The Fillmore Senior Center is checking into THE TREASURE BOX food support program for Fillmore. If there is interest from Fillmore residents, the Center will make arrangements to take orders and distribute the food monthly.

This outreach for families in our community has no age or financial limitations. It is open to anyone with an interest in securing food at reasonable price on a monthly basis. The food would be delivered frozen to the Senior Center with families picking up their order the same day. A Treasure Box is 22-25 lb. box of high quality food. It includes 9-12 lbs. of protein (beef, chicken, etc) vegetables, fruit, side dishes and a dessert for only $30. This box contains enough food to feed a family of four lunch and dinner for almost a week, or an individual for about a month.

Anyone can participate; there are no restrictions or requirements. Food orders are taken ahead of time and $30 paid in advance. The program is very successful in Moorpark and other areas in the County. If you might be interested in participating, or helping with the distribution, call the Senior Center. 524-4533.

If there is enough interest, the project will move along with possible delivery within 2 months. If you wish to find out more about the program, view online at Many churches and civic organizations use this as one of their primary community outreach programs. Everyone can benefit from less expensive, high quality food.


The Rotary Club of Fillmore honored six High School seniors with scholarships at a recent meeting. The six seniors were Esteban Casas, Kelsey MacDonald, Kellsie McLain, Lena Stehly, Rebecca Vassaur and Elizabeth Wareham. Each was awarded $1,000 toward their college education.


Classes for Visually impaired or the Blind offered by Braille Institute
The Braille Institute is offering to hold classes at the Fillmore Senior Center for people who are blind or visually impaired. If you would be interested or for more information please call the Fillmore Senior Center at 524-4533

Library Book Case: The Senior Center is in need of another book case for it’s library. If you have an extra one we would gladly give it a good home. Give us a call 524-4533 we will pick it up.

Treasure Box Food Program
The Fillmore Senior Center is considering becoming a local Host Sites for the “Treasure Box”. The Treasure Box is a pre-assembled box packed with $75 - $100 worth of delicious, high quality frozen food offered to individuals and families for just $30 per box. Anyone interested in buying food through the Treasure Box Food Program should call the center so we know if there is enough interest to pursue this program. or for more information Call 524-4533.

Paper Craft/Scrap booking If you like cutting up paper, playing with glue & glitter this is you opportunity to catch up on some of the crafts you’ve been planning on doing but just don’t get around to doing. Bring your projects to the Senior Center on Friday’s at 9:00 AM. Make some new friends, have some coffee & a sweet roll even stay for lunch. For information on this work shop please call Nathalie at 421-7785

AAA Drivers Training Class will be offered again on July 12 & 15th. At the Fillmore Senior Center From 9am to 1. The class is in two parts, Please call 524-4533 to Sign-up. Taking the class gives you a discount on your Auto Insurance.


Braille classes offered
The Braille Institute is offering to hold classes at the Fillmore Senior Center for people who are blind or visually impaired. If you would be interested or for more information please call the Fillmore Senior Center at 524-4533
Cymbidium Transplant Class
This is a great opportunity to learn more about Cymbidium Orchids on Friday, June 25 at 10 AM, Here at the Fillmore Senior Center. There will be some plants available for purchase at $10 each. If you have 1 gal empty pots please bring them with you. For more information Call Beverly at 524-4533.
Microsoft Word 2007 Computer class started June18th
If you’ve purchased a new computer you most likely have MSWord 2007. This Class will help you discover how to maneuver around the new tool bar, formatting paragraphs, working with styles, adding bullets & numbers, undoing & redoing, setting page layouts & printing documents. To sign-up or for more information Call Beverly at 524-4533.
Crane Folding: Everyone is invited to come for the Crane Folding Class on Monday June 21th. To support the Peace Pole.
Library Book Case: The Senior Center is in need of another book case for it’s library. If you have an extra one we would gladly give it a good home. Give us a call 524-4533 we will pick it up.
Treasure Box Food Program
The Fillmore Senior Center is considering becoming a local Host Sites for the “Treasure Box”. The Treasure Box is a pre-assembled box packed with $75 - $100 worth of delicious, high quality frozen food offered to individuals and families for just $30 per box. Anyone interested in buying food through the Treasure Box Food Program should call the center so we know if there is enough interest to pursue this program. or for more information Call Beverly at 524-4533.
The Busy Hands Class (knitting & crocheting) is always happy to except donations of yarn and knitting or crochet needles. They can be dropped off Monday thru Friday at the Senior Center.
The Senior Center is looking for a Line Dancing instructor. Please call 524-4533 if you would be interested we would love to talk to you.


