The San Cayetano Science Faire, Tuesday, was hosted by the school’s NASA Team. All elementary students in Fillmore and Piru participated.
The San Cayetano Science Faire, Tuesday, was hosted by the school’s NASA Team. All elementary students in Fillmore and Piru participated.
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San Cayetano is pleased and proud to announce that one of their robotics teams "Team Blue" won 1st place today for Southern California in the elementary division at the JPL Robotics Competition today. There were twenty one teams entered from elementary school to high school and San Cayetano had the second highest score in the whole competition . . . Go San Cayetano!!!

Veronica Morris owner of Water Art Design stands with the San Cayetano Robotics students in T-Shirts that she created for the team. Two teams of four students will compete on March 17th at JPL in Pasadena. The students worked after school starting in January and the students picked which of their peers would represent them at the competition. Fillmore Sunrisers Rotary donated funds to take care of transportation and incidentals for the one day competition . This is truly exciting for San Cayetano to be part of this new adventure.
Veronica Morris owner of Water Art Design stands with the San Cayetano Robotics students in T-Shirts that she created for the team. Two teams of four students will compete on March 17th at JPL in Pasadena. The students worked after school starting in January and the students picked which of their peers would represent them at the competition. Fillmore Sunrisers Rotary donated funds to take care of transportation and incidentals for the one day competition . This is truly exciting for San Cayetano to be part of this new adventure.
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March’s San Cayetano Peacebuilders are shown with Fillmore Middle School principal Todd Schieferle.
March’s San Cayetano Peacebuilders are shown with Fillmore Middle School principal Todd Schieferle.
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San Cayetano students show off their Personal Success Award certificates.
San Cayetano students show off their Personal Success Award certificates.
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Miranda Vasquez won the Perfect Attendance Award for March.
Miranda Vasquez won the Perfect Attendance Award for March.
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On Tuesday, March 10, 2009, San Cayetano School recognized good citizenship and character at their Peacebuilder Assembly for the month of March. Mr. Todd Schieferle, principle of Fillmore Middle School, came to speak to the students about what a good citizen is and how being a good citizen can help not only the students, but others around them in their community. Roman Torango and Ian Overton, the San Cayetano ASB President and Vice-President assisted Mr.Schieferle in handing out the Peacebuilder certificates. The Peacebuilders for March are: Bailey Dietz, Soraya Negrete, Ray Thompson, Emma Ocegueda, Matthew Henschel, Jennifer Martinez, Mariah Garcia, Eva Vieyra Saldana, Trevor Scott, Shyleen Chavez, Alex Venegas, Jorge Hernandez, Joel Garza, Stephanie Magana, Arturo Garcia, Anabel Herrera,Tyler Stump, Sandra Gonzalez, Abby Sanchez, and Angelica Mercado. At the upper grade assembly, Roman then announced to the students that the Rainbow Foundation is sponsoring the San Cayetano Character Counts Award of a $100.00 savings bond. Sara Uridel, was chosen by the fourth grade teachers as a model of outstanding behavior, responsibility, and kindness to the other students. She was recognized with a certificate and the savings bond. To conclude the assembly, Ian reminded the students to turn in their Perfect Attendance tickets. Each month all students who come to school, each day, on time, are given an orange raffle ticket. The students place their tickets in a box and one ticket is drawn. The student whose ticket is drawn is given a backpack full of supplies. Each month, the tickets will be put into a larger box that will be kept until the end of the year. In June, Mrs. Marholin, the principal, will draw from the tickets to give away two new bicycles. Miranda Vasquez won the Perfect Attendance Award for March.


The Space Shuttle Café is landing at San Cayetano on March 24th for the Second Annual Family Science Night. Come be part of this fun filled evening of hands-on science activities. This event is open to all local elementary students. You may pre-order dinners or just buy when you arrive. All of the activities are no cost. This family centered evening is sponsored by San Cayetano staff and the NASA Team. Mountain Vista Parents will host a bake sale at the event. Some of the events include: balloon rockets, human bubbles, gliders, and the following agencies will be here with activities: Ventura County Astronomical Society, Dept. of Water Resources, California Oil Museum, UCSB Physics Circus, Mobile Marine Lab, SBVC Dental Care Foundation, NASA-JPL, United Water Conservation District, California Condor Recovery Program and Channel islands National Park. Come join us for a great evening. Dinner begins after 5PM and the activities are from 6-7:30PM.

