County Supervisor Kathy Long, 3rd District would like to announce to all residents of Ventura County that the next Santa Paula Tattoo Removal Clinic will be held on Saturday May 21, 2011 from 8:30 am – 12 noon, no appointments necessary. Orientation for first time participants will be at 9 am located at 1334 E. Main St. the Santa Paula Family Care Clinic. Due to overwhelming response, spaces will be limited.

County Supervisor Kathy Long spearheaded this clinic in collaboration with the following agencies: Ventura County Public Health, Ventura County Probation Agency, Ventura County Sheriff’s Department, Santa Paula Family Care Clinic, Interface Children Family Services, and CalWORKS.

The clinic not only welcomes participants but volunteers to run the clinic. If you have any questions, or would like to find out how you can help, please call the Santa Paula Family Care Clinic at (805) 933-1242.



Santa Paula, CA. - Santa Clara Valley Bank (SCVBank; OTC BB: SCVE.OB) today announced the promotion of Cheryl L. Knight to Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer. She will retain her responsibilities as Chief Credit Officer.

“Ms. Knight has proven herself to be an excellent banking executive. Her broad based experience and abilities have greatly benefited SCVBank,” said Michael D. Hause, President and CEO. He continued, “She has a proven track record of making sound credit decisions and her management skills are impeccable.”

Ms. Knight has previously held the titles of Executive Vice President and Chief Credit Officer at Montecito Bank and Trust, as well as EVP/ Chief Risk Officer for First California Bank. She has held several other management positions at other financial institutions including Union Bank and Wells Fargo. Ms. Knight was also employed by Deloitte & Touche as a financial management consultant.

As a senior officer of Montecito Bank and Trust for nine years, Ms. Knight led the credit function of the $750 million bank that has performed at a high level, assisting in the achievement of a rating of Super Premier Performing Bank by Findley Reports.

SCVBank Chairman Ralph De Leon stated, “The Board is very pleased with the performance of Ms. Knight. Her qualities and background have already added significant value to the Bank.”

Founded in 1998, Santa Clara Valley Bank has offices in Santa Paula, Fillmore, and Valencia. Under its stock symbol of SCVE.OB, Santa Clara Valley Bank's stock is traded through McAdams Wright Ragen, Howe Barnes Hofer & Arnett, and Wedbush Morgan Securities. The Bank's web site is

Santa Clara Valley Bank Corporate Headquarters
901 East Main Street
Santa Paula, California 93060

Statements concerning future performance, developments or events concerning expectations for growth and market forecasts, and any other guidance on future periods, constitute forward looking statements that are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from stated expectations. Specific factors include, but are not limited to, the effect of interest rate changes, the ability to control costs and expenses, the impact of consolidation in the banking industry, financial policies of the United States government, and general economic conditions.



In observance of the Memorial Day holiday, employees of Santa Clara Valley Disposal will be taking the day off on Monday, May 30. As a result, Fillmore city residential customers will have their trash and green waste collected on Saturday, June 4, one day later than usual.

The regular Friday collection schedule will resume the following week.

For more information, call 647-1414.

Monday, May 30th, 11:00 a.m.

The Bardsdale Cemetery will hold it Memorial Day Ceremony on Monday, May 30th at 11AM. Special recognition will be given to Sean Chandler who completed his Eagle Scout project – a Walk of Honor at the Cemetery with a brick walkway honoring those who served our country.

Featured speaker this year is Don Gunderson who attended the University of Wisconsin on a Navy ROTC scholarship. Upon his graduation in 1957, he was commissioned an Ensign in the United States Navy. He later attended the U. S. Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey where he earned his degree in electrical engineering. During his naval service he had two commands as well as three deployment tours to Viet Nam. Captain Gunderson retired in 1985, after completing four and a half years on the staff of the Chief of Naval Operations at the Pentagon. During his years of service, Don was awarded the Legion of Merit, the Bronze Star with combat “V” and the Air Medal as well as numerous campaign and unit awards. Don returned to Ventura County in 1985. From November 1990 to November 2002 he served 12 years on the Fillmore City Council, 4 as Mayor, as well as many county boards.

