Lois Freeman-Fox added some drawings to her sketchbook during some quiet moments at this year's opening day of the Farmer's Market located at the corner of Main Street and Central Avenue, June 22. Members of the Artists Guild of Fillmore set up and opened shop under Joanne KIng's new blue pop-up canopy.  Many town residents stopped by to express their interest in the Guild's endeavors and to admire all the art on display. The Guild will to show their work at the Farmers Market every third Wednesday of the month.
Lois Freeman-Fox added some drawings to her sketchbook during some quiet moments at this year's opening day of the Farmer's Market located at the corner of Main Street and Central Avenue, June 22. Members of the Artists Guild of Fillmore set up and opened shop under Joanne KIng's new blue pop-up canopy. Many town residents stopped by to express their interest in the Guild's endeavors and to admire all the art on display. The Guild will to show their work at the Farmers Market every third Wednesday of the month.
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Jim Harrison and Ralph Harrison of Harrison Industries accept the County Climate Award from Ventura County Supervisors (from left) Steve Bennett, John Zaragosa, Peter Foy, Kathy Long and Linda Parks.
Jim Harrison and Ralph Harrison of Harrison Industries accept the County Climate Award from Ventura County Supervisors (from left) Steve Bennett, John Zaragosa, Peter Foy, Kathy Long and Linda Parks.
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The Ventura County Board of Supervisors has honored Harrison Industries with its 3rd Annual Climate Change Action Award for the steps it is taking to measure its carbon footprint and to help its client cities meet anticipated tight future regulations.

The Ventura-based trash-hauling company was recognized in the “Sustainable Business Practices” category by the board during its April 19 meeting. Harrison President Ralph Harrison and Vice President Jim Harrison were on hand to accept the award.

“This program seeks to recognize individuals, businesses and groups inside and outside of government in Ventura County who are making significant contributions to improve our environment by altering their carbon footprint and combating climate change,” said First District Supervisor Steve Bennett.

Harrison’s trash collection and recycling practices have had a major positive impact on the environment for over two decades, and last year marked a major milestone for the company. In 2010, Harrison earned Climate Registered status for taking voluntary steps to measure its operation’s carbon footprint, ensuring that it is moving toward compliance of Assembly Bill 32, the California Global Warming Solutions Act. The Climate Registry is a non-profit organization that operates the only carbon footprint registry in North America.

By understanding what emissions are being generated by its operations and that of its business partners, Gold Coast Recycling & Transfer Station and Agromin, Harrison will see where processes can improve and emissions can be reduced – through fleet fuel changes, energy efficiency at its offices and other management practices. Even before seeking Climate Registry status, Harrison began gradually replacing a large number of its diesel trucks with vehicles that run on cleaner-burning liquefied natural gas and in 2006 opened the first LNG fueling station in western Ventura County.

As for recycling, newly released diversion numbers from the State of California all of the cities Harrison serves surpassed the mandated 50 percent diversion goal. The following diversion rates have been achieved by client cities: Ventura (75 percent); Camarillo (75 percent); Carpinteria (71 percent); Thousand Oaks (69 percent); Santa Paula (68 percent); Fillmore (63 percent); and Ojai (60 percent). And in unincorporated Ventura County, the diversion rate is 57 percent.

“The future is zero waste and we are making every effort to move quickly toward that goal,” Jim Harrison said. “A permitted foot waste facility will go a long way to get all of the organics out of the landfill, reducing green house gas and bringing even greater diversion to the county and cities we serve.”

About Harrison Industries:
Harrison Industries was established in 1932 and is one of the oldest and largest privately owned trash collection businesses in the United States, serving about 90,000 residential and commercial customers in Ventura County and parts of Santa Barbara County.


Thousands of women across the country join together for National Women Build Week April 30 – May 8

Oxnard, CA – In the days leading up to Mother’s Day, construction crews of female volunteers will raise their hammers at Habitat for Humanity construction sites across the country in recognition of National Women Build Week, April 30 to May 8. Lowe’s and Habitat for Humanity are looking for local women to volunteer for a day at a Habitat construction site. Construction or home improvement experience is not necessary.

Habitat for Humanity of Ventura County and a crew of women volunteers and sponsors will be working on two Habitat homes at 550 and 552 Temescal Street in Piru on Saturday, April 30th. The day will begin at 8:00 am with Supervisor Kathy Long welcoming and thanking the volunteers.