Capture Yourself in a Bubble

Come to San Cayetano’s Second Annual Family Science Night on March 24th from 6-7:30PM. This is a free event for all elementary students in Fillmore and Piru. The purpose is to engage students and their families in free hands-on science activities. The San Cayetano NASA Team and school staff are hosting this great event for the students in our local community. The Space Shuttle Café will be here at 5PM to serve dinners all evening. If you wish to pre-order a dinner, please come to the San Cayetano school office. Come see our science fair, video-conferencing and robotics. Make a balloon rocket and measure and impact crater! These things and much, much more! We look forward to seeing you on March 24th.

Save the Date!

As part of their NASA Program San Cayetano has the ability to video conference live around the world. San Cayetano will host its Second Annual Family Science Night and Science Fair on March 24th from 6-7:30PM. Come talk to Steve who will be video conferencing live from the Jet Propulsion Lab in Pasadena! Come experience the Mobile Marine Lab and learn about our local sea creatures. Some of the agencies that will have hands-on exhibits and activities for all students will be: UCSB Physics Circus, Ventura County Astronomical Society, Dept. of Water Resources, California Oil Museum, SBVC Dental Care Foundation, Robotics, United Water Conservation District,California Condor Recovery program, Channel Islands National Park and also returning this year are those famous balloon rockets and big, big bubbles! This is an evening open to all elementary students in the community to have fun with their families and learn about science! The Space Shuttle Café will be serving dinner from 5PM. You may come to San Cayetano’s office and pre-order a dinner! We look forward to seeing you March 24th!! There is no cost to participate in the science activities.


We are looking for adults, and high school students to come and help with the judging of our Science Fair projects. For those of you who participated last year, thank you. We will be holding the event on Tuesday, March 24, 2009. The Science Fair will be after school, the Space Shuttle Café will be here about 5:00pm. The activities will be from 6:00pm-7:30pm. Judges would need to come between 2:45 and 3:00. If you needed to be a little later, that would also be okay. It usually takes 45 minutes to an hour to judge all of the projects, but if you can only give us 30 minutes, we would appreciate it. Rory Maus will provide you with a quick overview of the judging form, a clipboard, and pen when you show up to judge that afternoon.

In conjunction with our science fair, San Cayetano School is planning its Second Annual Family Science Night- This year open to all students in the community!!! We are so excited to be planning this event, for not only our students, but the entire community. There will be more than 10 hands-on activities, and the Space Shuttle Café will be here to provide dinner, San Cayetano’s Science Fair will be on display, and much more to come. This is sure to be the biggest hands-on community event for students and families ever in Fillmore!!! Look at what agencies will be here with hands-on activities starting at 6PM: Mobile Marine lab , NASA Videoconferencing with JPL, Robotics, Channel Islands National Park, Dept. of Water resources, California Oil Museum , UCSB Physics Circus, SBVC Dental care Foundation, United Water Conservation District, California Condor Recovery Program And the Ventura County Astronomical Society!!!

Peacebuilders for January 2009 display awards.
Peacebuilders for January 2009 display awards.
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More Peacebuilders receive January certificates at San Cayetano Elementary.
More Peacebuilders receive January certificates at San Cayetano Elementary.
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On Tuesday, January 13, 2009, San Cayetano School recognized good citizenship and character at their Peacebuilder Assembly for the month of January. Mr. Josh Overton came to San Cayetano to speak to the students about what a good citizen is and how displaying good character could enrich the students and others in the community around them. Each teacher chose a student from his or her class whom showed excellent character and peace-building skills. Roman Torango and Ian Overton, the San Cayetano ASB President and Vice-President assisted Mr. Overton in handing out the Peacebuilder Awards. The Peacebuilders for January are: Diego Ruiz, Alan Carrillo, Jessica Nava, Yessenia Fregoso, Elizabeth Ocampo, Mario Hurtado, Jairo Rios, Victoria Pace, Alexis Vargas, Jocelyn Munoz, Julieanna Lindres, Arvin Peraza, Ethan Gomez, Melia Galindo, Perla Chavez, Daniel Avila, Rolando Cabrera, Erin Overton, Austin Reed, Serina Valenzuela, Tereliz Martinez, and Anthony Ramirez. Roman then announced to the students that the Rainbow Foundation is sponsoring the San Cayetano Character Counts Award of a $100.00 savings bond. Mr. Overton presented the Character Counts Award to a deserving first grade student. Melody Tello was chosen by the first grade teachers as a model of outstanding behavior and kindness to the other students. To conclude the assembly, students were reminded to turn in their Perfect Attendance tickets. Each month all students who come to school, each day, on time, are given an orange raffle ticket. The students place their tickets in a box and one ticket is drawn. The student whose ticket is drawn is given a backpack full of supplies. Each month, the tickets will be put into a larger box that will be kept until the end of the year. In June, Mrs. Marholin, the principal, will draw from the tickets to give away new bicycles, an I-pod shuffle, and three large stuffed animals. Moises Pedroza won the Perfect Attendance Award for the month of January.

