Josh Overton with the January Peacebuilders/Character Counts recipients.
Josh Overton with the January Peacebuilders/Character Counts recipients.
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On Monday, January 11, 2010, San Cayetano School recognized good citizenship and character at their Peacebuilder Assembly for the month of January. Mr. Josh Overton came to San Cayetano to speak to the students about what a good citizen is and how displaying good character could enrich the students and others in the community around them. Each teacher chose a student from his or her class whom showed excellent character and peace-building skills. Julian Calderon and Christina De La Mora, the San Cayetano ASB President and Vice-President, assisted Mr. Overton in handing out the Peacebuilder Awards. The Peacebuilders for January are: Sara Arroyo, Amber Cervantez, Daisy Jimenez, Ariana Felix, Juan Galindo, Addy Almanza, Jonathon Rosales, Enrique Felix, Mariana Acevez, Victor Jimenez, Noah Stoessel, Aiyanna Simental, Bryant Herrera, Jose Acosta, Kirah Collins, Johana Garcia, Jose Romero, Elizabeth Magana, Johan Hernandez, Anthony Morales, and Josue Morga. Julian and Christina then announced to the students that the Rainbow Foundation is sponsoring the San Cayetano Character Counts Award of a $100.00 savings bond. Mr. Overton presented the Character Counts Award to a deserving first grade student. Noelani Sanchez was chosen by the first grade teachers as a model of outstanding behavior and kindness to the other students. To conclude the assembly, students were reminded to turn in their Perfect Attendance tickets. Each month all students who come to school, each day, on time, are given an orange raffle ticket. The students place their tickets in a box and one ticket is drawn. The student whose ticket is drawn is given a backpack full of supplies. Each month, the tickets will be put into a larger box that will be kept until the end of the year. In June, Mrs. Marholin, the principal, will draw from the tickets to give away new bicycles, an I-pod shuffle, and three large stuffed animals. Celeste Mendez from Mrs. Pelkey’s first grade won the Perfect Attendance Award for the month of January.

On Monday, December 7, 2009, San Cayetano School recognized good citizenship and character at their Peacebuilder Assembly for the month of December. Pictured is Francisco Garcia, of CSUCI, who spoke to the students about how to be a good citizen.
On Monday, December 7, 2009, San Cayetano School recognized good citizenship and character at their Peacebuilder Assembly for the month of December. Pictured is Francisco Garcia, of CSUCI, who spoke to the students about how to be a good citizen.
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Perfect Attendance winner for December, John Chavez.
Perfect Attendance winner for December, John Chavez.

On Monday, December 7, 2009, San Cayetano School recognized good citizenship and character at their Peacebuilder Assembly for the month of December. Mr. Francisco Garcia, from CSUCI, came to speak to the students about how to be a good citizen. Each teacher chose a student from his or her class whom showed excellent character and peace-building skills. Julian Calderon and Christina De La Mora, the San Cayetano ASB President and Vice-President assisted Mr. Garcia in handing out the Peacebuilder Awards. The Peacebuilders for December are: Alexander Adame, Emilia Magdaleno, Juan Martinez, David Linares, Bella Villegas, Juan Hernandez, Yazmen Del Toro, Christian Garza, Alesha Felix, Ocelotl Martinez, Erin Overton, Yazmeen Del Toro, Antonio Villalobos, Cesar Lopez, Kaylee Serna, Pedro Aceves, Diego Garcia, Ashley Montano, Damian Alvarez, Ryan Nunez, and Fernando Trujillo. Julian and Christina then announced to the students that the Rainbow Foundation is sponsoring the San Cayetano Character Counts Award of a $100.00 savings bond. Mr. Garcia presented the Character Counts Award to a deserving fifth-grade student. Joe Guinte from Mrs. Chisholm was chosen by the fifth grade teachers as a model of outstanding behavior and responsibility to the other students. To conclude the assembly, students were reminded to turn in their Perfect Attendance tickets. Each month all students who come to school, each day, on time, are given an orange raffle ticket. The students place their tickets in a box and one ticket is drawn. The student whose ticket is drawn is given a NASA backpack with Max Goes to the Moon in it. Each month, the tickets will be put into a larger box that will be kept until the end of the year. In June, Mrs. Marholin, the principal, will draw from the tickets to give away two new bicycles. John Chavez, a fifth grader from Mr. Maus’s class, won the Perfect Attendance Award for December.