“We are very excited about having these ladies work side by side with our partner families,” said Stacy Swanson, Executive Director of Habitat for Humanity of Ventura County. “Their hard work today will help bring the dream of homeownership one step closer for the Vergara and Orozco families.”

The Mother’s Day timeframe was selected for its significance to many volunteers. Families with children make up a staggering number of those in need of adequate housing. More than 12 million children - one in six - live in poverty housing in the United States alone.

To date, female volunteers have built more than 1,800 Habitat houses nationwide during National Women Build Week. Locally, Habitat for Humanity of Ventura County has hosted five Women Build events.

National Women Build Week challenges women to devote at least one day in the effort to help eliminate poverty housing. The event, now in its fourth year, has drawn more than 20,000 female volunteers from all 50 states.

Lowe’s is contributing more than CONTINUED »


Ventura County Library offers free online access to ProQuest Digital Microfilm through the Ventura County Library website. Library patrons can view and print full pages of both the New York Times and the Los Angeles Times. Pages are presented in the original layout from 2008 to present.

Your Ventura County Library card is all you need to access these digital newspapers. If you don't have a library card, get one free at any Ventura County Library location. To get started, visit vencolibrary.org to find a library near you.

Select eLibrary > Newspaper Articles.

The Ventura County Library is available 24/7 at www.vencolibrary.org.


41 units of single-room-occupancy affordable housing have opened at the historic El Patio Hotel, 167 Palm Street, downtown Ventura. The two-story hotel was originally built in 1927 and has been renovated by the non-profit organization Peoples’ Self-Help Housing (PSHH).

The classic Spanish Colonial-style hotel has been carefully restored. The 11,741 sq. ft. renovation retains the original architectural aspects of the red-tiled building and will provide much-needed affordable housing with accompanying supportive services for low income individuals, seniors, and special needs residents in 41 single rooms. 16 rooms are set aside for formerly homeless individuals referred by Ventura County Behavioral Health Department. Two rooms are handicapped accessible and rooms feature private bathrooms and kitchenettes. Amenities include a common lobby area with a vintage fireplace, wheelchair lift, community kitchen, and restored courtyard with seating and fountain.

At the 11 a.m. ribbon cutting ceremony remarks will be given by Peoples’ Self-Help Housing Board President Carolyn Johnson, Ventura City Councilwoman Christy Weir, PSHH Executive Director Jeanette Duncan, California Tax Credit Allocation Committee Development Section Program Manager Anthony Zeto, and others. Two current residents will also talk about their experience living at the hotel and previous homelessness.

Tours of resident rooms at the hotel will also be offered.

Recognized will be the project’s funding partners, including the City of Ventura Redevelopment Agency and HOME Program, California Tax Credit Allocation Committee Section 1602/ American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, Santa Barbara Bank & Trust, Federal Home Bank of San Francisco Affordable Housing Program, and Affinity Bank (now Pacific Western Bank).

The development team included Peoples’ Executive Director Jeanette Duncan and Construction Manager Jim Hurst, architect E.C. Lind LLP, interior designer Adele Rosen, and landscape architect Robert Andrew Fowler. The on-site property manager is Michel Colmache.

Founded in 1970, Peoples’ Self-Help Housing is a charitable non-profit organization with offices in San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara. Its mission is to provide affordable housing and programs leading to self-sufficiency for low-income seniors, and other special needs groups on California’s Central Coast. Peoples’ has developed and now manages 1,350 affordable rental units in 20 communities, including Ventura. It has also helped 1,150 low income households build and own their first home.

PSHH relies on donations from individuals, businesses, foundations, and the community to continue to provide much-needed affordable housing and services. To donate visit www.pshhc.org or mail contributions to 26 E. Victoria St., Santa Barbara 93101.

For more information call Development Director Rochelle Rose(805) 962-5152 x227 or email info@pshhc.org.

May 7, 2011

Ojai, CA. - May is Women’s Health Month. Disorders of women’s urinary and genital tract will be the focus of a free seminar Community Memorial Health System is holding on Saturday, May 7.

Jill Hall, M.D., a Ventura obstetrician/gynecologist, will cover pelvic organ prolapse and urinary incontinence during the seminar that will run from 9 to 10:30 a.m. in the Soule Park Golf Course banquet room.

Dr. Hall will review in laymen’s terms the subjects of vaginal looseness and prolapse as well as urinary incontinence. She also will discuss options on how to medically and surgically manage these benign yet little-talked-about disorders.

