Spring time is here! The Fillmore Community Farmers Market is Back! Grand re-Opening, Wednesday April 20th and every Wed. there after market hours every Wed. 3:30 to 7:00pm, for more info contact Scott or Laura Beylik @ 524-5533 or tomatoman1969@yahoo.com, facebook Fillmore Farmers Market



Sunday, May 15th Fillmore Memorial Building 1:00PM. Registration Cost: $40.00 per entry.
This pageant is open to Girls ages 0 – 12 yrs and Boys ages 0 – 7yrs. Contestants will be judged on beauty and personality. Applications may be obtained at the Fillmore Chamber of Commerce or by calling #805-340-6222 or #805-630-3987.


Grad Nite Live needs cars, trucks, RVs, motorcycles, etc., etc., etc.

We have the Storage Yard so we can keep them together. We have a small storage container that has been loaned to us until THE CITY gets the 2 storage containers they were directed to replace by the City Council in Feb. 9th of this year...We are collecting Yard Sale items for our Yard Sale April 23rd. Call me 407-5759 or 524-4909 for collection, thank you. Mrs. Chaney.


Vision 2020 Civic Pride Committee announces a “Creative Design” workshop that will be led by Charlene Smith on April 6th at 4 pm. The workshop will be held at 233 4th Street. This workshop will be for 4H, Scouts, other youth groups & open to the public at large.

Bring some flowers, clippers & an interesting container & most importantly, your willingness to enjoy creating!
This workshop will help prepare people for the Fillmore Flower Show coming April 16,17 at the Senior Center on Santa Clara Street.

The Sespe Players and Fillmore High School Drama Programs proudly present "Totally Rad!"

A new 80's musical written by FHS's own Josh Overton! This fun musical features some most excellent singing and dancing to tunes you'll remember from this gnarly decade. The hair styles and costumes are easily worth the price of admission!

The show opens this Friday, April 1st at 7pm. Other performances include: Saturday, April 2nd at 7pm, Sunday, April 3rd at 2pm, Friday, April 8th at 7pm, Saturday, April 9th at 7pm, Sunday, April 10th at 2pm.

Tickets are $5 for students and seniors, $7 for adults, and $15 for our new Anytime Ticket - good for unlimited admissions. Come see this Totally Rad show as many times as you want! Contact Josh Overton at 276-6070 or Janet Foy at 524-2757 for more info.


The City of Fillmore in conjunction with the County of Ventura & Clean Harbors will be hosting a household hazardous waste collection day Saturday April 2, 2011 between the hours of 8:30AM – 1:15PM at the Fillmore Public Works Yard located at 711 Sespe Place, Fillmore.

This collection event is open to residents of Fillmore, Piru & Santa Paula as well as the unincorporated areas of western Ventura County. The household hazardous waste facility accepts paints, stains, thinners and solvents, kitchen & bath cleaning products, lawn & garden products, photographic chemicals, oil, antifreeze, automotive and household batteries, fluorescent light tubes, mercury thermostats, mercury containing products, electronic waste & more. This event is FREE to the public and the perfect opportunity to get rid of those items you otherwise cannot throw into the trash.

For questions or to schedule a drop-off appointment, please call (805) 658-4323.


Location: Thousand Oaks High School 2323 N. Moorpark Road, Thousand Oaks, Ca.
Date & Time: Thursday, March 31, 2011 @ 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.

The problem when you chase a dragon is at some point he might turn his head and kill you. There are many metaphors for opium abuse, but the reference to “chasing the dragon” is a grim example of how serious the consequences can be.

Prescription pill and heroin abuse has increased in many communities throughout the United States, and the reason may surprise most people. Many of the young people who find their way down a path toward opium addiction began the treacherous journey in a medicine cabinet at home.

Most prescription pain medications derive their potency from opium. With pills being commonly prescribed, they are easily accessible both at home and on the street. The transition from pills to either smoking or injecting heroin is inevitable, given ample supplies and relatively cheap prices.

The physical and psychological need to maintain the addiction is the bridge that leads from prescription pills to heroin.

The communities in the Conejo Valley are no exception to this growing problem. There were 26 heroin overdoses reported in Thousand Oaks and the surrounding unincorporated areas between Jan. 1, 2009 and March 15, 2011. Four of those cases resulted in death. There were 245 arrests related to heroin abuse during the same time period. Of those arrests, 197 of the cases involved people between the age of 16 and 25.

Thursday evening, officials from law enforcement, the medical field, and behavioral health community will host a forum that is free to attend and open to anyone interested in learning more about this disturbing trend in our community.

In addition to the panel of professionals, there will be several members of the community on hand to share their experiences of how prescription drugs and heroin have affected their lives.