The Fillmore Senior Center is checking into THE TREASURE BOX food support program for Fillmore. If there is interest from Fillmore residents, the Center will make arrangements to take orders and distribute the food monthly.

This outreach for families in our community has no age or financial limitations. It is open to anyone with an interest in securing food at reasonable price on a monthly basis.
The food would be delivered frozen to the Senior Center with families picking up their order the same day. A Treasure Box is 22-25 lb. box of high quality food.

It includes 9-12 lbs. of protein (beef, chicken, etc) vegetables, fruit, side dishes and a dessert for only $30. This box contains enough food to feed a family of four lunch and dinner for almost a week, or an individual for about a month. Anyone can participate; there are no restrictions or requirements.

Food orders are taken ahead of time and $30 paid in advance. The program is very successful in Moorpark and other areas in the County. If you might be interested in participating, or helping with the distribution, call the Senior Center. 524-4533.

If there is enough interest, the project will move along with possible delivery within 2 months. If you wish to find out more about the program, view online at

Many churches and civic organizations use this as one of their primary community outreach programs. Everyone can benefit from less expensive, high quality food.


Jeanne Faith will be holding a class on “crane making” at the Senior Center on Monday, June 21st from 10-11:30. All seniors are invited to attend and learn how to make origami cranes as part of the Peace Pole project.
Everyone in Fillmore has worked on making 1000 paper cranes to celebrate peace. These will be sent as one section of the United Nations Day of Peace in September. If Fillmore has more than the designated 1000 cranes, the extra ones will be used when our Peace Pole is installed and dedicated in September at the City Hall Park.

Sarah Hansen and Fillmore Soroptimist have accepted this project for our community and many have made donations of both paper cranes and money to pay for the Peace Pole. Any senior may come and learn the Japanese art of origami—folding paper into figures.

Jeanne will be there to instruct and provide all necessary supplies. The Fillmore Senior Center will continue to be a part of the community and participate in every way possible. For additional information call the Center 524-4533.


Senior Activities
Bingo is Back
For all those Bingo lovers Fillmore Senior Center has Bingo, Tuesdays from 9AM to 1:00 PM. You can join in at any time, and play as many cards as you like, for .25 cents per card, per game. All the money goes into the pot for the big winner of each game. Tuesday is also Salad Bar, so come on out and possibly WIN some money and make some new or old friends.

Braille institute in Santa Barbara
The Braille institute has given expert instruction to thousands of blind & legally blind people for several decades, enabling them to develop skills they need for effective orientation and the ability to travel safely from one location to another. The Braille Institute is offering to hold classes at the Fillmore Senior Center for people who are blind & visually impaired. If you would be interested or for more information please call the Fillmore Senior Center at 524-4533

Fireworks Booth
The Senior Center is manning their own Fireworks Booth this year. We need volunteer man power to work in the booth, so if you’re an adult and can spare a couple hours please give us a call at 524-4533

Cymbidium Transplant Class
Carolyn Laskey a member of the Orchid Society will be giving a demonstration on transplanting Cymbidium Orchids on Friday, June 25 at 10 AM, Here at the Fillmore Senior Center. The Cymbidium is one of the most popular and desirable orchids in the world because of the beauty of flowers. Repotting is done every 2 to 4 years and is best indicated by the plant bulbs filling the pot or the plant not growing well over the past year. This is a great opportunity to learn from an expert on Repotting your Cymbidiums. For more information Call Beverly at 524-4533. There will be some plants available for purchase at $10 each. If you have 1 gal empty pots please bring them with you.

Microsoft Word 2007 Computer class starting June18th
This class is for Seniors already familiar with Windows and will be 5 consecutive weeks and limited to 6 students at a time. Covering becoming familiar with MSWord 2007, Basic features, toolbar, formatting paragraphs & working with styles, adding bullets & numbers, undoing & redoing, and setting page layouts & printing documents. To sign-up or For more information Call Beverly at 524-4533.


Drivers Needed
Volunteers working in the kitchen will soon all be “officially” trained so everything in the kitchen and salad bar is done properly. The Center personnel are trying to cooperate with the City and County with their maze of rules to be sure no food problems develop. Drivers are still needed to deliver MEALS ON WHEELS for shut-ins.

Blood Pressure Screening
Catholic Charities will provide screening for blood pressure and blood sugar on Wednesday, June 2 from 9-11:30 at the Senior Center.