Francisco Garcia from CSUCI spoke to San Cayetano students on December 9th about how to be a good citizen.
Francisco Garcia from CSUCI spoke to San Cayetano students on December 9th about how to be a good citizen.
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Mr. Francisco Garcia
Mr. Francisco Garcia
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On Tuesday, December 9, 2008, San Cayetano School recognized good citizenship and character at their Peacebuilder Assembly for the month of December. Mr. Francisco Garcia, from CSUCI, came to speak to the students about how to be a good citizen. Each teacher chose a student from his or her class whom showed excellent character and peace-building skills. Roman Tarango and Ian Overton, the San Cayetano ASB President and Vice-President assisted Mr. Garcia in handing out the Peacebuilder Awards. The Peacebuilders for December are: Cesar Magana, Natalia Zamora, Noelani Sanchez, David Anchando, David Rodriguez, Christopher Perez, Hailey Cummings, Karen Trujillo Villanueva, James Chandler, Andrea Magana-Murillo, Ricardo Valenzuela, James Cadena, Raul Mejia, Zachary Tipton, Ashley Montano, Ernie Rangle, Ryan Nunez, John Chavez, Aliai Cantero, Jorge Iniguez, Kirah Collins, and Rubi Torres. Roman then announced to the students that the Rainbow Foundation is sponsoring the San Cayetano Character Counts Award of a $100.00 savings bond. Mr. Garcia presented the Character Counts Award to a deserving fifth-grade student. Joseph Sanchez was chosen by the fifth grade teachers as a model of outstanding behavior and responsibility to the other students. To conclude the assembly, students were reminded to turn in their Perfect Attendance tickets. Each month all students who come to school, each day, on time, are given an orange raffle ticket. The students place their tickets in a box and one ticket is drawn. The student whose ticket is drawn is given a NASA backpack with Max Goes to the Moon in it. Each month, the tickets will be put into a larger box that will be kept until the end of the year. In June, Mrs. Marholin, the principal, will draw from the tickets to give away two new bicycles. Leslie Zamora, a fifth grader from Mr.Maus’s class, won the Perfect Attendance Award for December.

A couple of cute Pilgrims helped prepare a Thanksgiving feast on Tuesday, November 25, as San Cayetano’s third grade class put on a small scale reenactment of the Pilgrims’ life around the time of the first Thanksgiving in 1621. Some of the activities included in the day’s festivities were cooking, needlepoint, games, Indian writing and Old English writing.
A couple of cute Pilgrims helped prepare a Thanksgiving feast on Tuesday, November 25, as San Cayetano’s third grade class put on a small scale reenactment of the Pilgrims’ life around the time of the first Thanksgiving in 1621. Some of the activities included in the day’s festivities were cooking, needlepoint, games, Indian writing and Old English writing.
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Timmy Klittich brought his show turkeys to the Thanksgiving fest at San Cayetano School last Tuesday. Above Mrs. Chavez and her class listen quitely to Klittich’s presentation.
Timmy Klittich brought his show turkeys to the Thanksgiving fest at San Cayetano School last Tuesday. Above Mrs. Chavez and her class listen quitely to Klittich’s presentation.
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Jan Marholin, principal of San Cayetano, with Wells Fargo Team Members (from left to right) Eric Iree - Branch
Manager Fillmore, Eric Alvarez from Oxnard North Rose Office and Victor Naranjo from Oxnard Main Office.
Jan Marholin, principal of San Cayetano, with Wells Fargo Team Members (from left to right) Eric Iree - Branch Manager Fillmore, Eric Alvarez from Oxnard North Rose Office and Victor Naranjo from Oxnard Main Office.
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The Fall Carnival was a huge success this year for Fillmore elementary schools. Their partnership with Wells Fargo really brought out the community. “Having the stagecoach here for the students to climb into was really awesome” states Mary Whiteford, Secretary at San Cayetano. Wells Fargo team members from various Ventura County Offices came out to support the carnival and support the Fillmore Office with Eric Iriee, Branch Manager. The carnival this year was bigger than ever with more staff members than ever participating in the game and food booths. “I estimate that we had close to 2000 community members enjoying the carnival. The two ticket booths were always a mile long “ says San Cayetano principal Jan Marholin. Lou Hoover’s famous cinnamon rolls sold out quickly and that booth is a donation booth each year and the money goes directly to a charity chosen by one of the elementary schools. This year it was Mountain Vista’s choice and the donation of $528 will be made to The Dream Fund Outreach Foundation. We would also like to thank the many volunteers who helped support the event.