Dr. Hall earned her medical degree at the University of Southern California’s Keck School of Medicine and is an active member of the Community Memorial Hospital medical staff.

Space is limited, so reservations are recommended. Call 805/640-2355, or register online at www.cmhshealth.org/rsvp.

Soule Park Golf Course is located at 1033 East Ojai Ave.

This event is co-sponsored by the Rotary Club of Ojai.

Community Memorial Health System is a not-for-profit health system, which is comprised of Community Memorial Hospital, Ojai Valley Community Hospital, and nine family-practice health centers entitled Centers for Family Health. The health system is located in Ventura County, California.

The Fillmore Lions Club presented Daniel Landeros and Brian McKeown with $100 each for achieveing Eagle Scout stature. The presentations were made by Bill Baumgartner, right, and Al Huerta, left.
The Fillmore Lions Club presented Daniel Landeros and Brian McKeown with $100 each for achieveing Eagle Scout stature. The presentations were made by Bill Baumgartner, right, and Al Huerta, left.
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Fillmore Convalescent Center staff congratulat one another on their START Triage completion.
Fillmore Convalescent Center staff congratulat one another on their START Triage completion.
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The City of Fillmore Fire Department in conjunction with the Fillmore Convalescent Center is proud to announce the completion of “START Triage” training with 100% of the staff members at the facility.

In an effort to increase cohesiveness between Fillmore Convalescent Center and the City of Fillmore Fire Department, both agencies partnered together to create and implement an emergency medical triage program. The purpose of this program is to address the potential influx of patients following a natural disaster. Facility personnel were trained on the “Simple Triage and Rapid Transport” medical triage system, commonly used by fire and EMS agencies throughout the State of California.

In the event of a natural disaster, facility employees are trained and prepared to triage any number of potential patients they may find in the 99-bed facility and care for them in order of severity. When fire and EMS personnel arrive on scene to assist with the care and transport of the patients, the transition of care between the two agencies will be seamless. Instruction on the START triage program was provided by Captain Patrick Maynard & Paramedic Steven Karnazes, who have been detailed to disaster planning and response.
Fillmore Convalescent Center is believed to be one of the first convalescent centers in Ventura County if not the State of California to be trained on START Triage system.


Lake Piru is the place to be this spring, with a full lake and green hillsides. With plenty of amenities, fishing, and summer swimming areas, the lake promises something for everyone this season. The lake has new marina boat docking facilities, repaved parking areas and roadways, including the full six-mile drive up Piru Canyon Road, and a renovated boat rental fleet, now with even more boats available for rent. The lake offers a new state-of-the-art drinking water system.

The renovation and remodel of the snack bar and camp store are underway and new restroom facilities will be coming to the Oak Lane Campground area soon. During the summer season there will be a larger and more attractive swim beach for the entire family to enjoy. A list of events, which will be available in mid- April, is expected to include a Spring Slam Fishing, family camping weekends, a Father’s Day event and a Summer BBQ Day. Visit the Lake Piru website at www.lake-piru.org to see a campsite list of events. For more information call Lake Piru at (805) 521-1500.

About the UWCD
UWCD is a public water agency responsible for conserving and protecting groundwater resources in Ventura County. In addition to the district’s Lake Piru Recreation Area, United Water’s facilities include: Santa Felicia Dam; spreading grounds in Saticoy, El Rio and Piru; an agricultural water delivery system; a wholesale municipal water delivery system; and the Freeman Diversion facility. The district provides wholesale water to the City of Oxnard, the Port Hueneme Water Agency (which includes the CBC and Point Mugu naval bases), Pleasant Valley County Water District, and several small mutual water companies. A seven-member elected board of directors directs the district’s policy and activities.

City of Fillmore
City of Fillmore

The City of Fillmore Public Works Department has announced that the annual Fire Hydrant Flushing Program will be conducted 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., Monday – Friday, during the months of April & May. Hydrant flushing is conducted throughout the City.

Residents may notice discoloration of water when the flushing takes place in their neighborhood. If you experience a discoloration of water, turn on your plumbing fixtures until the water runs clear. It is best to run an outdoor fixture or a cold-water tap in a laundry tub or bathtub first until the water runs clear and then run water from other fixtures.

