Ruth Ricards, Director of Child Nutrition Services for Fillmore Unified School District, came to
speak to the Character Counts students at San Cayetano Elementary.
Ruth Ricards, Director of Child Nutrition Services for Fillmore Unified School District, came to speak to the Character Counts students at San Cayetano Elementary.
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On Monday, April 4, 2011, San Cayetano School recognized good citizenship and character at their Peacebuilder Assembly for the month of April. Ms. Ruth Ricards, Director of Child Nutrition Services for Fillmore Unified School District, came to speak to the students. Ms. Ricards spoke to the students about how being a good citizen and friend, not only at school, but at home would also help them to make a better life for themselves. She also spoke to the students about the importance of a healthy breakfast and nutrition during our schools STAR testing during April 26 to May 6 will help them do their best on the test! ASB President, Cali Wyand,and Vice President, Lizzie Castaneda assisted Ms.Ricards in handing out the Peacebuilder certificates. The Peacebuilders for April are: Oscar Arriola, Marlene Hernandez, Ashley Vieyra, Angelica Herrera, Donovan Estrada, Anthony Ownbey Seward, Camila Rivas, Matthew Munoz, Rey Laureano, Julieanna Linares, Enrique Felix, Eva Vieyra, David Rodriguiz, Gustavo Granados, Diego Magana, Robert Gonzalez, Arturo Garcia, Jorge Hernandez, and Karina Cisneros . At the upper grade assembly, Cali then announced to the students that John Paul Pet is sponsoring the San Cayetano Character Counts Award of a $100.00 savings bond. Sissy Valenica was chosen by the fifth grade teachers as a model of outstanding behavior, responsibility, and kindness to the other students. She was recognized with a certificate and the savings bond. To conclude the assemblies, Lizzie reminded the students to turn in their Perfect Attendance tickets. Each month all students who come to school, each day, on time, are given an orange raffle ticket. The students place their tickets in a box and one ticket is drawn. The student whose ticket is drawn is given a backpack full of supplies. Each month, the tickets will be put into a larger box that will be kept until the end of the year. In June, Mrs. Marholin, the principal, will draw from the tickets to give away two new bicycles. Angel Rivas, from, Mrs. Ferguson’s class, won the Perfect Attendance Award for April.

On March 14th after a week of encouraging their friends, families, and community members to log on to and vote for Mrs. Chisholm’s 5th grade class at San Cayetano they found out they won a free whale watching field trip. The contest was sponsored by KHAY Country, a local country music station and Ranger 85 Sportfishing , which is located in the Channel islands Harbor. The students through findraising efforts were able to purchase matching t-shirts heavily discounted transportation to the harbor to board the boat. The students had a fantastic time and want to thank everyone who helped make this adventure possible. The trip took place on March 25th.
On March 14th after a week of encouraging their friends, families, and community members to log on to and vote for Mrs. Chisholm’s 5th grade class at San Cayetano they found out they won a free whale watching field trip. The contest was sponsored by KHAY Country, a local country music station and Ranger 85 Sportfishing , which is located in the Channel islands Harbor. The students through findraising efforts were able to purchase matching t-shirts heavily discounted transportation to the harbor to board the boat. The students had a fantastic time and want to thank everyone who helped make this adventure possible. The trip took place on March 25th.
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On Friday March 11th, Fillmore High School students came at lunch to participate in lunchtime activities with San Cayetano students who had made good progress this quarter in AR. High school students pictured are: Lilah Duran, Maritza Mesa and Leah Robledo.
On Friday March 11th, Fillmore High School students came at lunch to participate in lunchtime activities with San Cayetano students who had made good progress this quarter in AR. High school students pictured are: Lilah Duran, Maritza Mesa and Leah Robledo.
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SAVE THE DATE!!! APRIL 14th 5:30-7:30PM

San Cayetano Family Science Night returns once again with an outstanding free program for all elementary students and their parents in Fillmore and Piru. This annual event is the brainchild of San Cayetano’s NASA Explorer School Team as San Cayetano’s outreach into the local community. This fun packed hands-on evening will feature many outstanding local agencies such as the Ojai Raptor Center, Mobile Marine Lab, Santa Barbara Natural History Museum, Two Trees Alpacas, Associates Insectary, Channel islands National Park and Marine Sanctuary, Robotics and much, much more. Pizza will be available for purchase. Come join the fun! It is free!!!!