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On Tuesday, November 4, 2008, San Cayetano School recognized good citizenship and character at their Peacebuilder Assembly for the month of November. Mrs.Tricia Gardias, Migrant Education Coordinator for Fillmore Unified School District, came to speak to the students about what a good citizen is and how being good citizens can help students in school and in their outside lives. Each teacher chose a student from his or her class whom showed excellent character and peace-building skills. Roman Torango and Ian Overton, the San Cayetano ASB President and Vice-President assisted Mrs.Gardias in handing out the Peacebuilder Awards. The Peacebuilders for November are:Andreah McElroy, Luis Angel Carrillo, Joe Rivas, Justine Pacheco, Jhovanny Contreras, Robert McElroy, Daniela Piceno, Joshua Hurtado Mendez, Anthony Villalobos, Kaylee Serna, Leslie Lemus, Johana Garcia, Marie Hernandez, Tori Villegas, Gustavo Valdez, Monique Gonzalez, Azubah Collins, Jose Ruiz, Jamie Chavez, Ruby Contreras, and Anissa Rhodes. Ian and Roman then announced to the students that the Rainbow Foundation is sponsoring the San Cayetano Character Counts Award of a $100.00 savings bond. Mrs.Gardias presented the Character Counts Award to a deserving third-grade student. Michael Fernadnez was chosen by the third grade teachers as a model of outstanding behavior and responsibility to the other students. To conclude the assembly, students were reminded to turn in their Perfect Attendance tickets. Each month all students who come to school, each day, on time, are given an orange raffle ticket. The students place their tickets in a box and one ticket is drawn. The student whose ticket is drawn is given a backpack full of supplies. Each month, the tickets will be put into a larger box that will be kept until the end of the year. In June, Mrs. Marholin, the principal, will draw from the tickets to give away two new bicycles. , Ty Wyand, Mrs. Chavez’s class room 17, won the Perfect Attendance Award for November.


Yes, it is true, the Wells Fargo Stagecoach is coming to the Fall Carnival at San Cayetano Elementary School. The carnival will be on Thursday October 30th from 5-8 p.m. The Annual Fall Carnival is very special this year as it is being sponsored by Wells Fargo. The carnival benefits all four Fillmore and Piru elementary schools. The stagecoach will be available by 5PM and courtesy of Wells Fargo everyone who wishes may have the opportunity that they have always wanted--- to sit on a real stagecoach! Come and join the fun! This is truly a community event with support from our local fire and police departments, the Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, and our secondary students working for community service hours! See you on Thursday October 30th at 5 p.m.