Hydrant flushing may cause some inconveniences, however, the flushing program is necessary to maintain a good water supply for both firefighting and domestic consumption. The community’s cooperation with the annual Fire Hydrant Flushing Program is appreciated. For more information call 805-524-1500 ext: 234.

Quadrant 2
April 25, 2011 – April 29, 2011
Quadrant 3
May 2, 2011 – May 6, 2011
Quadrant 4
May 9, 2011 – May 13, 2011
Quadrant 1
May 16, 2011 – May 20, 2011


Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ventura County is pleased to announce the appointment of their newly elected board President, Richard Burke, Founder and CEO of Rx Timer Cap, LLC and Vice President, Scott Hansen, Senior Vice President & Regional Director of Wells Fargo Wealth Management.

Richard Million Burke, Jr. is an entrepreneur focused on his newest start-up, Rx Timer Cap, LLC, which has launched a prescription vial cap that incorporates a built-in medication timer to help improve patient compliance. Prior to founding Rx Timer Cap, Richard has over 25 years of experience bringing products to market and building companies in the consumer packaged goods arena.

He was Jesuit trained at the University of Detroit before moving to Los Angeles to complete his Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration and Marketing from California State University, Northridge (CSUN).

Richard is also a founder and board member of the CSUN Wells Fargo Center for Small Business and Entrepreneurship. A proud Big Brother since 2008, Richard joined the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ventura County Board of Directors in 2009. He is married and has three children.

Scott Hansen has CONTINUED »

The abandoned cesspool located in the unidentified man's backyard.
The abandoned cesspool located in the unidentified man's backyard.
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The unidentified man was cleaned off and treated for minor cuts and bruises by local firefighters.
The unidentified man was cleaned off and treated for minor cuts and bruises by local firefighters.
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FILLMORE, CA. - On 4/17/2011 at 9:06pm the City of Fillmore Fire Department was dispatched to a residence in the city of Fillmore for a reported technical rescue.

Upon arriving on scene, fire personnel discovered a male subject in his forties had fallen into an abandoned cesspool approximately twelve feet below ground. Compounding the situation, a broken waterline adjacent to the opening of the pool was filling the pool with water as the subject stood by for assistance.

Firefighters were able to lower a ladder into the opening of the brick-walled vessel and assist the subject to safety. The subject was briefly examined by paramedics who determined he suffered only minor cuts and bruises and did not require transport to the hospital.

The resident stated he had lived at the location for several years but never knew there was any type of cesspool in his backyard. Cesspools were installed by contractors 60+ years ago to house sewage and wastewater. Many of these pools that were once active have now been decommissioned and filled with concrete slurry to prevent incidents on this nature from happening.


The Ventura Country Rose Society will hold its monthly meeting on Thursday, April 28, 2011, at the Ventura County Office of Education Conference Center at 5100 Adolfo Rd., Camarillo.

The doors will open at 6:30 pm for advice from Consulting Rosarians and refreshments, and our presentation will begin at 7:30 p.m.

The Ventura Rose Society meeting will feature a special program. We are inviting the public and members to bring their roses in for a "Show 'n Tell" meeting to share roses that do well in Ventura County. If you don't know the name of your rose perhaps our Consulting Rosarians will help you. Bring your roses in a container and tell us about it - where it is planted, how it performs,and how you care for it. This will be a very enjoyable evening to learn about your garden roses and your neighbor's roses.

Visitors are always welcome. For more information contact: Janet Sklar at 818-993-6622 or Dawn-Marie Johnson at 805-523-9003

Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please add any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting. Thank You.
Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please add any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting. Thank You.
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Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please add any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting. Thank You.
Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please add any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting. Thank You.
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Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please add any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting. Thank You.
Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please add any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting. Thank You.
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Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please add any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting. Thank You.
Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please add any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting. Thank You.
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Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please add any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting. Thank You.
Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please add any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting. Thank You.
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Monday, April 4th the Fillmore Lions Club installed three new members. Pictured (l-r) Lions President Bill Dewey, Dorsey Smith, (new members) Felipe Perez, Doug Hauge, (not pictured) Dave Roegner, Toby Scott, and Installing Officer Scott Lee.
Monday, April 4th the Fillmore Lions Club installed three new members. Pictured (l-r) Lions President Bill Dewey, Dorsey Smith, (new members) Felipe Perez, Doug Hauge, (not pictured) Dave Roegner, Toby Scott, and Installing Officer Scott Lee.
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(l-r) are Chloe Richardson, Justin Coert, and Jazmin Carrillo.
(l-r) are Chloe Richardson, Justin Coert, and Jazmin Carrillo.
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The Rotary Club of Fillmore honored the three 4-Way Test Essay Contest winners on Thursday. The purpose of the Rotary Essay Contest is for the students to think about the meaning of the Rotary 4-Way Test and write an essay telling how they can apply these principles to their own lives. The 4-Way Test of things we think, say or do is: Is it the Truth?, Is it Fair to all concerned?, Will it build Good Will and Better Friendships? And Will it be Beneficial to all concerned?