Kenneth Chambers on the far right, was the highest Jog-A-Thon money earner at San Cayetano. Kenneth collected $160. His prize for winning was to invite three friends for lunch at Elkins Golf Course with the principal. His three friends were Ty Wyand, Nathan Alverdi and Christopher Cisneros. All the boys are in first grade. All monies collected from the Jog-A-Thon go into the ASB Fund to pay for the classroom field trip. Way to go Kenneth!
Kenneth Chambers on the far right, was the highest Jog-A-Thon money earner at San Cayetano. Kenneth collected $160. His prize for winning was to invite three friends for lunch at Elkins Golf Course with the principal. His three friends were Ty Wyand, Nathan Alverdi and Christopher Cisneros. All the boys are in first grade. All monies collected from the Jog-A-Thon go into the ASB Fund to pay for the classroom field trip. Way to go Kenneth!
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The Peacebuilders for November are: Marrissa Diaz, Jose Elias, Diana Razo, Angelica Herrera, Vanessa Cabral, Ruby Baez, Ray Thompson-Ayala, Ixa Ibarra, Lillian Diaz, Angel Paniagua, Anjalee Vargas, Yasmine Machuca, Andreena Gil, Alexis Tovar, Aliza Ayala, Abigail Castillo, Joel Garza, Brenda Felix, Leslie Martinez, Alicia Fabian, and Amber Parker.
The Peacebuilders for November are: Marrissa Diaz, Jose Elias, Diana Razo, Angelica Herrera, Vanessa Cabral, Ruby Baez, Ray Thompson-Ayala, Ixa Ibarra, Lillian Diaz, Angel Paniagua, Anjalee Vargas, Yasmine Machuca, Andreena Gil, Alexis Tovar, Aliza Ayala, Abigail Castillo, Joel Garza, Brenda Felix, Leslie Martinez, Alicia Fabian, and Amber Parker.
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On Monday, November 9, 2009, San Cayetano School recognized good citizenship and character at their Peacebuilder Assembly for the month of November. Mr. Paul Capra, who represented the Capra/Matloz Rainbow Foundation which sponsor the Character Counts Award each month for San Cayetano, came to speak to the students about what a good citizen is and how being good citizens can help students in school and in their outside lives. Each teacher chose a student from his or her class whom showed excellent character and peace-building skills. Julian Calderon and Christina De La Mora, the San Cayetano ASB President and Vice-President assisted Mr. Capra in handing out the Peacebuilder Awards. The Peacebuilders for November are: Marrissa Diaz, Jose Elias, Diana Razo, Angelica Herrera, Vanessa Cabral, Ruby Baez, Ray Thompson-Ayala, Ixa Ibarra, Lillian Diaz, Angel Paniagua, Anjalee Vargas, Yasmine Machuca, Andreena Gil, Alexis Tovar, Aliza Ayala, Abigail Castillo, Joel Garza, Brenda Felix, Leslie Martinez, Alicia Fabian, and Amber Parker. Julian and Christina then announced to the students that the Rainbow Foundation is sponsoring the San Cayetano Character Counts Award of a $100.00 savings bond. Mr. Capra presented the Character Counts Award to a deserving third-grade student. Erika Garza, from Ms. Duran’s class was chosen by the third grade teachers as a model of outstanding behavior and responsibility to the other students. To conclude the assembly, students were reminded to turn in their Perfect Attendance tickets. Each month all students who come to school, each day, on time, are given an orange raffle ticket. The students place their tickets in a box and one ticket is drawn. The student whose ticket is drawn is given a backpack full of supplies. Each month, the tickets will be put into a larger box that will be kept until the end of the year. In June, Mrs. Marholin, the principal, will draw from the tickets to give away two new bicycles.