Quilting Class
The next new program may be a quilting class. If you are interested in learning about quilting, call the Center and get your name on the list so you will be ready when the details are worked out. 524-4533

Fireworks Booth
The Senior Center will be operating a fireworks stand again this year and doing the work with less help from the City. There is a need to “man the booth” for the full week, so please call the Center and volunteer for a shift. All help is welcome!

Thanks to Starbucks
When you stop by Starbucks Coffee, be sure and tell them how much we appreciate the treats they donate to the Center each morning. Everyone likes to be recognized for their good works, so tell Starbucks THANKS!


Braille Class
The Braille Institute of Santa Barbara would like to hold a class at the Center for anyone with sight impairment. The class would cover adjusting to everyday living situations for those with below normal vision .The Senior Center Board will assist with transportation if needed. The date and time will be determined when we have a list of 6-8 people who are interested. If this is something that would help you, or a friend, please call the Center so you can be contacted in the future. 524-4533.

Much Thanks
Ray and Vivian Johnson have completed the new, portable dividers for the Center and they are being put to good use. With limited space and many activities the programs often need separate areas. THANKS TO RAY AND VIVIAN for their hard work.

Bookshelf Needed
A recent donation of several boxes of books is requiring an additional bookshelf for the library. If anyone has a bookshelf to donate, please call the Center and arrange for pickup. 524-4533. The bigger, the better!

Book Club to Meet
The Senior Book Club will be holding their monthly meeting June 11th at the Senior Center at 10a.m. The next book to be discussed will be “Power of One” by Bryce Courtenay. The recommended book to go with it is “The Help” by Kathryn Stockett. This active group welcomes new members who enjoy reading.

June 22, 2010

(Ventura, California) Advances in orthopedic surgery will be the focus of a free seminar the Community Memorial Health System is holding on Tuesday, June 22.

Thomas F. Golden, M.D., a Ventura orthopedic surgeon, will lead the seminar from 6 to 8 p.m. in the eighth-floor Nichols Auditorium at Community Memorial Hospital, located at 147 Brent St. in Ventura.

Sports medicine, arthroscopic surgery, joint replacements and modern fracture care will be among the topics Dr. Golden will cover.

Dr. Golden, who is on staff at Community Memorial Hospital, received his medical degree from the University of Virginia, School of Medicine, and completed his residency with the San Francisco Orthopedic Program. He is board-certified with the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery and is a member of the Arthroscopy Association of North America.

Admission is free but space is limited, so reservations are suggested. Call 652-5436, or visit

Community Memorial Health System is a not-for-profit health system, which is comprised of Community Memorial Hospital, Ojai Valley Community Hospital, and nine family-practice health centers entitled Centers for Family Health. The health system is located in Ventura County, California.


(Ventura, California) — Community Memorial Hospital announced the launch of StrokeAware, an online risk assessment to help individuals determine if they have or are at risk for stroke.

The free screenings take place Fridays, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the StrokeAware office across the street from the hospital at 168 N. Brent St. on the third floor. No appointment is necessary; walk-ins are welcomed.

A stroke or "brain attack" occurs when a blood clot blocks an artery (a blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to the body) or a blood vessel (a tube through which the blood moves through the body) breaks, interrupting blood flow to an area of the brain. When either of these things happens, brain cells begin to die and brain damage occurs.

When brain cells die during a stroke, abilities controlled by that area of the brain are lost. These abilities include speech, movement and memory. How a stroke patient is affected depends on where the stroke occurs in the brain and how much the brain is damaged.

“StrokeAware can help us effectively identify people with risk symptoms for stroke,” said Adam Thunell, CMHS’s chief operating officer. “We have a responsibility to not only care for our community but to raise awareness of health risks through education and prevention. We feel StrokeAware can do just that.”

When patients take the StrokeAware risk assessment, the program considers the following risk factors:

High blood pressure Smoking Diabetes
High cholesterol Family history of CV disease Over weight
Over age 50 Inactivity/sedentary lifestyle Leg pain
TIA (mini-stroke) symptoms

Weekly, Community Memorial Hospital offers free mini-stroke screenings. Stroke is the No. 3 cause of death from men and women, and the screenings are offered as a prevention strategy to identify and educate those who are at risk. Participants have their blood pressure taken in both arms and are given EKG rhythm strip and carotid auscultation tests. They also are educated on the signs and symptoms of a stroke and the importance of arriving at the hospital within 3 hours of the onset of symptoms.

For more information on StrokeAware, call 667-2818.

Community Memorial Hospital is a member of Community Memorial Health System, a not-for-profit health system, which is comprised of Community Memorial Hospital, Ojai Valley Community Hospital, and nine family-practice health centers entitled Centers for Family Health. The health system is located in Ventura County, California.