The Rev. Bob Hammond will give the Memorial Service, special music will be provided by Jeanie Allred. Also assisting in the ceremony will be VFW Post 9637, Boy Scout Troop 406, Cub Scout Troop 3400 and Bob Thompson. The Boy Scouts will put out the flags on Friday, May 27th and they will be picked up by the Sespe 4H on Tuesday, May 31st.

The Board of Trustees of the Cemetery District: Scott Lee, President, Lynda Edmonds, Secretary, Rita Rudkin, Gabriel Asenas and Dick Diaz would like to invite the community to this special event and to view the Walk of Honor. We are very proud that Seab Chandler chose this very special project for the Bardsdale Cemetery.

Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please add any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting. Thank You.
Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please add any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting. Thank You.
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Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please add any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting. Thank You.
Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please add any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting. Thank You.
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Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please add any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting. Thank You.
Photo of the Week from the Gazette History Archives. Can you identify this photo or any of the people in it? If so, please add any information about this photograph in the comments section provided at the bottom of this posting. Thank You.
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The Fillmore Fire Department put out an abandoned vehicle fire Thursday on Pasadena Avenue, Bardsdale. No structures were involved.
The Fillmore Fire Department put out an abandoned vehicle fire Thursday on Pasadena Avenue, Bardsdale. No structures were involved.
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Fillmore’s Vision 20/20 Civic Pride committee is proud to present the May 2011 Yard of the month to 200 Lora Lane in Fillmore. The home owners are Pete and Emily Cervantes. Their yard has been selected as Yard of the Month, because of its visual beauty and well-kept appearance. Their efforts to maintain an attractive, welcoming environment in the neighborhood deserved to be rewarded and encouraged. Congratulations, Pete and Emily!
Fillmore’s Vision 20/20 Civic Pride committee is proud to present the May 2011 Yard of the month to 200 Lora Lane in Fillmore. The home owners are Pete and Emily Cervantes. Their yard has been selected as Yard of the Month, because of its visual beauty and well-kept appearance. Their efforts to maintain an attractive, welcoming environment in the neighborhood deserved to be rewarded and encouraged. Congratulations, Pete and Emily!
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FFA members manning their basil table, above and below, at the Fillmore Farmer’s Market.
FFA members manning their basil table, above and below, at the Fillmore Farmer’s Market.
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Each week, six Fillmore FFA members meet with Mr. Scott Beylik at Beylik Family Farms to plant and take care of different vegetables. The students’ goals are to sell their produce at the Fillmore Farmer’s Market every Wednesday. Last week was Fillmore FFA’s second time selling at the farmer’s market. The students were selling Italian Sweet basil and many different varieties of squash for $2 a plant. These students are working hard to fundraise money in order to attend the 2011 National FFA Convention. These students plan to be selling at the farmer’s market every Wednesday from 3:30-7pm. Next week the members will be selling Italian Sweet basil, different types of squash as well at tomatoes. Come on by and say hi to the students on Wednesday!

Brooke Aguirre is Fillmore FFA's Chapter Reporter

Joe and Terri Aguirre from Aguirre Financial Insurance Services read to the children.
Joe and Terri Aguirre from Aguirre Financial Insurance Services read to the children.
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Renee Perez from Bella’s Teas and Treats (in hat) and Louisa Golson, adult left.
Renee Perez from Bella’s Teas and Treats (in hat) and Louisa Golson, adult left.
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Joe and Terri Aguirre from Aguirre Financial Insurance Services, Renee and Felipe Perez from Bella’s Teas and Treats and Jane David were participants in three of a series of four Success through Reading events that were held at the Fillmore City Library. The Success through Reading Program sponsored by Soroptimist International of Fillmore and The Fillmore Friends of the Library is a program that joins businesses and children in the community. Local businesses and/or civic minded volunteers read a book to the children at the library and then depending on the theme teach them the principles of dealing with money in a fun way, or they might have a tea party. During Earth Day they learned about making treasure out of trash. “It is a win-win situation,” says President of Fillmore Soroptimist Ari Larson. “The children get the benefit of being read to and learning something new and the businesses are able to showcase their services to the community.” The next Success through Reading event will be held on Wed. June 15, 2011 from 3:30pm-4:00pm at the Fillmore City Library. The theme will be T-is for Train presented by Sandi Ward from Sandi Ward’s Train Stop. The book being read will be And the Train Goes…. by William Bee. If you have any questions please call Soroptimist member Lynne Brooks at (805) 524-3671.