The three winners from Fillmore Christian Academy are: Justin Coert, 8th grade, Chloe Richardson, 6th grade and Jazmin Carrillo, 4th grade each one was awarded $50. The students and their parents enjoyed lunch on the train.

Scouts moved 1300 bricks from the shipping pallets to their final positions on the Walk of Honor last week. They rechecked and smoothed the sand and laid most of the bricks. Sand will be swept in between the bricks and vibrated in to compact and complete the work.
Scouts moved 1300 bricks from the shipping pallets to their final positions on the Walk of Honor last week. They rechecked and smoothed the sand and laid most of the bricks. Sand will be swept in between the bricks and vibrated in to compact and complete the work.
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The Red Granite monument will be installed at the base of the flagpole next month. The project will then be completed and ready for the Memorial Day services on May 30th. In an effort to earn the rank of Eagle, Sean Chandler, Troop 406, began work on his community service project of constructing a Walk of Honor at Bardsdale Cemetery last year.
The Red Granite monument will be installed at the base of the flagpole next month. The project will then be completed and ready for the Memorial Day services on May 30th. In an effort to earn the rank of Eagle, Sean Chandler, Troop 406, began work on his community service project of constructing a Walk of Honor at Bardsdale Cemetery last year.
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The Fillmore Aquatic Center pool has been drained.
The Fillmore Aquatic Center pool has been drained.
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The “Pool Open” sign still hangs on the fencing at the Center. The drainage hose is shown in the foreground. The pool has been leaking 10,000 gallons of water per day for the better part of a year, unnoticed. See ‘Realities’ column in Editorial section more information.
The “Pool Open” sign still hangs on the fencing at the Center. The drainage hose is shown in the foreground. The pool has been leaking 10,000 gallons of water per day for the better part of a year, unnoticed. See ‘Realities’ column in Editorial section more information.
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Members of Bardsdale 4H and friends recently held a “get ready for the Flower Show” arrangement workshop. Charlene Smith presented fun and interesting ideas for the kids to use when they prepare their entries and choose props to embellish their flowers. The Fillmore Flower Show will be held April 16th and 17th from 1-4 pm with entries accepted on Saturday morning.
Members of Bardsdale 4H and friends recently held a “get ready for the Flower Show” arrangement workshop. Charlene Smith presented fun and interesting ideas for the kids to use when they prepare their entries and choose props to embellish their flowers. The Fillmore Flower Show will be held April 16th and 17th from 1-4 pm with entries accepted on Saturday morning.
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The Fillmore Flower Show with a theme of “Fantasy of Flowers in Fillmore”, is coming this weekend, April 16 & 17 at the Fillmore Senior Center. Vision 2020 Civic Pride Committee would like to invite all who are interested to enter their cut flowers or bouquets and arrangements on Saturday morning from 7:30am until 10:30am. There will be helpers standing by to help with your entries. Please label any containers that you bring with bouquets or arrangements. Adults have a one time, $5.00 entry fee for unlimited entries. Youth entries are eligible for all categories, but have no entry fee.

Violin & mandolin will be played by Asher Smith on Saturday when the show opens to the public from 1pm to 4pm. Sunday from 1pm until 3pm, classical music will be played by Nathalie Miliken, professional pianist.
Wreaths and succulent arrangements in pots worthy of any garden patio or porch needing drought tolerant, easy care plantings, orchids and other plants will be available for suggested donations, to keep our show going annually.

Brochures with entry information are still available with all entry categories & rules at the Fillmore Historical Museum, City Hall, Library, Scented Path and the Senior Center. Vision 2020, Civic Pride Committee welcomes ALL volunteers who wish to get involved in this very worthy community event with the show set up on Friday, at 3pm, Senior Center and/or “take down”, after the show on Sunday at 4pm. Donations are also welcomed. Contact Linda Nunes at 805-534-3021 for information.