Capt. Tim Hagel with The Peacebuilders for September: Rachael Pace, Juan Garcia, Saul Santa Rosa, Alicia Fabian, Cali Wyand, Ignacio Alcala, Kayla Garcia, Sandra Chavez, Andrea Diaz, Karina Cisneros, Dulce Gonzalez, Lilly Diaz, Vanessa Cabral, Enrique Felix Jr., Ricky Cadena, Wendy Carrillo-Garcia, Eduardo Magana, Drew Myers, Valerie Esparza, Bella Villegas, Gustavo Granados, and Connel Ferguson.
Capt. Tim Hagel with The Peacebuilders for September: Rachael Pace, Juan Garcia, Saul Santa Rosa, Alicia Fabian, Cali Wyand, Ignacio Alcala, Kayla Garcia, Sandra Chavez, Andrea Diaz, Karina Cisneros, Dulce Gonzalez, Lilly Diaz, Vanessa Cabral, Enrique Felix Jr., Ricky Cadena, Wendy Carrillo-Garcia, Eduardo Magana, Drew Myers, Valerie Esparza, Bella Villegas, Gustavo Granados, and Connel Ferguson.
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Capt. Tim Hagel with The Peacebuilders for September: Rachael Pace, Juan Garcia, Saul Santa Rosa, Alicia Fabian, Cali Wyand, Ignacio Alcala, Kayla Garcia, Sandra Chavez, Andrea Diaz, Karina Cisneros, Dulce Gonzalez, Lilly Diaz, Vanessa Cabral, Enrique Felix Jr., Ricky Cadena, Wendy Carrillo-Garcia, Eduardo Magana, Drew Myers, Valerie Esparza, Bella Villegas, Gustavo Granados, and Connel Ferguson.
Capt. Tim Hagel with The Peacebuilders for September: Rachael Pace, Juan Garcia, Saul Santa Rosa, Alicia Fabian, Cali Wyand, Ignacio Alcala, Kayla Garcia, Sandra Chavez, Andrea Diaz, Karina Cisneros, Dulce Gonzalez, Lilly Diaz, Vanessa Cabral, Enrique Felix Jr., Ricky Cadena, Wendy Carrillo-Garcia, Eduardo Magana, Drew Myers, Valerie Esparza, Bella Villegas, Gustavo Granados, and Connel Ferguson.
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On September 9, 2008, San Cayetano School kicked off its citizenship assemblies with Captain Tim Hagel, Chief of Police. Students were recognized for good citizenship and character. Captain Hagel spoke to the students about what a good citizen is and how being a good citizen can help the students in their everyday lives as well as highlighting the positive character traits. Each teacher chose a student from his or her class whom showed excellent character and peace-building skills. Rachael Pace and Sofia Gonzales assisted Capt.Hagel in handing out the Peacebuilder certificates. The Peacebuilders for September are: Rachael Pace, Juan Garcia, Saul Santa Rosa, Alicia Fabian, Cali Wyand, Ignacio Alcala, Kayla Garcia, Sandra Chavez, Andrea Diaz, Karina Cisneros, Dulce Gonzalez, Lilly Diaz, Vanessa Cabral, Enrique Felix Jr., Ricky Cadena, Wendy Carrillo-Garcia, Eduardo Magana, Drew Myers, Valerie Esparza, Bella Villegas, Gustavo Granados, and Connel Ferguson. Rachael and Sofia then introduced the Character Counts Award. The Rainbow Foundation sponsors one deserving student each month with a one hundred dollar savings bond. The award went to a responsible, kind, and hard-working fourth grade student. Arthur Reyes, from Mrs. Goldner’s class, was chosen by the fourth grade teachers as a model of outstanding behavior and kindness to the other students. To conclude the assembly, Rachael and Sofia introduced the Attendance Award prizes. Each month all students who are at school, on time, are given an orange raffle ticket. The students place their tickets in a box and one ticket is drawn. The student whose ticket is drawn is given a NASA backpack with the book Max Goes to the Moon in it. Each month, the tickets will be put into a larger box that will be kept until the end of the year. In June, Mrs. Marholin will draw from the tickets for two new bicycles. Chad Hope, a fifth grader, from room Ms. Dewey’s class won the Perfect Attendance Award for September.