On Oct. 8th it was Walk to School Day. San Cayetano is a school of service. In addition to walking for health, each class picked up trash around their campus vicinity. The 4th and 5th graders walked to Fillmore High School and walked around the new track. On their way back to San Cayetano they picked up trash. The 2nd and 3rd graders picked a neighborhood block to pick up trash and kinder and 1st cleaned up San Cayetano. It was a healthy-service day for all.
On Oct. 8th it was Walk to School Day. San Cayetano is a school of service. In addition to walking for health, each class picked up trash around their campus vicinity. The 4th and 5th graders walked to Fillmore High School and walked around the new track. On their way back to San Cayetano they picked up trash. The 2nd and 3rd graders picked a neighborhood block to pick up trash and kinder and 1st cleaned up San Cayetano. It was a healthy-service day for all.
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Fall Carnival
Fall Carnival
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September's Peacebuilders
September's Peacebuilders
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September's Peacebuilders
September's Peacebuilders
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On Tuesday, October 7, 2008, San Cayetano School recognized good citizenship and character at their Peacebuilder Assembly for the month of October. Mr. Steve McClary, the Administration Service Manager for the city of Fillmore, came to speak to the students about what a good citizen is and how respecting others is important. He talked about how we can be good citizens to help our school and community. Each teacher chose a student from his or her class whom showed excellent character and respect in the month of October. Roman Torango and Ian Overton, the San Cayetano ASB President and Vice-President assisted Mr.McClary in handing out the Peacebuilder Awards. The Peacebuilders for October are: Aaliyah Arias, Ty Wyland, Angelina Delgadillo, Evan Alamillo, Rosie Zamora, Julia Pace, Daniela Chavez Hernandez, Jason Martinez, Ulany Valencia, Dafnee Martinez, Andrew Hernandez, Gisselle De La Paz, Reymundo Hernandez, Brenda Feliz, Karli Zavala, Yulianna Magana, Taylor Wright, Jose Esparza, Kyle Popp, Ismael Dominguez, Julisa Garza, and Michelle Higuera. Mr.McClary then announced the San Cayetano Character Counts Award of a $100.00 savings bond sponsored by the Rainbow Foundation. Mr. McClary presented the Character Counts Award to a deserving second-grade student. Ashley Alvarez was chosen by the second grade teachers as a model of kindness and respectfulness to the other students and school community. To conclude the assembly, students were reminded to turn in their Perfect Attendance tickets. Each month all students who come to school, each day, on time, are given a purple raffle ticket. The students place their tickets in a box and one ticket is drawn. The student whose ticket is drawn is given a NASA backpack with the book Max Goes to the Moon in it. Each month, the tickets will be put into a larger box that will be kept until the end of the year. In June, Mrs. Marholin, the principal, will draw from the tickets to give away two new bicycles. Ana Rincon, a fifth grade student, from Mr. Maus’s class, in room 28, won the Perfect Attendance Award for October.

Last week the 4th and 5th graders voted in the new ASB President and Vice President. The ASB officer candidates must be responsible students and good citizens. Twelve students were in the running for office. Bryanna Arnett, Roman Tarango, Anabel Herrera, Shyanne Galvan, and Azubah Collins were the contenders for President. Ian Overton, Ernie Rangel, Tyler Stump, Perla Chavez, Jessie Vasquez, Darian Delgadillo and Enrique Rodriguez ran for Vice President. After a week on the campaign trail, the candidates all gave great speeches in front of the student body, and in a very close race Roman Tarango was voted President and Ian Overton was voted Vice President. Roman and Ian will lead our monthly Peacebuilder Assemblies and coordinate our themed dress-up days.  Congratulations to all the candidates and good luck to Roman and Ian.
Last week the 4th and 5th graders voted in the new ASB President and Vice President. The ASB officer candidates must be responsible students and good citizens. Twelve students were in the running for office. Bryanna Arnett, Roman Tarango, Anabel Herrera, Shyanne Galvan, and Azubah Collins were the contenders for President. Ian Overton, Ernie Rangel, Tyler Stump, Perla Chavez, Jessie Vasquez, Darian Delgadillo and Enrique Rodriguez ran for Vice President. After a week on the campaign trail, the candidates all gave great speeches in front of the student body, and in a very close race Roman Tarango was voted President and Ian Overton was voted Vice President. Roman and Ian will lead our monthly Peacebuilder Assemblies and coordinate our themed dress-up days. Congratulations to all the candidates and good luck to Roman and Ian.
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This beautiful tree with the changing colors lives at San Cayetano Elementary School. This corridor of trees has been growing for years with a new tree added each Earth Day.
This beautiful tree with the changing colors lives at San Cayetano Elementary School. This corridor of trees has been growing for years with a new tree added each Earth Day.
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San Cayetano Elementary School hosted Mobile Marine Lab on Sept. 14th and 15th. Each class got to spend 30 minutes learning about and holding various sea specimens. The specimens are collected and released each day at the harbor. Dirk from Mobile Marine brought an octopus, various starfish, hermit crabs and colorful small fish. This was a wonderful hands-on experience all about science.
San Cayetano Elementary School hosted Mobile Marine Lab on Sept. 14th and 15th. Each class got to spend 30 minutes learning about and holding various sea specimens. The specimens are collected and released each day at the harbor. Dirk from Mobile Marine brought an octopus, various starfish, hermit crabs and colorful small fish. This was a wonderful hands-on experience all about science.
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Mobile Marine Lab.
Mobile Marine Lab.
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Mobile Marine Lab.
Mobile Marine Lab.
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Mobile Marine Lab.
Mobile Marine Lab.
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