Thank You Wells Fargo Foundation!!!
This year it was very exciting to have The Wells Fargo Foundation as a partner/sponsor for the annual Harvest Festival/Fall Carnival that is a fundraiser for the four elementary schools in Fillmore and Piru. This year our volume of attendance we think increased and our revenue was up. We had 59 FMS and FHS students working at the carnival for a total of 178 community service hours. With the $4100 sponsorship from Wells Fargo it really helps off set the expenses as the economy prices rise. Lou Hoovers famous cinnamon rolls is a charity booth and that generated $430 to be split between the Fillmore Police Dept. and Fillmore Fire Dept. for their annual holiday toy drive for local families. Each staff participant working a booth will receive a check to use in their classroom. It actually comes at a very needy time with budget cuts loom big. Thank you to all attened and help make this years event bigger and better and again THANK YOU WELLS FARGO!
This year it was very exciting to have The Wells Fargo Foundation as a partner/sponsor for the annual Harvest Festival/Fall Carnival that is a fundraiser for the four elementary schools in Fillmore and Piru. This year our volume of attendance we think increased and our revenue was up. We had 59 FMS and FHS students working at the carnival for a total of 178 community service hours. With the $4100 sponsorship from Wells Fargo it really helps off set the expenses as the economy prices rise. Lou Hoovers famous cinnamon rolls is a charity booth and that generated $430 to be split between the Fillmore Police Dept. and Fillmore Fire Dept. for their annual holiday toy drive for local families. Each staff participant working a booth will receive a check to use in their classroom. It actually comes at a very needy time with budget cuts loom big. Thank you to all attened and help make this years event bigger and better and again THANK YOU WELLS FARGO!
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Throughout the first quarter, at San Cayetano Elementary, the students in Mrs. Goldner’s class studied one hundred influential people of the last millennium. The students chose one person to do their cereal box report on. The creativeness and variety of the reports were impressive. Some of the chosen included: Elvis Presley, Albert Einstein, Rachel Carson, The Beatles, Abraham Lincoln, and Pablo Picasso. Pictured (r-l) are Roman Tarango, grade 5, and Ian Overton, grade 5, with their “homemade” cereal boxes.
Throughout the first quarter, at San Cayetano Elementary, the students in Mrs. Goldner’s class studied one hundred influential people of the last millennium. The students chose one person to do their cereal box report on. The creativeness and variety of the reports were impressive. Some of the chosen included: Elvis Presley, Albert Einstein, Rachel Carson, The Beatles, Abraham Lincoln, and Pablo Picasso. Pictured (r-l) are Roman Tarango, grade 5, and Ian Overton, grade 5, with their “homemade” cereal boxes.
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Hector and Maria Quintero are shown with San Cayetano Principal Jan Marholin. Mr. Quintero works with someone affiliated with the Pittsburg Pirates Baseball Team who wished to donate prize incentives to a local elementary school. Students who have good attendance will be able to be in a drawing for Pirates hats, backpacks, sunglasses and much more. The Quintero’s son Daniel attended San Cayetano in 5th grade. Actually, Mr. Quintero also attended San Cayetano when he was in grade school. San Cayetano thanks the Quintero Family and the Pittsburg Pirates!
Hector and Maria Quintero are shown with San Cayetano Principal Jan Marholin. Mr. Quintero works with someone affiliated with the Pittsburg Pirates Baseball Team who wished to donate prize incentives to a local elementary school. Students who have good attendance will be able to be in a drawing for Pirates hats, backpacks, sunglasses and much more. The Quintero’s son Daniel attended San Cayetano in 5th grade. Actually, Mr. Quintero also attended San Cayetano when he was in grade school. San Cayetano thanks the Quintero Family and the Pittsburg Pirates!
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On Monday, October 5, 2009, San Cayetano School recognized good citizenship and character at their Peacebuilder Assembly for the month of October. Patty Walker, the Mayor of Fillmore, came to speak to the students about what a good citizen is and how respecting others is important. She talked about how we can be good citizens to help our school and community. Each teacher chose a student from his or her class whom showed excellent character and respect in the month of October. Julian Calderon and Christina De La Mora, the San Cayetano ASB President and Vice-President assisted Mrs.Walker in handing out the Peacebuilder Awards. The Peacebuilders for October are Christian Hernandez, Luke Hernandez, Donovan Estrada, Alotl Aparicio, Evan Almallio, Aaron Carranza, Nathan Alverdi, Robert McElroy, Noelani Sanchez, Gustavo Granados, Connel Ferguson, Robert Gonzalez, Bryan Arnett, Sabrina Belat, Diego Magana, Angel Mejia, Angelica Rivas, Joseph Cronin, Felipe Gonzalez, John Chavez, and Liliana Lemus. Mrs.Walker then announced the San Cayetano Character Counts Award of a $100.00 savings bond sponsored by the Rainbow Foundation. Mrs.Walker presented the Character Counts Award to a deserving second-grade student. Jennifer Martinez from Ms.Harbert’s class was chosen by the second grade teachers as a model of kindness and respectfulness to the other students and school community. To conclude the assembly, students were reminded to turn in their Perfect Attendance tickets. Each month all students who come to school, each day, on time, are given a purple raffle ticket. The students place their tickets in a box and one ticket is drawn. The student whose ticket is drawn is given a NASA backpack with the book Max Goes to the Moon in it. Each month, the tickets will be put into a larger box that will be kept until the end of the year. In June, Mrs. Marholin, the principal, will draw from the tickets to give away two new bicycles. Roberto Magana won the Perfect Attendance Award for October.

