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