A two car collision occurred Wednesday at the intersection of Highway 126 and C Street, about 2:00 p.m. An elderly driver, with passenger, made an incorrect turn into oncoming, eastbound traffic. No reports of serious injury were posted. The car sustained serious front end damage. Traffic was not significantly affected.
A two car collision occurred Wednesday at the intersection of Highway 126 and C Street, about 2:00 p.m. An elderly driver, with passenger, made an incorrect turn into oncoming, eastbound traffic. No reports of serious injury were posted. The car sustained serious front end damage. Traffic was not significantly affected.
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“On the Right Track” by Charles Morris.
“On the Right Track” by Charles Morris.
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“Purple Corridor of Mystery” by Carmelita Miranda.
“Purple Corridor of Mystery” by Carmelita Miranda.
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Local photographers, Carmelita Miranda and Charles Morris, have won recognition for their photography from the Channel Islands Professional Photography Association (CIPPA). CIPPA is an affiliate of Professional Photographers of California. Carmelita won a merit and Best in Class in Architecture for her print “Purple Corridor of Mystery” at the competition held on May 9. In the same competition, Charles won a merit in Portrait High School Senior category with an image entitled “On the Right Track.” This image featured FHS High School senior Leah Robledo.

In March, both photographers also won merits in State competition. Charles won for “Saxman” in Portrait High School Seniors. Carmelita won in Nature for “Against the Onslaught”. Both had won merits at the local competition.

Professional photography competition at the local level has three judges who evaluate each entry on specific criteria, without knowing who the maker of the image is. Images can earn up to 100 points. If a print receives 80 points, it receives a merit. Typically only about 1 out of 4 or 5 prints receives a merit in a competition. Often images that are merit winners are submitted to state and national competitions.

Professional photography competitions are used by photographers to hone their skills and allows them to evaluate their work in comparison to other top photographers in the area.

Principal photographers at KSSP are Carmelita Miranda and Charles Morris. KSSP is a full service photography studio specializing in portrait, wedding and quinceanera photography (and video). KSSP Photographic Studios is the school photographer for Fillmore High School, but photographs high school seniors from all over Ventura County. For further information, please contact KSSP Photographic Studios at 524-6400 or visit

Presented by Fillmore Fire Department and Ventura County Sheriffs Department

On 5/13/2011 at 1:15pm the City of Fillmore Fire Department and the Ventura County Sheriffs Department will be presenting a nationally recognized program to stop underage alcohol consumption and driving. The program entitled “Every 15 Minutes” is a two-day program that involves over 500 juniors and seniors at Fillmore High School. The program agenda is as follows:

Part I: “Living Dead” - Fifteen students will be removed from class during the first four hours of the day and made up with white faces and black shirts to represent them as an alcohol related death over the proceeding forty-eight hours. These students will not be allowed to speak with any other students, staff or family for the rest of the school day. These students will then be lead to part II of the presentation and will standby throughout the event.

Part II: Mock Vehicle Crash. On May 13, 2011 at 1:15pm all juniors and seniors will be escorted to intersection of Shiells Drive & Second Street at 1:15pm. Students will be allowed to see a real time simulation of a motor vehicle accident resulting from alcohol consumption.

Part III: On Monday, May 16, 2011, juniors and seniors from Fillmore High School will be instructed to watch a recap Friday’s drunk driving accident and write an essay as part of an English class assignment.
Local media and the general public are welcome to attend part II this event. Fire Chief Rigo Landeros and Police Chief Monica McGrath will be on hand Friday May 13, 2011 throughout the duration of the event to answer any questions members of the media may have.

Special thanks to Noontime Rotary, Fillmore High School, Fillmore Unified School District, American Medical Response, the City of Fillmore Fire Department, Ventura County Sheriffs Department, Ventura County Sheriffs Air Unit & the Ventura County Medical Examiners Office for their participation and support in this event.