After a week long study on all things apples the Kindergarteners at San Cayetano Elementary spent time in their backyard enjoying special apple treats such as apple juice, apple pie, and applesauce.
After a week long study on all things apples the Kindergarteners at San Cayetano Elementary spent time in their backyard enjoying special apple treats such as apple juice, apple pie, and applesauce.
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Fillmore Police Chief Tim Hagel is shown with San Cayetano School Peacebuilder’s and their certificates: Andreah McElroy, Justine Pacheco, Luis Carrillo, Anateresa Jimenez, Mariah Garcia, Julia Pace, Daniela Piceno, Serina Valenzuela, Jared Rhett, Anissa Rhodes, Wendy Carrillo Garcia, Alina Cardenas, Stephanie Magana, Joe Guinta, Taylor Wright, Jazmin Gil, and Rubi Torres.
Fillmore Police Chief Tim Hagel is shown with San Cayetano School Peacebuilder’s and their certificates: Andreah McElroy, Justine Pacheco, Luis Carrillo, Anateresa Jimenez, Mariah Garcia, Julia Pace, Daniela Piceno, Serina Valenzuela, Jared Rhett, Anissa Rhodes, Wendy Carrillo Garcia, Alina Cardenas, Stephanie Magana, Joe Guinta, Taylor Wright, Jazmin Gil, and Rubi Torres.
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San Cayetano Principal Jan Marholin is shown with the Peacebuilders for September: (l-r) Isabela Regalado, Alyssa Andrade, Elissa Johnson, and Austin Gunter. Congratulations!
San Cayetano Principal Jan Marholin is shown with the Peacebuilders for September: (l-r) Isabela Regalado, Alyssa Andrade, Elissa Johnson, and Austin Gunter. Congratulations!
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On Monday, September 14, 2009, San Cayetano School kicked off its citizenship assemblies with Captain Tim Hagel, Chief of Police. Students were recognized for good citizenship and character. Captain Hagel spoke to the students about what a good citizen is and how being a good citizen can help the students in their everyday lives as well as highlighting the positive character traits. Each teacher chose a student from his or her class whom showed excellent character and peace-building skills. President, Julian Calderon and Vice President, Christina De La Mora assisted Capt. Hagel in handing out the Peacebuilder certificates. The Peacebuilders for September are: Elissa Johnson, Austin Gunter, Isabela Regalado, Alyssa Andrade, Andreah McElroy, Justine Pacheco, Luis Carrillo, Anateresa Jimenez, Mariah Garcia, Julia Pace, Daniela Piceno, Serina Valenzuela, Jared Rhett, Anissa Rhodes, Wendy Carrillo Garcia, Alina Cardenas, Stephanie Magana, Joe Guinta, Taylor Wright, Jazmin Gil, and Rubi Torres. Julian and Christina then introduced the Character Counts Award. The Rainbow Foundation sponsors one deserving student each month with a one hundred dollar savings bond. The award went to a responsible, kind, and hard-working fourth grade student. Zachary Tipton, from Mrs. Walker’s class, was chosen by the fourth grade teachers as a model of outstanding behavior and kindness to the other students. To conclude the assembly, Julian and Christina introduced the Attendance Award prizes. Each month all students who are at school, on time, are given an orange raffle ticket. The students place their tickets in a box and one ticket is drawn. The student whose ticket is drawn is given a NASA backpack with the book Max Goes to the Moon in it. Each month, the tickets will be put into a larger box that will be kept until the end of the year. In June, Mrs. Marholin will draw from the tickets for two new bicycles.