San Cayetano is having its annual Science Fair and Family Science Night on Thursday, April 14th, 2001. All of our fourth and fifth grade students will be doing science fair projects. We are inviting everyone to come and judge this event. There is no prerequisite. You do not need to be a science teacher. Please think about donating your time, even if you can only judge 2 or 3 projects. When our students see other teachers and community members judging and taking an interest in their work, it helps them to have more pride in their projects.

We will begin the judging at 12:35 and end around 3:00. Again, you do not need to commit to the entire time.

Please let us know if you are willing and able to join in our event.
Thanks so much,
Brandi Walker
San Cayetano School

Todd Schieferle with Character Counts Award recipients from San Cayetano School.
Todd Schieferle with Character Counts Award recipients from San Cayetano School.
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On Monday, March 7, 2011, San Cayetano School recognized good citizenship and character at their Peacebuilder Assembly for the month of March. Todd Schieferle, Director of Human Resources for Fillmore Unified School District, came to speak to the students about what a good citizen is and how being a good citizen can help not only the students, but others around them in their community. ASB President, Cali Wyand,and Vice President, Lizzie Castaneda assisted Mr.Schieferle in handing out the Peacebuilder certificates. The Peacebuilders for March are: Andrea Laureano, Nathan Delgadillo, David Vaca, Amber Cervantez, Aleena Castaneda, David Linares, Jesus Carrillo, Joseline Galindo, Bailey Dietz, Christopher Cisneros, Alexis Rosales, Aiyanna Simental, Jose Gallegos, Adilene Garcia, Jose Salgado, Anissa Rhodes, Jesus Zamora, Bryanna Rivas, Ilene Gil, and Sissy Valencia. At the lower grade assembly, Lizzie then announced to the students that John Paul Pet sponsors the San Cayetano Character Counts Award of a $100.00 savings bond. Emma Ocegueda, a second grade student from Mrs. Capra and Mrs. Mitchell’s class, was chosen by the second grade teachers as a model of outstanding behavior, responsibility, and kindness to the other students. She was recognized with a certificate and the savings bond. To conclude the assembly, Cali reminded the students to turn in their Perfect Attendance tickets. Each month all students who come to school, each day, on time, are given a raffle ticket. The students place their tickets in a box and one ticket is drawn. The student whose ticket is drawn is given a backpack full of supplies. Each month, the tickets will be put into a larger box that will be kept until the end of the year. In June, Mrs. Marholin, the principal, will draw from the tickets to give away two new bicycles. Pedro Aceves from Ms. Dewey’s class won the Perfect Attendance Award for March.