Sespe NFL Preschool Program is offering a dental clinic in the Dental Van parked in front of Sespe School. It will offer dental services to preschool students and other FUSD students. Please call Sespe School at 524-6161, Patsy Torres or Ana Avila for more details, or confirmation of dental clinic date and time. Please encourage students/parents in need of dental care to inquire /request more information.


Parenting Classes are now being offered at Fillmore Middle School, in English and Spanish, every Monday; English 4-6:30 p.m. and Spanish 6:30-9 p.m. in room D-3.


The Seniors that did not participate in our fund raisers will have to pay $100 for their Harbor Boat Cruise and Bus ticket this year. The seniors knew at the beginning of the school year and again it was noted in the Senior Packet that the seniors were expected to help in the fund raisers by selling pies, sandwich meals, See's candy, suckers, spa (massage/facials) and working the yard sale (parents also) for Grad Nite Live or pay $100. We have a record of the names of students that did work, so we know who is going to pay if they want to go on the Cruise. The money/check is to be stapled to the permission slip signed by the senior and their parent even if the student is 18. Part of it is a medical release so a parent has to give consent. They are to give the permission slip to Jaci in the attendance office and receive a receipt for their money or check. Even though Grad Nite Live had many fund raisers this year and many of the seniors and their families helped, we find ourselves a bit short of the mark of $21,500.

At this time we are $600 short of the boat balance due 5/13/11, $600 for the Magician (has not raised his fee in 20 years), $400 for breakfast, buses (are $1300 each) we need 2 buses for the 100 seniors that are eligible to go now. $2600. The students that pay $100 will be paying for the next buses. So right now we "need" $4200. Money is tight as we all are experiencing just for the necessary things, i understand that and these so called 'extra' things are really hard to come up with, but think of this organization as not just giving a party but a life saving party - the graduated seniors of 2011 are not only safe from drugs, alcohol and accidents, but they have parents and extended family that are sleeping better knowing their senior is safe.

Thank you for all that you have done and will do for us. Please call Mrs. Chaney at 407-5759 or 525-4909. Thank you.


The Ventura Country Rose Society will hold its monthly meeting on Thursday, May 26, 2011, at the Ventura County Office of Education Conference Center at 5100 Adolfo Rd., Camarillo.

The doors will open at 6:30 pm for advice from Consulting Rosarians and refreshments, 7:00 for our Rose Celebration, and our presentation will begin at 7:30 p.m.

The Ventura Rose Society meeting will feature Dr. Jim Downer, Ventura County Farm Adviser for the University of California Cooperative Extension, speaking on "What's Bugging Your Garden?" Dr. Downer's talk should be informative for all gardeners as well as for rosarians.

Visitors are always welcome. For more information contact: Janet Sklar at 818-993-6622 or Dawn-Marie Johnson at 805-523-9003


On Tuesday, May 17th from 9:30 AM to 2:00 PM, join us for the “Good Health Awareness Health Fair at the Santa Paula Senior Center (Community Center) located at 530 West Main Street, Santa Paula. This event is FREE and hosted by Valley Care IPA, Valley Care Select IPA, Santa Paula Hospital (Ventura County Public Health Care Agency), Ventura County Public Health and Vista Cove Care Center at Santa Paula. There will be lots of great information booths about Good Health and services to keep you healthy by local agencies around the city and county. Also available through Ventura County Public Health will be no cost Vaccines Tdap and Pneumovax (available to those who qualify), blood pressure check up, Glucose and cholesterol test and more. There will also be free small boxed lunches to the first 100 attendees that are 65 years or older. This Fair is for all ages as is Good Health! For more information you may contact Noel Frias (Valley Care IPA) 988-5140, Lupe Ledesma (V.C. Public Health) 981-5211 or Lupe Barrozo (Vista Cove Care Center at Santa Paula) 391-4740 or 525-7134.

May 24, 2011

Ventura, CA. - What is fact and what is fiction when it comes to pregnancy? Fact vs. fiction and pregnancy myths will be the focus of a free seminar the Community Memorial Health System is holding on Tuesday, May 24.