Last week San Cayetano Elementary School had student speeches for those who were running for the office of ASB President and ASB Vice-President. Pictured here is Christiana De La Mora who is giving her campaign speech to San Cayetano students. Christiana ended up winning her bid for the Vice-Presidency. Our new San Cayetano ASB President is Julian Calderon. Both students are 4th graders. Upon the election results the student officers were immediately put to work a few days later, hosting the monthly Peacebuilder Assembly. The ASB staff leader is Ms. Dewey.

Michael in Room 9 at San Cayetano is very excited to be in the company of the well known Los Hermanos Herrera. Los Hermanos Herrera made a special appearance at the request of their Mother Oralia Herrera who was a substitute teacher in Room 9. Mrs. Herrera realized that the students responded well to music and were fascinated by the instruments so she appealed to her family for a special appearance. The students were able to experience not only the sound of their music but able to experiment with the musical instruments. A big thank you to both Los Hermanos Herrera and Mrs. Herrera. San Cayetano appreciates their dedication to our students.
Michael in Room 9 at San Cayetano is very excited to be in the company of the well known Los Hermanos Herrera. Los Hermanos Herrera made a special appearance at the request of their Mother Oralia Herrera who was a substitute teacher in Room 9. Mrs. Herrera realized that the students responded well to music and were fascinated by the instruments so she appealed to her family for a special appearance. The students were able to experience not only the sound of their music but able to experiment with the musical instruments. A big thank you to both Los Hermanos Herrera and Mrs. Herrera. San Cayetano appreciates their dedication to our students.
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San Cayetano School held their annual celebration of Earth Day with the traditional Recycle Olympics and Earth Day awareness projects. This year Mr. Miech and Mrs. Overton collaborated with the Flashes Go Green club from Fillmore High School. With the help of club advisor, Kirk Richter, 20 students from the high school came to San Cayetano and helped run the different Olympic activities. Elementary students really look up to the high school kids and they had a ball getting the chance to hang out and play with them. They also had the opportunity to work with our students with special needs, helping them participate in the various activities. A good time was had by all! Many of the high school students (former San Cayetano students) remembered the Earth Day Olympics from their years at this school. San Cayetano students also collected plastic bottles and cans raising $160.00. This money was donated to the Arredondo Family from Piru, who tragically lost their daughter a few weeks ago.

We wanted to give a special thanks to Alfonso Martinez and Martha Hope who took all of the bottles and cans to the recycle center. Also, we want to once again give a special thanks to Otto and Sons Nursery and the Klittich family for donating two trees to our playground. They have donated close to 20 trees to San Cayetano over the past several years. These trees give us beauty and shade and the kids love to play marbles around the base of the trunks!

Randy Hale, Senior Station Manager of Fillmore Teleport represents INTELSAT is seen here presenting Jan Marholin, Principal of San Cayetano Elementary School a check for $500 for the NASA Robotics Program. “INTELSAT has satellites and is on the cutting of science and engineering. They have offered to partner with San Cayetano and have our students tour their facilities which is so supportive of our NASA Program. We appreciate their financial support of the robotics program which will be expanding to our 3rd grades this year”, states Principal Marholin.
Randy Hale, Senior Station Manager of Fillmore Teleport represents INTELSAT is seen here presenting Jan Marholin, Principal of San Cayetano Elementary School a check for $500 for the NASA Robotics Program. “INTELSAT has satellites and is on the cutting of science and engineering. They have offered to partner with San Cayetano and have our students tour their facilities which is so supportive of our NASA Program. We appreciate their financial support of the robotics program which will be expanding to our 3rd grades this year”, states Principal Marholin.
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Betty Carpenter presents Jan Marholin, Principal of San Cayetano Elementary School, with the Soroptimist Making a Difference for Women Award for the dedication, devotion and significant impact she has made on the lives of students, school and community.
Betty Carpenter presents Jan Marholin, Principal of San Cayetano Elementary School, with the Soroptimist Making a Difference for Women Award for the dedication, devotion and significant impact she has made on the lives of students, school and community.

The Soroptimist International of Fillmore honored Jan Marholin, Principal of San Cayetano Elementary School, with the Soroptimist Making a Difference for Women Award for the dedication, devotion and significant impact she has made on the lives of students, school and community.