The event will take place in the performing arts center at Thousand Oaks High School.

Anyone with expired or unused prescription drugs can properly dispose of those items in a bin that will be provided at the event by the Thousand Oaks Police Department.

U.S. Postal Service is Hosting Several Passport Fairs Throughout Area

SANTA CLARITA, CA. - The U.S. Postal Service is hosting a series of Passport Fairs throughout the Sierra Coastal Postal District on Saturday, April 9, 2011 to provide passport information to U.S. citizens and to accept passport applications. The Postal Service is joining the U.S. Department of State in celebrating “Passport Day in the USA,” a national passport acceptance and outreach event.

“We are happy to leverage the convenience of the Postal Service and partner with the Department of State to help our customers apply for passports,” said Michael Madrigal, manager of retail for the Sierra Coastal District. In 2010, the Postal Service accepted 6.7 million passport applications at retail locations across the country.

Information on the cost and how to apply for a U.S. passport book and/or passport card can be found at www.usps.com/passport/ or www.travel.state.gov. U.S. citizens also may obtain passport information by phone, in English or Spanish, by calling the National Passport Information Center toll free at 1-877-487-2778.

On April 9, customers can visit one of the following locations to apply for a passport without first having to make an appointment:

Post Office
Passport Hours

Moorpark Post Office
100 West High Street
10 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Oxnard Main Post Office
1961 North C Street
9 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Santa Paula Post Office
111 South Mill Street
Santa Paula
10 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Simi Valley Main Post Office
2551 North Galena Avenue
Simi Valley
10 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Goleta Branch Post Office
130 South Patterson
10 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Bishop Post Office
595 W Line Street
10 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Antelope Station Post Office
43824 20th Street West
10 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Not sure why we have a photo of the
Not sure why we have a photo of the "Eight is Enough" dad. Did they shoot a scene here in Fillmore?
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Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please add any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting. Thank You.
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Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please add any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting. Thank You.
Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please add any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting. Thank You.
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Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please add any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting. Thank You.
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Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please add any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting. Thank You.
Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please add any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting. Thank You.
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The Fillmore Little League would like to give the Fillmore Fire Department a big thank you for taking time out of their busy schedule to hang the home plate foul net. Thank you so much for all the Fire Department does for the community.
The Fillmore Little League would like to give the Fillmore Fire Department a big thank you for taking time out of their busy schedule to hang the home plate foul net. Thank you so much for all the Fire Department does for the community.
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The Andrade Family would like to express our gratitude to everyone who attended, donated and participated in the fundraiser held on March 12, 2011 on our behalf. Without all of you it would not have been such a success! A very special Thank You to the following: Jorge & Jennie Andrade, Miguel Arroyo, Eric Brown, Ray Ibon, Ben Villa, Ismael Alonzo & Family, DJ Smokey, The House Arrest Band. God Bless You All, Marcelo & Debbie Andrade & Family.
The Andrade Family would like to express our gratitude to everyone who attended, donated and participated in the fundraiser held on March 12, 2011 on our behalf. Without all of you it would not have been such a success! A very special Thank You to the following: Jorge & Jennie Andrade, Miguel Arroyo, Eric Brown, Ray Ibon, Ben Villa, Ismael Alonzo & Family, DJ Smokey, The House Arrest Band. God Bless You All, Marcelo & Debbie Andrade & Family.
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Robert Munoz
Robert Munoz

The Lion’s Club held their Zone Speech contest on March 9th at the Boys and Girls Club in Camarillo. This year’s winner was Robert Munoz of Fillmore. This year’s Topic is “Protecting our Borders, Federal Rights vs. State Rights”. He now has the opportunity to compete at the Region Lever on March 14th. He was accompanied by Fillmore Lions representative Bill Edmonds and by his proud parents and brothers.

Roberto is a junior at Fillmore High School and is active in the Marching Band, Jazz Band, Boy Scouts, Cross Country and will appear in the musical “Totally Rad”.

March 26, 2011

Residents are encouraged to recycle appliances, refrigerators, electronics, tires, wood trash and recyclables
Got clutter around the house? Bring it to Fillmore’s “City-Wide Clean Up Day” on Saturday, March 26, 2011.

City residents and small-business owners are encouraged to bring their unwanted clutter that day to Well No. 4 located at 728 Goodenough Road, across the street from Ameron Pole Products, between 8 a.m. and 2 p.m. Trash, recyclables, furniture, appliances, old tires, refrigerators, computers, television sets, stereos and cathode ray tubes are among the materials that will be accepted, free of charge.

Note, however, that oil, gasoline, diesel fuel and household hazardous waste such as cleaning solvents, pesticides, fertilizers, batteries and paint will not be accepted during “City-Wide Clean Up Day.” However, the City of Fillmore’s next Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) collection is April 2, 2011.