Senior Center Library
The library at the Senior Center needs an additional bookshelf to accommodate new books. Anyone who has one to donate to the Center should call 524-4533 or Marie Wren, 524-4044.

Volunteer Training
Volunteers working in the kitchen and salad bar will be taking a training class on May 17th so everyone is conforming to the County rules for handling food.

Senior Attendance
The attendance at the Center for April was 956, plus those the desk “let slip by” without signing the daily log. That averages 44 people a day using the facilities. (We are hoping to get to 1000 before summer is over.) We hope you will come and join the fun and stay to help with programs.

Sarah Hansen
The Senior Center is honored that our book club and nature hike leader, Sarah Hansen, was chosen as Fillmore Distinguished Citizen for 2009. Looking at the list of her things, we are lucky she has time to add us to her schedule. Congratulations Sarah!

Busy Hands
The Busy Hands group is working on lots of different things with knitting and crochet ahead most of the time. Donna Voelker does an outstanding job of keeping everyone on track with their patterns and completing their project.

The Senior Center will be taking charge of their fireworks stand this year with Gloria Hansen working with Jeff Washburn and Kevin Donohue. Now is the time to contact one of them and sign up to work a couple of shifts selling fireworks. We need the income from this stand to help maintain the Center and its many activities.

May 29, 2010

The City of Santa Paula Police Department Citizens Patrol Unit is privileged to have Kimberly R. Kelly, Founder and Executive Director of “Project far from Home” present a FREE seminar at the Santa Paula High School auditorium for personnel associated with searching and caring for Alzheimer’s patients and we would like to extend an invitation to you or your organization.

The event will be held on Saturday, may 29th, check in time 8am to 8:45am (refreshments); Seminar time, 9am-noon (FREE); Location, Santa Paula High School Auditorium, 4504 N. 6th Street (the 5th St. entrance off Santa Paula St. leads to the auditorium). There will people to show you where to park. RSVP by May 17th to insure sufficient materials by phone or email. Please contact event coordinator Beverly Samantha Frady, Citizens Patrol Volunteer at 525-7646 or 754-9689, or e-mail \For more information on project Far From Home: please visit Kimberly Kelly’s website at


Blood Pressure Check
The next blood pressure and blood sugar checks will be available on Wednesday June 2nd at the Senior Center from 9-11. This free service is provided by the Catholic Charities of the Ventura Region. It is important that all seniors check these items between doctors’ visits in order to stay healthy. Watch Channel 10 for the regular dates.

Volunteers operate the hostess desk at the Senior Center each day. By signing in at the desk, seniors help the Center record participation. The desk host also answers the phone and keeps track of those wanting to attend classes and making field trips reservations. Anyone who is interested in working at the desk once a week, or once a month, please call Allan Hair who schedules times. 524-4533

Poppy Field Trip
The van trip to the Lancaster Poppy Preserve was a success last week with more people wanting to go than the van would hold. The next field trip will probably be to the Santa Barbara Zoo, so watch the paper for dates. If you have a special idea for a field trip, call the desk and put it on the list for the future.

To keep up with activities at the Center, read the Fillmore Gazette each week and then join us at the Center for lunch, activities for entertainment or education---we do it all.

Braille Mobile
The Braille mobile unit will be back in July. We are depending upon the community to help us find those with sight problems that will visit the unit for suggestions for making their life better. The Braille Institute is arranging for a tape recorder and tapes to be in the library at the Center. Anyone with a sight problem is welcome to come and try the “talking books.” If you are interested in securing a set up for yourself to use at home, the paper work will be at the library and we will help you complete the form.

Anchored in Santa Barbara, the mobile unit travels to locations offering exams and products such as large-face watches and clocks, as shown by Bob Basche, mobile solutions driver.
Anchored in Santa Barbara, the mobile unit travels to locations offering exams and products such as large-face watches and clocks, as shown by Bob Basche, mobile solutions driver.
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Braille Mobile visited Fillmore Senior Center on Tuesday, April 27th.
Braille Mobile visited Fillmore Senior Center on Tuesday, April 27th.
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The final “head count” for March attendance was over 900—rah, rah! Our programs continue to grow and attract more participation.

Salad Bar
The Thursday salad bar is expanding as seniors remember to put it on their calendar for the week. Toni will have bus tokens for those needing transportation to the senior nutrition program. Ask her for details when you come to eat.