Pedro Aceves
Pedro Aceves
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Dominique Carrillo (Far Right) was the top Jog-A-Thon money earner for San Cayetano collecting $109. Her prize was lunch at the golf course with friends Jayla Martinez (Far Left) and Natalie Cobian (Center) with Jan Marholin, Principal. It was a nice day with no rain and the girls enjoyed their time out to lunch.
Dominique Carrillo (Far Right) was the top Jog-A-Thon money earner for San Cayetano collecting $109. Her prize was lunch at the golf course with friends Jayla Martinez (Far Left) and Natalie Cobian (Center) with Jan Marholin, Principal. It was a nice day with no rain and the girls enjoyed their time out to lunch.
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Mrs. Resor’s band students at practice at San Cayetano.
Mrs. Resor’s band students at practice at San Cayetano.
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Art teacher and acclaimed local artist Virginia Neuman share some laughs with Mrs. Chambers first grade students in art class at San Cayetano.
Art teacher and acclaimed local artist Virginia Neuman share some laughs with Mrs. Chambers first grade students in art class at San Cayetano.
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Paula Phillips, from Right Road Kids, came to speak to the students about what a good citizen is and how being a good citizen can help not only the students, but others around them in their community.
Paula Phillips, from Right Road Kids, came to speak to the students about what a good citizen is and how being a good citizen can help not only the students, but others around them in their community.
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Paula Phillips, from Right Road Kids, spoke to San Cayetano students about what they should do when faced with a challenge and how teamwork can help them reach their goals.
Paula Phillips, from Right Road Kids, spoke to San Cayetano students about what they should do when faced with a challenge and how teamwork can help them reach their goals.
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On Monday, February 7, 2011, San Cayetano School recognized good citizenship and character at their Peacebuilder Assembly. Paula Phillips, from Right Road Kids, came to speak to the students about what a good citizen is and how being a good citizen can help not only the students, but others around them in their community. She spoke to the students about what they should do when faced with a challenge and how teamwork can help them reach their goals. Paula continued the Peacebuilder challenge to the students for them to think of a way individually, or as a class to find a new way to be a Peacebuilder in their lives. Paula told the students she would be excited to hear about and see what they had come up with in May when she comes back to visit San Cayetano for the Peacebuilder Celebration of Service. ASB President, Cali Wyand, assisted Paula in handing out the Peacebuilder Awards. The Peacebuilders for February are: Joseph Cervantes, Alexis Andrade, Rosalyn Diaz, Jose Suarez, Austin Gunter, Leslie Garcia, Dulce Rodriguez, Diego Ruiz, Bryan Sanchez, Jessica Nava, Joe Rivas, Amie Sanchez, Brianna Sanchez, Robert McElroy, Melia Galindo, Priscilla Almanza, Kasey Crawford, Antonio Villalobos, Kiana Valenzuela, and Erika Garza. At the primary grade assembly, Cali then announced to the students that John Paul Pet is sponsoring the San Cayetano Character Counts Award of a $100.00 savings bond. Violet Padilla, from Mrs. Fluke’s class, was chosen by the kindergarten teachers as a model of outstanding behavior and kindness to the other students. She was recognized with a certificate and the savings bond will be ordered and mailed to her. To conclude the assembly, the students were reminded to turn in their Perfect Attendance tickets. Each month all students who come to school, each day, on time, are given an orange raffle ticket. The students place their tickets in a box and one ticket is drawn. The student whose ticket is drawn is given a backpack full of supplies. Each month, the tickets will be put into a larger box that will be kept until the end of the year. In June, Mrs. Marholin, the principal, will draw from the tickets to give away two new bicycles. Julia Pace won the Perfect Attendance Award.

Ms. Dewey’s 4th/5th grade class at San Cayetano reach for their best ideas and programming skills when working with robotics.
Ms. Dewey’s 4th/5th grade class at San Cayetano reach for their best ideas and programming skills when working with robotics.
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Perfect Attendance Winner this month from San Cayetano is Julia Pace, a third grader.
Perfect Attendance Winner this month from San Cayetano is Julia Pace, a third grader.
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Elizabeth Castaneda is a fifth grader at San Cayetano School and this year's Spelling Bee Winner. She is in Mr. Maus's class. There were 10 participants and Lizzie prevailed as the winner.
Elizabeth Castaneda is a fifth grader at San Cayetano School and this year's Spelling Bee Winner. She is in Mr. Maus's class. There were 10 participants and Lizzie prevailed as the winner.
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Hector Rubio sits proudly by his California Mission project.
Hector Rubio sits proudly by his California Mission project.
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Melia Galindo is shown with her 4th grade California Mission project.
Melia Galindo is shown with her 4th grade California Mission project.
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San Cayetano Principal Jan Marholin is holding an original Space Shuttle tile. With the sun setting of the Space Shuttle Program, NASA Explorer Schools were given the opportunity to acquire one tile. Each Space Shuttle carried over 24,000 Separate Thermal Protection System Tiles, and each one was a different size and shape. San Cayetano now has an original tile. It is encased in shrink wrap and cannot be undone. They are vey excited to add this artifact to their NASA Explorer School Program.
San Cayetano Principal Jan Marholin is holding an original Space Shuttle tile. With the sun setting of the Space Shuttle Program, NASA Explorer Schools were given the opportunity to acquire one tile. Each Space Shuttle carried over 24,000 Separate Thermal Protection System Tiles, and each one was a different size and shape. San Cayetano now has an original tile. It is encased in shrink wrap and cannot be undone. They are vey excited to add this artifact to their NASA Explorer School Program.
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Fillmore High School drama teacher Josh Overton was the guest speaker at San Cayetano’s Peacebuilders Awards.
Fillmore High School drama teacher Josh Overton was the guest speaker at San Cayetano’s Peacebuilders Awards.
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Josh Overton spoke at the monthly Character Counts Assembly.
Josh Overton spoke at the monthly Character Counts Assembly.
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On Monday, January 10, 2011, San Cayetano School recognized good citizenship and character at their Peacebuilder Assembly for the month of January. Mr. Josh Overton came to San Cayetano to speak to the students about what a good citizen is and how displaying good character could enrich the students and others in the community around them. Each teacher chose a student from his or her class whom showed excellent character and peace-building skills. ASB President, Cali Wyand, and Vice President, Lizzie Castaneda assisted Mr. Overton in handing out the Peacebuilder Awards. The Peacebuilders for January are: Oscar Arriola, Ariel Magana, Alejandro Lanza, Bela Ibarra, Isabela Regalado, Benjamin Stoessel, Gabriela Herrera, Vanessa Cabral, Ixa Ibarra, Janeah Castro, Ruby Baez, Vivianna Ruiz, Carla Olvera, Yazmin Amaya, Jose Acosta, Hailey Avila, Gustavo Valedez, Nathan Carrillo, Clark Helm, and Tereliz. Cali and Lizzie then announced to the students that John Paul Pet is sponsoring the San Cayetano Character Counts Award of a $100.00 savings bond. Mr. Overton presented the Character Counts Award to a deserving first grade student. Miguel Valdez was chosen by the first grade teachers as a model of outstanding behavior and kindness to the other students. To conclude the assembly, students were reminded to turn in their Perfect Attendance tickets. Each month all students who come to school, each day, on time, are given an orange raffle ticket. The students place their tickets in a box and one ticket is drawn. The student whose ticket is drawn is given a backpack full of supplies. Each month, the tickets will be put into a larger box that will be kept until the end of the year. In June, Mrs. Marholin, the principal, will draw from the tickets to give away new bicycles, an I-pod shuffle, and three large stuffed animals.