Fillmore Unified School District School Board Member, Virginia de la Piedra visited San Cayetano Elementary School on Friday September 5th. She is seen here visiting students using the Waterford Early Literacy Computer Lab. This program is for K – 2 students.
Fillmore Unified School District School Board Member, Virginia de la Piedra visited San Cayetano Elementary School on Friday September 5th. She is seen here visiting students using the Waterford Early Literacy Computer Lab. This program is for K – 2 students.
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(l-r) San Cayetano Principal, Jan Marholin and School Librarian Michelle Anderson.
(l-r) San Cayetano Principal, Jan Marholin and School Librarian Michelle Anderson.
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San Cayetano Principal, Jan Marholin shows school librarian Michelle Anderson the signature artifacts that will have a permanent home in the San Cayetano library. The AVP (Association of Volleyball Professionals) 2008 Crocs Tour made a weekend stop September 6th and 7th in Santa Barbara for the Santa Barbara Open. The volleyball players on tour included the gold medal winners from Bejing. During Sunday afternoon, Marholin was able to have the Olympic Gold Medal Beach Volleyball Team of Kerri Walsh and Misty May Treanor sign both a volleyball and the front page of a Los Angeles Times Newspaper showing them celebrating their final Olympic win. The volleyball will be encased and the newspaper will be framed. What an inspiration for our students! Marholin hopes to keep adding to this collection of artifacts that will inspire our students.

Mrs. Walker's 4th grade students working with robotics.
Mrs. Walker's 4th grade students working with robotics.
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Mrs. Walker's 4th grade students working with robotics.
Mrs. Walker's 4th grade students working with robotics.
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Mrs. Walker's 4th grade students working with robotics.
Mrs. Walker's 4th grade students working with robotics.
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Most 4th and 5th grade students will have an opportunity to work with robotics this year. The students will need to use various math skills including reasoning and deduction in order to program the computer to make the robots move certain directions and pick up items. Upper grade teachers will rotate teaching their students in the robotics lab (Which is also the Waterford lab). In early 2009 two robotics teams will be chosen to compete at Jet Propulsion Laborotory with other NASA Explorer Schools. The robotics were purchased with NASA funds.

Students and families are enjoying The Space Shuttle Cafe on Back to School NIght, August 20th. San Cayetano began its second year as a NASA Explorer School. They are very excited about new opportunities this school year. The School’s enrollment is higher than ever averaging 468-470 students. Scout Troop 406 did an incredible job this summer in landscaping a portion of the front of the school, we have a new cafeteria floor, tether ball court and grassy fields.
Students and families are enjoying The Space Shuttle Cafe on Back to School NIght, August 20th. San Cayetano began its second year as a NASA Explorer School. They are very excited about new opportunities this school year. The School’s enrollment is higher than ever averaging 468-470 students. Scout Troop 406 did an incredible job this summer in landscaping a portion of the front of the school, we have a new cafeteria floor, tether ball court and grassy fields.
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Mr. and Mrs. Chandler visiting the Book Fair.
Mr. and Mrs. Chandler visiting the Book Fair.
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Families enjoyed dinner at Back to School Night.
Families enjoyed dinner at Back to School Night.
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After finishing their first week of Kindergarten at San Cayetano Elementary Mrs. Capra’s class enjoyed a cool treat of watermelon to go along with their first week certificates in the kindergarten backyard.
After finishing their first week of Kindergarten at San Cayetano Elementary Mrs. Capra’s class enjoyed a cool treat of watermelon to go along with their first week certificates in the kindergarten backyard.
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Third grade students at San Cayetano School have started reading stories with friendship as a theme. We read the story: Gloria Who Might Be My Best Friend by Ann Cameron. Through a series of small events, two young children begin a friendship. Gloria moves to the same street that Julian lives on. Gloria explains to Julian that if you write your wishes on a piece of paper and put them in the tail of your kite, the wishes will come true if the papers are gone when you bring the kite down. Here are Mr. Kwit’s third grade students with the kites and wishes that they made. Wishes ranged from “I wish Fillmore was sparkly clean!” to “I wish my family was rich!”
Third grade students at San Cayetano School have started reading stories with friendship as a theme. We read the story: Gloria Who Might Be My Best Friend by Ann Cameron. Through a series of small events, two young children begin a friendship. Gloria moves to the same street that Julian lives on. Gloria explains to Julian that if you write your wishes on a piece of paper and put them in the tail of your kite, the wishes will come true if the papers are gone when you bring the kite down. Here are Mr. Kwit’s third grade students with the kites and wishes that they made. Wishes ranged from “I wish Fillmore was sparkly clean!” to “I wish my family was rich!”
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