The award acknowledges women who, through their personal or professional actitivies, are working to improve the lives of women and girls and is the most prestigious award given by the Soroptimist.

In her five years as principal, Ms. Marholin has modeled the character traits. She is an excellent female model. She works with the staff of 45 as a team and keeps moral high. She is positive, thoughtful, respectful and thinks "outside of the box". When her school needed new sod for the play areas, she teamed with Soroptimist and the Melodrama director and cast, sold tickets which paid for the sod. She works hard not only to provide excellent education for the youth, but to have the teaching occur in a clean, well maintained campus. At a time when monies are increasingly scarce, she has had to be resourceful. CONTINUED »

On Wednesday, May 13, the student authors from San Cayetano presented their books to the Ventura County Medical
Center in Fillmore. The project was funded by Bill Herrera and State Farm. This is the third year of San Cayetano’s service learning project coordinated by Jan Marholin, Principal; Sheila Duckett and Debbie Blaylock, Computer Lab Coordinators.

The students, in no particular order, are: Liz Ocampo, D.J. Hernandez, Marion Fernandez, Katelyn Alverdi, Jasmin Morales, Daisy Romero, Cris Candelario, Anabel Herrera, Anthony Morales, Madison Herrera, Angelica Rivas, Fernando Pizano, Drew Davidson, Adrian Casas, Raul Mejia and Katrina Cisneros.
On Wednesday, May 13, the student authors from San Cayetano presented their books to the Ventura County Medical Center in Fillmore. The project was funded by Bill Herrera and State Farm. This is the third year of San Cayetano’s service learning project coordinated by Jan Marholin, Principal; Sheila Duckett and Debbie Blaylock, Computer Lab Coordinators. The students, in no particular order, are: Liz Ocampo, D.J. Hernandez, Marion Fernandez, Katelyn Alverdi, Jasmin Morales, Daisy Romero, Cris Candelario, Anabel Herrera, Anthony Morales, Madison Herrera, Angelica Rivas, Fernando Pizano, Drew Davidson, Adrian Casas, Raul Mejia and Katrina Cisneros.
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Carol Peterson, a Forest Ranger and Education Coordinator for the Channel Island National Park came to San Cayetano to speak to the students about what a good citizen is and how displaying good character could enrich the students and others in the community around them.
Carol Peterson, a Forest Ranger and Education Coordinator for the Channel Island National Park came to San Cayetano to speak to the students about what a good citizen is and how displaying good character could enrich the students and others in the community around them.
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On Tuesday, May 12, 2009, San Cayetano recognized good citizenship and service for their last Peacebuilder assembly for the 2008-2009 school year this month. Carol Peterson, a Forest Ranger and Education Coordinator for the Channel Island National Park came to San Cayetano to speak to the students about what a good citizen is and how displaying good character could enrich the students and others in the community around them. After both assemblies were concluded, Carol Peterson went to each third grade classroom to speak to the students. She does an animal habitats and endangered species program, especially dealing with the Island Fox. A radio call out to one of the program’s fox technicians was also included in the third grade presentations. There was also a connection made to the program that ran a live bald eagle nest cam. A bald eagle chick hatched for the first time in many years on the island. Ms. Peterson spent about an hour in each of the third grade classrooms interacting with the students. The students enjoyed her visit. Along with Carol Peterson, Paula Phillips from the Dream Fund Outreach Program which has helped San Cayetano promote their positive character program. Paula came to congratulate all the students on their success in participating in various service learning projects such as raising money for animal shelters, food drives and campus clean-up recycling programs. All of the San Cayetano students were treated to an end of the year Service Learning pizza lunch celebration. Before the assembly each teacher chose a student from his or her class whom showed excellent character and peace-building skills. Roman Torango and Ian Overton, the San Cayetano ASB President and Vice-President assisted Ms.Peterson in handing out the Peacebuilder Awards. The Peacebuilders for May are: Edwin Munoz, Isaiah Vallejo, Evelio Patino, Filberto Magana, Monica Ramos, Adilene Garcia, Gustavo Granados, Cristian Garcia, Briana Lopez, Nataly Hernandez, Robert Gonzalez, Anthony Gomez, Melissa Assphor, Elizabeth Castaneda, Dominique Alamillo, Leslie Martinez, Fernanda Magana, Jennifer Esparza, Andy Vargas, Brianna Santa Rosa, Esmeralda Arroyo, and Jessie Vasquez. Roman then announced to the students that the Rainbow Foundation is sponsoring the San Cayetano Character Counts Award of a $100.00 savings bond. Ms. Peterson presented the Character Counts Award to a deserving Kindergarten student. Taiz Razo was chosen by the Kindergarten teachers as a model of outstanding behavior and kindness to the other students. To conclude the assembly, students were reminded to turn in their Perfect Attendance tickets. Each month all students who come to school, each day, on time, are given an orange raffle ticket. The students place their tickets in a box and one ticket is drawn. The student whose ticket is drawn is given a backpack full of supplies. Each month, the tickets will be put into a larger box that will be kept until the end of the year. In June, Mrs. Marholin, the principal, will draw from the tickets to give away new bicycles, an I-pod shuffle, and three large stuffed animals. Isaac Pacheco won the Perfect Attendance Award for the month of April.