Michael Green, M.D., chief of Obstetrics and Gynecology for CMHS’s Centers for Family Health, will lead the discussion during the seminar to be held from 6 to 8 p.m. in the eighth-floor Nichols Auditorium at Community Memorial Hospital at 147 Brent St.

Dr. Green will examine many of the myths of pregnancy as well as conventional wisdom, and he will help to sort out what is correct and what is not. Among the questions that Dr. Green will address include:

 What foods should women avoid during pregnancy?
 Is it really necessary for pregnant women to sleep on the left side?
 What supplements should they be taking while pregnant?
 How can you tell if the baby is a boy or a girl?
 How can you find out how much the baby will weigh?
 Is labor and delivery really busier during a full moon?

Dr. Green is board-certified in obstetrics and gynecology as well as family practice. He also is an assistant clinical professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the UCLA School of Medicine and he has been on the medical staff of Community Memorial Hospital since 1999.

Admission is free, but space is limited, so reservations are suggested. Call 652-5436, or visit
Community Memorial Health System is a not-for-profit health system, which is comprised of Community Memorial Hospital, Ojai Valley Community Hospital, and nine family-practice health centers entitled Centers for Family Health. The health system is located in Ventura County, California.


Ventura County, CA. - People who experience a brain injury can be prone to seizures and epilepsy originating from the damaged area. The Brain Injury Center of Ventura County is presenting a free workshop May 24 in Camarillo dealing with strategies to minimize and manage seizures.

Aaron McMurtray, MD and Ph.D. with the Neurology Division of Ventura County Medical Center, will present the program. The workshop will explain how and why head injuries can lead to the development of seizures, what to do when someone has a seizure and when calling 911 becomes necessary (not always). Dr. McMurtray will also discuss how seizures and epilepsy are managed by medications and what side effects and complications might arise.

The class will take place from 6 to 7:30 p.m. on the campus of the Camarillo Health Care District. Pre-registration is required by May 23. The workshop is part of a free series being conducted by BIC’s Professional Advisory Council for the benefit of brain injury survivors, their families, caretakers and professionals on assorted levels who deal with individuals affected by brain injury.

Free brain injury identification cards will be distributed at the workshop and are available for anyone in Ventura County who has suffered a brain injury. The cards also contain emergency instructions and have spaces designated for personal emergency contacts and medications necessary in a crisis. A seizure in public is one emergency sometimes experienced by brain injury survivors.

The Brain Injury Center’s free workshop series offers a new educational program on the fourth Tuesday of each month. The classes focus on various medical, emotional, adjustment and social issues encountered by brain injury survivors and their families. Living with a brain injury poses a lifetime of challenges and the series examines how to deal with and overcome these problems to the greatest extent possible.

BIC’s Professional Advisory Council consists of many of Ventura County’s leading doctors, psychologists, educators, financial planners and other experts who deal with brain injury. The workshops are an extension of the BIC’s annual Ventura County Brain Injury Conference, also the brainchild of its Professional Advisory Board.

Future topics will cover setting up conservatorships, stroke prevention and acute stroke treatment, stress management for family caregivers, interpersonal relationships for brain injury survivors, emotional health, behavioral adaptations, academic remediation strategies, socialization skills, substance abuse and financial programs.

Pre-registration for the workshops can be arranged by calling the Brain Injury Center’s office at 805.482.1312. BIC is the non-profit organization that serves Ventura County’s population of people living with a brain injury and their families. Complete information is available on its website --

Donna Voelker, Senior Center Board President and Fay Swanson, Fillmore Ebell Club President
Donna Voelker, Senior Center Board President and Fay Swanson, Fillmore Ebell Club President
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At the April Luncheon Meeting the members of the Ebell Club elected to purchase automatic doors for the Fillmore Senior Center. There has been a great need as many of the persons using the center are in wheelchairs, scooters, on canes or on walkers. These persons can only use the facility if someone opens the doors for them. Although the city has tried many times to get a grant to replace the doors, with the economy it was turned down. The club has many members attending this center and decided that they could help.

Donna Voelker, president of the Senior Center Board, was attending the lunch and program and after the vote rose and thanked the club for their generous donation and was extremely excited to be able to let all the seniors that new doors are forthcoming.