For more information on the “City-Wide Clean Up Day,” call 524-3701.

El 26de marzo es el día de limpieza de primavera de toda la ciudad en Fillmore

¿Tiene demasiada basura en su hogar? Tráigala al día de limpieza de toda la ciudad el sábado 26 de marzo, 2011.
Invitamos a los residentes de Fillmore, y los propietarios de pequeños negocios para que traigan sus artículos no deseados al pozo #4 (well #4) que está en 728 Goodenough Rd. al cruzar la calle de Ameron Pole Products. Será de las 8:00 a.m. hasta las 2:00 p.m. Sin costo alguno se aceptará: basura, reciclables, muebles, artefactos eléctricos, llantas viejas, refrigeradores, computadoras, televisiones, estéreos, y tubos de rayos catódicos.

Nota: por favor, tenga en cuenta que durante el Día de Limpieza de toda la Ciudad lo que NO se aceptará es lo siguiente: aceite, gasolina, diesel, y desechos peligrosos como: solubles, pesticidas, fertilizantes, baterías, y pintura. Sin embargo, El 2 de abril, 2011 es el día de primavera para Deshacerse de Desechos Peligrosos (HHW) en Fillmore.

Para más información del Día de Limpieza de toda la Ciudad de Fillmore llame al 524-3701.

April 12, 2011

Ventura, CA. - Pain management and fibromyalgia – a type of arthritis which includes widespread muscle and joint discomfort – will be the focus of a free seminar the Community Memorial Health System is holding on Tuesday, April 12.

Dr. Nelly K. Mac, a Ventura anesthesiologist, will lead the seminar that will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. in Community Memorial Hospital’s eighth-floor Nichols Auditorium.

Dr. Mac will discuss symptoms of fibromyalgia, which can also include fatigue, depression and social isolation, as well as diagnostic and treatment options. They include pharmacotherapy and non-pharmacologic care.

Dr. Mac received her medical degree from the University of the East Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Medical Center in Quezon City, Philippines and is an active member of the Community Memorial Hospital staff.

Admission is free, but space is limited, so reservations are suggested. Call (805) 652-5436, or visit www.cmhshealth.org/rsvp.

Community Memorial Hospital is located at 147 N. Brent St. in Ventura.

Community Memorial Health System is a not-for-profit health system, which is comprised of Community Memorial Hospital, Ojai Valley Community Hospital, and nine family-practice health centers entitled Centers for Family Health. The health system is located in Ventura County, California.

Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please add any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting. Thank You.
Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please add any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting. Thank You.
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Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please add any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting. Thank You.
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Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please add any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting. Thank You.
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Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please add any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting. Thank You.
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March 22, 2011
Jacqui Bowe
Jacqui Bowe

Please join us at our March 22, Ebell Program and see this entertainer with the triple threat. She uses her arsenal of talents to delight her audience, and they always want more. Ms. Bowe's show is a fabulous combination of Broadway show tunes, jazz, ballet, tap dance and comedy.Jacqui earned a degree in Theatre Arts at UCLA and won the Carol Burnett Comedy Contest. She is a Star of screen, television and stage and has tap danced with Sammy Davis Jr. and Gregory Himes. She has traveled with the National tour of A CHORUS LINE AND FORTY SECOND STREET, along with many other famous musicals. Don't miss out on the fun!!!!!

For reservation call Levonne Deeter at 805-524-2090, the luncheon is at 12:30 with the cost of $12.00, or if you can only make it to the program, it starts at 1:45 pm for$10.00. If you are interested in joining Ebell arts and entertainment club please call Melodie Stitch at 805-521-1400.

FFA members who were awarded the Greenhand FFA Degree.
FFA members who were awarded the Greenhand FFA Degree.
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FFA members who were awarded the Chapter FFA Degree.
FFA members who were awarded the Chapter FFA Degree.
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Last week at our monthly meeting, Fillmore FFA members and parents celebrated the Greenhand and Chapter Award Ceremony. The Greenhand Award is an achievement earned by first year members. In order to obtain the Greenhand award, students must be enrolled in an Ag. class, have satisfactory plans for a Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) project, and demonstrate an understanding of the FFA Creed, Mission Statement as well as the FFA jacket. Fillmore members who have recently earned their Greenhand FFA Degree are as follows: Anthony Alamillo, Erika Garcia, Esneyder Gaytan, Felipe Cortez, Hellena Replogle, Zahydie Martin, Kayleigh Carpenter, Kristian Felix, and Ricardo Aparacio. For students to receive the Chapter Award they must have earned the Greenhand Award, have an SAE project in operation, know at least five steps of the Parliamentary Procedure, and have participated in the planning and improvement of chapter activities. Fillmore members who have earned the Chapter FFA Degree are as follows: Andrew Perez, Alexus Galassi, Christian Peritore, Hailee Smith, Brooke Aguirre, Jordan Carrillo, Micah Chumley, Oscar Negrete, Ryan Calderon, Sal Lopez, Saul Lopez, Yazmine Luna and Jennifer Martin.. I’d like to thank all the parents for attending the Greenhand and Chapter Ceremony and for making the delicious food for the potluck. I’d also like to thank Mr. Ricards and Wayne for always helping the members for FFA activities and more.