Good citizens Cory Cole and Chris De La Paz, senior football players from Fillmore High School, spoke to the students about the importance of positive character traits at December’s Peacebuilder assembly.
Good citizens Cory Cole and Chris De La Paz, senior football players from Fillmore High School, spoke to the students about the importance of positive character traits at December’s Peacebuilder assembly.
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On Monday, December 6, 2010, San Cayetano School recognized good citizenship and character at their Peacebuilder Assembly for the month of December. Cory Cole and Chris De La Paz, senior football players from Fillmore High School, spoke to the students about the importance of positive character traits. Each teacher chose a student from his or her class whom showed excellent character and peace-building skills. ASB President, Cali Wyand,and Vice President, Lizzie Castaneda assisted Cory and Chris in handing out the Peacebuilder Awards. The Peacebuilders for December are: Briant Chancon, Pryscilla Priebe, Mariah Johnson, Chris Mendez, Kayleen Jacinto, Xitlali RoblesJazmin Patino, Tatiana Esquival, David Anchondo, Joseph Flores, Anateresa Jimenez, Jason Martinez, Hannah Ransom-Fairall, Victor Jimenez, Ariana Martinez, Cesar Lopez, Shania Leon, Jared Dewey, Evelyn Cabrera, and Marlen Garcia-Cano. Cali and Lizzie then announced to the students that John Paul Pet is sponsoring the San Cayetano Character Counts Award of a $100.00 savings bond. Cory and Chris presented the Character Counts Award to a deserving fifth-grade student. Alina Cardenas, from Mr. Maus’s class, was chosen by the fifth grade teachers as a model of outstanding behavior and responsibility to the other students. To conclude the assembly, students were reminded to turn in their Perfect Attendance tickets. Each month all students who come to school, each day, on time, are given an orange raffle ticket. The students place their tickets in a box and one ticket is drawn. The student whose ticket is drawn is given a NASA backpack with Max Goes to the Moon in it. Each month, the tickets will be put into a larger box that will be kept until the end of the year. In June, Mrs. Marholin, the principal, will draw from the tickets to give away two new bicycles. Alyssa Andrade, a first grader from Mrs. Swensen’s class, won the Perfect Attendance Award for December.

Ms. Dunst’s kinder class singing a Hawaiian holiday song for the San Cayetano Winter Program.
Ms. Dunst’s kinder class singing a Hawaiian holiday song for the San Cayetano Winter Program.
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Mrs. Swensen’s first grade class doing the Nutcracker for the San Cayetano Winter Program.
Mrs. Swensen’s first grade class doing the Nutcracker for the San Cayetano Winter Program.
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Look who came to visit Mrs. Mitchell’s and Mrs. Capra’s 2nd grade class at San Cayetano!
Look who came to visit Mrs. Mitchell’s and Mrs. Capra’s 2nd grade class at San Cayetano!
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