Meals on Wheels
The MEALS ON WHEELS program provides a hot meal delivered to the home for seniors unable to come to the Center. This program needs drivers to help with the home delivery. Drivers can work any day Monday to Friday for about an hour. The program will pay a gas allowance if needed. The MEALS ON WHEELS program is one of the more important services provided at the Center. For additional information to enroll for home delivered meals, or to help with the delivery, call Toni in the kitchen, 524-3756.

Field Trips
Field Trips for the seniors are partly financed by the attendees with the Center usually paying for the van. In order to permit everyone have a change of pace, it is important the cost be kept minimal. Anyone who would like to help with the van cost, is invited to call the Center or Marie Wren, 524-4044.

May 11th, 2010

(Ventura, California) Rheumatoid arthritis will be the focus of a free informational seminar that Community Memorial Health System is holding on Tuesday, May 11.

Tammy Cheng, M.D., an internist who specializes in joint pain as well as autoimmune conditions including rheumatoid arthritis, will lead the seminar that will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. in the eighth-floor Nichols Auditorium at Community Memorial Hospital, located at 147 Brent St. in Ventura.

Dr. Cheng will discuss the many different causes for rheumatoid arthritis and the latest treatment options available. She also will discuss many conditions that mimic rheumatoid arthritis, including osteoarthritis, Lyme disease, gout and pseudo gout, arthritis associated with inflammatory bowel disease and lupus.

Dr. Cheng, an active member of the CMH medical staff, earned her medical degree at Washington University School of Medicine and completed an internship and residency at Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis. She is certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine in both Rheumatology and Internal Medicine.

Space is limited, so reservations are recommended. Call 805/652-5436, or register online at

Community Memorial Health System is a not-for-profit health system, which is comprised of Community Memorial Hospital, Ojai Valley Community Hospital, and nine family-practice health centers entitled the Centers for Family Health. The health system is located in Ventura County, California.


The long awaited WILD FLOWER field trip will be held Friday April 30 for interested seniors. The bus will leave the Senior Center at 10 a.m. for a trip to Lancaster and the Poppy Preserve with the round trip coming home through Gorman. The cost of the bus will be paid by the Senior Center but a donation of $5 per person will help defray the cost of gasoline. Seniors may bring a sack lunch and water as there will not be a restaurant lunch stop. The flowers are now in full bloom and we will call the Preserve a few days in advance to be sure weather has not ruined the blossoms. The trip will be limited to 14, so call ASAP and put your name and phone number on the reservation list.

Senior Book Club
The Senior Book Club will be reading FIRST FAMILY by David Baldacci to discuss at their next meeting Friday May 14th. The recommended reading for the month is ROSES by Leila Meacham. The book club has changed their meetings to the second Friday of the month, so all members should change their schedules.


The MOBILE SOLUTIONS from the Braille Institute in Santa Barbara will be in Fillmore Tuesday, April 27th at the Senior Center from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Their mobile unit provides free programs and services directly to our community. Low Vision Rehabilitation Specialists will evaluate your low vision needs and demonstrate various solutions for an independent and fulfilling life.

Mobile Solutions provides magnification and lighting demonstrations, one-on-one consultation with low vision professionals, adaptive products for purchase, writing guiles and large-print calendars. They will also have applications for borrowing books on tape and videos. Every family with a member who has a sight problem should attend this no cost service.

May 22, 2010

(Ventura, California) Stroke screenings, heart rhythm checks, non-invasive blood pressure measurements, non-fasting total cholesterol and glucose (limited supply), diabetes information, and a cardiopulmonary resuscitation demonstration will be featured at the Community Memorial Health System Cardiovascular Health Fair on Saturday, May 22.

The free informational event will also feature expert speakers and heart-care seminars, plus “Ask a Nurse” and “Ask a Pharmacist” booths. The event is from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Community Memorial Hospital’s eighth-floor Nichols Auditorium. Bilingual staff will be available.

Those attending will learn how the cardiovascular system works and how the ABCs of cardiovascular health affect them. In addition, attendees will learn how advertising may influence choices that affect cardiovascular health and ways to make positive choices for good cardiovascular health.

Other cardiovascular health topics to be covered include smoking cessation, exercise, stress reduction, chiropractic care and mini-stress massages. Prizes, giveaways and free refreshments will be provided.

Community Memorial Hospital is located at 147 N. Brent Street. For more information or to register, call (805) 585-3055, or visit

Community Memorial Health System is a not-for-profit health system, which is comprised of Community Memorial Hospital, Ojai Valley Community Hospital, and nine family-practice health centers entitled Centers for Family Health. The health system is located in Ventura County, California.

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