Are you a fan of California’s Agriculture? If so, you may be interested in purchasing a Cal Ag License Plate! This fundraiser is to help our states’ agricultural youth by reducing or eliminating the cost of leadership conferences like Made For Excellence, Advanced Leadership Academy and State Conference. With a Cal Ag License Plate on your vehicle, not only will you be showing off your support of agriculture but you will also be enhancing the California FFA Association. All proceeds will be used to improve Ag. Education, career awareness and training, and youth leadership development. The California FFA Association’s goal is 7,500 plates, but as of right now we only have about 1,000. The deadline for the fundraiser is April 17th at the State FFA Conference. As a chapter, we are trying to get as many plates sold as possible. If you are interested in supporting the FFA and California’s agriculture, please contact Mr. Ricards at jricards@fillmore.k12.ca.us or visit calagplate.com to order your plate today!

Brooke Aguirre is Fillmore FFA's Chapter Reporter


Applications are now available for Adult Women planning to return to college or Trade school or are currently attending such a school. Applications are available from Susan Banks at 524-1470, the deadline is Friday April 8th, 2011.

This scholarship is for the educational improvement of women in the work force who reside within the Fillmore Unified School District to better the lives of their families and our community.

Lauren and Jared Fairall, members of Cindy Klittich’s 4H & Scout garden club, enjoying the array of succulent wreaths & potted plants.
Lauren and Jared Fairall, members of Cindy Klittich’s 4H & Scout garden club, enjoying the array of succulent wreaths & potted plants.
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Vision 2020 Civic Pride Committee members were recently joined by Cindy Klittich’s hardworking, 4H & Scout gardening club group for a succulent wreath and succulent plant potting workshop held at Sarah Hansen’s home. This cooperative effort produced a fine array of beautiful wreaths and succulent arrangements in pots worthy of any garden patio or porch needing drought tolerant, easy care plantings.

These wreaths & succulent plant pots were created as a fundraising effort to support the Fillmore Flower Show to be held April 16 & 17 at the Fillmore Senior Center. The wreaths & plantings will be displayed & available for a “suggested donation” at the Railroad Days coming March 26, 27 from 10am to 4pm. They will be displayed next to the Artist Guild artwork. Cindy Klittich will have them available next to her booth at the Farmer’s Market beginning in April & at TomatoMania on April 1,2 at Otto & Sons Nursery. You could also get them by calling Sarah Hansen at 805-524-0132.

The Fillmore Flower Show with a theme of “Fantasy of Flowers in Fillmore”, will be held April 16 & 17 at the Fillmore Senior Center. This year we will enjoy live music performed both days with Asher Smith playing violin & mandolin on Saturday & Nathalie Miliken playing classical music on piano, Sunday.

Brochures with entry information will be placed at the Fillmore Historical Museum, City Hall, Library and the Senior Center. Vision 2020, Civic Pride Committee welcomes ALL volunteers who wish to get involved with the show set up on Friday, supervision or “take down”, after the show on Sunday. Donations are also welcomed. Contact Linda Nunes at 805-534-3021 for information.

Soroptimist Int’l of Fillmore with Fillmore Friends of the Library present four events for school age children promoting reading

Wed. March 23
Where’s My Dough?
Presented by: Aguirre Financial & Insurance Services
Book: Bunny Money by Rosemary Wells
Learn basic principles of dealing with money in a fun way

Wed. April 13
Trash to Treasure
Presented by: Jane David
Book: The Art Lesson by Tomie DePaola
Use your imagination to create art from recyclables

Wed. May 4
You’re invited to tea….
Presented by: Bella’s Teas & Treats
Book: Miss Spider’s Tea Party by David Kirk
Spend a lovely time sipping tea and eating tasty treats

Wed. June 15
T-is for Train
Presented by Sandi Ward’s Train Stop
Book: And the Train Goes…by William Bee
A fun time with audience participation

All events will start at 3:30pm and end at 4:00pm
The events will be presented at the Fillmore Library and are free.
Questions please call Soroptimist member Lynne Brooks 524.3671