The Space Shuttle Café will be landing at Sespe School’s Open House on Thursday, May 14th! You may pre-order dinners – hot dogs, hamburgers, cheeseburgers or chicken sandwiches (you can pay for them in the office at Sespe School, and there will also be a limited number of dinners available that night). Don’t forget to come see the great things your child has been doing at school! The Shuttle Café will be serving dinner from 5pm-7pm and classrooms will be open from 6-7pm. We hope to see you there!

Pictured is the San Cayetano Robotics Team with “Special Friends” at an awards assembly honoring the new innovative program. One team took 1st place and another team took 4th place in a competition at JPL March 17, 2009. The competition was for NASA Explorer Schools for Southern California. The “Special Friends” in the picture include : Jan Marholin, Principal San Cayetano, Ota Lutz Education Coordinator for NES Schools JPL, Mr. Stan Mantooth, Superintendent Ventura County Schools, Mr. Jeff Sweeney, Superintendent FUSD, Mrs. Linda Johnson , Representative for Senator Runner, Mrs. Dana Nielsen, Representative for Assemblymember Strickland. Next year San Cayetano hopes to expand the program into the third grade as currently it is offered in the fourth and fifth grades.
Pictured is the San Cayetano Robotics Team with “Special Friends” at an awards assembly honoring the new innovative program. One team took 1st place and another team took 4th place in a competition at JPL March 17, 2009. The competition was for NASA Explorer Schools for Southern California. The “Special Friends” in the picture include : Jan Marholin, Principal San Cayetano, Ota Lutz Education Coordinator for NES Schools JPL, Mr. Stan Mantooth, Superintendent Ventura County Schools, Mr. Jeff Sweeney, Superintendent FUSD, Mrs. Linda Johnson , Representative for Senator Runner, Mrs. Dana Nielsen, Representative for Assemblymember Strickland. Next year San Cayetano hopes to expand the program into the third grade as currently it is offered in the fourth and fifth grades.
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GEE! HAW!! WHOA!!! What does that mean? Well, students at San Cayetano can sure tell you! They have been studying the 1,150 mile Iditarod Dog Sled Race, and they can tell you not only the meaning of those commands but all about Alaska, the individual mushers, and the history and rules of the race. Students and teachers each chose the musher they thought was going to win this year and “became” that musher for the entire race, getting to know the musher’s life history and charting progress made at each checkpoint. By using the website, students were able to get up-to-the-minute details of the entire race, including video footage of what was happening each day on the trial. The campus was filled with anticipation, excitement, and a sense of friendly competition as students and staff cheered for their chosen mushers. To further enhance their study, San Cayetano was recently visited by Wrightwood musher Robert Stradley and his two sons, Trent and Talon, who shared their knowledge of the race and their personal racing adventures. Students rotated through a series of stations which included: exploring equipment used by mushers, grooming nine of Stradley’s sled dogs, creating musher t-shirts, making their own lead dogs from socks filled with rice, learning the positions of a dog team and practicing the commands while pulling a dog sled. So although Alaska is miles away from Fillmore, the students of San Cayetano felt like they were right in the heart of the race, enjoying every minute of their Iditarod experience!

For more information about Robert Stradley and his programs, you can visit his website

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